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Found 62 results

  1. Version 2.0


    This was inspired by a mod I saw way back when on Filefront that gave the Exile a custom gray Jedi Robe. All it was however, was just a thing to soak up blaster bolts. I am here to give my own take on this robe, and what perfect time than after Kain released his Character Robes mod. This mod has a custom description along with the feat to make it for the PC only, utilizing that War Veteran feat. I have included a custom icon, and it is found in Daraala's store. The PC has unique dialogue for the first time on meeting Daraala. I may fix some grammar issues if I get enough requests. "Well Squall, what if we're past the first meeting with Daraala?" Well, use the save game editor (the working one FS has released) or type in sl_exile to get the robe ingame. This acts as a teaser to my up in coming robe expansion pack with many other choices to come. Stay tuned. Required Mod is Deadman's Movie robe pack, and my Movie Robes pack. I will make a version for the original set of robes if I get enough requests. Installation: Copy all files to Override in the Kotor II Directory Bugs: None reported for now, if something comes up let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
  2. I have a tendency to collect Lightsabers, both in real life from SaberForge and Ultrasabers, and in my Kotor 2 (and sometimes 1) override folder. I have pretty much all of Jorn's hilts, Holowan designs, etc., but I really love the standalone hilt mods out there like the Valorous Knight's Lightsaber or the Kyle Katarn hilt. So would anyone be willing to drop any Saber Hilt mods in this thread that I might be able to add to my Override for either game? Really it can be anything, so long as it's something you made that you don't mind someone else using in their game. Thank you!
  3. Hey there, so my basic premise is I don't like how in KotOR 1 you feel punished for levelling up your starting class on Taris so loads of people struggle through the planet at level 2 - ruining natural progression of the early game but making endgame build more powerful owing to the extra force powers/points. I've seen two mods that try to address this which I feel have their own flaws; one is Balance in the Force (BitF) - which comes with a bunch of other gameplay changes that aren't for everyone, and the other just makes it so the first level of any Jedi class allows the player to choose a greater number of force powers straight off the bat - which I feel also negatively impacts the feeling of character progression due the the instant power increase (even if there was a lite version of BitF solely addressing this, I believe that there is a similar issue). So the basic problem imo is people want more force powers, generally you'd leave Taris with enough XP to be level 8, therefore by staying at level 2, you would gain at least 6 extra powers (8 if consular). My suggestion is: based on the jedi class the player chooses a mod would find a lore/gameplay friendly way to give players those powers gradually. I think guardians should get their 6 they are entitled too, sentinels should get one more (so 7) helping buff the underpowered class while being lore friendly, and consulars get their 8. Suggestions on this are more than welcome but as a starting point, I think there are a few sensible changes that would compliment the 'vanilla' experience. 1) When adopting an advanced class, the first level of each should give one of the 3 main buffs for free alongside the standard 2 powers the player can choose. e.g. Guardian would get the first level of Valor (feel like that makes sense as they specialise in combat extra attributes and saving throws is v nice and lore friendly), Sentinels would get the first level of Speed (often perceived as the most powerful buff so helps the Sentinel out a bit as its the weakest Jedi class, plus their precursor class scout is given flurry/rapid shot so that also makes sense to me), and Consulars would get Aura (left over and lore firendly as the idea is they are defending themselves with the force instead of enhanced skills/speed). 2) All Jedi classes also get given the first level of force push immediately. We see the PC using telekenesis in the training montage so works well towards the overall goal as well as being very lore friendly. 3) Sentinels should get given Affect Mind in addition to the above as they are often seen as the skill based build and its the power that's linked to persuade. 4) Consulars should also get Cure (the first level of heal) immediately given they are supposed to be the masters of the force and would likely focus on this kind of thing. To my mind this is v lore friendly while also maintaining the consulars superiority in terms of having an extra given power. At this point we have given the Guardian 2 and Sentinel/Consular 3 additional powers, much less jarring than just getting to choose all the extra powers striaght off the bat. From here, we could easily go the way of letting the player to choose all the remaining powers they get from here on out as they level, ie at Guardian level 3 the player can choose 2 powers instead of the vanilla 1 etc, spreading the additonal powers they are owed throught the levelling path. I suggest that Guardians should get to choose 2 powers (instead of 1) every 4 levels of the class, Sentinels should get to chose 2 powers every 3 levels, and Consulars every 2. Meaning that, assuming the PC is going for a normal 8/12 split, a Guardian would get given 2 extra powers and can choose an additional extra 3 over vanilla, a Sentinel would get given 3 and can choose as additional 4, and a Consular gets 3 as well as an additonal 6. Genuinly keen to hear everyone's thoughts on this as I think that this is a rather elegant solution to the saving levels problem that plagues the vanilla KotOR experience.
  4. Version 1.0


