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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. I agree with that. Most people are interested in the actual machine than the new crystals anyway but you could work on the new crystals as a later update or addon mod when you get the chance to fix whatever broke. I've actually made mods on those items you are referring to. Arca Jeth's robes existed as some sort of placeholder item in the 401dxn module, along with other items, and where called "Master Arca's Robes" and had totally different stats. I restored these cut stats in this mod but kept the original name, price and texture. I am fairly confident Arca's Robes are in the random loot because the Master Arca Robes in the Dxun placeholders is entirely separate from the actual vanilla robe, if the vanilla Arca's robe wasn't in the loot in vanilla it definitely would be in TSLRCM. Also nearly all of those other Dxun placeholder items I've restored with my Dxun/Onderon Item Restoration Pack, most them where done except for some descriptions which I wrote up for them and the stats of some of them where horrible so I added a "Booster Pack Addon" to make them at least useable for the player. (I also restored an unused Pilot Texture for one of the items shown on the page) https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1334-dxun-and-onderon-item-restoration-pack/ I got a feeling these are all related, perhaps a third robe tier was to be added which would be the armoured robe (It'd go something like Jedi Padawan Robe, Jedi Armor, Jedi Master Robe) but it was modified into the Zeison Sha armour with the weird skirt thing. Something called "restrictive robe" exists in the baseitems.2da and it is essentially Jedi Padawan Robes with a max dex of 5. If you asked me, from the looks of the textures the unused 05 texture is the ossus robe, Novice is texture 08, advisor is texture 07 and sage is texture 10 (Assuming the advisor robe is the middle tier robe). Might I ask, what are the stats of the Novice and Sage robes again? I think we also got to look at the stats of those robes to determine the would-be stats of the advisor robe.
  2. I'm sorry to hear that but I think you made the right choice. By any chance can the Revenge of Revan Demo be considered a Modders Resource now in addition to the source you are releasing? I hope this doesn't sound rude but it is already released and we won't have to wait a week for it to be available for us.
  3. The Sonic Imprint Sensor is used as a microphone that can record audio and play them back, apparently, this item can also act as a translator thus is how the Exile can understand aliens though my memory on that is sketchy. Let's face it, we all destroy the terminal and the door opens but if you stayed to do the puzzle the terminal has in store you would need to either go through peragus and listen to the Dock Managers (Ginger guy with goggles) logs and splice together the code to unlock the door or trick the HK-50 into speaking as the Dock Manager saying the code that you would need to open the voice locked door that required a code in the Dock Managers voice. Deleting the option to skip the puzzle would force the player to get the item.
  4. Well N-DReW25 knows how to port NPCs between games, all without the need of creating a help thread.

    1. ebmar
    2. Thor110


      This is good to know, I was going to port all content between games in order to allow for incredibly diverse level creation, stories and Total Conversions set during the Old Republic era or in the Star Wars Universe.

    3. TheRealDarthRevan


      Impressive. Most Impressive...

