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Version 1.0.7
This mod corrects companion stats. WARNING: This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine. If the companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load an earlier save. List of changes: Class changes: - Soldiers no longer gain defense bonuses leveling up, only Mandalore, but he is a separate class now. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (more feats for HK-47, less for T3-M4 and G0-T0) - Fixed Sith Marauder defense bonuses. - Fixed Sith Lord defense bonuses. Bao-Dur: - He wears clothes now. (He looks the same with and without clothes, so this change is kind of pointless.) - He had 48 force points by default even though he is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Disciple: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 0 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 5 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 4 - He no longer has an invisible 'Superior Weapon Focus: Lightsaber II' feat. - He had 24 force points by default even though he is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Handmaiden: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 0 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 5 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 4 - She had 24 force points by default even though she is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Hanharr: - Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.) - He no longer has the 'Close Combat' feat. - He has the correct version of the 'Precise Shot I' feat now. HK-47: - Hit Points 72 -> 78 - Demolitions Skill 5 -> 9 - Awareness Skill 5 -> 9 - Repair Skill 6 -> 9 - He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (more feats for HK-47, less for T3-M4 and G0-T0) - Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one. - His 'Logic Upgrade: Tactician' feat was removed, since this feat is no longer in use. Kreia: - Hit Points 36 -> 27 - Force Points 49 -> 73 - She has the 'Unarmed Specialist I' feat now, same as every other jedi. Mandalore: - Awareness Skill 5 -> 4 - Persuade Skill 2 -> 0 - Treat Injury Skill 9 -> 8 - He no longer belongs to the 'Soldier' class. I made him a new class called 'Mandalorian'. This way he can retain his defense bonuses provided by the 'Mandalorian Courage' feat. (No other changes compared to the 'Soldier' class.) Mira: - Computer Use Skill 8 -> 9 - Demolitions Skill 8 -> 9 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 9 - Repair Skill 8 -> 9 - She has the 'Armor Proficiency: Medium' feat by default now. - Her 'Critikal Strike' feat was swapped out to 'Flurry'. Visas: - Hit Points 30 -> 54 - Force Points 24 -> 42 -
Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 08/20/04 V1.0 Mod: Make Mission a Jedi Mod ============================================================================ This mod allows Mission Vao to become a Jedi, through her cousin Ariajj Vao, she trains her on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Mission Vao to have, as well as giving you some Jedi Robes for her and Her Lightsaber(s). This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. Incompatibilities: ----------------------------- Any mod that has "dan14_jon.dlg" will not be compatible. That dlg file has the spawn script for the jedi who trains Mission. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when the Settler Jon accosts you about the Mandalorian Raiders, Ariajj Vao a Female Twilek Jedi is nearby John, Talk with Her and see! (If you don't have Mission with you she won't have much to say, until you add Mission in!) Follow the Dialogue and you can get Mission Vao a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing. Warning: There is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Ariajj Vao, Mission is going to become a Jedi. Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Contact ------------------------------------------------- Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Make Mission A Jedi Mod Released' thread, here; And lastly, Enjoy! -
Aloha! Thanks for checking out my mod. This originally started out as a mod for getting Bao-Dur some non-vanilla starting gear, but I ended up expanding it and creating starting armors for each companion that didn't have one before and making Atton's and Mira's jackets moddable with underlays to keep them more useful. Now every companion can use their default appearance and have it be somewhat competitive to some of the mid-game gear and (hopefully) become a niche choice of equipment for some people! This mod uses TSLPatcher, so it should be compatible with any mods that don't change what armor Kreia, Bao-Dur, Handmaiden, Disciple, and Visas wear when you first meet them. Mods that change or alter their default appearance, such as Ultimate Character Overhaul, should work just fine with this mod since each armor is actually a suped-up generic clothing item. Please feel free to use this mod as you see fit! If you wanna include it in your mod, go ahead - just credit me if you do, that's all I ask. -
Version 1.0.8
This mod corrects companion stats. Also makes dark side Bastila level 3. WARNING: This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine. If the companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load an earlier save. List of changes: Bastila: - Awareness Skill 4 -> 6 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 - Fixed a bug that caused some of her textures to be transparent. - Her dark side version is level 3 now. Same stats but evil and has dark side powers (Stun -> Fear, Force Aura -> Wound). Juhani: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 4 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 7 T3-M4: - Demolitions Skill 1 -> 3 - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (-3 feats for T3) Zaalbar: - Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.) Jolee: - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 HK-47: - Hit Points 66 -> 78 - Demolitions Skill 5 -> 7 - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Repair Skill 6 -> 8 - He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (+3 feats for HK) - Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one. -
Version 2.00
Requested by LucyTheAlien. JC2 Presents: The Party Leveler TSL. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` About: Identical in concept to it's k1 counterpart, the PC can now fully upgrade their party members from level 1, once they join the party. Benefits: Potentially, you could have Atton as a level 2 Jedi Sentinel, or simply have more customization of feats/skills/powers than usual. Installation: Unzip and run the tslpatcher, should be compatible with every mod out there. Installation order should be whatever mod that may have the same files, then my mod letting the tslpatcher patch the files for compatibility. As always, I hope you enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated, regardless of its nature. -JC2 Special thanks to LucyTheAlien for reminding me about the TSLpatcher. -
