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  1. Even after replacing my dlg.tlk with a backup or removing my Override folder in its entirety, for the first time ever I've encountered a scenario where the main quest simply won't continue after acquiring your penultimate Star Map. Possibly because some global numeric isn't at its correct value? I had early warnings of this with the Sasha side-quest refusing to continue past Big Z's initial warning and being unable to interact with the supplies. Anyone encountered such a conflict before? Mod List and Install Order: - PC Moderation Response, Improved Dialogue - K1CP v1.10.0 - NPC-DP 8.0 - FRSR 1.4, - LOTSA1.2 - K1ClothingPack 1.2.1 - Unique Sith Governor - K1LO 1.3 - DA&R 1.2 - HOB 1.3 - JC's Romance Enhancement - Pan-Galactic Flirting for K1 v.1.1 - JC's Romance Enhancement - Biromantic Bastila v1.2 - K1 Party Conversations on Ebon Hawk v1_2 - [K1]_All_Hands_on_Deck_for_the_Leviathan_Prison_Break - JC's Jedi Tailor for K1 v1.3 - A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World (1.1) - DIFFERENT MUSIC FOR ANCHORHEAD AND THE EBON HAWK by Kexikus - HQ KOTOR Music Overhaul Mod - Weapon damages overhaul By Zobizob - BlastersReloaded_K1_0-2
  2. So I was on the ruins on Dantooine and when I passed through the door to the star map, the cutscene that was supposed to play never did, so now I'm stuck there without anything happening and I can't continue the story, so any help pls? Note that I'm on steam and I'm using a bunch of widescreen mods
  3. Hi, I've encountered another [possible] bug with K1. I went to Korriban first. In the Drunk Side, I noticed mika dorin has an option to offer you a drink. If you take it, you fall unconscious for awhile. You also get debuffed. The problem is the debuff doesn't go away, and it's a big one, currently sitting at 6 dex and 8 int and both stats were originally at ten. I've also discovered if you take another drink, it will continue to debuff those stats. I've tried saving, reloading, quitting the game, nothing is getting rid of it. EDIT - it lasts until you change planets and disembark. That's pretty crappy imo. I looked all over the web for an answer to this and it appears it wasn't an option in the original game [i never saw it]. Maybe that should've stayed cut content, eh?
  4. After returning to Dxun after the events on Onderon, I was looting the remaining Remains of the Sith Assassins that I had missed before leaving for Iziz, and found two of an item with no name or description that according to the KOTOR Save Editor is internally called propss02 or (Prop SS 02). I'm curious as to what this item is. (I'm using texture mods which may affect the texture of the weapons.)
  5. Hi. So the speedrunning community is trying to figure out how a glitch works that we call a "Displaced Loading Zone" (aka DLZ). And I've come here for some help solving this mystery. What is a DLZ? A DLZ is when you're just walking along in the game and suddenly, for no apparent reason, the game loads a different module - as if you had walked into a Loading Zone. Examples: Endar Spire Taris - Sith Base Dantooine Enclave Speedrunner DLZ info doc: What We Know This used to be a very rare occurrence and getting footage of it was even rarer. But as more people streamed the game, we got more and more examples. We eventually got enough info to start some early speculation on how this glitch was occurring. Long story short, we have a basic understanding of the circumstances needed for this glitch to fire. How does a DLZ work? What's Confirmed: A DLZ always occurs when the player is "below" or "south" of the Loading Zone on the map (in the negative Y direction). A DLZ can occur at any Y position below the loading zone, so long as it coincides with the trigger. Z position does not matter Camera facing does not matter Player facing does not matter? Which character is party leader doesn't matter A DLZ can trigger dialogue cutscenes as well as Loading Zones. Some maps in game are turned 90 degrees from the way they are actually oriented in the Toolset (example: Endar Spire - Command Module). If a party member is too far away from the party leader, a "Gather Your Party" dialogue occurs instead of the module transition and the player is placed outside the door at the transabort point. If there are 2 valid destinations above the player when a DLZ is triggered, it will not always go to the nearest one What's Theorized: A DLZ occurs when the player is within range of some sort of trigger or encounter, etc. A DLZ occurs when the player is "East" or "West" of any trigger on the map (in any X direction - not just when inside the trigger) A DLZ is caused because the game checks if the player position matches the Y coordinate of the trigger and the X coordinate of the loading zone. A DLZ cannot cause a player to reach a loading zone that is "East" or "West" of them (in the positive or negative X direction). A DLZ cannot cause a player to reach a loading zone that is "South" of them (in the negative Y direction) If there are 2 valid destinations above the player when a DLZ is triggered, it will always go to the farthest one (highest Y coord) A DLZ only fires when you're aligned at the very edge of the door's loading zone with your X value. Here's an example DLZ from the Endar Spire: Conceptual Semantics: There are various ways of conceptualizing this phenomenon and we often use them interchangeably. Expressing it in these different ways can cause confusion. All of these are conceptually more or less the same, even if it's not