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Everything posted by jc2

  1. jc2

    Four Force Powers

    If you didn't have another difficulty mod installed this mod can effect the balance of the game by making it a bit too easy. However, these added force powers are fantastic! Scorch was by far my favorite power and a good alternative to using Force Lightning all the time. Revitalize as a Force Power was definitely helpful, especially, I had the difficulty raised by another mod. Certainly, a mod worth trying out, because it isn't too OP that it breaks the balance.
  2. jc2

    Ultimate Sound Mod

    Installed this for a friend. It was glorious. The feel of star wars is heavily tied to its sounds. And by using this mod to install original star wars sounds into KOTOR, it doesn't take away from the kotor experience it simply shifts the star wars feeling to a more classical vibe. I would recommend this to anyone. 10/10
  3. jc2

    Just Talk

    Yeah, there are a few mods that diversify the NPC reuse. TSL NPC overhaul comes to mind. Nexusmods has a k1 NPC HQ texture mod by Curtis1989. There's a few mods that help handle this problem, but personally, this never bothered me. I found it humorous when I first encountered it and quickly came to feel nostalgic about it.
  4. "WE'RE NOT DEAD YET!" About time I updated everyone on the condition of this mod: Still working on acquiring and keeping voice actors, it's been diffcult of late, with real life commitments causing more people than I can count to have to drop out of their VO roles. To them, I wish them nothing but the best! Yes: Work is still being done on this mod. There are still bugs I need to fix. To quickly list them here: The main quest has pesky dlg loop that can allow the PC to change an established decision, I've patched this dlg loop about 4 times and it continues to change in form. A battle scene is repeatable. Grammatical errors here and there, typos and such. Camera angle in Juhani added scene and voice over is incorrect. Finish an encounter with a Rakatan prisoner by adding VO, some scripts, and finalizing the dialogue itself. And fix other bugs that arise after further testing has been done. I'm fairly certain there are other bugs out there, I just haven't run into, and there's always feedback from testers that result in various tweaks. Update tslpatcher to accomodate new files. Overall, Lehon Mandalorian Expansion is steadily approaching release, though the time of release is still unknown. I know its been about a year since I published this WIP, with the ignorant premise that I was close to finishing, but I'm here to say that I have not given up, nor will I. My hope is that one day, LME will be available for people to experience and enjoy! Thanks for reading! -JC2
  5. jc2

    Better late than never

    Congratulations DP for winning the Community Member of the Year! It is welcoming to see modders acknowledged for their excellence and community engagement, DarthParametric certainly deserves this award!
  6. You might benefit from re-reading what he wrote ^^ End of May is still quite a ways off. Looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future!
  7. jc2


    Welcome DeathScepter! Hope to see you around DS in the future!
  8. I've already given permission to A Future Pilot to use my mods in his collection. But just for the admins' sake, I'll post it here as well. A Future Pilot has my permission to use my mods in his collection, including future mods.
  9. Guys, what if it's not Admiral Onasi? And instead its Admiral Cede?
  10. jc2

