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Knights of the Old Republic 3 the return of Revan, it follows after my Dark Side Female ending to KOTOR 1 and my Light Side Male ending to KOTOR 2 Storyline It picks up after the Light Side Ending of KOTOR 2, which I would play with the Restored Content Mod, since Here you would have more Influence with Visas than Brianna who escaped and is found by Revan (whose female and our main Antagonist), during that time having building her Sith Army, making Brianna her Apprentice, which is Sensed by Revan's Lover Bastila (Yes Female Revan and Bastila are lovers), meanwhile back on the Ebon Hawk, Atton picks up a transmission from Rakata Prime by none other than Carth Onasi, who has been living there on his own for 5 years, when you Arrive and meet Carth he tells the Exile (Named Aidan Sunrider, and his Companions, call him that too in the mod) everything that happened in KOTOR 1 and gets a reunion with T3, HK and Cancerous on the Ebon Hawk and shows the Exile the Burials for Zaalbar, Mission, Juhani and Jolee. After leaving Rakata Prime, you arrive on Tattooine where Visas and Mira are captured by Slavers and sold off as slave dancers for Jaggo the Hutt, whose Palace is located on the other side of Tattooine you given assistance by Atton Rand's Childhood Friend Zak Skywalker (YES A SKYWALKER BABY!!!), Who helps them to get there by head to Moss Espa, located near his palace, you have to find your way through the Catacombs deep underneath the City where you find the Tombs of the Sith Lady Lessa Keto, the Brothers Ranar and Danar, The Sith Warrior Arron Hord (Who is actually Tulak Hord's Older Brother) and Darth Renon, However you have to find their enraged demonic spirits as Bastila (Our secondary Antagonist) as summoned them to deal with the exile) here is the Loot you will find in their Mummified Corpses in their sarcophagi, Lessa Keto (Woman on the Left), Ranar (The One Next to Lessa), Danar (the man one in the Middle), Arron Hord (The Man Standing Next to Danar) and Darth Renon (the one on the right) Lessa Keto's Mummified Corpse: Lessa Keto's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Lessa Keto's Sith Lightsaber Lessa Keto's Jedi Lightsaber Lessa Keto's Jedi Robes Lessa Keto's Holocron (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Lessa Keto's Armband (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Lessa Keto's Vibrosword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Ranar's Mummified Corpse: Ranar's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Ranar's Sith Lightsaber Ranar's Jedi Robes Ranar's Jedi Lightsaber Ranar's Mask (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Danar's Mummified Corpse: Danar's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Danar's Sith Lightsaber Danar's Jedi Robes Danar's Jedi Lightsaber Danar's Katana (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Arron Hord's Mummified Corpse: Arron Hord's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Arron Hord's Sith Lightsaber Arron Hord's Vibrosword Double Sword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Darth Renon's Mummified Corpse: Darth Renon's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Darth Renon's Sith Lightsaber Darth Renon's Holocron Darth Renon's War Sword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Later you get to the palace where Mira and Visas are held as Jaggo's slave girls both dressed in the Dancers Outfit That is all for now
Version 1.0.1
After installing the High Quality Blasters 1.1 mod by Sithspecter i run into some problems: 1. The Mandalorian Ripper shoots laser bolts from the ground. 2. The Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon is invisible. This mod aims to fix these problems. You still need to install the original mod and then this one. (If you have the Mandalorian Ripper or the Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon in your inventory already, then you need to remove them and then add them back with the KotOR Savegame Editor.) -
View File Impaled Rakata instead of a Pillar I replaced the Pillar on the Rakatan World - Temple Exterior with an impaled Rakata. Why? Because why the heck not. The mod only works if you haven't visited the Temple Exterior yet. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/16/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.2
WARNING: 11/29/22 - It appears that the "big" font size category is causing crashes for people attempting to open certain lockboxes in the Taris Undercity. Other sizes, such as "verybig", are unaffected. I will be working to recreate and fix this issue over the weekend. For now, I recommend players either choose a size that isn't "big" or uninstall this mod until the issue is resolved. Sorry for any inconvenience! Have you tried playing KOTOR 1 at high resolution? Then you may have noticed the text does not scale properly. As a result, text can look embarassingly small. Fortunately, this mod contains an assortment of font files that the game can use. They are organized by various sizes with the 3 kinds of text the game uses; they are also interchangeable! Using these files should give players an easier time when playing in high resolutions, customizable to everyone's needs. Hopefully everyone who wishes to play KOTOR 1 in high resolution will have a more enjoyable experience, and that one of the more common problems facing the community has been properly addressed. The attached file is a compressed archive that contains a ReadMe file, and a folder containing each set of fonts. READ THE README FILE BEFORE INSTALLING! The ReadMe contains an important explanation of what each font folder is, and instructions as to how to properly install the mod. Improper installation could lead to very unreadable text! DISCLAIMERS: You will NOT be able to see small numbers, the count of grenades for example, via the HUD. This is a problem with the game itself & how it handles larger text inside smaller HUD elements; I am unable to fix this. The game is simply too old and we don't have access to its source code (yet). This mod is NOT compatible with KOTOR 2 TSL. This mod only exclusively works with KOTOR 1. If you are using the Steam or Mobile versions of KOTOR 2, you shouldn't be experiencing this problem anyways. As far as I know, there are no compatibility issues with other mods. However, if you come across any problems or something not working as intended, please let me know here or via my Discord: Xela#6419 If you are only playing the game at 1080p or less, this mod may not be necessary. Text only stops scaling up to 1080p resolution (as far as I know). It's possible this mod will only cause issues if you play the game at less than 1080p resolution. These fonts were NOT my creation! They were found and extracted from the Russian 🇷🇺 version of KOTOR which inexplicably has larger fonts with a variety of sizes, on top of being able to work in English as well. I was also not the first person to discover these files, that credit belongs to user Drazgar! I do not claim these files to be my own, I simply uploaded them here to share with the community after not finding them anywhere else. -
I have a tendency to collect Lightsabers, both in real life from SaberForge and Ultrasabers, and in my Kotor 2 (and sometimes 1) override folder. I have pretty much all of Jorn's hilts, Holowan designs, etc., but I really love the standalone hilt mods out there like the Valorous Knight's Lightsaber or the Kyle Katarn hilt. So would anyone be willing to drop any Saber Hilt mods in this thread that I might be able to add to my Override for either game? Really it can be anything, so long as it's something you made that you don't mind someone else using in their game. Thank you!