    Vrook and Zhar fix A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 14.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: In Kotor you go to Dantooine and meet Master Vrook, Master Zhar, Master Vandar and Master Dorak four Jedi Council members who are in charge of the Jedi Enclave of Dantooine they seem to be Okay until you watch the Revelation cutscene on the Levithian were you clearly see Zhar wearing red and Vrook wearing blue where in the original game Zhar wore blue and Vrook wore red. This Always bothered me so Because I couldn't fix the cutscene itself I decided to give Zhar and Vrook there appropriate robes Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "dan13_vrook" or "dan13_zhar" though the only mod that edits that is the k1 enchantment pack Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Shape Your Padawans allows you to take full control over your Force-sensitive companions' Jedi training in KOTOR 2. Unlike the original game, where each companion's Jedi class is pre-determined, this mod grants you the power to choose their path. Normally, Padawans select their own path, but these are unusual times, and as their mentor, you can guide them to become a Jedi Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. With this mod, your companions are truly your Padawans, and their destiny lies in your hands. Key Features: Choose the Jedi class for each Force-sensitive companion as they become your Padawans. Tailor their growth to complement your party's needs, roleplay your vision of their Jedi path, or just experiment with different builds. See which Jedi class each companion would have originally become before making your choice. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 08/20/04 V1.0 Mod: Make Mission a Jedi Mod ============================================================================ This mod allows Mission Vao to become a Jedi, through her cousin Ariajj Vao, she trains her on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Mission Vao to have, as well as giving you some Jedi Robes for her and Her Lightsaber(s). This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. Incompatibilities: ----------------------------- Any mod that has "dan14_jon.dlg" will not be compatible. That dlg file has the spawn script for the jedi who trains Mission. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when the Settler Jon accosts you about the Mandalorian Raiders, Ariajj Vao a Female Twilek Jedi is nearby John, Talk with Her and see! (If you don't have Mission with you she won't have much to say, until you add Mission in!) Follow the Dialogue and you can get Mission Vao a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing. Warning: There is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Ariajj Vao, Mission is going to become a Jedi. Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Contact ------------------------------------------------- Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Make Mission A Jedi Mod Released' thread, here; And lastly, Enjoy!
  7. View File AxC's Shape Your Padawans Shape Your Padawans allows you to take full control over your Force-sensitive companions' Jedi training in KOTOR 2. Unlike the original game, where each companion's Jedi class is pre-determined, this mod grants you the power to choose their path. Normally, Padawans select their own path, but these are unusual times, and as their mentor, you can guide them to become a Jedi Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. With this mod, your companions are truly your Padawans, and their destiny lies in your hands. Key Features: Choose the Jedi class for each Force-sensitive companion as they become your Padawans. Tailor their growth to complement your party's needs, roleplay your vision of their Jedi path, or just experiment with different builds. See which Jedi class each companion would have originally become before making your choice. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar Submitter AxConsortium Submitted 10/10/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  8. Version V1.01


    This mod provides darkside players with a means of training Hanharr as a dark jedi guardian, it branches off of the part where you "break" him. it also includes a new skin, portrait, and if it works correctly, when you train him his appearance should change. The read me says it requires TSLRCM 1.8.1 but anything newer should work too.
  9. Version 4.0.0


    Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game. Description Upon starting the game, instead of Trask waking the player, you will be presented with new dialogue options to potentially select a Jedi Class. You may choose to remain as your base class, and become a Jedi on Dantooine as normal, if you wish. If you choose to become a Jedi, you will immediately level up, and be able to acquire your new feats and powers. Starting equipment has been adjusted, and will be generated after this level up, allowing your new feats and skills to be accounted for. Jedi characters are given a crystal in their footlocker, and can build a Lightsaber at the workbench. They choose its style and color there. You then proceed through the Endar Spire sequence as normal, albeit without Trask. Out of character tutorial messages have all been removed. Jedi characters will have a new Lightsaber duel, and recieve additional items. Early dialogues with party members and NPC's have been adjusted to accurately reflect whether the player is a Jedi or not. Additional Force Persuade checks have been added to many of the characters found throughout Taris. A new path to purchase T3-M4 before completing the Swoop Race, through a Force Persuade check, has been added. This is available to non-Jedi through Persuade as well. Upon arriving on Dantooine, the opening dialogue with the council is altered slightly. The inital training sections, from the Jedi Code to Lightsaber construction is removed, and the player is immediately tasked to Cleanse the Tainted Grove. After this point the game proceeds as normal, without major alterations. If the player chooses not to become a Jedi at the start of the game, then very little changes, besides the removal of Trask and tutorial messages. On Dantooine, a non-Jedi player will be able to construct a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber, and choose the color of their lightsaber freely. They will also be given an Apprentice robe after constructing a Lightsaber. Install/Uninstall Run the installer.exe file. If you are on Linux or Mac, appropriate HoloPatcher installers can be found on DeadlyStream. If updating from a version from before v4.0.0, you must reinstall your game to properly uninstall the mod. You cannot install this mod on top of an old version. You must start a new game after updating to this version. The mod has been substantially reworked. There is a version setup for a manual installation. This version cannot be used with most other mods. It is not recommended. You cannot use this with the Community Patch. Your game will break See the docs folder for more information. Compatibility Most mods should be compatible, unless they make major edits to the Endar Spire, Taris NPC dialogue, or Dantooine Jedi Training. Fully compatible with KotOR 1 Community Patch. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack. Do not install the "tar02_janice021.dlg" or "tar09_recept091.dlg" files from Persuade Fixes. They will remove my Force Persuade checks, and Jedi from the Start includes equivalent changes. Fully compatible with Restored Content for K1CP. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment. Fully compatible with JC's Jedi Tailor. Fully compatible with Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit. SWToR Style Training Sabers will overwrite my changes to the Dantooine Lightsaber Training, but should not cause any issues. Not compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration. This mod is increasingly outdated. Use Restored Content for K1CP instead. Not compatible with Tutorial Remover. This mod includes its functionality. Not compatible with Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials. Not compatible with Recruit T3-M4 Early. This mod includes equivalent functionality. Not compatible with JC's Robe Adjustment. This mod includes most of its functionality. Recommended Mods KotOR 1 Community Patch is strongly recommended. JC's Jedi Tailor is highly recommended. Thanks to JC for letting me include most of his Robe Adjustment mod. JC's Extra Saber Colors is highly recommended. You will be able to choose additional lightsaber color options when you create a character with this mod installed. Consular Sentinel Class Skill Swap (or KotOR 1 Community Patch which includes it) is recommended if you want the Sentinel class to be somewhat meaningful. Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials is recommended if you want a vanilla friendly tutorial remover instead. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements Talchia and Achilles for the original Padawan mods that inspired this one. KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus DLGEditor – tk102 K-GFF – tk102 TSL Patcher – stoffe KotOR Scripting Tool - Blue Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher – Cortisol & th3w1zard1 Credits DarthParametric - Scripts from KOTOR 1 Community Patch JCarter426 - JC's Robe Adjustment Mirrors Nexus ModPub Other Links Nexus ModPub Deadlystream YouTube Twitch Discord Twitter Jedi from the Start by darthbdaman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
  10. Version 1.2


