838 files
Stunbaton HD
By Dark Hope
New textures. Resolution 1024x512. Edited model - DarthParametric
To Install
1. Download: Stunbaton HD
2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder.
(Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override)
3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay.
4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
Armor 7 HD
By Dark Hope
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048.
To Install
1. Download: Armor 7 HD
2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder.
(Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override)
3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay.
4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
Jedi Choice Dialogue Enhancement
Jedi Choice Dialogue Enhancement
Author: Emperor Devon
Version: 1.00
File Name: Jedi Choice Dialogue Enhancement.zip
Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome.
The cheesiest three lines in KotOR for me are: "I want to be a Jedi Guardian!" "I want to be a Jedi Sentinel!" "I want to be a Jedi Consular!" They read like something an 11-year-old would yell. I can't take them seriously.
So, this mod replaces those three lines with nine different lines, which vary depending upon your PC's alignment.
Light Side
• "I would defend those who cannot defend themselves, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me."
• "I would uphold truth and justice, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me."
• "I would serve the Force above all else, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me."
• "I would take battle to the Sith, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me."
• "I would expose treachery wherever it may be found, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me."
• "I would heed the Force above all else, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me."
Dark Side
• "I would destroy the Order's enemies, Master Dorak. The Jedi Guardian's path calls to me."
• "I would root out traitors wherever they hide, Master Dorak. The Jedi Sentinel's path calls to me."
• "The galaxy's lesser troubles are nothing before the Force, Master Dorak. The Jedi Consular's path calls to me."
There is another mod (whose name I forget) that replaces the "I want to be a Jedi <class>!" lines with "I wish to be a Jedi <class>." You'll have to pick between that mod and mine, as they modify the same dialogue file.
Otherwise, this mod is compatible with all other mods. That includes the several dialogue.tlk mods which modify your PC's dialogue options.
Copy the file to your override folder.
Delete the file from your override folder.
You have my blessing to do whatever you want with this file. If you use it in another mod, or upload it to another website, please give me attribution for my work.
• Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset
• Deadly Stream for providing a continued home for KotOR modding
• tk102 for his dialogue editor
• Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu
• Wizard for continuing to maintain the Holocron Toolset
• BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later.
Restored Rage Feat
By djh269
Restored Rage Feat
By djh269
Date: 22.02.2024
I was looking through k_inc_force.nss and I notice some leftover Force Powers / Feats and decided to restore Zaalbars Rage Feat.
Compatible with any mods, if there's any issues please don't hesitate to contact me.
KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher – stoffe & Fair Strides
Geonosian Electro-Staff by Deadman into K1
By djh269
Geonosian Electro-Staff by Deadman into K1
By djh269
I have ported Geonosian Electro-Staff by Deadman into K1 and added the weapon to Marl, a thug in Daviks estate and on a Kashyyk Merchant.
Should be compatible with any mods, if not, reach out and I will seek to change that.
Deadman - For his original TSL mod.
Holopatcher - Cortisol
Deadmans TFU Lightsaber pikes for K1 1.0
By djh269
Deadmans TFU Lightsaber pikes for K1 1.0
By djh269
As per request I have ported over Deadmans Saber pikes from TSL into K1. You can find the Pikes on one of Korribans merchants.
Should be compatible with any mods, if not, reach out and I will seek to change that.
Deadman - For the original TSL mod
Holopatcher - Cortisol
TSL Style Energy Shield Absorption
By djh269
TSL Style Energy Shield Absorption
By djh269
Changes the absorption amount to be what TSL values are.
Should be compatible with any mods, if not, reach out and I will seek to change that.
KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher – stoffe & Fair Strides
Baragwin Droid items and Energy Shield Description Fixes
By djh269
Baragwin Droid and Energy Shield Description Fixes
By djh269
A small changes to various Shields and Baragwin Droid item descriptions.
Should be compatible with any mods, if not, reach out and I will seek to change that.
KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher – stoffe & Fair Strides
Droid Feat Availability Change
By djh269
Droid Feat Availability Change
By djh269
Date: 18.02.2024
- A small change to the feats that are available to both HK-47 & T3-M4.
- Changes the Blaster Integration feat desription of T3-M4 to match up with his ability to use new larger blaster types.
- Grants Weapon Proficiency Blaster Rifle and Heavy weapons to T3-M4 at level 1 as per other characters.
Should be compatible with any mods, if not, reach out and I will seek to change that.
KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher – stoffe & Fair Strides
Separate Force Whirlwind
By djh269
Separate Force whirlwind
By djh269
Makes the Whirlwind Force Power separate from the usual Force Push spell chain.
Compatible with any mods that don't affect the Force Push - Force Whirlwind - Force Wave chain.
KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher – stoffe & Fair Strides
TSL Style Loading Screens
By Thor110
TSL Style Loading Screens for KotOR
I made these loading screens for my port of KotOR to TSL but decided to release them as a standalone because why not.
KotOR in TSL Trailer
Though personally I prefer Sithspecter's coloured versions of the original KotOR Loading Screens found here : Loadscreens in Color
But people have their preferences, so who knows maybe someone will like this.
Reference : These are all made at 1280x1024 so they won't look right for anyone using 1920x1080 or any other widescreen resolutions, I do plan to make a pack of them at 1920x1080 at some point.
Thanks & Enjoy
Copy files to the override folder.
Delete files from the override folder.
The following three loading screens I did not make TSL version of yet.
load_chargen.tga ( Before Character Creation Screen )
load_swoop.tga ( Swoop Race Mini Game )
load_turret.tga ( Turret Mini Game )
More Jedi Starting Powers
By GearHead
With this mod installed when you become a Jedi you gain 9 force powers (10 if Jedi Consular) instead of 2. This means you don’t miss out on anything if you level up your character on Taris.
Grenades and mines HD
By Dark Hope
This mod will replace and update texture files.
To Install
1. Download: Grenades and mines HD.rar
2. Installation required High Poly Grenades (https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1209 )
3. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder.
(Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override)
4. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay.
5. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love
Armor 5 HD
By Dark Hope
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048.
To Install
1. Download: Armor 5 HD
2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder.
(Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override)
3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay.
4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
Kotor1 balanced force powers
By Elm
Kotor1 balanced force powers
Mod adjusts force powers in KOTOR 1 to make them more balanced.
Slightly increases FP cost for almost all low and middle tier force powers. Powerful spells has a significant change in their FP cost.
Adjusts duration for some buffs so you won`t need to constantly reapply them during the combat.
As a result, you won`t be able to spam powerful Dark side powers being a Light side character and vice versa.
Please check forcepowerchanges.html for more details.
Run TSLPatcher and select a folder with Kotor 1 installed
Any mod that does not change spells.2da and k_sp1_generic.nss
Any feedback will be much appreciated
Oddball_E8's New Blaster and Grenade Sounds
By JumpStationZ
New Blaster and Grenade Sounds by Oddball_E8
Created: February 6th, 2005
What this mod does:
This mod just changes the default blaster sounds and some of the grenade sounds.
Creator’s Notes
I wanted a more "oomph-y" sound to the blasters since I thought the original sounds were a bit bland, so I mixed the original sounds with some sounds I have used in other sound mods for games with "real" guns.
I also replaced some of the grenade sounds for the same reason, but here I didn’t mix them with anything, I just used the sounds from my Combat Mission mod.
I will make some more sounds, mainly the "bounce" sounds of grenades and also the impact sounds from blasters since I want these to have an "explosion" feel to them... not too much, but a little.
Files Modified:
cb_gr_fragment.wav -not mixed
cb_gr_plasma.wav -not mixed
cb_gr_stun.wav -not mixed
cb_gr_thermal.wav -not mixed
cb_sh_blast1.wav -mixed with original
cb_sh_hvybl1.wav -mixed with original
cb_sh_medbl1.wav -mixed with original
cb_sh_pwrblast1.wav -mixed with original
cb_sh_pwrblast2.wav -mixed with original
Any and all feedback can be sent to the author at: [see read-me file for contact information]
NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently. (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R by many years.) If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk. These sound files also exist in KotOR2 but as before, use is at your own risk.
