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Transparent Cockpit Windows for TSL
By WildKarrde
This mod edits the various landing pad areas so that you can see the through the Ebon Hawk's and Telos shuttles' cockpit windows, which should be a bit more interesting than the blacked-out windows in the vanilla game. It also adds more detail to the room which is visible through the hole in the side of the ship in the prologue.
This mod includes some model fixes to the Telos hangars and Telos shuttle crash site developed by PapaZinos, which are included here with permission. I have also made the following area model improvements:
- Added proper lightmaps and missing geometry to the Ebon Hawk on Malachor V (i.e. landing gear hatches, the exit ramp, and the entire port side). Also patched the chunk missing from the starboard side for better consistency with the prerendered cutscenes.
- Fixed the flickering windows at the Citadel Station Entertainment Module's shuttle terminals.
- Changed the texture for the base of the crane in the Telos Academy to one that doesn't look like concrete.
- Added unique environment map reflections for the Ebon Hawk similar to KOTOR 1 ("Enhanced Reflections" version only).
- Replaced the 512x512 vanilla Ebon Hawk texture with the 1024x1024 version from KOTOR 1 ("Enhanced Reflections" version only).
Because mods that edit the same area models are incompatible by nature, I have included optional compatibility patches for use with other notable mods. Please see the "Compatibility" section below for further information.
**IMPORTANT**: There are two versions of this mod:
- Enhanced Reflections - Adds new area-specific reflections to the Ebon Hawk's exterior. Recommended if you do not use any mods that reskin/upscale the Ebon Hawk exterior (or if you do and are willing to do some extra work to make them compatible)
- Reskin Friendly - More readily compatibility with reskins of the Ebon Hawk exterior. Does not include the new reflections.
Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod!
If you are using one or more of the mods listed in the "Compatibility" section below, install them first. Run "INSTALL.exe" and follow the prompts. It is normal to see warnings that 202tel.mod and 222tel.mod already exist and have been skipped. When installation is complete, copy the files from any required compatibility patches into your game's Override folder, overwriting when asked. If you are using TSLRCM from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop:
For best results, I recommend using a save from before visiting the Citadel Station Entertainment Module for the first time. However, this is not required. If you continue from a later save, all you will miss are a couple of pilots for the Entertainment Module shuttles.
This mod is compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). For best results, install this mod after TSLRCM, any of the mods listed below, or any other mods which make significant edits to the Telos Entertainment Module.
Except as noted below, this mod is incompatible with any other mods that edit the same files. The main installation is compatible with following mods:
- Ultimate Citadel Station Repairs by PapaZinos (
- Telos Model Repairs by PapaZinos (
I have also included compatibility patches for the following mods:
- KOTOR 2 Community Patch (K2CP) (
- M4-78 Enhancement Project (
- High Quality Skyboxes II for TSL by Kexikus (
- Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox by Sharen Thrawn (
- Telos Polar Academy Hangar Skybox by DarthParametric (
- Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco (
- Nar Shaddaa Landing Pad Repair by PapaZinos (
- Spark Effect - Ebon Hawk by PapaZinos (
This mod is compatible with most reskins and texture mods. If you use the "Enhanced Reflections" install package with a mod that reskins the exterior of the Ebon Hawk, the Telos military base, and/or the Telos polar academy, follow the steps below.
If you are using an Ebon Hawk reskin with the "Enhanced Reflections" version, perform the following steps:
1. Make a copy of PER_EH1.tga/txi for each row in the table below, named to match the Texture Name column.
2. Open each of the resulting TXI files in a text editor and change the envmaptexture or bumpyshinytexture parameter to the corresponding "EnvMap" in the table.
3. Delete each corresponding TPC file from this mod, as well as kor_ehok.tpc.
Texture Name EnvMap Notes:
------------- ------------- -------------
wk_dan_eh1 WK_CM_DanPad
wk_dxn_eh1 WK_CM_DxnHawk
wk_nar_eh1 WK_CM_NarPad
wk_per_eh1 WK_CM_PerHang
wk_telac_eh1 WK_CM_TelAcad
wk_telcit_eh1 WK_CM_TelHang
wk_cor_eh1 WK_CM_CorPad Only needed if using with Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco
wk_m478_eh1 WK_CM_M478Pad Only needed if using with M4-78
If the reskin includes any of the following files, open their TXIs and change the "envmaptexture" or "bumpyshinytexture" as follows. Also delete the conflicting TPC file from this mod.
Texture Name EnvMap
------------- -------------
002_ebo_main1 WK_CM_PerSpace
002_ebo_main3 WK_CM_PerSpace
mal_ebo_main2 WK_CM_MalHawk
If you are using a reskin mod for the Telos military base and/or polar academy with the "Enhanced Reflections" version, I recommend doing the following:
1. Make extra copies of tel_tr07.tga/txi and rename them to wk_telacadmtl.tga/txi.
2. Open wk_telacadmtl.txi with a text editor and change the envmaptexture to WK_CM_TelAcad.
3. Delete the version of wk_telacadmtl.tpc from this mod.
KotorBlender by seedhartha
MDLedit and KOTORmax by bead-v
tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR
NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102
K-GFF by tk102
TSL Patcher by stoffe
ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides
Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra
Thanks to Kexikus, deathdisco, and DarthParametric for granting permission to include modified files from their mods for compatibility.
Thanks to PapaZinos for also granting permission to include some of his model fixes as part of the standard installation.
Thanks to Sharen Thrawn for creating the original Nar Shaddaa Realistic Skybox mod.
Thanks to Thor110 for reporting a render order issue with the placeable Telos shuttle.
The Telos shuttles' interiors are based on "Modder's Resource: Shuttle" by Darth InSidious and JCarter426 and are used in accordance with the permissions in its Readme file. Thanks to both of them for putting that together. The original resource may be downloaded here:
This mod includes material ported from Knights of the Old Republic 1 by Bioware.
1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Corrected an issue where the placeable shuttle did not render properly behind the forcefield doors in the Telos military base
- Patched a small vanilla hole by the statue over Ajunta Pall's tomb on Korriban
This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod.
The cockpit interior elements may be treated as a modders resource and used in other mods as long as appropriate credit is given to this mod's author. The new environment maps may also be used in other mods with appropriate credit. Use of any assets which are based on or incorporate material from other authors also requires permission from those authors. Other uses not described here of assets from this mod require the author's permission. This mod shall not be reposted on any sites other than Deadly Stream without permission.
M4-78 EP Upscaled Maps
M4-78 EP Upscaled Maps
Created by: Sith Holocron
Game: Knights of the Old Republic II
Version 1.0 Uploaded: 08 FEB 2025
This mod was designed to upscale and/or enhance the map textures seen in the M4-78 Enhancement Project mod. It is not an extensive mod pack. It’s just the maps. The pictures should illustrate things pretty clearly.
This mod will not drastically change your play through of the M4-78 EP. Please any complaints about the quality of that mod elsewhere.
Requirement: Though I’m probably stating the obvious here, you’ll need the M4-78 Enhancement Project installed first. Then allow the TGA files in my mod pack to override the files in the Override folder.
Thanks / Credits:
Thanks to Fair Strides for feedback while making this mod.
I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.