exactly how the glitch works. The Loading Zone is brought down to the player - (hence, "Displaced Loading Zone") The player is brought up to the Loading Zone Move along the Y-axis Move up/down from this X point Aligned at this X value Vertical DLZ Matching X coordinate of the Loading Zone and the Y coordinate of the Trigger. Consistent Results - Performing the Glitch at Will We just recently discovered a way to consistently perform the glitch. Up until now, we have been unable to perform the glitch at will. This made studying how it works next to impossible. The method involves continuously walking into a wall while angling left and right to continually pass over the X position where we know the glitch can occur. The Consistency varies wildly. But it's something. In fact, the new Endar Spire DLZ method is so consistent that anyone can do it in, at most, about 10 seconds. It's basically free. Consistent Endar Spire DLZ Finding Various DLZ coordinates - (X position is what matters) So, after trying this method on various DLZ locations, we set about determining precisely what X value needed to be achieved for it to fire. Some DLZ locations were harder to get to work than others. And some seemed to need extremely precise positioning to work. We suspect that there is something to this that we are missing. It appears that sometimes if we are moving too fast or too slow in the X direction, it doesn't happen. So, our current method is to pass over the X point as many times as we can to just hope it fires. Typical DLZ attempt by our most practiced DLZer WHY does a DLZ happen? Seeking the answer to this question is what led me here to make this post. I started combing through the source SCRIPTS of the game to try to understand how triggers and loading zones are handled by the game. It's a big pool to dive into. I can read the scripts well enough. It's all VERY thoroughly commented, which helps a lot. But I can't seem to find the scripts I'm looking for, even when going down an #include rabbit trail. The closest I've come to finding what I'm looking for is coming across the GetEnteringObject() function being used. But I have yet to find the NSS file where it's defined. What I'm looking for: How does the game track player position? How does the game know a player entered a trigger zone? How does the game know a player entered a loading zone? How could the player/loading zone coordinates be getting confused? My theory is something like: in the script, the programmer assumes the Y coordinate for the player is known and only checks to see that the X coord matches. Something like that. If you've read this far, thank you for your time. Any help or insights you could give would be greatly appreciated.
  6. On dxun, for my party i selected mira first, then jedi disciple. halfway up the trail, mira says her line about selling cannok skins, but it is disciple who is moving his lips. weird, but not gamebraking. has anyone else experienced this?
  7. I just started my kotor play through on pc and when Im'm playing on dantooine or under ground tarris I have mods installed but I don't think thats whats causing them. Also I'm playing off of a disk if that means anything. Info n what causes this or a fix would be appreciated. -Thxs
  8. Hey, I am playing as Mira for the first time and im in the Space Suit in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. I walk all the way to the Private Lounge door and try to open it. When i click the door Mira walks back and forth a couple metres forever if you dont stop her and doesn't open the door. I have TSLRCM 1.8.5 and M478EP 1.2.4 installed plus around 20 mods and the patches you need to do before TSLRCM that being 1.0a and 1.0b. Obviously i did try without the mods and with TSLRCM and M478EP, without mods and M478EP, and without anything installed with just the base game with the patches and without the patches. The same thing happens no matter what state the game is in whether that be patches or mods. I have the UK version of the game. Please do not tell me to warp through the door or use the warpband to open the door because the cut scene does not start and Visquis is not there. Although in the room, if i do warp through the door, there is a Sullustan, Sullus Nunb. I dont know what mod it is from but he is there even when there are no mods besides the warpband. He is sitting in the air and you cant talk to him. Han Harr is there but when you click on him for dialogue it doesn't go into a conversation he just says something about my "light appearance" so i believe its a glitch where the game believes it is the Main PC. You can go through the Jekk'Jekk Tarr tunnels and start the next sequence (while still in space suit) but then you are the Main PC when fighting han Harr and there no point typing more on what happens because it all ends up with you playing as Atton but stuck in Mira's hideout room and cant open the door. There is no way to Warp around modules before this sequence and during the sequence to try and pretty much cut that bit out of the game. I dont want to skip Nar Shaddaa and i want to fight all the dudes in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr with my Main PC. I also do not have any journal quest that tell me to go anywhere for Visquis or anything but i dont know if i should because i played this part of the game more than a year ago and something that specific i cant remember. I have searched for a solution and have found nothing other than people having the same problem and nobody knows wtf to do. Any suggestions ?