Oddball_E8's "Evil Sounds"
By JumpStationZ
Evil Sounds by Oddball_E8
Created: February 9th 2005
What this mod does:
This mod replaces some of the death sounds with more gruesome sounds.
Creator’s Notes:
What can I say? I was feeling a bit evil...
(all the files are male only voices since I have no screams that sound female)
Files Modified:
n_darkjedim_dead.wav - Dark Jedi
n_fatcomm_dead.wav - I don’t have a clue who uses this file... but I modded it anyway
n_hsmuggler_dead.wav - same here... but I assume it’s a smuggler?
n_repsold_dead.wav - Republic soldier
n_sithcomm_dead.wav - Sith commander (not the guy in red armor)
n_sthapprnm_dead.wav - Sith apprentice
Any and all feedback can be sent to the author at: {see read-me for contact information)
NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently. (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R by many years.) If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk. These sound files also exist in KotOR2 but as before, use is at your own risk.
maverick187's Megido & The Avenger [Lightsaber Models for KotOR1]]
By JumpStationZ
Megido & The Avenger - Lightsaber Models: created by: maverick187
Creation date: March 27th, 2005
PART I: Introduction (prt1)
Greetings these lightsaber models are completely new models made from scratch by myself in gmax. It adds a little more diversity to look at while plain the game versus those aluminum cylinders that the game calls a lightsaber. Enjoy the new models.
PART II: Table of Contents (prt2)
PART I - Introduction (prt1)
PART II - Table of Contents (prt2)
PART III - Features (prt3)
PART IV - Sabers and Crystals (prt4)
PART V - Installation (prt5)
PART VI - Uninstall (prt6)
PART VII - In-Game Placement (prt7)
PART VIII - Bugs (prt8)
PART IX - Acknowledgements and Credits (prt9)
PART X - Item Cheat Codes (prt10)
PART XI - Screenshots (prt11)
PART III: Features (prt3)
This mod includes 2 new saber models and three new sabers (the regular and short saber use the same model), all are upgradeable, and creatable, the stats of the sabers are the same as the game’s regular sabers though.
--> 2 new saber models
--> 3 new sabers to play with
--> 1 new custom saber color crystal
--> In-Game Placement for ease-of-use
PART IV: Sabers, Crystals (prt4)
This mod includes 3 new sabers, and 1 new crystal, the following are small descriptions of each.
Megido Lightsaber & Megido Shortsaber:
Blade Color: Red
Hilt Type: A curved hilt with an end spike, ridges and slanted emitter
Color Crystal: Ancient Sith Crystal
In-Game Description: Traditionally associated with the Jedi, the lightsaber is a devastating weapon difficult to master. Properties can vary with the type of focusing crystal used in construction. This particular design, known as the "Megido" design, derives from the original design of an unknown Ancient Sith Lord. The original saber has been cataloged and placed in the Jedi Archives.
The Avenger Double-Bladed Lightsaber:
Blade Color: Red
Hilt Type: A double-bladed shaft with center ridges, and two sets of spikes on either side, symmetrical and features two-sided emitter guards on each side of the hilt.
Color Crystal: Ancient Sith Crystal
In-Game Description: These exotic weapons are rare, and most often associated with Jedi attracted to the dark side of the Force, for whom reckless aggression is sometimes considered an asset. The double-bladed lightsaber is capable of inflicting more damage - but is also less precise - than the single-bladed variant. This design was originally created by an ancient Sith Marauder, it carries with it a history of innocent deaths. Although this is just a replica of the original, which is stored in the Jedi Archives, it's appearance still strikes fear in the eyes of most Jedi.
