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  1. Version 1.0.1


    This mod changes the hologram-overlay texture used by TSL [mostly] for the holo-logs. It is mainly inspired by combination of movie-style and SWTOR's. Preview Blue - Movie-style [STATIC] Description This version uses a static-texture sized at x512. It has an alpha-channel used for scanline effects, which diffuse used mainly for diffuse-color. Blue - Movie-style [ANIMATED] Description This version uses an animated-texture sized at x256/frame It consisted of 25 frames to a 5x5 layout sized at x1280 It is set to cycle procedurally in-game at 12.5 FPS It has an alpha-channel used for animated-scanline effects, which diffuse used mainly for diffuse-color. Disclaimer What's seen in the preview is an end-result from also using a visually-affecting mod, that is DarthParametric's "Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM". Requirement It is required for users to have TSLRCM v1.8.6 installed to their game for this mod to be working as intended. K2CP is not strictly-required, but is strongly-suggested to have as this mod were made with CP’s availability in-mind. See `Disclaimer` section above; hence it is required for user to also install the aforementioned mod to have the optimum result. Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM - Mods - Deadly Stream Compatibility Compatible with any mods and builds -- long as not affecting `holotex`. It is advised for user to remove any instance of TGA, DDS, or TXI format of the said file in their `override` folder before install. Installation Install `holotex.TPC` to the `override` folder. Overwrite when prompted. Uninstallation Remove `holotex.TPC` from the `override` folder. Known Issues N/A Final Remarks There's always room for improvements; reviews, critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. PM me here, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and using this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Redistribution Do not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites. I'd love providing direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered in the Unknown Regions. If you are to re-use the assets to a project you will be releasing, please be kindly to ask for permission first -- that way I know what's up. Credits The Almighty Force. BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment, and LucasArts for "The Old Republic" video-game franchise. DarthParametric for past-present knowledge, and all his creation that I learn from. JCarter426 and Inyri Forge for all their work that I look up to. I learned a lot from their mods and been approaching a lot using their method. Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool. ndix UR for tga2tpc and tpcview. Cortisol for Holocron Toolset. All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned -- can't make it without y'all! All streamers of DeadlyStream. All modders either active or inactive. DeadlyStream for being a home -- a place to hang-out, to discuss and hosting my work, and all their staffs for tirelessly improving-maintaining the site. DeadlyStream's #modding [Discord's] channel. -eb
  2. Version 1.3.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2.0 Release Date: 27.01.2024 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folders: "Audio Mods" "Movie Cutscene Mods" "Override Mods" * To install Audio Mods: Open the Audio Mods folder, open the Taris Sith Raid XBOX VO folder, open the Streamwaves and copy all 4 .WAV files to this directly (swkotor\streamwaves\m02aa\prer99) and overwrite the vanilla files. * To install Movie Cutscene Mods: Open the Movie Cutscene Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK files. * To install Override Mods: Open the Override Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and copy the files within the mod folder into your swkotor "Override" folder. You cannot install both Dark Jedi mods as they use the same files, please pick only one Dark Jedi mod to install. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to uninstall. * For Audio Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Files)" and copy the .WAVs inside to the prer99 folder and overwrite the Xbox .WAVs you added. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes)" folder and copy the .BIKs inside to your swkotor movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIKs. * For Override mods, delete the files you copied into your Override. Description: As you may know, or may even remember, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic was released on July 15 2003 whilst the PC edition was released on November 19 2003. Obviously, the original Xbox console from 2003 has gone out of fashion a LONG time ago and 95% of the Kotor Modding and Gaming Community in general have migrated over to the glorious PC Master- *Cough* I mean, to the PC. But did you know that Bioware gave Kotor one final improvement before releasing the full game to the PCs? if you've actually played Kotor on the original Xbox (Or maybe even the Xbox 360, Xbox One or even the Xbox Series X) then you'll recall how on the Console edition of Kotor had a variety of oddities like lower resolution textures, different appearances for NPCs, incorrect appearances for NPCs, alternative VO, bugs/glitches, Yavin 4 being locked behind DLC and more... This mod pack is similar to my TSL Mini Mod Collection mod, every update to the KOTOX will include more Xbox inspired mods for the player to install and experience. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Taris Sith Raid dlg, the legal and Revan's death .BIKs and any Dark Jedi texture mods. Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: l2daorch: For contributing the Taris Sith Raid audio! DarthParametric: For contributing the Xbox textures! DrMcCoy and DarthParametric (again): For helping me with Xoreo's Tools! Effix: For helping me operate the Command Prompt! Asxdefter on YouTube: For his 2010 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox 360. His Kotor videos were a massive inspiration for making this mod! BlueShadePlays on YouTube: For their 2017 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox One. As the Xbox One Kotor has 1080p support, their Kotor videos provided HD crystal clear footage of the Xbox features which I recreated in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! JCarter428: For SithCodec! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Authors: N-DReW25, Effixan and Constantinople33 1.0.0 Release Date: 08.05.2022 Installation: 1) Install JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1 FIRST! (No exceptions!!!): 2) Install Effixan's Qel-Droma Robes Reskin SECOND!: 3) Open the "For Override" folder and copy the files within to your swkotor Override folder and select the "Overwrite" option when it pops up. Description: March 11th 2021 saw the release of the Lore-Friendly Qel Droma Robes by Constantinople33 which was a 2K resolution reskin of the vanilla K1 Jedi Robe texture to make the Qel-Droma Robe item look more like the canonical Robe as worn by Qel-Droma in the Kotor Comics. I personally thought the skin looked AMAZING with its extensive detail, but at the time I used JC's Cloaked Jedi Robe mod so I took no heed to the mod as both mods were incompatible. But upon looking into JC's Cloaked Hybrid Robe mod, I realized that it would be possible to "merge" Constantinople33's work with one of JC's Cloaked Jedi Robe skin to make a "Hybrid" robe. At first, I was intending to use Salk's Qel-Droma Robe texture (which was uploaded by StellarExile) as the Cloaked texture of my Hybrid mod, but after my initial work on the Hybrid Robe the modder Effixan published his own take on a unique Qel-Droma Cloaked Robe. From what I can tell, Salk had requested Effixan to professionally make his version of Qel-Droma's Cloaked Robe using Salk's work as an inspiration... as such, after getting permission from Constantinople33 and the fact Effixan stated in his readme that users can use his Qel-Droma Robe with credit, I have merged the Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robe with Effixan's Qel-Droma Robes Reskin mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there any please report them on Incompatibilities: Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. To use Constantinople33's texture in your mod, please ASK HIM for permission as it is his original work! Thanks: Constantinople33: For making the original Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robes! Effixan: For creating his own Qel-Droma Cloaked Robe texture which was used in this mod! Salk: The one responsible for the design of the Qel-Droma Cloaked Robes! Bioware: For such an amazing game Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool And everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  4. Version 2.4


    While working on the K1CP I discovered that there are actually three different Sith soldier textures. There's the red and the silver that we're all used to, but there's also a white one that is unused. This restores the white texture into the game. You have the option to either make the standard troopers white and the elite/command troopers silver, or vice-versa. INSTALL: Run the installer and select either Main OR Alternate. I recommend installing this AFTER the KOTOR 1 Community Patch and JC's Korriban: Back in Black if you use them. PERMISSION: I give anyone permission to do whatever the heck they want with this, whether or not they give me credit. (Although credit is always nice, y'know?)
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Description: As I've explored all the mods which adjust and improve the textures and models for various objects and people in the game, I've noticed that surprisingly little attention has been given to modifying the appearance or look of one NPC in particular: Davik Kang, the crime lord and leader of the Exchange crime syndicate on Taris. While he doesn't have much actual screen time, he is quite important to much of the Taris section of the game. Although the tastes and opinions of people will vary wildly on this, I always felt like his appearance was rather "clunky" as he always seemed to be wearing his armor. Despite the fact that this is understandable, it would seem more fitting for an important crime-lord and de-facto important "noble" of Taris to be dressed rather formal or fancy given how others of his profession and rank are typically dressed. It would not be far-fetched to assume one in his position could wear a robe or formal jacket with body armor underneath for protection while maintaining a more "polished" look on the outside. I've included a custom skin and ported model from Kotor II for Davik's outer vestments, as well as a sharper-textured tpc file for his head that is included in the K2 game files. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Copyright: Anyone is welcome to use my models and textures, just please ask first and be sure to give me credit UPDATE: New version includes texture of his robe without the military medals, as requested Thanks to: Effix, N-DReW25, Thor110, and others for giving me the basics of porting models and assigning textures in the game Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  6. Version 1.1.0


    Peragus Miner Pack A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.1.0 Release Date: 18.09.2022 Installation: Simply click on the HoloPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. I isn't recommended to install "Everyone a Beta Miner" and "Some Beta Miners" together as EABM will change ALL the miners thus rendering SBM redundant. It is highly recommended you check out the "Description" section of the readme to ensure you've made an informed decision on what exactly you want to install. Description: The Peragus Miner NPCs all wear the Miner Uniform item the player gets to wear, but did you know that one point during the development of Kotor 2 this wasn't meant to be? In the game files, you can find an unused texture which suggests that the Miner Uniform was originally based on the Czerka Uniform model whereas the current Miner Uniform is based on the Combat Suit model. The change from a Czerka Uniform to a Combat Suit texture was most likely to allow the player to wear the Miner Uniform. Oddly, the Maintenance Officer's Corpse placeable and the dead Peragus Miners floating in the Kolto Tanks still use the Czerka based Miner Uniform. From here on, we shall refer to the Czerka-based Miner Uniform as the "Beta Miner Uniform". This mod has the following mod options: OPTION 1: Everyone a Beta Miner Everyone a Beta Miner will restore the Beta Uniform to EVERY single Peragus Miner NPC. This will not affect the Player's Miner Uniform. OPTION 2: Some Beta Miners This option will only restore the Beta Uniform for the Medical Officer, the Administrator, the Dock Officer, the Maintenance Officer and the Security Officer. These Miners will wear the Beta Uniform whereas every other Peragus Miner will wear the vanilla Miner Uniform. OPTION 3: No Player Heads Did you know notice how some Peragus Miner NPCs (Coorta's Thugs etc.) reuse the Player Heads? This install option will replace the Player Heads with Generic NPC Heads. This option is compatible with options 1 and 2. OPTION 4: Mining Gear Plus You WILL need to have Kainzorus Prime's Peragus Mining Gear installed beforehand for this option to work. This option will have some Miners use the Beta Uniform, some use the vanilla Miner Uniform and the rest will use Kainzorus Prime's Peragus Mining Gear. With this option, the Plasteel Cylinder you first encounter in the Mining Tunnels will contain vanilla Miner Uniform whilst the Plasteel Cylinder at the Main Ventilation Shaft will contain Kainzorus Prime's Peragus Mining Gear. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if you find any report it to me on Incompatibilities: * This mod is compatible with Kainzorus Prime's Peragus Mining Gear mod- * This mod is compatible with VarsityPuppet's Peragus Tweak- * This mod is compatible with WildKarrde's Peragus Medical Bay Enhancement- * This mod is NOT compatible with DarthParametric's Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM. Report any incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks: DarthParametric: For making the Female Czerka Officer's Uniform - A Modder's Resource, which the Medical Officer's Beta Uniform is based upon. ebmar: For providing help with the TSLPatcher Bioware: For such an amazing game Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  7. Hello I made my own custom weapon model, I'm having a problem with getting my textures exported. I'm using blender. I can get the model in the game it works fine but blender never exports my texture. Can any1 help me?
  8. Version 1.0


    This mod is a retexture of a majority of the effects for both Kotor 1 and Kotor 2. It basically started when I changed the spark texture, and then just kept on going. The mod assets are pretty simple to use, you just pick which texture you want to add to your game, and put them into your Override folder. The lightning has an alternate file in case you are interested in force lightning more akin to the movies (where it has no conjure animation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pasted from Readme: {..) Description: This is a retexture of all of the effects in both Kotor games. It's simple in design, but has a huge impact on the look and feel of gameplay. Included are changes to the Sparks thrown when weapons impact enemies or walls, the lightning and drain effects, the fireball and ion explosion textures, the rain and snow textures in K2, the shape and size of the explosion particles, and an alternative texture to the mine detection overlay which makes them less like a bright red ball. {..>To Install: Drop all applicable files into the Override Folder. If you don't currently have an override folder, then you'll have to create one. I have separated the textures into corresponding folders for easier choice of what you would like to install The files are also separated by game, since Kotor 2 has rain and snow, while Kotor 1 does not. {..<To Uninstall, either remove or delete the files contained in this download from your Override folder. {..<Compatibility: This mod uses a few model .mdl and .mdx files in order to fully change the spark retexture. If you have any of them already in your override, they may conflict. {..>Possible Future Changes or Additions: I am considering changing the explosion animation file and if possible, the very structure of explosions. However, that will probably be a bit later after I have read more into the effects files. {..<Credits: Stevo and Rece for testing my Spark retexture to ensure compatibility, TriggerGod for his permission to use his lightning texture as a base Adobe for their Photoshop, Lucasarts as both Bioware and Obsidian for making the Kotor games, The very special community on DeadlyStream for their constant feedback and assistance, And lastly, George Lucas, for creating the Star Wars movies which has since spawned its ever expanding universe...
  9. N-DReW25

    Czerka Redux

    Version 1.1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.1 Release Date: 25.05.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Once you click on the HoloPatcher.exe, you'll be given a few install options. 1) Main mod: Installs the actual mod. 2) NPC Diversity Patch: If you're using the NPC Diversity Pack mod, you WILL have to install this option AFTER the main mod. 3) RC-K1CP Addon: RC-K1CP restored an Ithorian Miner to Anchorhead, this mod is OPTIONAL but if you want to use it you HAVE to have RC-K1CP installed BEFORE installing Czerka Redux. 4) Business Attire Addon: This option expands the Rodians modified by JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1, this mod is OPTIONAL but if you want to use it you HAVE to have JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 installed BEFORE installing Czerka Redux. 5) Women of Czerka: Adds female Czerka Employees where possible. Completely optional but must be installed AFTER the main mod. Description: Czerka Redux is a union of various Czerka related textures into a single mod which aims to enhance the Czerka Corporation in Kotor 1. The Czerka Muscle Suit, Czerka Technician and Mining Suits from BOSSR have been added with the latter two being given to the Miner and Technician NPCs of Kotor. For any of my other mods which edits the Czerka Miners, those mods are compatible with Czerka Redux... meaning players who use Duros: Armed & Ready are able to use Czerka Redux and have the Duros Miners visibly wear BOSSR Czerka Mining Suits. The Czerka Combat Suit in RedRob41's Modder's Resource has also been added to the majority of Czerka's Security personnel. All the new Czerka items can be found and obtained in normal gameplay. The NPC textures from the K1 Enhancement Project have also been added, giving new meaning to the Czerka NPCs and their in-game profession. The green Czerka Officer texture from the Czerka Commander has been repurposed as a standard Czerka Officer profession skin whilst former Czerka Commanders now use armor. The male Czerka texture from JC's Fashion Line B: Commoner Clothing has been added for male Czerka NPCs and was used to convert new female Czerka clothing from K1EP into a new male variant exclusive to Czerka Redux. You'll also see new NPC variants from Czerka themed battle droids to Czerka Protocol Droids using B4-D4's texture. This mod also provides addons for other Czerka related mod, if you have JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 installed you can install the optional Business Attire Addon and get unique textures for JC's Rodians. If you use RC-K1CP, you can also install the RC-K1CP Addon to give the restored Ithorian Miner a new Business Attire inspired appearance. And of course, female Czerka NPCs can be added via the Women of Czerka option which uses DarthParametric's Female Czerka Officer's Uniform and has custom AI generated VO. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs but if there are please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: To be added! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use my assets from this mod without my permission. BOSSR assets are free to use as confirmed by SilverEdge9. RedRob41's Czerka Combat Suit textures are free to use as they are a modder's resource. K1 Enhancement Pack assets are free to use as they are a modder's resource. JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 is free to use as long as you credit JCarter426. DarthParametric's Female Czerka Officer's Uniform is free to use as it is a modder's resource. JC's Fashion Line B: Commoner Clothing cannot be used without permission from JCarter426. Thanks to: SilverEdge9: For BOSSR Czerka Assets! RedRob41: For the Combat Suit Modder's Resource! SpaceAlex: For the K1EP Czerka Assets! JCarter426: For granting me permission to use the male Czerka commoner texture from JC's Fashion Line B and for making Czerka Business Attire! DarthParametric: For making the Female Czerka Officer's Uniform modder's resource! ElevenLabs Website: For the custom AI VO service! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! th3w1zard1: For HoloPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  10. 2,449 downloads

    Have you ever noticed that Mira's poofy hair looks like a split top dinner roll? Her hairstyle in the concept art is wonderful and I always felt that her head model just kind of missed the mark. So I made some seriously heavy edits to the model and texture of PFHC05 until I came up with something a little more fitting for our friendly neighborhood bounty hunter. Her clothes have new colors to match the new vibe she's got going on also, and I reworked the neckline of her shirt a little. No .2da files in this so it's just a drag and drop installation. --corpsecotillion
  11. View File Czerka Redux A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.1 Release Date: 25.05.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Once you click on the HoloPatcher.exe, you'll be given a few install options. 1) Main mod: Installs the actual mod. 2) NPC Diversity Patch: If you're using the NPC Diversity Pack mod, you WILL have to install this option AFTER the main mod. 3) RC-K1CP Addon: RC-K1CP restored an Ithorian Miner to Anchorhead, this mod is OPTIONAL but if you want to use it you HAVE to have RC-K1CP installed BEFORE installing Czerka Redux. 4) Business Attire Addon: This option expands the Rodians modified by JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1, this mod is OPTIONAL but if you want to use it you HAVE to have JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 installed BEFORE installing Czerka Redux. 5) Women of Czerka: Adds female Czerka Employees where possible. Completely optional but must be installed AFTER the main mod. Description: Czerka Redux is a union of various Czerka related textures into a single mod which aims to enhance the Czerka Corporation in Kotor 1. The Czerka Muscle Suit, Czerka Technician and Mining Suits from BOSSR have been added with the latter two being given to the Miner and Technician NPCs of Kotor. For any of my other mods which edits the Czerka Miners, those mods are compatible with Czerka Redux... meaning players who use Duros: Armed & Ready are able to use Czerka Redux and have the Duros Miners visibly wear BOSSR Czerka Mining Suits. The Czerka Combat Suit in RedRob41's Modder's Resource has also been added to the majority of Czerka's Security personnel. All the new Czerka items can be found and obtained in normal gameplay. The NPC textures from the K1 Enhancement Project have also been added, giving new meaning to the Czerka NPCs and their in-game profession. The green Czerka Officer texture from the Czerka Commander has been repurposed as a standard Czerka Officer profession skin whilst former Czerka Commanders now use armor. The male Czerka texture from JC's Fashion Line B: Commoner Clothing has been added for male Czerka NPCs and was used to convert new female Czerka clothing from K1EP into a new male variant exclusive to Czerka Redux. You'll also see new NPC variants from Czerka themed battle droids to Czerka Protocol Droids using B4-D4's texture. This mod also provides addons for other Czerka related mod, if you have JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 installed you can install the optional Business Attire Addon and get unique textures for JC's Rodians. If you use RC-K1CP, you can also install the RC-K1CP Addon to give the restored Ithorian Miner a new Business Attire inspired appearance. And of course, female Czerka NPCs can be added via the Women of Czerka option which uses DarthParametric's Female Czerka Officer's Uniform and has custom AI generated VO. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs but if there are please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: To be added! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use my assets from this mod without my permission. BOSSR assets are free to use as confirmed by SilverEdge9. RedRob41's Czerka Combat Suit textures are free to use as they are a modder's resource. K1 Enhancement Pack assets are free to use as they are a modder's resource. JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 is free to use as long as you credit JCarter426. DarthParametric's Female Czerka Officer's Uniform is free to use as it is a modder's resource. JC's Fashion Line B: Commoner Clothing cannot be used without permission from JCarter426. Thanks to: SilverEdge9: For BOSSR Czerka Assets! RedRob41: For the Combat Suit Modder's Resource! SpaceAlex: For the K1EP Czerka Assets! JCarter426: For granting me permission to use the male Czerka commoner texture from JC's Fashion Line B and for making Czerka Business Attire! DarthParametric: For making the Female Czerka Officer's Uniform modder's resource! ElevenLabs Website: For the custom AI VO service! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! th3w1zard1: For HoloPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 05/25/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  12. ndix UR


    Version 4.0.0


    tga2tpc Author: ndix UR Release: Sep 2020 Version: 4.0.0 Convert TGA images to TPC format for use in KotOR and TSL. TPC files contain the information from a TXI file (so the TXI file is no longer needed when a TPC file is used), and can be uncompressed or compressed with either DXT1 or DXT5. Advanced features like animation and cubemap layering are initiated by the presence of specific TXI directives like cube 1 and proceduretype cycle. For some reason, the game really wants normal maps to be in TPC format. This will let you create and use full 32-bit color normal maps without having to make them into simple height maps by using indexed color. The tool is free, open source, and cross-platform. Code is available at The app is written in javascript, built on Electron using three.js, jquery, bootstrap. It includes a ported version of the AMD/GPUOpen Compressonator image compression library. ============================================================ How do I set it up? Windows: unzip the package, run tga2tpc.exe Mac: unzip the package, move to /Applications, run it * This is not a signed application, so you have to do whatever is required to run non-MAS applications on your MacOS version. ============================================================ How do I use it? Drag files in and hit start. There shouldn't be much more to it than that. Using power-of-2 sized textures is always required for optimal quality, TXI information is optional, and the settings are pretty much self-explanatory. The nature of TPC alpha blending is not necessarily intuitive so you may need to seek information to use it properly. Compressor settings: Super Fast - the lowest quality setting, uses the pre-4.0.0 image compressor that includes the 'compression failure' error for long conversion queues Fast - Bare bones setting Normal - Runs two profiles and selects the best result, adaptive color weighting Slow - Deeper refinement of the color palette for each 4x4 pixel block Ultra - 3D refinement of the color palette for each 4x4 pixel block How Automatic encoding mode selects encoding for each texture in the queue: 24bpp TGA = DXT1 32bpp TGA = DXT5 8bpp TGA = 8bpp uncompressed isbumpmap1 or compresstexture 0 in TXI data = 24 or 32bpp uncompressed ============================================================ Features Create cubemaps Create animated textures Automatic compression selection based on trends from the vanilla game High quality DXT1/5 compression engine using custom ported version of AMD/GPUOpen Compressonator Multi-core image compression on systems with 4 or more cores Horizontal/Vertical flip, for those pesky wrongly oriented TGA files Bicubic downsampling for mipmaps (precomputed lower detail versions of the texture, part of the TPC format) Control texture alpha blending setting (part of TPC format), can be loaded from TXI file comments of the form: "# alphablending 0.67" Known Issues Cannot create uncompressed animated textures. Super Fast compressor has a memory leak issue, leading to errors for long conversion queues Using 4:1 and wider size ratios for individual frames of animated textures seem to crash the game. 2:1 is fine, 1:4 is fine, etc. Only for converting from TGA to TPC. For TPC to TGA, use Kotor Tool, xoreos-tools, tpcview, etc. Progress bar doesn't update as often as you might want. The package size is large. This is the cost of easy cross-platform GUI support. All electron applications are large like this. You are likely to have problems trying to read TGAs from folders containing markup entities/encoded characters (like ') ============================================================ Thanks DarthParametric for inciting the creation of this tool, and doing the testing. DrMcCoy and all the contributors to xoreos, whose TPC decoding implementation provided the basis for the TPC library herein. bead-v for moral support.
  13. Hello, I've been fiddling around in Blender, attempting to export a custom model as .mdl and .mdx files for a mod I've been working on. Unfortunately I have no knowledge in using Blender or any other 3D model editor! Could someone please properly rig and export my custom model and texture? Attaching .blend file and texture. Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance! cat.blend
  14. I remember playing KOTOR with Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod and Shem's Robes for Korrbian Sith Students installed and I noticed that one of them reskinned Exar Kun's Light Battle Armor to look black and silver/grey. I tried looking for the related files to reskin the armor, but couldn't find them anywhere. I want to use this reskinned texture, but don't want to install either mod. Is there a way to find the necessary files? If so, could someone make a standalone mod that just reskins Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit?
  15. N-DReW25

    Build a Calo

    Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 22.03.2024 Pre-Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! If you plan on using any of JCarter426's Cloaked Jedi Robe mods, please ensure that his mods are installed before Build a Calo. This mod is divided into two versions, the "Normal Versions" which uses the vanilla Calo Nord model and the "JC's Cloaked Robe Compatible version" which uses JC's Calo Nord hotfix model. If you plan on using the Cloaked Robes, install that mod before Build a Calo and use the "JC's Cloaked Robe Compatible version" of this mod, if you don't plan on using those mods then please use the "normal version" instead. Installation: Simply click on the INSTALL.exe and you'll be given two install options. "Calo Nord Head & Body" will allow you to modify Calo Nord's head & body post-Taris. "Calo Nord Body Only" will only allow you to modify Calo Nord's body post-Taris. This means the head texture you use on Taris will also appear post-Taris. Calo Nord's post-Taris appearance will now use the skin "N_CaloNord02.tga" in the Override and "N_CaloNordH02.tga" if you used "Calo Nord Head & Body". Once you've selected your desired option, click install then sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. If you do nothing after installing this mod, Calo Nord will use SpaceAlex's brown outfit post-Taris from the K1EP. You can install the "N_CaloNord02.tga" texture from the Optional Black Outfit folder to make Calo Nord's post-Taris outfit use Watcher07's black outfit (the same one recommended on the Kotor Mod Build website). You can download other Calo Nord textures & rename them to make them work with Build a Calo. For example, if you download "Quanon's Calo Nord Skin" you can install the "GameLook" option first and this will replace Calo's appearance on Taris. If you open "QSLook" and rename the following files, placing these renamed files in the Override will instead replace Calo's appearance post-Taris: N_CaloNord01.tga -------> N_CaloNord02.tga N_CaloNord01.txi -------> N_CaloNord02.txi N_CaloNordH01.tga -------> N_CaloNordH02.tga N_CaloNordH01.txi -------> N_CaloNordH02.txi This feature is intended to be customizable, instead of using Quanon's "GameLook" for Taris and "QSLook" post-Taris you can have it be reversed, or you could have Emperor Turnip's HD Calo Nord textures. Just remember to have the Taris skins set to 01 with the post-Taris skins set to 02 as shown above. And remember, N_CaloNordH02.tga will ONLY work with the "Calo Nord Head & Body" installation option. Description: Calo Nord is a bounty hunter in Kotor who is iconic for his colorful attire. Throughout the years, mods have sprung up which alter Calo Nord's appearance by changing the overall color scheme of his outfit or by changing his entire style, in the early to late 2000s these modded skins used the default 512x512 resolution whilst newer mods made in the late 2010s & beyond use higher texture resolutions to add more detail to the skins. 2024 is the year which saw the release of N-DReW25's take on the character with his "Build a Calo" mod. Breaking with the tradition of crafting a new skin to add to the collection of other Calo Nord skins which have come & gone, I've instead chosen to craft an elaborate little mod which uses other people's Calo Nord reskins in a way never before seen. The way "Build a Calo" works is that Calo Nord will appear on Taris with one set appearance, whilst after Taris he's wearing a different outfit. If you install this mod & boot up the game, Calo will wear his blue outfit on Taris whilst after Taris he'll wear a new brown outfit from the defunct K1 Enhancement Pack. If you choose to install the "Optional Black Outfit" AFTER installing Build a Calo, you'll have Calo use Watcher07's reskin (the same one from Snigaroo's Kotor Mod Build) after Taris. Now, if you look at the screenshots on the Build a Calo mod page, you'll see that it's possible to install "Quanon's Calo Nord Skin" found on Deadlystream with the "Gamelook" version appearing on Taris whilst the "QsLook" version appearing after Taris. Before Build a Calo, you'd have to pick either "Gamelook" or "QsLook"... it was one or the other, but with Build a Calo you can now have both. With this mod, you "Build" Calo Nord to your liking. Do you want to use both of Quanon's Calo Nord skins at once? Would you rather swap Quanon's Calo Nord skins so "QsLook" appears on Taris whilst "Gamelook" appears after Taris? Do you want to use Watcher07's black reskin on Taris whilst Calo uses the brown K1EP reskin after Taris? Will you install the "Calo Nord Head & Body" version of Build a Calo and use Quanon's skins to change both Calo's outfit & head? Or will you customise Calo Nord even further? Would you rather install "Calo Nord Body Only" version of Build a Calo & use Quanon's "Gamelook" version of Calo Nord's head on both Taris & after whilst his body uses Emperor Turnip's HD Calo Nord outfit texture on Taris and Quanon's "QsLook" texture after Taris? Or will new mods be published after Build a Calo? Maybe some new HD texutres for Calo Nord in the future may also be used alongside Build a Calo, maybe someone could make a "battle damaged" version of Calo Nord which can be used with this mod for his appearance after Taris. The possibilities are endless! Known Bugs: If there are bugs feel free to report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that change Calo Nord's model & character files post-Taris. Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. You are more then welcome to talor your Calo Nord reskins to be used alongside Build a Calo if you wish. Thanks to: SpaceAlex: For releasing his K1 Enhancement Project as a modder's resource & for making the Calo Nord reskin included in said mod! Watcher07: For making the Calo Nord Recolor mod! Quanon: Whilst I did not use your skin in my mod, your Calo Nord reskins inspired me to make this mod in the first place! JCarter426: For creating the Cloaked Robes mod & the hotfix for Calo Nord to make his character model work with the new supermodels of that mod. His hotfix for Calo Nord was included in Build a Calo for the sake of compatibility between our mods! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic and Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 29.01.2022 Installation: Consult this readme's description and the mod screenshots on Deadlystream to select which fix option you'd like to install. Open the folder which contains your fix option and drag or copy the texture/textures within and drop or paste them into your Kotor 1 or 2 Override folder. Recommendation from the mod author: Do NOT install the Caucasian Head option with the Tanned Hands option. Uninstallation: Delete the N_CommKidF01.tga, n_commkidm01.tga and/or N_childFH01.tga files from your Override folder. Description: The Children NPCs in both Kotor games have a few graphical inconsistencies with them, especially the female NPC. The ideal fix for these problems are entirely subjective with multiple solutions for the same problem, this mod is a "pack" of different fixes which will allow you to fix the bugs the way you see fit. The fix options: Bug A: The female child has a tanned head with white hands, thus resulting in mismatched skin. Fix 1: Caucasian Head, thus matching the head with the hands Fix 2: Gloved Children, covering the male and female hands with gloves thus hiding the hands. Fix 3: Tanned Hands, thus matching with the head. Bug B: The female child NPC uses the same hand texture as the male child, thus resulting in the female having masculine hands. Fix 1: Smooth Hands, this fix will smoothen out the hand textures. This option also has sub-options with smoothed Tanned Hands and a male version of the smoothed hands. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify N_CommKidF01.tga, n_commkidm01.tga and/or N_childFH01.tga. This mod is fully compatible with Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Sith Holocron: For his feedback on my early mod screenshots. Bioware: For such an amazing game Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Stoffee: For TSLPatcher Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  17. ndix UR

    HD NPC Portraits

    Version 1.1


    HD NPC Portraits for Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords v1.1 - 20201004 - by ndix UR (DeadlyStream user) This modification adds 30 high resolution (1K) portrait images for NPCs. The 1K portraits have 64x the resolution of the 128x128 originals. The portraits are rendered to match the poses, colors, and lighting of the original images as closely as possible given the following constraints: Only vanilla textures (and my own additional maps based on same) are used While the textures are mostly crap, most of the work was in material setup using a modern rendering engine, so even the vanilla textures still wind up looking much better than they have any right to. This is because of real lights, shading, and materials, of which the original diffuse textures are only a part. I didn't really redo geometry, beyond appropriate use of edge split and subdivision surface modifiers. I did some amount of normalizing the gradients behind the characters. I think Disciple and Mira are the only ones with non-standard background gradients now. This package includes portrait for HK-50 and HK-51 units. They aren't used in any existing mods I'm aware of; I just put them in because they made sense to have. You can remove them if you wish. The Atris portrait is unused in the vanilla game but may be used by playable Atris mods. I only included it because it existed in the vanilla assets. INSTALL / UNINSTALL To install, copy the files from the package Override/ folder to the Override/ folder for your KOTOR game installation. To uninstall, remove the TPC files for this package from your KOTOR game Override/ folder. LEGAL THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY OBSIDIAN, ORLUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. The content of this mod is free for use and reuse, with no implied warranty, you can redistribute it, in original or modified form. If you do, a credit of some kind is nice but not required.
  18. ndix UR

    HD PC Portraits

    Version 1.1


    HD PC Portraits for Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords v1.1 - 20200805 by ndix UR (DeadlyStream user) This modification adds high resolution (1K) portrait images for PCs. All 34 male and female vanilla player characters are provided, with all 3 light-dark variants, for a total of 102 new portraits. The 1K portraits have 64x the resolution of the 128x128 originals. The portraits are rendered to match the poses, colors, facial expressions, and lighting of the original images as closely as possible given the following constraints: Only vanilla textures (and my own additional maps based on same) are used While the textures are mostly crap, most of the work was in material setupusing a modern rendering engine, so even the vanilla textures still wind up looking much better than they have any right to. This is because of real lights, shading, and materials, of which the original diffuse textures are only a part. I didn't really redo geometry, beyond appropriate use of subdivision surface modifiers. See the included images in preview/ for an idea of how the portraits look. INSTALL / UNINSTALL To install, copy the files from the package Override/ folder to the Override/ folder for your TSL game installation. To uninstall, remove the TPC files for this package from your TSL game Override/ folder. LEGAL THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. The content of this mod is free for use and reuse, with no implied warranty, you can redistribute it, in original or modified form. If you do, a credit of some kind is nice but not required.
  19. View File Build a Calo A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 22.03.2024 Pre-Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! If you plan on using any of JCarter426's Cloaked Jedi Robe mods, please ensure that his mods are installed before Build a Calo. This mod is divided into two versions, the "Normal Versions" which uses the vanilla Calo Nord model and the "JC's Cloaked Robe Compatible version" which uses JC's Calo Nord hotfix model. If you plan on using the Cloaked Robes, install that mod before Build a Calo and use the "JC's Cloaked Robe Compatible version" of this mod, if you don't plan on using those mods then please use the "normal version" instead. Installation: Simply click on the INSTALL.exe and you'll be given two install options. "Calo Nord Head & Body" will allow you to modify Calo Nord's head & body post-Taris. "Calo Nord Body Only" will only allow you to modify Calo Nord's body post-Taris. This means the head texture you use on Taris will also appear post-Taris. Calo Nord's post-Taris appearance will now use the skin "N_CaloNord02.tga" in the Override and "N_CaloNordH02.tga" if you used "Calo Nord Head & Body". Once you've selected your desired option, click install then sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. If you do nothing after installing this mod, Calo Nord will use SpaceAlex's brown outfit post-Taris from the K1EP. You can install the "N_CaloNord02.tga" texture from the Optional Black Outfit folder to make Calo Nord's post-Taris outfit use Watcher07's black outfit (the same one recommended on the Kotor Mod Build website). You can download other Calo Nord textures & rename them to make them work with Build a Calo. For example, if you download "Quanon's Calo Nord Skin" you can install the "GameLook" option first and this will replace Calo's appearance on Taris. If you open "QSLook" and rename the following files, placing these renamed files in the Override will instead replace Calo's appearance post-Taris: N_CaloNord01.tga -------> N_CaloNord02.tga N_CaloNord01.txi -------> N_CaloNord02.txi N_CaloNordH01.tga -------> N_CaloNordH02.tga N_CaloNordH01.txi -------> N_CaloNordH02.txi This feature is intended to be customizable, instead of using Quanon's "GameLook" for Taris and "QSLook" post-Taris you can have it be reversed, or you could have Emperor Turnip's HD Calo Nord textures. Just remember to have the Taris skins set to 01 with the post-Taris skins set to 02 as shown above. And remember, N_CaloNordH02.tga will ONLY work with the "Calo Nord Head & Body" installation option. Description: Calo Nord is a bounty hunter in Kotor who is iconic for his colorful attire. Throughout the years, mods have sprung up which alter Calo Nord's appearance by changing the overall color scheme of his outfit or by changing his entire style, in the early to late 2000s these modded skins used the default 512x512 resolution whilst newer mods made in the late 2010s & beyond use higher texture resolutions to add more detail to the skins. 2024 is the year which saw the release of N-DReW25's take on the character with his "Build a Calo" mod. Breaking with the tradition of crafting a new skin to add to the collection of other Calo Nord skins which have come & gone, I've instead chosen to craft an elaborate little mod which uses other people's Calo Nord reskins in a way never before seen. The way "Build a Calo" works is that Calo Nord will appear on Taris with one set appearance, whilst after Taris he's wearing a different outfit. If you install this mod & boot up the game, Calo will wear his blue outfit on Taris whilst after Taris he'll wear a new brown outfit from the defunct K1 Enhancement Pack. If you choose to install the "Optional Black Outfit" AFTER installing Build a Calo, you'll have Calo use Watcher07's reskin (the same one from Snigaroo's Kotor Mod Build) after Taris. Now, if you look at the screenshots on the Build a Calo mod page, you'll see that it's possible to install "Quanon's Calo Nord Skin" found on Deadlystream with the "Gamelook" version appearing on Taris whilst the "QsLook" version appearing after Taris. Before Build a Calo, you'd have to pick either "Gamelook" or "QsLook"... it was one or the other, but with Build a Calo you can now have both. With this mod, you "Build" Calo Nord to your liking. Do you want to use both of Quanon's Calo Nord skins at once? Would you rather swap Quanon's Calo Nord skins so "QsLook" appears on Taris whilst "Gamelook" appears after Taris? Do you want to use Watcher07's black reskin on Taris whilst Calo uses the brown K1EP reskin after Taris? Will you install the "Calo Nord Head & Body" version of Build a Calo and use Quanon's skins to change both Calo's outfit & head? Or will you customise Calo Nord even further? Would you rather install "Calo Nord Body Only" version of Build a Calo & use Quanon's "Gamelook" version of Calo Nord's head on both Taris & after whilst his body uses Emperor Turnip's HD Calo Nord outfit texture on Taris and Quanon's "QsLook" texture after Taris? Or will new mods be published after Build a Calo? Maybe some new HD texutres for Calo Nord in the future may also be used alongside Build a Calo, maybe someone could make a "battle damaged" version of Calo Nord which can be used with this mod for his appearance after Taris. The possibilities are endless! Known Bugs: If there are bugs feel free to report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that change Calo Nord's model & character files post-Taris. Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. You are more then welcome to talor your Calo Nord reskins to be used alongside Build a Calo if you wish. Thanks to: SpaceAlex: For releasing his K1 Enhancement Project as a modder's resource & for making the Calo Nord reskin included in said mod! Watcher07: For making the Calo Nord Recolor mod! Quanon: Whilst I did not use your skin in my mod, your Calo Nord reskins inspired me to make this mod in the first place! JCarter426: For creating the Cloaked Robes mod & the hotfix for Calo Nord to make his character model work with the new supermodels of that mod. His hotfix for Calo Nord was included in Build a Calo for the sake of compatibility between our mods! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 03/21/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    This is a small skin pack I had laying about. It just improves Calo Nord, the bounty hunter. You'll get two variants, in this pack, each has its own folder. The "Gamelook", as the name implies, is Calo in his blue vest outfit and white hat. Second folder, QsLook, is a minor recolor of my own choice. It gives him a tanned darker vest. And black hat. Other details remain just the same. He now has a mustache! I know! It just made sense to me 😄 To install; unpack and then copy the contents to your override folder.
  21. Version 1.1.1


    This mod replaces the vanilla and/or the installed Republic Soldier texture with the new shade-specularity tweaked version. # Background # The way I see it; the vanilla and/or already present Republic Soldier texture lacks some shading and reflection particularly on its trim, so I thought adding ones would somehow enhance its appearance. # About this Mod # Inside this mod are 6 options of new shade and specularity tweaked Republic Soldier texture in TPC format: [Main] New Shade for Male NPC Republic Soldier [Option-1] Vanilla version for JC's "Republic Soldier Fix for K1" - Male and Female * [Option-2] Vanilla Version Model - Female NPC Republic Soldier [Option-3] New Shade for JC's "Republic Soldier Uniform for PC" - Male and Female * [Option-4] Vanilla version for JC's "Republic Soldier Uniform for PC" - Male and Female * [Option-5] New Shade for JC's "Republic Soldier Fix for K1" - Male and Female NPC Republic Soldier * * Option 1, 3, 4 and 5 requires JCarter426/JC's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" to be installed first. # Final Remarks # There's always room for improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: I suggest you to manually removes any TGA/DDS and TXI instances of the relevant files [if there're any] from the 'Override' folder. And then - run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe], and hit the [Install Mod ->] button! Uninstallation: remove the installed files from the 'Override' folder or replaces them with the files stored in the 'Backup' folder [if generated] Compatibility: this option will be compatible with JCarter426's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" as long as this mod was installed after the said mod has. With any mods that is using the same name for the assets and/or potentially overwrite this mod, no compatibility is guaranteed Redistribution: if you want to redistribute the mod - just go with it. Though less likely I will provide supports to any other place than DeadlyStream. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. And then, make sure to credit BioWare & LucasArts with the release - particularly with the inclusion of the assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant work here is also a very warm welcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've played DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs and for all the outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 for "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" release; as without his mod - most of these contents would not have been possible Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor, and especially for making me revisit this mod for an update Salk for the input to include additional before-after screenshots Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool ndix UR for tga2tpc DrMcCoy for xoreos-tools' "xoreostex2tga" stoffe for the magnificent TSLPatcher, and Fair Strides for later improves it Notepad++team for Notepad++ All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site -eb
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Movie Mandalorians - Retextured by Mcfly -------------------- My intention in making these textures was to fuse the concept of the Movie Mandalorians mod, with the original in-game Mandalorian designs. I initially made these just for my own use, but I decided to release them once I finally completed the set. -------------------- Install: -------------------- - These textures require the Movie Mandalorians mod by Deadman. - Copy all .tga files into your KOTOR2/override folder. -------------------- Uninstall: -------------------- - Delete the .tga files from your override folder. - Reinstall Movie Mandalorians mod to restore the original textures -------------------- Special Thanks: -------------------- - Deadman, for creating the original mod. Thank you Deadman! -------------------- Permission: -------------------- - Anyone is welcome to do whatever they like with these. -------------------- Contact: -------------------- If for any reason you want to contact me, you can find me on DeadlyStream and NexusMods. - Mcfly696 @ NexusMods - Mcfly @ DeadlyStream
  23. View File Davik's Noble Vestments Description: As I've explored all the mods which adjust and improve the textures and models for various objects and people in the game, I've noticed that surprisingly little attention has been given to modifying the appearance or look of one NPC in particular: Davik Kang, the crime lord and leader of the Exchange crime syndicate on Taris. While he doesn't have much actual screen time, he is quite important to much of the Taris section of the game. Although the tastes and opinions of people will vary wildly on this, I always felt like his appearance was rather "clunky" as he always seemed to be wearing his armor. Despite the fact that this is understandable, it would seem more fitting for an important crime-lord and de-facto important "noble" of Taris to be dressed rather formal or fancy given how others of his profession and rank are typically dressed. It would not be far-fetched to assume one in his position could wear a robe or formal jacket with body armor underneath for protection while maintaining a more "polished" look on the outside. I've included a custom skin and ported model from Kotor II for Davik's outer vestments, as well as a sharper-textured tpc file for his head that is included in the K2 game files. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Copyright: Anyone is welcome to use my models and textures, just please ask first and be sure to give me credit UPDATE: New version includes texture of his robe without the military medals, as requested Thanks to: Effix, N-DReW25, Thor110, and others for giving me the basics of porting models and assigning textures in the game Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter EAF97 Submitted 10/02/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  24. View File Detran's Darth Revan New HD Textures for Darth Revan Detran's Darth Submitter detran Submitted 08/02/2023 Category Skins  
  25. The jedi robes on dantooine are bugged for me. I have lots of mods installed. Running vanilla fixes the issue, so it's something I've installed. I installed these: Jedi Fix Remastered High Resolution Armors I've deleted all references to "jedi" or "jc" in the override folder though, and the issue is still there. Thanks for any help.