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Found 31 results

  1. Version 2.0


    Blades such as this one are the weapon of choice for Mandalorians. A warrior used to make his first battle blade after his first victory. Each one is unique in its construction, and it is very rare to find one that is not with it's owner - most great Mandalorians are buried with their blade. This mod adds two new weapons to the game, based on the bat'leths wielded by Klingons in Star Trek: The Next Generation etc. The are called Mandalorian Battle Blades. One can be found in one of the hidden caches on Telos, and has +2 Attack Bonus and +2 Slashing damage. The other is Mandalore's Battle Blade, which can be found in Mandalore's room on Dxun. This second weapon has +2 AB, +2 slashing damage, and the Keen item property. Its model is based on the Sword of Kah'less.
  2. Version 2.0


    This mod replaces the Force Drain, Force Lightning, Death Field, cold ray, ion, and neural pacifier beam effects with new, higher-res ones.
  3. InSidious

    Gameplay Rework

    Version 0.6


    The short version: this mod changes gameplay in TSL by changing the level cap to 20 and thinning out the force and skill points that each class gets. It also alters primary abilities, hit die, force die, and attack bonuses for each class (which used to all be the same). Health regen is switched off, and FP regen starts from a lower base (0.6 instead of 1.0). Details below: classes.2da: Skill points readjusted: Soldiers get 1 base Skill Point Scouts get 2 Scoundrels get 2 Guardians get 1 Consulars get 1 Sentinels get 2 Combat droids get 1 Expert droids get 3 Minions get 1 Tech Specialists get 4 Weapon Masters get 1 Jedi Masters get 1 Jedi Watchmen get 2 Sith Marauders get 1 Sith Lords get 1 Sith Assassins get 2 Class hit die readjusted: Soldier: 9 Scout: 6 Scoundrel: 4 Guardian: 10 Consular: 5 Sentinel: 7 Combat Droid: 10 Expert Droid: 6 Minion: 6 Tech Specialist: 4 Weapon-master: 12 Master: 6 Watchman: 8 Marauder: 12 Sith Lord: 6 Sith Assassin: 8 Force Die readjusted: Guardian: 4 Consular: 8 Sentinel: 5 Weapon-Master: 5 Master: 10 Watchman: 7 Sith Marauder: 5 Sith Lord: 10 Sith Assassin: 7 Primary Abilities altered: Soldier: Strength Scout: Dexterity Scoundrel: Intelligence Guardian: STR Consular: WIS Sentinel: INT Combat Droid: CON Expert Droid: INT Minion: STR Tech Specialist: INT Weapon-master: STR Master: WIS Watchman: INT Marauder: STR Lord: WIS Assassin: DEX Class attack bonus tables adjusted: Soldier: Attack bonus table 1 Scout: Attack bonus table 2 Scoundrel: Attack bonus table 3 Guardian: Attack bonus table 1 Consular: Attack bonus table 3 Sentinel: Attack bonus table 2 Combat Droid: Attack bonus table 1 Expert Droid: Attack bonus table 2 Minion: Attack bonus table 2 Tech Specialist: Attack bonus table 3 Weapon-master: Attack bonus table 1 Master: Attack bonus table 3 Watchman: Attack bonus table 2 Sith Marauder: Attack bonus table 1 Sith Lord: Attack bonus table 3 Sith Assassin: Attack bonus table 2 classpowergain.2da Only Consulars, Sith Lords and Jedi Masters get 2 starting Force Powers; Guardians get no new force powers every third level; exptable.2da Capped level gain at 20; smoothed out XP gain to compensate, so that player may only just hit 20 before game end. baseitems.2da Lightsaber power reduced: die-to-roll reduced to 8 for Lightsabers, 10 for Double-sabers, 6 for Short lightsabers.
  4. View File Gameplay Rework The short version: this mod changes gameplay in TSL by changing the level cap to 20 and thinning out the force and skill points that each class gets. It also alters primary abilities, hit die, force die, and attack bonuses for each class (which used to all be the same). Health regen is switched off, and FP regen starts from a lower base (0.6 instead of 1.0). Details below: classes.2da: Skill points readjusted: Soldiers get 1 base Skill Point Scouts get 2 Scoundrels get 2 Guardians get 1 Consulars get 1 Sentinels get 2 Combat droids get 1 Expert droids get 3 Minions get 1 Tech Specialists get 4 Weapon Masters get 1 Jedi Masters get 1 Jedi Watchmen get 2 Sith Marauders get 1 Sith Lords get 1 Sith Assassins get 2 Class hit die readjusted: Soldier: 9 Scout: 6 Scoundrel: 4 Guardian: 10 Consular: 5 Sentinel: 7 Combat Droid: 10 Expert Droid: 6 Minion: 6 Tech Specialist: 4 Weapon-master: 12 Master: 6 Watchman: 8 Marauder: 12 Sith Lord: 6 Sith Assassin: 8 Force Die readjusted: Guardian: 4 Consular: 8 Sentinel: 5 Weapon-Master: 5 Master: 10 Watchman: 7 Sith Marauder: 5 Sith Lord: 10 Sith Assassin: 7 Primary Abilities altered: Soldier: Strength Scout: Dexterity Scoundrel: Intelligence Guardian: STR Consular: WIS Sentinel: INT Combat Droid: CON Expert Droid: INT Minion: STR Tech Specialist: INT Weapon-master: STR Master: WIS Watchman: INT Marauder: STR Lord: WIS Assassin: DEX Class attack bonus tables adjusted: Soldier: Attack bonus table 1 Scout: Attack bonus table 2 Scoundrel: Attack bonus table 3 Guardian: Attack bonus table 1 Consular: Attack bonus table 3 Sentinel: Attack bonus table 2 Combat Droid: Attack bonus table 1 Expert Droid: Attack bonus table 2 Minion: Attack bonus table 2 Tech Specialist: Attack bonus table 3 Weapon-master: Attack bonus table 1 Master: Attack bonus table 3 Watchman: Attack bonus table 2 Sith Marauder: Attack bonus table 1 Sith Lord: Attack bonus table 3 Sith Assassin: Attack bonus table 2 classpowergain.2da Only Consulars, Sith Lords and Jedi Masters get 2 starting Force Powers; Guardians get no new force powers every third level; exptable.2da Capped level gain at 20; smoothed out XP gain to compensate, so that player may only just hit 20 before game end. baseitems.2da Lightsaber power reduced: die-to-roll reduced to 8 for Lightsabers, 10 for Double-sabers, 6 for Short lightsabers. Submitter InSidious Submitted 06/26/2013 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  5. Version 1.3