Onderon news make sense
By SuperChameau
Mod Description
Onderonian Senior Scientists do not seem to be very aware of the challenges Telos is facing with its Citadel Station, as one of them mentions Peragus Station needing fuel according to the news in Iziz Spaceport. This mod aims to correct this tiny oversight and was done by splicing a voice sample of the same reporter.
Prerequesite: TSLRCM needs to be installed - and not through the Workshop for Steam users - for this mod to apply correctly
1. Run the TSLPatcher.exe and point your game directory when requested,
2. Click 'Ok' and let the patcher do its magic,
3. You're done ! Unless an error message appears the mod should be installed correctly
This mod should be compatible with any mod that does not replace reporter.dlg in the game files
Special Thanks to
Snigaroo for the idea of this mod
TSLRCM team for the amazing work on the game
JC Carter426 for his SithCodec toolset
Cortisol for the Holocron Toolset
stoffe and Fair Strides for the TSLPatcher
Vaklu Short Term Memory Fix
By SuperChameau
Mod Description
When meeting Vaklu on Iziz Marketplace during the civil war (assuming you made an alliance with him and not with Queen Talia), he will make a display of his very poor short term memory by repeating himself, saying the same sentence twice in a row during your conversation.
This simple mod attemps to fix this issue (and give the general more credibility) by removing one of the occurences of the sentence.
Prerequesite: TSLRCM needs to be installed - and not through the Workshop for Steam users - for this mod to apply correctly
1. Run the TSLPatcher.exe and point your game directory when requested,
2. Click 'Ok' and let the patcher do its magic,
3. You're done ! Unless an error message appears the mod should be installed correctly
This mod should be compatible with any mod that does not replace tobin.dlg in the game files
Special Thanks to
Snigaroo for the idea of this mod
TSLRCM team for the amazing work on the game
JC Carter426 for his SithCodec toolset
Cortisol for the Holocron Toolset
stoffe and Fair Strides for the TSLPatcher
Please do not reupload this mod and its files without my written permission.
4x Upscale+ Character Textures & Model Fixes (TSL)
By redrob41
This mod is more than just a simple process of running all the character textures through an A.I. upscaling program. The purpose is to increase the size and fidelity of the character textures while maintaining the painterly style of the original game artists. This mod does not attempt to create photo realistic textures or add extra detail (like zippers, clothing stitches, fabric patterns, skin pores, etc) that are not already part of the existing style. This mod also fixes many of the UVW mapping errors, lighting errors, and some XYZ errors that the original model .mdl & .mdx files may have had.
The process followed is generally:
run texture files through A.I. upscaling program multiple times using different settings. Some settings result in "crunchy" textures (high contrast, sharp edges). Some result in "soft" textures (smooth gradients, lower contrast, blurry edges). Some result in better straight/parallel lines. Early tests used Vance AI; Deep Image; ImageUpscaler; or Let's Enhance. Eventually Topaz Labs' Gigapixel AI was chosen and used on the majority of textures. combine textures in multi layered Photoshop file, using layer masks to isolate the best parts of each upscaled image. This allows for some portions to be smooth (like skin, glass, metal or tubing), others to be sharp (like burlap, skin folds, hair, scratches, etc). touch up by manually painting away errors (such as jaggies due to original low resolution jpeg compression). manually recolor areas that the original artists missed (like commoner clothes where the pants seat do not match the pant leg; or player armors where pouches are inconsistent between male & female; etc). strategically add painted detail (such as highlights and shadows along the shoulders and neck of K1 Player Character soldier's underwear; adding glove details to armors F, G, H, I, J; etc). painting personal choices (like changing K1 P_BastilaBA02 to have different pants and remove wrist & neck restraints than P_BastilaBAS01 slave outfit). recreating entire textures (such as K1 Player Character male scoundrel dark side underwear PMBASD01). fix the models' UVW maps to reduce some texture stretching (like collar of TSL robes I); adjust areas that are poorly mapped to the wrong locations or too large/small (such as Bao Dur's armor C & D chest is mirrored); fix edge seams from one area to another; close gaps (like Mission's arms). manually fix texture seams by copying small areas of the image from one area to another; stretching and scaling them. This should result in model seams that are hidden or difficult to notice. sometimes the Alpha 1 channel is upscaled, but usually it is recreated directly from the final HD color texture. personal choice to add punchthrough transparency to the Alpha 1 channels of some female head models' eyelashes (like P_BastilaH04, P_MiraH, P_HandmaidenH & P_AtrisH01). recreate the Normal map (for bumpyshiny effects) from the final HD color texture. These work best when saved as .tpc format
For most models, they only needed to be manipulated in 3DS Max, exported, and then run through Taina's replacer. This is usually sufficient to fix any XYZ and/or UVW coordinates. I prefer Taina's replacer method so that the model retains its smoothing groups data. For some models (like C_RancorS or C_Terantanak), Taina's won't work, so for those files, I had to resort to manually hex editing the binary .mdl & .mdx files. This is a much more labourious process, but in the end I got them to work.
Some models (like P_Kreia1hBB, PFBNM, Twilek_F, N_TwiAssH01) had problems with their self generated lighting: ambient & diffuse were not set to 1 1 1 like most models. This causes the model to appear too dark or off color in-game. To fix this it required hex editing.
A few models (such as P_KreiaBB) required fixing the model weights of individual verticies. This was done to reduce portions of the model clipping through other parts in different animations. Again, this was done by manually hex editing.
For many head models, the UVW coordinates for the tongue and inside of mouth may be moved significantly, especially for the KotOR heads. This is because the originals often map the tongue to a single pixel located in the lips area, which results in almost no detail. By moving the UVW to a free area of the texture, there may be room for painting a detailed tongue.
For the party members that have specific underwear textures and basic clothing textures, there has been an effort to make any skin areas (like hands & arms) match between them. Usually the hand area from the underwear texture is copied to the hand area of the clothes texture. This creates more consistency of the party characters' appearance.
For low resolution versions of models (like C_Gammorean_Low, C_Protocol_Low, N_Swoopgang_low) or placeables (such as PLC_EndPlA, PLC_RakatCrp, PLC_HK50, Stunt_WarDrd01) the original textures were not simply upscaled. Instead, the new versions were actually taken from similar high resolution versions and scaled down. Sometimes the textures were rebuilt from parts of other higher resolution images, with some touch up painting.
Several characters lost their baremetal shine in TSL (like the Mandalorians or SwoopGang). This is due to their model's default bitmap being set to "NULL" instead of their default texture's name. I was not able to repair the file to its K1 state, so a workaround was used instead. The word "NULL" was replaced with a shortened name, then a .txi file was created with the short name (for example "N_Ma" instead of "N_Mandalorian02"; or "N_Sw" instead of "N_Swoopgang01"). This allows for the envmaptexture CM_Baremetal to be used without the need to edit the appearance.2da file.
Included is a spreadsheet labelled "KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx" which has more detailed information as to what files were changed, and in what ways. As of this update, 52.71% of the texture files that I intend to upscale have been completed. As such, this mod should be considered a beta test. The percentage is calculated for both games together, however the mod is released with files separated for K1 & TSL. The spreadsheet was created with Google Sheets and exported as .xlsx, so hopefully the formatting remains correct. I have also attached a copy of the spreadsheet to this mod thread.