    Massage Choice

    1. Good catch! Yes, I remember realizing I had forgotten that right after uploading, and I should have fixed that. Thank you for the reminder. 2. There would be no purpose to making a tslpatcher for this, there are not 2da files, no .mod (module) files related, it wouldn't make it more compabitle, since no mod actually modifies this dlg file. Potentially, I could use the tslpatcher to change the dlg file's specific lines, but that's a lot of work, for little payoff. (Did you by any chance run into any incompatibility issues?) You make a solid point about backing up the original .wav files, I think I will update the mod to include vanilla backup files for those who want that option. The only thing the tslpatcher could do was simplify the installment process to near instantaneous, though I'm not sure if the tslpatcher can handle subfolders, which is why I didn't include it. I might be wrong about this, but IIRC the tslpatcher cannot handle subfolders, thus I couldn't send the WAV files where I needed them to go. Feel free to PM me more about this, I'd love to continue this conversation and/or hear any other feedback you have!
  11. Implants or armbands, it has been done before, and it's a great idea. There are plenty of mods that do this. For example, in k1, armbands were able to replicate the effects of lightsaber forms via their stats, either diminishing some stat or improving another, plus strength, negative blaster reflect etc.... Since this is basically a simple UTI edit with the kotor tool to create a new item, you could easily do this yourself. After you created the items, then you'd have to either cheat them into the game, or, as mellowtron11 said, find a way to get them into the game via script, utc, or utm editing. If you clarified what stats you wanted for these armbands, and what pre-requisites you wanted for each armband. Because, I'm not entirely sure what you want at the moment. Then I could offer to walk you through creating this mod, or simply making it for you.
  12. N-DreW25. This was the advice I was given for getting lips to move in TSL from Zybl2, "the module number+voice file is the way you name VOs and .lip needs the same name as your VO, you can put it in the module as well, it doesn't really make a difference" Most lips you can extract are located in Lips > Localization.mod. simply copy and paste that into modules, then open KT extract any lip from the companion, i've found male and female work for both genders. Then you can extract whatever lip from there and rename it, then throw it in the override as the same name as the audio VO file, that you placed in the StreamVoice folder. To match them correctly, usually I'll look at the audio associated or line associated with each lip, and see if it matches the rhythm my VO has. For instance, a five second VO with a single pause in the middle from a vanilla .lip file would work great if I had a five second VO with a single pause. Since the lip files in TSL are not as complex as modern games, you don't have to worry so much about perfection with syllables matching lip formation. Giving an example of what I did, Localization.mod C&P into MOdules, then extracting gbldisciple003, renamed to gbldisciple513, pasted gbldisciple513 into override, placed VO called gbldisciple513 into VO folder, tested out to ensure my estimates on lip movements were correct, duration check and checks to see if it seemed normal, some of them I had to change. I was able to test a Handmaiden lip or two on Disciple, and found that it worked. My suggestion would be to find a line by Bao'dur that matches the duration and if possible the rhythm and give him that one. No need to make a new lip file from scratch, IIRC even Hassat Hunter shied away from that (you can find that confession on the DS forums somewhere)!
  13. I would love a SW movie on non-force users, that's definitely something the Solo movie has going for it. I was disappointed when Rogue One didn't have a jedi only to insert a jedi wannabe monk. The fan love for Mandalorians would be a prime example of SW fans caring about more than just the Jedi/Sith LS/DS Force aspect of SW. ' But I will watch and see how people react, and how well the Solo movie produces. I don't want the movie to fail, but I have low expectations of its success.
  14. It just doesn't look star wars... for 80% of the trailer. I'm boycotting this movie! In less dramatic words, it just doesn't look like a good movie. It seems like a rehash of guardians of the galaxy with a Han Solo reskin. Since, when is Solo a "driver?" are they trying to cross dress FNF into star wars? I am curious to know what people think of this movie after seeing it though, I wonder if the backlash or fan division on this movie will be the same as that of TLJ.
  15. Do you have it on steam or hardcopy? The version of your game might have an effect, though I don't have windows 10, so I cannot say with any certainty.
  16. I should have downloaded this while I had the chance! This is hilarious!
  17. Kotor Tool. BIFs > Templates.bif > Dialog > k_hbas_dialog.dlg (bastila) most party members will have an abbreviation and k_h before it. I.e. k_kcan_dialog.dlg (canderous), k_hcar_dialog.dlg (carth)
  18. Then you're good, no worries. Feel free to post some screenshots of your gameplay, it's only an issue if you upload it as a mod without permission, which you know, of course. But just to answer your other concern, since its deadlystream policy listed in the Rules section, permission rules apply to all members of the deadlystream community and I do not know of any mod that has been uploaded to DS where the admins knew it had broken rules on permission and, then, been allowed to stay. Your point is valid and among other communities you may run into issues like that, but that's not how our community operates.
  19. jc2

    #1: JC's Toolbox

    That's terrible to hear about the tsl instead of k1 script mix up, but glad to see this tool published. I learned a lot by your Call of Aid mod and enjoyed using that, I will have to download your tool sometime and tinker with what you've done. I'm sure there's something I can learn from it, did you happen to include the source script?
  20. As long as the mod you uploaded didn't include those files for the robe, and you made it clear that only the sword was your mod and the robe was another mod, then it would be fine. Because it is simply a picture, it is a bit confusing, but I would say it isn't against the rules, since it has been done many times on Deadlystream.
  21. After reading this.https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/88gx8w/is_it_possible_to_browse_through_the_archives/> I started to think that perhaps you should be able to access the Dan Jedi Temple's Library in the room you meet Disciple, as a lore expansion.

    1. jc2


      Yeah, something along those lines would be an interesting addition. I know that was something I enjoyed from the Corescant mod. Though it could also be incorporated into the ever illusive Disciple Sidequest.

    2. valas991


      there is a disciple sidequest...? :D

    3. jc2


      @valas991 it's part of the cutcontent that wasn't taken on by the TSLRCM crew. You might find it interesting to read SH blog post or N-Drew's blog post about it. Not to mention there are a few threads on DS that talk about it.

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