Sith Holocron

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Everything posted by Sith Holocron

  1. You would have to ask Nexus about Nexus' rules. It won't go up here though with NWN music. Edit: However, I imagine you would like to hear about the reasoning about why the porting rules are what they are. I'll point you towards a blog post made one of this site's Staff members shortly after the current porting rules were instated. If you have follow up questions, you should probably direct them to members of this site's Administration Staff in a Private Message. A link to the Staff page can be found here.
  2. Why isn't putting it in the Override folder working for you?
  3. Not sure if you noticed but I updated the mod to have an extra alternate texture (and loading screen!) that uses a different solar system than ours.
  4. As I made these a long time ago, I am unsure if I made larger sizes - and if I did - if I would still have them. Just out of curiosity, what size were you looking for and which style?
  5. I think it would be in your best interest to do some research on how to do your other request yourself as it is way too complex for anyone else to do that will leave you completely satisfied. As for this request, I'd highly recommend removing all of the fan fiction from your first post in this thread as it isn't at all relevant to what you actually want done - a head from one game ported to another. You are muddying the waters and making it harder for yourself by leaving the extraneous information in. This is the kindest way I can phrase this. (Those that know me are likely nodding their heads right now.) And before you ask, I cannot port the head for you. Good luck.
  6. I was talking about the mod name, which the author changed at my suggestion. 😋
  7. The .mp3 files are gone and the documentation has now been updated.
  8. At the risk of being pedantic, shouldn't the mod then be called something like "Transparent Diving Suit Faceplates for K1"? Interesting mod idea!
  9. View File KotOR1 T3-M4 Voice Module Upgrade Here's a new KotOR1 mod of mine. You’ll probably hate it! KotOR1 T3-M4 Voice Module Upgrade MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 28 MAY 2023 FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 Description: T3—M4 will sound a little more like his KotOR2 incarnation with this mod. Hopefully. This mod doesn’t touch the command/combat barks. It’s just the files that cover his (it’s?) conversations in dialogues. Just so you know, the barks are the same between both games. (The only thing different are the file names!) Installation: 1) Follow this path in your KotOR2 install and trace the route of the following…. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic > streamwaves > 2) In that streamwaves folder, find the following files and move them to your desktop (which will enable you to reinstall the original sounds if you don’t like what’s in this mod): n_gendro_coms1.wav n_gendro_coms2.wav n_gendro_coms3.wav n_gendro_haps1.wav n_gendro_ques1.wav n_gendro_sads1.wav 3) Place the following files from my mod into the streamwaves folder: n_gendro_coms1.wav n_gendro_coms2.wav n_gendro_coms3.wav n_gendro_haps1.wav n_gendro_ques1.wav n_gendro_sads1.wav 4) You might note that there are other files with different names that are also present in my mod folder. These were meant as alternate sounds so users could switch them out if they please. But the primary reason for being was so they could have been used by modders to add extra voice samples that they could direct to in their dialogues. Oh well. You can ignore these files: n_gendro_coms4.wav n_gendro_coms5.wav n_gendro_haps2.wav n_gendro_haps3.wav n_gendro_ques2.wav n_gendro_ques3.wav n_gendro_sads2.wav n_gendro_sads3.wav To Uninstall: Take the files that you put in step 2 of the install back out again. Return the files of the same name that you placed on your desktop back into the streamwaves folder. Known Bugs: None known at this time. Special Thanks: To JCarter426: For pointing out exactly where I could find the original sound files that were replaced with my mod. To Leilukin: For walking me through SithCodec. (Let’s hope I got it right!) Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. If you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me Submitter Sith Holocron Submitted 05/28/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  10. Version 1.1