View File KotOR2 Companion Fix This mod corrects companion stats. WARNING: This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine. If the companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load an earlier save. List of changes: Class changes: - Soldiers no longer gain defense bonuses leveling up, only Mandalore, but he is a separate class now. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (more feats for HK-47, less for T3-M4 and G0-T0) - Fixed Sith Marauder defense bonuses. - Fixed Sith Lord defense bonuses. Bao-Dur: - He wears clothes now. (He looks the same with and without clothes, so this change is kind of pointless.) - He had 48 force points by default even though he is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Disciple: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 0 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 5 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 4 - He no longer has an invisible 'Superior Weapon Focus: Lightsaber II' feat. - He had 24 force points by default even though he is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Handmaiden: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 0 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 5 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 4 - She had 24 force points by default even though she is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Hanharr: - Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.) - He no longer has the 'Close Combat' feat. - He has the correct version of the 'Precise Shot I' feat now. HK-47: - Hit Points 72 -> 78 - Demolitions Skill 5 -> 9 - Awareness Skill 5 -> 9 - Repair Skill 6 -> 9 - He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (more feats for HK-47, less for T3-M4 and G0-T0) - Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one. - His 'Logic Upgrade: Tactician' feat was removed, since this feat is no longer in use. Kreia: - Hit Points 36 -> 27 - Force Points 49 -> 73 - She has the 'Unarmed Specialist I' feat now, same as every other jedi. Mandalore: - Awareness Skill 5 -> 4 - Persuade Skill 2 -> 0 - Treat Injury Skill 9 -> 8 - He no longer belongs to the 'Soldier' class. I made him a new class called 'Mandalorian'. This way he can retain his defense bonuses provided by the 'Mandalorian Courage' feat. (No other changes compared to the 'Soldier' class.) Mira: - Computer Use Skill 8 -> 9 - Demolitions Skill 8 -> 9 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 9 - Repair Skill 8 -> 9 - She has the 'Armor Proficiency: Medium' feat by default now. - Her 'Critikal Strike' feat was swapped out to 'Flurry'. Visas: - Hit Points 30 -> 54 - Force Points 24 -> 42 Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/01/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File KotOR1 Companion Fix This mod corrects companion stats. Also makes dark side Bastila level 3. WARNING: This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine. If the companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load an earlier save. List of changes: Bastila: - Awareness Skill 4 -> 6 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 - Fixed a bug that caused some of her textures to be transparent. - Her dark side version is level 3 now. Same stats but evil and has dark side powers (Stun -> Fear, Force Aura -> Wound). Juhani: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 4 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 7 T3-M4: - Demolitions Skill 1 -> 3 - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (-3 feats for T3) Zaalbar: - Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.) Jolee: - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 HK-47: - Hit Points 66 -> 78 - Demolitions Skill 5 -> 7 - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Repair Skill 6 -> 8 - He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (+3 feats for HK) - Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/27/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.2
Author: Kainzorus Prime Mod Name: Companions' Personal Robes ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other mods, to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod adds personalized robes for the human companions who can be trained into Force users. It also modifies Handmaiden's robe. 2. Instalation: =========== Place the files in the Override folder. 3. Required mods: =========== 4. Usage =========== The character's robe will automatically be added to the inventory once they become a Jedi. 5. REMOVAL: =========== Remove the files from the OVerride folder. 6. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. Fair Strides - Inventory spawn scripts. 7. DISCLAIMER: =========== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. -
Version 1.0
Description: A while ago Kain released his companion robes pack to go along with Deadman's movie style Jedi Robes pack. Well, an issue arose when you train Bao-Dur in the ways of the Jedi (or Sith, I don't judge). He would not disappear from the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. I took it upon myself and with a little help from the community, I give you the patch to fix this issue. Now Bao-Dur will disappear from the Ebon Hawk and you can still have those awesome robes. Requires Kain's Companion Robes pack first. Link: Installation: Drag and drop into Override folder. Allow it to override the one from Kain's pack Uninstallation: Take the file out of the override folder (Please make a back up of your original a_makejedi.ncs file.) Bugs: None to report. Let me know if any arise Credit: Kain with his Companion Robes pack Deadman with the original models -
Version 1.1.0
Brings a version of TSL’s richer companion interactions to K1. Grants character specific benefits after finishing their sidequests. Description: I am a big believer that story and gameplay should effect each other as much as possible. In TSL that is fulfilled by lots of real benefits for engaging with party members. The same should be true for K1...but the features just aren't there. The bones for what we see in TSL exists as the upgrade system for HK-47, so that is the foundation I built this on. This mod works by leveling up companions and equipping custom items to their hidden inventory slot when you finish their relevant quest or dialog. The goal is to provide some unique incentive for fully experiencing each character's storyline. The specific triggers for each rewards are below (potential spoilers): Each party member, besides Bastila, will receive the following bonuses (Mod/Story Spoilers): Some quests can end in more than one way, in those cases rewards will be granted (or not) in a way that makes sense for the character. If you are not seeing a reward (Level up + bonus) after finishing a quest, you should after having a follow-up discussion with them. For some, K1's difficulty can already feel low. While I have done my best to keep these bonuses balanced, completing these quests will increase the overall power of your party. Because of this, I'd recommend a mod that increases the overall difficulty, such as Zulkain's Impossible Difficulty Restored. Compatibility (updated 3/4/2022): Known Bugs (updated 3/4/2022): Permissions: Please do not redistribute this mod on another platform without my permission, unless I cannot be reached for 3 months time. Anyone is free to use any of the content of this mod in whatever projects/mods they want as long as they credit me where appropriate. Credits: Darksaber UTI/Model/Texture – Jcarter426 Big thanks to Thor110 for directing me to his video tutorial on Kotor modding! Additional gratitude for DarthParametric as they talked through issues Huge thanks to ebmar for helping me clean up my change.ini for TSLpatcher JC & Sdub for helping me figure out Xor’s real .dlg file StellarExile & N-Drew25 for taking a look at my mod before release Blue for their Kotor Scripting Tool Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for their DLGEditor Stoffe & Fair Strides - TSLPatcher (Original Credits for JC's Darksaber for K1) DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides NWMax – Joco KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 Saber – Andrew Kramer & tga2tpc – ndix UR -
