760 files
JC's Saber Workshop
By JCarter426
This mod adds a workshop to the Ebon Hawk's garage, with which you can construct or deconstruct lightsabers and lightsaber components.
One of the things Obsidian did differently was the way you make your first lightsaber. In the first game, you build it at the Jedi Enclave, so they have all the parts there. In K2, the Jedi are all gone, so you're given a scavenger hunt. You have to find three components, bring them to your buddy Bao-Dur, and then you get to make your lightsaber. With that in mind, I have designed the workshop to deconstruct lightsabers, giving you a color crystal and those three parts. Double-bladed lightsabers contain an extra focusing lens and emitter. With all these parts in hand, you can use the workshop to create lightsabers, as well. Furthermore, you can use the workshop to create or breakdown the individual components (provided you have the schematics for them - i.e. you've gotten them through the Crafting a Lightsaber quest - and the right skill points). So that means you can create as many lightsabers as there are color crystals; those crystals won't be burning a hole in your pocket.
In short, you have more control over your lightsabers; you can create sabers out of crystals and components, and you can change lightsaber type at will.
Oh, and you do not need to start a new game or anything of that sort. The
workshop will appear on the Ebon Hawk when you enter.
JC's Handmaiden Sisters
By JCarter426
This is a restoration of the original Handmaiden sister appearance. In the original release of the game, the Handmaiden and her sisters all look alike, even even though they comment on her difference in appearance. The developers actually made a unique head for the sisters, but it was left out of the final release of the game. I took that head and merged with the body model used for the Handmaiden sisters in the game, thus restoring their intended appearance.
PVC Dancers Outfit
By kristykistic
I removed the 'skirt thing' from the the dancer model, although, you can use the original model if you like. Comes with 10 skins.
Revan Cutscene Forcepower Fix K2
By kristykistic
A Revan cutscene replacement model. Restores all the helpers to the model. Fixes the force powers emanating from the feet issue. Includes the masked model, male and female models, and my more feminine female
model. Current version is 1.02.
Nomi Sunrider's Prestige Class Lightsaber & Robes
By kristykistic
It is truly amazing the things you can find on the internet. Up until very recently, I had no idea that the entire Knights of the old Repulic storyline had its origins in comic books. For uninformed individuals that would be interested in learning some of the roots of Star Wars history, wookieepedia is an excellent source of information.
Which brings me to this mod. I wanted to make a new robe mod and decided that I wanted to put a little SW history into it this time. So I looked for someone from the KotOR era that could have owned the robes and found Nomi Sunrider. I did not originally have any intentions of making a lightsaber for this mod, but I loved Hugh Fleming's render and decided to recreate the lightsaber, too. Many thanks go to T7nowhere for all the wonderful advice he gave me while I was making it.
I did implement the robes & saber in-game this time around. They can be found in the museum of the royal palace on Onderon. One small bit of advice: bring some medpacs. I would also like to thank Stoffe for some scripting help and the truly amazing TSLPatcher utility.
You may want to check your override before you install this. The lightsaber uses model w_lghtsbr_222.mdl, w_lghtsbr_222.mdx, and g_w_sbrcrstl222.uti. You may have conflicts if you have other saber mods installed. Also, any mod that may have used the k_mus_treasure.ncs script will cause conflicts. Note that this mod will not overwrite exitsing saber model files, the saber crystal uti / texture, or the museum script. I did pretty much take over the museum. Lastly, this mod is guaranteed to be incompatible with mjpb3's Darth Traya's Robes. The reason being they both occupy the model k slot in the appearance.2da. So, if you already have mjpb3's mod installed, this mod will overrite the appearance.2da information and render it useless. You have been warned! You will also no longer be able to wear the armored flight suit.
There are several restrictions for both the robes and the lightsaber:
Restriction: Female Restriction: Light Side Restriction: Jedi Weapon Master Restriction: Jedi Master Restriction: Jedi Watchman Restriction: Human
You can not use these items if you chose to become a Sith Marauder, Sith Lord, or Sith Assasin! Nomi was a light side character, so I'm just following SW history.The stats for the items can be found in the read_me.rtf, read_me.txt, or the tslpatcher install window. The robes come in 7 different versions.
Kristy's Saber Pack
By kristykistic
Well 4 sabers, 1 double saber, and 1 (very large) disruptor rifle. Anyway, due to the large amount of saber mods already out, I really can't guarantee compatibility with other mods. I did include a program that will scan your override to check if you already have any files that will conflict with this mod.
