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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Around 2014 (Don't judge) - Got Kotor onto my Ipad after so many Hours and began my first playthrough - In an attempt to remember the names of characters I remembered writing characters names on a piece of paper like Trask and Carth etc - I also remember charging at the Sith Soldiers patrolling the streets thinking they were hostile when they weren't (Don't judge) - I also remember staying in the outcast village since I was to scared to face the Rakghouls (Don't judge) Around 2015 - Downloading my first mod the early Jedi from the Start mod from Kotor Files for the first time on my Android Tablet - Making up idea's for mods I wish I could make but I couldn't do it at that point (Those idea's evolved into my Improvement Demo mod) - Bought the PC version of Kotor 1 off of Steam since PC has better mod support (And other things I didn't realize back then) Around 2016 - Found Real Rece's Modding Tutorial's and began my Modding Career - Bought the PC version of Kotor 2 TSL off of steam for the sake of getting it
  2. File Name: TSLRCM Icon Fix File Submitter: N-DReW25 File Submitted: 05 Nov 2016 File Category: Skins TSLRCM Compatible: Yes A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 5.11.2016 Installation: This mod requires TSLRCM to be installed FIRST so be sure to download and install it- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod/ After you installed it simply copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder It will ask you to overwrite so click yes when it does and it will be installed Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: TSLRCM is a mod that restores most of the cut content back into the game. While this mod does do an excellent job at doing so it also comes with a new logo which now reads "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II THE SITH LORDS RESTORED CONTENT MODIFICATION 1.8.5 (The 1.8.5 bit changes depending on the version you play). That new logo is extremley useful to new players since it lets them know if it's been successfully installed or not but realistically Obsidian never intened for that logo to be in the game so what this mod does is reimplement the old logo back into the TSLRCM game. Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatiable with anything that edits the main logo Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  3. That video looked like it took more effort to make than the mod itself. but either way, this mod is still a brilliant mod and I will likely try it out in the near future.
  4. I think that custom items tab doesn't work. If you want a merchant to sell custom items here's how I do it. *First place any item from game items (For this I'll use a Combat Suit) into object inventory (If your merchant already has items you can skip this) *Now in object inventory you will see its ResRef (cheat code) "g_a_class4001" next to the name Combat Suit, you will need to erase the ResRef and replace it with your custom item ResRef for example "mod_armor01" *Then place the custom item uti and the merchant utm files into the override folder then test in game if it worked There could be other ways to do that but this to me is the easiest way.
  5. Caalin Ette was once a part of the K1 Restoration Mod back in its Demo and 1.0 phases but he was sadly removed in 1.1 because he was custom content and not restored content. This mod aims to add Caalin back into the regular K1R 1.2 game. After 4 hours or so copying files from one file to another and editing the GIT file a lot of times I finally got a finished result though there are a few problems. The first one is something that is most likely done via the new Dialogue.tlk file that was included in 1.2, so the problem is that some of the new things have weird titles or text on them for example the pass card for Caalin's office and strongbox don't say what they’re supposed to say and say something like "Oh, you idiot. Brejik didn't hire any new lab techs. They're probably a Bek spy." And also the Computer Panel in Caalin's room is a bit broken in the same way the items are and the main heating system Computer has a broken bit where after you put in the heating battery it said "Kill them". Another bug is when you do certain things - like kill Caalin, get Caalin’s door key card etc. - your journal updates but when I look at the journal everything is the same, this doesn't break the game in any way but is just weird though. The way this mod adds Caalin Ette back into the game is the Heavy Security Door is locked and you need to find a key to open it, fortunately an NPC called Yrei Yindaru (I don't think that’s his name but it’s close enough) who is in the Vulkar Hangar bit of the restored level has the key, After killing him you can open the door where the normal fully voiced Caalin Ette will play his dialogue were he and his 6 bodyguards will attempt to kill you, after defeating them you can obtain a Sith Energy Shield, a Heavy Battle Armor and his light repeating blaster rifle. He also drops his Strongbox access card used to open his strongbox where you get the heating battery to install into the heating generator to disable the turrets on the first level. CHANGES: In 1.0 you HAD to do a spice side quest to get a Mechanic ID card to go down to the garage but it doesn't work due to drug addicts trading in their cards for spice, so you are to look around the base until you find an inaccessible room where a cutscene plays of two assassins who just assassinated a mechanic named Vik and your character opens the door. Assassins attack you - and after solving a puzzle - you get Caalin’s key where you can then play the normal Caalin scene like normal and get the battery for the generator and go into the garage. In 1.1 and 1.2 I’m not 100% sure but its either the Mechanic ID doesn't work or it does and you go into the garage that way though there is a way were you can go into Caalin’s room that is now inhabited by Vulkar Lieutenants and you kill them and get the battery to go to the garage. The reason for that is because the 1.0 version just confused people on what to do. In this mod the assassins still are cut but the big daddy himself has been restored, also the dialogue about Vik is cut from Caalin’s Dialogue but it makes no difference to the story line. If anyone understood what I just wrote if you can I need people to play around with the mod and see what’s causing the weird bugs I’ve been encountering and to see if there are any more bugs or anything with the game. Thanks in regards to anyone who helps. Caalin Ette Beta.zip
  6. N-DReW25