Version 1.0
Players who take in Bastila as their Sith apprentice probably find themselves disappointed that she isn't exactly the same as when she left your party, mechanically speaking. I don't claim to offer the optimal dark Jedi Sentinel builds here, but it's hard beating the atrocious vanilla stat allocation for last place. Receive Bastila exactly how she first joined you in the Taris apartments or select from a list of available presets. You can switch your chosen build at any point during the game before reaching the Rakatan temple summit. Simply run the patcher again and pick a new spec. This mod should be installed first, before any mods that affect party member Bastila at the Rakatan temple. If said mods are already installed then they must be reinstalled after this one. KTool..........................................................Fred Tetra TSLPatcher.....................................................stoffe & Fair Strides ERFEdit........................................................stoffe & Fair Strides K-GFF..........................................................TK102 Thanks to @DarthParametric and @ebmar for helping me how to approach this for maximum user-friendliness. -
View File K2 Companion Starting Armors Aloha! Thanks for checking out my mod. This originally started out as a mod for getting Bao-Dur some non-vanilla starting gear, but I ended up expanding it and creating starting armors for each companion that didn't have one before and making Atton's and Mira's jackets moddable with underlays to keep them more useful. Now every companion can use their default appearance and have it be somewhat competitive to some of the mid-game gear and (hopefully) become a niche choice of equipment for some people! This mod uses TSLPatcher, so it should be compatible with any mods that don't change what armor Kreia, Bao-Dur, Handmaiden, Disciple, and Visas wear when you first meet them. Mods that change or alter their default appearance, such as Ultimate Character Overhaul, should work just fine with this mod since each armor is actually a suped-up generic clothing item. Please feel free to use this mod as you see fit! If you wanna include it in your mod, go ahead - just credit me if you do, that's all I ask. Submitter Ol' Cappy Submitted 08/11/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 2.1.0
Recruit HK-47 on Taris v2.1 ====================================== By brents742 ============ Description =========== -This mod allows for recruiting HK-47 into your party as early as possible (Taris) in a way that does not interfere with the story arc. -Yuka Laka is trapped on Taris by the Sith Quarantine! Taking refuge in either Kebla Yurt's store or the Alien Apartments of Upper City South depending on what you chose. Yuka needs credits and he needs them fast, so he offers HK-47 for purchase on Taris if the player has enough credits. How will he escape and make it back to Anchorhead??? -Some additional dialog has been added to Yuka Laka on Taris and Tatooine. -HK-47 will appear in your Taris apartment after being recruited. -Nothing has been removed from the game. If you want to wait until Tatooine for HK-47 to enter your party as normal, you can still do that. -This mod simply adds the ability to purchase HK-47 from Yuka Laka on Taris instead of waiting to do so on Tatooine. Version Notes ============= v1.0 - 8/10/2021 - Initial release v2.0 - 9/17/2021 - Reconfigured installer to give options for various installations involving K1 Restoration and K1 Community Patch. Thanks to N-Drew25 and Ebmar for their help with this! - Added options for where the player would like HK-47 to be recruited from (Kebla Yurt's store or the Alien Apartments in Taris Upper City South) - Reduced pricing structure for HK-47 to better reflect an affordable yet not inconsequential price. (2500/2000/1750/1500) v2.1 - 1/31/2022 - Updated compatibility for K1 Community Patch Requirements ============ IMPORTANT: If you plan to use the K1 Restoration or K1 Community Patch, these mods should be installed BEFORE installation of this mod. This mod can be installed to the base game without any additional mods. Installation ============ Run TSLPatcher.exe and select the option that best describes your specific installation. Choosing the wrong one will make the mod not work properly, partially, or at all depending. The patcher will make backups of any existing files you may have that are the same as files this mod uses. Keep track of this backup folder - which will be located wherever you have the TSLPatcher.exe running from. Override Warnings: -k_ptar_opengate.ncs may flag if it is already present due to my Recruit T3-M4 Early mod. This is fine. -tat17_08yuka_01.dlg will flag as being overriden in installations where K1 Restoration is involved. This is fine. There should not be any others, but should you run across any, log them and the mods you are using and please PM me so I can work further on compatibility. Getting Started =============== A new save is required for this mod to work properly. Short of that, a save before leaving the Endar Spire. IMPORTANT: Loading an existing save will have the game call up cached information for the module Yuka Laka and HK-47 appear in (tar_m02ac or tar_m02aa depending on your installation) and they will not appear. Timing ====== If you do not purchase HK-47 before going to Davik's estate, your next available opportunity will be on Tatooine as normal. Compatibility ============= IMPORTANT - This mod makes changes/adds the following modules to the game: tar_m02aa.mod tar_m02ac.mod tar_m02af.mod tat_m17ac.mod Both K1 Restoration and K1 Commmunity Patch were specifically in mind when designing this mod as they also make changes to some of the above modules. If you run across a mod that this mod seems to conflict with, please let me know and I will work to update this mod to address it. What Specifically does this mod do? =================================== -k_ptar_opengate.ncs (found in your override folder after installation of this mod, or already existing if you have my Recruit T3-M4 early mod, allows for three party members to exit the Outcast camp, as vanilla only included MoveTo instructions for the Hendar scene to two party members as that is all you were meant to have at that point in the game. -m02aa.git was modified (within tar_m02aa.mod) to spawn Yuka Laka and