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Found 18 results

  1. Version 2.0


    Short story: Repeating blasters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack in every round of combat (like twin-blade melee weapons do). This mod implements that effect. I.e. a character without force speed would normally do 1 attack when using a repeater, 2 when using rapid shot as well. Now, 2 attacks will be done when using the default attack and 3 when using rapid shot. Long story: After investigating in 2015 what could be the reason for repeaters costing more (500 vs 300) credits while having a worse crit range (5% vs 10%) than blaster rifles while having no advantage whatsoever, I found out that repeaters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack per round, sort of making them the double-blades of the blasters. Sadly, this was never implemented, as one internal item comment even comments on. I didn't know enough about scripting back then and quickly lost interest in fixing this. But now, more than 3 years later, it's finally fixed via scripting, placing the required code in the k_ai_master script. Known issues: Due to hardcoded mechanics, power blast can never do more than 1 attack, and sniper shot never more than 2. Normal attack appears to usually only do 2, but may rarely do 3 when using force speed as well. Sadly, these cannot be changed without access to the game code. This information turned out to be incorrect, and the user Darg727 made a fix for this. However, this has a downside: It works by making power blast and sniper shot always shoot 4 shots regardless of how many attacks are available, which looks very strange because all shots that don't have a corresponding attack round are auto-misses. For example, using a sniper shot with a blaster rifle or single pistol will cause 4 shots to be fired simultaneously, like a shotgun blast, with 3 of the 4 automatically hitting the floor/ceiling/wall. Using knight speed would allow 2 of those 4 to hit and only 2 would be an auto-miss, etc.... As per Darg727's upload permissions, I have included the responsible file (weapondischarge.2da) as an optional mod in the download for additional visibility for those people that might want to use the feature but would not come across his modification otherwise. Compatible with any mod that does not edit the k_ai_master.ncs file, and incompatible with any that does. (However, it is easy for any modder to add the compatibility, source is included.) Note that this fix works for both the player and enemies! This can make some fights of the game slightly more challenging.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A pair of fully upgraded blaster pistols render blaster rifles redundant in KotOR2, so i changed the upgradable pistols to only take scopes.
  3. Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 17.03.2017 Installation: Double Click the TSLPatcher.exe and let it do its magic Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the "p_baodur.utc", "p_disciple.utc", "p_handmaiden.utc", "p_hk47.utc" and "p_mand.utc". When the TSLPatcher installs the mod correctly it generates a backups folder within the Heavy Weapons Feat Restoration folder that contains the TSLPatcher. Open the backups folder and copy the "baseitems.2da" and "feat.2da" to the override folder overriding the Heavy Weapons Feat Restoration files If you have any problems be sure to contact me for support Description: Kotor 2 is known for a ton of cut content. The TSLRCM restores most of that content but there were some they left behind due to it being not restorable or not necessary. However, if you have sharp eyes you might notice the Heavy Weapons Feats are not in game, instead heavy repeating blasters have the blaster rifle feat instead. This is likely intentional by Obsidian as a heavy repeating blaster is technically a blaster rifle but when I discovered the icons I made it my priority to restore this small bit of cut content that TSLRCM doesn't even mention. WARNING: In the TSLPatcher I had an error message saying "Warning: Invalid column label "File1" encountered! Skipping entry..."! I have no idea what this means but it doesn't look to be too bad in game. If any problems do arise or if you know the reason behind this message please tell me immediately so I can hope to fix it Currently, only Bao Dur, Handmaiden, Disciple, HK-47 and Mandalore have the feats. If you want your main character to have the feats you must give it to them on the level up screen Also, ALL heavy repeating blasters will require this new feat instead of the Blaster Rifle Feat. This means there is a low chance of an NPC having no weapon since it doesn't have the new feat and cannot wield his heavy repeating blaster. If you spot these please let me know so I can fix them Recommendations: I highly recommend using Kainzorus Prime's TSL Fixed Proficiency/Focus Feat mod in conjunction with this one- Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: The TSLPatcher will make it compatible with nearly any mod...but if you do find an incompatible mod please alert me so I can put it in the readme Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use it in your own mods without my permission Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game, Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool, Fair Strides for helping me get the Feat to appear on the character creation screen and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  4. View File KotOR2 Blaster Pistol Rebalance A pair of fully upgraded blaster pistols render blaster rifles redundant in KotOR2, so i changed the upgradable pistols to only take scopes. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/16/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. Version 1.0.1


    After installing the High Quality Blasters 1.1 mod by Sithspecter i run into some problems: 1. The Mandalorian Ripper shoots laser bolts from the ground. 2. The Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon is invisible. This mod aims to fix these problems. You still need to install the original mod and then this one. (If you have the Mandalorian Ripper or the Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon in your inventory already, then you need to remove them and then add them back with the KotOR Savegame Editor.)