    Light Side Ending Masters A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2 Release Date: 30.07.2024 Installation: Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: During the Light Side ending of K1, there is an A New Hope style medal ceremony with your player character and party members with Admiral Dodonna, Master Vander and three Jedi in attendance. Who are these three Jedi? No one knows, in the vanilla game they are simply generic NPCs who serve no purpose whatsoever. This mod replaces those three Jedi from generic NPCs to Masters Vrook, Zhar and Dorak. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is report them on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: This mod shouldn't be incompatible with anything but if there is report them on Deadlystream. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  11. View File Jedi From The Start Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game. Description Upon starting the game, instead of Trask waking the player, you will be presented with new dialogue options to potentially select a Jedi Class. You may choose to remain as your base class, and become a Jedi on Dantooine as normal, if you wish. If you choose to become a Jedi, you will immediately level up, and be able to acquire your new feats and powers. Starting equipment has been adjusted, and will be generated after this level up, allowing your new feats and skills to be accounted for. Jedi characters are given a crystal in their footlocker, and can build a Lightsaber at the workbench. They choose its style and color there. You then proceed through the Endar Spire sequence as normal, albeit without Trask. Out of character tutorial messages have all been removed. Jedi characters will have a new Lightsaber duel, and recieve additional items. Early dialogues with party members and NPC's have been adjusted to accurately reflect whether the player is a Jedi or not. Additional Force Persuade checks have been added to many of the characters found throughout Taris. A new path to purchase T3-M4 before completing the Swoop Race, through a Force Persuade check, has been added. This is available to non-Jedi through Persuade as well. Upon arriving on Dantooine, the opening dialogue with the council is altered slightly. The inital training sections, from the Jedi Code to Lightsaber construction is removed, and the player is immediately tasked to Cleanse the Tainted Grove. After this point the game proceeds as normal, without major alterations. If the player chooses not to become a Jedi at the start of the game, then very little changes, besides the removal of Trask and tutorial messages. On Dantooine, a non-Jedi player will be able to construct a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber, and choose the color of their lightsaber freely. They will also be given an Apprentice robe after constructing a Lightsaber. Install/Uninstall Run the installer.exe file. If you are on Linux or Mac, appropriate HoloPatcher installers can be found on DeadlyStream. If updating from a version from before v4.0.0, you must reinstall your game to properly uninstall the mod. You cannot install this mod on top of an old version. You must start a new game after updating to this version. The mod has been substantially reworked. There is a version setup for a manual installation. This version cannot be used with most other mods. It is not recommended. You cannot use this with the Community Patch. Your game will break See the docs folder for more information. Compatibility Most mods should be compatible, unless they make major edits to the Endar Spire, Taris NPC dialogue, or Dantooine Jedi Training. Fully compatible with KotOR 1 Community Patch. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack. Do not install the "tar02_janice021.dlg" or "tar09_recept091.dlg" files from Persuade Fixes. They will remove my Force Persuade checks, and Jedi from the Start includes equivalent changes. Fully compatible with Restored Content for K1CP. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment. Fully compatible with JC's Jedi Tailor. Fully compatible with Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit. SWToR Style Training Sabers will overwrite my changes to the Dantooine Lightsaber Training, but should not cause any issues. Not compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration. This mod is increasingly outdated. Use Restored Content for K1CP instead. Not compatible with Tutorial Remover. This mod includes its functionality. Not compatible with Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials. Not compatible with Recruit T3-M4 Early. This mod includes equivalent functionality. Not compatible with JC's Robe Adjustment. This mod includes most of its functionality. Recommended Mods KotOR 1 Community Patch is strongly recommended. JC's Jedi Tailor is highly recommended. Thanks to JC for letting me include most of his Robe Adjustment mod. JC's Extra Saber Colors is highly recommended. You will be able to choose additional lightsaber color options when you create a character with this mod installed. Consular Sentinel Class Skill Swap (or KotOR 1 Community Patch which includes it) is recommended if you want the Sentinel class to be somewhat meaningful. Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials is recommended if you want a vanilla friendly tutorial remover instead. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements Talchia and Achilles for the original Padawan mods that inspired this one. KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus DLGEditor – tk102 K-GFF – tk102 TSL Patcher – stoffe KotOR Scripting Tool - Blue Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher – Cortisol & th3w1zard1 Credits DarthParametric - Scripts from KOTOR 1 Community Patch JCarter426 - JC's Robe Adjustment Mirrors Nexus ModPub Other Links Nexus ModPub Deadlystream YouTube Twitch Discord Twitter Jedi from the Start by darthbdaman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 Submitter darthbdaman Submitted 06/19/2012 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    --------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic --------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Extra Robes for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This mod requires JCarter426's mod "JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1". It adds 9 robes with unique textures, most based on my KotOR 2 versions. Textures with and without gloves are included, which ones get used depends on which install option you picked when installing JC's mod. A merchant by the name of "Effix" gets added to Tatooine's Docking Bay area, he sells all the robes. ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Run the file "TSLPatcher - Install Effixian's Extra Robes for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes.exe". ---------- BUGS ---------- None known. Please let me know if you find any. -------------------------- UNINSTALLING -------------------------- Remove from the Override folder: effix.dlg, effix.utc, effixstore.utm, g_a_jedirobe80.uti, g_a_jedirobe81.uti, g_a_jedirobe82.uti, g_a_jedirobe83.uti, g_a_jedirobe88.uti, g_a_jedirobe89.uti, g_a_jedirobe90.uti, g_a_jedirobe91.uti, g_a_jedirobe92.uti, ia_JediRobe_080.tga, ia_JediRobe_081.tga, ia_JediRobe_082.tga, ia_JediRobe_083.tga, ia_JediRobe_088.tga, ia_JediRobe_089.tga, ia_JediRobe_090.tga, ia_JediRobe_091.tga, ia_JediRobe_092.tga, k_ptat17ab_enter.ncs, n_effixh.mdl, n_effixh.mdx, N_EffixH.tga, n_gtmtwlek_coms1.lip, n_gtmtwlek_coms2.lip, n_gtmtwlek_grts.lip, n_gtmtwlek_ques.lip, old_k_ptat17ab_enter.ncs, PFBI01.txi, PFBI80.tga, PFBI81.tga, PFBI82.tga, PFBI83.tga, PFBI88.tga, PFBI89.tga, PFBI90.tga, PFBI91.tga, PFBI92.tga, PFBIA80.tga, PFBIA81.tga, PFBIA82.tga, PFBIA83.tga, PFBIA88.tga, PFBIA89.tga, PFBIA90.tga, PFBIA91.tga, PFBIA92.tga, PFBIB80.tga, PFBIB81.tga, PFBIB82.tga, PFBIB83.tga, PFBIB88.tga, PFBIB89.tga, PFBIB90.tga, PFBIB91.tga, PFBIB92.tga, PFBIBa80.tga, PFBIBa81.tga, PFBIBa82.tga, PFBIBa83.tga, PFBIBa88.tga, PFBIBa89.tga, PFBIBa90.tga, PFBIBa91.tga, PFBIBa92.tga, PFBIC80.tga, PFBIC81.tga, PFBIC82.tga, PFBIC83.tga, PFBIC88.tga, PFBIC89.tga, PFBIC90.tga, PFBIC91.tga, PFBIC92.tga, PFBIJu80.tga, PFBIJu81.tga, PFBIJu82.tga, PFBIJu83.tga, PFBIJu88.tga, PFBIJu89.tga, PFBIJu90.tga, PFBIJu91.tga, PFBIJu92.tga, PMBI01.txi, PMBI80.tga, PMBI81.tga, PMBI82.tga, PMBI83.tga, PMBI88.tga, PMBI89.tga, PMBI90.tga, PMBI91.tga, PMBI92.tga, PMBIA80.tga, PMBIA81.tga, PMBIA82.tga, PMBIA83.tga, PMBIA88.tga, PMBIA89.tga, PMBIA90.tga, PMBIA91.tga, PMBIA92.tga, PMBIB80.tga, PMBIB81.tga, PMBIB82.tga, PMBIB83.tga, PMBIB88.tga, PMBIB89.tga, PMBIB90.tga, PMBIB91.tga, PMBIB92.tga, PMBIC80.tga, PMBIC81.tga, PMBIC82.tga, PMBIC83.tga, PMBIC88.tga, PMBIC89.tga, PMBIC90.tga, PMBIC91.tga, PMBIC92.tga, PMBIZh80.tga, PMBIZh81.tga, PMBIZh82.tga, PMBIZh83.tga, PMBIZh88.tga, PMBIZh89.tga, PMBIZh90.tga, PMBIZh91.tga, PMBIZh92.tga, start_effixstore.ncs --------------------- ITEM CODES --------------------- g_a_jedirobe80 Jedi Lorekeeper's Robe g_a_jedirobe81 Sith Lorekeeper's Robe g_a_jedirobe82 Jedi Archivist's Robes g_a_jedirobe83 Sith Inquisitor's Robes g_a_jedirobe88 Prototype Warrior Breastplate g_a_jedirobe89 Prototype Knight Breastplate g_a_jedirobe90 Electromesh Robe g_a_jedirobe91 Red Electromesh Robe g_a_jedirobe92 Dune Sea Robe ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JCarter426 for making the "JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1" mod - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  13. Version v1.1