HK-47 to spawn in the Alien Apartments via UTC. -m02ac.git was modified (within tar_m02ac.mod) to spawn Yuka Laka and HK-47 to spawn in Kebla Yurt's shop via UTC. -m02af.git was modified (within tar_m02af.mod) to place a waypoint for HK-47 to appear in your Taris apartment like the rest of your party members. -m17ac.git was modified (within tat_m17ac.mod) to reflect the location of a trigger that will remove the HK-47 UTC from Yuka Laka's shop if and only if he has already been purchased on Taris. -tar_m02ac.mod & tar_m02aa.mod -Modified to include the necessary scripts present within tat_m17ac (Yuka Laka's Anchorhead shop) to allow for the proper recruitment of HK-47. -Modified to include dlg files (tar17_08hk57_01 and tar17_08yuka_01 respectively) that mimic the same dlg files in tat_m17ac but changed where needed to reflect the Sith Occupation of Taris. -Modified to include utc files (tar17_08hk57_01 and tar17_08yuka_01 respectively) that mimic the same utc files in tat_m17ac. -k_act_hk47bought.ncs is a script that was created to set boolean KES_HK1 to indicate HK-47 has been purchased on Taris. -Added scripts to check if the player has the needed credits for the new purchase options as well as for taking those credits off the player once purchased. Check the source folder for specifics on this if needed. -tat_m17ac.mod -Modified Yuka Laka's dlg file (tat17_08yuka_01) to give Taris specific dialog if HK-47 was purchased on Taris. Otherwise, regular dialog will trigger. -New trigger UTT file created that will fire script k_ptat_killhk47.ncs that removes the HK-47 UTC from Yuka Laka's shop if and only if he has already been purchased on Taris. -k_con_hk47join.ncs checks to see if KES_HK1 boolean is true, and ensures Taris specific dialog only fires the first time the player speaks with Yuka Laka on Tatooine. -k_act_hk47join2.ncs flags HK-47 as having been purchased locally so Yuka Laka (Tatooine version) does not mistakenly believe he still has an HK-47 unit to sell you. Also sets Yuka Laka as having been talked to for the first time to prohibit Taris conversation every time you speak to him. -Created the following Booleans: KES_HK1 boolean - flags when HK-47 has been purchased on Taris. This is reflected in globalcat.2da changes that TSLPatcher makes during install. Permissions and Disclaimers =========================== I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod. Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing. Special Thanks ============== N-Drew25 and Ebmar for their assistance in reorganizing the installer for best practice installation methods. Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to begin modding to begin with. The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexhaustible resources and information that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod. Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I am still funneling dozens of hours into nearly two decades after its initial release. Contact ======= PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you. -
View File [K1] Companion Sidequest Rewards Brings a version of TSL’s richer companion interactions to K1. Grants character specific benefits after finishing their sidequests. Description: I am a big believer that story and gameplay should effect each other as much as possible. In TSL that is fulfilled by lots of real benefits for engaging with party members. The same should be true for K1...but the features just aren't there. The bones for what we see in TSL exists as the upgrade system for HK-47, so that is the foundation I built this on. This mod works by leveling up companions and equipping custom items to their hidden inventory slot when you finish their relevant quest or dialog. The goal is to provide some unique incentive for fully experiencing each character's storyline. The specific triggers for each rewards are below (potential spoilers): Each party member, besides Bastila, will receive the following bonuses (Mod/Story Spoilers): Some quests can end in more than one way, in those cases rewards will be granted (or not) in a way that makes sense for the character. If you are not seeing a reward (Level up + bonus) after finishing a quest, you should after having a follow-up discussion with them. For some, K1's difficulty can already feel low. While I have done my best to keep these bonuses balanced, completing these quests will increase the overall power of your party. Because of this, I'd recommend a mod that increases the overall difficulty, such as Zulkain's Impossible Difficulty Restored. Compatibility (updated 3/4/2022): Known Bugs (updated 3/4/2022): Permissions: Please do not redistribute this mod on another platform without my permission, unless I cannot be reached for 3 months time. Anyone is free to use any of the content of this mod in whatever projects/mods they want as long as they credit me where appropriate. Credits: Darksaber UTI/Model/Texture – Jcarter426 Big thanks to Thor110 for directing me to his video tutorial on Kotor modding! Additional gratitude for DarthParametric as they talked through issues Huge thanks to ebmar for helping me clean up my change.ini for TSLpatcher JC & Sdub for helping me figure out Xor’s real .dlg file StellarExile & N-Drew25 for taking a look at my mod before release Blue for their Kotor Scripting Tool Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for their DLGEditor Stoffe & Fair Strides - TSLPatcher (Original Credits for JC's Darksaber for K1) DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides NWMax – Joco KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 Saber – Andrew Kramer & tga2tpc – ndix UR Submitter Masamune753 Submitted 01/23/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
View File Build-A-Bastila Players who take in Bastila as their Sith apprentice probably find themselves disappointed that she isn't exactly the same as when she left your party, mechanically speaking. I don't claim to offer the optimal dark Jedi Sentinel builds here, but it's hard beating the atrocious vanilla stat allocation for last place. Receive Bastila exactly how she first joined you in the Taris apartments or select from a list of available presets. You can switch your chosen build at any point during the game before reaching the Rakatan temple summit. Simply run the patcher again and pick a new spec. This mod should be installed first, before any mods that affect party member Bastila at the Rakatan temple. If said mods are already installed then they must be reinstalled after this one. KTool..........................................................Fred Tetra TSLPatcher.....................................................stoffe & Fair Strides ERFEdit........................................................stoffe & Fair Strides K-GFF..........................................................TK102 Thanks to @DarthParametric and @ebmar for helping me how to approach this for maximum user-friendliness. Submitter TK-664 Submitted 01/02/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