Although I posted this in the TSL section, it will work for K1 or TSL.
Tighty Whiteys
By kristykistic
A new male underwear model for your pc, the npc's, or whoever you choose to use it for.
Make Visas Marr Dance For Vogga
By kristykistic
This will give you the option of making Visas Marr dance for Vogga on Nar Shaddaa. It may not be all that easy, though
Revan Model Without Cape (K2)
By kristykistic
Removes the starchy cape from the Revan models.
TSL Galaxy Map Fix Coruscant AddOn & New Coruscant Icon and Planet Textures
By Kexikus
This download actually includes two mods, the TSL Galaxy Map Fix Coruscant AddOn and the Coruscant New Icon and Planet Texture mod, both done by me.
The first is a small add-on mod for bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix that moves the planet Coruscant added by deathdisco's Jedi Temple mod to its canonic location on the galaxy map.
The second one is a new icon and a new texture for the 3d preview of the planet seen on the galaxy map.
When installing this mod you will be able to choose which one you want to install (see Installation section).
In order for this mod to work, you need to have deathdisco's Coruscant Jedi Temple installed, that can be found here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/585-coruscant-jedi-temple-by-deathdisco/
You'll also need HK-42s Jedi Temple Expansion mod for the New Icon and Planet Texture mod to work. You can find it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/210/?
If you have M4-78 EP installed as well, you'll also need to install the compability patch before installing this mod: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/394-coruscant-jedi-temple-compatibility/
And last but not least, you'll want to install bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix, or installing the Coruscant AddOn would be pretty pointless: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/28-tsl-galaxy-map-fix/
Install all of the required mods before proceeding!
Then run TSLPatcher.exe and choose the option you want. It should then find your KotOR 2 TSL installation automatically and install the mod.
If it doesn't and you have to select it manually, choose the folder that includes swkotor2.exe.
Do NOT delete the backup folder that is created during the installation, you'll need it if you ever want to uninstall this mod.
Replace galaxymap_p.gui, gal_cor_2.tga and Gui_coruscnt.tga in your override with those versions found in the backup folder created during the installation of this mod. Then delete Gui_coruscnt.txi, CM_coruscant.tga and CM_coruscant.txi from your override folder.
If some of those files don't exist in your override or backup folder, that's because you didn't install the mod that would've added them, so don't worry about those.
This mod is compatible with everything that does not change Coruscants position, icon or planet texture.
Mod by Kexikus
TSL Patcher by stoffe
Increased Force Buff Durations
By cyricc
Compatible with TSLRC 1.8.4.
Not compatible with any Kotor2 mod that also overrides k_sp1_generic.ncs, i.e. other force power effect mods. Force mods that override spells.2da or other files should be compatible.
This mod increases the durations of beneficial force powers by a factor of 2-3x to make recasting them less annoying. Not long enough to fire and forget, but enough to actually last through most battles.
Non-steam users: extract k_sp1_generic.ncs to <Kotor2 directory>\override
Steam users: extract k_sp1_generic.ncs to <Steam directory>\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937\override
Remove k_sp1_generic.ncs from the directory above.
Powers Affected
--------------------------------------------Valor I, II, III 20s -> 60sAura, Shield, Armor 20s -> 60sSpeed I, II, III 36s -> 90s* also apply to Force EnlightenmentForce Resist, Immunity 60s -> 120sEnergy Resistance I, II, III 120s -> 300sBarrier I 30s -> 60sBarrier II 45s -> 90sBarrier III 60s -> 120sBattle Meditation I, II, III 20s -> 60s--------------------------------------------
L0ki's Jedi Armor Mod + Extra Suits Add-on
By L0ki194
L0ki's Jedi Armor Mod v0.6
Stealth Suits & Pirate War Armor Add-on
Kyle Katarn Head
By 1Leonard
This mod adds a head based on Kyle Katarn from the Jedi Knight series. The head itself is a heavily modified pmhc07 with a skin painted from scratch in a higher resolution.
Installation: Press "Install Kyle Katarn.exe" and follow the instructions.
Removal: Remove the relevant .mdl, mdx and .tga files and put back the .2da files stored in the backup folder
I do not give permission for this mod to be reuploaded to other sites and/or sources without my knowledge.