    ------------------- Kill Belaya v1.1 ------------------- Author TheRealDarthRevan Updated at 12:47 on Friday the 14th of July 2017 ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- You know how when you kill Juhani as a dark jedi on Dantooine and when you arrive back at the Jedi Enclave you are confronted by Juhani's 'friend' Belaya, she says she wants to kill you. Now you can kill Belaya BEFORE Korriban and get some custom loot. This mod is in it's early stages, there will be more content to come. ------------- INSTALLATION ------------- Just run the TSL patcher and you're set. If TSL Patcher somehow does not work for you copy the contents of the TSL Patcher folder(excluding info and changes)into your Override folder. -------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------- This mod is fully K1R compatible and should be compatible with any mod unless it edits 'dan13_belaya' dialog and charactor utc. If there is a specific mod it is incompatible with PM me and I will work to get it compatible. ----- BUGS ----- None that I know of, this is a simple mod so there shouldn't be any bugs, but if you do find some PM me and i'll try to fix it. ------- THANKS ------- Thank you to Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool Bioware for making an AMAZING Star Wars game The Deadly Stream community and all those tutorials. -------- LEGAL -------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  14. jc2

    Train The Disciple

    Version 1.0.0


    Train the Disciple By jc2 Atton can be trained to use the force forms and lightsaber techniques that the PC learns on his/her journey, however, the Disciple cannot. At a loss for why this would not be, jc2 has undertaken an effort to rebalance this issue. Keeping in mind the sister mod, Train the Handmaiden, which set out in 2017, nearly 2 years prior to address the same issue for the Handmaiden, jc2 has come full circle. Therefore, it is the entire effort of this mod to allow the PC to train the Disciple in all 7 of the lightsaber forms, four force forms, and three force techniques. Lightsaber techniques: Ataru Form -Juyo Form - Shii Cho Form - Soresu Form - Makashi Form - Niman Form - Shien Form Force forms: Force Potency Form- Force Mastery Form -Force Focus Form - Force Affinity Force techniques: Breath Control - Beast Trick -- Force Sight The PC must have learned these techniques in order to train the Disciple on them. Incompatibilities: None so far. Compatible with Party Swap & any mod that edits disciple.dlg, because Train the Disciple does not edit disciple.dlg in any way. Files used: jc2_coms.uti, deadmerc_cont.utp (Dantooine corpses within Enclave next to Statue), jc2_disciple.dlg, spells.2da & globalcat.2da (correctly patched with tslpatcher). Installation: Run Tslpatcher See Readme for further details and information, before installing. Credits: Sith Holocron for VO splicing Deadlystream for hosting & Tyvokka for hosting deadlystream! ZYBL2 for quick explanation of lips files stoffe for the tslpatcher Jesus the Christ Feedback is always appreciated, regardless of its nature. I hope you enjoy!
  15. jc2

