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Found 56 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This modification returns Ordo's Repeating Blaster for Canderous. It is unclear why this blaster was lost to them. Now Canderous will again be its owner. Blaster by default will be equipped in Mandalore. The idea of this modification belongs to RevanFanMan, thank you for it! Information about weapons. It is slightly weaker than the Mandalorian repeating blaster. Required skills: blaster rifle Damage, energy 3-17 Small Arms 38m Critical threat: 20-20, x2 Properties: Modifiable, small arms. The language of the modification is the same as that of your kotor TSL
  2. Version 1.0.0


    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: TSL Effixian's Mandalorian Reskins AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This mod replaces the Mandalorian's textures. The textures are upscaled, reworked and cleaned up in some places and I've added some shininess. The emblem is that of the Neo-Crusaders. I've included a colorless version for those who prefer that. Inspired by a request by darthquell on Steam: "What about making the Mandalorians, at least some of them, have white armor, maybe somewhat resembling the clone troopers or white Boba concept? Keeping it in-line with the era, though" ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Extract the zip somewhere, copy the files from one of the folders to your override folder. ---------------------------- COMPATABILITY ---------------------------- This mod will only conflict with other mods that change the same textures. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove from your override: n_mandalorian.mdl n_mandalorian.mdx N_Mandalorian01.tga N_Mandalorian01.txi N_Mandalorian02.tga N_Mandalorian03.tga ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You may NOT use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your own creation. You will likely get permission to reuse material from this mod in your own mods if you simply ask me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  3. Version 1.0.1


    This mod was made to increase the immersion for those who like me, love to play with Canderous in full Mandalorian armor. It applies radio effect on Canderous' voice. Completed lines: Taris ✓ Canderous conversation (stories, etc.) ✓ Carth and Bastila banter ✓ Jagi quest line ✓ Leviathan ✓ Multiple random reactions ✓ Soundset ✓ I've done my best to locate most of the dialogs, but some of the files are a real pain to find. If you happen to stumble upon missing soundfile let me know. It would be extremely helpful if you told me which module it happend and which NPC started the conversation (or you starded with). THIS IS NOT A CLOTHING/ARMOR MOD, IT CONTAINS MODIFIED AUDIO FILES ONLY! IT REQUIRES ANOTHER MOD TO LOOK PROPERLY FE: "Mandalorian Ultimate Mod"! Have fun!
  4. Version 1.3


    Making its DeadlyStream debut while my other mod ideas are still cooking, but here's a simple change to spice up your KotOR immersion. This mod does two things, three at most. 1. Changes Jagi's appearance to a reskinned PMHB03--I tried to give a scarred/burned texture to the head to imply that Jagi did not survive Altheri unscathed. 1.5. Puts Jagi in Mandalorian Battle Armor--he wasn't at Malachor, which means he wasn't there when Revan committed cultural genocide. 2. Changes the appearance and soundset of Jagi's two thugs from Rodians to Mandalorian Warriors--he said he sent the call out to the surviving clans, so why shouldn't he bring them along?
  5. View File Mandalorian Spawn Fix The Mandalorian ambushers on Lehon (Rakata Prime) now spawn further back so they can properly nuke you with grenades. Submitter GearHead Submitted 10/22/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    The Mandalorian ambushers on Lehon (Rakata Prime) now spawn further back so they can properly nuke you with grenades.
  7. View File Mandalorians on Lehon Fix The Mandalorian ambushers on Lehon (Rakata Prime) are no longer unnecessarily immune to 'Damage Type: Universal'. This can be useful to players who changed the distruptor pistol/rifle damage type from Physical (Piercing) to Universal. Submitter GearHead Submitted 10/14/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    The Mandalorian ambushers on Lehon (Rakata Prime) are no longer unnecessarily immune to 'Damage Type: Universal'. This can be useful to players who changed the distruptor pistol/rifle damage type from Physical (Piercing) to Universal.
