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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. If you've already installed the mod here's how you can test to ensure it works. 1) Make sure cheats are activated. 2) Open your Taris save. 3) Press ` to access the command console. 4) type "warp kas_m25aa" and hit the ENTER key. 5) You'll then load into the second Kashyyyk Shadowlands module. 6) Do the Mandalorian sidequest until you meet the Mandalorian leader. To make this part easy use commands "addexp 10000000 (or any big number)" to make yourself level 20, "turbo" for sonic speed, "setstrength 99" for OP melee damage, "setconstitution 99" for OP health and/or "giveitem g_w_blstrpstl020" for the Insta-Kill Blaster. 7) Kill the Mandalorian Leader and see his loot. 8,) If you see the Dark Saber, it works! Log out of the game and reload your Taris save. 9) Continue your playthrough.
  2. Why are the shoulder pads clipping into the arms?? Did the original mod have this glitch?
  3. I'm going to be honest with you, I misremembered the "Garrum and Tar'eelok" mod with the one you linked. I knew that mod contained a .RIM file so I always thought that mod would be more difficult to crack. Though after investigating the files of the Sharina Fizark mod... it should be a LOT easier to use the source files and remake it from scratch (my point about directly using their files outright in my mod still stands, recreating the content from scratch is the way to go).
  4. I could... though if I were to just take the files from the Gamefront mods I'd need permission from their original mod authors to add them to the RC-K1CP.
  5. How about make it optional? Give them a choice between medals and no medals; that way you can get your medals and other players who don't like the medals don't get them.
  6. If you intend to use my Onderon Fashion mod you should install this mod AFTER the Onderon Fashion mod. The reasoning is that Onderon Fashion gives Davik the Onderon Commoner outfit so if you wish to use both mods you'll need to install that mod before Davik's Noble Vestment. I'm fairly certain you can just remove the medals from the texture to fix this issue.
  7. The next update is planned to be a small one, though it will contain the Leilukin Juhani restoration as previously mentioned. This WIP thread is more for me to leak what I'm working on and discuss cut content that I find, you can play the RC-K1CP Demo here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2345-restored-content-for-k1cp-demo/ I've just updated the mod page to include a list of what's currently restored, I'm also considering 'balkanizing' the RC-K1CP installation process so the player can install what they specifically want so they might avoid controversial changes (The Vulkar Base from K1R comes to mind, though a possible restoration of the Simple Weapons feat or Party in Naga Sadows would also be considered controversial if I added them to the main installer).
  8. I actually used Sleheyron as an example earlier, his WIP thread has been radio silent for a whole year but today he's posted something! Check it out, it's a whole video preview... and any of us who actually make mods will know that the content shown in that video wasn't easy to make. Just goes to show that some "dead" mods are still kicking behind the scenes!
  9. I wouldn't necessarily say the mod is properly dead... the mod author is still determined to see it through to the end even though he isn't active on this forum. For fans following the project: Logan did, at one point in the past, cancel the project due to health reasons and only resumed development after several new modding tools were released which made world building much less tedious for him. Even though he's back to developing ROR those health reasons likely haven't gone away, when we consider this (alongside the Covid-19 pandemic and the global recession it caused) there are no doubt valid reasons why the development of ROR has been significantly delayed. At the end of the day: modding is a hobby and no modder is obliged to the mods that they've made or developed... so if a modder has health problems, employment obligations or other private issues it's common sense that modders focus on any of those reasons rather than their mods. As a ROR team member, I know ROR's behind the scenes development, but since I'm not Logan I cannot promise anything... though I can say if Logan was 100% certain he wanted to stop developing the mod he would announce it. As an insider, I can say development is still on-going, though fans should treat ROR like Sleheyron... SithSpecter hasn't cancelled Sleheyron though at the same time the Sleheyron thread has seen no activity for well over a year now. I personally have faith that SithSpecter is still working on Sleheyron albeit in total secrecy so that he may develop at his own comfortable pace. Like with Sleheyron, players shouldn't be tallying the days or checking for ROR/Sleheyron updates all the time, these mods will come when the developers are ready and when they release it'll catch us by complete surprise.