PART V: Installation (prt5)
1. Create an override folder within your KotOR 2 directory, if you do not have one already.
2. Extract all of the files in this file into your override directory, if you are prompted to overwrite any .2da file proceed to step three, if you are not then installation is complete.
3. If you are prompted to overwrite any .2da file note which file it is and then follow the following compatibilities guide if you have other mods installed which use the same .2da files:
|The .2da file | The compatible mods
|upcrystals.2da | RedHawke's Exile Item Pack, Darkkender's Guardian Saber mod, and Xcom's Dual-wielding Double-Blades mod, Shadow Blade's mods, RedHawke and My Prestige Pack
|upgrade.2da | Envida's Complete Mods, RedHawke's Workbench Robes mod, and Darkkender's Segan Wyndh Pack
|itemcreate.2da | [ RedHawke's Workbench Robe Mod, Darkkender's Segan Wyndh Pack
|itemcreatemira.2da | RedHawke and My Prestige Pack, and Prime's Stormtrooper Mod
4. If you have your own custom conflicting .2da file or a .2da file that is from a mod not listed here you will need to merge your .2da files, please go to the tutorials section at Holowan Labs for information on how to merge .2da files. Link in PART VIII.
5. The following is a simple tutorial on making your upcrystals.2da file compatible with this mod.
+ Download KotOR Tool. Can be found at Holowan Labs, link in PART VIII
+ Open KotOR Tool and click the 2da button in the top left corner, open the upcrystals.2da file from your override folder.
+ Now scroll down to a new row and type the following:
|(Row Label)| label | template | shortmdlvar | longmdlvar | doublemdlvar |
|next number|MavModels_Crstl | mav_drkcrst001 | mav_w_mgdssbr01 | mav_w_mgdsbr01 | mav_w_avgrsbr01|
*Note the top row are the names of the columns of the 2da file, you enter the 2nd row.
+ now click in an above entry and go File->Save as 2DA V2.b and save it in your override folder
PART VI: Uninstall (prt6)
Simply remove all of the files from your override folder.
PART VII: In-Game Placement (prt7)
You can build the sabers and any workbench that allows for item creation, when you reach certain qualifications.
PART VIII: Known Bugs (prt8)
There are no known bugs at this time.
If you discover a bug, please report them to us at the Holowan Laboratory Forum at www.lucasforums.com or more specifically:
You may also e-mail me at (see read me for e-mail) although you are much more unlikely to get a response there as it is rarely checked.
PART IX: Acknowledgements and Credits (prt9)
Fred Tetra: Without your tireless effort on the creation and continued dedication to upgrading your incredible KotOR Tool this mod would not be possible, for that we are all in debt to you, and we cannot thank you enough.
tk102: KSE has helped us in numerous ways, testing out the mod, and for the pure enjoyment of creating the "Super Jedi" lol, also your help and guidance has been tremendous, thanks.
T7nowhere: Thank you, for the encouragement early on when I started modding way back in KotOR 1, and for the tremendous amount of help when I was learning to model, I owe a lot to you, thanks T7,
svösh: In many ways you have been my greatest mentor, encouraging me early on in the KotOR1 days, helping me learn the basics of skinning and texturing and teaching me some of the finer points of Photoshop, and for the help and direction when I tried to model, and for letting me use your custom shader for almost all of my mods, thank you svösh.
RedHawke: Well, we have teamed up for many a few mods and they have reached great success, thanks for all the help with everything, scripting etc. maybe not in this mod, but in others, thanks.
Holowan Labs: Thank goes out to all the support from everyone at Holowan Labs, for the helpful comments in the W.I.P. thread and for continued support.