    Description Just a little joke mod, made in imitation of the old Holowan Spire that Doom_Dealer made. On this one you can meet and interact with a few of the regulars on the DS forums. If it proves popular, I may expand it later on. Please don't be upset if I didn't include you. This is a joke mod, and it's meant in a spirit of fun. Installation Put 'deadlystream.mod' into your Modules folder. Do *NOT* put it in the Override. To get there in game, type "warp deadlystream" into the console and hit return. Uninstallation Remove the file again. Permissions You may not upload new versions of this mod without my permission. You may not upload this mod to other websites without my permission. You may not claim to be the author of this mod. Credits & Thanks Thanks to: - Hassat Hunter for spotting the bug in v1.0; - Doom_Dealer for the original Holowan Spire; - Fair Stride for help bugfixing, and for letting me bounce ideas off him; - for being such a fun, nice place.
  6. InSidious

    New UI

    Version 0.4


    From the readme: Description This mod replaces some of the elements in the user interface (UI) with new versions. This mainly affects the combat UI, but some elements (like the health and force bars) are shared across multiple screens. The item bars and powers menus have new boxes, the combat and selection reticles have been replaced with more minimal versions, and a number of arrows have been replaced with a different style. The overall aim ahs been to imitate the style of the Designers Republic (, and their work, particularly on the Wipeout PlayStation franchise. Eventually, I may replace the whole UI, but this is it for now. NB: This mod has only really been tested on the widescreen, Steam version of the game. The elements may look different on other versions and at different resolutions. Installation Just drop the files into your Override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks To: Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Fair Strides, for feedback on a previous WIP of this mod; DeadlyStream in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this
  7. Version 1.1