  10. Can an alternative installation be added for JC's Hybrid Cloaked Robes?
  11. Good work! I look forward to seeing more WIPs in the future!
  12. I have released version 0.5.0 of my NPC Diversity Pack! Before version 0.5.0, the players (you) had to install the mod several times over to get to experience the full mod. These 3 TSLPatcher installations were named as if they were mods and each had unique features... the "Diverse Galaxy" mod swapped out NPC heads, the "Fashion of the Old Republic" mod swapped out clothing and armor items and "Lite of my Life" upgraded Lite NPC appearances. In version 0.5.0 onward, the Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life mods have been merged with the Diverse Galaxy mod meaning you'll install the Diverse Galaxy mod ONCE and you'll get the features of Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life... this should make the installation process easier! This mod shall still have optional installations as of 0.5.0, the "Sounds O' Plenty" mod that changes NPC soundsets still exists and I've added a 2nd optional mod called "Diverse Weapons", the Diverse Weapons mod shall swap the weapons of NPCs to diversify the weapons they use. No longer shall every weapon use a Blaster Rifle and Pistol, they might use Blaster Carbines, Heavy Repeating Rifles, Ion Blasters, Sonic Rifles etc. And do keep in mind the NPCs will NOT drop these items, they are merely aesthetic in nature. Future plans! I make this post mainly to share some future plans I have for the NPC Diversity Pack going forward, I've created quite a few mods for this NPC Overhaul Series so much so that I don't want to "clutter" Deadlystream with my future NPC mods so I've decided to take two mod concepts and add them directly to the NPC Diversity Pack instead. My 1st mod idea is this... Davik's bodyguards are quite annoying, there are about 20 of them in his Estate yet only 7 unique UTC files exist for them meaning you might see 5 clones in a single area. A way I thought about fixing this was to replace them with Gamorreans, they make logical sense lore-wise as Gamorreans and gangsters go together like butter on toast and most importantly we won't have to worry about the clone effect as Gamorreans all look the same anyway. This will have to be tested as that'd mean ALL of Davik's Guards would be forced to use Melee only meaning the player could literally be chased through the Estate if the player is overwhelmed. My 2nd mod idea involves the Jedi, I'm sure we're all familiar with this image down below: If from the NPC Diversity Pack, though my mod idea would have these guys removed. In their place I'd have EVERY single Jedi NPC wear the default Jedi Robe item, this will effectively remove the Nemo and cut Jedi Council Robe models from the game. This idea was made primarily for compatibility reasons with future NPC mods I make involving the Jedi. With the successful release of the Hearts of Beskar mod, I'm currently deciding which NPC faction I'll make a dedicated mod on... I do have plans for the Jedi, but I believe having Jedi NPCs wear the default Jedi Robe items would be the best blank slate for them instead of what I have thus far. And my 3rd idea, if it works out, shall totally revamp the NPC Diversity Pack. As with the before mentioned Davik's Guards, many NPCs in Kotor suffer the problem where there exists 20 or so NPCs in one module but only 7 UTC files exist resulting in clones. Unlike the first two ideas which could be added to the Diverse Galaxy installation, this idea would be its own separate installation as it seems a bit too far extreme for the NPC Overhaul style Diverse Galaxy installation. Let's say an area has 20 NPCs but only 7 UTC files, that means inside the GIT file there are multiple NPCs sharing the same "TemplateResRef" tag in each STRUCT... this is what causes the cloning effect. This idea is more of a 'fix' for that, instead of 20 NPCs with 7 UTC files sharing those 20 STRUCTS I'll instead create 13 new NPCs bringing the number of UTC files to 20. I'll then go through the GIT file and add my new UTC files to the STRUCTs ensuring the 7 vanilla UTCs remain though the remaining 13 STRUCTs that previously cloned the 7 original UTCs will now have their own unique NPC occupying the TemplateResRef. If you aren't a modder, you might not be able to understand what I mean by this... so let me tell you how this will look in-game? Places like Anchorhead and Ahto City have this problem where the module has 10 or 20 commoner NPCs but will have anywhere between 2 to 7 UTC files thus resulting in clones. With this GIT fix, every single commoner file shall be unique which will allow to diversify these areas even further than what I've already done in the NPC Diversity Pack. Let me know what you guys think, I'll be sure to share screenshots when I'm further into development!
  13. N-DReW25

    Heart of Beskar

    How convenient that you commented here! This is the perfect opportunity to announce that I do plan on making a compatibility patch for your Crashed Ship mod, with this patch the Mandalorian NPCs in your mod will have some of the new appearances from this mod (and maybe a few HOB items will be placed on the Ship as loot). This might not come for a while but it definitely on the agenda! I actually didn't make the female Mandalorian models, it's from Inyri Forge's Female Mandalorians mod from all the way back in 2008. As I don't make models, I won't be able to make a realistic replacement for Inyri's old model... but if anyone else is interesting is making a realistic female Mandalorian model based on the comic Dark Hope linked I'm more than happy to integrate it into the mod.