[K2] Droid Companion for Mira ========================================================= Description: This mod allows You to get an Astromech Droid companion for Mira. It will appear when You have Mira in Your active party and will follow her around, also fighting along with her. It behaves just like Bao Dur's Remote drone. It makes sense for a bounty huntress like Mira to have a top of the line Astromech Droid along with her, as it can help her with Computers, Doors, and Loot Crates slicing / hacking! It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with TSLRCM, M4-78 and the Mira Romance Mod! Player Guide: In order to get the Astromech Droid, talk to Mira after recruiting her in Your Party, choose the „I was hoping we could talk.” line, then You will see a new dialogue line hinting at the Droid („Nice Astromech Droid you got there.”). When triggering this dialogue line the Droid will appear and accompany Mira. I hope You enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: It is recommended to install this mod after installing other mods like TSLRCM, M4-78 and Mira Romance Mod. To install, just run the TSLPatcher installer and point it to Your KOTOR II install dir! You should have the following files inside your swkotor/Override folder: mira.dlg mira_puppet.utc pup_droid.ncs st_ai_puppethb.ncs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: mira.dlg mira_puppet.utc pup_droid.ncs st_ai_puppethb.ncs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if you have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: DarthParametric, AmanoJyaku, Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators K1R Compatibility: Yes ========================================================= Version: 1.0.0 - Original Release -
View File Recruit HK-47 on Taris Recruit HK-47 on Taris v2.1 ====================================== By brents742 ============ Description =========== -This mod allows for recruiting HK-47 into your party as early as possible (Taris) in a way that does not interfere with the story arc. -Yuka Laka is trapped on Taris by the Sith Quarantine! Taking refuge in either Kebla Yurt's store or the Alien Apartments of Upper City South depending on what you chose. Yuka needs credits and he needs them fast, so he offers HK-47 for purchase on Taris if the player has enough credits. How will he escape and make it back to Anchorhead??? -Some additional dialog has been added to Yuka Laka on Taris and Tatooine. -HK-47 will appear in your Taris apartment after being recruited. -Nothing has been removed from the game. If you want to wait until Tatooine for HK-47 to enter your party as normal, you can still do that. -This mod simply adds the ability to purchase HK-47 from Yuka Laka on Taris instead of waiting to do so on Tatooine. Version Notes ============= v1.0 - 8/10/2021 - Initial release v2.0 - 9/17/2021 - Reconfigured installer to give options for various installations involving K1 Restoration and K1 Community Patch. Thanks to N-Drew25 and Ebmar for their help with this! - Added options for where the player would like HK-47 to be recruited from (Kebla Yurt's store or the Alien Apartments in Taris Upper City South) - Reduced pricing structure for HK-47 to better reflect an affordable yet not inconsequential price. (2500/2000/1750/1500) v2.1 - 1/31/2022 - Updated compatibility for K1 Community Patch Requirements ============ IMPORTANT: If you plan to use the K1 Restoration or K1 Community Patch, these mods should be installed BEFORE installation of this mod. This mod can be installed to the base game without any additional mods. Installation ============ Run TSLPatcher.exe and select the option that best describes your specific installation. Choosing the wrong one will make the mod not work properly, partially, or at all depending. The patcher will make backups of any existing files you may have that are the same as files this mod uses. Keep track of this backup folder - which will be located wherever you have the TSLPatcher.exe running from. Override Warnings: -k_ptar_opengate.ncs may flag if it is already present due to my Recruit T3-M4 Early mod. This is fine. -tat17_08yuka_01.dlg will flag as being overriden in installations where K1 Restoration is involved. This is fine. There should not be any others, but should you run across any, log them and the mods you are using and please PM me so I can work further on compatibility. Getting Started =============== A new save is required for this mod to work properly. Short of that, a save before leaving the Endar Spire. IMPORTANT: Loading an existing save will have the game call up cached information for the module Yuka Laka and HK-47 appear in (tar_m02ac or tar_m02aa depending on your installation) and they will not appear. Timing ====== If you do not purchase HK-47 before going to Davik's estate, your next available opportunity will be on Tatooine as normal. Compatibility ============= IMPORTANT - This mod makes changes/adds the following modules to the game: tar_m02aa.mod tar_m02ac.mod tar_m02af.mod tat_m17ac.mod Both K1 Restoration and K1 Commmunity Patch were specifically in mind when designing this mod as they also make changes to some of the above modules. If you run across a mod that this mod seems to conflict with, please let me know and I will work to update this mod to address it. What Specifically does this mod do? =================================== -k_ptar_opengate.ncs (found in your override folder after installation of this mod, or already existing if you have my Recruit T3-M4 early mod, allows for three party members to exit the Outcast camp, as vanilla only included MoveTo instructions for the Hendar scene to two party members as that is all you were meant to have at that point in the game. -m02aa.git was modified (within tar_m02aa.mod) to spawn Yuka Laka and HK-47 to spawn in the Alien Apartments via UTC. -m02ac.git was modified (within tar_m02ac.mod) to spawn Yuka Laka and HK-47 to spawn in Kebla Yurt's shop via UTC. -m02af.git was modified (within tar_m02af.mod) to place a waypoint for HK-47 to appear in your Taris apartment like the rest of your party members. -m17ac.git was modified (within tat_m17ac.mod) to reflect the location of a trigger that will remove the HK-47 UTC from Yuka Laka's shop if and only if he has already been purchased on Taris. -tar_m02ac.mod & tar_m02aa.mod -Modified to include the necessary scripts present within tat_m17ac (Yuka Laka's Anchorhead shop) to allow for the proper recruitment of HK-47. -Modified to include dlg files (tar17_08hk57_01 and tar17_08yuka_01 respectively) that mimic the same dlg files in tat_m17ac but changed where needed to reflect the Sith Occupation of Taris. -Modified to include utc files (tar17_08hk57_01 and tar17_08yuka_01 respectively) that mimic the same utc files in tat_m17ac. -k_act_hk47bought.ncs is a script that was created to set boolean KES_HK1 to indicate HK-47 has been purchased on Taris. -Added scripts to check if the player has the needed credits for the new purchase options as well as for taking those credits off the player once purchased. Check the source folder for specifics on this if needed. -tat_m17ac.mod -Modified Yuka Laka's dlg file (tat17_08yuka_01) to give Taris specific dialog if HK-47 was purchased on Taris. Otherwise, regular dialog will trigger. -New trigger UTT file created that will fire script k_ptat_killhk47.ncs that removes the HK-47 UTC from Yuka Laka's shop if and only if he has already been purchased on Taris. -k_con_hk47join.ncs checks to see if KES_HK1 boolean is true, and ensures Taris specific dialog only fires the first time the player speaks with Yuka Laka on Tatooine. -k_act_hk47join2.ncs flags HK-47 as having been purchased locally so Yuka Laka (Tatooine version) does not mistakenly believe he still has an HK-47 unit to sell you. Also sets Yuka Laka as having been talked to for the first time to prohibit Taris conversation every time you speak to him. -Created the following Booleans: KES_HK1 boolean - flags when HK-47 has been purchased on Taris. This is reflected in globalcat.2da changes that TSLPatcher makes during install. Permissions and Disclaimers =========================== I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod. Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing. Special Thanks ============== N-Drew25 and Ebmar for their assistance in reorganizing the installer for best practice installation methods. Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to begin modding to begin with. The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexhaustible resources and information that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod. Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I am still funneling dozens of hours into nearly two decades after its initial release. Contact ======= PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you. Submitter brents742 Submitted 08/10/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File Recruit HK-47 Early Recruit HK-47 Early v1.0 ====================================== By brents742 ============ Version Notes ============= v1.0 - 4/9/2021 - Initial release Description =========== -This mod allows for recruiting HK-47 into your party as quick as possible in a way that lines up with the story arc. -By scrapping the damaged HK-50 unit inside the Telos Military Base, the player can pick up two additional HK parts (HK Droid Processor and HK Chassis). These, in combination with the parts received by the Peragus and Polar Mesa HK-50 encounters, will allow HK-47 to be rebuilt the moment the player returns to the Ebon Hawk after leaving the Telos Polar Academy. -Nothing has changed beyond what you are able to do with the damaged HK-50 droid in the Telos Military Base. If you want him to follow you and explode near the HK-50 Factory door as normal, you can still do that. -This mod simply adds a dialog option for scrapping the damaged HK-50 unit instead of programming it to follow you. Background ========== -I wanted to create a mod that allows you access to HK-47 early but in a way that makes sense. I toyed with giving the player every HK part on Peragus but ran into the question of where is HK-47 on Citadel Station? Was he taken with the Ebon Hawk? He wouldn't have allowed the Handmaiden to just walk in and steal the ship. If he is abducted, why is he nowhere in the Polar Academy? -These are all questions I may solve in a different, admittedly much harder to create, mod later on down the road. -For the meantime, this mod exists to give him to you as early as the story allows. -This, like all my mods, takes things that I usually cheat into the game and makes them part of the game. One could easily open up the cheat console and give all the hkparts the moment they leave Peragus if they wanted. But my vision with every mod I make is to render the cheat console as obsolete as possible. Requirements ============ TSLRCM 1.8.5 or above Installation ============ STEAM TSLRCM VERSION USERS: When installing with TSLPatcher, you MUST select your Steam workshop TSLRCM directory. Not the main KOTOR 2 directory. When asked by TSLPatcher to browse for a folder, go to your main Steam folder, then steamapps. Then workshop. Then content. Then 208580 (This is KOTOR 2's game code) then find the TSLRCM file. For TSLRCM + M4-78 it will be called 1402798020. For regular TSLRCM it will be called 485537937. Choose which of these folders you have for TSLPatcher to install to and let it work. If you are using other than English TSLRCM your folder code will be a little different. !!!IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS AND ARE USING THE STEAM VERSION OF 1.8.5 THE MOD WILL NOT WORK!!! NON STEAM TSLRCM VERSION USERS: Run TSLPatcher.exe and follow the prompts. The patcher will make backups of any existing files you may have that are the same as files this mod uses. Keep track of this backup folder - which will be located wherever you have the TSLPatcher.exe running from. Uninstalling ============ Copy and paste the original backed up files of 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf that the TSLPacther made during installation into the Modules folder within your KOTOR II directory. Getting Started =============== This mod works best from a save before entering the Telos Military Base. You can use a save from within the Telos Military Base you may need to head back to the surface and reenter the Military Base to force the game to load the module again. Simply speak to the Damaged HK-50 droid and select the option that reads '[Repair] Scavenge the droid for HK series parts.' Important - Timing ================== You only get one shot to scrap the Damaged HK-50 droid. If you program it to follow you instead of scrapping it, you'll need to load up a different save and try again. Compatibility ============= IMPORTANT - This mod relies upon the hk50.dlg file located in the 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf files. Any mod that changes the hk50.dlg file located within the previously mentioned files will not be compatible with this mod. A mod that modifies 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf should be compatible so long as the hk50.dlg located within these files is not touched. If you run across a mod that this mod seems to conflict with, please let me know and I will work to update this mod to address it. What Specifically does this mod do? =================================== -hk50.dlg was modified within 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf to give the player the option to scrap the damaged HK50 unit in the Telos Military Base. This new dialog option gives the player two HK parts. Specifically, hkpart01 and hkpart02 which are HK Droid Processor and HK Chassis -Created the following Booleans: KES_HK1 boolean - flags when the damaged HK-50 droid has been scrapped, preventing any further actions with the droid. Permissions and Disclaimers =========================== I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod. Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing. Special Thanks ============== Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to begin modding to begin with. The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexhaustible resources and information that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod. Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I'm still funneling dozens of hours into nearly two decades after its initial release. Contact ======= PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you. Submitter brents742 Submitted 04/10/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
