Squall Lionhart

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Everything posted by Squall Lionhart

  1. From the Playstation 4 version of the game, Kenway's hair is literally this color. I can make it longer no problem.
  2. I'm just waiting for a response to give me reason to never PM him again.
  3. I know, but there were some on Filefront that were extremely hilarious or were well thought up. I'm not saying the ones here are bad, but Filefront definitely had a bigger gallery. I still have most of the mods I used form Kotor Files all stored in my Downloads folder, one of those is Shem's Juhani head mod that makes her more attractive (At least I think so)
  4. I'm glad the mods are still able to be used on GameFront's main website, but the thing I will miss most is the PoTDs, as I always looked forward to those whenever I visited the site. RIP Kotorfiles.
  5. Dang bro, those are awesome
  6. If you installed the game from Steam, there will be no LucasArts folder. Instead your game folder is located in Steam, Steamapps, Common, Knights of the Old Republic II.
  7. I would have to go with Version 2 as my favorite.
  8. I prefer a vote, but I my opinion is that I feel 1 would be the best, considering the guardian droid has an awful shadow to begin with. No shadows would have to be rendered, and Jorak could expand his retextures to M4-78 (I know we want to wait on retextures and what not).
  9. Don't know if this has been brought up, but with the release of K1R 1.0, wouldn't it be nice to have an option that says a mod is compatible with the Restoration mod?

    1. Tyvokka


      We have talked about it and it will be done :)

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Tyvokka informs me the K1R field is now available

    3. Squall Lionhart
  10. I had this issue a while ago, you can still install the mod, all you need to do is open up the utc file for the droidmaster, and then select her inventory. Go to her armor and type in a random armor code so she can wear it. After that, install the mod file for that module and it will work perfectly.
  11. Define insanity, what is the problem installing?
  12. Rest in Peace Count Dooku 1922 - 2015

    1. diegodb


      R. I. P. Sir. Lee.

    2. milestails


      Truly one of the greats.

  13. To fix this issue, open up your appearance.2da file, scroll over to model L and text l or whatever is next to it, and scroll down to handmaiden's head slot. Enter in this for her data: model l = RHBL textl = PFBLHandM textlevil = PFBLHandMD
  14. I'd just need the UTI files as they are, so that way I can add my robes in using the GFF Editor.
  15. "I want you to teach me" Maybe that would work if you could cut it off correctly and precisely so it doesn't sound like she is stuttering.
  16. I don't know if its this mod, but every time I go to try and put the dancer outfit on one of my female characters that can wear it, nothing shows up and the character disappears. Did the update forget the dancer outfit that came with it?
  17. Well, I don't mean to bring in more bugs, but I did notice that when you learn the lightsaber combat forms from the Jedi Master, the PC does not do the animations like they are supposed to when the Master teaches them. I am assuming it is this mod since it always worked for me until I installed this.
  18. When you finish this mod, I'd like to see the UTI files so I can make my robes compatible with this mod
  19. Okay, I managed to fix the issue on the Czerka Site. What you need to do is open up the tslpatchdata folder in the Overhaul mod, then open up TEL 233 (I believe that is the module folder for the site.). You will then need to open up the UTC file that has the Mercenary Droidmaster's data. You will then click on the inventory option and add an armor to the armor section as it is empty. Then run the patcher for that module, and everything will run fine.
  20. Okay, last question, would your saber mod be compatible (obviously without Nihilus' Saber)?
  21. Just wondering, is this compatible with mods that overwrite the normal saber hilts? If not, I think I know the cause of my bug.
  22. I had the exact same problem, except the sabers were upgradable. Did you have the Dxun Veteran replace all the standard lightsabers?
  23. I haven't noticed any glitch on my last playthrough, just on the Czerka Site.