  9. N-DReW25

    Heart of Beskar

    Version 1.4.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 03.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST! Install Duros: Armed & Ready BEFORE Heart of Beskar (This mod is required for Heart of Beskar to work properly)! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install then sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: Heart of Beskar is a total NPC Overhaul for the Mandalorian faction in Kotor 1. This mod shall add new Mandalorian Soldier variants, add new items, and add new loot drops for Mandalorian NPCs found throughout the Kotor galaxy. New Mandalorian Variants: 1) Mandalorian Recruit: The Mandalorian Recruit is a fresh convert to the Mandalorian belief system, embracing the Mandalorian culture as one embraces a new religion. As fresh recruits, they are the weakest form of Mandalorians you shall encounter. The Duros NPCs who help the Mandalorian faction on Dantooine are mostly made up of recruits and shall wear the new Mandalorian Combat Suit. 2) Mandalorian Initiate: The Mandalorian Initiate is not a full fledged Mandalorian yet, though they're not a fresh recruit either. They replace a select few Duros NPCs on Dantooine and shall wear the new Mandalorian Heavy Suit. 3) Mandalorian Soldier: The Mandalorian Soldier is the normal blue Mandalorian Soldiers from the vanilla game. They wear the Mandalorian Light Armor which replaces the vanilla Mandalorian Battle Armor. 4) Mandalorian Scout: The Mandalorian Scout is a Mandalorian variant from the popular mod "Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge", the Scouts are included here as a homage to the old mod. They're found on Dantooine and wear the new Mandalorian Scout Armor. 5) Mandalorian Marauders: The Mandalorian Marauder is a Mandalorian variant who only ever appeared in a Star Wars Miniatures toy series. These Mandalorians have been brought to life in the Kotor game and shall primarily use melee weapons against the player, they're mainly found on Kashyyyk and wear the new Mandalorian Marauder Armor. 6) Mandalorian Heavy Trooper: The Mandalorian Heavy Trooper is an elite veteran class of Mandalorians, their armor is based on the Mandalorian Heavy Armor item found in the vanilla game. They're encountered on Dantooine and Lehon. 7) Mandalorian Shock Trooper: The Mandalorian Shock Trooper is the in-game recreation of the Neo-Crusader Shock Trooper from the Kotor comics, their armor is based on the Mandalorian Assault Armor item found in the vanilla game. They're encountered on Kashyyyk and Lehon. 8,) Mandalorian Rally Master: The Mandalorian Rally Master is the normal red Mandalorian from the vanilla game. Sherruk is considered a Rally Masters. 9) Mandalorian Field Marshal: The Mandalorian Field Marshal is the normal yellow Mandalorian from the vanilla game. The Kashyyyk Mandalorian Commander and the Lehon Mandalorian Captain are Field Marshals, in addtion, the helmet items that they drop shall now be yellow instead of blue. The Heart of Beskar mod wouldn't be complete without actual Beskar... what is Beskar? Beskar is a metal that's mined on the planet Mandalore, armor forged from Beskar can withstand blunt force, lightsaber strikes, and repeated blaster fire... the viewers of Disney's The Mandalorian TV Series should be familiar with Beskar and its protective capabilities. The lowest tiers of Mandalorian Armors are forged with Beskar Alloy, this alloy is a mixture of Beskar and other metals thus reducing its protective capabilities. In-game, armors forged from Beskar Alloy will have a very low energy immunity bonus whereas stronger Mandalorian armors will have a higher energy immunity bonus... the highest energy immunity bonus in the Heart of Beskar mod is 90%. The new protective buffs from the Mandalorian armors shall also be applied to the Mandalorians themselves as every Mandalorian NPC will now wear the armor of their rank, so for example a Mandalorian Scout will wear Mandalorian Scout armor and shall recieve the buffs from that armor. A basic test run on the normal difficulty has been tested and I can confirm that a competent Kotor player should be able to defeat the Mandalorians even with the armor buffs, though you are welcome to report back to me if a specific Mandalorian is giving you trouble. New Mandalorian Items: Mandalorian Combat Suit (Inspired by the TSL item): Dropped by Kandon Ark, sold by Eli Gand Mandalorian Heavy Suit (Inspired by the TSL item): Sold by Igear, found in a Dantooine Mandalorian's backpack Echani Heavy Armor (Replaces the cut Mandalorian Armor): Sold by Greeta Holda Mandalorian Light Armor (Replaces Mandalorian Battle Armor): Found on a Mandalorian Corpse near the Grove Mandalorian Scout Armor: Found on a Mandalorian Corpse in the crystal cave, Found on a Corpse near the Sand People Camp Mandalorian Marauder Armor: Sold by the Dreshdae Czerka Store Mandalorian Heavy Armor (Restored item): Found in a container in the Sith Academy's torture room Mandalorian Assault Armor (Fixed item): Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Marshal Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Rally Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Cassus Fett's Battle Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Training Mask: Sold by Tyvark If you have any feedback, feel free to comment it down below: if you feel the mod is too overpowered or you have a suggestion for a change or a future feature I am more than happy to hear it! Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs though if you find any please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that modify the same UTI and texture files included in this mod. Compatible with: JC's Darksaber for K1 Incompatible with: JC's Mandalorian Armor for K1 1.2 Please report any further incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. If you want to use assets made by 90SK or TK-664 you'll have to contact them for permission. The Female Mandalorian Model by Inyri Forge does not need permission to be reused and anything made by SilverEdge9 doesn't need permission to be used either. The Cassus Fett Battle Armor textire can be reused if you credit Effix as the original creator. Thanks to: 90SK: Creator of the Mandalorian Mask, Mandalorian Heavy Trooper & Shock Trooper skins! SilverEdge9: Creator of the Mandalorian Scout & Armor skin! Inyri Forge: Creator of the Female Mandalorian Model! TK-664: Creator of the Mandalorian Combat Suit Texture! Effix: Creator of the new Cassus Fett Battle Armor Texture! Obsidian Entertainment: For developing the new Ulic Qel Droma Armor skin for K2, which was reused in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Stoffee: For TSLPatcher Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  10. View File Heart of Beskar A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 03.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST! Install Duros: Armed & Ready BEFORE Heart of Beskar (This mod is required for Heart of Beskar to work properly)! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install then sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: Heart of Beskar is a total NPC Overhaul for the Mandalorian faction in Kotor 1. This mod shall add new Mandalorian Soldier variants, add new items, and add new loot drops for Mandalorian NPCs found throughout the Kotor galaxy. New Mandalorian Variants: 1) Mandalorian Recruit: The Mandalorian Recruit is a fresh convert to the Mandalorian belief system, embracing the Mandalorian culture as one embraces a new religion. As fresh recruits, they are the weakest form of Mandalorians you shall encounter. The Duros NPCs who help the Mandalorian faction on Dantooine are mostly made up of recruits and shall wear the new Mandalorian Combat Suit. 2) Mandalorian Initiate: The Mandalorian Initiate is not a full fledged Mandalorian yet, though they're not a fresh recruit either. They replace a select few Duros NPCs on Dantooine and shall wear the new Mandalorian Heavy Suit. 3) Mandalorian Soldier: The Mandalorian Soldier is the normal blue Mandalorian Soldiers from the vanilla game. They wear the Mandalorian Light Armor which replaces the vanilla Mandalorian Battle Armor. 4) Mandalorian Scout: The Mandalorian Scout is a Mandalorian variant from the popular mod "Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge", the Scouts are included here as a homage to the old mod. They're found on Dantooine and wear the new Mandalorian Scout Armor. 5) Mandalorian Marauders: The Mandalorian Marauder is a Mandalorian variant who only ever appeared in a Star Wars Miniatures toy series. These Mandalorians have been brought to life in the Kotor game and shall primarily use melee weapons against the player, they're mainly found on Kashyyyk and wear the new Mandalorian Marauder Armor. 6) Mandalorian Heavy Trooper: The Mandalorian Heavy Trooper is an elite veteran class of Mandalorians, their armor is based on the Mandalorian Heavy Armor item found in the vanilla game. They're encountered on Dantooine and Lehon. 7) Mandalorian Shock Trooper: The Mandalorian Shock Trooper is the in-game recreation of the Neo-Crusader Shock Trooper from the Kotor comics, their armor is based on the Mandalorian Assault Armor item found in the vanilla game. They're encountered on Kashyyyk and Lehon. 8,) Mandalorian Rally Master: The Mandalorian Rally Master is the normal red Mandalorian from the vanilla game. Sherruk is considered a Rally Masters. 9) Mandalorian Field Marshal: The Mandalorian Field Marshal is the normal yellow Mandalorian from the vanilla game. The Kashyyyk Mandalorian Commander and the Lehon Mandalorian Captain are Field Marshals, in addtion, the helmet items that they drop shall now be yellow instead of blue. The Heart of Beskar mod wouldn't be complete without actual Beskar... what is Beskar? Beskar is a metal that's mined on the planet Mandalore, armor forged from Beskar can withstand blunt force, lightsaber strikes, and repeated blaster fire... the viewers of Disney's The Mandalorian TV Series should be familiar with Beskar and its protective capabilities. The lowest tiers of Mandalorian Armors are forged with Beskar Alloy, this alloy is a mixture of Beskar and other metals thus reducing its protective capabilities. In-game, armors forged from Beskar Alloy will have a very low energy immunity bonus whereas stronger Mandalorian armors will have a higher energy immunity bonus... the highest energy immunity bonus in the Heart of Beskar mod is 90%. The new protective buffs from the Mandalorian armors shall also be applied to the Mandalorians themselves as every Mandalorian NPC will now wear the armor of their rank, so for example a Mandalorian Scout will wear Mandalorian Scout armor and shall recieve the buffs from that armor. A basic test run on the normal difficulty has been tested and I can confirm that a competent Kotor player should be able to defeat the Mandalorians even with the armor buffs, though you are welcome to report back to me if a specific Mandalorian is giving you trouble. New Mandalorian Items: Mandalorian Combat Suit (Inspired by the TSL item): Dropped by Kandon Ark, sold by Eli Gand Mandalorian Heavy Suit (Inspired by the TSL item): Sold by Igear, found in a Dantooine Mandalorian's backpack Echani Heavy