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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Alright, then I have no idea what caused the problem you're encountering... if you installed Sith Stalkers 1.3.0 last then it should've replaced the lead Dark Jedi from Dark Jedi wear JC Robes to a Sith Stalker. Maybe you'll encounter more Sith Stalkers later, though I'm afraid this is all the support I can offer at this time as the general compatibility testing won't be possible until more mods of the NPC Overhaul Series, of which NPC Diversity Pack is apart of, are released so they all can be tested together.
  2. Now you should of mentioned that from the beginning, the Sith Stalker mod is compatible with the NPC Diversity Pack... but to use Sith Stalker with Dark Jedi wear JC's Robes and Sith Assassin Ambush requires extra leg work. First you install NPC Diversity Pack, then Dark Jedi wear JC's Robes, then Sith Assassin Ambush and then finally Sith Stalker. If you don't install these mods in that very specific order I listed above, you get conflicts like you've mentioned here. My guess is that you installed the NPC Diversity Pack first, then Sith Stalker, then Dark Jedi wear JC's Robes and then Sith Assassin Ambush. My point being is that you didn't install Sith Stalker last, thus meaning Dark Jedi wear JC's Robes replaced the Sith Stalker instead of the Sith Stalker replacing the Dark Jedi wear JC's Robes as you wanted. Can you send a screenshot of that? The K1 Community Patch removed the Lite NPCs, the only way you can be seeing Lite NPCs is if you installed them via my unofficial K1CP Patch... and did you install the "Lite of my Life" component... if you don't install that one then none of the Lite NPCs get changed.
  3. Just know that Dantooine is almost done, and once Dantooine is done I shall leak some screenshots of the finished work right here! That's because the vanilla game is the default source material for the Legends timeline. Vrook and Zhar wear red and blue even though they wear blue and read in the cutscene, Gana Lavin is canonically a brunette white female even though she's a black haired asian female in her encounter outside the cantina, Bolook is canonically orange even though Rickard calls him a "green skinned Nerf Herder!", Handon is canonically average build even though the player refers to him as being "fat", Iriaz are canon only because their head appears on Davik's wall and Bolook mentions them, Handon vaguely references Shuma the Hutt in his dialogue but since Shuma is cut content this Hutt Handon references is treated as a new character. Cut content and bug fixes aren't considered canon as the restorations/fixes weren't done by Lucas Games approved companies. Even TSLRCM isn't canon, the only part of TSLRCM that is canon is the HK-47 ambushing Goto on Malachor V... but that's only because that scene was referenced in a Star Wars information book that's considered canon to the Legends timeline. The planet M4-78 is canon because it's mentioned in passing in a Legends comic book. All mods, whether it's K1R, TSLRCM, K1CP, GenoHaradan Legacy... they're all non-canon to the Legends timeline. However, I will tell you why I think the Vrook & Zhar robe fix isn't contradictory to the Kotor comics. As we can see in this screenshot from the Kotor comics, you can see Atris as she appears in Kotor 2, we can see Vrook wearing his red robes from Kotor 1 and we can see Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell wearing their K2 cloaked robes. Obsidian developed the K2 cloaked robes to replace the K1 robes for their game, but this comic confirms that both the K2 cloaked robes and the K1 robes existed together in the Legends timeline. This here is a young Master Vrook wearing the blue robes, that is consistent with the Vrook & Zhar fix patch. Here's a screenshot from the TOR history cinematics that show Vrook & Zhar wearing some sort of hybrid between K2 cloaked robes and the colored K1 Robes, these look very similar to JCarters cloaked robes! Above we see Vrook wearing the K2 Cloaked Robes during the Exile's hologram cutscene, this takes place after the Mandalorian Wars and before the Jedi Civil War. So here's what we can assume: young Vrook wore blue robes, Vrook during the Mandalorian Wars wore red robes, Vrook after the Mandalorian Wars wore a cloaked robes, Vrook during the Jedi Civil War wore red robes and Vrook during Kotor 2 wore cloaked robes. With this in mind, it isn't necessarily a contradiction for Vrook to wear blue robes in Kotor 1... though that's just my opinion. As DarthParametric already done you, the K1CP is NOT a restoration mod. Sure, by restoring Sharina to Dantooine we get to explore her content further... but in the vanilla game her absence from Dantooine doesn't break the game in anyway and it's still a satisfactory conclusion for her to just leave Tatooine leaving it up to the players imagination what became of her. And as I said earlier, I'll try to restore cut content to the best of my ability when the time is right... but if I alone cannot restore Sharina Fizark on Dantooine than it won't come (because I might not know how to), no matter how much you ask of me.