    Here's a new KotOR1 mod of mine. You’ll probably hate it! KotOR1 T3-M4 Voice Module Upgrade MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 28 MAY 2023 FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 Description: T3—M4 will sound a little more like his KotOR2 incarnation with this mod. Hopefully. This mod doesn’t touch the command/combat barks. It’s just the files that cover his (it’s?) conversations in dialogues. Just so you know, the barks are the same between both games. (The only thing different are the file names!) Installation: 1) Follow this path in your KotOR2 install and trace the route of the following…. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic > streamwaves > 2) In that streamwaves folder, find the following files and move them to your desktop (which will enable you to reinstall the original sounds if you don’t like what’s in this mod): n_gendro_coms1.wav n_gendro_coms2.wav n_gendro_coms3.wav n_gendro_haps1.wav n_gendro_ques1.wav n_gendro_sads1.wav 3) Place the following files from my mod into the streamwaves folder: n_gendro_coms1.wav n_gendro_coms2.wav n_gendro_coms3.wav n_gendro_haps1.wav n_gendro_ques1.wav n_gendro_sads1.wav 4) You might note that there are other files with different names that are also present in my mod folder. These were meant as alternate sounds so users could switch them out if they please. But the primary reason for being was so they could have been used by modders to add extra voice samples that they could direct to in their dialogues. Oh well. You can ignore these files: n_gendro_coms4.wav n_gendro_coms5.wav n_gendro_haps2.wav n_gendro_haps3.wav n_gendro_ques2.wav n_gendro_ques3.wav n_gendro_sads2.wav n_gendro_sads3.wav To Uninstall: Take the files that you put in step 2 of the install back out again. Return the files of the same name that you placed on your desktop back into the streamwaves folder. Known Bugs: None known at this time. Special Thanks: To JCarter426: For pointing out exactly where I could find the original sound files that were replaced with my mod. To Leilukin: For walking me through SithCodec. (Let’s hope I got it right!) Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. If you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me
  11. Rosebud.

    1. InSidious


      The frozen peas?

    2. darthbdaman


      It's his sled. It was his sled from when he was a kid. There, I just saved you two long, boobless hours.

    3. Drazgar


      Citizen Kane?

  12. With the advent of reasonable AI voice facsimiles, I have a request for a tutorial on how to add a G0-T0 type filter to voices. One catch in the request is I'd love to tutorial to use software that is free for the public to use so no one is gated by a paywall. I've found a HK-47 filter long ago which I've already promoted elsewhere but G0-T0's filter eludes me. Thank you for your attention.
  13. Why yes, I did update a 10 year old mod! Thanks for noticing! 


  14. As someone that has spliced in the past, I'd say let the AI do it.
  15. Do you have any plans to work on the TSL HD menus and UI assets, @JackInTheBox? I'm particularly thinking about anything to do with the Galaxy Map in TSL.
  16. Gauging interest: Would you want a mod where T3-M4 sounds like their K1 self in TSL? Would you want a mod where T3-M4 sounds like their TSL self in TK1? It's not an either/or situation as if I f do finish this, I'll be releasing both versions.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Samples of K1 to TSL T3-M4 have been posted in the KOTOR Reddit Discord (mod development tab) if anyone is interested. 

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      @jc2 and @Malkior The previous message especially applies to you two.

    3. Malkior


      They sound good. By the way, are you planning to use both your longer treatments and K1 originals alongside eachother, or is your plan for a full replacement?

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  17. Counterpoint: The conversation takes place on Manaan so isn't saying "on Manaan" putting a fine point on it when it clearly isn't needed? Just remove the words "on Manaan" from the quote and you have it made!
  18. I've been working on something and talking about it in private channels. I thought I'd ramble about it a bit more publicly now. As you've guessed from the blog's title, I'll be chatting about the Ebon Hawk light fixture. (Exciting, I know.) You most likely know which texture that I'm referring to but for clarity's sake, it's this one: BioWare back in day seemed to like to source their designs from real world things and I think I've figured out where they got this design from. I think it was from this: It's an un-produced design for a Luxfer Prism designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.. Those that follow this blog probably remember that I made a mod that replaced the BioWare texture with another (produced) glass tile design. But since I didn't have a real world object to take a snapshot of or Google for an image, I had to start from scratch. And this is what I came up with. Granted, I took some liberties with the design. Those hooks on the corners of the central sqaure aren't here. But I think I came pretty close to the design. Luckily, I have saved the individual parts separately as well, so I can easily change out colors if needed. And here's what you get if you tile the texture... Thanks for reading my rambling.
  19. Neat stuff but that pronunciation of Manaan is pretty rough. You could try running that sentence through again with "Muh Non" rather than Manaan and see if you get a better result?