PART X: Cheat Codes (prt10)
Color Crystals:
mav_drkcrst001 = Ancient Sith Crystal
mav_w_mgdssbr01 = Megido Shortsaber
mav_w_mgdsbr01 = Megido Lightsaber
mav_w_avgrsbr01 = The Avenger (double-bladed saber)
PART XI: Screenshots (prt11)
[links removed as they are now dead links]
NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently. (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R.) If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk. Additionally, you may note that this mod has no screenshots other than the old JumpStationZ logo and the title of the mod. Feel free to include screenshots with your review if you feel moved to.
maverick187's Ion Hold Out Blaster
By JumpStationZ
Ion Hold Out Blaster; modeled and skinned by: maverick187
Creation date: May 20th, 2005
PART I: Introduction (prt1)
The Ion Hold Out Blaster is a completely new model blaster and not only does it have a unique texture to it, but it also fires ion blaster bolts. (they're blue). That being said this also means that a couple of .2da files had to be edited and we all know how much of a pain that can be, however I have tried to keep the .2da files compatible with the other mods out there. *Note* To view the readme as it was intended line up the dashes to match the width of the notepad screen.
PART II: Table of Contents (prt2)
PART I - Introduction (prt1)
PART II - Table of Contents (prt2)
PART III - Features (prt3)
PART IV - Installation (prt4)
PART V - Uninstallation (prt5)
PART VI - In-Game Placement (prt6)
PART VII - Bugs (prt7)
PART VIII - Acknowledgements and Credits (prt8)
PART IX - Item Cheat Codes (prt9)
PART X - Screenshots (prt10)
PART III: Features (prt3)
* All new Hold Out Blaster model complete with texture
* Updated mavsitems.2da file for those using my "Mav's Shop & Workbench" mod
* NEW BLUE blaster bolts, the Ion blaster features Ion bolts
PART IV: Installation (prt4)
To install the mod extract all of these files into the override folder, if you are prompted to overwrite the "mavsitems.2da" do so. However, if you are prompted to overwrite "ammunitiontypes.2da" or "baseitems.2da" refer below:
If you are prompted to overwrite ammunitiontypes.2da do not do it, instead open you current ammunitiontypes.2da file with Kotor Tool & in a new window open the ammunitiontypes.2da file that comes pack with this mod.
Now copy down Row label 6 character for character and copy that into a new row of the ammunitiontypes.2da file in your override, take note of the new (row label) e.g. in my file it is row 6, again take note of this number you will need it later.
If you are prompted to overwrite the baseitems.2da file than refer to this list of compatibilities first:
-Darkkender's Segan Wyndh armor: line 104
-USM inserts: line 105 and 106 *note* these lines have been reserved for the USM, you will have to input the line info in here when the USM is released
-Drakkonen's Jedi vs. Sith armors: line 107
-ChAiNz.2da's Darksword: line 108
-Prime's Jedi Armor's line 109 and 110
--VERY IMPORTANT NOTE regarding Prime's lines, these were not his original lines the row numbers have been changed for compatibilities sake, to make the armors compatible with this baseitems.2da file you will need to edit the armor's .uti files.
Line 111 is my Ion Hold Out Blaster, so copy this line character for character into your current baseitems.2da file if you are not going to overwrite. *NOTE* if you edited the ammunitiontypes.2da file and changed the row number this is why I told you to take note of it. In the line of my Ion Hold Out Blaster in the baseitems.2da file look for the "ammunitiontype" column and type the number of the row that you took note of on the ammunitiontypes.2da file. Take note of the new baseitems.2da row number. e.g. mine is 111
Place your new ammunitiontypes.2da and baseitems.2da files into your override folder.
You now need to edit the w_mavhld_01.uti file, open up Kotor Tool go into Tools-->Options... click the "Other" tab and check the box that says, "look in games override folder"
Now Open up the w_mavhld_01.uti file with Kotor Tool, in the baseitems scroll down, scroll all the way to the bottom, it should say Hold Out Blaster, select it and save the file, place in your override, you should be set.
PART V: Uninstall (prt5)
This is a lot easier than installation, just remove the files from your override folder.
PART VI: In-Game Placement (prt6)
For in-game placement without the need for cheating you will need to have the following mod already installed.
Also make sure that the mavsitems.2da file from THIS mod is in your override folder
PART VII: Bugs (prt7)
If installed correctly there should be no bugs, the poly count is sort of high so low-end PC's may run slower, but I doubt it.
