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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. What mods do you have installed?
  2. As K1R does not modify Blaster models I can assure you that K1R would 99% work with HQ Blasters.
  3. That is the mod which is messing with you here! The reason is in SS's readme down below.
  4. This kind of just adds to the "calls something crap - doesn't give any productive suggestions themselves" argument here. Not only have you not played TSLRCM, a mod which expands upon the games arguable lore a lot more in depth (Myself and more can forgive this) but you don't own a PC copy of TSL. So, in theory, if someone was to create this mod for you that means you, who asked for this mod, won't even be playing it. My own personal quote on this from my own past experience on this site. But in all seriousness, there are aspects of TSL which are an absolute cluster f*ck when it comes to writing, especially in regards to cut content which really wasn't meant to be cut. With TSLRCM, it really does give the game an 'ending', not the ending it deserves but definitely something you can look at and say "I'm satisfied". While opinions may definitely differ, whereas some cut content such as Disciples Holocrons or the GenoHaradan provide little to no essential information to the plot of the game other restored content such as the Malachor endings, HK Factory and more really does help expand the plot and the characters as a whole. Of course, even when 'restored', the game still is a cluster f*ck. For example, much of the restored Jedi Council dialogue makes no sense. Or maybe the entire Ravager level: There are quite a few plot points in cut content and in the vanilla game which could be rewritten because it makes little sense, past mods like Malachor VI and Ravager Rewrite have tried to fixed these in the past though they never came to fuition. Here, you want to rewrite lore which works. This might not be popular with people for a variety of reasons. This makes the first game's multi choice RPG system redundant if this was true, why would my choices in Kotor 1 matter if at the end of the day my character was destined to be a Light Side Jedi Hero. From what I read, your issue with the alignment choice is "Both Light Side and Dark Side choices for Revan in TSL are *so* similar to one another that it is pointless as to what my character in K1 did". So your solution to fix "The Dark and Light Side choices in TSL are so pointless because they're uncomfortably similar" is... to forcibly lock Revan as a Light Sider as that option makes the most sense? TSL isn't meant to be about Revan, it's about to be about the Exile, from an Obsidian Devs point of view back in 2004 a player can start TSL and not have that much before mentioned knowledge about Kotor 1 as the story is meant to focus on the idea that the Exile is the player, not Revan, so from that perspective it would be logical to reduce the player character from K1 into a back thought. As to why Revan would just let the Star Forge yeet itself into obscurity (Allegedly without a master to wield its power like Revan or Malak, it just fell into the Lehon Sun... nothing like adding salt to the wound) I do agree is quite bizarre. But in the overall plot written for TSL it makes sense as Kreia and Disciple paint Revan as someone "Doing Evil things to prevent a greater evil", Obsidian was trying to build Revan to appear as if his Sith Empire wasn't designed to dominate the Galaxy like it is portrayed in K1, but rather to unify it against a future invasion by the "True Sith". And then the real issue appears when SWTOR and the books yeet on that idea even more and forcibly lock the Exile as a Light Side Female who dies in the story immediately after TSL (Almost sounds familar to your solution to your perceived problem) It's not so much the academy itself which is the problem, its the Sith themselves (Saying the Academy is the main focus of TSL like the Star Forge is to K1 would be like saying Berlin is responsible for WW2). Nihilus is a galaxy eating "Wound in the Force", similar to a black hole. The word "Nihilus" comes from "Nihilist" which is a person who believes in Nihilism, which can be described as, a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless. As Nihilus isn't even refered to as a man, he could be considered the living embodiment of Nihilism if it was a Sith Lord. Sion, a lord of pain, pretty much can't die because his power in the Force is so strong he doesn't allow himself to die even if she should causing tremendous pain. These two Sith Lords are far more threatening than any academy in the galaxy, but Sion uses Trayus Academy as his personal base after he kicked Traya out (Hence is why my Berlin comparison is relevant). So the Star Forge 2 isn't true, and I agree with the others that it is strongly hinted that Trayus Academy was abandoned until Kreia reopened it after K1. Unless you can find hard proof from the game files that proves us all otherwise. Kreia has thousands of scripts attached to her and thousands of VO. To completely rewrite a bit of Kreia's ideology on the Force would either mean you have over 50% of Kreia's VO which you don't want changed to be voiced by Sara Kestelman, a professional actress with an astounding voice, and have your modified VO voiced by a voice actor from the internet who may or