View File KotOR High Resolution Menus Bubbling up from the font of dark knowledge, ndix UR presents KotOR High Resolution Menus, a UI mod package providing full high resolution menu and UI support for Knights of the Old Republic. The tyrrany of 640x480 menus and 6-item lists is over. Normally, when you increase the game's resolution using a widescreen patcher like UniWS, the menus stay very small in the middle of the screen and the borders get larger. This package is designed to be used *after* the widescreen patcher has done its work. It scales the menu screens up so that they fill the screen. This package requires modification of the swkotor.exe file using a supplied patcher, and is only known to work with GoG, 4-CD, and macOS (x86) versions of the game. It should be compatible with any Steam version that uses UniWS. The main content of the package are sets of GUI files (.gui), scaled for specific resolutions. The package contains GUI files for over 30 common resolutions with the following aspect ratios: 4:3, 16:10, 16:9, 21:9, and 32:9. Here is a list of the currently supported resolutions: Installation Find the gui.WxH folder matching your resolution, modify your executable using the supplied patcher, copy the GUI files to your Override/ folder. The details for this process can be found in the package README.pdf file. Read it. Follow the instructions therein. The documentation includes everything you need to know to manually patch your EXE if the patcher does not work for your version. Uninstallation Remove the GUI files, restore the original backed up version of your swkotor.exe file. IMPORTANT NOTES: This is not a resolution hack or widescreen patch, such as you get from using UniWS. You should already be successfully running the game at the resolution you are trying to get menus and UI for. Nothing in this package will give you any additional resolutions available. That is not what this does. If you are trying to get high-res menus for one of the resolutions supported by default (800x600, 1024x768, etc.) there is probably no point to using the GUI files named 'mipc*' provided by this package (mostly the in-game "HUD"), however, this scenario is untested. There are a few of the GUI files in this package you can use without modifying your executable. Here is that 'safe' list, in case you are unable to modify your executable: It gets you the main menu, some dialogs, and the in-game HUD elements. Thanks DarthParametric for testing, contributing a double-clickable thing for Windows users, and prompting me to finally figure out the needed EXE modifications. tk102 for GFF2XML and XML2GFF source code, which made it a lot easier to get this up and running. Known Issues The patcher is currently incredibly limited, making no effort to search for values, only looking at specific locations where they are in the executables I have access to. This package does not contain any higher resolution artwork. At high resolutions, menu backgrounds will be blocky, and the striped list backgrounds are unlikely to line up with list items. For numerous reasons, you will want to get a high resolution menu art package. The game's initial character selection screen does not lay out the selectable characters properly according to GUI file field values. It is useable, but not perfect. The blue hilight borders had to be removed from around the characters to maintain a clean look. The map screen is scaled up, but the map itself is not. Furthermore, the position of the map within the frame is somewhat random/poorly understood. The map, however, is completely useable, and the points of interest and player indicator are all positioned accurately relative to the map. Some of the 3D models in menus, such as on the character stats or character generation screens, display line artifacts over them. This is caused by the very low quality graphics being scaled up to provide the border overlays. Extracting the graphics as TGAs, scaling them up, and placing them into Override/ sometimes solves these problems. This package omits statussummary.gui and dialog.gui. Scaling them up cause problems. The files don't behave as expected, and it seems to not require a customized version in order for them to work as one would want. You might notice 1280x1080 in 21:9 even though it is not 21:9. It is for split-screen on 21:9 monitors. Rescaling the dialog/cut-scene letterbox (which is optional) seems to introduce occasional issues with letterbox placement, particularly when the letterbox animation happens. This may be fixed at some point in the future. There is no scaling on font size, and as far as I know no one has figured out how to do it, so users on TV/couch setups may not find the help they are looking for with this. Upgrading 1.4 to 1.5: If your resolution was not previously supported, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.3 to 1.4: If you have Polish version, you can run EXE patching process If you have 32:9 display, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.2 to 1.3: Copy all the .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.1 to 1.2: Repeat the EXE patching process on a backup EXE if you want letterbox scaling Upgrading 1.0 to 1.1: Remove dialog.gui from your Override/ Copy 1.1 pazaakgame.gui to your Override/ Submitter ndix UR Submitted 10/29/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Hey there, so my basic premise is I don't like how in KotOR 1 you feel punished for levelling up your starting class on Taris so loads of people struggle through the planet at level 2 - ruining natural progression of the early game but making endgame build more powerful owing to the extra force powers/points. I've seen two mods that try to address this which I feel have their own flaws; one is Balance in the Force (BitF) - which comes with a bunch of other gameplay changes that aren't for everyone, and the other just makes it so the first level of any Jedi class allows the player to choose a greater number of force powers straight off the bat - which I feel also negatively impacts the feeling of character progression due the the instant power increase (even if there was a lite version of BitF solely addressing this, I believe that there is a similar issue). So the basic problem imo is people want more force powers, generally you'd leave Taris with enough XP to be level 8, therefore by staying at level 2, you would gain at least 6 extra powers (8 if consular). My suggestion is: based on the jedi class the player chooses a mod would find a lore/gameplay friendly way to give players those powers gradually. I think guardians should get their 6 they are entitled too, sentinels should get one more (so 7) helping buff the underpowered class while being lore friendly, and consulars get their 8. Suggestions on this are more than welcome but as a starting point, I think there are a few sensible changes that would compliment the 'vanilla' experience. 1) When adopting an advanced class, the first level of each should give one of the 3 main buffs for free alongside the standard 2 powers the player can choose. e.g. Guardian would get the first level of Valor (feel like that makes sense as they specialise in combat extra attributes and saving throws is v nice and lore friendly), Sentinels would get the first level of Speed (often perceived as the most powerful buff so helps the Sentinel out a bit as its the weakest Jedi class, plus their precursor class scout is given flurry/rapid shot so that also makes sense to me), and Consulars would get Aura (left over and lore firendly as the idea is they are defending themselves with the force instead of enhanced skills/speed). 2) All Jedi classes also get given the first level of force push immediately. We see the PC using telekenesis in the training montage so works well towards the overall goal as well as being very lore friendly. 3) Sentinels should get given Affect Mind in addition to the above as they are often seen as the skill based build and its the power that's linked to persuade. 4) Consulars should also get Cure (the first level of heal) immediately given they are supposed to be the masters of the force and would likely focus on this kind of thing. To my mind this is v lore friendly while also maintaining the consulars superiority in terms of having an extra given power. At this point we have given the Guardian 2 and Sentinel/Consular 3 additional powers, much less jarring than just getting to choose all the extra powers striaght off the bat. From here, we could easily go the way of letting the player to choose all the remaining powers they get from here on out as they level, ie at Guardian level 3 the player can choose 2 powers instead of the vanilla 1 etc, spreading the additonal powers they are owed throught the levelling path. I suggest that Guardians should get to choose 2 powers (instead of 1) every 4 levels of the class, Sentinels should get to chose 2 powers every 3 levels, and Consulars every 2. Meaning that, assuming the PC is going for a normal 8/12 split, a Guardian would get given 2 extra powers and can choose an additional extra 3 over vanilla, a Sentinel would get given 3 and can choose as additional 4, and a Consular gets 3 as well as an additonal 6. Genuinly keen to hear everyone's thoughts on this as I think that this is a rather elegant solution to the saving levels problem that plagues the vanilla KotOR experience.