There will be three versions of this mod to choose to download:
4x .tga version. Highest resolution, the typical texture is now 2048x2048 pixels which = 16MB. This version is a total 7GB, hopefully it isn't too large or cause problems for some PCs. This version is also the best choice to use as a modder's resource. 4x .tpc version. CCreated by running full size .tgas through tga2tpc program which compresses a 2048x2048 pixel file to 5.5MB. This version is a total of 2.4GB, so it should be easier on PC systems, with no noticeable loss of visual fidelity. 2x .tpc version. Created by reducing full size .tgas by half in Photoshop, then running them through tga2tpc which further compresses them to 1.4MB. This version is a total of 700MB, which should be much easier on PC systems. All versions include the same .mdl & .mdx files.
I have tested the .tga version exclusively, but have not tested the .tpc versions in-game. Please let me know if there are any issues. My computer doesn't seem to render some of the CM shader effects properly (especially the bumpyshinytexture CM_SpecMap always seems too strong on my computer). I would appreciate any in-game screen shots that you take of characters like Hutts, Rakghouls, Rakata, or Selkath so that I can compare how other computers render their shader.
For best results, the model and texture files included with this mod should be used together. In most cases, the models can be mixed and matched with textures from other mods, but results will vary. For instance, the other textures won't be as perfect along the seams. Some other photo realistic HD texture mods may have been created using the original model's UVW layout, which will not perfectly line up with this mod's corrected UVW maps.
Conflicts may also occur if there is another mod uses a .tpc file with the same name as one of this mod's .tga files (or vice versa if you install one of the .tpc versions).
I would suggest installing other large mods (such as "TSL Restored Content Mod") first, then this one.
Copy and paste the desired model and texture files into TSL's Override folder. You may need to over write any existing files, so always have a backup. An effort was made that these textures and models require no 2da editing.
The folder marked "Reference Normal Map" is not required to be copied to the Override forlder. These .tga files are simply a modders' resource. The normal maps seem to work best if they are saved in .tpc format. The "Copy contents to Override" folder should already have .tpc files in it for the normal maps.
The folder marked "Optional Kreia model" includes models that change the diffuse & ambient lighting settings. More info in the additional read-me file.
Delete unwanted files from the game's Override folder.
Thanks for modding tools:
KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
mdlops (used version 7a2) - cchargin, JdNoa
NWMax – Joco
Replacer - Taina
tga2tpc - ndix UR
KotOR/KotOR2 Savegame Editor v3.3.2 - tk102, Fair Strides
Hex-editor XVI32 2.55 - Christian Maas
Consider this as a modder's resource. I give permission to any modder to use these files as a base for their own creations; as long as their creation remains free to use (not for profit); and credit is given to me as the source of any modded files. Please include a statement that specifies this mod's title and version.
The original credit of course goes to the talented artists who worked on the original games for BioWare and Obsidian. Without their work, none of this would have been possible. I have tried my best to maintain the artistic style that they created long ago.
This mod may NOT be uploaded or redistributed, in whole or in part, to any mod hosting site without my explicit permission.
As always, this mod is free for your non-commercial/personal use. There should never be a requirement to pay for it. If you like the work I do, and would like to encourage me to create more, you can always donate to my tip jar at where the funds collected will be used towards additional graphics tools and software.
KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx
- upscale
- party members
- (and 4 more)
AxC's Kreia's Canonical Lightsaber
By AxConsortium
Although it’s not possible in the unmodded game, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia states that Kreia wielded a double-bladed lightsaber during her travels with the Exile, and the Star Wars Miniatures model of Kreia also depicts her using one. From the moment I learned this, it felt odd that the game didn’t reflect it. It’s just one of many canonical elements that remain out of reach in the base game. So, I decided to create this mod to bring Kreia’s canonical weapon to The Sith Lords.
Kreia will receive her double-bladed lightsaber aboard the Harbinger during her confrontation with Darth Sion. This weapon comes with improved stats but cannot be upgraded, and it can be used by Kreia even after the loss of her hand.
However, if you're already past Peragus (specifically, the point of no return when you board the Ebon Hawk), you can still add the lightsabers using cheats:
w_kreia_dblsbr: Kreia's canonical green double-bladed lightsaber, usable only by her.
w_traya_dblsbr: A red-crystalled version of the lightsaber, typically unobtainable, but usable by anyone.
Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool
TK102, for DLGEditor
Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP
JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS
Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset
bead-v, for their mod "Kreia's Lightsaber / Long sword", which inspired me and allowed me to edit and include 2 of his scripts in my mod (the mod has open permissions)
plasmatorch Viable Plasma Torches
By Lewok2007
This mod makes the Plasma Torch be it's own unique type of weapon. This allows the player to dual wield the Plasma Torch, or use it alongside another weapon. (the exception being blasters and stun batons.) Additionally, the animations played in combat will be the melee animations instead of the little "jabby" animation that plays for every type of attack. I haven't tested all animations, but so far the basic Critical Strike animation is the only one that looks off, in my opinion.
Extract the "" archive to your desktop. Run the TSLPatcher within the folders, press install and locate your TSL Directory. (The folder with the game executable, not the override.)
Take the files from the "backup" folder, copy them to the override folder in your game and overwrite when prompted.
Not everything has been tested with this mod and I am uncertain of any other items in game using the "Torch" column in baseitems.2da. Let me know of any incompatibilites with any other mods if you find any or if any items look off. (i.e. able to use a non weapon item as a weapon)
-> Is at least compatible with TSLRCM.
Tools used:
Holocron Toolset by Cortisol
TSLPatcher by Stoffe
Use this mod however you like as long as it isn't a direct reupload somewhere and credit is given.
DO NOT upload this mod to the Steam Workshop.
Not Necessarily a "bug," but the plasmatorch will have a 20-20 x1 crit multipler. From my testing, this doesn't effect much.
True Sith Assassins & Awareness Restoration
Adds sneak attacks and PC Awareness checks to Sith Assassins.
From the in-game description of the Awareness skill:
“Awareness governs the ability of a character to spot objects or enemies hidden by Stealth…”
If you're like me, with all the Sith Assassins in the game you might have assumed your Awareness played some role in detecting them.
Well, I'm here to tell you that Sith Assassins never actually use Stealth, and you've probably never rolled an Awareness check against an enemy in either games. It's all a lie, and you're entitled to compensation.
In reality, NPC stealth is an illusion scripted by the game, and your stats play no role in detecting hidden NPCs. Sith Assassins don't have any points in Stealth, and on top of that, they can't even perform sneak attacks. Some assassins!
This mod does the following things:
- Restores PC Awareness vs Stealth checks on Sith Assassins
- Gives all Sith Assassins the ability to perform sneak attacks
- Adds stealth behavior to the Sith Assassins on Malachor (in vanilla they just wait around uncloaked)
This will not only make Awareness a more useful skill but also turn Sith Assassins into more deadly enemies. You will not see them at all until you make a successful Awareness check or until after they've already hit you with a sneak attack. Remember that sneak attacks can happen outside of stealth too, so don't let them flank you!
This mod may make some parts of the game significantly more challenging, but hopefully also more dynamic and interesting. All stats and feats are granted based on PC level so it should be fairly balanced, but I welcome any feedback.
This mod is accomplished through custom scripts which take advantage of the unused Invisibility effect and emulate the engine-level PC Stealth vs NPC Awareness checks. NPC Stealth was never fully implemented so it is pretty broken and just putting the NPCs in actual Stealth Mode gives erratic and unwanted results.