Armor (Replaces the cut Mandalorian Armor): Sold by Greeta Holda Mandalorian Light Armor (Replaces Mandalorian Battle Armor): Found on a Mandalorian Corpse near the Grove Mandalorian Scout Armor: Found on a Mandalorian Corpse in the crystal cave, Found on a Corpse near the Sand People Camp Mandalorian Marauder Armor: Sold by the Dreshdae Czerka Store Mandalorian Heavy Armor (Restored item): Found in a container in the Sith Academy's torture room Mandalorian Assault Armor (Fixed item): Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Marshal Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Rally Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Cassus Fett's Battle Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Training Mask: Sold by Tyvark If you have any feedback, feel free to comment it down below: if you feel the mod is too overpowered or you have a suggestion for a change or a future feature I am more than happy to hear it! Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs though if you find any please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that modify the same UTI and texture files included in this mod. Compatible with: JC's Darksaber for K1 Incompatible with: JC's Mandalorian Armor for K1 1.2 Please report any further incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. If you want to use assets made by 90SK or TK-664 you'll have to contact them for permission. The Female Mandalorian Model by Inyri Forge does not need permission to be reused and anything made by SilverEdge9 doesn't need permission to be used either. The Cassus Fett Battle Armor textire can be reused if you credit Effix as the original creator. Thanks to: 90SK: Creator of the Mandalorian Mask, Mandalorian Heavy Trooper & Shock Trooper skins! SilverEdge9: Creator of the Mandalorian Scout & Armor skin! Inyri Forge: Creator of the Female Mandalorian Model! TK-664: Creator of the Mandalorian Combat Suit Texture! Effix: Creator of the new Cassus Fett Battle Armor Texture! Obsidian Entertainment: For developing the new Ulic Qel Droma Armor skin for K2, which was reused in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Stoffee: For TSLPatcher Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 08/20/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  11. Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 25.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: In Kotor 1 you can obtain an armor called Mandalorian Assault Armor which disguises your character into a blue Mandalorian as if your actually wearing there full body armor which was a good feature about the last few missions in kotor but if you play TSL you will know that the Mandalorian Assault Armor has a unique armor reskin which for me was a big slap in the face since I personally liked seeing Canderous as a Mandalorian but when I was searching through the game textures I found out that the TSL Mandalorian Assault Armor texture appears in the files of Kotor 1 meaning that the Texture appearing in TSL was intended for Kotor 1 but was cut at the last minute and replaced with a disguise though personally I would prefer the disguise though the Hardcore Restoration Fans say otherwise Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "g_a_class9010.uti" though I don't know anything that edits those. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  12. Version 1.3.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back, and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: In the Kotor games, certain alien NPCs can wear the same robes and armor the player can (such as the Twi'leks and the Devaronians) whilst other aliens can't (such as Trandoshans and Rodians). The reason why this is is because of the way these aliens are setup, for example, the Twi'lek is made up of two models: the head and the body, whilst the Rodian is one single model containing both the head and the body. The Duros NPCs are one of the aliens that use 1 model for the entire NPC instead of two, this prevents the Duros from visibly wearing any armor that's equipped on the Duros NPC. Whilst most players won't really notice the single model alien NPCs who can't wear armor, what they might notice is how the Duros on Dantooine who are aligned with the Mandalorian faction there aren't wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor. One could argue that the Duros themselves aren't Mandalorians as they're only ever referred to as "allies" of the Mandalorians, but one longer has to argue, as this mod is here to change everything! In 2015, JCarter426 released his Head Modder's Resource for K2 on MediaFire which took many one model aliens and separated the heads from their bodies. This allowed one model NPCs like Rodians to wear Jedi Robes when previously they couldn't. This was not a mod; however, it was a resource for other modders to pick out assets they wanted to use in their own mods. In the past 8 years, the only thing that has come from the Modder's Resource was the Duros Jedi cameo in the Full Jedi Council mod by Kexikus and Duros Mandalorians in the Smash City Studios fan film "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path". The idea of Mandalorian Duros has been a dream ever since I first saw the "A Familiar Path" fan film, and today we get to live that dream! The Duros who accompany the Mandalorians on Dantooine and the Duros who work as Miners on Tatooine shall wear Mandalorian armor and Czerka uniform instead of the Duros outfit we all know and love. Originally, I wanted to have two totally different separate mods that edited the Mandalorian Duros and the Duros Miners on Tatooine separately... but to ensure the cleanest installation process I've decided to release this mod, "Duros: Armed and Ready!", before those two mods so that if players don't like those two secret mods then players can simply opt for this simplier mod instead! Those two secret mods shall require "Duros: Armed and Ready!" for the Duros aspect of those mods to work properly, but until those mods are released players do not have to worry about this. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. It is possible that Duros modified in this mod shall perform 'idle' animations that clip through the Duros head (such as when an NPC brushes their hair, the Duros who perform this animation will brush right through their face). This bug isn't fixable without brute work modding (possibly involving a new unique Duros heavy battle armor and Czerka body model with different animations), though it shouldn't really be noticable as the Mandalorian Duros will turn hostile and attack the player if you approach them... the bug is only noticable if you focus on the Duros Miners. When the Duros Miners on Tatooine speak, their lips will not move. This might either be an oversight on JCarter426's part back when he made the heads or a result of porting the head to K1, this might be fixed in a future update. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Will be incompatible with any mod that changes the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine or the Duros Miners on Tatooine, though I don't know of any mods that do this. The Duros in this mod use the heavy battle armor and Czerka uniform body model, so any changes to these models will affect the Duros (Again, I don't know of any mods that do this). Duros reskins, Mandalorian Armor reskins and Czerka uniform reskins should be compatible with this mod, though how they look together is up to personal opinion! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Duros head models themselves are free for any modder to use! Thanks to: JCarter426: For creating the Duros heads in the first place, without you this mod wouldn't have been possible! Smash City Studios: For using the Duros heads in the "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path" fan film, their appearance greatly inspired this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  13. Version 2.0


    Blades such as this one are the weapon of choice for Mandalorians. A warrior used to make his first battle blade after his first victory. Each one is unique in its construction, and it is very rare to find one that is not with it's owner - most great Mandalorians are buried with their blade. This mod adds two new weapons to the game, based on the bat'leths wielded by Klingons in Star Trek: The Next Generation etc. The are called Mandalorian Battle Blades. One can be found in one of the hidden caches on Telos, and has +2 Attack Bonus and +2 Slashing damage. The other is Mandalore's Battle Blade, which can be found in Mandalore's room on Dxun. This second weapon has +2 AB, +2 slashing damage, and the Keen item property. Its model is based on the Sword of Kah'less.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    --------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic --------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Cassus Fett's Battle Armor AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- Cassus Fett's Battle Armor uses the same texture as the Mandalorian Armor, this mod changes that so that the armour gets a unique texture and accompanying HD icon. The look is inspired by his appearance in the comics. There's other mods that do the same, but this is my take on it. This mod won't change the item if you've already acquired it (from Adum Larp, Dantooine Courtyard). You need a fresh one (if needed you can simply cheat one in; giveitem g_a_class9009). ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip, copy the files in the subfolder to your Override folder. --------- BUGS --------- None known. -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- Not compatible with other mods that change or include the same files. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove from the Override folder: g_a_class9009.uti ia_Class9_077.tga PFBH77.tga PMBH77.tga ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - Sdub for inspiring me to work on this armour - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Movie Mandalorians - Retextured by Mcfly -------------------- My intention in making these textures was to fuse the concept of the Movie Mandalorians mod, with the original in-game Mandalorian designs. I initially made these just for my own use, but I decided to release them once I finally completed the set. -------------------- Install: -------------------- - These textures require the Movie Mandalorians mod by Deadman. - Copy all .tga files into your KOTOR2/override folder. -------------------- Uninstall: -------------------- - Delete the .tga files from your override folder. - Reinstall Movie Mandalorians mod to restore the original textures -------------------- Special Thanks: -------------------- - Deadman, for creating the original mod. Thank you Deadman! -------------------- Permission: -------------------- - Anyone is welcome to do whatever they like with these. -------------------- Contact: -------------------- If for any reason you want to contact me, you can find me on DeadlyStream and NexusMods. - Mcfly696 @ NexusMods - Mcfly @ DeadlyStream
  16. FF97

    Mandalorian reskin


    I reskinned the Mandalorians, resized the textures to 1024x1024 and gave them the white marking on the helmet like in TOR. This is part of a larger project.