    The blades of this weapon are generated from charged plasma held together by magnetism. The technology is similar to that underlying the lightsaber, though this weapon is not nearly so powerful. Originally developed for the Republic for close-quarters combat during the Mandalorian Wars, it was ultimately rejected by the Republic military, on grounds of production cost, and its ineffectiveness against most energy shields. Since then, a small number of prototypes such as this one have quietly turned up for sale in markets across the galaxy. This mod adds my version of the energy sword from Halo to the game. It's called the "Aratech Energy Sword", and does 1d6 Energy damage, 2 electrical damage, and has +3 attack bonus. It can be found on Nar Shaddaa, in a case at the back of one of the rooms in the flophouse.
  8. 660 downloads

    Description This mod changes the health and force power bars on the HUD to be thinner. N.B.: This mod has only been tested at 1280x768 resolution on the PC. It does not replace the Xbox versions of the UI, and may not work at lower resolutions. Installation Just drop the files uibit_bar_fp_p.tga and uibit_bar_vp_p into your Override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks to: Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this
  9. 844 downloads

    Description This mod changes the level-up icon from yellow to green, to fit better with the rest of the game's UI. Installation Just drop the files lbl_levelup.tga into your Override folder. Uninstallation Take it out again. Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks to: Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this
  10. 1,357 downloads

    N.B.: Although uploaded for TSL, this mod may be used for either KotOR or KotOR II: TSL. This mod alters the default camera angles used by the game so that outside dialogues and cutscenes, your character will be viewed more distantly, as is more common in RPGs like 'NeverWinter Nights', 'Dungeon Siege' and 'Diablo'. There are four different options to choose from: Option I, No Combat - This option gives you a camera angle slightly closer to the character than normal which will show the upper half of your character from an angle above the player, but does not affect the camera angle while in combat. Option I, Combat - The same as above, but does affect the camera angle while in combat. Option II, No Combat - The same height, but a greater distance from the character, showing the whole of the character. This option does not affect the camera angle while in combat. Option II, Combat - The same as above, but this option does affect the camera angle while in combat.
  11. 935 downloads

    I made a very similar mod to this a long time ago, but it seems it disappeared with PCGM and I no longer seem to have a copy. What it does is swap around the default flourish/stances used for melée weapons - the single blade flourish is replaced with the stun baton flourish and vice versa, the Echani-style flourish replaces the two melée weapon flourish and vice versa, and the double-blade flourish is replaced by the "Natural Attack" (or "Rocky Mode" ) flourish...Just look at the screenshot for details.
  12. 289 downloads

    By JCarter and Darth InSidious This isn't a mod so much as a modder's resource. JCarter426 discovered a "shuttle interior" in the game files area that was never used by Obsidian, and I've made up some module files so you can get to it. The "module" folder is exclusively for the use of modders, and is not needed to make the mod run; it is only if you want to edit things that you will need this folder.
  13. 1,503 downloads

    This mod adds a new lightsaber to the game, based on that of Qu Rahn, as seen in the Dark Forces games. It has an animated blade, that shifts colour between blue and green. It must be cheated into the game. The code for the saber crystal is “di_lcrys_12”, without the quotes. There is only a standard lightsaber model – do not attempt to use the crystal in a short or doublesaber, as this will crash your game.
  14. 905 downloads

    This mod makes it so that you can use Remote as a workbench or lab station while on the move, in case you need to upgrade something or use a few components on the move.
  15. Version 2.0