  14. View File Heart of Beskar A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 03.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST! Install Duros: Armed & Ready BEFORE Heart of Beskar (This mod is required for Heart of Beskar to work properly)! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install then sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: Heart of Beskar is a total NPC Overhaul for the Mandalorian faction in Kotor 1. This mod shall add new Mandalorian Soldier variants, add new items, and add new loot drops for Mandalorian NPCs found throughout the Kotor galaxy. New Mandalorian Variants: 1) Mandalorian Recruit: The Mandalorian Recruit is a fresh convert to the Mandalorian belief system, embracing the Mandalorian culture as one embraces a new religion. As fresh recruits, they are the weakest form of Mandalorians you shall encounter. The Duros NPCs who help the Mandalorian faction on Dantooine are mostly made up of recruits and shall wear the new Mandalorian Combat Suit. 2) Mandalorian Initiate: The Mandalorian Initiate is not a full fledged Mandalorian yet, though they're not a fresh recruit either. They replace a select few Duros NPCs on Dantooine and shall wear the new Mandalorian Heavy Suit. 3) Mandalorian Soldier: The Mandalorian Soldier is the normal blue Mandalorian Soldiers from the vanilla game. They wear the Mandalorian Light Armor which replaces the vanilla Mandalorian Battle Armor. 4) Mandalorian Scout: The Mandalorian Scout is a Mandalorian variant from the popular mod "Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge", the Scouts are included here as a homage to the old mod. They're found on Dantooine and wear the new Mandalorian Scout Armor. 5) Mandalorian Marauders: The Mandalorian Marauder is a Mandalorian variant who only ever appeared in a Star Wars Miniatures toy series. These Mandalorians have been brought to life in the Kotor game and shall primarily use melee weapons against the player, they're mainly found on Kashyyyk and wear the new Mandalorian Marauder Armor. 6) Mandalorian Heavy Trooper: The Mandalorian Heavy Trooper is an elite veteran class of Mandalorians, their armor is based on the Mandalorian Heavy Armor item found in the vanilla game. They're encountered on Dantooine and Lehon. 7) Mandalorian Shock Trooper: The Mandalorian Shock Trooper is the in-game recreation of the Neo-Crusader Shock Trooper from the Kotor comics, their armor is based on the Mandalorian Assault Armor item found in the vanilla game. They're encountered on Kashyyyk and Lehon. 8,) Mandalorian Rally Master: The Mandalorian Rally Master is the normal red Mandalorian from the vanilla game. Sherruk is considered a Rally Masters. 9) Mandalorian Field Marshal: The Mandalorian Field Marshal is the normal yellow Mandalorian from the vanilla game. The Kashyyyk Mandalorian Commander and the Lehon Mandalorian Captain are Field Marshals, in addtion, the helmet items that they drop shall now be yellow instead of blue. The Heart of Beskar mod wouldn't be complete without actual Beskar... what is Beskar? Beskar is a metal that's mined on the planet Mandalore, armor forged from Beskar can withstand blunt force, lightsaber strikes, and repeated blaster fire... the viewers of Disney's The Mandalorian TV Series should be familiar with Beskar and its protective capabilities. The lowest tiers of Mandalorian Armors are forged with Beskar Alloy, this alloy is a mixture of Beskar and other metals thus reducing its protective capabilities. In-game, armors forged from Beskar Alloy will have a very low energy immunity bonus whereas stronger Mandalorian armors will have a higher energy immunity bonus... the highest energy immunity bonus in the Heart of Beskar mod is 90%. The new protective buffs from the Mandalorian armors shall also be applied to the Mandalorians themselves as every Mandalorian NPC will now wear the armor of their rank, so for example a Mandalorian Scout will wear Mandalorian Scout armor and shall recieve the buffs from that armor. A basic test run on the normal difficulty has been tested and I can confirm that a competent Kotor player should be able to defeat the Mandalorians even with the armor buffs, though you are welcome to report back to me if a specific Mandalorian is giving you trouble. New Mandalorian Items: Mandalorian Combat Suit (Inspired by the TSL item): Dropped by Kandon Ark, sold by Eli Gand Mandalorian Heavy Suit (Inspired by the TSL item): Sold by Igear, found in a Dantooine Mandalorian's backpack Echani Heavy Armor (Replaces the cut Mandalorian Armor): Sold by Greeta Holda Mandalorian Light Armor (Replaces Mandalorian Battle Armor): Found on a Mandalorian Corpse near the Grove Mandalorian Scout Armor: Found on a Mandalorian Corpse in the crystal cave, Found on a Corpse near the Sand People Camp Mandalorian Marauder Armor: Sold by the Dreshdae Czerka Store Mandalorian Heavy Armor (Restored item): Found in a container in the Sith Academy's torture room Mandalorian Assault Armor (Fixed item): Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Marshal Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Rally Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Cassus Fett's Battle Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Training Mask: Sold by Tyvark If you have any feedback, feel free to comment it down below: if you feel the mod is too overpowered or you have a suggestion for a change or a future feature I am more than happy to hear it! Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs though if you find any please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that modify the same UTI and texture files included in this mod. Compatible with: JC's Darksaber for K1 Incompatible with: JC's Mandalorian Armor for K1 1.2 Please report any further incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. If you want to use assets made by 90SK or TK-664 you'll have to contact them for permission. The Female Mandalorian Model by Inyri Forge does not need permission to be reused and anything made by SilverEdge9 doesn't need permission to be used either. The Cassus Fett Battle Armor textire can be reused if you credit Effix as the original creator. Thanks to: 90SK: Creator of the Mandalorian Mask, Mandalorian Heavy Trooper & Shock Trooper skins! SilverEdge9: Creator of the Mandalorian Scout & Armor skin! Inyri Forge: Creator of the Female Mandalorian Model! TK-664: Creator of the Mandalorian Combat Suit Texture! Effix: Creator of the new Cassus Fett Battle Armor Texture! Obsidian Entertainment: For developing the new Ulic Qel Droma Armor skin for K2, which was reused in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Stoffee: For TSLPatcher Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 08/20/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  15. I am pleased to announce that my Hearts of Beskar mod has been released to the public! Once an Admin approves the mod it shall appear in the following link: This is the 1st "big" mod as part of the NPC Overhaul Series, for now I'll shall focus on the "smaller" mods that are still in development before I jump right in with another big mod. When I have more content to leak I shall return to this thread, though if anyone wishes to ask questions I'm more than happy to answer them.
