Kotor 2 unofficial patch 1.2

   (2 reviews)


10 Screenshots

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General Changes:
1. Permanent Fade to black when leaving Telos academy (first time). - FIXED
2. Broken Battle circle on Dxun. - FIXED
3. Visas body inventory slot locked.
4. (Wookiee Rage/Force Scream/Fury) spells does not use force cast animation any more.
5. T3-M4 and Mira will not have PC items during their solo missions.
6. Sith assassins will now use Force Drain.
7. Some movies are now on top of the loading screens.
8. Minor fixes to party members dialogs.


Ebon Hawk:
1. Party members will always wear there unique clothing.
2. Sometimes Party member gets angry or tired (Kreia) player need to re-enter the Ebon Hawk, or travel to another planet to reset his/her state.
3. Droids and Hanharr will not move, if player asked them not to, after re-entering Ebon Hawk.
4. PC did'nt unequipped all weapons and head gear after sparring with Handmaiden. - FIXED.
5. Visas (Departure from Ravager) cutscene moved.


Citadel Station:
1. Droid Intelligence quest: Unable to Enter the Docking Bay if picked up quest from Ithorians and then again from Czerka. - FIXED
2. Smuggling quest fix: Player allowed to escape the Citadel Station during Samhan escort quest. - FIXED
4. Added: A small chat between Chodo Habat and BaoDur.


1. Broken HK-50 in the military base did not followed the player. - FIXED


Nar Shaaddaa:
1. "Galactic Reunification": After killing Lootra, Aaida can be freed. - FIXED
2. "Sold to the Hutts": After freeing, Adana initiates wrong conversation. - FIXED
3. "Sold to the Hutts": After killing Saquesh, journal did'nt update properly. - FIXED
6. Player can enter the Ebon Hawk after selling T3M4, but can not leave the Nar Shaddaa.
7. G0T0 will not be able to enter Vogga's chambers.
8. Skipped unnecessary sequence with Mira as player running through Jekk'Jekk Tarr if player is on the dark side.
9. Added: Party fight there way to Jekk'Jekk Tarr and again inside the flop house.


1. Possibility to add party members while fighting Davrel in the jungle. - FIXED
2. Sometimes Davrel spawned in the jungle after first visit to Onderoon. - FIXED.
3. Kumus' conversation trigger (near detonator) activates after visiting Onderoon, if player did'nt take "Missing Mandalorian" quest. - FIXED.
2. Now player can go to the merchant before sending a team to the tomb.


1. Player will not be able to leave Dantooine after finding dead mercenaries in the enclave sub level (till the end of Khoonda conflict).


And tones of small bugs, which I did not kept track of (mostly on Nar Shaddaa).


I. Description:
This is a stand alone project and it will work only with vanilla english version of the Knights of The Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. v2.00


This mod serves four main purposes:


1. Fixing quest issues:
- Fixing Broken quests.
- Removing available quest-related dialogue lines after quest was finished.
- Making quest more focused and difficult to break.


2. Closing game issues like (NOT A FULL LIST JUST EXAMPLES):
- Unlimited respawn of hssiss creatures in a Sith tomb on Korriban.
- Unlimited creation of Handmaiden robe on Ebon Hawk.
- Duplication of Atton ribbed jacket and generic clothing on Citadel Station (first arrival).
- Unlimited spawning of a landspeeder on Nar Shaddaa.
- Characters, droids, turrets not resuming there animations after player initiated conversation with them.
- Cycled dialogues (HK50, T3M4, Atris).


3. Adding some stuff (NOT A FULL LIST JUST EXAMPLES):
- Missing planet hologram, hyperdrive, and damaged HK-47 in some stunt versions of the Ebon Hawk.
- Added medical lab table to all Ebon Hawk modules.
- Restricted mode on Ebon Hawk (no weapons and no head gear).
- Party members are always healed on the Ebon Hawk.
- Fights with Red Eclipse captain and mandalorian recruit Davrel are One on One.
- Visas arrival sequences moved to 005EBO module due to practical reasons ( party members are stunned, Visas uses force sight on a player).
- Space suit will be equipped before going through the airlock on Peragus.
- Every time player is learning new force power or feat from party member the text box will appear.
- TSF officers will now patrol all modules not just Entertainment module 081.
- Added Some Pazaak players on Citadel Station cantina.
- Czerka utility droid will now weld instead of just being there.
- Bao Dur is using his 'shield breaker' animation when breaking force fields.
- Player will now actually shut down force cages on Peragus and Telos Academy.
- Speaking on comlink cutscenes changed.
- Atton and T3 playing pazaak cutscenes available.
- Visas, Nihilus cuscene is executed on engine now and is triggered by Ebon Hawk galaxy map script.
- Tobin, Nihilus cutscene is now available.
- Added Hangar doors to G-wing hangar on Dxun with map note.
- Added Caged beasts on Onderon.
- Added Kath hounds on Dantooine.
- Ratrin Vhek on Ebon Hawk.
- Opo Chano on Nar Shaddaa;
- B4D4, T1N1 on Nar Shaddaa;
- Adana on Nar Shaddaa will appear near her mother after releasing her.
- Player learns force and lightsaber (if he has a lightsaber(s) equipped) forms from Masters.
- Crafting lightsaber quest has been changed. Now all lightsaber parts can be created on a workbench.