may not charge real cash for her work and you'd be lucky if she was a woman to play the part, let alone have her be old and actually good at voice acting to fit Kreia's role (95% certain any rewrite of Kreia's VO with a second actress will get hated on by the community, even if the writing is good). Why would the Jedi Masters want to draw her out? In the lore, they want to draw out the Sith so they can fight them but because the Jedi are mysteriously genocided every time Jedi meet (Nihilus) they have exiled themselves until the Council can find enough answers so they can meet on Dantooine again to discuss a battle plan. The Masters feel that they can get answers from the Exile because the Exile, due to their self inflicted cut from the Force, is considered a 'wound in the Force' just like Nihilus was, just like how Nihilus eats planets to sustain himself the Exile kills hundreds and gets stronger (Experience). That explanation has nothing to do with Kreia, if you were to rewrite it so instead of trying to draw out the Sith and find the Exile the Masters just want Kreia (The Masters thought she died in the Mandalorian Wars) even though Kreia doesn't serve Nihilus or Sion (Thus why on earth would they want her) you'd not only need to recast an actor for Kreia but you'd need to cast an actor for all three Jedi Masters, maybe even more than that if you want Atris and Vash involved as well? Kreia, Vrook, Kavar, Zez Kai Ell, Atris and Vash all together have thousands upon thousands of VO lines (Plus you might want to redo Vrooks voice in K1. But in my opinion it isn't worth it as anyone who voices Vrook who isn't Edward Asner is always going to get hated on because of the drop of VO quality). You'd need to extensively study the original dialogue of the TSL game, study the K1 lore, write new lore so your rewrite would work, write out a new script to replace thousands of VO lines and at the end of the day probably pay hundreds of real life money to good quality voice actors simply because you don't agree with the plot of the game. Chuck out a piece of content which works (A piece of working content in a broken game) simply because you don't like the true fact that in both Legends and Canon that the Mandalorians are literally a shell of their former self by the time of the movies. Consider real life history for example, let's look at the year 1683 at Turkey: So if the Jedi Masters want to draw Kreia out, like you want, she only intervenes when the Jedi Masters try to cut the Exile from the Force again. So in your plot she just follows the Exile in and instead of attacking or trying to capture Kreia the Jedi Masters just explain their entire plans to the Exile... and Kreia... their enemy 🤔 ??? And again, you'd need to redo every single Jedi Master line to achieve this. And replaced with what? Why did Revan turn to the dark side and lead an army to take over the Republic? In Kotor 1, Vrook suspects the Crystal Cave turned Revan to the dark side. So what's your take? Revan being a morally grey anti-villain who wants to save billions by killing millions? Or "Sinister Cave made me do it!" (With no evidence in K1 to suggest that the cave was sinister)? Why? I dislike this part as well but why is this so special to the plot? So, perhaps you can change our minds. If you could point out exact quotes from the game, and rewrite them yourself as examples for us to follow maybe then we might take your idea seriously as modders like ourselves know that, even though we can do much, there is always a limit to our power even if we hypothetically CAN rewrite the game. For example, I hate Peragus: A mining facility built into an asteroid... inside an asteroid field... made up of hyper sensitive asteroids where a single blaster shot can blow up the entire field... and Obsidian is trying to tell me Fuel miners built an entire air locked facility inside of an asteroid inside of a space mine field without blowing it up? I hate that, but I cannot change that, changing Kreia's character is a tad easier, so maybe you can prove to us why it is so urgent that Kreia's ideology be flipped on its head in order to improve the flow of the game?
  5. This seems to be a very good mod, very innovative and worthwhile to see a Varko fix included as well!
  6. If that is the case, why not just load an earlier save and just play from there? If your mods are fine with the other saves simply reload an earlier save and from there simply progress to the game's end.
  7. Well, there's your problem. You will have to list every single mod you've installed before we can determine what your problem is, the reason for this is that without knowing what you have done no one can determine what your problem is (Think of it like this: A Doctor cannot prescribe medication to you if you keep your mouth shut the entire time). Ideally, you are required to fill this questionnaire down below as this will give modders the most detailed information to assist you.
  8. "Pure Restoration" is the 'Dustil Restoration' which was left in the game files aka this version is almost exactly as the Obsidian devs intended. The "Added Content" version has some made up content created by Fallen Guarden to fill in some holes with Dustil's plot expanding his story in TSL and what not. Hope this helps!
  9. It's literally just advertisements for other people's old mods! 😆😆😆
  10. N-DReW25