  16. N-DReW25

    Heart of Beskar

    Version 1.4.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 03.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST! Install Duros: Armed & Ready BEFORE Heart of Beskar (This mod is required for Heart of Beskar to work properly)! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install then sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: Heart of Beskar is a total NPC Overhaul for the Mandalorian faction in Kotor 1. This mod shall add new Mandalorian Soldier variants, add new items, and add new loot drops for Mandalorian NPCs found throughout the Kotor galaxy. New Mandalorian Variants: 1) Mandalorian Recruit: The Mandalorian Recruit is a fresh convert to the Mandalorian belief system, embracing the Mandalorian culture as one embraces a new religion. As fresh recruits, they are the weakest form of Mandalorians you shall encounter. The Duros NPCs who help the Mandalorian faction on Dantooine are mostly made up of recruits and shall wear the new Mandalorian Combat Suit. 2) Mandalorian Initiate: The Mandalorian Initiate is not a full fledged Mandalorian yet, though they're not a fresh recruit either. They replace a select few Duros NPCs on Dantooine and shall wear the new Mandalorian Heavy Suit. 3) Mandalorian Soldier: The Mandalorian Soldier is the normal blue Mandalorian Soldiers from the vanilla game. They wear the Mandalorian Light Armor which replaces the vanilla Mandalorian Battle Armor. 4) Mandalorian Scout: The Mandalorian Scout is a Mandalorian variant from the popular mod "Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge", the Scouts are included here as a homage to the old mod. They're found on Dantooine and wear the new Mandalorian Scout Armor. 5) Mandalorian Marauders: The Mandalorian Marauder is a Mandalorian variant who only ever appeared in a Star Wars Miniatures toy series. These Mandalorians have been brought to life in the Kotor game and shall primarily use melee weapons against the player, they're mainly found on Kashyyyk and wear the new Mandalorian Marauder Armor. 6) Mandalorian Heavy Trooper: The Mandalorian Heavy Trooper is an elite veteran class of Mandalorians, their armor is based on the Mandalorian Heavy Armor item found in the vanilla game. They're encountered on Dantooine and Lehon. 7) Mandalorian Shock Trooper: The Mandalorian Shock Trooper is the in-game recreation of the Neo-Crusader Shock Trooper from the Kotor comics, their armor is based on the Mandalorian Assault Armor item found in the vanilla game. They're encountered on Kashyyyk and Lehon. 8,) Mandalorian Rally Master: The Mandalorian Rally Master is the normal red Mandalorian from the vanilla game. Sherruk is considered a Rally Masters. 9) Mandalorian Field Marshal: The Mandalorian Field Marshal is the normal yellow Mandalorian from the vanilla game. The Kashyyyk Mandalorian Commander and the Lehon Mandalorian Captain are Field Marshals, in addtion, the helmet items that they drop shall now be yellow instead of blue. The Heart of Beskar mod wouldn't be complete without actual Beskar... what is Beskar? Beskar is a metal that's mined on the planet Mandalore, armor forged from Beskar can withstand blunt force, lightsaber strikes, and repeated blaster fire... the viewers of Disney's The Mandalorian TV Series should be familiar with Beskar and its protective capabilities. The lowest tiers of Mandalorian Armors are forged with Beskar Alloy, this alloy is a mixture of Beskar and other metals thus reducing its protective capabilities. In-game, armors forged from Beskar Alloy will have a very low energy immunity bonus whereas stronger Mandalorian armors will have a higher energy immunity bonus... the highest energy immunity bonus in the Heart of Beskar mod is 90%. The new protective buffs from the Mandalorian armors shall also be applied to the Mandalorians themselves as every Mandalorian NPC will now wear the armor of their rank, so for example a Mandalorian Scout will wear Mandalorian Scout armor and shall recieve the buffs from that armor. A basic test run on the normal difficulty has been tested and I can confirm that a competent Kotor player should be able to defeat the Mandalorians even with the armor buffs, though you are welcome to report back to me if a specific Mandalorian is giving you trouble. New Mandalorian Items: Mandalorian Combat Suit (Inspired by the TSL item): Dropped by Kandon Ark, sold by Eli Gand Mandalorian Heavy Suit (Inspired by the TSL item): Sold by Igear, found in a Dantooine Mandalorian's backpack Echani Heavy Armor (Replaces the cut Mandalorian Armor): Sold by Greeta Holda Mandalorian Light Armor (Replaces Mandalorian Battle Armor): Found on a Mandalorian Corpse near the Grove Mandalorian Scout Armor: Found on a Mandalorian Corpse in the crystal cave, Found on a Corpse near the Sand People Camp Mandalorian Marauder Armor: Sold by the Dreshdae Czerka Store Mandalorian Heavy Armor (Restored item): Found in a container in the Sith Academy's torture room Mandalorian Assault Armor (Fixed item): Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Marshal Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Rally Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Cassus Fett's Battle Armor: Sold by Mika Dorin Mandalorian Training Mask: Sold by Tyvark If you have any feedback, feel free to comment it down below: if you feel the mod is too overpowered or you have a suggestion for a change or a future feature I am more than happy to hear it! Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs though if you find any please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that modify the same UTI and texture files included in this mod. Compatible with: JC's Darksaber for K1 Incompatible with: JC's Mandalorian Armor for K1 1.2 Please report any further incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. If you want to use assets made by 90SK or TK-664 you'll have to contact them for permission. The Female Mandalorian Model by Inyri Forge does not need permission to be reused and anything made by SilverEdge9 doesn't need permission to be used either. The Cassus Fett Battle Armor textire can be reused if you credit Effix as the original creator. Thanks to: 90SK: Creator of the Mandalorian Mask, Mandalorian Heavy Trooper & Shock Trooper skins! SilverEdge9: Creator of the Mandalorian Scout & Armor skin! Inyri Forge: Creator of the Female Mandalorian Model! TK-664: Creator of the Mandalorian Combat Suit Texture! Effix: Creator of the new Cassus Fett Battle Armor Texture! Obsidian Entertainment: For developing the new Ulic Qel Droma Armor skin for K2, which was reused in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Stoffee: For TSLPatcher Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  17. Yeah, I'm strongly considering readjusting the stats of the broken cut items where I see fit... especially with the Cinnagar Plate Armor and Mandalorian Armor. Speaking of the Mandalorian Armor, in the upcoming Heart of Beskar mod found here I've replaced the Mandalorian Armor with an item called "Echani Heavy Armor"... I'll probably have to make some sort of patch for these two mods when Heart of Beskar is released and RC-K1CP restores the Mandalorian Armor.