I've had a few fun ideas and "this would be cool" style moments over the year of replaying both Knights of the Old Republic games, but I've never really had anyone to share them with. I thought it might be fun to start a thread sharing these bits of "head canon" to see if anyone else found them interesting and see who else might have something similarly detailed or minor that would a fun little enhancement to the world of Kotor. Here are a few I can name off at the moment, though I may come back and share others as I think of them. -Juhani is one of the Jedi who is wiped out during the gathering on Katarr, which is why she doesn't have any unique items or mention in Kotor 2. Her death also adds to the threat of Nihilus and adds some "personal loss" for the player. -Jolee Bindo is either hunted down and killed by Darth Sion (something that makes Sion feel even more like a threat and adversary to the player), or loses badly to Sion and is able to fake his death to survive the purge (Newbiemodder's Korriban expansion gave me this idea a few years ago). -The SIth Ritual Master on Dxun in Freedon Nadd's tomb is a former Jedi Knight from the Mandalorian Wars, specifically Talvon Esan from the vision on Korriban. -*Some* of the other SIth Warships that make up Nihilus' assault fleet when he attacks Telos were salvaged from the wreckage of Lehon following the Battle of the Star Forge. -Darth Sion's Sith Assassins are immune to the effects of Battle Meditation on both the positive and negative ends of influence due to how they "feed" on their prey and due to the conditioning they are put through during training (not an actual effect in game but a cool thought). They are also unable to use force powers that provide inwardly directed stat increases due to them relying entirely on pulling strength from the Jedi they prey upon. Like a Battle Meld, but unconsciously linked to the force signature of their target. -Darth Bandon's master was Zez-Kai Ell (he mentions having a padawan who joined Revan during his meeting on Nar Shaddaa). Bandon left to join Revan later in the Mandalorian wars, he was not one of the first to join up and leave. Bandon leaves at the tail end of the conflict, partially due to listening to Zez-Kai Ell's beliefs that the council was partly wrong in condemning those who left to fight. Malak chose him as his apprentice partly due to him directly witnessing the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council. They're also both bald guys with double bladed lightsabers. 🤷♂️
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Version 1.0.1
This mod changes the hologram-overlay texture used by TSL [mostly] for the holo-logs. It is mainly inspired by combination of movie-style and SWTOR's. Preview Blue - Movie-style [STATIC] Description This version uses a static-texture sized at x512. It has an alpha-channel used for scanline effects, which diffuse used mainly for diffuse-color. Blue - Movie-style [ANIMATED] Description This version uses an animated-texture sized at x256/frame It consisted of 25 frames to a 5x5 layout sized at x1280 It is set to cycle procedurally in-game at 12.5 FPS It has an alpha-channel used for animated-scanline effects, which diffuse used mainly for diffuse-color. Disclaimer What's seen in the preview is an end-result from also using a visually-affecting mod, that is DarthParametric's "Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM". Requirement It is required for users to have TSLRCM v1.8.6 installed to their game for this mod to be working as intended. K2CP is not strictly-required, but is strongly-suggested to have as this mod were made with CP’s availability in-mind. See `Disclaimer` section above; hence it is required for user to also install the aforementioned mod to have the optimum result. Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM - Mods - Deadly Stream Compatibility Compatible with any mods and builds -- long as not affecting `holotex`. It is advised for user to remove any instance of TGA, DDS, or TXI format of the said file in their `override` folder before install. Installation Install `holotex.TPC` to the `override` folder. Overwrite when prompted. Uninstallation Remove `holotex.TPC` from the `override` folder. Known Issues N/A Final Remarks There's always room for improvements; reviews, critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. PM me here, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and using this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Redistribution Do not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites. I'd love providing direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered in the Unknown Regions. If you are to re-use the assets to a project you will be releasing, please be kindly to ask for permission first -- that way I know what's up. Credits The Almighty Force. BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment, and LucasArts for "The Old Republic" video-game franchise. DarthParametric for past-present knowledge, and all his creation that I learn from. JCarter426 and Inyri Forge for all their work that I look up to. I learned a lot from their mods and been approaching a lot using their method. Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool. ndix UR for tga2tpc and tpcview. Cortisol for Holocron Toolset. All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned -- can't make it without y'all! All streamers of DeadlyStream. All modders either active or inactive. DeadlyStream for being a home -- a place to hang-out, to discuss and hosting my work, and all their staffs for tirelessly improving-maintaining the site. DeadlyStream's #modding [Discord's] channel. -eb -
Version 1.0.1
Admiral Karath on the Leviathan and The One on the Unknown World no longer drop their weapons. Why? There are a bunch of other items like this in the game: - no unique name - no unique item description - not upgradable - stronger then their standard counterparts These type of items are used by enemies, but these ones never drop, except these 2. Because of this i think these type of items only ment to make the fights harder, but not to be lootable. So i think this is just an oversight by the devs. -
View File No Drop Admiral Karath on the Leviathan and The One on the Unknown World no longer drop their weapons. Why? There are a bunch of other items like this in the game: - no unique name - no unique item description - not upgradable - stronger then their standard counterparts These type of items are used by enemies, but these ones never drop, except these 2. Because of this i think these type of items only ment to make the fights harder, but not to be lootable. So i think this is just an oversight by the devs. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/30/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.3.2