  5. I like the sound of that. I'd like to point out though that the modules can also be used in different ways than just porting all of Tatooine to K2 for example, people could if they wanted to Port Anchorhead and maybe the K1 Dantooine and reskin it and add it as part of an Onderon Expansion where the player can leave Iziz and go explore the outside of the city, the possibilities could be endless.
  6. Carth didn't die if you are male, he simply runs away never to be heard from again. I think on Wookieepedia someone wrote on his article that apparently Carth went into some sort of Exile should a male Revan chose to be dark side. As @DarthVarkorhas already made a Dark Side meeting in TSL for Revan I suggest, with Varkor's permission, we someone port Carth's K1 lines that were used in the movie and base the cutscene on the movie. Of course, somethings may need to be swapped around because in light side Carth knew Revan took the Ebon Hawk to Dromand Kaas and disappeared but mysteriously the Exile has returned in Revan's ship that was thought to have been gone forever, he wanted to know if the Exile knew where Revan was and if he/she found Revan tell him/her that Carth was waiting for him/her.
  7. Is the file "ship.mod" inside the zipped BOSSR package? Maybe that, and possibly other, files didn't get extracted with the rest.
  8. This is a new one! Whenever I try to open DLG Editor to work on my GenoHaradan Legacy mod I get this strange error: Does anyone have a clue what has happened here and how I may fix it?
  9. You could release that in our Download Section: https://deadlystream.com/files/
  10. Which mod did you install first? On the top of my head, Segan Wyndh Jedi Armor has no Patch meaning if you installed that on top of JC's Cloaked Robes all I have to say is "there's your problems".
  11. Kotor Tool has an option to use the game's override folder 2da files meaning it will instead use the modded 2da file instead of the vanilla 2da. Going to "options" and then "other" will get you this check box option.
  12. Try the Tomb of Az'gath Indel for TSL (I think it's called that) by DarthInsidious.
  13. I found my problem and a part of me feels like an idiot but the other part tells me it wasn't my fault for not seeing this sooner. So when I reinstalled Kotor Tool it asked me for directors and if you look closely on the pic I showed it says "Illegal Characters in Path". After trying all of the above which didn't fix the problem I read my directories and Kotor 2 is set to "X:C?:\Program Files (x8?6)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II??" I have no idea how that happened or why it would break my Tool but at least it's fixed... for now. Thank you to both of you for helping!!
  14. When JCs robe mod came out I still decided to keep the good old K1 Prequal Robe mod. This mod, on the other hand, has made me changed my mind. God, this looks awesome!
  15. For that cutscene in the Forge Hangar, there are 3 generic males and a female leader (2 Mullet men and a Twilek Jedi all share the same male non-alien generic lines). I reckon if you use the female Nautolan for the female leader and use the male Kel Dor, male Nautolan and the male Rodian for the generic male Jedi that would work nicely.
  16. So I've reinstalled it to a file on my desktop: no difference. You said move it out of Program Files, it normally installs into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kotor Tool" when I don't modify its installation, is there a problem with that installation?
  17. I swear it feels like whenever I become motivated to work on GenoHaradan Legacy Kotor Tool decides to have a heart attack on me. So my problem started when I was searching in the K1 placeable templates section, I clicked on the large and small blood puddle placeable files and one of them popped up while the other didn't result in severe lag. I used Task Manager to shut down Kotor Tool and when I relaunched I got this familiar looking error. I've tried launching Kotor Tool in various compatibility modes but 90% of the time I get that exact same message, however, a few modes gives me the same message but instead of the "Illegal Characters" line down below it gives me a vaguely different message. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Kotor Tool at least 10 times but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions to what I need to do to fix this?
  18. Alright, first matter of business: GenoHaradan Legacy Demo 1.5 has been released! I've fixed up the Jekk Jekk Tarr fixes as well as added a new TSLPatcher installation method for optional installs. Right now: I am looking into the Jekk Jekk Tarr section of this mod. In Vanilla, after Mira opened the emergency escape tunnel she would proceed to enter the tunnel like Hanhar does and watches the Exile get zapped by Goto through the cameras as Hanhar did, Mira will then bump into Zez Kai-El as Hanhar did and unlike Hanhar inform Zez that Goto has captured the Exile. In TSLRCM, instead, Visquis orders his Ubese to capture Mira and lock her up somewhere and immediately after he says in the cutscene the next cutscene shows Mira locked in a storage room where her restored line "I need to get out of here before Visquis executes me" is played. After the Exile gets zapped instead of Mira watching through the camera instead Atton shows