  18. These implants should work correctly: the Bavakar Cardio Package does +2 Constitution, the Bavakar Reflex Enhancement does +2 Dexterity, the Bavakar Memory Chip does +2 Intelligence, they all have unique icons and they all cost 2000 credits. Whilst the Bavakar packages do work, I have found a few items which one could consider 'broken' in a way... A common pattern with armor items for example is that the item ID will be called something like "g_a_class4001" and each time the value goes up (4001, 4002, 4003 etc.) the armor gets stronger and more expansive. Though this doesn't seem to be the case with the cut Cinnagar Weave Armor item which has a Defense Bonus of 6, a price of 2000 and the item ID "g_a_class4004" whereas the Massassi Ceremonial Armor item which has a Defense Bonus of 5, a price of 3000 and the item ID "g_a_class4005". Those two items are inconsistent, if it were consistent I believe the Massassi Ceremonial Armor should have a Defense Bonus of 7 instead of 5... though obviously that's just my educated guess so this might be a feature of the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack instead of RC-K1CP. The reason I bring this up is because the Bavakar packages are entirely consistent with the other implants, the +1 Attribute Implants cost 1000 credits, the +2 Bavakar Implants cost 2000 credits, the +3 Attribute Implants cost 7500 and the +4 Attribute Implants cost 15000. The jump in price between the +2 and +3 Attribute Implants is quite steep though it does make sense considering how much stronger a +3 in Attributes is when compared to the +2. And one final thing about inconsistent stats for cut items, the cut Cinnagar Plate Armor and Mandalorian Armor both have the EXACT same stats with a Defense Bonus of 10 and a Sonic Resistance 25 even though the Cinnagar Plate Armor cost 4000 credits and the Mandalorian Armor costs 9000 credits. This is made worse by the fact that Mandalorian Armor is a class 8 (g_a_class8004) armor whilst the class 9 (g_a_class9003) Mandalorian Battle Armor with a Defense Bonus of 11 costs 4000 credits. But to actually answer your question; the Bavakar Reflex Enhancement shall drop from one of the Kashyyyk Dark Jedi. The Bavakar Cardio Package actually already drops from Sasha the Selkath if you kill her, I may add a 2nd Cardio Package so Light Side players may obtain this item. And finally, I do not have any evidence at this time to prove that the Bavakar Memory Chip was intended to drop in-game like I can the Reflex Package... I'll decide at a later date an appropriate area in the game where this item may be found. I hope to pick a location that makes sense, so that when the player realizes it's a restored item they'll go "Huh, I never noticed!"