This mod replaces the voice overs used for Nikto, Aqualish, Gran, and Quarren NPCs in KOTOR. In KOTOR I, Nikto, Aqualish, Gran, and Quarren NPCs use VOs that are meant for and shared by several other species. KOTOR II fixes this by adding VOs specific to these four species, so I figured hey, why not incorporate them back into the original game? The intention of this mod is to provide a stronger sense of immersion and consistency between the two games, while keeping the affected dialogue true to its intended "feel." A bonus side effect is that the aggressive Nikto VOs make the Black Vulkars seem like an actual threat instead of comic relief. Installation & Uninstallation To install this mod, run Installer.exe, select the option(s) you want, and proceed with the installation. To uninstall this mod, run the installer again, select the same option(s), and click Tools -> Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup. Compatibility Compatibility patches are included for K1CP (Queedle Fix) , KOTOR 1 Restoration, and Kainzorus Prime's K1 NPC Overhaul mod. K1R has a Nikto NPC in the Vulkar Base sublevel with Basic (English) VOs. I decided to leave this unaltered since it's restored content. Known Issues Some of the Nikto and Gran VOs don't have perfectly matching mouth animations, which is because KOTOR II is missing some LIP files. The placeholders I'm using are as close as I could find. These may be replaced in a later version. Redros's mouth doesn't move for a couple of lines of dialogue. This bug happens regardless of this mod and only if his appearance is Nikto, so I felt the bug is beyond this mod's scope. Please let me know of any other issues you find, or if you come across anything I missed! Credits Fred Tetra, Kotor Tool Fair Strides, KotOR Toolset tk102, DLG Editor & K-GFF Editor JCarter426, SithCodec NickHugi, HoloPatcher Disclaimer This mod is not supported by LucasArts, BioWare, or Obsidian Entertainment. It is for personal usage only and intends no copyright infringement. Questions, etc.? Contact me on Deadly Stream or via the unofficial KOTOR Discord if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or the like. If you want to use this mod as a part of an external work, you must receive my permission. This mod should only be found on Deadly Stream or Nexus Mods. No user may upload it to another modding site.- 16 comments
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- 9
Version 2.0
THE DANTOOINE ADDITIONAL NPC OVERHAUL Changes key NPCs (not related to the Sandrals or Matales) to have unique -- or at least unique-adjacent -- heads and appearances. For Dantooine this means the following: Various ambient Jedi get their heads swapped from primary to secondary commoners--no more duplicates who won't talk to you. This includes one Courtyard Jedi who is now an orange Twi'lek--call it a diversity win. Crattis is made orange to help set him apart from Karl. Sol'aa has his green Xbox appearance restored so nobody can call me prejudiced against Twi'leks or the colour green. Elise (the droid kriffer) gets blonde hair and red lipstick. She's lonely and deserves nice things maybe. Lur Arka gets a unique red Twi'lek head based off of Xor's unique Twi'lek head. He also will be wearing a darker clothing variant just to make him stand out a bit more. For the quests proper: Nemo gets a new head based off a mix between Vrook and the Old Commoner head he had before. Corpse changed to match. Jon the farmer gets a new (blond) head with facial hair, based off PMHC03. Sherruk gets a unique red Mandalorian appearance where Mandalorian symbols are featured prominently on his chestplate as well as his back. Rickard Lusoff gets a unique head based off PMHA05, as well as a skintone-on-glove-appropriate smuggler's outfit, to give him that hunter-loanshark look he was always meant to have. (For best results, pair with DarthParamedic's TOR Ports: Handon's Enhanced Waistline). Big ups to the modding community who love the game as much for what it is as what it could be. All work is mine and may only be used with permission. I didn't spend hours bouncing between Kotor Tool, GIMP, various image upscaling websites, and a new override folder just to have the credit stolen. -
Version 1.0.1
This mod was made to increase the immersion for those who like me, love to play with Canderous in full Mandalorian armor. It applies radio effect on Canderous' voice. Completed lines: Taris ✓ Canderous conversation (stories, etc.) ✓ Carth and Bastila banter ✓ Jagi quest line ✓ Leviathan ✓ Multiple random reactions ✓ Soundset ✓ I've done my best to locate most of the dialogs, but some of the files are a real pain to find. If you happen to stumble upon missing soundfile let me know. It would be extremely helpful if you told me which module it happend and which NPC started the conversation (or you starded with). THIS IS NOT A CLOTHING/ARMOR MOD, IT CONTAINS MODIFIED AUDIO FILES ONLY! IT REQUIRES ANOTHER MOD TO LOOK PROPERLY FE: "Mandalorian Ultimate Mod"! Have fun! -
Version 1.3
Making its DeadlyStream debut while my other mod ideas are still cooking, but here's a simple change to spice up your KotOR immersion. This mod does two things, three at most. 1. Changes Jagi's appearance to a reskinned PMHB03--I tried to give a scarred/burned texture to the head to imply that Jagi did not survive Altheri unscathed. 1.5. Puts Jagi in Mandalorian Battle Armor--he wasn't at Malachor, which means he wasn't there when Revan committed cultural genocide. 2. Changes the appearance and soundset of Jagi's two thugs from Rodians to Mandalorian Warriors--he said he sent the call out to the surviving clans, so why shouldn't he bring them along?- 2 comments
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- mandalorian
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Version 1.0.1
================================ KNIGHTS OF THE REPUBLIC II Mod ================================ Title: K1 Heads Port Version: 1.0.1 Author: Ferc Kast Contact: PM me on DeadlyStream *********** DESCRIPTION *********** This mod ports the original player heads from KOTOR I for use as playable heads in KOTOR II. To use reskins for these heads, follow these steps: 1) Move the relevant head and / or portrait tpcs out of your override folder. 2) After extracting the textures from the reskin mod, prefix the head texture filenames with "K1_" or "k1_" (without the quotes). 