  9. Version 1.0.1


    This mod provides a work-around for those experiencing a problem with the grass on Dantooine where it looks as though the grass is floating from the surface of the plains, and becomes glitchy. I believe you shouldn't have this problem with the latest versions of the game, but I'm making this available anyway. I had suffered from this issue myself and managed to find this 'fix' to the problem. Actually it's not a real fix as only the game developers can do that but you can try this mod to work around the issue. If you suffer from this problem then you can try this mod as an alternative to disabling grass completely whilst you play through Dantooine. What it does is make sure 'fast grass' is turned on for the 'high' graphical preset. The other presets are unaffected because that option is already enabled for them, but many of you will of course want to be able to switch to the 'high' graphics preset. Screenshots have now been included as of revision 1.01. I want to draw your attention to the fact I don't have screenshots of the original issue, but I'm showing how the fast grass setting looks here (just looks slightly shorter to me, if anything). For now here is the mod though and you should only try this fix if you know and have the issue with the grass on Dantooine. You can test if this mod will help you by enabling cheats and then warping to the area in the screenshots: 1. In swkotor.ini under [Game Options] add the line EnableCheats=1 2. Start a new game or load an old save you don't care about 3. Open the cheat console using the ` or ~ key depending on your layout. 4. Type warp danm14aa and hit enter --Compatibility-- As far as I'm aware I'm the only one who uses this file so far and that was with Kotor 2 for my Reduced Graphics Mod. If you're ever asked to overwrite, say no and abort installation for now. --Installation-- Drop videoquality.2da into your Override folder. At minimum do this just before leaving the Jedi Enclave or just before entering the Taris Undercity. Preferably install when starting a new game.
  10. View File Dantooine Grass Fix This mod provides a work-around for those experiencing a problem with the grass on Dantooine where it looks as though the grass is floating from the surface of the plains, and becomes glitchy. I believe you shouldn't have this problem with the latest versions of the game, but I'm making this available anyway. I had suffered from this issue myself and managed to find this 'fix' to the problem. Actually it's not a real fix as only the game developers can do that but you can try this mod to work around the issue. If you suffer from this problem then you can try this mod as an alternative to disabling grass completely whilst you play through Dantooine. What it does is make sure 'fast grass' is turned on for the 'high' graphical preset. The other presets are unaffected because that option is already enabled for them, but many of you will of course want to be able to switch to the 'high' graphics preset. Screenshots have now been included as of revision 1.01. I want to draw your attention to the fact I don't have screenshots of the original issue, but I'm showing how the fast grass setting looks here (just looks slightly shorter to me, if anything). For now here is the mod though and you should only try this fix if you know and have the issue with the grass on Dantooine. You can test if this mod will help you by enabling cheats and then warping to the area in the screenshots: 1. In swkotor.ini under [Game Options] add the line EnableCheats=1 2. Start a new game or load an old save you don't care about 3. Open the cheat console using the ` or ~ key depending on your layout. 