    Description The sonic screwdriver comes from the planet Gallifrey, in the constellation of Kasterborus, in a galaxy far, far away. Not only can it unscrew and unlock things, it also has its uses as a weapon, particularly against machines. Damage Bonus, Sonic +2 Damage Bonus vs. Droids, Ion +1-4 Repair +2 To get it in-game, it can be purchased from Dendis Dobo. Alternatively, you can get it by typing "giveitem di_ssd_01" and "giveitem di_ssd_02" into the console, without quote, and hitting the return key. This mod adds two items to the game: a weapon, the stats of which are outlined above, and a useable item. The useable item will allow the player to open closed doors and unlock placeable items, dependent on scoring 15 or higher on a random number generator out of 20. If not, the effect will fizzle. The player also needs to have the sonic screwdriver weapon actually equipped at the time in order to use this. N.B.: This mod is incompatible with "Dendis' Secret Stash" mod by JCarter426. Installation Double click on "Install Sonic Screwdriver for KotOR 2", and hit the "Install Mod" button. Uninstallation Remove the following files from your Override folder: dendis.dlg di_202_buy.ncs di_202_c1.ncs di_202_c2.ncs di_202_s1.ncs di_ss_01.ncs di_ss_01.tga di_ss_01.txi di_ssd_01.dlg di_ssd_01.uti di_ssd_02.uti ip_pltuseitem_241.tga iw_SonicPstl_241.tga w_SonicPstl_241.mdl w_SonicPstl_241.mdx If you installed this mod on top of other mods, DO NOT delete the files "globalcat.2da" OR "spells.2da", as this may cause problems with your game. Credits & Thanks -Thanks are especially due to Fair Strides 2, whose help was invaluable in getting the scripting for the sonic screwdriver functioning properly; -Thanks also to VarsityPuppet for the inspiration to revisit this mod, and for feedback on the model; -Thanks as always to the folk at Holowan Labs, without whom KotOR modding would never have got off the ground. -Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this . Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first.
  16. InSidious

    New UI

    File Name: New UI File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 28 May 2017 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes From the readme: Description This mod replaces some of the elements in the user interface (UI) with new versions. This mainly affects the combat UI, but some elements (like the health and force bars) are shared across multiple screens. The item bars and powers menus have new boxes, the combat and selection reticles have been replaced with more minimal versions, and a number of arrows have been replaced with a different style. The overall aim ahs been to imitate the style of the Designers Republic (, and their work, particularly on the Wipeout PlayStation franchise. Eventually, I may replace the whole UI, but this is it for now. NB: This mod has only really been tested on the widescreen, Steam version of the game. The elements may look different on other versions and at different resolutions. Installation Just drop the files into your Override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. Thanks To: Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; Fair Strides, for feedback on a previous WIP of this mod; DeadlyStream in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ; Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this Click here to download this file
  17. InSidious