Recruit HK-47 Early v1.0 ====================================== By brents742 ============ Version Notes ============= v1.0 - 4/9/2021 - Initial release Description =========== -This mod allows for recruiting HK-47 into your party as quick as possible in a way that lines up with the story arc. -By scrapping the damaged HK-50 unit inside the Telos Military Base, the player can pick up two additional HK parts (HK Droid Processor and HK Chassis). These, in combination with the parts received by the Peragus and Polar Mesa HK-50 encounters, will allow HK-47 to be rebuilt the moment the player returns to the Ebon Hawk after leaving the Telos Polar Academy. -Nothing has changed beyond what you are able to do with the damaged HK-50 droid in the Telos Military Base. If you want him to follow you and explode near the HK-50 Factory door as normal, you can still do that. -This mod simply adds a dialog option for scrapping the damaged HK-50 unit instead of programming it to follow you. Background ========== -I wanted to create a mod that allows you access to HK-47 early but in a way that makes sense. I toyed with giving the player every HK part on Peragus but ran into the question of where is HK-47 on Citadel Station? Was he taken with the Ebon Hawk? He wouldn't have allowed the Handmaiden to just walk in and steal the ship. If he is abducted, why is he nowhere in the Polar Academy? -These are all questions I may solve in a different, admittedly much harder to create, mod later on down the road. -For the meantime, this mod exists to give him to you as early as the story allows. -This, like all my mods, takes things that I usually cheat into the game and makes them part of the game. One could easily open up the cheat console and give all the hkparts the moment they leave Peragus if they wanted. But my vision with every mod I make is to render the cheat console as obsolete as possible. Requirements ============ TSLRCM 1.8.5 or above Installation ============ STEAM TSLRCM VERSION USERS: When installing with TSLPatcher, you MUST select your Steam workshop TSLRCM directory. Not the main KOTOR 2 directory. When asked by TSLPatcher to browse for a folder, go to your main Steam folder, then steamapps. Then workshop. Then content. Then 208580 (This is KOTOR 2's game code) then find the TSLRCM file. For TSLRCM + M4-78 it will be called 1402798020. For regular TSLRCM it will be called 485537937. Choose which of these folders you have for TSLPatcher to install to and let it work. If you are using other than English TSLRCM your folder code will be a little different. !!!IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS AND ARE USING THE STEAM VERSION OF 1.8.5 THE MOD WILL NOT WORK!!! NON STEAM TSLRCM VERSION USERS: Run TSLPatcher.exe and follow the prompts. The patcher will make backups of any existing files you may have that are the same as files this mod uses. Keep track of this backup folder - which will be located wherever you have the TSLPatcher.exe running from. Uninstalling ============ Copy and paste the original backed up files of 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf that the TSLPacther made during installation into the Modules folder within your KOTOR II directory. Getting Started =============== This mod works best from a save before entering the Telos Military Base. You can use a save from within the Telos Military Base you may need to head back to the surface and reenter the Military Base to force the game to load the module again. Simply speak to the Damaged HK-50 droid and select the option that reads '[Repair] Scavenge the droid for HK series parts.' Important - Timing ================== You only get one shot to scrap the Damaged HK-50 droid. If you program it to follow you instead of scrapping it, you'll need to load up a different save and try again. Compatibility ============= IMPORTANT - This mod relies upon the hk50.dlg file located in the 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf files. Any mod that changes the hk50.dlg file located within the previously mentioned files will not be compatible with this mod. A mod that modifies 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf should be compatible so long as the hk50.dlg located within these files is not touched. If you run across a mod that this mod seems to conflict with, please let me know and I will work to update this mod to address it. What Specifically does this mod do? =================================== -hk50.dlg was modified within 232tel.mod and 232TEL_dlg.erf to give the player the option to scrap the damaged HK50 unit in the Telos Military Base. This new dialog option gives the player two HK parts. Specifically, hkpart01 and hkpart02 which are HK Droid Processor and HK Chassis -Created the following Booleans: KES_HK1 boolean - flags when the damaged HK-50 droid has been scrapped, preventing any further actions with the droid. Permissions and Disclaimers =========================== I, brents742, reserve the right as author of this mod for sole permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. The user of the mod is responsible for any damage to their game that may result from using this mod. Users are encouraged to make relevant backups and do their research on existing mods they have installed to double check compatibility. All efforts have been made to ensure this mod is as unobtrusive as possible but ultimate responsibility lies with the end user to check for possible conflicts before installing. Special Thanks ============== Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Prydeless for their pink lightsaber mod that inspired me to begin modding to begin with. The entirety of the DeadlyStream modding forums for their inexhaustible resources and information that allows anyone with a computer and an idea to sit down and learn how to make their first mod. Lucasarts, Bioware, and Obsidian for making a game I'm still funneling dozens of hours into nearly two decades after its initial release. Contact ======= PM me on Nexus or DeadlyStream or alternatively post on the mod itself and I will get back to you. -
Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 09/10/04 Version 1.2 ============================================================================ This is a reskin to turn our Cathar Jedi friend, Juhani into a nice Siberian Tigress motif, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Juhani. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well, unless you have some that change Juhani's appearance. A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes Juhani into a Siberian Tiger themed character. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered. Her Clothes also have a little additional skin/fur showing, I hated the blue parts, I thought it looked better this way. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new cold weather Juhani! ;^)- 1 comment
- jumpstationz
- redhawke
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
On dxun, for my party i selected mira first, then jedi disciple. halfway up the trail, mira says her line about selling cannok skins, but it is disciple who is moving his lips. weird, but not gamebraking. has anyone else experienced this?