  19. I've been tinkering with some cut content, and I'm sure once you all read about you'll all agree with @Marius Fett about the content being "fairly unsubstantial". The 1st bit of cut content is the easiest to explain and the easiest to implement: Alternative Dark Jedi Loot on Kashyyyk. In the game files, the UTC files for the Dark Jedi trio on Kashyyyk share the exact same name as the Tatooine Dark Jedi Trio. If you aren't familiar with UTC filenames these NPCs are named "tat17_darkjedi01", "tat17_darkjedi02" and "tat17_darkjedi03", my guess is that Bioware developed the Tatooine Dark Jedi Trio encounter first and went on to copy & paste this encounter on Kashyyyk. But in Kashyyyk files are several unused Dark Jedi UTC files called "kas22_darkjedi02", "" and "kas22_darkjedi03". This is just my assumption, but it's possible that Bioware intended for the Kashyyyk Dark Jedi to have the word "kas" in their filenames like every other Kashyyyk NPC but realized it'd be quicker to simply copy & paste the Tatooine UTCs and scripts to Kashyyyk. The interesting thing about these unused kas22 Dark Jedi is that their loot does not match the final tat17 Dark Jedi, the loot is very similar to the tat17 Dark Jedi which seems to indicate that the kas22 Dark Jedi loot was an earlier draft for those NPCs before we got the final product. Here is the loot comparisons between the two Trios: orange represents a direct change between the two versions, blue represents a cut item found on the Kas Dark Jedi and green represents a new item added to the tat17 version. This should be easy to implement and shouldn't be too controversial, I don't intend to replace the tat17 Dark Jedi with the kas22 Dark Jedi in the GIT file... instead I'm going to add some of the kas22 loot into the tat17 UTCs. I say some because I don't think it'd be for the best to create an identical copy of the kas22 loot, if I did that the player would lose a Yellow Crystal, a Short Lightsaber and a Violet Lightsaber (At this time, I'm not restoring the Dark Jedi Lightsaber). I want to merge the two so the player gets the most out of both Dark Jedi Trios, the player shall get the chance to receive the (rather weak) Verpine Ocular Enhancer and the cut Bavakar Reflex Enhancement implant whilst keeping the Violet Lightsaber and Short Lightsabers. And the 2nd bit of cut content is the: Alternative Upgrades. In Kotor Tool, the UTI files have 4 sections called "General", "Properties", "Description" and "Comment". In the comment sections of certain UTI files are some notes left behind by Bioware developers. For example, I shall use "Calo Nord's Battle Armor". In the vanilla game, his armor has Defense Bonus +9 and Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold, Fire, Sonic. If you upgrade it the stats become Defense Bonus +12, Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold, Fire, Sonic and Immunity Critical Hits/Mind-Affecting. But if you check the comment section the armor stats would've been Defense Bonus +11, Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold, Fire, Sonic which would become Defense Bonus +12, Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold, Fire, Sonic and Immunity Critical Hits/Mind-Affecting when you upgrade it. Most upgradeable armors are like this, their upgraded end result in the dev comments are exactly the same as they are in the final game but the base stats are different. In the vanilla game, the base defense bonus is low and the upgrade would add between 2 to 4 defense bonus to make it strong whereas in the comments the base defense bonus is higher with the upgrade only adding 1 extra defense bonus. Other than that, there are a few extra things I've learned about upgradeable armors: the Echani Fiber Armor and Republic Mod Armor comments were unfinished so there's nothing to edit here but most interestingly the Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh has an unfinished comment... I can't say what Bioware had planned for the Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh but this note does confirm that, at one point, the Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh was intended to be upgradeable before it was scrapped. I'm thinking of editing the Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh to start with a base Defense Bonus of +11 and upgrades will make it Defense Bonus +12 with Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. Cold, Fire, Sonic as it is in vanilla. Whilst I've studied the armor UTIs, I've yet to inspect all of the weapons though I can confirm there are comments there as well. I've only checked the Vibrosword section thus far and I can tell there are some ancient gems written in here with old concepts and scrapped features. Below is a copy & paste of the intended upgrades for Bacca's Ceremonial Sword:
  20. I wouldn't say most players dislike K1's cut content, I believe that if the players have to chose between just K1 restored content and many bug fixes most players would rather play with K1CP and its many bug fixes. That is the reason why my most recent mods aren't compatible with K1R, K1R is buggy due to the Dev Team being non-existent in 2023 so I might as well stick with the big mod with an active Dev Team that most players already use. But with the release of the RC-K1CP mod, this won't have to be the case... if players want restored content they can now install RC-K1CP on top of the K1CP mod and get the best of both worlds without the hassle. Thank you, I shall get the integration out in the next update!