Visas' Dancer Outfit and Dance
By Fair Strides
Visas' Dancer Outfit
By Fair Strides
This is a small and simple mod that allows Visas Marr to wear the Dancer's Outfit you get on Nar Shaddaa when you dance for Vogga. It will also give you the opportunity to have Visas dance for Vogga just before you will acquire the outfit.
Simply unpack the mod and run the TSLPatcher.exe to select an install option. To get Visas to actually dance for Vogga, you will have to run the install three times; once to allow her to wear the outfit, and two more times to install both parts of the dancing for Vogga sequence.
A small warning about making Visas dance for Vogga: this mod is both compatible with TSLRCM and separate from it. In order to make this so, I've added unmodded versions of the levels I edit with this mod, but if you have TSLRCM installed, these unmodded versions won't be installed and they will give off a warning saying that the file already exists. This is harmless and perfectly okay.
Each folder inside the tslpatchdata folder has an info.rtf file that has uninstallation instructions for that particular install option.
You have my express permission to re-upload this mod wherever, but only on FOUR conditions:
1. You do not change anything whatsoever about it.
2. You do not upload it to the Steam Workshop. This mod and the way it is done is not designed for Steam Workshop's way of installing mods. Files actually need to be patched for this mod to work.
3. You give credit to me as the author of this mod and must leave the read-me included and intact.
4. You
do not re-use the resources/files involved in compatibility with Varsity Puppet's "Visas Unmasked!" mod. If you wish to do so, you must contact Varsity Puppet at Lucasforums or Deadlystream, and he must say yes for you to use them!
-loseryoda from the KotOR Sub-reddit for making the request in the first place, even if I have gone a little bit beyond what he was requesting...
-Varsity Puppet for allowing me to use parts of his Visas Unmasked installer to make the compatibility option.
Varsity/Venom Trandoshan PC Mod
It had come to my attention that this mod had disappeared from the annals of Kotorfiles/GameFront so per the request of one DarthCMoney, I have re uploaded this classic mod.
-Darth Venom : Darth Venom's personally approved in-game likeness.
-Trandongo: A Star Wars rendition of the infamous "King Dodongo: Infernal Dinosaur" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
-Venom Redeemed: A variation of the Darth Venom skin. As you might have guessed, he's returned to the light, and now dons icy blue eyes.
-Cross Dragon: I had the Black Dragon from Chrono Cross in mind when making this skin... funny that the final product looked nothing like it. Oh well, the name's stuck, I can't think of a better one.
Note: These are SEPARATE character skins and as such do not boast any light-dark transitions. You are stuck with your chosen appearance regardless of alignment. So just remember that.
This mod is likely to cause game crashes at character creation.
Dealing with this issue is simple.
When you choose your Jedi class make sure you CANNOT already see a trandoshan exile as your chosen class. Return to the main menu and start over until a normal human PC is visible as your preferred class. Choose your class and then switch portraits until you find your chosen trandoshan. When you do this the portrait will be visible, but the PC will be a "Headless Horseman". Don't worry, when you start the game you will not be a headless human. Additionally, if you choose your portrait and decide to use the "back" button the game is likely to crash. Just start over. It's a small price to pay to be able to choose a non human PC. As of now, this is an issue that cannot be fixed, so just play along.
Trandoshan PC Mod
Author: Darth Venom and The Puppet
For: KotOR II
Date: 06/26/2009
Brought to you by: LordVenom/DarthVenom6 and VPcombat/VarsityPuppet
Words of the Puppet:
Well, here we are the second time around with two more great skins for you to enjoy. There were numerous reasons for an update, the most important being of course that the original upload contained a bad TSLPatcher. A second cleaner upload was posted along with a Kotor 1 version, but it failed miserably. So here we are with an official update: It's clean and there are more skins.
I'm not sure if it's Kotor 1 compatible. It crashed and burned on the xbox version of k1 but maybe you'll have more luck with the PC.
Words of LordVenom: Can't confirm PC compatibility for K1. I do not own K1.
Anyway all I've got to say is I was making a lightside Venom coincidentally at the time I recieved a PM from ol'boy Puppet about wanting to do a Trando 2.O with new skins. Sounded like a good idea to me so here you have it.
[unless you are me you probably dont care about this]: The lightside appearance I've created for Venom is a hypothetical created for fun only. I've decided that Venom retains his Sith visage and title even after converting to the lightside (canon to my roleplay story).
This mod now adds two Playable Trandoshans at the Character select screen. Unlike before, you are now forced to install all of them. If you've really got a problem with any of the skins and don't want to one of them, you'll have to delete them from the 2das yourself.