4. The last and the main reason is changing in-game cutscenes.


II. Installation:
This was tested on a game version 2.00, and again IT WILL NOT WORK WITH ANY OTHER MODS INSTALLED!!!
It is required to start a new game. (Ebon Hawk tutorial is not touched by this patch).
Make a reserve copy of the original:
003EBO_loc.mod, 004EBO_loc.mod, 201TEL_loc.mod, 203TEL_loc.mod, 204TEL_loc.mod, 306NAR_loc.mod, 504OND_loc.mod, 602DAN_loc.mod and dialog.tlk
Extract all files to there matched directories in the game root folder. If your game root folder does not have an "Override" directory than just create it.
If you are using windows 8 or 10, than your "Override" folder is in:
C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic - The Sith Lords\


III. Uninstall:
Return your reserved copies to there directories.
Delete everything related to this patch in Override folder.
Delete every related to this patch .mod file from the Modules folder.


IV. Bugs:
I've tested it many times to make sure everything works properly. But i was working on this alone so it can't be perfect.


V. Distribution:
This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author.


Thanks to the Lucas Arts, BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment, to all people that took part in creating Kotor and TSL.


Thanks to all people that created modding tools:


Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool.
JdNoa and Dashus for DeNCS.
Jamezy91 for Kotor Scripting Tool.
tk102 for dlgeditor.


And very-very special thanks to Stoffe for making available k_003ebo_enter.nss and a_next_scene.nss.


This project would never happened if not for Stoffe so thank you so much!!!!



What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


Bunch of fixes and changes.

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Judging from the screen shots, it looks like some of this is incredibly original, and would work wonders with TSLRCM. But looking at the list of things you mentioned, it also has some stuff TSLRCM fixed. Looking forward to trying it out.

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Guest MixSav


I recorded a few videos to show changes in this patch.

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Why are they in the package rather than on the upload page? That's like including advertising for a product in the packaging of that product.


It also inflates the package size for no reason.


I have an additional question: What does your mod do that the TSLRCM doesn't?

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Guest marcrusa


Is the mod compatible with TSLRCM? On the side it says no, but people have listed it as not being compatible, when really it is.

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Guest marcrusa


Is the mod compatible with TSLRCM? On the side it says no, but people have listed it as not being compatible, when really it is.


I just read it again, why won't it work with any other mods?

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So, this addresses a few things TSLRCM fixes, but also adds a few things like, NPCs and story options?


Also, if a mod edits modules (Which I'm pretty sure "adding" creatures or NPCs requires you to do), then it is most likely incompatible with any other mods that do the same. Since TSLRCM basically changes every module, I would think it is in fact not compatible with these changes.



However, I'm curious:


what does adding the ability to turn off the force-field do to the gameplay on the Telos Academy? Was it a bug in Vanilla, or is this an extra option that was originally not available?


Additionally, I like your feature of making the TSF patrol more than just the Entertainment Module. No idea if this was already covered in other mods, I'm just glad that it was noticed.


Lastly, you mentioned that the Spacesuit is capable of being worn inside of the Peragus Station instead of only wearing it outside. Does that mean you can wander around in the spacesuit in the rest of the station?



As an addendum, we should probably be moving this line of discussion to an appropriate topic instead of the Mod Review page, since we can't edit our own comments, and it just clutters the mod page. 

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As an addendum, we should probably be moving this line of discussion to an appropriate topic instead of the Mod Review page, since we can't edit our own comments, and it just clutters the mod page. 

I agree with this.  Further discussions of this mod should be conducted in this thread. (Start from the beginning.)

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I found a bug. When talking to the CSD Guard by the Czerka hangar bay about Batono and go with the intimidate option it doesn't update anything and I can keep using the intimidate option to gain infinite dark side points.

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