3) Copy the textures into your override folder. ************ INSTALLATION ************ Unzip the file. Run TSLPatcher, and point the installer to your KOTOR II installation folder. If you are using the Steam copy of TSLRCM, point it to the folder where it is installed. ************** UNINSTALLATION ************** Copy the 2das from the backup folder into the Override folder. Remove the following files from the Override folder: - k1_pfha01.mdl - k1_pfha01.mdx - k1_pfha01.tpc - k1_pfha01d.tpc - k1_pfha01d1.tpc - k1_pfha01d2.tpc - k1_pfha01d3.tpc - k1_pfha02.mdl - k1_pfha02.mdx - k1_pfha02.tpc - k1_pfha02d.tpc - k1_pfha02d1.tpc - k1_pfha02d2.tpc - k1_pfha02d3.tpc - k1_pfha03.mdl - k1_pfha03.mdx - k1_pfha03.tpc - k1_pfha03d.tpc - k1_pfha03d1.tpc - k1_pfha03d2.tpc - k1_pfha03d3.tpc - k1_pfha04.mdl - k1_pfha04.mdx - k1_pfha04.tpc - k1_pfha04d.tpc - k1_pfha04d1.tpc - k1_pfha04d2.tpc - k1_pfha04d3.tpc - k1_pfha05.mdl - k1_pfha05.mdx - k1_pfha05.tpc - k1_pfha05d.tpc - k1_pfha05d1.tpc - k1_pfha05d2.tpc - k1_pfha05d3.tpc - k1_pfhb01.mdl - k1_pfhb01.mdx - k1_pfhb01.tpc - k1_pfhb01d.tpc - k1_pfhb01d1.tpc - k1_pfhb01d2.tpc - k1_pfhb01d3.tpc - k1_pfhb02.mdl - k1_pfhb02.mdx - k1_pfhb02.tpc - k1_pfhb02d.tpc - k1_pfhb02d1.tpc - k1_pfhb02d2.tpc - k1_pfhb02d3.tpc - k1_pfhb03.mdl - k1_pfhb03.mdx - k1_pfhb03.tpc - k1_pfhb03d.tpc - k1_pfhb03d1.tpc - k1_pfhb03d2.tpc - k1_pfhb03d3.tpc - k1_pfhb04.mdl - k1_pfhb04.mdx - k1_pfhb04.tpc - k1_pfhb04d.tpc - k1_pfhb04d1.tpc - k1_pfhb04d2.tpc - k1_pfhb04d3.tpc - k1_pfhb05.mdl - k1_pfhb05.mdx - k1_pfhb05.tpc - k1_pfhb05d.tpc - k1_pfhb05d1.tpc - k1_pfhb05d2.tpc - k1_pfhb05d3.tpc - k1_pfhc01.mdl - k1_pfhc01.mdx - k1_pfhc01.tpc - k1_pfhc01d.tpc - k1_pfhc01d1.tpc - k1_pfhc01d2.tpc - k1_pfhc01d3.tpc - k1_pfhc02.mdl - k1_pfhc02.mdx - k1_pfhc02.tpc - k1_pfhc02d.tpc - k1_pfhc02d1.tpc - k1_pfhc02d2.tpc - k1_pfhc02d3.tpc - k1_pfhc03.mdl - k1_pfhc03.mdx - k1_pfhc03.tpc - k1_pfhc03d.tpc - k1_pfhc03d1.tpc - k1_pfhc03d2.tpc - k1_pfhc03d3.tpc - k1_pfhc04.mdl - k1_pfhc04.mdx - k1_pfhc04.tpc - k1_pfhc04d.tpc - k1_pfhc04d1.tpc - k1_pfhc04d2.tpc - k1_pfhc04d3.tpc - k1_pfhc05.mdl - k1_pfhc05.mdx - k1_pfhc05.tpc - k1_pfhc05d.tpc - k1_pfhc05d1.tpc - k1_pfhc05d2.tpc - k1_pfhc05d3.tpc - k1_pmha01.mdl - k1_pmha01.mdx - k1_pmha01.tpc - k1_pmha01d.tpc - k1_pmha01d1.tpc - k1_pmha01d2.tpc - k1_pmha01d3.tpc - k1_pmha02.mdl - k1_pmha02.mdx - k1_pmha02.tpc - k1_pmha02d.tpc - k1_pmha02d1.tpc - k1_pmha02d2.tpc - k1_pmha02d3.tpc - k1_pmha03.mdl - k1_pmha03.mdx - k1_pmha03.tpc - k1_pmha03d.tpc - k1_pmha03d1.tpc - k1_pmha03d2.tpc - k1_pmha03d3.tpc - k1_pmha04.mdl - k1_pmha04.mdx - k1_pmha04.tpc - k1_pmha04d.tpc - k1_pmha04d1.tpc - k1_pmha04d2.tpc - k1_pmha04d3.tpc - k1_pmha05.mdl - k1_pmha05.mdx - k1_pmha05.tpc - k1_pmha05d.tpc - k1_pmha05d1.tpc - k1_pmha05d2.tpc - k1_pmha05d3.tpc - k1_pmhb01.mdl - k1_pmhb01.mdx - k1_pmhb01.tpc - k1_pmhb01d.tpc - k1_pmhb01d1.tpc - k1_pmhb01d2.tpc - k1_pmhb01d3.tpc - k1_pmhb02.mdl - k1_pmhb02.mdx - k1_pmhb02.tpc - k1_pmhb02d.tpc - k1_pmhb02d1.tpc - k1_pmhb02d2.tpc - k1_pmhb02d3.tpc - k1_pmhb03.mdl - k1_pmhb03.mdx - k1_pmhb03.tpc - k1_pmhb03d.tpc - k1_pmhb03d1.tpc - k1_pmhb03d2.tpc - k1_pmhb03d3.tpc - k1_pmhb04.mdl - k1_pmhb04.mdx - k1_pmhb04.tpc - k1_pmhb04d.tpc - k1_pmhb04d1.tpc - k1_pmhb04d2.tpc - k1_pmhb04d3.tpc - k1_pmhb05.mdl - k1_pmhb05.mdx - k1_pmhb05.tpc - k1_pmhb05d.tpc - k1_pmhb05d1.tpc - k1_pmhb05d2.tpc - k1_pmhb05d3.tpc - k1_pmhc01.mdl - k1_pmhc01.mdx - k1_pmhc01.tpc - k1_pmhc01d.tpc - k1_pmhc01d1.tpc - k1_pmhc01d2.tpc - k1_pmhc01d3.tpc - k1_pmhc02.mdl - k1_pmhc02.mdx - k1_pmhc02.tpc - k1_pmhc02d.tpc - k1_pmhc02d1.tpc - k1_pmhc02d2.tpc - k1_pmhc02d3.tpc - k1_pmhc03.mdl - k1_pmhc03.mdx - k1_pmhc03.tpc - k1_pmhc03d.tpc - k1_pmhc03d1.tpc - k1_pmhc03d2.tpc - k1_pmhc03d3.tpc - k1_pmhc04.mdl - k1_pmhc04.mdx - k1_pmhc04.tpc - k1_pmhc04d.tpc - k1_pmhc04d1.tpc - k1_pmhc04d2.tpc - k1_pmhc04d3.tpc - k1_pmhc05.mdl - k1_pmhc05.mdx - k1_pmhc05.tpc - k1_pmhc05d.tpc - k1_pmhc05d1.tpc - k1_pmhc05d2.tpc - k1_pmhc05d3.tpc - pmha05hair.tpc - po_pfha1.tpc - po_pfha1d.tpc - po_pfha1d1.tpc - po_pfha1d2.tpc - po_pfha1d3.tpc - po_pfha2.tpc - po_pfha2d.tpc - po_pfha2d1.tpc - po_pfha2d2.tpc - po_pfha2d3.tpc - po_pfha3.tpc - po_pfha3d.tpc - po_pfha3d1.tpc - po_pfha3d2.tpc - po_pfha3d3.tpc - po_pfha4.tpc - po_pfha4d.tpc - po_pfha4d1.tpc - po_pfha4d2.tpc - po_pfha4d3.tpc - po_pfha5.tpc - po_pfha5d.tpc - po_pfha5d1.tpc - 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po_pmhc5.tpc - po_pmhc5d.tpc - po_pmhc5d1.tpc - po_pmhc5d2.tpc - po_pmhc5d3.tpc **** BUGS **** Some of the male lips clip slightly on the character creation screen, but they are fine during the rest of the game. Let me know if you find any others. ******* CREDITS ******* - Fred Tetra, for developing the KOTOR Tool - Stoffe, for developing TSLPatcher ********* CHANGELOG ********* 1.0.1 - Updated Readme for clearer instructions on using reskins with this mod. 1.0 - Initial Release *********** PERMISSIONS *********** You may not redistribute this mod on other sites without my permission. You may use this mod in your own if you ask me. ********** DISCLAIMER ********** THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
View File 4x Upscale+ Character Textures & Model Fixes ================================================================ IF YOU ARE EVER IN ANY DOUBT ABOUT INSTALLING ANY MODS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION, JUST IN CASE. ================================================================ Description: This mod is more than just a simple process of running all the character textures through an A.I. upscaling program. The purpose is to increase the size and fidelity of the character textures while maintaining the painterly style of the original game artists. This mod does not attempt to create photo realistic textures or add extra detail (like zippers, clothing stitches, fabric patterns, skin pores, etc) that are not already part of the existing style. This mod also fixes many of the UVW mapping errors, lighting errors, and some XYZ errors that the original model .mdl & .mdx files may have had. The process followed is generally: run texture files through A.I. upscaling program multiple times using different settings. Some settings result in "crunchy" textures (high contrast, sharp edges). Some result in "soft" textures (smooth gradients, lower contrast, blurry edges). Some result in better straight/parallel lines. Early tests used Vance AI; Deep Image; ImageUpscaler; or Let's Enhance. Eventually Topaz Labs' Gigapixel AI was chosen and used on the majority of textures. combine textures in multi layered Photoshop file, using layer masks to isolate the best parts of each upscaled image. This allows for some portions to be smooth (like skin, glass, metal or tubing), others to be sharp (like burlap, skin folds, hair, scratches, etc). touch up by manually painting away errors (such as jaggies due to original low resolution jpeg compression). manually recolor areas that the original artists missed (like commoner clothes where the pants seat do not match the pant leg; or player armors where pouches are inconsistent between male & female; etc). strategically add painted detail (such as highlights and shadows along the shoulders and neck of Player Character soldier's underwear; adding glove details to armors F, G, H, I, J; etc). painting personal choices (like changing P_BastilaBA02 to have different pants and remove wrist & neck restraints than P_BastilaBAS01 slave outfit). recreating entire textures (such as Player Character male scoundrel dark side underwear PMBASD01). fix the models' UVW maps to reduce some texture stretching (like collar of TSL robes I); adjust areas that are poorly mapped to the wrong locations or too large/small (such as PFBD collar); fix edge seams from one area to another; close gaps (like Mission's arms). manually fix texture seams by copying small areas of the image from one area to another; stretching and scaling them. This should result in model seams that are hidden or difficult to notice. sometimes the Alpha 1 channel is upscaled, but