Squall Lionhart

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Everything posted by Squall Lionhart

  1. If I remember correctly, I think SelfInducedComa made an HD texture in his WIP.
  2. I noticed this as well, during some of te restored dialogue with her saying "This place merely tolerates sentients walking upon it. It is pleased to have been left alone for so long" After that she begins to speak with her mouth again.
  3. So who's all ready for Rogue One?

    1. VarsityPuppet


      oh oh oh, me! I am!

    2. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      VP: That sarcasm? I know I'm up for it.

  4. I'll be sure to work on a Darth Maul skin when I get the chance to actually get the textures right.
  5. I noticed that as soon as I uploaded it, and I'm workin on the script now to make it a custom locker. The lack of not actually being able to access the site on my PC at home does kinda kill it though.
  6. Been wondering this for a while, but has anyone had a problem when they train Bao-Dur, is there a second one in the cargo hold after the remote training with deflecting blaster bolts?
  7. On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do I love that Bao-Dur Skin? I'm gonna say 11 since he reminds me of Gene Simmons Very awesome texture Sic.
  8. Just had a good conversation with the man himself: Chris Avellone. Hopefully I can get hired at Obsidian Entertainment

    1. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      He doesn't, but he has a lot of knowledge. Plus he's very friendly.

    2. Sith Holocron
    3. VarsityPuppet


      Once upon a time, I would have loved to work there as well.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  9. As of right now, I can finally walk again without worry, though I still have to have crutches as support til I can get my muscle back in shape. Thanks guys for your praryers

    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      That's awesome man. :)


      How long for the muscles, you think?

    2. Rece


      Glad to hear!

    3. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Bout a month for the muscles, hopefully by then I can get a new router so I can access the site on my pc again.

  10. I seem to be having an issue with my router. I can access the site on my phone when connected to 4G, but I get an error message when I connect to my wi-fi network. I also seem to have an issue installing TOR. Any tips guys?

  11. I actually believe the issue is dealing with the updated version of the game. I had a similar issue with some Jorn's textures on his hilts. I then moved to the legacy version of the game and the textures appeared as normal.
  12. After 2 weeks of laying in bed from foot surgery, I am happy to say I am back for at least today. Nice to see the community still active

  13. :quote:That shouldnt been happening. Can you PM me the pics and i'll fix it asap.:/quote: I can't seem to PM you
  14. I seem to have an issue with some textures being see through, is this normal or did I install it incorrectly (I imagine I did)
  15. Get to go to Court over a speeding ticket that was made false. Pray for me guys that the Judge has sympathy for me.

  16. Before I do a playthrough of the updated version of K2, is it actually worth it?

    1. Circa


      They didn't add anything, if that's what you're asking. Playing TSL is always worth it. :P

    2. Kexikus


      Yeah, there's not a lot of new stuff, mainly achievements and native widescreen support. So yeah, there's not really much gained from using the new version. And there's the dialogue skipping bug (or was the last time I checked), so that's why I decided to go with the old version.

    3. LiliArch


      TSLRCM team fixed that audio-skipping bug for TSLRCM, though.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  17. Update: Actually, I just realized that Windows 10 thinks you have a second monitor attached, I had to disable to the second monitor to bring back my applications

    1. Canderis


      I had that a whole lot with windows 7 as well.

  18. I seem to have an issue with steam... Every time I start Kotor II, I cannot skip the opening movies, and the programs I had open are still showing that they are open, but do not show up when I click their icon

    1. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Found the cause, it is having to do with the LegacyPC version of the game.

  19. Is there some item that allows Visas to wear her headgear after installing the unmasked mod? I am curious as to how you are able to have her headgear on when the mod is required.
  20. Hey 90SK, do we have to use Duplisaber to use this mod? I know the installation instructions say if we don't have it installed to use the baseitmes.2da into the override, but I am just wondering
  21. Are you using the updated version of the game? For some reason the update causes custom lightsaber hilt textures to fizzile in and out. I noticed when I used Kaiden Jorn's hilt mod. The only way to get the textures to show is to go to the legacy version of the game.
  22. Thats with the update unfortunately. I had the same issue and when I switched back to the legacy PC version, it was fixed.
  23. Mine works fine now, so I have no idea what in the hell is causing it.
  24. "Janice, this T3 unit has a bad motivator, look!"