Fallen Jedi Floating Sabers 1.0.0

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About This File

Modified Krea's floating lightsabers to match those of fallen Jedi. Gave each saber matching feats from Thematic Jedi Masters and altered their walking speeds. Sabers are also immune to stun, fear and paralysis.

3 Versions:
- Original saber owners colors (green, yellow, purple)
- 3 purple sabers
- 3 red sabers

(all have the same speed and feat changes)

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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- Original saber owners colors (green, yellow, purple)

Shouldn't it be green, blue, and purple?


Other than that, I like the idea of Kreia stealing the Master's Lightsabers and making you fight them. Is it possible to get the floating Lightsabers to use a Double Bladed Lightsaber?

And did you make sure to give the Lightsabers a "Droid Hide" to prevent the player from poisoning them?

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             Did I really get that wrong? Shit it's blue.  Yeah I might make the purple one a double and I think one of Kavars sabers is short.    

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