  6. View File High Quality Blasters 1.1 Fix - KotOR1 version After installing the High Quality Blasters 1.1 mod by Sithspecter i run into some problems: 1. The Mandalorian Ripper shoots laser bolts from the ground. 2. The Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon is invisible. This mod aims to fix these problems. You still need to install the original mod and then this one. (If you have the Mandalorian Ripper or the Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon in your inventory already, then you need to remove them and then add them back with the KotOR Savegame Editor.) Submitter GearHead Submitted 06/28/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. 315 downloads

    Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. I just hated how ugly the melee weapons looked, especially in comparison to all of the upscaled and re-done textures and models we can get nowadays. While not quite the job that something like High Quality Blasters does, this mod upscales all of the vanilla textures for both melee and ranged weapons using a mixture of ESRGAN and waifu2x AI upscaling to around 512-by-512px wherever possible with the goal of being as mod-friendly as it can be (so no model overhauls or anything like that - this is just a straight-up retexture). I offer both Melee and Ranged weapon textures separately so users can drag-and-drop whichever ones they want to use. The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist.
  8. View File K2 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. I just hated how ugly the melee weapons looked, especially in comparison to all of the upscaled and re-done textures and models we can get nowadays. While not quite the job that something like High Quality Blasters does, this mod upscales all of the vanilla textures for both melee and ranged weapons using a mixture of ESRGAN and waifu2x AI upscaling to around 512-by-512px wherever possible with the goal of being as mod-friendly as it can be (so no model overhauls or anything like that - this is just a straight-up retexture). I offer both Melee and Ranged weapon textures separately so users can drag-and-drop whichever ones they want to use. The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist. Submitter Ol' Cappy Submitted 08/07/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  9. View File Repeating blaster attacks restoration Short story: Repeating blasters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack in every round of combat (like twin-blade melee weapons do). This mod implements that effect. I.e. a character without force speed would normally do 1 attack when using a repeater, 2 when using rapid shot as well. Now, 2 attacks will be done when using the default attack and 3 when using rapid shot. Long story: After investigating in 2015 what could be the reason for repeaters costing more (500 vs 300) credits while having a worse crit range (5% vs 10%) than blaster rifles while having no advantage whatsoever, I found out that repeaters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack per round, sort of making them the double-blades of the blasters. Sadly, this was never implemented, as one internal item comment even comments on. I didn't know enough about scripting back then and quickly lost interest in fixing this. But now, more than 3 years later, it's finally fixed via scripting, placing the required code in the k_ai_master script. Known issues: Due to hardcoded mechanics, power blast can never do more than 1 attack, and sniper shot never more than 2. Normal attack appears to usually only do 2, but may rarely do 3 when using force speed as well. Sadly, these cannot be changed without access to the game code. This information turned out to be incorrect, and the user Darg727 made a fix for this. However, this has a downside: It works by making power blast and sniper shot always shoot 4 shots regardless of how many attacks are available, which looks very strange because all shots that don't have a corresponding attack round are auto-misses. For example, using a sniper shot with a blaster rifle or single pistol will cause 4 shots to be fired simultaneously, like a shotgun blast, with 3 of the 4 automatically hitting the floor/ceiling/wall. Using knight speed would allow 2 of those 4 to hit and only 2 would be an auto-miss, etc.... As per Darg727's upload permissions, I have included the responsible file (weapondischarge.2da) as an optional mod in the download for additional visibility for those people that might want to use the feature but would not come across his modification otherwise. Compatible with any mod that does not edit the k_ai_master.ncs file, and incompatible with any that does. (However, it is easy for any modder to add the compatibility, source is included.) Note that this fix works for both the player and