  4. View File Brejik's New Repulsor Arm Brejik's New Repulsor Arm A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 24.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch before this mod! Once you're ready to install this mod simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: One night, I was browsing through the game files of K2 to see what assets could be ported over to K1... then I found the files for Bao-Dur and an idea popped in my head: could I port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm for other NPCs? After careful consideration, I decided Brejik was one of the only NPCs in K1 that I could replace without causing a conflict with other mods. As a character, Brejik is always said to be a tough and formidable leader of the Black Vulkar Swoop Gang... though his reputation is always reflected through dialogue of other characters. Since Brejik only has a single encounter in the game, we can only use our imaginations as to how Brejik gained this reputation. But with this mod installed, Brejik will be given Bao-Dur's body model for the Military Suit armor. That means Brejik's entire body will now be physically buff, making his Military Suit larger and more muscular than his vanilla model. These muscular details might be easy to miss, though what's not easy to miss is the elephant in the room... the Repulsor Arm itself! This Repulsor Arm is entirely an aesthetic feature, Brejik will NOT power punch your player and knock out their energy shields... the arm simply acts as a symbolic testament to Brejik's character, between the year 3962 BBY (when Brejik last appeared in the Kotor comics) and 3956 BBY (when Kotor takes place) we can assume he lost his arm at some point during his career as a Swoop Gangster, similar to how Gadon Thek lost his eyes in the vanilla game. If you are someone who believes the Repulsor Arm is something only Bao-Dur has, you are welcome to not install this mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but feel free to report any bugs you might find! Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian Entertainment: For Bao-Dur's assets! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 06/24/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Brejik's New Repulsor Arm A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 24.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch before this mod! Once you're ready to install this mod simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: One night, I was browsing through the game files of K2 to see what assets could be ported over to K1... then I found the files for Bao-Dur and an idea popped in my head: could I port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm for other NPCs? After careful consideration, I decided Brejik was one of the only NPCs in K1 that I could replace without causing a conflict with other mods. As a character, Brejik is always said to be a tough and formidable leader of the Black Vulkar Swoop Gang... though his reputation is always reflected through dialogue of other characters. Since Brejik only has a single encounter in the game, we can only use our imaginations as to how Brejik gained this reputation. But with this mod installed, Brejik will be given Bao-Dur's body model for the Military Suit armor. That means Brejik's entire body will now be physically buff, making his Military Suit larger and more muscular than his vanilla model. These muscular details might be easy to miss, though what's not easy to miss is the elephant in the room... the Repulsor Arm itself! This Repulsor Arm is entirely an aesthetic feature, Brejik will NOT power punch your player and knock out their energy shields... the arm simply acts as a symbolic testament to Brejik's character, between the year 3962 BBY (when Brejik last appeared in the Kotor comics) and 3956 BBY (when Kotor takes place) we can assume he lost his arm at some point during his career as a Swoop Gangster, similar to how Gadon Thek lost his eyes in the vanilla game. If you are someone who believes the Repulsor Arm is something only Bao-Dur has, you are welcome to not install this mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but feel free to report any bugs you might find! Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian Entertainment: For Bao-Dur's assets! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  6. Shield breaker? I'm afraid not, this is simply a aesthetic feature. That's the idea behind it! Many NPC Overhaul type mods change Brejik and Gadon by swapping their Armor, but these two characters both appeared in the old Kotor comics wearing their vanilla armor with their Kotor appearances. I feel by giving Brejik a cybernetic arm would work as it'd both make Brejik unique from all the other antagonists in the game and it would be consistent with the Legends timeline... Brejik's last appearance in the comics was 3962 BBY, we can assume he lost his arm between then and 3956 BBY when Kotor takes place. Though if players agree with the idea that the Repulsor Arm is indeed Bao-Dur's own invention, players are more than welcomed to skip over this mod. And there's where a mod-conflict would arise, Kandon Ark is modified in Leilukin's KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity mod. As I said in the post above, I'm very limited by assets available to me and NPCs that won't conflict with other popular mods... hence why only Brejik has the arm.
