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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Well, that was a path I was hoping I wouldn't have to take. While I won't lie this method is probably the easiest way to go its very time consuming especially since I have more projects similar to "BDEI" that has anywhere between 20-90 lines that need a Lip Sync.
  2. Could I request for the Carth meeting loading screen you instead display Carth simply starring out the window showing his whole body instead of this close up portrait of his face. I believe at some point in the cutscene he does face out the window so it is possible.
  3. I'm guessing that in-game cutscene of Kreia's fall mod didn't work. Why don't you just release what you got so far but put in your readme "Incompatible with Kreia's Fall In-Game cutscene" or something like that so people know it won't work.
  4. In Kotor Tool go to "Kotor I/ERFs/TexturePacks/swpc_tex_tpa.erf/L". The texture you are looking for should be in there. (Try textures starting with LEH_ )
  5. As in 1:49? I did use TSLRCM as a base but looking at the file it looked as if "Looking for my ship." had Atton's raise as it was shown exactly as it was in the video and "I was told I might be able to find my ship here." didn't have a raise at all, it just had Bao Dur talking and it just cuts to Atton who raises off-screen. That's what I thought at least, maybe it's a good thing I chose not to release it. May you please tell me what TSLRCM did instead? Was it? I'll admit some lines where simply copies of already existing lines that I felt sound better which I can get the lips files for those but the other restored dialogue exists only here. If it's worth mentioning what you see here isn't everything I've found. From what I can tell Bao Dur's original intro had Exile, Atton and Kreia slip out of the wreckage of the ship, they'd chat and Atton will bring up something about Corrun Falt being responsible for being shot down thinking he was "tying up loose ends". Kreia dismisses this as false but "something else is at work according to her". Bao Dur runs towards the wreck and introduces himself and asks what they were doing in the RZ. His cut dialogue makes no references to being a war veteran, knowing the Exile and the company of the Remote thus is why I never restored that intro.
  6. Kotor 2 is riddled with cut content, while TSLRCM restores most content and other big projects like M4-78EP restores their respective content there is still a small handful of cut content still hanging around and this one I will be discussing may or may not be known as commonly as let's say the GenoHaradan. Recently, I discovered some cut lines for Bao Dur's intro that indicate that this was going to be different than how it goes in Vanilla/TSLRCM. As always, I cannot restore this original intro in a way that works as it'd essentially have to cut more dialogue to restore even fewer dialogue but I have restored a select number of lines into the normal Intro in a way that does work. Help wanted!: As I own a Windows 10 PC I cannot download/use the tools to make Lip Syncs for the cut lines. If anyone owns a Windows 8 PC or under/can actually run the tools required to make Lip Sync and knows how to make them feel free to reply to this blog/PM me about this and I will give you details on what lines that need to be Lip Synced. Here is what I got so far I have been recommended to not release what I've got as this is a bad first impression so if anyone is interested in working with me with the Lip Syncs be my guest, also tell me what you guys think of the lines.
  7. It's in the base game. Warping to "ebo_m46ab" will take you to its vanilla location. BOSSR simply reuses it. I'm guessing you'd want to look at the Ebon Hawk textures and chances are if you find a pitch white texture that's the one you'd want to reskin green or blue or whatever.
  8. Could the Void module in the mysterious box act as a green screen?
  9. It was really weird for me when I played the mod, Bao Dur just stands in an injured state and doesn't die.
  10. Both of those items do actually appear in-game as random loot drops. You might just not of found one yet, for one segment of the Legacy mod I can likely add the Sith Mask as a guaranteed item and not a random item as it does seem rare even for me and I may add that Nikto mask in the game somewhere as it does seem fitting for this mod.
  11. N-DReW25

    Darth Sion remake

    Any chance for a TFU version?
  12. That definitely sounds like a problem with TSL on its own. For me, TSL and K1 works perfectly fine on Windows 10 so it must be your actual system. I'd recommend sticking to your Windows 7 PC for TSL if you still have that one.
  13. For some reason, I cannot speak to bao dur at all with this mod installed?
  14. It probably is your mods. Did you use that TSL Warp and Cheat Band mod? And where exactly does the Telos apartments section crash? Does it crash on load up or during a convo of some sort?
  15. It would be good to list all the mods you've installed so we know what we are dealing with. Also, did you upgrade your PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10 or did you buy a Windows 10 PC and install the same mods onto your new PC?
  16. Here is it's old Demo from years ago, it's playable from a certain point of view- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/391-sleheyron-demo/
  17. I meant extracting the Xbox textures. Would it be possible to extract those textures and use them on PC (Reason I ask is because I suspect a specific NPC texture is different on Xbox and PC)
  18. One of the Overseers of the GenoHaradan was a Selkath so having a Selkath being a normal member of the GenoHaradan isn't too much of a stretch. The only reason why I decided to include a Selkath in the first place was because I found 1 line in the game files which sounded similar to that of a Selkath. So this guy will be able to talk briefly. Well, most GenoHaradan assassins will wear the mask that the restored Masked Duro wears. I've recently discovered how to modify head models to allow them to wear masks but actually compelling them results in some freaky looking freaks of nature, once I get around that error, however, I will be able to make NPCs like Commoners wear Masks. The only reason the Quarren and Selkath don't wear a mask is because I think that'd be difficult to pull off. I don't plan on doing too much with tattoos but there will definitely be diversity among the GenoHaradan.
  19. I'm being 100% honest that reference was not intended.
  20. As I have not replied to this thread for a while here is a preview of two new GenoHaradan NPCs you meet during the mod. These NPCs provide a minor role to the mod. This preview is to serve as an example of the new alien variants that have been made to show an obvious "difference" between GenoHaradan Assassins and normal aliens, that and for the sake of diversity.
  21. 778 people have downloaded the Bao Dur's Fate mod. VarsityPuppet has downloaded... 778 mods according to the "top authors" section.

    1. Domino5555


      KOTOR III confirmed!

    2. VarsityPuppet


      I think that just collects up the downloads for mods, not how many mods I've downloaded