usually it is recreated directly from the final HD color texture. personal choice to add punchthrough transparency to the Alpha 1 channels of some female head models' eyelashes (like P_BastilaH04). recreate the Normal map (for bumpyshiny effects) from the final HD color texture. These work best when saved as .tpc format For most models, they only needed to be manipulated in 3DS Max, exported, and then run through Taina's replacer. This is usually sufficient to fix any XYZ and/or UVW coordinates. I prefer Taina's replacer method so that the model retains its smoothing groups data. For some models (like C_RancorS or C_Terantanak), Taina's won't work, so for those files, I had to resort to manually hex editing the binary .mdl & .mdx files. This is a much more labourious process, but in the end I got them to work. A few models required fixing the model weights of individual verticies. This was done to reduce portions of the model clipping through other parts in different animations. Again, this was done by manually hex editing. For many head models, the UVW coordinates for the tongue and inside of mouth may be moved significantly, especially for the KotOR heads. This is because the originals often map the tongue to a single pixel located in the lips area, which results in almost no detail. By moving the UVW to a free area of the texture, there may be room for painting a detailed tongue. For the party members that have specific underwear textures and basic clothing textures, there has been an effort to make any skin areas (like hands & arms) match between them. Usually the hand area from the underwear texture is copied to the hand area of the clothes texture. This creates more consistency of the party characters' appearance. For low resolution versions of models (like C_Gammorean_Low, C_Protocol_Low, N_Swoopgang_low) or placeables (such as PLC_EndPlA, PLC_RakatCrp, Stunt_WarDrd01) the original textures were not simply upscaled. Instead, the new versions were actually taken from similar high resolution versions and scaled down. Sometimes the textures were rebuilt from parts of other higher resolution images, with some touch up painting. Included is a spreadsheet labelled "KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx" which has more detailed information as to what files were changed, and in what ways. As of this update, 52.71% of the texture files that I intend to upscale have been completed. As such, this mod should be considered a beta test. The percentage is calculated for both games together, however the mod is released with files separated for K1 & TSL. The spreadsheet was created with Google Sheets and exported as .xlsx, so hopefully the formatting remains correct. I have also attached a copy of the spreadsheet to this mod thread. There will be three versions of this mod to choose to download: 4x .tga version. Highest resolution, the typical texture is now 2048x2048 pixels which = 16MB. This version is a total 5.2GB, hopefully it isn't too large or cause problems for some PCs. This version is also the best choice to use as a modder's resource. 4x .tpc version. Created by running full size .tgas through tga2tpc program which compresses a 2048x2048 pixel file to 5.5MB. This version is a total of 1.8GB, so it should be easier on PC systems, with no noticeable loss of visual fidelity. 2x .tpc version. Created by reducing full size .tgas by half in Photoshop, then running them through tga2tpc which further compresses them to 1.4MB. This version is a total of 530MB, which should be much easier on PC systems. All versions include the same .mdl & .mdx files. I have tested the .tga version exclusively, but have not tested the .tpc versions in-game. Please let me know if there are any issues. Most of the screenshots have been taken in TSL, because I find that it renders the characters better and has higher resolution screen grabs. My computer doesn't seem to render some of the CM shader effects properly (especially the bumpyshinytexture CM_SpecMap always seems too strong on my computer). I would appreciate any in-game screen shots that you take of characters like Hutts, Rakghouls, Rakata, or Selkath so that I can compare how other computers render their shader. ================================================================ Compatiblity: For best results, the model and texture files included with this mod should be used together. In most cases, the models can be mixed and matched with textures from other mods, but results will vary. For instance, the other textures won't be as perfect along the seams. Some other photo realistic HD texture mods may have been created using the original model's UVW layout, which will not perfectly line up with this mod's corrected UVW maps. Conflicts may also occur if there is another mod uses a .tpc file with the same name as one of this mod's .tga files (or vice versa if you install one of the .tpc versions). I would suggest installing other large mods (such as "KotOR 1 Restoration" or "KOTOR 1 Community Patch") first, then this one. ================================================================ Installation: Copy and paste the desired model and texture files into KotOR's Override folder. You may need to over write any existing files, so always have a backup. An effort was made that these textures and models require no 2da editing. The folder marked "Reference Normal Map" is not required to be copied to the Override forlder. These .tga files are simply a modders' resource. The normal maps seem to work best if they are saved in .tpc format. The "Copy contents to Override" folder should already have .tpc files in it for the normal maps. ================================================================ Uninstall: Delete unwanted files from the game's Override folder. ================================================================ Thanks for modding tools: KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra mdlops (used version 7a2) - cchargin, JdNoa NWMax – Joco Replacer - Taina tga2tpc - ndix UR KotOR/KotOR2 Savegame Editor v3.3.2 - tk102, Fair Strides Hex-editor XVI32 2.55 - Christian Maas ================================================================ Permission: Consider this as a modder's resource. I give permission to any modder to use these files as a base for their own creations; as long as their creation remains free to use (not for profit); and credit is given to me as the source of any modded files. Please include a statement that specifies this mod's title and version. The original credit of course goes to the talented artists who worked on the original games for BioWare and Obsidian. Without their work, none of this would have been possible. I have tried my best to maintain the artistic style that they created long ago. This mod may NOT be uploaded or redistributed, in whole or in part, to any mod hosting site without my explicit permission. As always, this mod is free for your non-commercial/personal use. There should never be a requirement to pay for it. If you like the work I do, and would like to encourage me to create more, you can always donate to my tip jar at where the funds collected will be used towards additional graphics tools and software. ================================================================ THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE CORP/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx Submitter redrob41 Submitted 02/06/2025 Category Skins K1R Compatible No For anyone wondering why I listed it as not compatible with K1 Restoration Project, I found that there were four texture files that conflict: PMBE06.tga PMBBS01.tga PFBE06.tga PFBBS01.tga It will be up to you, the user, to decide if you want to use the lower resolution (but painted black) textures that come with K1R; or if you want to use my higher resolution textures. It will simply be a matter of overwriting the files when you drop them into the Override folder. Beyond that I didn't see any conflicts with .mdl, .mdx, .tpc, or .txi files. But if anyone comes across any issues, please let me know.