  17. View File Duros: Armed & Ready! A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back, and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: In the Kotor games, certain alien NPCs can wear the same robes and armor the player can (such as the Twi'leks and the Devaronians) whilst other aliens can't (such as Trandoshans and Rodians). The reason why this is is because of the way these aliens are setup, for example, the Twi'lek is made up of two models: the head and the body, whilst the Rodian is one single model containing both the head and the body. The Duros NPCs are one of the aliens that use 1 model for the entire NPC instead of two, this prevents the Duros from visibly wearing any armor that's equipped on the Duros NPC. Whilst most players won't really notice the single model alien NPCs who can't wear armor, what they might notice is how the Duros on Dantooine who are aligned with the Mandalorian faction there aren't wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor. One could argue that the Duros themselves aren't Mandalorians as they're only ever referred to as "allies" of the Mandalorians, but one longer has to argue, as this mod is here to change everything! In 2015, JCarter426 released his Head Modder's Resource for K2 on MediaFire which took many one model aliens and separated the heads from their bodies. This allowed one model NPCs like Rodians to wear Jedi Robes when previously they couldn't. This was not a mod; however, it was a resource for other modders to pick out assets they wanted to use in their own mods. In the past 8 years, the only thing that has come from the Modder's Resource was the Duros Jedi cameo in the Full Jedi Council mod by Kexikus and Duros Mandalorians in the Smash City Studios fan film "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path". The idea of Mandalorian Duros has been a dream ever since I first saw the "A Familiar Path" fan film, and today we get to live that dream! The Duros who accompany the Mandalorians on Dantooine and the Duros who work as Miners on Tatooine shall wear Mandalorian armor and Czerka uniform instead of the Duros outfit we all know and love. Originally, I wanted to have two totally different separate mods that edited the Mandalorian Duros and the Duros Miners on Tatooine separately... but to ensure the cleanest installation process I've decided to release this mod, "Duros: Armed and Ready!", before those two mods so that if players don't like those two secret mods then players can simply opt for this simplier mod instead! Those two secret mods shall require "Duros: Armed and Ready!" for the Duros aspect of those mods to work properly, but until those mods are released players do not have to worry about this. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. It is possible that Duros modified in this mod shall perform 'idle' animations that clip through the Duros head (such as when an NPC brushes their hair, the Duros who perform this animation will brush right through their face). This bug isn't fixable without brute work modding (possibly involving a new unique Duros heavy battle armor and Czerka body model with different animations), though it shouldn't really be noticable as the Mandalorian Duros will turn hostile and attack the player if you approach them... the bug is only noticable if you focus on the Duros Miners. When the Duros Miners on Tatooine speak, their lips will not move. This might either be an oversight on JCarter426's part back when he made the heads or a result of porting the head to K1, this might be fixed in a future update. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Will be incompatible with any mod that changes the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine or the Duros Miners on Tatooine, though I don't know of any mods that do this. The Duros in this mod use the heavy battle armor and Czerka uniform body model, so any changes to these models will affect the Duros (Again, I don't know of any mods that do this). Duros reskins, Mandalorian Armor reskins and Czerka uniform reskins should be compatible with this mod, though how they look together is up to personal opinion! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Duros head models themselves are free for any modder to use! Thanks to: JCarter426: For creating the Duros heads in the first place, without you this mod wouldn't have been possible! Smash City Studios: For using the Duros heads in the "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path" fan film, their appearance greatly inspired this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 06/17/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    ========================= Lehon Mandalorian Expansion Description: On the Unknown World, a MANDALORIAN faction is established! Mandalorians speaking in Mando'a (Mandalorian languaged created by Karen Traviss in Legends) and wearing custom Mando'a Beskar'gam. An alternate way into the Temple. No longer are you dictated by the order of which faction you speak to first, speak to all factions, then decide who to save, redeem, or slaughter, until only one faction remains. Double-crossing applicable when deemed necessary by the player. Experience the culture of Mandalorians and their narrative of the Mandalorian War, or attack them on sight for their past warmongering. But know, that such actions do not come without consequences, and only the strongest may survive... The choice is yours, and the battle awaits! Three added side-quests! Quest logs, lore expanding loot, new Mando’a armor and NPCs, new battles, new consequences, new decisions, LS/DS opportunities, new Party Member interactions, a few RP secrets, new battle scenes, And an All New Lehon Experience… Trailer: Installation: Slower internet LME Light version available, only difference is that the audio is only playable in game, in condensed .wav format. Install both, by running tslpatcher, nothing else required. Credits: Deadlystream Community Fred Tetra for KT Voice Actors/Actresses: Belandrie as Burk'yc Brudii & Female Clan Ordo Recruit Wil Wright as the characters Clan Farr Sentry & Clan Skirata Scout Jaegun Clark (of Sandhawk Clan) as Clan Farr Champion UnusualCharacters as Dar'tal (Basic VO) Ner' Jate'kara as Clan Farr Recruit Dreadelicious as Male Clan Ordo Recruit nato as Clan Ordo Champion JCPenny as Clan Skirata Recruit SazMando for soundtrack @ebmar Voice Filter @DarthParametric : Helpful Tool aiding Voice Filter work by ebmar @Fair Strides for all the scripting help! Beta Testers: @Haveayap, @N-DReW25, @Deltm @JuiceTin, @Nato K1R Compatibility: Untested but theorized to work based on files, if K1R is installed first, then LME will make some changes to K1R, but nothing that should break the game. ========================= Version: 1.0.0 Original Release