    Broken Bottle


    Bludgeoning Damage Bonus +2 On Hit Attribute Damage Constitution DC10 Attack Penalty -1 Attribute Penalty Dexterity -10 Decreased Skill Modifier Awareness -2 Reduced Saving Throws Reflex -4 To get in game type "di_bottle1" into the console, without the quotes. A crude weapon, for a more uncivilised age, the broken bottle has been the prize weapon of drunks throughout the galaxy for millennia. The preferred weapon of the Pot-Iid Monks, who practice the ancient martial art of Drun-K'fu, in the right hands it can be a devastating weapon.
  18. The Deadly Stream View File Description Just a little joke mod, made in imitation of the old Holowan Spire that Doom_Dealer made. On this one you can meet and interact with a few of the regulars on the DS forums. If it proves popular, I may expand it later on. Please don't be upset if I didn't include you. This is a joke mod, and it's meant in a spirit of fun. Installation Put 'deadlystream.mod' into your Modules folder. Do *NOT* put it in the Override. To get there in game, type "warp deadlystream" into the console and hit return. Uninstallation Remove the file again. Permissions You may not upload new versions of this mod without my permission. You may not upload this mod to other websites without my permission. You may not claim to be the author of this mod. Credits & Thanks Thanks to: - Hassat Hunter for spotting the bug in v1.0; - Doom_Dealer for the original Holowan Spire; - Fair Stride for help bugfixing, and for letting me bounce ideas off him; - for being such a fun, nice place. Submitter InSidious Submitted 10/01/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  19. File Name: Mandalorian Battle Blades File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 18 Feb 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Blades such as this one are the weapon of choice for Mandalorians. A warrior used to make his first battle blade after his first victory. Each one is unique in its construction, and it is very rare to find one that is not with it's owner - most great Mandalorians are buried with their blade. This mod adds two new weapons to the game, based on the bat'leths wielded by Klingons in Star Trek: The Next Generation etc. The are called Mandalorian Battle Blades. One can be found in one of the hidden caches on Telos, and has +2 Attack Bonus and +2 Slashing damage. The other is Mandalore's Battle Blade, which can be found in Mandalore's room on Dxun. This second weapon has +2 AB, +2 slashing damage, and the Keen item property. Its model is based on the Sword of Kah'less. Click here to download this file
  20. View File Halo Energy Sword The blades of this weapon are generated from charged plasma held together by magnetism. The technology is similar to that underlying the lightsaber, though this weapon is not nearly so powerful. Originally developed for the Republic for close-quarters combat during the Mandalorian Wars, it was ultimately rejected by the Republic military, on grounds of production cost, and its ineffectiveness against most energy shields. Since then, a small number of prototypes such as this one have quietly turned up for sale in markets across the galaxy. This mod adds my version of the energy sword from Halo to the game. It's called the "Aratech Energy Sword", and does 1d6 Energy damage, 2 electrical damage, and has +3 attack bonus. It can be found on Nar Shaddaa, in a case at the back of one of the rooms in the flophouse. Submitter InSidious Submitted 02/13/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  21. Hi-Res Beam Effects View File This mod replaces the Force Drain, Force Lightning, Death Field, cold ray, ion, and neural pacifier beam effects with new, higher-res ones. Submitter InSidious Submitted 09/19/2012 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible  
  22. File Name: Lightsaber and Force Form Band File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 02 Mar 2014 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This mod consists of an arm-band for KotOR II which allows the user to give themselves any force or lightsaber form they wish, regardless of class or place in the plot. This is meant to be a cheat item, so the player will have to cheat it into the game. The code is “giveitem di_forms”, without the quotes. WARNING: This mod may cause problems with learning forms from the Jedi Masters. Click here to download this file
  23. File Name: Combat Stance Swap File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 02 Mar 2014 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes I made a very similar mod to this a long time ago, but it seems it disappeared with PCGM and I no longer seem to have a copy. What it does is swap around the default flourish/stances used for melée weapons - the single blade flourish is replaced with the stun baton flourish and vice versa, the Echani-style flourish replaces the two melée weapon flourish and vice versa, and the double-blade flourish is replaced by the "Natural Attack" (or "Rocky Mode" ) flourish...Just look at the screenshot for details. Click here to download this file
  24. File Name: Camera Angle Options File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 02 Mar 2014 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes N.B.: Although uploaded for TSL, this mod may be used for either KotOR or KotOR II: TSL. This mod alters the default camera angles used by the game so that outside dialogues and cutscenes, your character will be viewed more distantly, as is more common in RPGs like 'NeverWinter Nights', 'Dungeon Siege' and 'Diablo'. There are four different options to choose from: Option I, No Combat - This option gives you a camera angle slightly closer to the character than normal which will show the upper half of your character from an angle above the player, but does not affect the camera angle while in combat. Option I, Combat - The same as above, but does affect the camera angle while in combat. Option II, No Combat - The same height, but a greater distance from the character, showing the whole of the character. This option does not affect the camera angle while in combat. Option II, Combat - The same as above, but this option does affect the camera angle while in combat. Click here to download this file
  25. File Name: Broken Bottle File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 02 Mar 2014 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Bludgeoning Damage Bonus +2 On Hit Attribute Damage Constitution DC10 Attack Penalty -1 Attribute Penalty Dexterity -10 Decreased Skill Modifier Awareness -2 Reduced Saving Throws Reflex -4 To get in game type "di_bottle1" into the console, without the quotes. A crude weapon, for a more uncivilised age, the broken bottle has been the prize weapon of drunks throughout the galaxy for millennia. The preferred weapon of the Pot-Iid Monks, who practice the ancient martial art of Drun-K'fu, in the right hands it can be a devastating weapon. Click here to download this file