Report problems to myself: maverick187 at Holowan Labs
PART VIII: Acknowledgements (prt8)
T7nowhere: Thanks for helping me to start modding and thanks for the help figuring out how to change the color of the blaster bolts. And for the Ion idea.
stoffe -mkb-: Thanks for helping me figure out how to create a new line in ammunitions.2da and use it for the baseitems.2da to make a new blaster.
tylerjk: Thanks for bringing up the "different color lasers" topic, which gave me this idea.
Mono_Giganto: Thanks for being my gun modeling Guru and for all of the constructive criticism, without all of your help my gun would look a lot worse
svösh: Ah, Master svösh, you have more modeling wisdom than Yoda himself. Thanks for imparting some of that wisdom upon me, as well as the rust tips. Thanks Master svösh
tk102: Thanks for KSE, it sure helps a lot in testing.
Fred Tetra: Thanks for Kotor Tool, KotOR modding would be lost without it
cchargin: Thanks for mdlOPS, making new models possible every day.
Holowan Labs: My online home, thanks go out to everyone who has helped me.
PART IX: Item Cheat Code (prt9)
giveitem w_mavhld_o1
NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently. (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R.) If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk. Additionally, you may note that this mod has no screenshots other than the old JumpStationZ logo and the title of the mod. Feel free to include screenshots with your review if you feel moved to.
illuzion69's Mandalorian Royal Guard Armor (for KotOR1)
By JumpStationZ
Mandalorian Royal Guard Armor (for KotOR1)
Created by: illuzion69
Original mod creation date: October 11th, 2004
This is a new version of the Mandalorian Assault Armor. It is a new item and has an in-game location All files go into the Override folder.
It has an appearance.2da that is compatible with Svosh's Revan Redemption Robes. If you already have an appearance.2da you can add this armor by opening your appearance.2da with kotor tool and create a new row then copy line 35 and paste to new row then change the Label column from Alien_Mandalorian_01 to Alien_Mandalorian_06 and the racetex column from N_Mandalorian01 to N_Mandalorian06 and save. Then change the 69_a_class9066.uti file in a GFF editor. Open the Properties List then open line 3 and change the Subtype from 511 to the row number you put this armor at in the appearance.2da file and save.
I know some people like to overpower their items and some don't (I fall under the don't) so I made it upgradeable without going to over the top. Without upgrades it is the same as the Mandalorian Assault Armor, Feats Required: Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Defense Bonus:13, Max Dexterity Bonus: 0, Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. cold and Resist 25/- vs. fire. With upgrades add Skills: Awareness +2, Strength +2, Dexterity +3 and Constitution +3.
Location and Cheat Code
I put this armor in the strong box where the Tarisian Noble is inside Davik's estate. Give Canderous a chance to go Mandalorian on Davik and Calo! In case you want more than one or your already past Taris the cheat code is giveitem 69_a_class9066
Thanks go to Fred Tetra for his Kotor Tool, everyone at Holowan Laboratories for making a great game better, everyone that helped make the game and my wife and kids for the distractions, I mean help :). I think that’s everyone.
NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently. (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R.) If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk. Additionally, you may note that this mod has no screenshots other than the old JumpStationZ logo and the title of the mod. Feel free to include screenshots with your review if you feel moved to.
After Ending Mod (for KotOR1)
By JumpStationZ
After Ending Mod (for KotOR1) by gameunlimited
This mod will allow you to go back to the previous planets after the ending scene. You may go back and do those quests that you may have left out.
One very important note though, this game is not designed to be played after the ending scene (duh!).
Thus, there are probably many glitches that will happen if you use this mod as I do not change the game. This mod merely teleports you back to the Ebon
Hawk at the very end. I expect many glitches to be found.
Installation: Just extract the one files into the Override directory.
NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently. (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R.) If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk. Additionally, you may note that this mod has no screenshots other than the old JumpStationZ logo and the title of the mod.