4. Type warp danm14aa and hit enter --Compatibility-- As far as I'm aware I'm the only one who uses this file so far and that was with Kotor 2 for my Reduced Graphics Mod. If you're ever asked to overwrite, say no and abort installation for now. --Installation-- Drop videoquality.2da into your Override folder. At minimum do this just before leaving the Jedi Enclave or just before entering the Taris Undercity. Preferably install when starting a new game. Submitter Marauder Submitted 05/12/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  11. The Blue Short Lightsaber's model in Qui Don Jorn's Sabers 4.0 Conversion Mod does not display the proper model. Instead, the default short lightsaber model is displayed with the colors and textures of the upgraded short lightsaber model. Interestingly, this glitch only occurs with the blue short sabers for some reason. Here is a list of mods that I am using with this one: 1. Balanced Pazaak: 2. Bastila Robe Replacement: 3. Bastila's Extra Dialog on Tatooine: 4. Bendak Bounty Non-Dark Side: 5. Canderous' Mandalorian Items(and the alternate textures): 6. Cassus Fett's Armor: 7. Custom Class Clothing: 8. Darth Bandon Head Reskin: 9. Darth Revan Texture for Star Forge Robes: 10. Davik's Upgradable Armor: 11. Deadeye Duncan on Manaan: 12. Diversified Jedi Captives on the Star Forge: 13. Diversified Wounded Republic Soldiers: 14. Female Dark Jedi Restoration 1.1: 15. Female Mandalorians: 16. High-Quality Skyboxes: 17. Green Grass for Dantooine: 18. Helena Shan Improvement: 19. High Quality Blasters 1.1: 20. High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes: 22. High Quality Starfields and Nebulas: 23. Higher Quality Bastila: 24. Invisible Headgear: 25. JC's Blaster Visual Effects for K1: 26. JC's Dense Aliens for K1: 27. JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1: 28. JC's Slave Bastila for K1: 29. Jedi Robes Council Style: 30. Jolee in Unique Outfit Introduction: 31. Juhani Catlike Head: 32. Armor Skins from the K1 Enhancement Pack 33. Party Model Fixes and HD Bastila(anything involving Bastila I did not use): 34.K1 Underwear Pack: 35. Kill Marlena: 36. Korriban Academy Workbench: 37. Leviathan Differentiated Dialog: 38. Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions: 39. New Baca Blade and Wookiee Warblade: 40. No Cross-class Skills:\ 41. NPC Overhaul: 42. Party Clothing: 43. Remove Force-Alignment Restriction: 44. Remove Restrictions of Force Powers by Armor: 45. Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix: 46. Revan's Hoodless, Maskless Robe for K1: 47. Scoundrel Clothes with Scout Legs: 48. Selven "Legends": 49. Shaleena Unique Apperance: 50. Sharina Fizark Restoration: 51. Shem's Character Reskin Pack: 52. Sherruk Sabers: 53. Sith Soldier Texture Restoration: 54. Spectral Ajunta Pall Canon Appearance: 55. Taris Undercity and Gammorean Stronghold Restoration: 56. Weapon Base Stats Re-Balance for K1: 57. Yuthura Sith Eyes:
  12. I just do a KotOR reinstall [deleted my heads.2da in expectation to cure Helena's head texture going all whites but everything's screwed instead ] and when I got to character generation mode, one of model's hair is looking like this: and not stopping there; Zaalbar also take his part of this abomination party! I did a playthrough before and everything's okay; in fact there's one new mod Installed that I didn't used before- Yavin IV mod. But I'm not really sure if that's the cause or no. Can anyone help me here; as what generating this to happen and what is the solution? Thank you!
  13. Hey guys, After my fight with the Sith Assassins, the ship is empty of any crew. The only crew I had was the party that was with me when I fought the sith. I used KSE to get Kreia in my party, which allowed me to do the dialogue between myself and her and myself and atton (not having them both in the ship screwed with their dialogue - also, a bunch of the movies (harbinger blowing stuff up) got skipped. Fast Forward 10 hours in, same problem. My party is larger now, and none of them are aboard. I still automatically lose my party upon entering the hawk, am in the correct location module, and can use the navicomputer without issue. I have had no other issues with party members spawning anywhere. Does anyone have a fix or an idea?
