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  1. View File Transparent Environment Suit Faceplates for K1 This mod makes the spacesuit and diving suit faceplates transparent so that you can see the head of the character wearing them, as opposed to the opaque faceplates on the vanilla suits. There is also an option to install only the diving suits, if you prefer the spacesuits to keep their mirrored vanilla faceplates (similar to real spacesuits). I have also made the following edits to the suit models: - Adjusted texture UVs to hide texture regions that appear unfinished. - Added a bright texture to the squares on either side of the faceplate (which were apparently intended to look like lights but instead appeared reflective in the vanilla game). - Added light beams and in-game light sources to the diving suit to simulate helmet-mounted floodlights. (I have also included an option that does not have these lights if you prefer.) - Added a new environment map for the spacesuit which approximates the surroundings during the spacewalk. I have also included two optional variations: - No Diving Suit Floodlights - Omits the diving suit's new floodlights - Less Transparent Spacesuit Faceplates - Reduces the transparency of the spacesuit's faceplate, if you prefer a more mirrored look but would still like some transparency. The diving suit is not affected by this option. Please note that if you are using a non-vanilla player head, the diving suit and spacesuit will default back to the vanilla-style mirrored faceplates. See the "Compatibility" section below for further information. IMPORTANT: A save from before exploring the Manaan seafloor for the first time is required. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe and select the install directory for your game. Select which version of the mod you would like to install from the drop-down menu at the top of the window, and click the "Install" button. The "Full Install" options make changes to both the space suits and the diving suits, while the "Diving Suits Only" options only affect the diving suits. IMPORTANT: - Select one of the "K1CP 1.10+" options if you are using KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) version 1.10 or higher. If you are using K1CP 1.9.2 or lower, use one of the "General" options. - Select one of the "K1R" options if you are using the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) with the option "Party on the Sea Floor". If you are using K1R without "Party on the Sea Floor", use one of the "General" options. If you would like to use the "No Diving Suit Floodlights" or "Less Transparent Spacesuit Faceplates" options, select the corresponding option from the drop-down menu after the main installation is complete, and click "Install" again. This mod includes the Windows version of HoloPatcher for installation. If you are running on Mac or Linux, you can find the appropriate versions of HoloPatcher here, along with the latest Windows version: This mod requires HoloPatcher version 1.5.2 or higher of HoloPatcher. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that some or all of the following files already exist and have been skipped: - appearance.2da - heads.2da - lev40ad.mod - manm28aa.mod - manm28ab.mod - manm28ac.mod - manm28ad.mod Selecting the "Diving Suits Only" option will still install the UV fixes and new environment map for the spacesuit. If you do not want these changes, delete the following files from Override: - UV Fixes: spacesuit01.mdl, spacesuit01.mdx - Environment Map: P_WaterSuit02.txi If you would like to edit the scripts in this mod for personal use, please note that most of the provided script source files cannot be directly compiled because they include 2DA memory tokens, placeholders which are automatically replaced by appearance.2da row numbers when compiled during installation. Running the installer and selecting the option "MODDING TOOL: Build Script Source" will save copies of the source scripts to the subfolder "temp_nss_working_dir" within "tslpatchdata" with the necessary appearance.2da row references automatically filled in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod is compatible with the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) and the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R). Note that if you are using K1CP 1.10 or higher or K1R with the "Party on the Sea Floor" option, you must install the appropriate option as described in the "Installation" section above. It is not compatible with any mods that alter the following files: - k_plev_airouopn2.ncs - k_pman_airlock02.ncs - k_pman_airlock03.ncs - k_pman_airlock11.ncs - k_pman_starmap05.nss - k_pman_starmap02.nss (K1CP 1.10+ installation option only. K1CP itself is, of course, the exception that is compatible.) This mod's edits to m28ad_01a.wok are sufficiently minor that overwriting this mod's version with one from another mod will not cause any significant issues. For best results, install this mod after K1CP, K1R, or any other mods that make significant edits to: - The walk speed of the space/diving suits - The module with the Leviathan spacewalk - The Manaan seafloor or undersea base modules This mod is compatible with reskins and texture mods that affect vanilla heads. It will not conflict with mods that edit the MDL/MDX files of vanilla heads, but the changes to the head model will not carry over to the head seen