- 4 replies
- 1
- model fixes
- uvw fixes
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
Version 0.52.0
================================================================ IF YOU ARE EVER IN ANY DOUBT ABOUT INSTALLING ANY MODS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION, JUST IN CASE. ================================================================ Description: This mod is more than just a simple process of running all the character textures through an A.I. upscaling program. The purpose is to increase the size and fidelity of the character textures while maintaining the painterly style of the original game artists. This mod does not attempt to create photo realistic textures or add extra detail (like zippers, clothing stitches, fabric patterns, skin pores, etc) that are not already part of the existing style. This mod also fixes many of the UVW mapping errors, lighting errors, and some XYZ errors that the original model .mdl & .mdx files may have had. The process followed is generally: run texture files through A.I. upscaling program multiple times using different settings. Some settings result in "crunchy" textures (high contrast, sharp edges). Some result in "soft" textures (smooth gradients, lower contrast, blurry edges). Some result in better straight/parallel lines. Early tests used Vance AI; Deep Image; ImageUpscaler; or Let's Enhance. Eventually Topaz Labs' Gigapixel AI was chosen and used on the majority of textures. combine textures in multi layered Photoshop file, using layer masks to isolate the best parts of each upscaled image. This allows for some portions to be smooth (like skin, glass, metal or tubing), others to be sharp (like burlap, skin folds, hair, scratches, etc). touch up by manually painting away errors (such as jaggies due to original low resolution jpeg compression). manually recolor areas that the original artists missed (like commoner clothes where the pants seat do not match the pant leg; or player armors where pouches are inconsistent between male & female; etc). strategically add painted detail (such as highlights and shadows along the shoulders and neck of Player Character soldier's underwear; adding glove details to armors F, G, H, I, J; etc). painting personal choices (like changing P_BastilaBA02 to have different pants and remove wrist & neck restraints than P_BastilaBAS01 slave outfit). recreating entire textures (such as Player Character male scoundrel dark side underwear PMBASD01). fix the models' UVW maps to reduce some texture stretching (like collar of TSL robes I); adjust areas that are poorly mapped to the wrong locations or too large/small (such as PFBD collar); fix edge seams from one area to another; close gaps (like Mission's arms). manually fix texture seams by copying small areas of the image from one area to another; stretching and scaling them. This should result in model seams that are hidden or difficult to notice. sometimes the Alpha 1 channel is upscaled, but usually it is recreated directly from the final HD color texture. personal choice to add punchthrough transparency to the Alpha 1 channels of some female head models' eyelashes (like P_BastilaH04). recreate the Normal map (for bumpyshiny effects) from the final HD color texture. These work best when saved as .tpc format For most models, they only needed to be manipulated in 3DS Max, exported, and then run through Taina's replacer. This is usually sufficient to fix any XYZ and/or UVW coordinates. I prefer Taina's replacer method so that the model retains its smoothing groups data. For some models (like C_RancorS or C_Terantanak), Taina's won't work, so for those files, I had to resort to manually hex editing the binary .mdl & .mdx files. This is a much more labourious process, but in the end I got them to work. A few models required fixing the model weights of individual verticies. This was done to reduce portions of the model clipping through other parts in different animations. Again, this was done by manually hex editing. For many head models, the UVW coordinates for the tongue and inside of mouth may be moved significantly, especially for the KotOR heads. This is because the originals often map the tongue to a single pixel located in the lips area, which results in almost no detail. By moving the UVW to a free area of the texture, there may be room for painting a detailed tongue. For the party members that have specific underwear textures and basic clothing textures, there has been an effort to make any skin areas (like hands & arms) match between them. Usually the hand area from the underwear texture is copied to the hand area of the clothes texture. This creates more consistency of the party characters' appearance. For low resolution versions of models (like C_Gammorean_Low, C_Protocol_Low, N_Swoopgang_low) or placeables (such as PLC_EndPlA, PLC_RakatCrp, Stunt_WarDrd01) the original textures were not simply upscaled. Instead, the new versions were actually taken from similar high resolution versions and scaled down. Sometimes the textures were rebuilt from parts of other higher resolution images, with some touch up painting. Included is a spreadsheet labelled "KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx" which has more detailed information as to what files were changed, and in what ways. As of this update, 52.71% of the texture files that I intend to upscale have been completed. As such, this mod should be considered a beta test. The percentage is calculated for both games together, however the mod is released with files separated for K1 & TSL. The spreadsheet was created with Google Sheets and exported as .xlsx, so hopefully the formatting remains correct. I have also attached a copy of the spreadsheet to this mod thread. There will be three versions of this mod to choose to download: 4x .tga version. Highest resolution, the typical texture is now 2048x2048 pixels which = 16MB. This version is a total 5.2GB, hopefully it isn't too large or cause problems for some PCs. This version is also the best choice to use as a modder's resource. 