  14. Hello, everyone! Bit new to the community, would like to say hi. Now that's out of the way, I've discovered a game-breaking glitch, and would like to give everyone a heads-up. For those who use mods that add new models and textures to lightsabers in TSL, such as SLM and Duplisaber, some may have the issue where the models appear as simple, colorless chrome blobs without texture to them. Someone came up with an easy fix for this, and edited one of the lines the swkotor2.ini file: One changes the line "DisableVertexBufferObjects=1" to "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1". Do not do this. It fixes the bug, but will also cause the game to crash at certain areas in-game. The two that happened to me were the Korriban Shyrack Cave, where it crashed as soon as the level loaded, and at the Telos Restoration Zone, crashing sometime during the dialog with your party and Bao-Dur. There are likely several other locations where this may happen. It's taken me nearly two weeks of experimentation with setups and different mods to figure this out, and I've reinstalled my game seven times now. Probably a stupid thing to do, considering there are several people in the community here who have actual troubleshooting experience, but I digress. If there is another plausible and non-glitchy way of solving the missing lightsaber texture bug that these mods have, I would be elated to know. Thank you, MotleyNerd
  15. So I finally ran into the dreaded grass glitch in Knights of the Old Republic on Taris, in the Undercity map. It basically causes the grass textures to go haywire on newer video cards. I hear it effects AMD/ATI video cards mostly; I have an Intel card myself. I tried a custom fix shown here on the Steam forums, but it did not work for me. I put the GLOveride files in both the main directory for KOTOR and the 'Override' directory, but neither worked. Sadly this glitch appears to also be present in Knights of the Old Republic II as well. The only workaround I can tell is to simply turn 'Grass' off in the 'Graphics' menu of the game. I am frankly shocked that both Steam and sell a game with such an obvious and basic problem. Then again, they did not make the games so they probably could not patch them even if they wanted to. What could be causing this glitch?
  16. Hello! I'm using several mods from Snigaroo's mod build, found over on the KOTOR subreddit, including TSLRCM 1.8.5. My problem is that after being summoned to Jekk Jekk Tarr and defeating the Twin Suns as Atton the conversation with the party outside the Ebon Hawk cuts out before the Zhug brothers enter. I can't talk to anyone, and the Zhug brothers just stand there. I'm using the Disciple for males mod, which got me thinking that it's related, but I'm unsure. The dialogue cuts out right after the Disciple wants to go rescue the exile, but before the Zhug brothers say anything. None of the mods I have should create a conflict here, and I've already tried reloading a previous save and verifying the Steam files, which did not help at all. The only thing I haven't tried is reloading from before the Disciple enters my party, but I believe this shouldn't be neccessary. Is there any way to use KSE or the console to skip to the cutscene with the Exile getting drugged by Mira, because this would in theory fix my problem. Any help appreciated!
  17. I have the K1 mod active, the latest version. I've noticed that whenever the game shifts to show a video - like the Leviathan pass for example - it will go black, and sometimes boot me to desktop. The game will still be on, and i can click back to it, but often it will continue showing a black screen. This is merely annoying, and i can get used to it, but the real problem is when I get randomly attacked by starfighters between planets, this problem makes it much harder to survive encounters. Can anything be done? Should I switch the resolution to compensate, or is there an error happening with the mod? The only other mod I'm using is the one that offers alternate crew avatars, and I really doubt it could be causing this. As a sidenote: can anything be done to increase mouse sensitivity beyond using the settings slider? My mouse is much too slow at targeting those sith ships, but it's fine for everything else, and even at max sensitivity it doesn't really make a difference.
  18. Hello, I have a problem with reading through the game the textures associated with characters Darth Bandon and his Sith Apprentices. The error is repeated during the game Brotherhood of Shadows, where Orion spirits have the same problem, mainly with their pants * _ *. I've tried a few modifications, and any duplicates the same problem. If anyone knows a good solution that I will be grateful. May the force be with us all
  19. Hi everyone. I believe I have encountered a game-breaking glitch at the HK50 factory on Telos. In the large room full of enemy HK50s (the room full of windows showing HKs being built) I become trapped because all of the doors are locked (including the one you enter the room from). Attempting to open any of the doors suggests using a nearby terminal. When I use the only terminal in the room it lists two options: Security Cameras, and System Commands. Using either option boots me off the terminal and displays a Convesation Node Error leaving me with no way to escape this room. 1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? When I arrived at this point in the droid factory. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? (1.8.4 and 1.2 respectively) Yes. 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam. 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (4-CD version ONLY) N/a. 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh. 6) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Content Pack: Feats and Powers, Canonical Jedi Exile 1.2, Invisible Headgear for TSL, Easy Swoop Racing TSL, Fixed Lightsaber Colors (with glow). All of these are installed through Steam workshop. 7) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? When I arrived in that room. It's also worth noting that EVERY terminal in the factory gives me a Node error, not just the one required to open the doors. 8) Have you tried re-downloading/re-installing the mod? No. 9) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes, I reloaded a save during the Handmaiden battle on Telos shortly before the Droid Factory segment begins. Same problem occured. 10) Have you tried starting a new game? No, as this is very late in the game I've ruled it out as an option. 11) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) 12) Can you confirm that you see the TSLRCM logo on the the main menu screen?