inside the spacesuit. Similarly, due to the nature of a work-around used by this mod, any mods that edit the Star Map MDL/MDX will not affect the Manaan Star Map. Mods that reskin the Star Map are compatible. Due to the way this mod is implemented, the environment suit faceplates will still be opaque if you use a non-vanilla player head. If you would like to see a non-vanilla head in the spacesuit, I have included instructions for making the new head compatible with this mod. For further information, please see "Instructions to Add New Heads.pdf". ------------------------------------------------------------------- LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN BUGS The new lights on the diving suit do not equally affect all objects, likely due to game engine limitations. If you are using the compatibility patch for the K1R "Party on the Sea Floor" option, your weapons will not be reequipped automatically when you reenter the underwater base. This is a work-around for a bug where party members were somehow still able to use blasters underwater to shoot the Firaxan sharks. Apologies for the inconvenience. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 HoloPatcher by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Nehua for suggesting an option to keep the mirrored faceplates on the spacesuits. Thanks also to Salk for suggesting an option with intermediate transparency. A big thank you to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their time and effort spent upgrading HoloPatcher to be able to compile all of the scripts in this mod. Vanilla scripts are based on the K1CP team's repository of unaltered, decompiled vanilla scripts (found at This mod makes use of the script function CP_RemoveForceSpeed developed by the K1CP team. The K1R-compatible version of k_pman_airlock11.ncs/nss includes edits originally developed by the K1R team. Similarly, the K1CP-compatible version of k_pman_starmap02.nss includes edits developed by the K1CP team. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added option to install only the diving suits (suggested by Nehua). 1.2 - Added option to reduce the spacesuit faceplate's transparency (suggested by Salk). - Applied spacesuit environment map with a TXI file instead of a full TPC to improve compatibility with mods that reskin or upscale the original texture (also suggested by Salk). 1.3 - Added work-around for the Star Map to render properly when seen through the diving suit faceplate - Revised suit bubbles to more closely match vanilla behavior - Revised inner suit geometry around neck - Adjusted head motion during walking and running animations - Added code to Manaan airlock scripts to clear Force Speed before going out to the seafloor (vanilla issue originally documented by the K1CP team) - Streamlined the K1R installation process - Switched installer to HoloPatcher to improve cross-platform installability. Special thanks to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their substantial efforts to improve HoloPatcher's script compiling ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission. Submitter WildKarrde Submitted 05/27/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. Version 1.2


    This mod makes your spacesuit's faceplate transparent so that you can see the head of the character wearing it, as opposed to the opaque faceplate on the vanilla spacesuit. I have also made the following edits to the suit model: - Adjusted texture UVs to hide texture regions that appear unfinished. - Added a bright texture to the bright white squares on either side of the faceplate. For plot-related reasons, the faceplate will still be opaque for the Jekk'Jekk Tarr sequence when Mira steals your spacesuit. I have also included an option with a less transparent faceplate, if you would like some transparency but prefer something closer to the mirrored visors on real spacesuits. This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It has not been tested with an unaltered version of the game without TSLRCM. Please note that if you are using a non-vanilla player head, the spacesuit will default back to the vanilla-style mirrored helmet. See the "Compatibility" section below for further information. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe and select the install directory for your game. Select "Main Installation" from the drop-down at the top, and click the "Install" button. If you are using TSLRCM from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop: If you would like to use the "Less Transparent Faceplates" option, select the corresponding option from the drop-down menu after the main installation is complete, and click "Install" again. This mod includes the Windows version of HoloPatcher for installation. If you are running on Mac or Linux, you can find the appropriate versions of HoloPatcher here, along with the latest Windows version: This mod requires HoloPatcher version 1.5.2 or higher. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that some or all of the following files already exist and have been skipped: - appearance.2da - heads.2da - 201TEL.mod If you would like to edit the scripts in this mod for personal use, please note that most of the provided script source files cannot be directly compiled because they include 2DA memory tokens, placeholders which are automatically replaced by appearance.2da row numbers when compiled during installation. Running the installer and selecting the option "MODDING TOOL: Build Script Source" will save copies of the source scripts to the subfolder "temp_nss_working_dir" within "tslpatchdata" with the necessary appearance.2da row references automatically filled in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It is not compatible with any other mods which edit a_104per_enter.ncs. For best results, install this mod after TSLRCM and any other mods that make significant edits to: - The walk speed of the spacesuit - The Peragus spacewalk module - The Citadel Station dock module This mod is compatible with reskins and texture mods that affect vanilla heads. It will not conflict with mods that edit the MDL/MDX files of vanilla heads, but the changes to the head model will not carry over to the head seen inside the spacesuit. Due to the way this mod is implemented, the environment suit faceplates will still be opaque if you use a non-vanilla player head. If you would like to see a non-vanilla head in the spacesuit, I have included instructions for making the new head compatible with this mod. For further information, please see the file "Instructions to Add New Heads.pdf". ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 Holopatcher by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Salk for suggesting an option with reduced transparency on the faceplate for the K1 version of this mod. A big thank you to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their time and effort spent upgrading HoloPatcher to be able to compile all of the scripts in this mod. This mod contains material ported from Knights of the Old Republic 1 by Bioware. a_104per_enter.ncs includes edits which were originally developed by the TSLRCM team. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added option to reduce the faceplate's transparency (suggested by Salk for the K1 version). - Added an edited version of the spacesuit placeable to make its faceplate transparent. 1.2 - Adjusted inner suit geometry around neck - Adjusted head motion during walking and running animations - Correctly assigned texture to the helmet lights - Switched installer to Holopatcher to improve cross-platform installability. Special thanks to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their substantial efforts to improve Holopatcher's script compiling ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission.
  3. Version 1.3


    This mod makes the spacesuit and diving suit faceplates transparent so that you can see the head of the character wearing them, as opposed to the opaque faceplates on the vanilla suits. There is also an option to install only the diving suits, if you prefer the spacesuits to keep their mirrored vanilla faceplates (similar to real spacesuits). I have also made the following edits to the suit models: - Adjusted texture UVs to hide texture regions that appear unfinished. - Added a bright texture to the squares on either side of the faceplate (which were apparently intended to look like lights but instead appeared reflective in the vanilla game). - Added light beams and in-game light sources to the diving suit to simulate helmet-mounted floodlights. (I have also included an option that does not have these lights if you prefer.) - Added a new environment map for the spacesuit which approximates the surroundings during the spacewalk. I have also included two optional variations: - No Diving Suit Floodlights - Omits the diving suit's new floodlights - Less Transparent Spacesuit Faceplates - Reduces the transparency of the spacesuit's faceplate, if you prefer a more mirrored look but would still like some transparency. The diving suit is not affected by this option. Please note that if you are using a non-vanilla player head, the diving suit and spacesuit will default back to the vanilla-style mirrored faceplates. See the "Compatibility" section below for further information. IMPORTANT: A save from before exploring the Manaan seafloor for the first time is required. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe and select the install directory for your game. Select which version of the mod you would like to install from the drop-down menu at the top of the window, and click the "Install" button. The "Full Install" options make changes to both the space suits and the diving suits, while the "Diving Suits Only" options only affect the diving suits. IMPORTANT: - Select one of the "K1CP 1.10+" options if you are using KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) version 1.10 or higher. If you are using K1CP 1.9.2 or lower, use one of the "General" options. - Select one of the "K1R" options if you are using the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) with the option "Party on the Sea Floor". If you are using K1R without "Party on the Sea Floor", use one of the "General" options. If you would like to use the "No Diving Suit Floodlights" or "Less Transparent Spacesuit Faceplates" options, select the corresponding option from the drop-down menu after the main installation is complete, and click "Install" again. This mod includes the Windows version of HoloPatcher for installation. If you are running on Mac or Linux, you can find the appropriate versions of HoloPatcher here, along with the latest Windows version: This mod requires HoloPatcher version 1.5.2 or higher of HoloPatcher. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that some or all of the following files already exist and have been skipped: - appearance.2da - heads.2da - lev40ad.mod - manm28aa.mod - manm28ab.mod - manm28ac.mod - manm28ad.mod Selecting the "Diving Suits Only" option will still install the UV fixes and new environment map for the spacesuit. If you do not want these changes, delete the following files from Override: - UV Fixes: spacesuit01.mdl, spacesuit01.mdx - Environment Map: P_WaterSuit02.txi If you would like to edit the scripts in this mod for personal use, please note that most of the provided script source files cannot be directly compiled because they include 2DA memory tokens, placeholders which are automatically replaced by appearance.2da row numbers when compiled during installation. Running the installer and selecting the option "MODDING TOOL: Build Script Source" will save copies of the source scripts to the subfolder "temp_nss_working_dir" within "tslpatchdata" with the necessary appearance.2da row references automatically filled in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod is compatible with the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) and the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R). Note that if you are using K1CP 1.10 or higher or K1R with the "Party on the Sea Floor" option, you must install the appropriate option as described in the "Installation" section above. It is not compatible with any mods that alter the following files: - k_plev_airouopn2.ncs - k_pman_airlock02.ncs - k_pman_airlock03.ncs - k_pman_airlock11.ncs - k_pman_starmap05.nss - k_pman_starmap02.nss (K1CP 1.10+ installation option only. K1CP itself is, of course, the exception that is compatible.) This mod's edits to m28ad_01a.wok are sufficiently minor that overwriting this mod's version with one from another mod will not cause any significant issues. For best results, install this mod after K1CP, K1R, or any other mods that make significant edits to: - The walk speed of the space/diving suits - The module with the Leviathan spacewalk - The Manaan seafloor or undersea base modules This mod is compatible with reskins and texture mods that affect vanilla heads. It will not conflict with mods that edit the MDL/MDX files of vanilla heads, but the changes to the head model will not carry over to the head seen inside the spacesuit. Similarly, due to the nature of a work-around used by this mod, any mods that edit the Star Map MDL/MDX will not affect the Manaan Star Map. Mods that reskin the Star Map are compatible. Due to the way this mod is implemented, the environment suit faceplates will still be opaque if you use a non-vanilla player head. If you would like to see a non-vanilla head in the spacesuit, I have included instructions for making the new head compatible with this mod. For further information, please see "Instructions to Add New Heads.pdf". ------------------------------------------------------------------- LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN BUGS The new lights on the diving suit do not equally affect all objects, likely due to game engine limitations. If you are using the compatibility patch for the K1R "Party on the Sea Floor" option, your weapons will not be reequipped automatically when you reenter the underwater base. This is a work-around for a bug where party members were somehow still able to use blasters underwater to shoot the Firaxan sharks. Apologies for the inconvenience. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 HoloPatcher by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Nehua for suggesting an option to keep the mirrored faceplates on the spacesuits. Thanks also to Salk for suggesting an option with intermediate transparency. A big thank you to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their time and effort spent upgrading HoloPatcher to be able to compile all of the scripts in this mod. Vanilla scripts are based on the K1CP team's repository of unaltered, decompiled vanilla scripts (found at This mod makes use of the script function CP_RemoveForceSpeed developed by the K1CP team. The K1R-compatible version of k_pman_airlock11.ncs/nss includes edits originally developed by the K1R team. Similarly, the K1CP-compatible version of k_pman_starmap02.nss includes edits developed by the K1CP team. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added option to install only the diving suits (suggested by Nehua). 1.2 - Added option to reduce the spacesuit faceplate's transparency (suggested by Salk). - Applied spacesuit environment map with a TXI file instead of a full TPC to improve compatibility with mods that reskin or upscale the original texture (also suggested by Salk). 1.3 - Added work-around for the Star Map to render properly when seen through the diving suit faceplate - Revised suit bubbles to more closely match vanilla behavior - Revised inner suit geometry around neck - Adjusted head motion during walking and running animations - Added code to Manaan airlock scripts to clear Force Speed before going out to the seafloor (vanilla issue originally documented by the K1CP team) - Streamlined the K1R installation process - Switched installer to HoloPatcher to improve cross-platform installability. Special thanks to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their substantial efforts to improve HoloPatcher's script compiling ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission.