  7. Now I know I just leaked the "Heart of Beskar" mod, though that mod is still in active development... the mod I'm about to leak now is almost ready! Here's a bit of backstory on how this mod came to be! So one night I was brain storming ways I can create unique NPCs for future mods for this series, I then dug through TSLs game files to see what assets I could use... then I saw Bao-Dur's files and a lightbulb activated in my head! "YES!" I said out loud... I'm going to port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm to K1, but then it hit me, I only have Bao-Dur's clothing, the combat suit, heavy combat suit, military suit and light battle armor models with the Repulsor Arm and since Bao-Dur is a male that means no females with Repulsor Arms. Even if DarthParametrics DarthParametrics Bao-Dur arm modder's resource I'm still very, VERY limited to what NPCs I can give Repulsor Arms to. I have to be consistent with the lore of Kotor and I have to avoid mod conflicts, so I can't pick an NPC like Gerlon Two-Fingers as NPCs refer to him having a paralyzed hand... not a cybernetic hand. I can't give Davik a Repulsor Arm, in the vanilla game I could as he only wears his pink battle suit... though in my own NPC Diversity Pack he wears civillian clothing in his first appearance and in Onderon Fashion he instead wears Onderon robes, I don't have the knowledge to add the Repulsor Arm to those NPC models and this problem would only get worse for other peoples mods who add unique appearances to the game. In the end, I was left with 4 canidates: Deadeye Duncan, J'ane Khan, Gadon and Brejik. Deadeye Duncan: At first, this seemed like a good idea... then I realized all the Taris citizens who mock Duncan for his inflated ego and his clumsy combat skills will now instead be mocking an elderly disabled person who clearly isn't fit to participate in the arena... and Ajuur has set this disabled person for 54 duels, that he lost 54 times, and the other duelist happily kicked his ass every single time. And then I remembered you met Duncan on Manaan in cut content and since he wears commoner clothing, this makes his Repulsor Arm impossible (for me at least). J'ane Khan: He's the GenoHaradan Assassin in the Durasteel Battle Armor who fights alongside Hulas on Tatooine. He's simply a background character who you fight, the problem with J'ane is that if I, or any other modder, decide to change his appearance that would quickly make this mod incompatible with those other mods. Gadon: Gadon already had his eyes blown out in an off-screen swoop crash, it'd be cruel for this mod to also slice his arm off! Brejik: In the end, it turns out Brejik was the PERFECT NPC to give a Repulsor Arm to... and so "Brejik's New Repulsor Arm" was born! When can I download this mod? You can download the mod from the following link once an admin approves it!- https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2322-brejiks-new-repulsor-arm/ Stay tuned!
  8. As I said, that is beyond my personal scope... however, I may know someone who can. The modder @Stormie97 tinkers around with a project called "High Quality Aliens", I'm not sure what the current plan is with his mod as I know he goes through phases of developing ideas and break periods for various reasons, though maybe Stormie might consider taking inspiration from this mod if he ever makes his High Quality Duros mod. Maybe he can make a new Mandalorian model for his Duros, or maybe he can make a unique Mining outfit for the Duros on Tatooine. Ultimately, what Stormie does is up to him though my money is on him making something more complicated than this.
  9. If you had the files, it's possible to replace all the modified textures with the vanilla textures. Personally, I'm unable to help because I don't know how I would make the mod to your specifications. It's a neat mod idea though, and I really like how you photoshopped the Evil Atris X Traya mashup as a preview... not many requesters go through such an effort. May I ask why? Is it because of technical limitations like a Mac or something? The TSLPatcher is used to merge mod files with your files in the Override, without the Patcher certain mods simply cannot be installed.
  10. Ackchyually The rodian body model itself was not rextured in JC's mod, the human Czerka model was reshaped to have the Rodian animations with Rodian hands. Below is an example from Revenge of Revan of a Rodian who was reskinned, not remodeled, to look like something else (a Jedi).
  11. The same reason using that same music in a YouTube video will get your video demonetized at best or taken down at worse... that reason is copyright. Think of it like this, if this Jeremy Soule music mod is made and is uploaded to Deadlystream... what's to stop a lawyer from pointing at the mod and claiming we're hosting pirated content because the mod contains MP3 files of music that Bioware & Obsidian hold the rights to. And since this website is a Star Wars website, who would want to risk Deadlystream being forcibly taken offline over music that isn't even Star Wars... I wouldn't want to die on that hill.