  19. View File Effixian's Cassus Fett's Battle Armor --------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic --------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Cassus Fett's Battle Armor AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- Cassus Fett's Battle Armor uses the same texture as the Mandalorian Armor, this mod changes that so that the armour gets a unique texture and accompanying HD icon. The look is inspired by his appearance in the comics. There's other mods that do the same, but this is my take on it. This mod won't change the item if you've already acquired it (from Adum Larp, Dantooine Courtyard). You need a fresh one (if needed you can simply cheat one in; giveitem g_a_class9009). ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip, copy the files in the subfolder to your Override folder. --------- BUGS --------- None known. -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- Not compatible with other mods that change or include the same files. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove from the Override folder: g_a_class9009.uti ia_Class9_077.tga PFBH77.tga PMBH77.tga ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - Sdub for inspiring me to work on this armour - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 05/19/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  20. Version 3.0.0


    Description: A tiny mod for KotOR 1 that gives the player the option to avoid becoming a Jedi and remain a Soldier, Scout, or Scoundrel for the entire game. It adds two new replies towards the end of the second conversation with the Jedi Council. As you can see from the screenshot, the new replies start with "[Refuse Jedi Training]", so there should be no confusion as to what they do or which ones they are. If you choose not to be a Jedi, that conversation leads directly into the "corruption in the grove" quest, skipping over several parts of the Jedi training quest. Scripts are included to enable cross-classing as a non-Jedi. So, for example, a Scout can cross-class as a Soldier, etc. The option to cross-class as a non-Jedi is given through subtitles at the end of that second conversation with the Council. To avoid cross-classing as a non-Jedi, simply choose "No" when asked if you want to cross-class. Note that there is no second opportunity to cross-class or become a Jedi. If you change your mind later or you misclick, you'll have to reload or use a save editor. If you're wondering why anyone would want to do this, some people might want to do a "challenge run" without lightsabers or Force powers. Others might want to roleplay a trooper, smuggler, or bounty hunter-type character who refuses to use the Force. If you're wondering how this might be explained from a story standpoint, considering that the PC is regularly referred to as Padawan or Jedi, my explanation is that the PC is a "nominal Jedi". The PC is Force Sensitive and the Council considers them a (stubborn, uncooperative, foolish, and possibly evil) member of the Jedi Order, but the PC refuses to cultivate their Force abilities (in any obvious way), to wear robes, or to use lightsabers. Other than the Council and a few others who insist on treating the PC as a Jedi because they "should be a Jedi", NPCs are playing along. Or they don't know any better. They encounter a Force Sensitive or someone who seems like a Jedi, and assume that they must be one. File Index: dan13_vandar.dlg dan13_zhar.dlg A bunch of custom scripts Installation: Open the I Don't Want to Be a Jedi 3.0 archive and extract the loose .dlg files and .ncs scripts into your Override folder. Ignore the "Source Scripts" folder. Uninstallation: Remove the .dlg files found in the archive from your Override folder. The scripts won't do anything without the .dlg files, so you can leave them or delete them. Credits: Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool Fair Strides for DLG Editor Dotalink for the cross-classing as a non-Jedi idea Bioware for making KotOR in the first place
  21. View File I Don't Want to Be a Jedi Description: A tiny mod for KotOR 1 that gives the player the option to avoid becoming a Jedi and remain a Soldier, Scout, or Scoundrel for the entire game. It adds two new replies towards the end of the second conversation with the Jedi Council. As you can see from the screenshot, the new replies start with "[Refuse Jedi Training]", so there should be no confusion as to what they do or which ones they are. If you choose not to be a Jedi, that conversation leads directly into the "corruption in the grove" quest, skipping over several parts of the Jedi training quest. Scripts are included to enable cross-classing as a non-Jedi. So, for example, a Scout can cross-class as a Soldier, etc. The option to cross-class as a non-Jedi is given through subtitles at the end of that second conversation with the Council. To avoid cross-classing as a non-Jedi, simply choose "No" when asked if you want to cross-class. Note that there is no second opportunity to cross-class or become a Jedi. If you change your mind later or you misclick, you'll have to reload or use a save editor. If you're wondering why anyone would want to do this, some people might want to do a "challenge run" without lightsabers or Force powers. Others might want to roleplay a trooper, smuggler, or bounty hunter-type character who refuses to use the Force. If you're wondering how this might be explained from a story standpoint, considering that the PC is regularly referred to as Padawan or Jedi, my explanation is that