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Everything posted by N-DReW25
No, Revenge of Revan is a Kotor 2 mod whilst Brotherhood of Shadow is a Kotor 1 mod.
As a developer for the mod, I'd say things are going pretty good! I have to finish one more module and after that we just need to stich some already completed areas together, add conditionals along the way, write the end scene for Episode 1 Corellia (the scene is done but the dialogue itself is placeholder right now) and then it'd be in a proper Beta state.
Any other modder correct me if this is a bad idea, but what you could do is extract the default Bith lip sync files. These lip sync files can be found in the lips folder specifically inside the "localization.mod" file. This file can be accessed via ERFEdit, once inside you should be able to see all the vanilla lip sync files for alien VO. All you'd need to do is extract the Bith lip sync files and place them in your Override folder.
I do not know what's causing your bug as the man in your screenshot is a generic head and not one of the heads from my mod. I'd say install Helena Shan Improvement one more time and load a save from before you enter the Cantina, that should overwrite the bugged generic appearance and restore her old appearance.
As someone who isn't quite familiar with these "out of engine" projects I need to ask this, what's the context behind all this?
That means something's wrong with the dialog.tlk. I just checked my game and I don't seem to be running into the same problem, I'm running on a fresh save game with K1CP 1.10.0 and Hearts of Beskar. The only thing I changed in the TSLPatcher was the way Xor's content was installed, I didn't touch a thing with TLK or NPC names at all. I think most likely the issue has arisen on your end.
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The paid version of ElevenLabs: https://elevenlabs.io/speech-synthesis I still have the AI Selkath template ready for more English Selkath VO, I was planning on doing Ithorak, the Ahto City Police and Judge dialogue all as AI generated English but since ElevenLabs has a word count limit per month (which is massively increased by paid tiers) I decided to stick with just Ithorak so I may use my remaining allocated word count for other AI projects. All the Ithorak and Kavar dialogues need for them to be released are lip sync files.
This thread is a little awkward for me as I've already done some of these, I've made Ithorak the Selkath speak English and I've recreated a Master Kavar cameo on the Star Forge.
@Alvar007This is REALLY impressive! You ever thought of lending your Machinima services to Darth Varkor or Smash City Studios on YouTube?
For those who follow my mods, you'll be pleased to know that the RC-K1CP mod has just received an update. If you follow many of my mods, you might've noticed multiple mods that were recently updated together, this was done to accommodate the latest RC-K1CP restoration! What is this restoration? This: For those without an eagle eye, I'm talking about the hands. This mod now restores the gloveless commoner hand textures for all commoner clothing and most generic commoner types, this means the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack, the K1 Pre-Release Pack and the K2 to K1 Clothing Pack have all been updated to ensure that these mods are compatible with this latest change. The K1 Pre-Release Pack actually used to contain this very restoration though it's been removed as it's now been transferred to the RC-K1CP. The reason I chose to transfer this feature from the Pre-Release mod to the Restoration Mod is because there are "remnants" of the gloveless commoner clothes in the game files. The fat commoner and children clothing textures don't have gloves and the textures N_CommMB01, N_CommMB02, N_CommMB03, N_CommFB01, N_CommFB02 and N_CommFB03 show gloveless black colored hands. The K1 Pre-Release Pack is intended to contain features that exist solely in Pre-Release/Beta screenshots, since actual remnants of the gloveless clothing textures exist in the game files I chose it was more fitting that this feature be considered "Restored Content" instead of "Recreated Pre-Release Content" as per that mod. The Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack simply contains the extra files for the clothing fixes to ensure compatibility. But the K2 to K1 Clothing Pack has received an extensive facelift as it is now called the "K1 Clothing Pack" mod. The reason for this change is that I've added the commoner clothing from the K1EP mod into this mod as a separate installation thus requiring I change the name of the mod to better fit the new theme of the mod, this mod was updated alongside the extra files for RC-K1CP compatibility so that both the K2 ported clothes and the K1EP clothes have gloveless versions as seen here. This restoration only affects the main generic commoner appearances; this means the "dirty commoner variants", unique heads, and modded appearances will keep their vanilla gloved textures. For example, if you use my newest Galaxy of Faces mod alongside the RC-K1CP the appearances in those mods shall have gloved clothing. I am fully expecting this latest restoration to be fully controversial with players, but I won't know how players feel about this restoration until players tell me how they feel about it... so, what do you guys think of this restoration? If you've played it, how did it impact your visual gameplay?
This mod gave Sherruk a Short Lightsaber and a Vibrosword (alongside heavily modified loot drops), I'm not sure where your two vibroblades came from. When you say "Shoto", are you referring to something from KSR or are you calling the Short Lightsaber a Shoto (I'm using purely Kotor specific names btw).
- xor
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That's part of the plan, though I won't be using the direct K2 skins. You won't see K2 player heads or unique heads like Vaklu as new NPCs, instead, I shall use reskins of K2 heads whether they be my own or by others (with permission/modder's resource of course).
In my defense, I haven't uploaded a new mod in a few months. This is just my way of saying "my mods aren't dead". I do have a possible alternate head for Ahlan though I'll have to dig up something for Shen. I realize you probably can't translate my screenshots so I'm going to ask here. Are you referring to this image? His name is "Dorak Quinn".
The cartoony parts are a real sticking point when it comes to the humans. That could be a future possibility, though I do have quite a few modded heads already on my list before I'll need to start scrapping the bottom of the TOR barrel for resources. But using TOR aliens might definitely be a good alternative!
I don't think it's appropriate to @ Leilukin to this thread, but I would like to point out the Xor head from the K1EP mod isn't used to replace Xor... it replaces Jagi. This guy: If you look very closely to the Galaxy of Faces Jagi and Leilukin's Xor mod the head tattoos are very similar (keep in mind that they're both Mandalorians) making her mod ideal to be used alongside my Galaxy of Faces mod. The Matale heads were lifted straight from the K1EP Modder's Resource, though do know I'm not religiously keen on sticking with the K1EP designs. The character Jon in K1EP was just a lazy color shift of Nico's head to make him look like a Zeltron so I went along and made my own Zeltron Jon head from scratch. If enough people complain about the Chiss Matales I may very well do the same in the future and make unique human heads for them.
View File Galaxy of Faces [K1] Galaxy of Faces [K1] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2.0 Release Date: 27.09.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! This mod replaces the appearances of important named NPCs throughout the game. As such, if you wish to use mods like Onderon Fashion and Smuggler's Deluxe you'll have to install those mods BEFORE this mod. Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, select "Galaxy of Faces [Main]", click install then sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. The "Effix's Duelists", "Unique Rodians" & "Build a Bendak" are OPTIONAL. You don't have to install them if you don't want to. Effix's Duelists includes Effix's unique Gerlon, Ice & Marl heads. This installation is NOT a total copy of Effix's original Taris Arena Changes mod, that mod adds UTC files to the Override and patches those whilst Galaxy of Faces patches the UTCs in the .MOD files provided from the K1CP mod. If you are using the NPC Diversity Pack, install Effix's Duelists via Galaxy of Faces. If you want the Armors from Effix's Taris Arena Changes, install that mod instead. Unique Rodians gives various Rodian NPCs unique appearances. If you are using Stormie97's High Quality Alien: Rodians, do NOT install this option as a compatibiity patch for that mod hasn't been developed yet. Build a Bendak adds a unique appearance for Bendak Starkiller, however, the "N_Bendak.tga" texture is the vanilla Field Marshal texture. After installing this option, I encourage the player to replace this texture with a Mandalorian texture from a mod of your choosing, I personally recommend RedRob41's Bendak Starkiller Emblem Armour though do feel free to select a skin YOU want instead! Simply delete the "N_Bendak.tga" texture in your Override folder, rename your desired texture to either "N_Bendak.tga" or "N_Bendak.tgc" and place it in your Override. Description: From the good old days of late 70s/early 80s cinema, the expansive comics and novels of the 90s and 2000s, the rise of modern Star Wars video games and well into the Disney era, the Star Wars Galaxy has always been a "Galaxy of Faces". And I'm not just referring to the faces of the main characters. I'm referring to background characters such as the aliens of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Episode 4 (many of whom were merely random alien costumes who have since evolved into staples of Star Wars alienography with timeless classics like Rodians, Aqualish and Devaronians amongst them), or the the Bounty Hunters hired by Darth Vader to track down the Millennium Falcon in Episode 5 (despite only having 4 lines of dialogue and just over 6 minutes of screen time, Boba Fett has since become just as popular as the main characters mostly down to his unique bad ass appearance in his limited screen time) or the background Jedi characters sprinkled throughout the prequel trilogy (despite never saying a word in the movies, the Jedi Plo-Koon, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura have since become fan favorites)! Why do I say this? I think it goes without saying that unique appearances are what makes or breaks a character, and BioWare's 2003 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic RPG has a few problems with this. As with many video games from this period of gaming, KoTOR has a problem with NPC appearances. In Kotor, the generic background NPCs are referred to as "Commoners" both in the game files and in-game sometimes, the game has 24 generic NPC appearances including 2 white heads, 2 black heads and 2 asian heads for both adult and old appearances which are split between male and female types with an additional male and female white and asian "Tatooine" commoner variant that exists for some reason, bringing the total of commoner appearances up to 24. Throughout KoTOR, many of these generic appearances aren't even used for background NPCs, those background NPCs receive the low-resolution Lite appearances leaving the actual generic heads for named NPCs. NPCs like Holdan, Jon, Junix Nard, Matton Daisel, Firith Me and Kel Algwinn are all well written characters that really bring these environments to life... but sometimes these NPCs are forgettable simply due to the fact that they use the same appearances, the NPCs I named were strategically chosen as they both use the exact same 1st white and asian male commoner heads. This "clone" problem is intensified once you install NPC Overhaul style mods that remove the Lite appearances and replace them with generic commoner appearances as now you'll be seeing the same 24 heads across over a hundred NPCs throughout the game. This mod aims to fix that by giving many of these named NPCs unique heads to differentiate them from the generic heads. This mod aims to one day cover almost EVERY single named NPC in the game where possible through a combination of NPC appearances made by me, modder's resources and mods with the modder's permission. But do keep in mind, not ALL the modded unique heads will be added. Instead, if you consult the "Recommended Mods.txt" file you shall find a list of other mods that I personally recommend that shall also add new unique heads for NPCs that aren't part of this mod. Thus far, most of the unique heads of the K1 Enhancement Pack modder's resource have been added. To read about what appearances have been added thus far, please consult the "List.txt" file for a complete list of new appearances. Known Bugs: If there are bugs feel free to report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that modify the appearances of Nico Senvi, Nemo, Matton Dasol, Kono Nolan, Jon, Jagi, Eli Gand, Dorak Quinn, Dak Vesser, Hidden Bek Lookout, Ahlan Matale, Shen Matale, Nurik Sandral, Rahasia Sandral, Gerlon, Ice, Marl, Twitch, Mika Dorin, Gluupor, Adum Larp, Bendak Starkiller, Lena, Apartment Duros, Sith Base Duros, Maana Demknot, Strandes Duros on Lehon, or The One. Incompatible with High Quality Aliens: Rodians, though a patch may be made in the future! Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: SpaceAlex: For releasing his K1 Enhancement Project as a modder's resource. SilverEgde9: For textures used from the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge mod. Effix: For the upscaled reskins of the Onderon commoner textures & textures from his Taris Arena Changes mod. DarthParametric: For fixing the Fat Commoner clothing models. EmperorDevon: For giving me permission to use his Twin Sun reskin as a base for Lena's body texture. RebRob41: For giving me permission to use assets from the Revenge of Revan mod. Obsidian Entertainment: For the Flight Suit and Onderon commoner assets. Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 12/07/2023 Category Skins K1R Compatible No
The development of ROR goes well, but who am I to neglect my own mod series. For months, I have been conflicted with my "clothing" mods like Smuggler's Deluxe and Onderon Fashion. This conflict has been enflamed with the release of the Fat Commoner Body Models Modder's Resource mod as it would allow me to add fat commoner NPCs to the game in a similar method as the two previously mentioned mods. This "conflict" of mine is the fact that there simply aren't enough NPCs in the game to have my planned Smuggler, Onderon, fat, new commoner clothing, flight suits and Dantooine scavenger outfits all made for generic NPCs. My NPC Diversity Pack with the "GIT Edit" is one method I'm adding new NPCs to elevate this, but at the end of the day I am just not satisfied with the results... mainly as those previously mentioned ideas are only SOME of my ideas. A mod I also wanted to make was this "more generic heads mod" which would increase the generic heads from 2 to 5. If this mod would ever come to fruition this could result in 5 white, 5 black, 5 asian and 5 hispanic generic commoner heads with male/female and elderly variants. This mod would increase the number of generic heads from 28 to 80, but these numbers would cause two problems. First, it'd conflict with the previous clothing mods like Smuggler's Deluxe and Onderon Fashion and second, I'm simply unable to make enough heads to reach my goal of 80 without sacrificing quality. So instead, I've put the "more generic head mod" on the backburner and I've worked on something easier and possibly even more efficient. Now, after showing you three paragraph of bad news, get ready for the good news! I present to you, the latest mod for the series: The Galaxy of Faces mod is a mod which shall add new "unique heads" to the game, what do I mean by "unique"? Well, in the game files NPCs like Gadon, Davik, Vrook and Malak are considered "unique" whereas NPCs like Marl, Shen Matale, Eli Gand and countless more all use the generic heads seen throughout the game. This mod adds modded custom heads for many of the NPCs in Kotor with unique names and personalities that lack any unique head in the base game. In the meantime, here is an awkward screenshot of Nemo and his new head! But that leaked screenshot won't be the only thing you'll see of this mod, for once this mod is approved you can play the first release of this mod once you follow this link!
Version 1.2.1
Galaxy of Faces [K1] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2.0 Release Date: 27.09.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! This mod replaces the appearances of important named NPCs throughout the game. As such, if you wish to use mods like Onderon Fashion and Smuggler's Deluxe you'll have to install those mods BEFORE this mod. Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, select "Galaxy of Faces [Main]", click install then sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. The "Effix's Duelists", "Unique Rodians" & "Build a Bendak" are OPTIONAL. You don't have to install them if you don't want to. Effix's Duelists includes Effix's unique Gerlon, Ice & Marl heads. This installation is NOT a total copy of Effix's original Taris Arena Changes mod, that mod adds UTC files to the Override and patches those whilst Galaxy of Faces patches the UTCs in the .MOD files provided from the K1CP mod. If you are using the NPC Diversity Pack, install Effix's Duelists via Galaxy of Faces. If you want the Armors from Effix's Taris Arena Changes, install that mod instead. Unique Rodians gives various Rodian NPCs unique appearances. If you are using Stormie97's High Quality Alien: Rodians, do NOT install this option as a compatibiity patch for that mod hasn't been developed yet. Build a Bendak adds a unique appearance for Bendak Starkiller, however, the "N_Bendak.tga" texture is the vanilla Field Marshal texture. After installing this option, I encourage the player to replace this texture with a Mandalorian texture from a mod of your choosing, I personally recommend RedRob41's Bendak Starkiller Emblem Armour though do feel free to select a skin YOU want instead! Simply delete the "N_Bendak.tga" texture in your Override folder, rename your desired texture to either "N_Bendak.tga" or "N_Bendak.tgc" and place it in your Override. Description: From the good old days of late 70s/early 80s cinema, the expansive comics and novels of the 90s and 2000s, the rise of modern Star Wars video games and well into the Disney era, the Star Wars Galaxy has always been a "Galaxy of Faces". And I'm not just referring to the faces of the main characters. I'm referring to background characters such as the aliens of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Episode 4 (many of whom were merely random alien costumes who have since evolved into staples of Star Wars alienography with timeless classics like Rodians, Aqualish and Devaronians amongst them), or the the Bounty Hunters hired by Darth Vader to track down the Millennium Falcon in Episode 5 (despite only having 4 lines of dialogue and just over 6 minutes of screen time, Boba Fett has since become just as popular as the main characters mostly down to his unique bad ass appearance in his limited screen time) or the background Jedi characters sprinkled throughout the prequel trilogy (despite never saying a word in the movies, the Jedi Plo-Koon, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura have since become fan favorites)! Why do I say this? I think it goes without saying that unique appearances are what makes or breaks a character, and BioWare's 2003 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic RPG has a few problems with this. As with many video games from this period of gaming, KoTOR has a problem with NPC appearances. In Kotor, the generic background NPCs are referred to as "Commoners" both in the game files and in-game sometimes, the game has 24 generic NPC appearances including 2 white heads, 2 black heads and 2 asian heads for both adult and old appearances which are split between male and female types with an additional male and female white and asian "Tatooine" commoner variant that exists for some reason, bringing the total of commoner appearances up to 24. Throughout KoTOR, many of these generic appearances aren't even used for background NPCs, those background NPCs receive the low-resolution Lite appearances leaving the actual generic heads for named NPCs. NPCs like Holdan, Jon, Junix Nard, Matton Daisel, Firith Me and Kel Algwinn are all well written characters that really bring these environments to life... but sometimes these NPCs are forgettable simply due to the fact that they use the same appearances, the NPCs I named were strategically chosen as they both use the exact same 1st white and asian male commoner heads. This "clone" problem is intensified once you install NPC Overhaul style mods that remove the Lite appearances and replace them with generic commoner appearances as now you'll be seeing the same 24 heads across over