4x .tpc version. Created by running full size .tgas through tga2tpc program which compresses a 2048x2048 pixel file to 5.5MB. This version is a total of 1.8GB, so it should be easier on PC systems, with no noticeable loss of visual fidelity. 2x .tpc version. Created by reducing full size .tgas by half in Photoshop, then running them through tga2tpc which further compresses them to 1.4MB. This version is a total of 530MB, which should be much easier on PC systems. All versions include the same .mdl & .mdx files. I have tested the .tga version exclusively, but have not tested the .tpc versions in-game. Please let me know if there are any issues. Most of the screenshots have been taken in TSL, because I find that it renders the characters better and has higher resolution screen grabs. My computer doesn't seem to render some of the CM shader effects properly (especially the bumpyshinytexture CM_SpecMap always seems too strong on my computer). I would appreciate any in-game screen shots that you take of characters like Hutts, Rakghouls, Rakata, or Selkath so that I can compare how other computers render their shader. ================================================================ Compatiblity: For best results, the model and texture files included with this mod should be used together. In most cases, the models can be mixed and matched with textures from other mods, but results will vary. For instance, the other textures won't be as perfect along the seams. Some other photo realistic HD texture mods may have been created using the original model's UVW layout, which will not perfectly line up with this mod's corrected UVW maps. Conflicts may also occur if there is another mod uses a .tpc file with the same name as one of this mod's .tga files (or vice versa if you install one of the .tpc versions). I would suggest installing other large mods (such as "KotOR 1 Restoration" or "KOTOR 1 Community Patch") first, then this one. ================================================================ Installation: Copy and paste the desired model and texture files into KotOR's Override folder. You may need to over write any existing files, so always have a backup. An effort was made that these textures and models require no 2da editing. The folder marked "Reference Normal Map" is not required to be copied to the Override forlder. These .tga files are simply a modders' resource. The normal maps seem to work best if they are saved in .tpc format. The "Copy contents to Override" folder should already have .tpc files in it for the normal maps. ================================================================ Uninstall: Delete unwanted files from the game's Override folder. ================================================================ Thanks for modding tools: KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra mdlops (used version 7a2) - cchargin, JdNoa NWMax – Joco Replacer - Taina tga2tpc - ndix UR KotOR/KotOR2 Savegame Editor v3.3.2 - tk102, Fair Strides Hex-editor XVI32 2.55 - Christian Maas ================================================================ Permission: Consider this as a modder's resource. I give permission to any modder to use these files as a base for their own creations; as long as their creation remains free to use (not for profit); and credit is given to me as the source of any modded files. Please include a statement that specifies this mod's title and version. The original credit of course goes to the talented artists who worked on the original games for BioWare and Obsidian. Without their work, none of this would have been possible. I have tried my best to maintain the artistic style that they created long ago. This mod may NOT be uploaded or redistributed, in whole or in part, to any mod hosting site without my explicit permission. As always, this mod is free for your non-commercial/personal use. There should never be a requirement to pay for it. If you like the work I do, and would like to encourage me to create more, you can always donate to my tip jar at where the funds collected will be used towards additional graphics tools and software. ================================================================ THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE CORP/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx- 1 review
- 2
- model fixes
- uvw fixes
(and 4 more)
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Xiiviiniity has been able to get the game to boot with remix with the qindiegl wrapper
Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 08/20/04 V1.0 Mod: Make Mission a Jedi Mod ============================================================================ This mod allows Mission Vao to become a Jedi, through her cousin Ariajj Vao, she trains her on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Mission Vao to have, as well as giving you some Jedi Robes for her and Her Lightsaber(s). This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. Incompatibilities: ----------------------------- Any mod that has "dan14_jon.dlg" will not be compatible. That dlg file has the spawn script for the jedi who trains Mission. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when the Settler Jon accosts you about the Mandalorian Raiders, Ariajj Vao a Female Twilek Jedi is nearby John, Talk with Her and see! (If you don't have Mission with you she won't have much to say, until you add Mission in!) Follow the Dialogue and you can get Mission Vao a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing. Warning: There is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Ariajj Vao, Mission is going to become a Jedi. Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Contact ------------------------------------------------- Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Make Mission A Jedi Mod Released' thread, here; And lastly, Enjoy! -
View File Universal Weapon Damage Allows you to change the lightsaber and disruptor weapon base damage type to Universal. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/08/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.1
This mod buffs the Sith Lightsaber that you can find in the Tomb of Naga Sadow. If you already visited the tomb the mod won't work, you need to load a pre tomb save. Default Version: -------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Force Point Regeneration: 1 Bonus Feat: Force Focus Bonus Feat: Improved Force Focus Alternative Version 1: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Keen Bonus Feat: Flurry Bonus Feat: Improved Flurry Alternative Version 2: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack On Hit: Stun, 50%, 6s, DC14 Bonus Feat: Critical Strike Bonus Feat: Improved Critical Strike Alternative Version 3: ---------------------------------- +3 Damage +3 Attack Blaster Bolt Deflection: +3 Bonus Feat: Power Attack Bonus Feat: Improved Power Attack-
- lightsaber
- sith
- (and 6 more)
View File Heavy Repeater Buffs This mod buffs the Heavy Repeating Blaster and the Mandalorian Heavy Repeater to match their KotOR2 versions. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/30/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes