Squall Lionhart

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Everything posted by Squall Lionhart

  1. Finally fixed the issue and have it set for Daraala, I also have a script set up if anyone wants me to add it back to the Harbinger in the PC's footlocker. Also for the texture not showing up, did you copy everything ot the override folder? Make sure that the required mods are installed first, and that you did put anything from mine or Deadman's in any subfolder.
  2. Finally updated my Exile's Gray robe, no longer breaks the game. Enjoy

  3. Is there a glitch in Kotor II when you're fighting the Twi'lek bounty hunter on Onderon where you can let him live?

    1. HK-47


      Not a glitch. You have to have G0-T0 with you to "rescind the bounty".

    2. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Okay, my Xbox version played it without G0-T0 bent present and was always wondering if it was a fuke

  4. Glad to see Rhen Var isn't dead, especially since I am quite fond of Ulic Qel-Droma. Hope to see a mention or an exploration of his tomb in the mod Great work as always InSidious
  5. I've had a similar issue with this, so I used Jorn's saber hilt mod instead and have never had the issue since. Also don't forget that TSLRCM has the fix already packaged with it.
  6. Well everyone, wish me luck, I am creating an original Twi'lek head for my modeling class.

    1. DarthParametric


      That's easy though. You get to avoid the horror of modelling ear and just plonk on some sort of cone things.

    2. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Thanks guys, I'll share it when I'm fully done.

    3. jc2


      Yeah, that would be neat to see!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  7. States in the Episode III Novel, I'll try to find the exact page when I get home from work.
  8. During Revenge of the Sith, when Anakin and Obi-Wan are in the chamber rescuing the Chancellor, those windows overlooking the battle are actually holo windows.
  9. Even though it is underground, don't forget that in the garden there is a windowed dome over the top. So it is possible to have some windows. But either way it does look fantastic.
  10. I think I finally fixed my laptops glaring issue of not being able to use wi-fi

  11. Does anyone want a thunderstorm with a chance of actual rain? I give you... Dxun! Thank you Malkior for your More Vibrant Skies mod. That helped me narrow down the names for the 2 zones of Dxun, and on how to do the textures. Dxun is one of the few where the skybox actually looks good all around with the only editing having to be done with making the textures double sided for the Jungle zones.
  12. While I haven't started some of the other skybodes, Dxun may be the hardest due to how slow it's rendering

    1. Jorak Uln

      Jorak Uln

      Well, you can use the trick to work with "preview" renders in a low res e.g. 512x512 first until its finished.

    2. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Yeah I've thought about that for when I do Telos

  13. Dxun will take a fair bit of work since it is mostly cloud. But VUE's terrain feature is fairly easy to use. I'll even add Onderon in the mix since they are incredibly close together.
  14. I did render them at 2048x2048, since Kex rendered all his skyboxes for K1 at that resolution.
  15. From what I'm noticing, Onderon's 2nd texture for the skybox actually takes a bit from the first one, looking at the edges of it. If you notice, the cloud layer in the first one at the end shows up in the second one. Wondering how to fix it... since I have set up multiple cameras for a 90 degree view angle. Maybe I'll edit the pixels in Photoshop.
  16. Technology has come very far in the last few years, so at some point all 4 of us can use our skills to make that a reality.
  17. Slowly but surely it is getting there. Still having trouble trying to get a seamless render, maybe TSL just hates custom skybox renders and is tormenting me. I added a nature texture to Dxun to make it more official, and so far everything is going smoothly.
  18. I remember using yours for many playthroughs Malkior. Yours along with Kex actually inspired me to do high quality versions.
  19. When I saw the first screenshot I thought it was K1. That is definitely some good artwork right there.
  20. What I'm gonna try to do is look at the terrain and add jungle textures with clouds. Dxun's skybox shouldn't be too hard, though instead of adding the 4 other spheres I'll add Onderon.
  21. I'll be sure to definitely do that. Thanks Jorak. Yeah... I need a planet texture for it since the model VUE has is our moon.
  22. I actually didn't surprisingly, but I lowered exposure down to -.18 from where it was at +0. Will try it after I render the other 3 sky textures. Unless anyone has a clearer way to render the entire thing and take sections to make them much more clear.
  23. Well, I think we can all agree with the fact that Kex's skyboxes are amazing, but he needs a break. So I've decided to take up the mantle to do TSL Skyboxes. Instead of using Terragen, I am using VUE Esprit because it is much easier to learn and use, and render with any kind of resolution. Here's some before and after of Onderon. The one thing that I wanted to do was to add Dxun to the sky mainly because we hear those two are a close shuttle ride apart and I was always wondering why it never showed up in the sky. So here we go. BEFORE: AFTER:
  24. I see a fanboys style road trip in store