  20. I installed a few mods before I started a new game of Knights of the Old Republic, and for some reason, when I went to level up Bastila, some of her Force powers have been messed with. Some of the powers' icons are missing, and the names and descriptions have seemingly disappeared. They show up the same way in her battle menu. Can one of the mods be responsible? How can I fix it? List of mods I installed: K1 Restoration Weapon Model Overhaul (and Rework) Malak's Unique Apprentices Rece's Upgradable Vanilla Robes Classes Feats, Powers and Skills Tweak HD Stars and Nebulas Leviathan Party Sand People Disguise Fix Fixed Shields
  21. It's been literally years since I poked around this forum, so excuse my lack of knowledge of formalities. I'll be short and sweet describing the problem: After having completed nar shadaa on TSLRCM 1.8.4, I decided to go to Dantooine, the *obvious next choice.* Thing is, it always redirects me to the telos academy. When I go to Korriban, the issue does not occur, but if I go to Telos from Nar Shadaa instead, it directs me again to the academy. Furthermore, the academy is exactly like the post Atris talk pre-leaving telos academy, except I can't get into the Ebon Hawk at all. I stand at the ready to provide further info, Thanks again!
  22. Ok so here's the thing. I started a new game without the restoration mod and all was good apart from an oval bit that would appear in the middle of the screen. If I moved it over my character then you would be able to see through him (I have activated the node and used some cheats as I just wanted a mess around). I then downloaded a mod to skip peragus using the security terminal. I selected the light side options and that Revan was a man (just to see Bastilla) and teleported to the end of peragus amd entered the Ebon Hawk. When I arrived on Telos I noticed that Atton was fully dark so I used the add light side cheat to make him fully lightside and nothing worked. I then installed the restored content mod thinking it would patch the glitch but it didn't. At one point when I earned lightside points through the game he got a little less evil but then when I earned more LS points he went fully evil again. Just to make it even more confusing, if I save the game with Atton fully DS and then load it, he will be as LS as he could be without being fully LS (I.e. he hasn't got the LS bonus). I'm thinking that there is a conflicting file somewhere from the skip peragus mod, but my coding and programming knowledge is nowhere near acceptable to try and sort it myself. Anyone got amy ideas? Help would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance Nick
  23. I can't start a game. I installed it earlier today after a fresh install of KOTOR2 through Steam. I clicked play after creating a character then it would load for a second then crash. I installed all the files in the correct places to the extent of my knowledge. I just can't seem to figure out what's wrong. 1) When did the problem begin to occur? When I first installed today. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Using Steam 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (Updates are included in the Steam version. Skip this question if you are using that.) 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh installation 6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? I haven't tried it 7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? N/A 8) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Not using any other mods. 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? I got through creating a character then when I clicked play the loading screen started all black, then it would load for one second and crash. 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Yes 11) Have you tried using a different save game? No other saves 12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes. Several times after restarting my computer, re-installing the mods, and re-installing KOTOR2 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS
  24. Clearly this Blast Door is open, but the game says otherwise...
  25. Hello - I'm new to this community so if this blog is the wrong place, or if there is anything that is in violation of the regulations of this site please inform me right away so I may correct it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I am making this blog because I am seeking advice on how to deal with a glitch of mine. So far when I play Malachor V all is well as I run though the level slaying storm beasts. The Mira-Hanharr-confrontation, The sith-assassin-greeting, The remote's mission, the remote-goto-HK confrontation, and the party-vs-kreia confrontation also work well. However when the party's confrontation with kreia is over, the game then reverts to my character, inside the the first level of the trayus academy. At that point, none of the doors are even selectable (meaning that there is no blue circle over them for me to select and open them) and I've been told I'm supposed to fight enemy's at that point. When I load a save right at that point the loading bar stops loading. When I load a save before that point, everything progresses smoothly until that point. Some installed mods that may have that caused this glitch are TSLRCM 1.8.2, the M4-87 Mod, VP's Trayus Rank Reformation found on Filefront (Its different to the one on this site)*, and Assassin to Dark Jedi Conversion found on filefront. Here are the filefront mods >*http://;108867 >**;74174 This is on a playthrough where I'm playing as an LS female