  21. View File Restored Content for K1CP [DEMO] Restored Content for K1CP [DEMO] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.9.0 Demo Release Date: 19.02.2025 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Once you click on the INSTALL.exe, you'll be given five options. Main Mod- This is the installation which installs the RC-K1CP mod. Lite NPCs Restored- This restores the Lite NPCs that were removed in the K1CP, install this option if you want these back in your game. Restored Gloveless Clothing- Left over textures and pre-release screenshots suggests that the commoner clothing didn't always have gloves that hid the NPCs hands, with this option installed all the generic NPCs will have exposed hands that correspond with the skin color of that NPCs race (White, Black and Asian). This option is fully compatible with the K1 Clothing Pack but is incompatible with Dark Hope's Commoner Clothing reskins. Restored Sith Officer Uniforms- Restores the unused Sith Officer uniform variants throughout the game, this option is incompatible with Heyorange's Sith Uniform Reformation. Restored Party Dialogue- As of right now, this option restores unused lines for Canderous' dialogue about Korriban. This option is cripplingly incompatible with mods that edit "k_hcan_dialog.dlg" so don't install this option if that file is already in your Override folder. Restored Unique Blaster- Restores unused textures for Carth's Blaster and the Baragwin Ion-X Weapon. These are an optional install as they are incompatible with the High Quality Blasters mod by Sithspecter. Description: The Kotor 1 Community Patch (K1CP) is the biggest bug fix mod for Kotor 1 and is arguably the number one go-to mod for Kotor 1, similar to TSLRCM for Kotor 2. The Kotor 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is NOT compatible with the K1CP and as such players have to pick between hundreds of bug fixes offered by the K1CP or the restored content of K1R, they couldn't pick both... until now! Restored Content for K1CP is a restoration mod for Kotor 1 which has been developed for use alongside the K1CP mod, with this mod installed you shall experience restored content alongside the bug fixes of the K1CP mod. This mod also does not follow the same "rules" as K1R, that means this mod might restore cut content that K1R didn't restore either because the original K1R Dev Team didn't want to restore it or because they didn't know about it. This mod is an INDEPENDENT project developed by a single modder (and any future contributors) with no connection to the original K1R mod, everything in this mod was developed from scratch as getting permission to use K1R assets is impossible due to the disappearance of the K1R team leader. This mod is a DEMO meaning it does not restore all the cut content that K1R restores, future updates shall add more content and fix any bugs present in the mod. Whilst this mod is a Demo, it is not necessarily incomplete... what little restored content this mod has to offer is complete and will not standout as unfinished (in terms of the mod itself, your opinion on the cut content might be different). If you have feedback or any bugs to report for the next update, I urge you to report these to me so that the Restored Content for K1CP mod may be the best it can be! Restorations: Item Restoration: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs but if there are please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: To be added! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: SithRevan (RIP): Beginning the restoration effort for K1! K1R Team: For developing the original K1R mod! Leilukin: For granting me permission to integrate her Juhani Dialogue Restoration mod into the RC-K1CP! SpaceAlex: For making the Bastila's Extra Dialog on Tatooine and allowing modders to use it freely! A Future Pilot: For kickstarting the K1 Community Patch mod, for making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod and for allowing modders to use it freely! Sekan and Seamhainn: For including the source scripts in their Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration mod which allowed me to recreate the restoration of those characters in this mod! DarthParametric and JCarter426: For maintaining the K1 Community Patch with ongoing updates! DarthParametric, th3w1zard1 and Salk: For valuable feedback! Sith Holocron: For the mod logo! ElevenLabs Website: For the custom AI VO service! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 07/21/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
  22. I have returned with more Hearts of Beskar leaks, this time... on Kashyyyk! On Kashyyyk, the player encounters a pack of Mandalorians using the Kashyyyk wildlife to train as they use Stealth Field Generators to ambush their prey. Most of these Mandalorians shall be replaced with the previously revealed Mandalorian Marauder who appears once on Dantooine though shall appear numerous times on Kashyyyk! As I revealed earlier, the Mandalorian Marauder are a Neo-Crusader Mandalorian variant who only ever appeared in a Star Wars Miniatures toy series. Brought to life from a texture lifted from the K1 Enhancement Pack modder's resource by SpaceAlex, the Mandalorian Marauders shall use melee weapons against the player! However, the Marauders aren't the only new Mandalorian threat you'll encounter in the Shadowlands... I introduce to you... the Mandalorian Shock Trooper! The Mandalorian Shock Troopers are based on the Neo-Crusader Shock Trooper, they're called "Mandalorian" instead of "Neo-Crusader" to maintain consistency between the other Mandalorian variants of this mod. If you look on the Wookieepedia page for the Shock Troopers, you might see that their armors don't match the screenshots presented here: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/68/Neo-Crusader_Shock_Troopers.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130421185101 But if you go to the Wookieepedia page for the Neo-Crusader Assault Armor, you'll realize that canonically the Mandalorian Shock Troopers wear the same Mandalorian Assault Armor that appears in the Kotor games! This armor is Neo-Crusader Assault Armor! So if my Mandalorian Shock Troopers are the same as Neo-Crusader Shock Troopers, why don't they look the exact same?... for the same reason the Imperial Storm Troopers don't look like Phase 1 Clone Troopers, in the comics the Neo-Crusader Shock Troopers only appeared once in 3963 BBY whilst Kotor is set in 3956 BBY. In Hearts of Beskar, the Shock Troopers simply have updated armor (and it's totally not because I can't make a unique Shock Trooper model). Again, special thanks for 90SK for making the Shock Trooper skin... these Mandalorians couldn't have been brought to life without your good work! What's left for the Hearts of Beskar mod? Well, I need to finish the Lehon Mandalorians and I need to finish the placement of Mandalorian items throughout the game as placeable loot, merchant loot and enemy loot drops... speaking of loot, I've made much progress on the Taris and Dantooine Mandalorian loot that'll be found in the mod! These changes shall be leaked in their own dedicated leak!