the PC is a "nominal Jedi". The PC is Force Sensitive and the Council considers them a (stubborn, uncooperative, foolish, and possibly evil) member of the Jedi Order, but the PC refuses to cultivate their Force abilities (in any obvious way), to wear robes, or to use lightsabers. Other than the Council and a few others who insist on treating the PC as a Jedi because they "should be a Jedi", NPCs are playing along. Or they don't know any better. They encounter a Force Sensitive or someone who seems like a Jedi, and assume that they must be one. File Index: dan13_vandar.dlg dan13_zhar.dlg A bunch of custom scripts Installation: Open the I Don't Want to Be a Jedi 3.0 archive and extract the loose .dlg files and .ncs scripts into your Override folder. Ignore the "Source Scripts" folder. Uninstallation: Remove the .dlg files found in the archive from your Override folder. The scripts won't do anything without the .dlg files, so you can leave them or delete them. Credits: Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool Fair Strides for DLG Editor Dotalink for the cross-classing as a non-Jedi idea Bioware for making KotOR in the first place Submitter jacksuspenders Submitted 10/30/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  22. View File Effixian's Mandalorian Reskins ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: TSL Effixian's Mandalorian Reskins AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This mod replaces the Mandalorian's textures. The textures are upscaled, reworked and cleaned up in some places and I've added some shininess. The emblem is that of the Neo-Crusaders. I've included a colorless version for those who prefer that. Inspired by a request by darthquell on Steam: "What about making the Mandalorians, at least some of them, have white armor, maybe somewhat resembling the clone troopers or white Boba concept? Keeping it in-line with the era, though" ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Extract the zip somewhere, copy the files from one of the folders to your override folder. ---------------------------- COMPATABILITY ---------------------------- This mod will only conflict with other mods that change the same textures. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove from your override: n_mandalorian.mdl n_mandalorian.mdx N_Mandalorian01.tga N_Mandalorian01.txi N_Mandalorian02.tga N_Mandalorian03.tga ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You may NOT use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your own creation. You will likely get permission to reuse material from this mod in your own mods if you simply ask me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 11/07/2021 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  23. Version v1.00


    Pictures can be found here : After being repeatedly asked to upload this to a non-steam download site I decided i'd stick it up here, here's the original description from steam: This mod adds a plethora of wearable armours that are already present in the game but unequipable. Each of these individual items are purchasable from the Duros merchant - Dendis Dobo - on telos at the beginning of the game Armours: Ubese Bounty Hunter Armour Sith Assassin Armour All three colours of Mandalorian armour (Increasing in strength with rank. blue is weakest, gold is strongest) Darth Revan Armour (Currently lacking cape flow animations, will be fixed soon) Darth Nihilus Armour (fully animated) Sith Soldier Armour Sith Commando Armour ---------Item codes for cheaters----------- sithninja - sith assassin armour ubeseninja - ubese bounty hunter armour poweredmando - Golden, powered mando armour kamaitachi1 - Semi powered mando armou, can use force powers with this nopower - No power mando armour, weakest of the three sitharmour - Generic Sith Soldier armour sithcommando - Sith Commando Armour darthrevan1 - Revans armour darklord1- Nihilus's armour KNOWN BUGS :- can cause a weird glitch where there are no handmaidens on the polar base, saving outside after you've fought the assassin droids and temporarily removing the mod from your override folder until you've completed this mission seems to be the only real fix. MUST INSTALL BEFORE FIRST VISIT TO TELOS. - this mod was made to be accessible from the beginning of the game This mod ALTERS the default APPEARANCE.2da to allow certain models to be equipped by the player. Revan Cape Animation Fix : <--- USEFUL if revan's clothes are not animated properly. TSLRCM Compatibility : Debatable, use at own risk
  24. View File Mandalorian Jagi Making its DeadlyStream debut while my other mod ideas are still cooking, but here's a simple change to spice up your KotOR immersion. This mod does two things, three at most. 1. Changes Jagi's appearance to a reskinned PMHB03--I tried to give a scarred/burned texture to the head to imply that Jagi did not survive Altheri unscathed. 1.5. Puts Jagi in Mandalorian Battle Armor--he wasn't at Malachor, which means he wasn't there when Revan committed cultural genocide. 2. Changes the appearance and soundset of Jagi's two thugs from Rodians to Mandalorian Warriors--he said he sent the call out to the surviving clans, so why shouldn't he bring them along? Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 04/08/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  25. Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION This is an HD reskin of our driven mandalorian, Mandalore. This texture is now 2048x2048, A.I. and manually-upscaled and incorporating downloaded textures. I constantly checked my work against the 3D model to ensure there were no texture seams. I made sure to remain as faithful to the original texture as possible while adding a few details of my own. INSTALLATION Click the "Start Patching" button down below. UNINSTALLATION Move the files from the newly created "backup" folder to the KotORII "override" folder. THANKS Thanks to GIMP,, Blender, KotORTool, KotORBlender, mdlops, and the KotOR Savegame editor. Special thanks to Red11BY for his Character Overhaul pack ( Mod by tjsase. Feel free to include this mod in modpacks so long as you credit me and link back to the original download page.