KotOR1 Companion Fix
By GearHead
This mod corrects companion stats. Also makes dark side Bastila level 3.
This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine.
If the companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load an earlier save.
List of changes:
- Awareness Skill 4 -> 6
- Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6
- Fixed a bug that caused some of her textures to be transparent.
- Her dark side version is level 3 now. Same stats but evil and has dark side powers (Stun -> Fear, Force Aura -> Wound).
- Stealth Skill 5 -> 4
- Awareness Skill 8 -> 7
- Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 7
- Demolitions Skill 1 -> 3
- Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (-3 feats for T3)
- Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.)
- Awareness Skill 5 -> 7
- Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6
- Hit Points 66 -> 78
- Demolitions Skill 5 -> 7
- Awareness Skill 5 -> 7
- Repair Skill 6 -> 8
- He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels.
- Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (+3 feats for HK)
- Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one.
Quest for tk102's birthday (February 4)
By JumpStationZ
Quest for tk102's birthday (February 4)
By Darth333 et al.
Original upload date: February 4th, 2005)
New Models by: svösh (hv88 blasters), Seprithro (blaster model), t7nowhere (saber models + birthday cake)
This is a side quest in which you have to find some items required for the preparation of tk102's birthday.
The quest spans over three planets and includes new areas and many hard enemies (for cheaters or high lvl characters only!)
To begin the mission, go to the swoop registration office in Tatooine and listen carefully.
(Do not warp to the new areas: you'll get stuck.)
Explore the various dialogue options as they can sometimes lead you to different solutions and items.
But remember, if you disobey the orders given to you, you better travel around well armed!
And if you speak badly of some people, expect to gain DS points! Some doors maybe locked,
it's up to you to discover how to open them...
(Note: once you have unlocked the door in Dreshdae, to enter, look down, just in front of the door. The "lock" is placed a little low )
Some of the dialogues in this mod will make more sense if you are a regular member of Holowan labs. In any event, I suggest you play Doom_Dealer's Holowspire mod to fully understand the dialogue with Doom_Dealer.
Many members of LucasForums, mainly from Holowan labs, make at least cameo appearances in this mod:
Boba Rhett (da boss man)
Fred Tetra
FiEND_138 and his band
Unfortunately, tk102's birthday is on February 4th and due to this "deadline" I couldn't
include more people although I wanted to.
You'll find svösh's blaster on Doom_Dealer. Seprithro and t7 carry their own items.
I would have like to make more balanced enemies but due to time constraints, it was impossible.
If an interest is shown, I could turn this mod into a smuggling mission.
To install the mod:
Put the files contained in the folder called "For override" in your override directory.
Default location is: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Override
Drop the files contained in the folder called "For Modules" in your Modules folder.
Default location is: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\Modules
To remove, delete the files from your override folder and remove the 4 following files
from your modules folder:
The Models by svösh (hv88 blasters), Seprithro (blaster model) and
t7nowhere (saber models + birthday cake) were included in this mod with their permission.
NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently. (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R.) If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk. Additionally, you may note that this mod has no screenshots other than the old JumpStationZ logo and the title of the mod. Feel free to include screenshots with your review if you feel moved to.
Super Skip Taris & Endar Spire
By JumpStationZ
Super Skip Taris & Endar Spire by Lit Ridl
Creation date: September 4, 2006
For Knights of the Old Republic I
Installing mod:
About mod:
This mod will modify Trask’s dialog giving it some extra dialog options.
There are 3 additional options (Skip Endar Spire, LS skip Taris, DS skip Taris.)
Reason why it is called super:
· It has both LS and DS skip Taris options
· No need in replacing something
· All items from standard game-play will be given to you
· It will add all party members that you get on Taris to your party (Carth, Bastila, Mission, etc)
· It sets all globals and Booleans to the right LS/DS value, that prevents your game from the doom
· It gives you alignment/experience points and credits, the same amount with the standard game-play
· You will not lose any quests, they are added when mod is activated
Lit Ridl – for creating the whole mod
Yaggles – for idea of skip Taris mod
Darth HaHa – I decided to make my own mod after I saw his, so he was stim
Stoffe – for TSL Patcher
e-mail: [info can found in read-me file]
NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod is old and has not been tested in years. You use this mod at your own risk.