While in line of sight of a stealthed Sith Assassin, each of your party members will periodically make an Awareness check against the NPC's Stealth. This is made to be as close as possible to the game’s calculation, accounting for distance, field of view, and whether you're running or in combat. However, the checks occur more frequently than with NPC Awareness (every 6s vs every 20s). If a check succeeds, the enemy will become visible/targetable and will not get to perform a sneak attack (unless they're behind you or you’re stunned).
All Sith Assassins in the game are given points into the Stealth skill and a Sneak Attack feat. For balance these are granted on spawn according to the scaled level of the NPC and the Sith Assassin class progression. Sith Assassins are given a Stealth skill equal to their level (with a minimum of 5).
Please read compatibility notes before installing.
To install, run TSLPatcher.exe.
Unaltered copies of any edited files will be placed in the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe.
1. Remove the following files from override:
- sith_ass.utc
- sith_ass_403.utc
- sith_ass_404.utc
- sith_ass_405.utc
- sith_ass_406.utc
- sithassassin.utc
- m_dmg_sithass.ncs
- m_htb_sithass.ncs
- m_spn_sithass.ncs
- m_spn_sithass2.ncs
- m_spn_sithass3.ncs
- m_spn_sithass4.ncs
- m_sithspwn_152.ncs
- m_sith_user.ncs
2. Remove 151HAR.mod, 152HAR.mod, 903MAL.mod, 905MAL.mod, and 906MAL.mod from the Modules folder.
3. Move any .mod files from the backup folder into the Modules folder.
4. If any other files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override.
Technically compatible with Peragus Sith Troops to Sith Assassins by Hassat Hunter, but the Sith Assassins added by that mod will not be affected by my mod. Might make a patch in the future.
Fully compatible with Sith Assassins -- With Lightsabers by Shem. However, my mod must be installed AFTER Sith Assassins with Lightsabers by Lewok2007, which combines the previous two mods.
Be aware that this mod already increases the damage output of Sith Assassins by giving them sneak attacks, so giving them lightsabers on top of it might make for a tough time. Up to you.
Should be fully compatible with mods that edit the default creature scripts, like Improved AI by Stoffe.
Partially compatible with Trayus Rank Reform, but my mod must be installed after and will overwrite most of the female Sith Assassins added by that mod.
The Sith Assassins on Dxun retain vanilla stealth behavior to avoid breaking cutscenes but are still granted Sneak Attack.
KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher - stoffe, Fair Strides
Holocron Toolset - Cortisol
- skills
- sith assassins
- (and 5 more)
Improved Force Sight
New Force Sight mechanics, including stat bonuses and a higher-tier Force Sight power. Also turns Force Sight on permanently when controlling Visas.
In the game, Visas can teach you Force Sight which allows you to see the alignment of characters around you, occasionally through some obstacles. It's a cool RP thing but not really something you use often.
This mod aims to improve Force Sight by giving it new bonuses and mechanics, including the addition of a higher-tier Improved Force Sight power which can boost your defense, making it useful in combat. In the spirit of my "skills affect Force Power" mods, the effects of Force Sight are linked to your Awareness skill. High awareness Jedi Seer build?
In addition to the usual effects, Force Sight now grants a bonus to Awareness. While in vanilla this is only useful for detecting mines (through the Force?) and maybe skill checks if you time it right, this mod is intended to synergize with my other mod True Sith Assassins & Awareness Restoration which makes the Awareness skill necessary for detecting Sith Assassins and avoiding sneak attacks. When using that mod, the Awareness bonus becomes very useful in areas with Sith Assassins, especially on the final planet.
After learning Force Sight from Visas, you can upgrade the power to Improved Force Sight, which gives a higher Awareness bonus and also boosts your Defense depending on your base Awareness rank.
My thought is that an advanced Jedi could take advantage of this power in battle, using Force Sight to better perceive their enemies' movements. The degree to which they can do this is tied to their inherent skill in perceiving the world. Think of it like an alternative, temporary kind of Battle Precognition that you can get through Visas if you don't have Handmaiden (or fall out of her graces).
This mod will also make it so that Force Sight is on permanently while controlling Visas. In vanilla, it's only turned on in first-person view. She will come with the Improved Force Sight power and can spend FP to temporarily get the stat bonuses.
In order for the changes to Visas to take place, this mod must be installed before your first encounter with her.
In addition to the normal effects, Force Sight now grants a +4 bonus to Awareness. The power still costs 15 FPs.
Improved Force Sight grants a +8 bonus to Awareness and +1 Defense for every 3 points in the base Awareness skll rank (not including bonuses from items, attributes, or effects, including from this power). This power costs 20 FPs.
This means that with 18 points in Awareness, you'll gain a +6 Defense bonus, equivalent to Force Armor. By the end-game it's feasible to have 30 points spent in Awareness, translating to a +10 Defense bonus.
The duration of both powers are extended by 1 second for every 2 points in your base Awareness rank.
Due to how the mod works, Force Sight will be visible when leveling up, but you won’t be able to select it and still must learn it from Visas. Improved Force Sight will be selectable after you learn Force Sight as long as you’re level 12 or higher.
To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If an edited file already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk.
To uninstall, remove the following files from override:
- spells.2da
- effecticon.2da
- p_visas.utc
- m_imp_forcesight.ncs
- m_spn_visas.ncs
- ip_forcesight2.tga
Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder (outside override) with the unaltered versiion in the backup folder.
If any other files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override.
Compatible with Visas Marr: Sith Assassin. May conflict with mods that edit Visas.
Compatible with and intended to compliment True Sith Assassins & Awareness Restoration.
Should be compatible with anything else as long as it uses a patcher and doesn't edit the Force Sight script.
Please don’t reupload without my permission.
KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides
Holocron Toolset - Cortisol
- force sight
- skills
- (and 2 more)
Unarmed Atton
By BillyYank
Have TSLRCM 1.8.6 installed Unzip folder, copy-paste files into \Knights of the Old Republic II\Override\ and overwrite when asked COMPATIBILITY
Any mod that does not edit atton.dlg or 262atton.dlg Description
In the base game, you can ask Atton where he got Echani training. This mod makes it so that whenever you get him to respond positively - "I was just asking - no harm meant." or "I'm not accusing you, I just want to know..." - he will gain Unarmed Specialist 1 and Complex Unarmed Animations (the latter of which is a hidden feat).
Additionally, if he tells you how he killed Jedi with a 70+ influence check, he will gain levels in Unarmed Specialist at the same rate as Jedi, Bao-Dur, and the Handmaiden. He will also be "caught up", meaning that he will not lag behind other party members with his hand-to-hand skills, since he's revealing his skills.
There isn't a notification for him learning Unarmed Specialist - This is next on the roadmap. The script I use to make Atton gain Unarmed Specialist as he levels is dirty; It's not bugged or problematic outright, but it is certainly a jury-rig. Once I've got this project in a more complete state, I'll make it into a TSLPatcher install with improved compatibility.32 downloads
Effixian's Lonna Vash Player Character Reskin
By Effix
Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords
TITLE: Effixian's Lonna Vash Player Character Reskin
AUTHOR: Effix(ian)
CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam
This mods adds a reskinned Lonna Vash player character.