enemies! This can make some fights of the game slightly more challenging. Submitter R2-X2 Submitted 11/20/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  10. View File Redhawke's Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack Author : RedHawke 05/22/04 Mod: Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack ============================================================================ These are a collection of custom non-jedi and droid items I created or are improved original KOTOR items that were re-entered into the game. These items can be found in game normally or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. A small Warning, some of these items are powerful, I tried not to be too outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. This is fully compatable with my Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. ----------------------------- Incompatibilities: If you have any mod that edits the following files, then you may have incompatibility issues: p_bastila.utc ; p_cand.utc ; p_carth.utc p_hk47.utc ; p_jolee.utc ; p_juhani.uti p_mission.utc ; p_t3m4.utc ; p_zaalbar.utc tar02_bountyh023.utc ; tar02_bountyh022.utc ; rsldcrps002.utp Take especial note of the "p_xxx.utc" because they are PARTY MEMBER files. Other files will listed within the mod will also cause issues, but those are more apparent as .uti's (items) and are clear from the description to be modified by Redhawke's Item Pack 2a (this mod). This Item Package Contains: ----------------------------- Armor ----- Carth's Combat Armor (Exellent Bonuses, On Carth) Ordo's Battle Armor (Exellent Bonuses, On Canderous) Prototype Battle Armor (Exellent Bonuses, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire) Bargawin Shadow Armor (Replaces them ingame, on Mission, bought on Yavin) Prototype Modular Armor (Exellent Bonuses, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire) Misc Equipment -------------- Advanced Combat Sensor (Powerful, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places) Advanced Agent Belt (Powerful, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places) Advanced Stabilizer Gloves (Improved, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other Characters/places) Sith Power Gauntlets (Improved, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places) Vibro Weapons ------------- Improved the Prototype Vibroblade found on the Red Sith Soldier on the Endar Spire, Carth has one as well. Improved Mission's Vibroblade that comes with Mission Enhanced the Bargawin Assault Blade, bought on Yavin Station, Canderous has one as well. Blasters -------- Carth's Heavy Pistol (Hand Cannon, 2 Come with Carth instead of his standard wimpy little blasters) Prototype Heavy Pistol (Hand Cannon, 2 Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places) Cassius Fett's Pistol (Hand Cannon, Found on Selven if you have installed my Revan/Sith/Bastilla's Item Pack, otherwise I believe it can be bought on Korriban) Prototype Assault Rifle (Heavy Rifle, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and on HK) Prototype Repeating Blaster (Artillery, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire) Improved the Bargawin Assault Gun (Artillery, Bought on Yavin Station I believe) Prototype Heavy Repeating Blaster (Also Artillery, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire) Improved Ordo's Heavy Repeating Blaster (Artillery, comes with Canderous) Improved the Bargawin Heavy Repeat Blaster (Also Artillery, and also Bought on Yavin Station I Believe) Improved Zaalbar's Bowcaster (Heavy Rifle, found in locked strongbox in sewers near where Zalbar is located) Droid Equipment --------------- Improved the Composite Heavy Plating (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with both droids, and is bought on Yavin) Improved the Advanced Droid Interface (Level 1 Upgrade, 2 Come with each droid, and I believe is bought on Yavin) Bargawin Droid Shield (Comes with both droids now) Bargawin Flame Thrower (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Bargawin Stun Ray (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes on T3) Bargawin Shield Disruptor (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes on T3) New Bargawin Carbonite Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Unlimited charges New Bargawin Gravity Generator (Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Unlimited charges Assassin Targeting Computer (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with HK) Astromech Combat Sensor (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with T3) Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 05/22/04 Mod: Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack ============================================================================ These are a collection of custom non-jedi