    Custom Class Items

    That upgrade system sounds unique.
  7. I personally like to think that his Wife was force sensitive as it makes logical sense as to why Dustil was force sensitive and not Carth.
  8. Qui-Gon Jorn's lightsabers - I'm not 100% sure but I think that evolved into this- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/496-tsl-default-replacement-hilt-megapack/ There is also a K1 version of Qui-Gon Jorn's lightsaber mod that was converted by Kainzorus Prime and it does look a lot like the mod I linked above- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/449-qui-don-jorns-sabers-40-kotor-conversion/
  9. That sounds like a good idea but Kreia and Visas NEEDED force sight in order to see so that's why its their first person view, The reason the Exile didn't have a force sight first person view was because he/she could see perfectly - plus force sight is cool and all but is just annoying in a fight.
  10. Then your lucky because when I played the mod with TSLRCM by the time I went to Korriban Kreia Literally broke and I couldn't do anything with Kreia.
  11. Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection is incompatible with TSLRCM (Since SLM needs TSLRCM to work) but i'd recommend using this mod- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/857-kreia-visible-body-models/ since it does a better job than Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection
  12. Two Questions, How many mods can we pick and are we allowed to nominate our own mods.
  13. Well I'm officially blind and stupid.
  14. So any mod before November 31st isn't eligible and any mod after December 1st isn't eligible so we have to upload the mod on either the 31st or 1st or we don't get in.
  15. Well wouldn't that reduce random loot as a whole. Now things like named items should not be random and should be sold by merchants and NPC's shouldn't have random loot or at least random weapons and armor. Though for the placeables those can still keep the random loot system except on Peragus as I hate it when you get an Ion Rifle as T3 or another blaster or get some stupid item like an implant or an energy shield from a mining droid.
  16. Because the random loot makes the game feel bad in general. Do you think it's Logical to get an Ion Carbine as T3-M4 that gets transferred back to the Exile even though blasters weren't allowed on Peragus, Is it logical when you kill the Rodian guard at the exchange base on Citadel he drops Mandalorian Battle Armor, is it logical to get Exar Kuns Battle Suit on a Mandalorian corspe on Dxun then to get the exact same set again off a Vaklu Soldier. And then the Merchants are just exploitable so if you really want good gear just save the game before entering the module the merchant is in then when you check his loot and if its bad reload the save and repeat until your satisfied.
  17. Within the Soundvoices file there a lots of wav audio files that are the audio files and voice overs for nearly all NPC's in the game like Vrook, Kreia, Dol Gren etc but there is no way to actually listen to them (At least for me). When I do the file goes for 0 seconds and I get an error message every time I try to listen to them (Same goes for K1 but i'm more interested in TSL). I tried to force my way to list to one using a third party software but I ended up listening to a loud static sound. The reason why I want to listen to them is to see if there are still any cut lines that may prove useful whether they were for cut things like the GenoHaradan or the Holocron Sidequest or whatever. So what I am asking for is there a way to actually listen to the wav files.
  18. Well that worked, now all I need to do is figure out what I want each merchant to carry. Also could that script work with the random loot system as a whole (And also can things like credits, stims and random medpacs still be random)
  19. You mean create a new utm file with more items for sale than yes i'm up for that but i'm asking how you turn off the random loot script so it doesn't spawn anything or doesn't work at all.
  20. In this mod, I'm trying to remove the annoying and easily exploitable random merchant loot generator. Basically I want the merchant loot to be the same EVERY single time you play the game like in K1. For my first test I have decompiled the a_stockstore_01.ncs script (Which I think is Dendis Dobo's) using DeNCS now one of the first problem I encountered is when I decompiled the script I got a_stockstore_01_compile_fails which doesn't look good but when I opened it in Kotor Tool it looked like a script so that might just be me panicking already. So i'm asking how do you turn the random loot thing off in the script. a_stockstore_01_compile_fails.zip
  21. N-DReW25

    Lost Modules Pack

    Yes as these modules are not included in K1R and are mostly used for Modders to make new mods using these cut modules.
  22. I'm probably the biggest idiot for not including the link to the mod I tried to give- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/537-scoundrel-trousers/
  23. N-DReW25

    Revan's Head

    This is probably the best canon revan head mod yet. One question though are the skins high res.