    Train The Handmaiden

    Version 2.0


    One of the great things about TSLRCM is that the Exile can teach the party all of the forms that they learn from the Jedi masters. You could teach Atton, Mira, Visas, Bao-Dur, and Disciple all the forms and techniques you learn… wait, shouldn’t Handmaiden be on the list? She ought to be in the first place when she becomes a Jedi! However, there wasn’t any scripting or VO available for the Handmaiden to be trained in the games files nor was there ever an alternate solution. Well, after some script writing and some VO splicing by jc2, you can now teach Handmaiden all the forms just like you could for your other companions! This mod can be installed easily at any time during your playthrough and will take effect when Handmaiden becomes a Jedi. Enjoy!- Mellowtron11 Installation: Run tslpatcher **NOTE** PartySwap by DarthTyren is compatible & Leilukin's Handmaiden Fem Romance & are any other mods that edit handmaiden.dlg Compatible with TSLRCM Incompatible with anything that edits "262bdcg.dlg" see readme for workaround if necessary. If you receive these 2 errors, nothing is wrong. And the installer will continue to patch these 2das as needed. These two errors simply mean that the installer does not need to place these two files in the override folder because they are already there, and will continue patching them correctly. This was put in place in th e unlikely event that your override did not have these two files already within. • Warning: A file named globalcat.2da already exists in the override folder. Skipping file... • Warning: A file named spells.2da already exists in the override folder. Skipping file... See readme for details on how to use. Any feedback, regardless of its nature, is appreciated!
  16. Version 1.0


    I looked over my Gray Jedi Robe mod and noticed you don't get it for a while in the game, so I decided to make a mod that gives the Exile some clothes to match the robe (before you get the robe itself). These do have stat upgrades so that way you can power on through Telos. They are found on the Harbinger when you get to your quarters. Installation: Drag files to Override Please make a backup of your Kreia.dlg file, as this does contain the script to fire when you enter the Harbinger. Bugs: None known, PM with any and I will see what I can do.
  17. 4,516 downloads

    Thank you to all who have taken the time to view my content. I give permission to use my mods in any future projects with the appropriate credit. This mod was built and tested using TSLRCM 1.8.3, M4-78 EP 1.1, DeadMan's Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes 1.5 Mod, and LiliArch's Savegame Pack LSMGWE 1.0. Changes This mod will remove the Force Alignment Restriction from Aleema Keto's Robe, Arca Jeth's Robe, Crado's Robe, Jolee's Robe, Natth Cowling, Sylvar's Robe, Thon's Robe, and Darth Malak's Armor.
  18. After using InSidious' most excellent Lightsaber and Force Forms and seeing a K2 exclusive mechanic inserted (nearly) seamlessly into K1, I started thinking: is it possible to add the Prestige classes into the first game?. I know the smaller amount of level ups would not make them as worth wild, but, could it be done?
  19. View File Emo Atris I thought of this idea sometime ago at midnight and decided to make it. It just turns Atris Emo and gives her Black Robes. Installation: Unzip "Emo Atris" Copy the files inside of the "Emo Atris" Folder into the Override folder in TSL's files Compatibilities: Is Compatible with TSLRCM Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool GIMP Obsidian for making Kotor 2 Do not claim these files as your own or re-upload them somewhere else. Submitter Lewok2007 Submitted 01/15/2023 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  20. Lewok2007

    Emo Atris

    Version 1.0.0


    I thought of this idea sometime ago at midnight and decided to make it. It just turns Atris Emo and gives her Black Robes. Installation: Unzip "Emo Atris" Copy the files inside of the "Emo Atris" Folder into the Override folder in TSL's files Compatibilities: Is Compatible with TSLRCM Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool GIMP Obsidian for making Kotor 2 Do not claim these files as your own or re-upload them somewhere else.
  21. View File Effixian's Extra Robes for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes --------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic --------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Extra Robes for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This mod requires JCarter426's mod "JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1". It adds 9 robes with unique textures, most based on my KotOR 2 versions. Textures with and without gloves are included, which ones get used depends on which install option you picked when installing JC's mod. A merchant by the name of "Effix" gets added to Tatooine's Docking Bay area, he sells all the robes. ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Run the file "TSLPatcher - Install Effixian's Extra Robes for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes.exe". ---------- BUGS ---------- None known. Please let me know if you find any. -------------------------- UNINSTALLING -------------------------- Remove from the Override folder: effix.dlg, effix.utc, effixstore.utm, g_a_jedirobe80.uti, g_a_jedirobe81.uti, g_a_jedirobe82.uti, g_a_jedirobe83.uti, g_a_jedirobe88.uti, g_a_jedirobe89.uti, g_a_jedirobe90.uti, g_a_jedirobe91.uti, g_a_jedirobe92.uti, ia_JediRobe_080.tga, ia_JediRobe_081.tga, ia_JediRobe_082.tga, ia_JediRobe_083.tga, ia_JediRobe_088.tga, ia_JediRobe_089.tga, ia_JediRobe_090.tga, ia_JediRobe_091.tga, ia_JediRobe_092.tga, k_ptat17ab_enter.ncs, n_effixh.mdl, n_effixh.mdx, N_EffixH.tga, n_gtmtwlek_coms1.lip, n_gtmtwlek_coms2.lip, n_gtmtwlek_grts.lip, n_gtmtwlek_ques.lip, old_k_ptat17ab_enter.ncs, PFBI01.txi, PFBI80.tga, PFBI81.tga, PFBI82.tga, PFBI83.tga, PFBI88.tga, PFBI89.tga, PFBI90.tga, PFBI91.tga, PFBI92.tga, PFBIA80.tga, PFBIA81.tga, PFBIA82.tga, PFBIA83.tga, PFBIA88.tga, PFBIA89.tga, PFBIA90.tga, PFBIA91.tga, PFBIA92.tga, PFBIB80.tga, PFBIB81.tga, PFBIB82.tga, PFBIB83.tga, PFBIB88.tga, PFBIB89.tga, PFBIB90.tga, PFBIB91.tga, PFBIB92.tga, PFBIBa80.tga, PFBIBa81.tga, PFBIBa82.tga, PFBIBa83.tga, PFBIBa88.tga, PFBIBa89.tga, PFBIBa90.tga, PFBIBa91.tga, PFBIBa92.tga, PFBIC80.tga, PFBIC81.tga, PFBIC82.tga, PFBIC83.tga, PFBIC88.tga, PFBIC89.tga, PFBIC90.tga, PFBIC91.tga, PFBIC92.tga, PFBIJu80.tga, PFBIJu81.tga, PFBIJu82.tga, PFBIJu83.tga, PFBIJu88.tga, PFBIJu89.tga, PFBIJu90.tga, PFBIJu91.tga, PFBIJu92.tga, PMBI01.txi, PMBI80.tga, PMBI81.tga, PMBI82.tga, PMBI83.tga, PMBI88.tga, PMBI89.tga, PMBI90.tga, PMBI91.tga, PMBI92.tga, PMBIA80.tga, PMBIA81.tga, PMBIA82.tga, PMBIA83.tga, PMBIA88.tga, PMBIA89.tga, PMBIA90.tga, PMBIA91.tga, PMBIA92.tga, PMBIB80.tga, PMBIB81.tga, PMBIB82.tga, PMBIB83.tga, PMBIB88.tga, PMBIB89.tga, PMBIB90.tga, PMBIB91.tga, PMBIB92.tga, PMBIC80.tga, PMBIC81.tga, PMBIC82.tga, PMBIC83.tga, PMBIC88.tga, PMBIC89.tga, PMBIC90.tga, PMBIC91.tga, PMBIC92.tga, PMBIZh80.tga, PMBIZh81.tga, PMBIZh82.tga, PMBIZh83.tga, PMBIZh88.tga, PMBIZh89.tga, PMBIZh90.tga, PMBIZh91.tga, PMBIZh92.tga, start_effixstore.ncs --------------------- ITEM CODES --------------------- g_a_jedirobe80 Jedi Lorekeeper's Robe g_a_jedirobe81 Sith Lorekeeper's Robe g_a_jedirobe82 Jedi Archivist's Robes g_a_jedirobe83 Sith Inquisitor's Robes g_a_jedirobe88 Prototype Warrior Breastplate g_a_jedirobe89 Prototype Knight Breastplate g_a_jedirobe90 Electromesh Robe g_a_jedirobe91 Red Electromesh Robe g_a_jedirobe92 Dune Sea Robe ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JCarter426 for making the "JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1" mod - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 12/29/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  22. Version 3.0.0