  4. View File Transparent Spacesuit Faceplates for TSL This mod makes your spacesuit's faceplate transparent so that you can see the head of the character wearing it, as opposed to the opaque faceplate on the vanilla spacesuit. I have also made the following edits to the suit model: - Adjusted texture UVs to hide texture regions that appear unfinished. - Added a bright texture to the bright white squares on either side of the faceplate. For plot-related reasons, the faceplate will still be opaque for the Jekk'Jekk Tarr sequence when Mira steals your spacesuit. I have also included an option with a less transparent faceplate, if you would like some transparency but prefer something closer to the mirrored visors on real spacesuits. This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It has not been tested with an unaltered version of the game without TSLRCM. Please note that if you are using a non-vanilla player head, the spacesuit will default back to the vanilla-style mirrored helmet. See the "Compatibility" section below for further information. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe and select the install directory for your game. Select "Main Installation" from the drop-down at the top, and click the "Install" button. If you are using TSLRCM from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop: If you would like to use the "Less Transparent Faceplates" option, select the corresponding option from the drop-down menu after the main installation is complete, and click "Install" again. This mod includes the Windows version of HoloPatcher for installation. If you are running on Mac or Linux, you can find the appropriate versions of HoloPatcher here, along with the latest Windows version: This mod requires HoloPatcher version 1.5.2 or higher. If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that some or all of the following files already exist and have been skipped: - appearance.2da - heads.2da - 201TEL.mod If you would like to edit the scripts in this mod for personal use, please note that most of the provided script source files cannot be directly compiled because they include 2DA memory tokens, placeholders which are automatically replaced by appearance.2da row numbers when compiled during installation. Running the installer and selecting the option "MODDING TOOL: Build Script Source" will save copies of the source scripts to the subfolder "temp_nss_working_dir" within "tslpatchdata" with the necessary appearance.2da row references automatically filled in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It is not compatible with any other mods which edit a_104per_enter.ncs. For best results, install this mod after TSLRCM and any other mods that make significant edits to: - The walk speed of the spacesuit - The Peragus spacewalk module - The Citadel Station dock module This mod is compatible with reskins and texture mods that affect vanilla heads. It will not conflict with mods that edit the MDL/MDX files of vanilla heads, but the changes to the head model will not carry over to the head seen inside the spacesuit. Due to the way this mod is implemented, the environment suit faceplates will still be opaque if you use a non-vanilla player head. If you would like to see a non-vanilla head in the spacesuit, I have included instructions for making the new head compatible with this mod. For further information, please see the file "Instructions to Add New Heads.pdf". ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 Holopatcher by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Thanks to Salk for suggesting an option with reduced transparency on the faceplate for the K1 version of this mod. A big thank you to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their time and effort spent upgrading HoloPatcher to be able to compile all of the scripts in this mod. This mod contains material ported from Knights of the Old Republic 1 by Bioware. a_104per_enter.ncs includes edits which were originally developed by the TSLRCM team. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added option to reduce the faceplate's transparency (suggested by Salk for the K1 version). - Added an edited version of the spacesuit placeable to make its faceplate transparent. 1.2 - Adjusted inner suit geometry around neck - Adjusted head motion during walking and running animations - Correctly assigned texture to the helmet lights - Switched installer to Holopatcher to improve cross-platform installability. Special thanks to th3w1zard1 and Cortisol for their substantial efforts to improve Holopatcher's script compiling ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission. Submitter WildKarrde Submitted 05/27/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. Just wanted to share a little mini module walk through i created of endar spire tell me what you think ,or would you rather see the original texture remade in VR. Files EndarVR Files EndarVR-DS
  6. There is a new game on Steam that is still in it's alpha stages(early access) but is already an amazing game. It's like a combination of Space Engineers and No Man's Sky but much better than both. 11 planets to land on, creativity to build what ever you want and a complex survival mode; what more could you want from the game? The Community is already involved tonnes with nearly every Star Wars creation. I bought it myself and just love how much freedom it gives. Go check it out(are we allowed to post links?) Empyrion Galactic Survival is the name of the game by the way
  7. So there is a bug i am experiencing that hinders my game progression. Im on the Leviathan and i can't pick up the space suit needed to go outside on the space walk. The spacesuit is in its normal spot in the armory, but when i click on it to pick it up, nothing happens. This wasnt a problem on my other play throughs, but now that i have the K1R mod, this problem has come out.