and droid items I created or are improved original KOTOR items that were re-entered into the game. These items can be found in game normally or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. A small Warning, some of these items are powerful, I tried not to be too outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. This is fully compatable with my Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. ----------------------------- Incompatibilities: If you have any mod that edits the following files, then you may have incompatibility issues: p_bastila.utc ; p_cand.utc ; p_carth.utc p_hk47.utc ; p_jolee.utc ; p_juhani.uti p_mission.utc ; p_t3m4.utc ; p_zaalbar.utc tar02_bountyh023.utc ; tar02_bountyh022.utc ; rsldcrps002.utp Take especial note of the "p_xxx.utc" because they are PARTY MEMBER files. Other files will listed within the mod will also cause issues, but those are more apparent as .uti's (items) and are clear from the description to be modified by Redhawke's Item Pack 2a (this mod). This Item Package Contains: ----------------------------- Armor ----- Carth's Combat Armor (Exellent Bonuses, On Carth) Ordo's Battle Armor (Exellent Bonuses, On Canderous) Prototype Battle Armor (Exellent Bonuses, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire) Bargawin Shadow Armor (Replaces them ingame, on Mission, bought on Yavin) Prototype Modular Armor (Exellent Bonuses, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire) Misc Equipment -------------- Advanced Combat Sensor (Powerful, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places) Advanced Agent Belt (Powerful, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places) Advanced Stabilizer Gloves (Improved, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other Characters/places) Sith Power Gauntlets (Improved, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places) Vibro Weapons ------------- Improved the Prototype Vibroblade found on the Red Sith Soldier on the Endar Spire, Carth has one as well. Improved Mission's Vibroblade that comes with Mission Enhanced the Bargawin Assault Blade, bought on Yavin Station, Canderous has one as well. Blasters -------- Carth's Heavy Pistol (Hand Cannon, 2 Come with Carth instead of his standard wimpy little blasters) Prototype Heavy Pistol (Hand Cannon, 2 Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and other characters/places) Cassius Fett's Pistol (Hand Cannon, Found on Selven if you have installed my Revan/Sith/Bastilla's Item Pack, otherwise I believe it can be bought on Korriban) Prototype Assault Rifle (Heavy Rifle, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire, and on HK) Prototype Repeating Blaster (Artillery, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire) Improved the Bargawin Assault Gun (Artillery, Bought on Yavin Station I believe) Prototype Heavy Repeating Blaster (Also Artillery, Found on Republic Soldier Corpse on Endar Spire) Improved Ordo's Heavy Repeating Blaster (Artillery, comes with Canderous) Improved the Bargawin Heavy Repeat Blaster (Also Artillery, and also Bought on Yavin Station I Believe) Improved Zaalbar's Bowcaster (Heavy Rifle, found in locked strongbox in sewers near where Zalbar is located) Droid Equipment --------------- Improved the Composite Heavy Plating (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with both droids, and is bought on Yavin) Improved the Advanced Droid Interface (Level 1 Upgrade, 2 Come with each droid, and I believe is bought on Yavin) Bargawin Droid Shield (Comes with both droids now) Bargawin Flame Thrower (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Bargawin Stun Ray (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes on T3) Bargawin Shield Disruptor (Now Level 1 Upgrade, comes on T3) New Bargawin Carbonite Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Unlimited charges New Bargawin Gravity Generator (Level 1 Upgrade, comes with HK) Unlimited charges Assassin Targeting Computer (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with HK) Astromech Combat Sensor (Level 1 Upgrade, Comes with T3) Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
  12. Does anyone have a Dl-44 and/or M-57 (Luke Skywalker's blaster from ESB) blaster mod for Kotor 2? Been searching for a while, and have never come across a mod with either one.
  13. Version 1.0


    I recently showed off some screenshots of enhanced blaster pistols using Captain Hair's blaster pistol model over on Lucas Forums. The goal of this mod is to finish, in a sense, what Captain Hair started with the blasters and make all blaster pistols in both KotOR 1 and KotOR 2 of high quality. When reskinning for the blasters I attempted to match them as closely as possible to their default icons within the game. Anyway, without Captain Hair this mod wouldn't exist so a big thanks to him.