There are four skins in total.
-Darth Venom : Darth Venom's personally approved in-game likeness.
-Trandongo: A Star Wars rendition of the infamous "King Dodongo: Infernal Dinosaur" from the Legend of Zelda series.
-NEW! Venom Redeemed: A variation of the Darth Venom skin. As you might have guessed, he's returned to the light, and now dons icy blue eyes.
-NEW! Cross Dragon: I had the Black Dragon from Chrono Cross in mind when making this skin... funny that the final product looked nothing like it. Oh well, the name's stuck, I can't think of a better one.
Note: These are SEPARATE character skins and as such do not boast any light-dark transitions. You are stuck with your chosen appearance regardless of alignment. So just remember that.
Also, be sure to check the BUGS section for important information.
Use the TSLPatcher and choose which option you want.
Delete the folder "VV Trando PCs 2" from your override, and replace the 2das with their backups
--Venom Redeemed and Cross skin added.
--Tried to fix installation with k1 version
--Cleaned the TSLPatcher
--Included K1 version
--DarthVenom skin and Trandongo Skin included
This mod is likely to cause game crashes at character creation.
Dealing with this issue is simple.
When you choose your Jedi class make sure you CANNOT already see a trandoshan exile as your chosen class. Return to the main menu and start over until a normal human PC is visible as your preferred class. Choose your class and then switch portraits until you find your chosen trandoshan. When you do this the portrait will be visible, but the PC will be a "Headless Horseman". Don't worry, when you start the game you will not be a headless human. Additionally, if you choose your portrait and decide to use the "back" button the game is likely to crash. Just start over. It's a small price to pay to be able to choose a non human PC. As of now, this is an issue that cannot be fixed, so just play along.
Compatible on the PC and Xbox. Also, refer to BUGS section.
LordVenom- The Darth Venom skin is for personal use only. Normally I'd allow usage of my skins for any purpose as long as credit is given. However, Darth Venom the Trandoshan Sith Lord is my favorite creation, and I've become quite attached to him. I hope you all enjoy the skin, but I prefer that he not be reproduced or integrated into any project that I do not personally have a hand in creating.
The Puppet- You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. However, give credit where it's due, but DO NOT release it with any of your mods without my permission. Thanks.
tk102 for making the excel 2da add-in
Fred Tetra's KotorTool
Obsidian for making a game to love and hate
All of you modders out there who I've consistently studied and slowly learned from.
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, BioWare Corp. and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.
Thinner HUD Elements
By InSidious
This mod makes some of the HUD elements thinner, and a bit less chunky.
The part items and powers menus have had the sides of each section cut out,
and the up and down arrows made narrower. The 'hostile' powers and items menu,
which appears above enemies, has also been thinned out in the same way.
The combat action queue has been slightly streamlined.
The combat reticle which apears over the currently-targeted enemy has been replaced.
The party's health and force power bars have also been thinned.
N.B.: This mod has only been tested at 1280x768 resolution on the PC.
It does not replace the Xbox versions of the UI,
and may not work at lower resolutions.
Just drop the files into
your Override folder.
Take them out again.
SEM - Super Enhanced Mod
By Shem
Main Mod's Original Review on Filefront:
[spoiler[Let me start out by saying this mod is not for the faint of heart. If you're not an experienced player, and by experienced I mean you're insanely good at the game, you won't want to get this mod. Why? You'll die a miserable death, likely early on in the game.
Now that I've completely scared everyone off, let's get to the nitty gritty bits of this mod. It's got a lot of changes, and veteran players should really enjoy them. I can't go over all of them, because there are too many plus Shem wants to leave you with some surprises (they're good surprises, by the way), so here's an overview:
Lightsabers: The basic premise of a lightsaber is it is a beam of energy that curves back on itself to create a blade. Now how could a blade of pure energy be less powerful than a slab of metal? Shem wondered the same thing. Sabers have been enhanced to do more realistic amounts of damage, plus they will add a +10 modifier to your blaster deflect skill. Base damages for both games are around 40-50. OMG UNBALANCED! No, not at all. As I go along you'll see why it's not unbalanced.
Blasters: How often does a stormtrooper take six blaster bolts before going down? Never! They're down on one shot usually, aren't they? Blaster fire is now beefed up to be deadly. This is a good thing and a bad thing. Bad thing - if you get shot, you're in trouble. Good thing - the same is true vice versa, plus that +10 modifier to blaster deflect will make you a lean mean blaster blocking machine, and if you deflect those bolts back at your enemies they're still beefed up and will make for a quick and easy kill.