There's an optional purple reskin of the Norris robe.
This combination was requested by Omnigonial.
Unzip, run "TSLPatcher - Install Effixian's Lonna Vash PC Reskin.exe" from the "Effixians_Lonna_Vash_PC_Reskin" folder.
Purple robe: copy the files from the "Effixians_Purple_Norris_Robe" folder to your override folder.
1. Remove the following files from your override folder:
2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod then you can get appearance.2da, heads.2da and portraits.2da from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder.
Doing this when you did add another mod might break that later mod.
You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me.
Please do not reupload to other sites.
Thanks to
- Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials
- Omnigonial for the idea
My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at
Visually Repair HK-47
By Kexikus
When you first meet HK-47 in KotOR II: TSL, he’s basically junk until you put him back together. I’ve always wanted this evolution from a piece of junk to a high quality assassin droid to be visible on HK-47, so that’s where this mod comes from.
With this mod, the HK-47 you find in your cargo hold looks like the piece of junk he is but over time you replace his parts with new ones and he returns to his old self we know from the first game.
This is not a purely cosmetical change however. I restored HK’s upgrades from KotOR 1 and each time you repair/upgrade him, he’ll look better and get a stat bonus.
The requirements to unlock these upgrades increase with each successful upgrade: For the first one you need to be level 6, have a repair skill of 8 and at least 41 influence with HK-47; for the last one you need level 15, 17 repair and 51 influence.
Optionally you can also install HD reskins for HK-50 and HK-51.
All of the new textures are based on Quanon’s excellent HK-47 reskin for KotOR 1.
See a video demonstration of this mod here:
Run TSLPatcher.exe and choose the version you want to install. Then simply let TSL Patcher do its magic. When asked to select the folder where TSL is installed, choose the folder that includes swkotor2.exe or if you have TSLRCM from the Steam Workshop, choose its folder. Do NOT delete the backup folder that is created during the installation, you'll need it if you ever want to uninstall this mod.
For modders: I included the source scripts in the download in case you're interested. Ignore them if you only want to install and play the mod.
Take all the files from this mod’s tslpatchdata folder and delete those from your Override folder (except for the .nss and .mp3 files). Also delete hk_repair.ncs from your Override and the .mp3 files from streamvoice/GBL/HK47. Then copy all files from the backup folder created during the installation of this mod into your Override.
This mod is NOT compatible with ANY mods that alter HK-47’s appearance in any way. The HK-50/HK-51 reskin option is also not compatible with mods that alter the appearance of HK-50 and HK-51 either. Most other mods however should be compatible.
1.0 Initial release
1.1 Fixed HKs appearance not changing permanently when repairing him on the Ebon Hawk (thanks to JC for the fix)
Fixed HKs repaired appearance not applying in his confrontation with G0-T0 (TSLRCM only)
Mod by Kexikus
HK-47 texture by Quanon (modified by Kexikus)
Script fixes in version 1.1 by JC
Testing of fixes in version 1.1 by Snigaroo
TSL Patcher by stoffe
Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V
Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V 1.2
Here's my third small mod.
MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
Did the low resolution lighting ever irritate you when walking along Malachor V's surface? Me too!
Once again, I've decided to do something about it.
The new texture uses captures from a real lighting strike.
Constructive criticism is welcome.
About The Update:
When the mod was originally released, Darth Sapiens requested a version that has a flare on the cloud the lightning would be emanating from. I made him a version like that as a thank you for his helping the original version. I think it should be available to everyone – so now’s your turn to try it out.
I decided to make a video today that would show the difference between the "vanilla" lightning in game to the two versions in my mod. That's when I noticed a different version that was in my own Override folder which is a part of Kexikus' HQ Skyboxes II mod. In the spirit of fairness, I thought I should include Kexikus' version as well. My conclusion? Kexikus' version is the superior lightning and I recommend their version over mine. Hopefully, you've seen this personal note before downloading mine.
Anyway, here's that video:
There are two versions of the lightning now: the original version and the publicly-unreleased-until-now “flare” version. Both versions have their own folder. Choose your version's folder and put the 2 files inside it into your Override folder. The "Original" version has a choice of DDS or TGA. In that particular case, choose either one you wish.
Take them out again.
Known Bugs:
None known at this time.
Thank You Section:
Zbyl2: For the original testing of this mod.
Darth_Sapiens: For creating an alpha channel that made the black background transparent.
Kexikus: For pointing out transparency issues in the "Original Version"
Darth Parametric: For adding in the missing alpha for the "Original Version", correcting dimensions to power of 4 (2048x2048), and including a DDS version for optimal compression!
Legal Disclaimer:
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.,
I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop - with the exception of Hassat Hunter who has my permission to do so.
TSL Default Replacement Hilt Megapack
By Kaidon Jorn
by Kaidon Jorn
This mod will replace the default lightsaber hilt models in KotOR 2:The Sith Lords.
Should be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.4 and beyond.
This version omits the animated blade textures from the main mod but they are still offered as an option (copy and pate tga's and txi's into Override and let overwrite if necessary).
It also comes with a new(er) model for the cyan double-bladed hilt, and alot of the icons have been remade. Other than that, I changed every hilt texture's name and hex edited them into the original models. Also, this mod is now set to replace file on every installation. This should be the last one I need to do, but you never know.
Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent.
- saber hilts
- kotor 2; the sith lords
- (and 1 more)
Peragus Medical Bay Enhancement
By WildKarrde
This mod makes some improvements to the Peragus medical bay and the opening cutscene where the player wakes up:
- The player now wears a breathing mask inside the kolto tank, similar to the dead miners in the other tanks.
- The hose on the breathing mask has been replaced with a higher polygon version. It also now runs behind the user's neck
(primarily so that it works with the player's "waking up" animations).
- The kolto tank bubbles have been adjusted slightly based on the parameters for the bubbles on the diving suit in KotOR 1.
- A water column mesh has been added inside each kolto tank. The water level in the player's tank drops as the player slumps down in
the opening cutscene, as described in developer notes in the original DLG. After the opening cutscene, the kolto tank
remains empty with no fluid.
- The dead miners have been replaced with placeable models which bob up and down slightly in the water and use higher-resolution head
textures ported from KotOR 1. Upscaled textures, courtesy of Sith Holocron, are also available as an option for the miner heads and
the vanilla-style uniform.
- The leftmost miner, which was originally identical to one of the others, has been replaced with a new female miner based on a
ported KotOR 1 player head and DarthParametric's "Female Czerka Officer's Uniform" modder's resource.
- A few clothing options are available for the dead miners:
a) Vanilla-Style Uniforms: The same uniforms which they wear in vanilla, which are slightly different than the ones later worn by the
player and the miners in the holologs
b) Player-Style Uniforms: Uniforms based on the combat suit model, which match the ones worn by the player and shown in the holologs
c) Underwear: Underwear similar to the wounded soldiers on Taris in KotOR 1
d) Kainzorus Prime's Mining Gear: Mining gear matching "Peragus Mining Gear" by Kainzorus Prime
( Requires "Peragus Mining Gear" to be installed.
- Also available are alternative head and underwear textures with burned skin, based on textures by DarthParametric. Note that if you
use them with options (a), (b), or (d), only the heads will be burned, and the uniforms will remain undamaged.