  14. Version 1.0


    This mod fixes the Mandalorian Chamber Mark III doing 3-17 damage instead of 2-16 as in the description. Hopefully it adds a touch extra balance to your game, enjoy Use it however you like, just throw a mention my way.
  15. I am asking for help with creating a mod I am working on. I am trying to create a new crystal for my lightsaber. I want to edit the Blue Color Crystal. Since it does nothing but affect on the color of the blade I know I will have full control of the features so I can decide what I want my lightsaber to have. I cannot use any of the other crystals because they are already hard-wired with specific aspects. I have seen new mods with new lightsabers and crystals so I am hoping for help me with this. I have the attached a copy of the .uti file that I have customized for the new crystal as well as the script files I am using for my mod so you can see what I mean. Can you please tell me what .2da files I need to edit, if any, or anything else I need to do to make the new crystal become available in the game? I may have to edit the scripts so my characters will be given it in the mod? Can you please tell me how to do that? Thank you in advance.
  16. File Name: Heavy Weapons Feat Restoration File Submitter: N-DReW25 File Submitted: 17 Mar 2017 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 17.03.2017 Installation: Double Click the TSLPatcher.exe and let it do its magic Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the "p_baodur.utc", "p_disciple.utc", "p_handmaiden.utc", "p_hk47.utc" and "p_mand.utc". When the TSLPatcher installs the mod correctly it generates a backups folder within the Heavy Weapons Feat Restoration folder that contains the TSLPatcher. Open the backups folder and copy the "baseitems.2da" and "feat.2da" to the override folder overriding the Heavy Weapons Feat Restoration files If you have any problems be sure to contact me for support Description: Kotor 2 is known for a ton of cut content. The TSLRCM restores most of that content but there were some they left behind due to it being not restorable or not necessary. However, if you have sharp eyes you might notice the Heavy Weapons Feats are not in game, instead heavy repeating blasters have the blaster rifle feat instead. This is likely intentional by Obsidian as a heavy repeating blaster is technically a blaster rifle but when I discovered the icons I made it my priority to restore this small bit of cut content that TSLRCM doesn't even mention. WARNING: In the TSLPatcher I had an error message saying "Warning: Invalid column label "File1" encountered! Skipping entry..."! I have no idea what this means but it doesn't look to be too bad in game. If any problems do arise or if you know the reason behind this message please tell me immediately so I can hope to fix it Currently, only Bao Dur, Handmaiden, Disciple, HK-47 and Mandalore have the feats. If you want your main character to have the feats you must give it to them on the level up screen Also, ALL heavy repeating blasters will require this new feat instead of the Blaster Rifle Feat. This means there is a low chance of an NPC having no weapon since it doesn't have the new feat and cannot wield his heavy repeating blaster. If you spot these please let me know so I can fix them Recommendations: I highly recommend using Kainzorus Prime's TSL Fixed Proficiency/Focus Feat mod in conjunction with this one- Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: The TSLPatcher will make it compatible with nearly any mod...but if you do find an incompatible mod please alert me so I can put it in the readme Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use it in your own mods without my permission Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game, Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool, Fair Strides for helping me get the Feat to appear on the character creation screen and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  17. View File Mandalorian Chamber Mark III Fix This mod fixes the Mandalorian Chamber Mark III doing 3-17 damage instead of 2-16 as in the description. Hopefully it adds a touch extra balance to your game, enjoy Use it however you like, just throw a mention my way. Submitter Marauder Submitted 09/22/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  18. View File Blaster Pistol Enhancement I recently showed off some screenshots of enhanced blaster pistols using Captain Hair's blaster pistol model over on Lucas Forums. The goal of this mod is to finish, in a sense, what Captain Hair started with the blasters and make all blaster pistols in both KotOR 1 and KotOR 2 of high quality. When reskinning for the blasters I attempted to match them as closely as possible to their default icons within the game. Anyway, without Captain Hair this mod wouldn't exist so a big thanks to him. Submitter Fallen Guardian Submitted 06/01/2013 Category Mods K1R Compatible No