K2 Force Powers for K1
Integrates Force powers from KOTOR II into KOTOR I.
This mod adds 6 Light side and 6 Dark side Force powers from KOTOR II to KOTOR I.
Added powers:
• Master Heal
• Force Barrier
• Improved Force Barrier
• Master Force Barrier
• Revitalize
• Improved Revitalize
• Drain Force
• Improved Drain Force
• Master Drain Force
• Force Scream
• Improved Force Scream
• Master Force Scream
I wanted any added powers to feel like they fit naturally in K1 while keeping faithful to their design in K2. For this and other reasons the following powers are excluded:
• Powers restricted to prestige classes - Check out Prestige Powers
• Powers granted to the Exile through the story
• Powers with hardcoded effects / that would take more involved scripting to implement (Mind Trick, Force Body, Force Deflection)
• Battle Meditation - Try my mod Bastila Has TSL Battle Meditation to give this to Bastila as a unique starting power.
• Master Energy Resistance - The Energy Resistance tree was rebalanced in KOTOR II so this power isn’t much better than Improved Energy Resistance in K1, at least not enough to justify it taking its own slot.
• Master Revitalize - Level 21 power in K2, level capped at 20 in K1
This mod doesn’t give powers to NPCs and doesn’t touch AI scripts. This means enemies will not use the powers and party members will only use them if commanded to.
The Force Scream VFX/sound, Revitalize VFX, and Force power icons are ported from KOTOR II.
To install, run TSLPatcher.exe (Required)
Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe.
1. Remove the following files from override:
• spells.2da
• visualeffects.2da
• effecticon.2da
• k_fp_barrier1.ncs
• k_fp_barrier2.ncs
• k_fp_barrier3.ncs
• k_fp_masterheal.ncs
• k_fp_revitalize1.ncs
• k_fp_revitalize2.ncs
• k_fp_scream1.ncs
• k_fp_scream2.ncs
• k_fp_scream3.ncs
• k_fp_drainforce1.ncs
• k_fp_drainforce2.ncs
• k_fp_drainforce3.ncs
• ip_frcbarrier01.tga
• ip_frcbarrier02.tga
• fp_frcebarrier03.tga
• ip_frcscream01.tga
• ip_frcscream02.tga
• ip_frcscream03.tga
• ip_masterheal.tga
• ip_revital01.tga
• ip_revital02.tga
• ip_drainforce01.tga
• ip_drainforce02.tga
• ip_drainforce03.tga
• v_frcscrm1.mdl & .mdx
• v_frcscrm2.mdl & .mdx
• v_frcscrm3.mdl & .mdx
• v_revite.mdl & .mdx
• v_pro_scream.wav
• fx_slash04.tpc
2. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered version in the backup folder.
3. Move any remaining files in the backup folder to override.
Should be compatible with most other mods provided they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod after. I recommend installing after any others mods that add Force powers. Must be installed after uwadmin12's Force Enlightenment.
While technically compatible, the mod Four Force Powers adds a similar Revitalize power, so you will have two versions of this power if you install both mods.
From k_inc_force it seems that some of the powers in KOTOR II don’t function exactly like they’re described. For example the Revitalize powers heal a flat amount instead of a percentage as stated in the description. Drain Force steals a maximum of 20 FP from an enemy, not 10, and Improved Drain Force affects multiple enemies in a range, instead of a single enemy. Some of these seem to be intentional changes that were just never updated in the Force power description. I decided to implement the powers the same way they function in TSL and correct the descriptions.
I’m not sure it’s possible to add custom casting animations so Force Scream uses the regular “hand out” animation instead of the “fury” animation it uses in KOTOR II.
Please don’t reupload this without my permission.
KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra
TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides
This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL
- k2
- force powers
- (and 1 more)