    *Sees younglings doing Fortnite Dances in the Undercity* Revan: "You get what you F*CKING DESERVE!" *Activates Lightsaber Anakin style*
  11. Strange, clicking "Load KotOR" in the instance editor doesn't do anything. I'm guessing it isn't detecting the 'chitin.key' file, for the directory does it mean "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor" for example? Or does it want something else? Here is the new error message if it helps.
  12. Speaking of Christmas come early 😃 Now, after one sets their directories in the tool are their any additional steps when it comes to opening a module in the level editor? Go to "Kotor", "Module Editor" and when I click on the "Load Module" and select .mod or .rim file it does nothing at all at the moment. Opening a .mod or .rim file gives me this error message.
  13. I guess after all these years some traditions just never die...


    Like releasing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords just before Christmas... and just like the last time somebody has to come along and release a special mod for it to make it playable 😆

    1. jc2



  14. For Mobile? I'd say the ES File Explorer for Android works well, for iOS I wouldn't have a clue.
  15. Does this same logic apply to 'lip' files? And if so will the lip files still work in lower case even if the audio is in upper case?
  16. Here is the problem with Extended Korriban Arrival, the mod would work with M4-78EP but the issue is that it reuses the cut lines restored in Extended Korriban Arrival which means if you use both M4-78EP and Extended Korriban Arrival you shall hear the same audio twice... though it won't break your game. Other than that, I'm unaware of any other mods from that list that would be incompatible. Oh, btw, you will need this patch in order to get M4-78 and Coruscant to work together.
  17. Compatible. Compatible. Compatible. Most likely Compatible.
  18. Most of the ported TOR models can be found in @DarthParametric's content: https://deadlystream.com/profile/15735-darthparametric/content/?type=downloads_file What is there is there, not all of it is TOR ports and some are a hybrid of TOR ported content with Kotor content.
  19. So from what I can tell, in vanilla when you bring party members with you to the Enclave they just get glued in position around where Kreia is standing in your screenshot. In TSLRCM it appears as if they are removed completely either during or after the animated camera (Presumably to make way for the party mind reading scene on the Ebon Hawk which takes place during the Enclave scene) so either: A) By removing the party, it therefore breaks the game if you decide to play as a third party member when entering because the character you are technically controlling has been forcibly removed and the game can't handle what just happened... or B,) It has something to do with the Tobin Nihilus cutscene which plays instantly upon entering the Jedi Enclave in TSLRCM.
  20. I hope the modding flaws of the first Kotor port aren't present in the Kotor 2 port... but I doubt it.
  21. Star Wars has some really stupid things in it, and I thought I had seen it all until I was searching the Wookieepedia for Lightsaber crystals and found something called "Dahgee Crystals" which turns a Lightsaber blade from an actual blade into THIS: Upon seeing... that... I thought to myself "I wonder if this would work in Kotor?" Which brings us to the topic of this request, would it be possible to recreate the "ZigZag Twisties: Wicked Cheddar Lightsaber" or as normies call it the "Dahgee Lightsaber" for the Kotor games... (And maybe the robe as well if I'm lucky today)
  22. Atton- "I'll just leave this right here." *Places Land Mine*

    N-DReW25- "I'll just leave this right here."

    *Places Link*


    Check it out, anyone who is interested in furthering the development of the first stage of ROR and believe they are up to the task of writing dialogue and/or quests should show their interest to @Logan23

    1. jc2


      Good to see this being worked on again, good luck to the RoR team!

  23. Ok, so I wasn't sure what you were thinking with the party member version but after seeing THIS version I must say this was a genius and innovative design. 👍
  24. That is an issue with the Steam version of Kotor, I believe you'd need to roll your game back to before the Aspyr update. On the Steamapp rightclick Kotor 2, go to properties, then go to "Betas", click "Select what Betas you want to opt into" and click "legacypc" to roll back the update (You will lose controller support and wide screen resolutions though)