    Description: A tiny mod for KotOR 1 that gives the player the option to avoid becoming a Jedi and remain a Soldier, Scout, or Scoundrel for the entire game. It adds two new replies towards the end of the second conversation with the Jedi Council. As you can see from the screenshot, the new replies start with "[Refuse Jedi Training]", so there should be no confusion as to what they do or which ones they are. If you choose not to be a Jedi, that conversation leads directly into the "corruption in the grove" quest, skipping over several parts of the Jedi training quest. Scripts are included to enable cross-classing as a non-Jedi. So, for example, a Scout can cross-class as a Soldier, etc. The option to cross-class as a non-Jedi is given through subtitles at the end of that second conversation with the Council. To avoid cross-classing as a non-Jedi, simply choose "No" when asked if you want to cross-class. Note that there is no second opportunity to cross-class or become a Jedi. If you change your mind later or you misclick, you'll have to reload or use a save editor. If you're wondering why anyone would want to do this, some people might want to do a "challenge run" without lightsabers or Force powers. Others might want to roleplay a trooper, smuggler, or bounty hunter-type character who refuses to use the Force. If you're wondering how this might be explained from a story standpoint, considering that the PC is regularly referred to as Padawan or Jedi, my explanation is that the PC is a "nominal Jedi". The PC is Force Sensitive and the Council considers them a (stubborn, uncooperative, foolish, and possibly evil) member of the Jedi Order, but the PC refuses to cultivate their Force abilities (in any obvious way), to wear robes, or to use lightsabers. Other than the Council and a few others who insist on treating the PC as a Jedi because they "should be a Jedi", NPCs are playing along. Or they don't know any better. They encounter a Force Sensitive or someone who seems like a Jedi, and assume that they must be one. File Index: dan13_vandar.dlg dan13_zhar.dlg A bunch of custom scripts Installation: Open the I Don't Want to Be a Jedi 3.0 archive and extract the loose .dlg files and .ncs scripts into your Override folder. Ignore the "Source Scripts" folder. Uninstallation: Remove the .dlg files found in the archive from your Override folder. The scripts won't do anything without the .dlg files, so you can leave them or delete them. Credits: Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool Fair Strides for DLG Editor Dotalink for the cross-classing as a non-Jedi idea Bioware for making KotOR in the first place
  23. View File Train The Disciple Train the Disciple By jc2 Atton can be trained to use the force forms and lightsaber techniques that the PC learns on his/her journey, however, the Disciple cannot. At a loss for why this would not be, jc2 has undertaken an effort to rebalance this issue. Keeping in mind the sister mod, Train the Handmaiden, which set out in 2017, nearly 2 years prior to address the same issue for the Handmaiden, jc2 has come full circle. Therefore, it is the entire effort of this mod to allow the PC to train the Disciple in all 7 of the lightsaber forms, four force forms, and three force techniques. Lightsaber techniques: Ataru Form -Juyo Form - Shii Cho Form - Soresu Form - Makashi Form - Niman Form - Shien Form Force forms: Force Potency Form- Force Mastery Form -Force Focus Form - Force Affinity Force techniques: Breath Control - Beast Trick -- Force Sight The PC must have learned these techniques in order to train the Disciple on them. Incompatibilities: None so far. Compatible with Party Swap & any mod that edits disciple.dlg, because Train the Disciple does not edit disciple.dlg in any way. Files used: jc2_coms.uti, deadmerc_cont.utp (Dantooine corpses within Enclave next to Statue), jc2_disciple.dlg, spells.2da & globalcat.2da (correctly patched with tslpatcher). Installation: Run Tslpatcher See Readme for further details and information, before installing. Credits: Sith Holocron for VO splicing Deadlystream for hosting & Tyvokka for hosting deadlystream! ZYBL2 for quick explanation of lips files stoffe for the tslpatcher Jesus the Christ Feedback is always appreciated, regardless of its nature. I hope you enjoy! Submitter jc2 Submitted 08/31/2019 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  24. View File I Don't Want to Be a Jedi Description: A tiny mod for KotOR 1 that gives the player the option to avoid becoming a Jedi and remain a Soldier, Scout, or Scoundrel for the entire game. It adds two new replies towards the end of the second conversation with the Jedi Council. As you can see from the screenshot, the new replies start with "[Refuse Jedi Training]", so there should be no confusion as to what they do or which ones they are. If you choose not to be a Jedi, that conversation leads directly into the "corruption in the grove" quest, skipping over several parts of the Jedi training quest. Scripts are included to enable cross-classing as a non-Jedi. So, for example, a Scout can cross-class as a Soldier, etc. The option to cross-class as a non-Jedi is given through subtitles at the end of that second conversation with the Council. To avoid cross-classing as a non-Jedi, simply choose "No" when asked if you want to cross-class. Note that there is no second opportunity to cross-class or become a Jedi. If you change your mind later or you misclick, you'll have to reload or use a save editor. If you're wondering why anyone would want to do this, some people might want to do a "challenge run" without lightsabers or Force powers. Others might want to roleplay a trooper, smuggler, or bounty hunter-type character who refuses to use the Force. If you're wondering how this might be explained from a story standpoint, considering that the PC is regularly referred to as Padawan or Jedi, my explanation is that the PC is a "nominal Jedi". The PC is Force Sensitive and the Council considers them a (stubborn, uncooperative, foolish, and possibly evil) member of the Jedi Order, but the PC refuses to cultivate their Force abilities (in any obvious way), to wear robes, or to use lightsabers. Other than the Council and a few others who insist on treating the PC as a Jedi because they "should be a Jedi", NPCs are playing along. Or they don't know any better. They encounter a Force Sensitive or someone who seems like a Jedi, and assume that they must be one. File Index: dan13_vandar.dlg dan13_zhar.dlg A bunch of custom scripts Installation: Open the I Don't Want to Be a Jedi 3.0 archive and extract the loose .dlg files and .ncs scripts into your Override folder. Ignore the "Source Scripts" folder. Uninstallation: Remove the .dlg files found in the archive from your Override folder. The scripts won't do anything without the .dlg files, so you can leave them or delete them. Credits: Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool Fair Strides for DLG Editor Dotalink for the cross-classing as a non-Jedi idea Bioware for making KotOR in the first place Submitter jacksuspenders Submitted 10/30/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Reskins Jal Shey Mentor, Jal Shey Advisor/Neophyte, Zeison Sha Warrior jedi armors. Reskinned Mentor armor and slightly edited other armors to remove their weird metal butt-capes. Instalation: Copy "Override" folder to the main game folder.