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Everything posted by StellarExile

  1. What version of the game is that?
  2. @Dark HopeWhere do you get the photos of real people you use, if you don't mind me asking? They look incredible.
  3. Is this mod compatible with DarthParametric's Rodian Female NPC Body Model?
  4. No problem! I was just curious. Seems like it actually just might be a seam on the female soldier underwear. Thanks!
  5. I think I might've found a black line in the female models. Is it a UV problem? It's right under the chin.
  6. I've seen the issue in KOTOR 2 but I don't think ever in the first game. Wonder if it could be something Aspyr did or I'm just completely stupid.
  7. I think I've seen this in the second game, but never the first. Do you have an example, @Salk? I'd like to see one if you do.
  8. I think this mod deserves to be included in the Community Patch as it was functional in the Xbox version. I think it's more of a fix like you said :).
  9. Is it possible to use the vanilla lightsaber blades from K2 as well?
  10. Is it me or is there a mistake in Jorak Uln? For some reason I think he wears regular Jedi robes and not the Dark Jedi ones as I've seen in a video.
  11. Does the mod work or are there still problems? Really looks awesome and want to install it.
  12. I tested it out on my Mac and it's an issue with the mod. I wouldn't worry about it though, it isn't too bad.
  13. StellarExile


    I love it! This was my favorite head whenever I played! I hope you release it!
  14. Yeah a little while ago on a laptop that wasn't mine. Although I don't think I had the issue. Can you try equipping you character with a single melee weapon and send a video of that?
  15. The issue might be with your system, then. Are you on Windows 7?
  16. @Ranma It looks like something else could be affecting it as I don't think the swords should be swaying like that. What else do you have installed?
  17. Yikes, that isn't pleasant. I know I'm not Stormie, but I think I may be able to shed some light. Usually, DeadlyStream and Steam Workshop mods tend to work dreadfully together. I had a friend once who had a similar issue. I recommend unsubscribing from all mods except TSLRCM and see if that works. If possible, just use mods from DeadlyStream. Hope this helps!
  18. Yeah, should be fine. The label says TSLRCM compatible.
  19. @Marion Ash for some reason, I think it may be an error on DeadlyStream's part. I would ignore those, most of them do work anyway .