If you would also like the miners in the holologs to wear the type (a) uniform, you may be interested in the mod "Beta Peragus Miner Pack" by N-DReW25 (
Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod!
Opening Cutscene:
Med Bay Enhancement - Opening Cutscene.mp4 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Run "INSTALL.exe" and follow the prompts. When asked, select your preferred option for the dead miners' clothing. If you are using the option for Kainzorus Prime's "Peragus Mining Gear", you must install that mod first. It is normal to see warnings that 101per.mod and placeables.2da already exist and have been skipped.
To use the burned skin textures, copy the files from the folder "OPTION - Burned Skin Textures" into your game's Override folder after the main installation is complete. To use the upscaled head and uniform textures, copy the files from "OPTION - Upscaled Textures" into Override. Upscaled versions of the burned heads are in "OPTION - Burned Skin Textures\Upscaled".
This mod requires a new playthrough and is not compatible with existing saves. If you are using The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop:
This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) ( It has not been tested without TSLRCM installed. It is also known to be compatible with the following mods:
- The KotOR 2 Community Patch (K2CP) (
- Peragus Tweak by VarsityPuppet (
- Ultimate Peragus Models Repair by PapaZinos (
- Peragus Medical Monitors and Computer Panel by Sith Holocron (
- Peragus Mining Gear by Kainzorus Prime (
This mod is compatible with texture-only reskin mods. It is incompatible with any other mods which edit 101per2a.mdl/mdx or use mask/helmet variation 43. For best results, install this mod after any of the mods listed above and any other mods which make significant changes to Peragus.
KotorBlender by seedhartha
tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR
NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102
K-GFF by tk102
DLGEditor by tk102
TSL Patcher by stoffe and Fair Strides
ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides
Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra
Holocron Toolset by Cortisol and th3w1zard1
The vanilla-style female miner uniform is based on the "Female Czerka Officer's Uniform" modder's resource by DarthParametric ( It is used here in accordance with the permissions stated on its download page.
Thank you to DarthParametric for suggesting that the moving water column could be made with a placeable, which sidestepped some visibility issues I was having with moving emitters in the area model. Thank you also to him for suggesting that I use his burned head/underwear textures and for providing his original Photoshop files as a resource.
Thank you to Dark Hope and DarthParametric for identifying that KotOR 1's kolto tank bubbles look better with the settings from the diving suit bubbles, which prompted me to do the same here. (See
Thank you to Sith Holocron for providing the upscaled textures for the miner heads and vanilla uniform.
Thanks to N-DReW25 for pointing out in his "Beta Peragus Miner Pack" mod that the original Peragus uniform was based on the Czerka uniform and for demonstrating that DarthParametric's female Czerka uniform resource could be handily used for the same purpose. Thank you also for suggesting that I create an option for Kainzorus Prime's "Peragus Mining Gear" mod and that I offer both the original and upscaled versions of the textures as options.
This mod includes material ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by Bioware.
1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Added burned skin textures, suggested by DarthParametric.
1.2 - Added upscaled head and vanilla uniform textures, provided by Sith Holocron.
- Adjusted texture mapping of the right arm on the female vanilla-style miner
- Added script source code to the download package
1.2.1 - Made additional adjustments to the texture mapping for the vanilla-style female miner
- Adjusted the leftmost miner's head position to be more similar to vanilla
1.3 - Added option for Kainzorus Prime's "Peragus Mining Gear", suggested by N-DReW25
- Moved the upscaled textures into a separate option, suggested by N-DReW25
This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod.
This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission.
"Miners, not minors!"
"...You lost me."
Brown Hair for Disciple
By Xandii
This mod gives the Disciple brown hair.
To install, extract the files and place them in the override folder of your KotOR2 directory. To uninstall, remove the files from the override folder.
JC's Spice of Life for K2
By JCarter426
This mod adds spice, a class of narcotic found in the Star Wars galaxy, as a new consumable item type to the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - the Sith Lords.
Spice may be consumed by any non-droid member of the party, activated as a medical item. Each variety of spice has different effects. Similar to stimulants, the effects of spice do not stack, so only one dose of spice may be used at a time; however, a dose of spice may be used in addition to stimulants and other effects. The effects of spice last for 120 seconds per dose. Use of certain spice leads to withdrawal, which lasts for 30 seconds after the dose wears out. A high Constitution score will reduce the length of withdrawal.
Spice item drops have been placed throughout the game where thematically appropriate. Spice may also be crafted at any lab station.
You must start a new game to experience the full effects of this mod.
Extract files from the downloaded archive. Run Install.exe. Click "Install Mod" and select your game directory (default name SWKotOR2). TSLPatcher may warn that .mod files already existed and were skipped during installation. This is normal and means that this mod's installer patched the files you already had from another mod rather than installing a new one.
This mod only supports the English language version of the game at this time.
During installation, TSLPatcher generates a backup folder and a log recording which files were affected.
Restore dialog.tlk by copying the file from the backup folder to your game directory, replacing the existing one. Restore or delete all all module files affected by this mod. For each module, copy the corresponding .mod file from the backup folder to replace the one in to your game's Modules folder if a backup was created, otherwise delete the .mod file from your game's Modules folder. Delete all other files installed by this mod from your game's Override folder. Compatibility
This mod uses combat shot item variations 101 through 112.
Known Issues
Some effects of spice will stop functioning after you transition areas. It did not seem possible to resolve this without editing the party AI, which would introduce the possibility of compatibility issues with other mods.
While testing, I had an occasional issue with hallucinations being visible after they were supposed to disappear. They will disappear properly after loading the area again. Consider this a symptom of psychosis.
KOTOR Tool—Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher—stoffe & Fair Strides
ERFEdit—stoffe & Fair Strides
NWNSSCOMP—Torlack, stoffe, & tk102
xoreos tools—xoreos team
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal at
Czerka Site Cleanup
By Thor110
NOTE : This is included with the Expanded Galaxy Project already.
It was suggested to me that I release some of my fixes separately from my main project.
This happens to me every time I play the game and while playing again for testing purposes this annoyed me so I changed it.
This mod just moves a mercenary at the Czerka Site which almost always causes one of the companions
to go running off after a battle, I find it incredibly annoying, especially after fighting your way
through the minefields, turrets, droids and mercenaries.
Red floating lightsabers
This mod changes Kreia's floating lightsabers from violet to red and makes them immune to fear, paralysis, and stun. Since they're, you know, lightsabers instead of people, I figure they shouldn't be susceptible to those effects.
To install, drag the .utc files from the attached .zip and place them into your override. Remove to uninstall. Ezpz.
Thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the Kotor Tool, which was used to add the immunity feats.
Malachor is Toxic!
By Thor110
NOTE : This is included with the Expanded Galaxy Project already.
Another request by @Snigaroo
This mod makes it so that the atmosphere of Malachor is toxic to the player character, except in sheltered areas, it also adjusts the spawn location to be on top of the Ebon Hawk and adds a tutorial popup window to warn the player about the atmospheric effects.
This mod should be compatible with any and all other mods, unless they happen to change tutorial.2da or any of the following scripts or files.
In 901MAL
In 902MAL
In Override
Installation : HoloPatcher
Use HoloPatcher to install the mod.
Uninstallation : HoloPatcher
HoloPatcher also generates an uninstall script after installation, use this to uninstall, you can also access that feature under Tools -> Uninstall in HoloPatcher itself.
