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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this! I was able to use it to create an 'adequate' texture for the model, just need to add some final touches before I release this abomination into the wild. And thank you @Stormie97 for your interjection, while I didn't use your recommendations this time around as both DP shared what I needed and I used photoshop for the skin BUT after the deep frustration I endured during the skinning process I shall take your tips for when I try doing this again in the future.
  2. The name of the model is "n_dansalvagerh". It resembles Jorran and Goto however it certainly isn't just a carbon copy of those heads unfortunately.
  3. So I have a head model for K2, it works flawlessly as a head but it has one major issue... it totally lacks a texture or any form of reference which would make it difficult for me to 'create' a texture for it. I am asking if it would be at all possible for me to somehow create some sort of "UV Map layout" of the head in a similar fashion to the image of Svosh's collar fix mod down below Or perhaps maybe some sort of program where I can load the head into a model viewing program where I may attempt to create a texture from scratch and use this program to 'view' the texture and the model without launching the game thus giving me more time to experiment with the texture? Or am I just delusional in even asking this?
  4. Very VERY impressive! 👍
  5. You're going to need to be more specific with your request, I am unaware of what you mean by 'Specialization for the Force'.
  6. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    Thank you for playing! May you please list *all* of the mods you have installed? This could be a mod conflict.
  7. Ok, so I'm trying to update one of my mods and when the file upload reaches like 5% upload I get an error saying "-200" and after the file is just grey with "Upload Failed" written underneath it.

    Does anyone know what this is?



    1. DarthParametric


      Doing a quick bit of Googling, from IPB's own support forum:

      "The -200 error shows up generally when a PHP error we are unable to capture (such as "out of memory" or "max execution time exceeded") has occurred. PHP ends up exiting and printing out the core PHP error, and the uploader (which is a general open source uploader - we didn't write it) shows the "-200" error as a result."

      This would be one that presumably only @Tyvokka can answer/address.

    2. Tyvokka


      PM'd ya to see whats up.

  8. What Sith Holocron meant was that you needed to create your post in accordance to the structure in the thread SH provided. So you would essentially answer the questions and by answering these questions you give us enough information to properly determine your problem and how to fix it. So far you have failed to list out the mods you've installed, someone like me can tell this is 100% a mod conflict with TSLRCM but without a proper list of mods and with no knowledge of what your disguise item is meant to be no one can properly fix your problem. My guess is that it is Movie Mandalorians? Even though I can guess that you still need to list out *all* of your mods so someone may help you.
  9. Me: *Edits dialogue and tries to save*

    DLGEditor: *Clicking on 'File' somehow doesn't open the menu with 'save' but instead starts deleting the dialogue trees I've written*

    And I thought I'd seen everything in these modding tools...



    1. DarthParametric


      Sounds like something you should consult a priest about.

  10. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    Oh, there may be a one or two lines used in the Extended Enclave mod but it won't cause any problems simply because I reused the audio (At worst, you'll just get a slight sense of ignorable deja vu during said scenes).
  11. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    I think to play PartySwap and EE you need the following patch. As for Legacy I recon that order should work. If you do encounter any problems be sure to report it and I will see what the issue is (Even if you think the installation has nothing to do with the problem).
  12. There's two ambushes in the game which are on Kashyyyk and Tatooine, that being said though this mod doesn't technically alter the ambushes in any way. It modifies the appearances of the generic Dark Jedi NPCs. If you had my Restored Female Dark Jedi mod installed that means that the two male Dark Jedi will be Proper Sith Assassins but the female won't. Any place or mod with the generic Dark Jedi NPC will be affected, this could include the following: Leviathan, Star Forge, Manaan Sith Base, Darth Bandon encounters, Brotherhood of Shadow mod, Yavin 4 planet mod, Ord Mantell planet mod and more.
  13. Side effects of a Death Stick laced with Kessel Spice may include: * Loss of apatite * Sleepiness * Double irises * Lack of energy
  14. The main dev, Zbyl2, thought that most of the cut lines sounded like they were obviously spliced such as Kreia's line "Droids gather while we wait here" for example hence is why they're cut. So yes, this was intentional.
  15. That is good to hear. While HQ Quality Equipment for Bandon aren't on the list right now I assure you that Darth Bandon and his buddies will get a very good HQ NPC Overhaul. You said he didn't spawn in the module, right? Can you tell me what module this was? Because I did a test playthrough on Manaan and he did spawn in.
  16. Strange, can you check your override and check if the file "end_trask01.dlg" exists or any other files with "trask" in it. Also, what mods are you using? It might be a mod conflict. That is good to know 👍
  17. Would anyone be willing to beta test a small content mod for Kotor 2? Reply to this status if you are!