Recently I have been developing this mod where you can get an Astromech Droid companion for Mira. The Droid is intended to work as a puppet, such as Bao Dur's Remote. I have been following this great Tutorial found here: I have encountered a problem with actually triggering the puppet (Droid in our case) to appear. The Tutorial states this: "In order for that script to work, your intended puppet owner must be in the active party when the script is run. As such a good place to run the script would be as part of the script that makes the NPC in question join your party." I have no idea how to bind the script to the one that makes Mira join my party, so I made a new Dialogue line for Mira that should trigger the script. I have her in my active party as stated in the Tutorial, the problem is that even after triggering the Conversation line that fires the puppet join script, the Droid still does not appear! I have no idea what goes wrong, I tried multiple times, checked and rechecked if the script is set to trigger in the dialogue, etc but it still doesn't work... I'd be more than happy if anyone could lend a helping hand with this mod! If you want to help I'm attaching the mod files and savegame below, with my deepest gratitude! Here are the files for the mod (drop them into Override): Droid Companion for Mira.rar And the savegame I used to test the mod: Mira Droid Savegame.rar
View File [K2] Droid Companion for Mira [K2] Droid Companion for Mira ========================================================= Description: This mod allows You to get an Astromech Droid companion for Mira. It will appear when You have Mira in Your active party and will follow her around, also fighting along with her. It behaves just like Bao Dur's Remote drone. It makes sense for a bounty huntress like Mira to have a top of the line Astromech Droid along with her, as it can help her with Computers, Doors, and Loot Crates slicing / hacking! It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with TSLRCM, M4-78 and the Mira Romance Mod! Player Guide: In order to get the Astromech Droid, talk to Mira after recruiting her in Your Party, choose the „I was hoping we could talk.” line, then You will see a new dialogue line hinting at the Droid („Nice Astromech Droid you got there.”). When triggering this dialogue line the Droid will appear and accompany Mira. I hope You enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: It is recommended to install this mod after installing other mods like TSLRCM, M4-78 and Mira Romance Mod. To install, just run the TSLPatcher installer and point it to Your KOTOR II install dir! You should have the following files inside your swkotor/Override folder: mira.dlg mira_puppet.utc pup_droid.ncs st_ai_puppethb.ncs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: mira.dlg mira_puppet.utc pup_droid.ncs st_ai_puppethb.ncs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if you have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: DarthParametric, AmanoJyaku, Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators K1R Compatibility: Yes ========================================================= Version: 1.0.0 - Original Release Submitter JediArchivist Submitted 04/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Redhawke's Mission Jedi Mod Author : RedHawke 08/20/04 V1.0 Mod: Make Mission a Jedi Mod ============================================================================ This mod allows Mission Vao to become a Jedi, through her cousin Ariajj Vao, she trains her on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Mission Vao to have, as well as giving you some Jedi Robes for her and Her Lightsaber(s). This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. Incompatibilities: ----------------------------- Any mod that has "dan14_jon.dlg" will not be compatible. That dlg file has the spawn script for the jedi who trains Mission. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when the Settler Jon accosts you about the Mandalorian Raiders, Ariajj Vao a Female Twilek Jedi is nearby John, Talk with Her and see! (If you don't have Mission with you she won't have much to say, until you add Mission in!) Follow the Dialogue and you can get Mission Vao a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing. Warning: There is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Ariajj Vao, Mission is going to become a Jedi. Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Contact ------------------------------------------------- Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Make Mission A Jedi Mod Released' thread, here; And lastly, Enjoy! Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
View File Redhawke's Caucasian Mission Author : RedHawke 08/30/04 Version 1.2 ============================================================================ This is a reskin to turn everyones favorite Twilek Street urchin, Mission Vao into a nice Caucasian skin tone, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Mission Vao. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes Mission Vao into a Caucasian Twilek. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered, Missions head tails skins are located in her clothes texture and not her head... so be careful giving her clothes from another mod it will mess up her head tails... Bioware did some wierd things with the textures. Her Clothes also have a little additional bare midriff section so she has a little Britney Spears thing going on. The standard black under shirt was so plain, I thought it looked better. Version 1.1: Lowered Missions Navel on the Clothes Texture. New In Version 1.2: Altered The Clothes Texture and Gave Mission some Cut-Off Shorts or "Daisy Dukes" for those that remember the 80's. The original 1.1 Mission clothes texture is in a subfolder so you can use whichever one you want. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new Mission Vao! ;^) Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Skins K1R Compatible No