Please do not redistribute or release anywhere without my express permission.
Tools used that helped make this possible.
Kotor Tool - @ Fred Tetra
KotOR Scripting Tool - @Blue
HxD - @Maël Hörz
TSLPatcher & ChangeEdit
HoloPatcher - @Wizard & @Cortisol
KotOR2 Random Panels
AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
While recuperating after open heart surgery, I needed a small project to keep me occupied. Something relatively stress-free so I could go about the work without getting to frustrated.
I landed on redoing some of the panels for the various planets that *mostly* tend to look the same with minor difference in coloring. I settled on the panels included here.
There are separate downloads for each game but some of the textures appear in both as Obsidian did reuse some of the textures.
Update to release: I have added the following textures to this mod package.
dxn_SPn01, HAR_Pn02, PER_Tek1, PLC_WtrLvl
Answer to Possible Question:
Where is the texture for the panel on Peragus? It is included in this separate download:
Drop the TGA files and TXI files into your Override. My textures have been labeled with their names on the download page so if there's one that you don't particularly care for, don't drop that one into your Override folder.
If using another texture pack that includes identically named textures (whether they are TGA, TGA with TXI, or a TPC file), remove those from your Override before putting mine in.
Take the files you put in, out again.
Known Bugs:
None known at this time.
Legal Disclaimer:
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration.. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.
Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.
Thieves need not apply. (You know who you are.)
Jorak Uln: For frame created used in NIH_tk02 texture.
ScrierOne: For one of the buttons they designed and I used in the Onderon texture (OND_tk01).
ConansHair: For overlay on the Onderon texture (OND_tk01), and for feedback on textures before release.
Fair Strides and LordMerek: For feedback on textures before release.
Thematic Jedi Masters
By Snigaroo
Thematic Jedi Masters
A little while after I released Thematic Sith Lords, this mod’s companion, I was approached by the user Starwarsnerd with a request for the same treatment for the Jedi Masters. I told him I would consider it but I believed the Masters were well-balanced and, at the time, didn’t think it necessary.
When I started working on the 2.0 release of Thematic Sith Lords I decided to check on the Masters just to confirm everything was well, and I was instead floored by what I saw. All the Masters were the same class; their attributes were wildly out of proportion to their natures; their feats and powers seemed ill-thought-out—hell, in Zez-Kai Ell’s fight he doesn’t even have Force points at all! I expected a garden and found a desert, and so here we are.
Just like its elder sibling Thematic Sith Lords, Thematic Jedi Masters is not a conventional difficulty mod. The objective isn’t to make each fight difficult, but unique; to, as best as I’m able, reflect each Master’s personality, philosophy and capability in the stats they’re given. Because of this, unlike Thematic Sith Lords this mod does not have any elements of a “rock-paper-scissors” fight design; unlike the Sith, none of the Jedi Masters are so abhorrently one-dimensional that they could be only capable of one thing and vulnerable to all others, such as Sion is. Rather, this mod takes the approach that each Master’s obvious specialty should be highlighted, and their other abilities treated as realistically as possible given their age, temperament, class and so on. This is where Thematic Jedi Masters focuses: differentiation.
Unlike the basegame fights against the Sith Lords, which can at least be said to have enemies designed around certain archetypes, all the Jedi Masters (except Atris) are set up as Guardians with very little differentiation. Thematic Jedi Masters starts by making Zez-Kai Ell a Sentinel and Vrook a Consular—both, I think, with justification—to ensure the Masters themselves represent the Jedi well. From there their stats are designed both around these new classes and their behaviors as Jedi: whether they take risks like Kavar or are furtive like Zez-Kai Ell. In the end, what results are Masters that all feel very different, and much more true to who they are as people.
For those who’d like to see exactly what was done and an explanation of the rationale for why, a full list of changes made is available in the download.
Why Use Thematic Jedi Masters?
As noted, Thematic Jedi Masters isn’t a difficulty mod, as most mods that touch on the Masters would be. The goal is to make each Master a realistic reflection of their natures; to make them fight how they would actually fight. If you want pure difficulty, other mods might be for you. If you want to experience differentiated fights that are harder on average than what TSLRCM has to offer, however, Thematic Jedi Masters is likely for you.
Thematic Jedi Masters also has several features which other difficulty mods often lack: it consistently adjusts both the Master’s first encounter on their planet of choice (including Vrook’s initial fight in the Dantooine crystal cave) and their appearance in the Restored Enclave; it includes changes to Atris; and it uses the TSLPatcher to inject .utc edit data directly into module files for maximum compatibility.
Difficulty, Balance & Testing Methodology
Users who have tried other mods which make serious alterations to boss enemies may justifiably be concerned about difficulty and balance. I’d like to disclose how these fights were tested to hopefully put some of those concerns to rest.
This mod was tested with two DS characters, one Sentinel/Marauder and one Sentinel/Lord (although only DS characters were used in the test, none of the fights were won with unique powers or abilities which would make them viable on DS but not on LS builds). Both test characters were built well but not min-maxed, and for each battle the use of items (consumables or shield charges) was forbidden: I had to be able to beat each opponent with only melee and Force abilities. Some of the fights were still very difficult, but each could be won without needing to resort to cheesy tactics. For any player with an average or above grasp of D20 mechanics, I believe you can use this mod without concern. Beginners to d20 systems may need to turn the difficulty down for these encounters in some cases, but should still be able to beat them even with sub-par builds with a bit of clever positioning and pre-buffing.
This mod should be compatible with anything and everything else that doesn’t edit the Masters’ .utc files. Even mods that do so shouldn’t break this, they might just edit some of the same data. The only exception is if another mod drops a relevant .utc file directly to the override, which will fully overwrite Thematic Jedi Masters’s module-based edits.
1. Download the file and unzip it to any folder of your choice (except for the game directory) using a program like 7zip or Winrar.
2. Run the TSLPatcher.exe, click “install mod” and, when prompted, choose your install folder and confirm. Done!
Permissions & Thanks
As with any mod I have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give myself credit for the idea and the balance settings (if you choose to retain most of these edits) & JCarter426 credit for the mod’s development, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me.
Premier thanks goes as usual to @JCarter426, who built this entire mod at my request, and tirelessly put up with literally dozens of revisions of the mod as we fine-tuned the balancing. This mod is much more his than my own and I am tremendously grateful for his help.
Thanks also to @doctoramanda from the KOTOR Discord for her help making the "preview" image.
Thematic Sith Lords
By Snigaroo
Thematic Sith Lords
Anyone who’s played TSL knows that the eponymous Sith Lords are pretty disappointing. The most hyped fight of the entire game, against Nihilus, is almost always trivial. Sion has the potential to be dangerous but rarely is, and Kreia’s floating lightsabers are almost always more of a threat than the woman herself.
Thematic Sith Lords’s purpose is not to directly address these issues, but to push back against some of the underlying problems with these fights that results in them being so boring. While examining the .utc files for Sion, Kreia and Nihilus associated with their respective fights, I found that there was surprisingly little differentiation between them, especially in class & attributes, with very little specialization per Lord. Worse still, many feats and powers which the Lords should realistically have had were also missing: Sion, for example, lacked Ignore Pain despite his ability to fight through and even utilize his constant pain being the core of his character!