up and rescues Mira from the room, after a restored conversation is played they then leave and go to her safehouse. The TSLRCM scene doesn't make much sense. While getting locked up inside the room and getting saved makes sense Atton must have walked through not only the poisonous Jekk Jekk Tarr but the poisonous maze tunnels as well without a space suit. On top of that, this scene makes Zez's lines from earlier about "I am going to save her, I'll be back soon or not at all" kinda pointless as he doesn't turn up at all in the Jekk Jekk Tarr unless you recruited Hanhar. My plan to fix this: the line "I need to get out of here before Visquis executes me" will play just after Mira kills Hanhar. Visquis will still order his men to capture and lock up Mira but they won't because she'll flee into the tunnels. I'll restore the Vanilla scene with Mira and Zez in the tunnels that'll play right after the Exile gets zapped and Atton's new restored conversation will be moved outside the Tarr. After Atton fought the Zhugs on the landing pad he'd be rushing to the Tarr but once he arrives Mira is outside and will say "Uh, you're running a little late - your friend already walked into a trap in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr." which will be followed up with Atton's dialogue options which will lead to the cut conversation that would play in the Jekk Jekk Tarr "Name's Mira - I've been watching you all stumble around this moon for a while, causing trouble.". After the cut conversation it'll end with "Come on, I know one place where they won't find us." After that, the screen will go black and the pair will teleport into her hideout and her normal dialogue will play "We took out Visquis, but Goto has him... and that means no bounty for me." from there it'll transition to T3's mission and it'd go as normal... for now. After some testing I have a question to ask: Just before the Exile enters the Arena a dialogue starts with some force effect on the screen, it immediately loads up the landing pad module and Atton's fight with the Zhugs starts there. What dialogue causes that to happen?
  19. This update 1.8.5 is the most recent. I don't know what an "Amazon Fire Tablet" is, sounds like an iPad or Android device. First, can you download and play TSL on your Tablet? The reason I ask because most tablets I know, iPads and Android Tablets, use the App Store and Google Play store to get their Apps/Games, while K1 was ported to these devices as an App you can download they haven't done that for TSL so to answer your question I must know whether or not you have TSL installed on your tablet. What bugs are there? On top of being a Restored Content mod, this mod also fixes thousands of vanilla bugs, the only bugs I imagine TSLRCM would have at this point would be missing Lip files (And by missing Lip Files I mean 2, Lip files make a characters lips move while talking so even if Lip files where missing it isn't a big deal). Just to get you into the perspective of how long this mod has been developed the mod development started around 2008, trust me using this mod now would be better than Vanilla. The only bugs that could possibly pop up are incompatibilities with other mods where another mod might not be compatible with TSLRCM and cause the game to break as a result. But that can be avoided by not using sketchy mods.
  20. It's done. With that being said why would anyone need to work on it?
  21. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    No, I will continue to develop the mod up until I reach that bug which occurs near the very end of the mod. Even then I'll at least check with other users if my bug can be fixed. TLDR I won't discontinue the mod at this point
  22. For some odd reason, I cannot reply to any sort of "News" thread thus locking me out of this year's Mod of the Year. If an admin can move the content of this thread into the actual Mod of the Year thread that'd be great. For this, I'll give three mods as is the allowed limit for this year's Mod of the Year, however, the thread said "you can select up to 3 mods, 1 per category" when there are only 2 categories so they'll be two mods in one category and one in the other. Best Texture Enchantment: Not since the K1 Enchantment Pack has someone tackled a reskin of some of the minor, unnoticed characters like Selven. Embar, using modern HD textures, has created and plans to create more epic HD reskins in his "Legends" series. This would be my pick for the 2018 Mod of the Year and a Legends mod may even be my 2019 choice at the rate he works now. Best Content Restoration/Addon: A return of SithSpecter's classic Cross Guard mod, with new tools made by Bead-V he has finally improved his original mod as well as fixed the annoying bugs from the earlier builds. An innovative idea, this "mod pack" is a collection of small fix mods, such as my own, which combines many individual mods into one making the installation process a lot easier and less time consuming. Best Community Member: I'd say for this as, considering DarthParametric is already nominated, I'd say @Kexikus is my pick, while obviously, DarthParametric is god's gift to Kotor Kexikus is still a modder who can lend a hand whenever he can.
  23. Just a reminder: Both my K1 Gameplay Improvement mod 1.15 as well as GenoHaradan Legacy Demo 1.5 has been updated.