Armor: The idea that wearing a heavy set of armor will block you from using the Force is rediculous. The Force extends beyond such silly physical limitations, and Shem agreed with this as well. As a result, armor will not longer restrict you from using the Force, regardless of what it is. Tired of being 'Forced' to wear those Jedi robes when you'd rather be off galavanting across the dune sea in Calo Nord's armor? No problem. Armor also doesn't penalize your dexterity any more, although I'm not quite sure that's more realistic than the way it originally was.
This mod makes several changes to pieces of Shem's older mods, so if you are prompted to overwrite any parts of any of Shem's other mods you may feel free to do so without hesitation. If you're a hardcore player I'd definitely recommend giving this mod a try.
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
Also you will need the Ultimate Sound Mod for this to work properly. Make sure that is installed first before you install this mod and let the baseitems.2da file from this mod overwrite the one from the Ultimate Sound Mod. If you're not interested in that mod, you will still need to download it and get the cb_ls_powerup.wav, cb_ls_powerup1.wav, cb_ls_powerup2.wav, cb_ls_powerdown.wav, cb_ls_powerdown1.wav, and cb_ls_powerdown2.wav files. That way the double-bladed and short lightsabers make a on/off sound.
Addon's Original Review on Filefront:
Malkior's Tweak pack (no Filefront review):
An addon approved by Shem that tweaks the grenades, mines and most of the non-humanoid creatures in the game to be up to par with the rest of Shem's work...
Darth Nihilus Robes
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Sith Lords are so cool, I love the way the game creators and movie directors make them. They are just so evil and awesome looking. A lot of them like Darth Sion, Darth Revan, and even Darth Vader (for the time that they created him in) had awesome looking clothing and were just SO immensely evil. That is the on thing the Jedi never had though, I mean they did look cool but not as cool as some of the Sith Lords. There also were other types of Sith Lords that just looked plain freaky; actually I should say there was one Sith Lord that took that part because really there was only one and that one Sith Lord was Darth Nihilus. He was just so freaky lookin� that he made you think he could beat you with one swipe of his saber, but we all know that is not true. Anyway though speaking of Darth Nihilus lets get into the review.
To put it simple this mod that Shem made will let you get Darth Nihilus�s robes in game without having to type a long boring cheat or go through rigorous trials to get it. The robe will show up in the game twice, one on Korriban and once on Dxun. They both will be using a custom icon for these types of robes as an icon and both will have a Datapad which I don�t think will have anything to do with the mod. Needless to say though I am sure this will definitely be a preferred way to get these robes in game.
I really have to say Shem this is a very simple but very awesome mod. So really good job. Now to all of you people out there just dying to get you hands on this one of a kind mod... enjoy.
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
Prequel Sabers
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Here we have a mod that will add the various colour lightsabers to the game. They come in blue, red, green, and purple, white and also just for the people here who download here at kotor2files.com some bonus colours! Now I wont disclose what the new colours are, hehe you'll just have to see for yourself
I find the colours to be very much like the ones in the movies, more-so episodes One, Two and Three. The only colour I don't like is the yellow colour. I feel it should be a bit brighter to further extentuate it's power. But none the less these are very well made and add more variation to the defaults. You have a nice eye for detail.
Keep up the great work.
- JediKilla
Exile's Atris-style Robes
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Before we get into the review, we should all give a big hand to mjpb3 and Oldflash for making these robes possible.
Now you're wanting to know what I'm talking about, I'm sure. This mod gives a set of playable Atris-style robes for the female Exile. That's right! Those same robes Atris wears. Well, not the same. These robes, a Jedi and Sith version, are brown and black respectively. They also have some very nice stats, but there are quite a few of them so I won't list them here. Just take my word for it that they're handy stats to have.
You will receive these robes in normal gameplay when Kreia joins your party. Shem uses his usual wit to come up with a great way to have these puppies drop into your inventory as soon as she joins your party by placing them in Kreia's shield slots. Since this is an incompatible item for that slot, they simply "fall off" right into your inventory! Is that ingenius or what? So yes, you will receive both of these robes, relatively early on, without needing to use cheats.