  23. So here's my reasoning for Komad's Clothing. This mod is part of a "series" of other mods that also affect the NPCs similar to other past NPC Overhaul type mods. The idea behind these mods is that you'd install this mod first and you'd install these other mods to further diversify the NPCs found in the game. Komad is actually impacted by one of these mods, it's called the K2 to K1 Clothing Pack! A feature of the K2 to K1 Clothing Pack is that it takes the K2 default clothing and makes it a new clothing item without replacing the K1 default clothing. In the spoiler below, you can see the K2 default clothing and K1 default clothing... with this mod you'll be able to see both outfits in-game, this makes the mod unique as most mods tend to replace the K1 clothing with the K2 texture instead. In this mod, Komad will wear the K2 default clothing in the Hunter's Lodge but in the Desert he wears a rugged K2 outfit, the same outfit seen in this image here: He wears that specific outfit as the player can assume he's wearing the same clothing as he wore in the Hunter's Lodge, though when he entered the desert it got dirty. That's my reason as to why Komad wasn't affected in this mod, though perhaps you are right... maybe Komad should wear proper armor. Truth be told, I can't remember adding this change though I'll be sure to investigate this so I can be sure! I think it might be for the best that I remove this change and bring back the Dark Jedi, as I've said earlier this mod is intended to be the "base" mod which is installed before other mods as part of my NPC Series so making the 2nd Dark Jedi unique from the 1st is kind of out of the scope of this mod. And unfortunately, down the road in my NPC Series will be mods which add other 'NPC variants' to replace Saul's bodyguards. At the current time, I'm working on a Mandalorian mod whose progress can be checked in this thread! Though I do know DP's Dark Jedi wear Robes mod already does just that!
  24. That might certainly come in useful for the more complex restorations like the Pazaak tournament! Are PyKotor and HoloPatcher new or are they currently in-development? I haven't seen many mods with these installers (Assuming they're installers by the word 'Patcher'). Yep, this would be a good stepping stone to form the basis of an Armor restoration... I do believe the DLGs are already setup expecting the player to interact with the NPC already wearing a Sith Armor disguise (So you'd speak to the NPC with the intent to get the 2nd disguise) but that dialogue isn't seen in-game as the NPCs disappear when the first armor is obtained. For anyone else reading this, the RC-K1CP Demo has been uploaded and can be found in the following link once it's approved by an Administrator:
  25. Version 0.9.0


    Restored Content for K1CP [DEMO] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.9.0 Demo Release Date: 19.02.2025 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Once you click on the INSTALL.exe, you'll be given five options. Main Mod- This is the installation which installs the RC-K1CP mod. Lite NPCs Restored- This restores the Lite NPCs that were removed in the K1CP, install this option if you want these back in your game. Restored Gloveless Clothing- Left over textures and pre-release screenshots suggests that the commoner clothing didn't always have gloves that hid the NPCs hands, with this option installed all the generic NPCs will have exposed hands that correspond with the skin color of that NPCs race (White, Black and Asian). This option is fully compatible with the K1 Clothing Pack but is incompatible with Dark Hope's Commoner Clothing reskins. Restored Sith Officer Uniforms- Restores the unused Sith Officer uniform variants throughout the game, this option is incompatible with Heyorange's Sith Uniform Reformation. Restored Party Dialogue- As of right now, this option restores unused lines for Canderous' dialogue about Korriban. This option is cripplingly incompatible with mods that edit "k_hcan_dialog.dlg" so don't install this option if that file is already in your Override folder. Restored Unique Blaster- Restores unused textures for Carth's Blaster and the Baragwin Ion-X Weapon. These are an optional install as they are incompatible with the High Quality Blasters mod by Sithspecter. Description: The Kotor 1 Community Patch (K1CP) is the biggest bug fix mod for Kotor 1 and is arguably the number one go-to mod for Kotor 1, similar to TSLRCM for Kotor 2. The Kotor 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is NOT compatible with the K1CP and as such players have to pick between hundreds of bug fixes offered by the K1CP or the restored content of K1R, they couldn't pick both... until now! Restored Content for K1CP is a restoration mod for Kotor 1 which has been developed for use alongside the K1CP mod, with this mod installed you shall experience restored content alongside the bug fixes of the K1CP mod. This mod also does not follow the same "rules" as K1R, that means this mod might restore cut content that K1R didn't restore either because the original K1R Dev Team didn't want to restore it or because they didn't know about it. This mod is an INDEPENDENT project developed by a single modder (and any future contributors) with no connection to the original K1R mod, everything in this mod was developed from scratch as getting permission to use K1R assets is impossible due to the disappearance of the K1R team leader. This mod is a DEMO meaning it does not restore all the cut content that K1R restores, future updates shall add more content and fix any bugs present in the mod. Whilst this mod is a Demo, it is not necessarily incomplete... what little restored content this mod has to offer is complete and will not standout as unfinished (in terms of the mod itself, your opinion on the cut content might be different). If you have feedback or any bugs to report for the next update, I urge you to report these to me so that the Restored Content for K1CP mod may be the best it can be! Restorations: Item Restoration: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs but if there are please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: To be added! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: SithRevan (RIP): Beginning the restoration effort for K1! K1R Team: For developing the original K1R mod! Leilukin: For granting me permission to integrate her Juhani Dialogue Restoration mod into the RC-K1CP! SpaceAlex: For making the Bastila's Extra Dialog on Tatooine and allowing modders to use it freely! A Future Pilot: For kickstarting the K1 Community Patch mod, for making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod and for allowing modders to use it freely! Sekan and Seamhainn: For including the source scripts in their Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration mod which allowed me to recreate the restoration of those characters in this mod! DarthParametric and JCarter426: For maintaining the K1 Community Patch with ongoing updates! DarthParametric, th3w1zard1 and Salk: For valuable feedback! Sith Holocron: For the mod logo! ElevenLabs Website: For the custom AI VO service! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.