Sith Holocron

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Everything posted by Sith Holocron

  1. I first noticed this on my phone on the mobile version of the site and now I see it on the desktop version of the site. What are these links that now show up on the bottom of the page? Is this something new @Tyvokka?
  2. This sounds like a job for @Tyvokka
  3. Oops - looks like the skin may be different. Good luck on your search!
  4. Was just looking for a GIF of that.
  5. Wasn't Luke wearing underwear in the bacta tank? Just put anyone in the kolto tank in a underwear model.
  6. Thanks to @Allronix, I acquired a bunch of saves. One of those saves enabled me to get to both the area and the particular cut-scene I was looking for. In case you're curious, here's the save. It's practically the very end of BOS:SR so obviously there's spoilers here. (It should go without saying that you'd need BOS:SR installed for this which isn't compatible with the Kotor Community Portal build - or frankly not a lot of other large content mods. 000401 - Game400.7z
  7. I know this a long shot but I have to ask . . . I am looking for a BOS:SR save that'll help me take some particular "before and after" screenshots for an upcoming BOS upscale project. The area has Shadow and Solomon doing a loop of fighting near a cliff edge. I think it might be on Korriban. You may recall the scene as one of the pre-rendered movies for the mod. If you don't have your character go too close to them, they'll fight forever IIRC. If you have a save near that area before the loop is broken, that would be awesome. And of course, you will be credited.
  8. What is the Blade & Sorcery mod? Update: Is this what you're talking about?
  9. First thing first: There was no way I could have possibly known you have a terminal illness involving a brain tumor. If you've publicly spoken about this before, I certainly wasn't privy to it. It is unfortunate and I'm sorry you've had to deal with that, @Grisham4life. With the certain knowledge of your mortality in front of you, I'm not the one to decide what your legacy is. That's on you. However, I might suggest filling in your "About Me" section on the Nexus so folks might see how you want others to see your legacy. Plan ahead, and let those that read the page know you before you are gone. I should hope your legacy is more than an old large scale KotOR mod (and assorted ancillary mods) - especially as you haven't created any of them. You are not defined by your illness. You might want to talk about that book, for example. As for my mod, if you had asked me for permission beforehand, I not only would have given you permission but also thanked you in the process. However with all that's now gone now, that window has closed. And if it isn't too snobby of me to mention: for someone that liked my mod enough to appropriate it, I haven't seen a review of the mod on the page. I accept your apology and consider this matter closed. Best of health moving forward.
  10. Let me post the relevant portion so you can see what I mean without having scour through the whole thing... I'll point out that my mod is now linked in the post which raises the question as others have as well: Why not just do that in the first place?
  11. So . . . how have you all been? It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog. How are you? Oh, how am I? Let’s go over some current events as recent as [checking watch] today and see why i am posting! I have been modding for several years now. My policy on mods has changed throughout the years but can be currently be seen as: Don’t upload my stuff on the Steam Workshop and please don’t upload anything on the Nexus site as I may do so myself in the future. Whether you like my mods or not, I’ve put in the effort to make them and it seems pretty reasonable to acquiesce to my wishes here. However, I have made a lot of mods and in one instance, I hadn’t updated the mod uploading stance. [This has now been rectified by the way - more to follow.] Then I got this Private Message from someone here on Deadly Stream today. Their identity has been censored. Well! Let’s go over this a bit. While it is true that in the original description of the mod it did say “If you use it in a mod, all I ask for is a credit. Thanks.”, I’ll note that there’s proper etiquette of how to go about this. It’s called “getting permission” or you’re less fancy “getting an OK” before uploading someone else’s work. I’ve been involved in the community for years. No one has seemingly had trouble getting in touch with me. So, I do have to wonder – what was the difficulty here then? Just to mention something else here: “Use it in a mod” means “use it in a mod.” It does not mean just upload the work unchanged all by itself. Interestingly enough, this unnamed person on their “guide” for BOS:SR includes links to other mods both here and on NexusMods. Why was uploading my mod to NexusMods even necessary in the first place? Lastly “unnamed person”, I am somewhat amused by your parting shot on modding etiquette. You see, I’ve had a reputation around these parts having taken a hard line on mod rules. I’m sure I can get some folks in the comments to say how much of a hard-liner I invite modders in this community to offer your input. Thanks for your attention. One last thing: Seeing as the unnamed person is probably reading this, the word you’re looking is “deprecated” and not “depricated.”
  12. Take my textures out of the Override and tell me where Peragus II is. And that should be only my Peragus textures for this test, mind you. And I don't touch the floating asteroids, by the way.
  13. Unfortunately among the links provided, the original skyboxes for BOS:SR aren't included as well as many other BOS exclusive textures. Thanks for the link though!
  14. A (hopefully) simple request: Could someone make an AI upscale of the textures used in the Brotherhood of Shadow mod? With this, hopefully if alphas are present t, they'll be resized and included as well. Thanks for your consideration.
  15. @LORD SPARTAN: Will you be redoing the icons for the datapads to accompany the new models?
  16. As the First Grand Statue of Mandalore statue decoration was only available to those that acquired Cantina Crates - and with a very low drop rate - I suggest adding this decoration to a vendor on the fleet. This could be the Galactic Seasons vendor or one of the vendors that occupy the top section of the fleets. As it seems unlikely that Cantina events will return, why not give the newer folks a chance to get this decoration? What I'm hoping for is folks to possibly boost the signal - either by replying to the thread on the SWTOR forums or posting it elsewhere. (Yes, I already have a thread on the SWTOR Reddit.) And if you were wondering what the decoration looks like, here are a few shots: Feel free to think of this as a belated birthday gift or an early Christmas gift! LOL
  17. @LORD SPARTAN Here's a free quality Aurebesh font.
  18. @PapaZinos: I was just wondering if this mod provides a fix with a situation that DarthParametric and I have noticed. On that big display on the Administration Level that Atton stands in front of, there appears to be an issue. When I made my recent request for a better round "blip" texture on that display, it was noticed there may be a problem with the floating planes that this texture is mapped to. Parts of the circle "blip" are getting cut off due to the issue as can be seen here. (Note red boxes.) Does your mod fix this issue? If it doesn't, could you possibly add an update to this mod to account for it? DP also noted "As a separate thing, you could alter the sequence order for [each of the blip's] individual planes by offsetting the V position (i.e. moving it up or down vertically so the animation starts on a different row. Not sure if that's desirable or not, but it looked a little off to me with them all being in sync" Thanks for your attention.
  19. It's on that large Peragus monitor on the Administratiion Level -the one you made a fix for to center the scrolling text.
  20. It certainly seems that way but my efforts have not gone well. LOL
  21. I was hoping someone might be willing to make a cleaner, higher resolution of the PER_Blip.tga texture. Though it's a mish-mash if taken directly from KotORTool, it can be seen in the standard animation format as seen in Thor110's K2 upscales as can be seen below. As you can see, the ripple effect seems to have lost the circular effect from the upscale and conversion from its original format. With the many artists on here, I thought someone may be able to a better job remaking it from scratch.