    It's fairly straight forward and as long as you have a savegame (preferably a male save, Ican provide a female save but it'll help if u have a male one) it shouldn't cause too much strain on the average player.

  18. This is a stunt module, in theory the NPCs don't technically have to 'die' because you only see the scene once, they only need to appear dead for the duration of the scene once they supposedly 'die'. But because the NPC who has the dialogue attached to them doesn't die I guess the NPCs who do need to die can die either way. The way they die is a lot more exactly like what happens with the Kreia scene, the screen turns black and the NPCs just drop dead suggesting Kreia did something to them. I checked the source script for that scene and this appears to be the script which does the trick: I tried searching for some vanilla scripts where an NPC 'dies' during a cutscene, I checked the Squik scene on Nar Shaddaa and Coran Falt's death scripts but they led me no where so I ended up coming up with this down below: (It compiles just fine but in-game it appears to have no effect, I did mash this up from a script which the 'effect' was a stealth effect so maybe that's the reason this flopped)
  19. This will be a single thread asking two separate questions. The first question, can anyone be able to identify the scripts which gives the player Force Enlightenment or Force Crush depending if they completed the Enclave either Light Side or Dark Side? The second question, I am working on a cut-scene which involves multiple "generic goon" NPCs being "killed" by another NPC in the cutscene, in my attempt to find the script I am 98% sure that "EffectDeath" is the key here. The best example of what I am referring to is that one scene where Darth Traya "kills" a bunch of Sith Assassins off screen as seen here. Would anyone be able to assist?
  20. Thank you! This is but a taste of the Dark Side 😈 At lot was different from the final version, I'll give one example: There's a lot of 'one liners' which suggests something totally radical. In vanilla the Handmaiden/s all run into the Enclave and Kreia says "It is done - he is no more." and "Take me to Atris. She will have the strength to do what the Council cannot." Whereas there is a line which suggests that Visas would run into the Enclave instead and Kreia says "It is done - he is no more." and "Take me to your lord. He will have the strength to do what the Council cannot. " This kinda suggests that Kreia would've gone directly to Darth Nihilus instead of Atris after the Enclave, maybe Kreia got eaten by Nihilus and Atris became Darth Traya like in the cut content or maybe Kreia was allowed to go with the party to the Dxun tomb becauses she has unheard lines for the tomb and because she goes to the tomb she never revives Tobin so she herself needs to go to Nihilus and tell him herself about the Telos Academy. Because we only have that one line, we'll never know. I wouldn't say additional content, there is a few bits and bobs for Onderon but their just single lines not really adding much to the overall plot. I can assure you though you'll get a chance to hear these lines in future Mini Mod updates. Here are some quotes from the game: Bostuco: "That means they control the checkpoints now. If we can get to the Turret Tower up ahead we can deactivate the first barrier." Bao Dur if he's there: "The force shields won't present a problem. I can get us through them." Bostuco: "You can? That will save us precious minutes." This suggests that Bostuco wants to get to the turret tower NOT to fire the turret but to use the terminal to deactivate the force field. Obviously with Bao Dur in the party you can just bypass it. Bostuco: "Have they changed the access codes in the Turret Tower? We need to get through the force shields." Royalist: "I don't think they've had time, sir. They've been firing the turret non-stop. Vaklu is close to having air superiority now." This suggests that by blowing up Vaklu's fighter it gives the royalists an air advantage, this doesn't mean much gameplay wise because the survival of both the queen and Vaklu are what's important, not air superiority. This is why Bostuco wants to get to the palace as fast as possible to stop Vaklu from killing the queen. Bostuco: "The second forceshield is up ahead. It looks like its been damaged by orbital bombardment." Bostuco: "You might be able to bash your way through it with your lightsaber." I haven't played Kotor 2 in a while but I swear the first force field can be bashed with a Lightsaber or even a plasma torch. I hope that answers your question, the turret game is meant to be totally optional and is probably intended to give experience only as it has no real affect on the outcome of a battle.
  21. Here is a piece of cut content which wasn't restored in TSLRCM plus some minor cosmetics: The spoiler contains a preview video, screenshots and relevant information on the content and installation. I would like to thank @134340Goat for bringing the restored scene content to my attention and @JCarter426for contributing some of the LIP files for said scene. Coming very soon!
  22. Me: *Loads Kotor Tool*


