Squall Lionhart

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Everything posted by Squall Lionhart

  1. Thanks InSidious I think my piece of dialogue would be true to my character of choice "whatever"
  2. And you said 3.3.7a wasn't helping either? strange...
  3. I am getting the same thing... I'm gonna re download it and let you know what I find
  4. But thanks for the tip. Gotta shake that lazy habit of not making one
  5. Every installation I have is usually the same, Drop all the files in the Override
  6. Exile's Jedi Robe View File This was inspired by a mod I saw way back when on Filefront that gave the Exile a custom gray Jedi Robe. All it was however, was just a thing to soak up blaster bolts. I am here to give my own take on this robe, and what perfect time than after Kain released his Character Robes mod. This mod has a custom description along with the feat to make it for the PC only, utilizing that War Veteran feat. I have included a custom icon, and it is found in Daraala's store. The PC has unique dialogue for the first time on meeting Daraala. I may fix some grammar issues if I get enough requests. "Well Squall, what if we're past the first meeting with Daraala?" Well, use the save game editor (the working one FS has released) or type in sl_exile to get the robe ingame. This acts as a teaser to my up in coming robe expansion pack with many other choices to come. Stay tuned. Required Mod is Deadman's Movie robe pack, and my Movie Robes pack. I will make a version for the original set of robes if I get enough requests. Installation: Copy all files to Override in the Kotor II Directory Bugs: None reported for now, if something comes up let me know and I will fix it ASAP. Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 10/03/2015 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 2.0


    This was inspired by a mod I saw way back when on Filefront that gave the Exile a custom gray Jedi Robe. All it was however, was just a thing to soak up blaster bolts. I am here to give my own take on this robe, and what perfect time than after Kain released his Character Robes mod. This mod has a custom description along with the feat to make it for the PC only, utilizing that War Veteran feat. I have included a custom icon, and it is found in Daraala's store. The PC has unique dialogue for the first time on meeting Daraala. I may fix some grammar issues if I get enough requests. "Well Squall, what if we're past the first meeting with Daraala?" Well, use the save game editor (the working one FS has released) or type in sl_exile to get the robe ingame. This acts as a teaser to my up in coming robe expansion pack with many other choices to come. Stay tuned. Required Mod is Deadman's Movie robe pack, and my Movie Robes pack. I will make a version for the original set of robes if I get enough requests. Installation: Copy all files to Override in the Kotor II Directory Bugs: None reported for now, if something comes up let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
  8. I am really looking forward to downloading these textures for Taris. Just don't sell Revan any Deathsticks. Go home and rethink you're life.
  9. need recommendation, moving my alienware stuff to a new case, and was wondering should I get a 500 watt psu or a 600 watt psu, I plan to run it with the GTX 980

    1. Tyvokka


      600 watt at least, although for a 980 I recommend a 700

    2. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      From a hardware friend of mine:


      "at least the 600 the 980 is a power hog and if it is all an alian ware setup they suck a crap load of power as well"

  10. Just a little something I've been working on. Those that know Final Fantasy VIII will know who this is based off of.
  11. I recently just checked, the update to the game does create the issue I was having. Problem solved.
  12. Not that I'm trying to cause a ruckus, but on the Ebon Hawk, at certain points the hilt will have its texture, and at other points, it will not. For example, when I move the camera one way, it will have the grips and lines present, and when I move it again, it will have the model, but no texture. Is this having to do with the update to the game itself?
  13. Anyone else know a way to fix the dialogue skips with the updated version of Kotor II?

    1. DeadMan


      Dialogue skips? IF it's what I'm thinking it is - this engine related issue was in the game since it's initial release. The only known way to fix it is to quit the game and restart it.

    2. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Yup, and the Squizzy patch actually takes care of some skips, not all though

  14. Now here is a dumb question, is the TSL version of this mod going to be uploaded?
  15. Been a while, probably means I'm cooking up something good

  16. Downgrading to Windows 7

    1. Rece
    2. LDR


      Sounds more like 'upgrading'.

    3. Vriff
  17. Last track for today, the sequel to Charismatic Blues

  18. New track, called Battousai The Man Slayer

  19. Another take, much better and with drums
  20. I am very impressed with Kenobi. Makes me think that Skywalker could one day achieve glory with all the new programs that are able to edit the model files without having to break the game and what not. Great work
  21. Charismatic Blues Version 2. Refined Solo and ending
    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      Sounds much better! :D


      I liked the part at the end. (Not a political person, but I liked the intent and can picture that on-stage... ;))


      Also, I'm still so jealous of that entire back wall of the room...

  22. While this isn't Star Wars related, this is important to me. Give your opinions on my bands first song that we recorded as a trio of a guitar and two basses.

    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      It sounded pretty good for not using Studio Equipment or a soundproofing environment. :)


      I could get behind the Charismatic Blues theme for the first third, and a little at the end, but without lyrics I feel that the higher tempo/inclusion of one of the instruments in the middle dominated over the other two and unsettled the mood a bit... But that's just my opinion.

    2. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Yeah, the basses are supposed to have a duel, but the guitar overshadowed it. Next time we have a rehearsal, I'll have a different bass and then the duel will commence like it's supposed to. But thanks FS :) it means alot

  23. Oh wait, I know the issue, the model files are not present, You need to download Kain's prequel robe pack to use mine. Think of mine as more of an Add-on to his since I included only 3 textures. If you want, I can make a set for the original model.
  24. Hmm... Let me take a look at this and see what's causing the trouble.