"But I've already started a game!" you might say. That's where cheats or the KotOR savegame editor will come in handy. To use cheats, simply type "giveitem exilef1" for the Sith robes, or "giveitem exilef2" for the Jedi robes. Shem has also made this mod compatible with his own Prequel Style Robes mod. One last goodie is that there are two versions of this mod: one for black females and another for asian/caucasion females, so you won't have to worry about having caucasian hands if you play one of the black female characters!
This mod is a must have, as is the original by mjpb3, so if you're looking to spice up your TSL experience for your female character I strongly recommend it. No sense in letting Atris have those cool robes to herself, is there?
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
Prequel-style Robes
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Fans of the prequels should be happy with this very large set of prequel-inspired robes - 28 in all. There are various color combinations to choose from, and Shem has also gone as far as to include customized robes for each trainable (or Jedi) member of your party. Even Bao-Dur has a special "Jedi robe" (armor that acts as a robe, since he can not wear them). The robes have modified stats and come in a pretty wide variety of colors, though the colors seem restricted to something a Jedi might actually consider wearing. Sorry, no Hawaiian robes!
Still asking yourself why you should download this mod? Each customized robe has some very good (but not unbalanced) stat bonuses and perks. They are-- Ha, you didn't think I was going to tell you, did you? Go play and find out for yourself! That's half the fun anyway .
Just as a note, this is mod is best played starting from a new game if you want the greatest effect as quickly as possible with as few complications as possible. This also contains a fix for older versions for a bug concerning Bao Dur's robe.
Sith Lord Armor
By Shem
Uploader Edit: The mod has been corrected/fixed as of 4/7/2017. I made the installer and only stopped halfway through originally, so I apologize. I never realized it wasn't done, not amongst the other 40+ I had been doing.
Original Review on Filefront:
Shem breaks out with these functional and elegant robes. Who else could make them look so good? In particular, Atton, M!Exile, Brianna, and Mical look smoking hot. (The all blue on Mikey? Yeah, fits with his hard to corrupt alignment). The chest plate through abdomen looks like it's made of light metal, giving it a look of functional armor. The arms and legs are given full movement with the bodysuit underneath, and an ornamental cape drops off the hips. Just add a lightsaber and watch as the other patrons of the cantina give you a wide berth and the best seats.
Again, the only payment a fan writer or artist gets is the feedback, good or ill for their efforts. Suggestions as to improvements will allow them to make more and better mods in the future.
Real Names + Addon
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront (Base mod):
Personally I couldn't care less if the handmaidens name in the game is "handmaiden" or the Disciple is "Disciple" for that matter. But if your a total KOTOR2 freak you may want this
Original Review on Filefront (Addon):
Now this is more like it. Not only did the author change the name but he made Canderous/Mandalore more powerful Sweet little mod. The first mod can be found here http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Real_Names_Mod;43942
Kreia's Hood Down
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Ah, Kreia. Wise teacher or corroded hag? Hate to love her or love to hate her, she is one of the most memorable parts of K2. And, as some of you have seen in the KOTOR2 Restoration project teaser, she is capable of removing her concealing hood and revealing herself.
Shem's mod allows Kreia to take off that hood when she speaks to Exile, allowing her face to be seen. This will benefit fan writers and artists greatly as we can now get a solid look at her face and hair from various angles. As you can see, Atton may have been right - she is still rather striking.
Once again, I do ask that you give feedback for this mod. It's the only payment a fan artist gets, and the more detailed it is, the better the mods we can make in the future.
Review by Allronix
Bao-Dur Wears Jedi Robes
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Anyone remember the history to do with this? A while ago (well over a year) on Holowan, getting Bao-Dur into Jedi robes was all but impossible - the models simply didn't mesh, and his head always floated above the robes some. Thankfully, Kristy Kistic was able to remedy the issue, but the mod was never released - until now, that is.
Well, it basically does what I said there - fixes Bao-Dur's head, and causes it to no longer float above his head when he wears any robes. A much-needed fix indeed, for those of you who like to train him as a Jedi. Kudos to Shem for bringing this to the public at long last, and Kristy for making it in the first place!
Anyways, to install this thing just run the TSLPatcher - it modifies appearance.2da. And also remember to cheat in one of his robes if you install this mod while having Bao-Dur in your party - the codes are 'baodurjedi' and 'baodursith' for the respective light and dark side-aligned ones.
Note: Please remember to give the author of the mod feedback, as the download count isn't particularly verbose. Written comments tend to be much more useful and encouraging.
-Emperor Devon