    *Kotor Tool's script compiling feature suddenly works*




    *But now I can't edit any uti files*




    1. Mellowtron11


      KOTOR tool in a nutshell....

  23. All my efforts to decompile vanilla scripts and even scripts from other people's mods for TSL have all been in-vein. They'd decompile using DeNCS but when I opened them in Kotor Tool text editor and tried to compile it for TSL, even when I didn't even touch the decompiled code, it would always have some form of error preventing me from doing such. The point of me decompiling the scripts was for me to attempt to view the code, see how it works and use it in my own mods but that's seemingly not an option at this time so I've decided to create this thread asking what I would need to do in order to create these scripts for TSL. 1) Dialogue Cutscenes This I imagine should be fairly basic, what I want to create is a cutscene where NPCs walk from where they are standing to a given set of coordinates. From what I can make out from the scripts I've decompiled, their seems to be two ways for this to work, its either a script which makes an NPC walk to the coordinates or a script which makes the NPC walk to a waypoint which would be placed at my coordinates in the git file. 2) Terminal dialogue to normal dialogue If you remember on Telos during your house arrest when you'd access a wall terminal, click the option "accept call" and it'd start a normal conversation separate from the wall terminal. From what I can see from the script which does this all I'd need to do is to put either the tag of the NPC speaking or the name of the dialogue into the correct places in the script to work. 3) Opening doors with a script Through dialogue, I want to create the effect that an NPC is using a security animation to unlock a locked door. Before the convo starts, the door shall be locked and cannot be opened except through this cutscene and shall remain open after the cutscenes end. The script I'd want is one which would turn a door from locked to unlocked and open during said conversation. If anyone would be able to share their scripts for any of these and/or dip their 2 cents into this topic it would be greatly appreciated
  24. Thank you both, through this thread I was reminded by how Fallen Guardian actually edited Darth333's K1 Utilities to properly find the "quaternions" that the Kotor orientations use. In the end, I believe I have found something which can help me with my issue and I can now work on getting those static cameras.
  25. Hello, I am attempting to create "animated cutscenes" (By animated I do mean custom static cameras and moving NPCs) though I am having a problem doing such. I am currently using the mod "Handy Force Powers" which pretty much adds in the functions of the Whereami armband mod as a Force Power, so to set the coordinates first I am placing the NPCs and the coordinates into the git to ensure that they work first. While I can get the coordinates correct to actually place my NPCs I cannot seem to get the correct orientations so that they face the direction I want them to. A very similar problem occurs with Static Cameras, while I can put them where I want them I cannot get them to point in the right direct. Would anyone know of any better coordinate mods or tips on how I can get accurate coordinates in TSL?