  12. The problem with adding more Duros is part of an overall theme of my NPC Overhaul style mods. With the tools and resources we have today, I believe it's possible to give every NPC in the game a unique appearance. The problem is that we don't have enough NPCs for all these possible unique appearances, with the limited number of Duros who appear in Kotor and the possibility of future Duros skins (albeit unlikely) it might be very difficult to implement more Duros with the ability to wear Armors. And as for a K2 variant, I can foresee a few issues with that. The Duros' lips don't move, this might just be a bug as a result of porting JCarter's head model to K1 or maybe JCarter didn't bother/didn't know how to make the lips move when he originally made the head resource. If the Duros' lips don't move, this won't work with an NPC like Samhan Dobo who has proper in-game dialogues. I do intend to port most of my K1 NPC Overhaul style mods to K2 at some point, however, for now I'm simply sticking to K1 as I still have more mods to make. If I do ever get around to porting this mod to K2, I would have to map out & decide which NPCs will get a Duros with armor appearance (Off the top of my head there aren't many contenders who could use a Duros in armor). As many of us can guess, this mod is rather basic... whilst it would be possible to create body variants with new alien hands or reshape the entire model entirely to fit the Duros structure, I'm afraid that is beyond the scope of my modding capabilities.
  13. Yes, that mod only affects Janos the Ithorian and the Rodian NPCs. This mod only affects Duros! Fully compatible!
  14. Send me your tar_m02ae.mod file from your Modules folder. Using this file I will be able to see what soundset your Marl has been set to.
  15. @Leilukin I have developed an optional patch which should undo my own changes, this will allow players to install your Twi'lek NPC Diversity mod without any trouble with Bolook.
  16. I just checked, Marl has the "Jedi_Council_Male" soundset... an unused soundset. Maybe you thought it was female as you've probably never heard it before.
  17. View File Duros: Armed & Ready! A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back, and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: In the Kotor games, certain alien NPCs can wear the same robes and armor the player can (such as the Twi'leks and the Devaronians) whilst other aliens can't (such as Trandoshans and Rodians). The reason why this is is because of the way these aliens are setup, for example, the Twi'lek is made up of two models: the head and the body, whilst the Rodian is one single model containing both the head and the body. The Duros NPCs are one of the aliens that use 1 model for the entire NPC instead of two, this prevents the Duros from visibly wearing any armor that's equipped on the Duros NPC. Whilst most players won't really notice the single model alien NPCs who can't wear armor, what they might notice is how the Duros on Dantooine who are aligned with the Mandalorian faction there aren't wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor. One could argue that the Duros themselves aren't Mandalorians as they're only ever referred to as "allies" of the Mandalorians, but one longer has to argue, as this mod is here to change everything! In 2015, JCarter426 released his Head Modder's Resource for K2 on MediaFire which took many one model aliens and separated the heads from their bodies. This allowed one model NPCs like Rodians to wear Jedi Robes when previously they couldn't. This was not a mod; however, it was a resource for other modders to pick out assets they wanted to use in their own mods. In the past 8 years, the only thing that has come from the Modder's Resource was the Duros Jedi cameo in the Full Jedi Council mod by Kexikus and Duros Mandalorians in the Smash City Studios fan film "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path". The idea of Mandalorian Duros has been a dream ever since I first saw the "A Familiar Path" fan film, and today we get to live that dream! The Duros who accompany the Mandalorians on Dantooine and the Duros who work as Miners on Tatooine shall wear Mandalorian armor and Czerka uniform instead of the Duros outfit we all know and love. Originally, I wanted to have two totally different separate mods that edited the Mandalorian Duros and the Duros Miners on Tatooine separately... but to ensure the cleanest installation process I've decided to release this mod, "Duros: Armed and Ready!", before those two mods so that if players don't like those two secret mods then players can simply opt for this simplier mod instead! Those two secret mods shall require "Duros: Armed and Ready!" for the Duros aspect of those mods to work properly, but until those mods are released players do not have to worry about this. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. It is possible that Duros modified in this mod shall perform 'idle' animations that clip through the Duros head (such as when an NPC brushes their hair, the Duros who perform this animation will brush right through their face). This bug isn't fixable without brute work modding (possibly involving a new unique Duros heavy battle armor and Czerka body model with different animations), though it shouldn't really be noticable as the Mandalorian Duros will turn hostile and attack the player if you approach them... the bug is only noticable if you focus on the Duros Miners. When the Duros Miners on Tatooine speak, their lips will not move. This might either be an oversight on JCarter426's part back when he made the heads or a result of porting the head to K1, this might be fixed in a future update. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Will be incompatible with any mod that changes the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine or the Duros Miners on Tatooine, though I don't know of any mods that do this. The Duros in this mod use the heavy battle armor and Czerka uniform body model, so any changes to these models will affect the Duros (Again, I don't know of any mods that do this). Duros reskins, Mandalorian Armor reskins and Czerka uniform reskins should be compatible with this mod, though how they look together is up to personal opinion! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Duros head models themselves are free for any modder to use! Thanks to: JCarter426: For creating the Duros heads in the first place, without you this mod wouldn't have been possible! Smash City Studios: For using the Duros heads in the "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path" fan film, their appearance greatly inspired this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 06/17/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  18. A new mod has been made for the series called "Duros: Armed & Ready!" You may refer to the below screenshot to get an idea of what this mod does! Similar to the Sith Governor mod I released a while back, this mod was originally part of a much bigger mod that was released early as a standalone feature. Once the mod has been approved by Admins, you can download Duros: Armed & Ready! from this link here: Why did I release this mod? And what is the 'much bigger mod' it was originally apart of? Well, I released this mod to get the Duros feature out of the main mod... this way if you don't like the main mod you can still have the Duros feature without it. And what is this "main mod" I keep referencing? Well, let's just say if you install Duros: Armed & Ready! before the "main mod" you will greatly enhance the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine... alongside all the other Mandalorians in the game! I present to you, the name of the "main mod"... further details of this mod shall be released when development progresses!
  19. Version 1.3.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back, and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: In the Kotor games, certain alien NPCs can wear the same robes and armor the player can (such as the Twi'leks and the Devaronians) whilst other aliens can't (such as Trandoshans and Rodians). The reason why this is is because of the way these aliens are setup, for example, the Twi'lek is made up of two models: the head and the body, whilst the Rodian is one single model containing both the head and the body. The Duros NPCs are one of the aliens that use 1 model for the entire NPC instead of two, this prevents the Duros from visibly wearing any armor that's equipped on the Duros NPC. Whilst most players won't really notice the single model alien NPCs who can't wear armor, what they might notice is how the Duros on Dantooine who are aligned with the Mandalorian faction there aren't wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor. One could argue that the Duros themselves aren't Mandalorians as they're only ever referred to as "allies" of the Mandalorians, but one longer has to argue, as this mod is here to change everything! In 2015, JCarter426 released his Head Modder's Resource for K2 on MediaFire which took many one model aliens and separated the heads from their bodies. This allowed one model NPCs like Rodians to wear Jedi Robes when previously they couldn't. This was not a mod; however, it was a resource for other modders to pick out assets they wanted to use in their own mods. In the past 8 years, the only thing that has come from the Modder's Resource was the Duros Jedi cameo in the Full Jedi Council mod by Kexikus and Duros Mandalorians in the Smash City Studios fan film "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path". The idea of Mandalorian Duros has been a dream ever since I first saw the "A Familiar Path" fan film, and today we get to live that dream! The Duros who accompany the Mandalorians on Dantooine and the Duros who work as Miners on Tatooine shall wear Mandalorian armor and Czerka uniform instead of the Duros outfit we all know and love. Originally, I wanted to have two totally different separate mods that edited the Mandalorian Duros and the Duros Miners on Tatooine separately... but to ensure the cleanest installation process I've decided to release this mod, "Duros: Armed and Ready!", before those two mods so that if players don't like those two secret mods then players can simply opt for this simplier mod instead! Those two secret mods shall require "Duros: Armed and Ready!" for the Duros aspect of those mods to work properly, but until those mods are released players do not have to worry about this. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. It is possible that Duros modified in this mod shall perform 'idle' animations that clip through the Duros head (such as when an NPC brushes their hair, the Duros who perform this animation will brush right through their face). This bug isn't fixable without brute work modding (possibly involving a new unique Duros heavy battle armor and Czerka body model with different animations), though it shouldn't really be noticable as the Mandalorian Duros will turn hostile and attack the player if you approach them... the bug is only noticable if you focus on the Duros Miners. When the Duros Miners on Tatooine speak, their lips will not move. This might either be an oversight on JCarter426's part back when he made the heads or a result of porting the head to K1, this might be fixed in a future update. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Will be incompatible with any mod that changes the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine or the Duros Miners on Tatooine, though I don't know of any mods that do this. The Duros in this mod use the heavy battle armor and Czerka uniform body model, so any changes to these models will affect the Duros (Again, I don't know of any mods that do this). Duros reskins, Mandalorian Armor reskins and Czerka uniform reskins should be compatible with this mod, though how they look together is up to personal opinion! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Duros head models themselves are free for any modder to use! Thanks to: JCarter426: For creating the Duros heads in the first place, without you this mod wouldn't have been possible! Smash City Studios: For using the Duros heads in the "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path" fan film, their appearance greatly inspired this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  20. Don't worry, I've dealt with dumber users. Your post might not've been the most convenient but it was only a few rough edges to an otherwise acceptable post! We all need to get the idea firmly placed in our heads that the NPC Diversity Pack changes NPCs only, just NPCs and only NPCs. If the Bolook sidequest, or any sidequest, is broken, it is very unlikely to be a result of the NPC Diversity Pack. The only bug I can foresee with the NPC Diversity Pack and the Bolook quest is a glitch with the Bolook NPC itself, and the worst I imagine with this glitch is that Bolook will wear default commoner clothing when he isn't supposed to.
  21. View File Evil Sith Flags A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023 Installation: There are two versions of this mod to pick from! DarthVarkor Inspired Version: This flag is the default 128x128 resolution, the same as the vanilla flag. This flag closely resembles the Sith flag seen in DarthVarkor's fan film "Star Wars: KOTOR - Heart of Darkness". HD Version: This flag is 512x512 in resolution, an upgrade from the DarthVarkor Inspired Version. Pick which flag you want, open the "For Override" folder in your selected version and copy PLC_SithFlag.tga to your Override folder. This mod works for Kotor 2 as this same flag appears in the Secret Tomb on Korriban. Description: One of the main inspirations for the Galactic Empire back when "Star Wars: A New Hope" was being developed was real life N*zi Germany. Ever since the release of the Original Trilogy, the writers of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (nowadays called "Legends") and even the writers of modern day Disney Canon draw upon the imagery of the F*scist regimes of old to create their own authoritarian factions that exist in the Galaxy far, far away. The flag of N*zi Germany is commonly parodied in Star Wars as authors often replace the Sw*stika with the Imperial Crest alongside some minor detail edits to make the parody look less obvious. Whilst Bioware's 2011 Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO did this with Vitiate's Sith Empire, Bioware's 2003 Star Wars: Knights of the Republic RPG did not do this with Revan's Sith Empire. Across various digital signs throughout the game, such as the Sith Base on Taris to the Sith Embassy on Manaan, the Crest of the Sith Empire is dark blue in color with a light blue background. Additionally, at the end of the Dark Side ending, players can spot an odd yellow and green colored flag with the Sith Crest on it in the end cutscene. This mod will change those flags at the very end of the game to appear more like the flags of the TOR Sith Empire and the Galactic Empire with their F*scist influences. This mod was greatly influenced by DarthVarkor's Heart of Darkness Kotor fan film, his film also modified the Sith flag and edited it to look more like the flag found in this mod. Whilst the flag seen in Heart of Darkness is modded, the flag seen in that film is NOT the one found in this mod as I, N-DReW25, saw that film on YouTube and then made the flag found in this mod from scratch! This mod will not modify the before mentioned Sith signs found throughout the Sith Bases as other mods do a far superior job at editing those signs than I ever could. Known Bugs: Please report any bugs to me on Deadlystream! Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that edit "PLC_SithFlag.tga" or "PLC_SithFlag.tpc" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: DarthVarkor: For showing the original flag in his fan film "Star Wars: KOTOR - Heart of Darkness"! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 06/16/2023 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  22. N-DReW25

    Evil Sith Flags

    Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023 Installation: There are two versions of this mod to pick from! DarthVarkor Inspired Version: This flag is the default 128x128 resolution, the same as the vanilla flag. This flag closely resembles the Sith flag seen in DarthVarkor's fan film "Star Wars: KOTOR - Heart of Darkness". HD Version: This flag is 512x512 in resolution, an upgrade from the DarthVarkor Inspired Version. Pick which flag you want, open the "For Override" folder in your selected version and copy PLC_SithFlag.tga to your Override folder. This mod works for Kotor 2 as this same flag appears in the Secret Tomb on Korriban. Description: One of the main inspirations for the Galactic Empire back when "Star Wars: A New Hope" was being developed was real life N*zi Germany. Ever since the release of the Original Trilogy, the writers of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (nowadays called "Legends") and even the writers of modern day Disney Canon draw upon the imagery of the F*scist regimes of old to create their own authoritarian factions that exist in the Galaxy far, far away. The flag of N*zi Germany is commonly parodied in Star Wars as authors often replace the Sw*stika with the Imperial Crest alongside some minor detail edits to make the parody look less obvious. Whilst Bioware's 2011 Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO did this with Vitiate's Sith Empire, Bioware's 2003 Star Wars: Knights of the Republic RPG did not do this with Revan's Sith Empire. Across various digital signs throughout the game, such as the Sith Base on Taris to the Sith Embassy on Manaan, the Crest of the Sith Empire is dark blue in color with a light blue background. Additionally, at the end of the Dark Side ending, players can spot an odd yellow and green colored flag with the Sith Crest on it in the end cutscene. This mod will change those flags at the very end of the game to appear more like the flags of the TOR Sith Empire and the Galactic Empire with their F*scist influences. This mod was greatly influenced by DarthVarkor's Heart of Darkness Kotor fan film, his film also modified the Sith flag and edited it to look more like the flag found in this mod. Whilst the flag seen in Heart of Darkness is modded, the flag seen in that film is NOT the one found in this mod as I, N-DReW25, saw that film on YouTube and then made the flag found in this mod from scratch! This mod will not modify the before mentioned Sith signs found throughout the Sith Bases as other mods do a far superior job at editing those signs than I ever could. Known Bugs: Please report any bugs to me on Deadlystream! Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that edit "PLC_SithFlag.tga" or "PLC_SithFlag.tpc" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: DarthVarkor: For showing the original flag in his fan film "Star Wars: KOTOR - Heart of Darkness"! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  23. @ShayOrdo When you paste a Deadlystream link here on Deadlystream, the link will appear as a proper link for several seconds before expanding to display the mod's image. For a few seconds after this, you should see a message appear at the bottom of the text box that says "Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead" Click "Display as link instead" and it will restore the expanded link into a proper link, the comment you posted above could be 5 times smaller if you have done this earlier. https://deadlystream.com/topic/9818-modnpc-diversity-pack-betak1/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-89516 (An example of a link done using the above mentioned process). Also, don't @ mod authors of the mods you're using. You've directed this question at me and by @ing people you send them a notification drawing them to your post. The modder Dark Hope is a graphics artist with no knowledge of the sort of NPC mods I do so it's a waste of her time to come here. I also need everyone to understand this: if you send me a wall of text to respond to, if I respond to walls of texts I won't have time to actually develop these mods. So for you I'll point out the mods I personally wouldn't use from your list! TOR Ports: Handon's Enhanced Waistline- This mod might break Bolook due to a previous incompatibility that I discovered a few days ago involving his clothing, I'm in the process of developing a patch for this specific problem! Dark Jedi Wear Robes (for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes Mod)- The NPC Diversity Pack modifies the Dark Jedi NPCs throughout the game and it might cause a few NPCs from the Dark Jedi wear Robes mod to have the wrong appearances. I'd say they're incompatible. Medium Armor Pack and Battle Armor Pack- These mods both have the exact same problem, they're both ancient mods from almost 15 years ago that might not have the most up to date installation methods. These old mods and their odd installers might inherently corrupt the game in some way, these two mods you've listed might not necessarily be bad but I'd stay away from them. Masked Revan Star Forge Robes Mod- Whilst you could get away with using the gamefront mods, do NOT use this mod! I wouldn't trust anything that comes from a non-English foreign website, literally there are similar mods that add Revan style Star Forge robes from more reliable English websites that are safer. Even if you can't find it, it's better to go without than risk downloading that! Yes.