Thematic Sith Lords, as you may have gathered, is not a difficulty mod as such. Rather, it’s a realism mod the goal of which is to increase the overall difficulty of the Lord fights as a natural result of restructuring the stats, feats and powers of the Lords to more accurately fit their physical and mental conditions, as well as their experiences and training, without making every fight harder for all characters. The goal is to make each fight with a Lord feel different, with each Lord having their own specialties, strengths and weaknesses, such that some character builds will do better against some Lords and struggle against others.
For example, in Thematic Sith Lords, Sion has extreme STR and CON, but poor WIS and INT, and abysmal DEX and CHA. His archetype is as a bruiser, who trades taking hits for being able to dish out extremely powerful strikes with no fear of his close-range style resulting in his death—because Sion doesn’t need to worry about dying in a fight, and his combat style should reflect that. This overconfidence results in him being somewhat vulnerable to Force abilities, however, and a Consular might run circles around him where a Guardian struggles to bring him down.
The goal is that the opposite will also be true—Consulars who had no trouble with Sion might find themselves in a pickle when their abilities bounce off Nihilus, who now has even higher WIS and Will saves than he did before, and the DEX to frequently dodge the lightsabers of most Jedi not built explicitly for melee combat.
Additionally, for the 2.0 release of this mod the entire mod was reworked from the ground up with even more comprehensive alterations, as well as including the Visas ambush fight in the list of edits. The 2.0 changes were extensively tested for realism, balance & difficulty, and a full list of all the alterations made to each Lord is included in the file download for those who would like to see exactly what I did, as well as a brief explanation for why.
Why use Thematic Sith Lords?
As noted above, Thematic Sith Lords isn’t a difficulty mod, as most rebalances of the Lords are. The goal is to make each Lord’s attributes, stats, feats and powers a realistic reflection of their condition, and how they would actually fight. If you want pure difficulty, other mods might be for you; if you want to experience differentiated fights that are harder on average than what TSLRCM has to offer, however, Thematic Sith Lords is likely for you.
Thematic Sith Lords also has three features which other difficulty mods for the Lords often don’t: it makes adjustment to Visas’s ambush of the party on the Ebon Hawk; it modifies the Sion fight on Korriban as well as Sion's fight with Atton on Malachor (both of which are frequently left out of other mods); and it uses the TSLPatcher to inject .utc edit data directly into module files for maximum compatibility.
Difficulty, Balance & Testing Methodology
Users who have tried other mods which make serious alterations to boss enemies, or who used the 1.0 version of Thematic Sith Lords, may justifiably be concerned about difficulty and balance. I’d like to disclose how these fights were tested to hopefully put some of those concerns to rest.
This mod was tested with two DS characters, one Sentinel/Marauder and one Sentinel/Lord (although only DS characters were used in the test, none of the fights were won with unique powers or abilities which would make them viable on DS but not on LS builds). Both test characters were built well but not min-maxed, and for each battle the use of items (consumables or shield charges) was forbidden: I had to be able to beat each opponent with only melee and Force abilities. Some of the fights were still very difficult, but each could be won without needing to resort to cheesy tactics. For any player with an average or above grasp of D20 mechanics, I believe you can use this mod without concern. Beginners to d20 systems may need to turn the difficulty down for these encounters in some cases, but should still be able to beat them even with sub-par builds with a bit of clever positioning and pre-buffing.
I will note as an aside that there is one fight that is abnormally difficult: Atton vs. Sion. But I view this as being realistic, and designed it this way purposefully: Atton is an above-average Jedi at best going against a Sith Lord, and there should be a real chance of him losing there. It should be a major triumph if you can evade Sion.
This mod requires TSLRCM to be installed first, and NOT to be installed via the Steam Workshop, in order to install properly & function. The Workshop is very poor for mod compatibility, so if you have it installed via the Workshop, it’s best you install it via the installer version anyway.
This mod should be compatible with anything and everything else that doesn’t edit the Lords’ .utc files. Even mods that do so shouldn’t break this, they might just edit some of the same data. The only exception is if another mod drops a relevant .utc file directly to the override, which will fully overwrite Thematic Sith Lords’s module-based edits.
1. Ensure TSLRCM is downloaded and installed, NOT through the Steam Workshop!
2. Download the file and unzip it to any folder of your choice (except for the game directory) using a program like 7zip or Winrar.
3. Run the TSLPatcher .exe and, when prompted, choose which of the two main modules you would like: Standard (base changes only) or No Force Rating (removes the saving throw bonuses to DS characters in the Korriban Sith Academy, which can make the Sion fight there more difficult). Once you have chosen your preferred module, select your game directory (the one with the .exe file in it), click “install mod” and you’re done!
4. Optionally, if you would like Visas to appear as a Sith Assassin during her ambush, re-run the installer after installing your chosen base module and select the “Sith Assassin Visas (Optional)” install option, then install that module also.
Permissions & Thanks
As with any mod I have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give myself credit for the idea and the balance settings (if you choose to retain most of these edits) & JCarter426 credit for the mod’s development, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me.
Special thanks to @DarthParametric for his help with putting the 1.0 release together--it was my first time making significant edits with KOTORTool and creating a TSLPatcher install, and this mod quite probably wouldn’t exist without his help.
Thanks to @Pavijan357 for identifying the missing changes to Sion in 906MAL.mod, and @DarthTyren for cleaning up my changes.ini and applying the changes properly.
Credit to @offthegridmorty for his “Visas Marr: Sith Assassin” mod, which inspired this mod’s optional module to change Visas’s class to Sith Assassin during her ambush on the Ebon Hawk.
Premier thanks goes as usual to @JCarter426, who rebuilt this entire mod at my request for the 2.0 release, and tirelessly put up with literally dozens of revisions of the mod as we fine-tuned the balancing. As of the 2.0 release, this mod is much more his than my own and I am tremendously grateful for his help.
Thanks also to @doctoramanda from the KOTOR Discord for her help making the "preview" image.
Sith Disruptor Fix
By GearHead
This mod changes the Sith Disruptor +1 Energy Bonus to +1 Unstoppable.
Fixed / Better Czerka Salvager
By OzilsEyes
Better / Fixed Czerka Salvager – OzilsEyes
We all know how annoying the Czerka Salvager can be on our lightside play throughs. He sometimes decides to just stop dead until you run back, sometimes just gets stuck walking around objects or through doorways....
This patch will better / fix the Czerka Salvager in the Telos underground. Currently he gets stuck on objects, you have to run back sometimes – it’s not ideal.
Now he will follow your party, if he does fall behind or get stuck for whatever reason, will warp towards your party. The leaving script has also been fixed to accommodate my new script, it has been cleaned up & now has a check for combat before initiating too.
He now walks towards the door and fades out instead of sprinting in the same spot for 5 seconds before disappearing.
Run the tslpatcher.exe, choose your root installation folder (NOT override).
Let it run -> Play the game
Please note: This will only take effect on a save where you haven't already been to the Telos Underground Base.
Alternatively, if you want to run this mod without tslpatcher, it will work in override.
A backup of your original 232TEL.mod file, replace that if you need to uninstall.
Legal Disclaimer
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all involved parties in this release.
OzilsEyes – Deadlystream
Tools used:
Holocron Toolset
KOTOR Scripting Tool
Special thanks to all creators / developers of these tools