a hundred NPCs throughout the game. This mod aims to fix that by giving many of these named NPCs unique heads to differentiate them from the generic heads. This mod aims to one day cover almost EVERY single named NPC in the game where possible through a combination of NPC appearances made by me, modder's resources and mods with the modder's permission. But do keep in mind, not ALL the modded unique heads will be added. Instead, if you consult the "Recommended Mods.txt" file you shall find a list of other mods that I personally recommend that shall also add new unique heads for NPCs that aren't part of this mod. Thus far, most of the unique heads of the K1 Enhancement Pack modder's resource have been added. To read about what appearances have been added thus far, please consult the "List.txt" file for a complete list of new appearances. Known Bugs: If there are bugs feel free to report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Incompatible with any mods that modify the appearances of Nico Senvi, Nemo, Matton Dasol, Kono Nolan, Jon, Jagi, Eli Gand, Dorak Quinn, Dak Vesser, Hidden Bek Lookout, Ahlan Matale, Shen Matale, Nurik Sandral, Rahasia Sandral, Gerlon, Ice, Marl, Twitch, Mika Dorin, Gluupor, Adum Larp, Bendak Starkiller, Lena, Apartment Duros, Sith Base Duros, Maana Demknot, Strandes Duros on Lehon, or The One. Incompatible with High Quality Aliens: Rodians, though a patch may be made in the future! Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: SpaceAlex: For releasing his K1 Enhancement Project as a modder's resource. SilverEgde9: For textures used from the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge mod. Effix: For the upscaled reskins of the Onderon commoner textures & textures from his Taris Arena Changes mod. DarthParametric: For fixing the Fat Commoner clothing models. EmperorDevon: For giving me permission to use his Twin Sun reskin as a base for Lena's body texture. RebRob41: For giving me permission to use assets from the Revenge of Revan mod. Obsidian Entertainment: For the Flight Suit and Onderon commoner assets. Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
- vulkar
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I believe that's a feature for the Heart of Beskar mod, this mod doesn't affect loot drops I'm afraid. I've heard rumors that it's plagued with bugs, though the only way you'll know for sure is if you either read up on the comments/bug reports on that mod... or play it and see how far you go. I just thought they were REALLY out of place just wandering around aimlessly on the landing pad. I believe DP's Diversified Jedi Captives on the Star Forge mod does have appearances based on the landing pad Jedi, though I've replaced the other Jedi walking in the hallways with the appearances from the landing pad so both mods are still consistent. That's up to you, it's always a good idea to reinstall everything once a big major mod updates. I would say it's worth playing through what you have to see how far you'd get, I somewhat doubt a mod of my caliber is going to break too much though if you want to be 100% sure things will work then it's always advised you reinstall.
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Yes, if you installed an older version of the Diversity Pack and Twi'lek Diversity and saved it with the glitch that save will forever keep the bugged Bolook appearance. As DP has stated, you need to load a save from before entering the Grove to see if the Bolook patch/latest update worked. But the latest patch SHOULD have included a conversion for most Jedi NPCs in the game which should've removed the Nemo style robes and given them the proper Jedi Robe items. Characters like Nemo would wear blue Jedi Robes whilst Bolook shouldn't be touched at all now. To tell the truth, I'm tinkering with another mod which modifies Nemo and I've discovered that he isn't wearing the intended blue Jedi Knight Robes as he should. I was going to investigate this though this potential bug report should hopefully spur me on to fix this sooner rather than later!
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I'd just want to say I am REALLY digging these screenshots, great stuff! I wish you well on your project ahead, and I really hope we see your work finished and released sometime in the future. I'd like to ask, is your first language English or do you primarily speak another language (Like Russian for example?).
Thank you for the compliments! If what you say is true I'm sure you'll like what I have to say next. The NPC Diversity Pack was quietly updated to version 0.6.0 on the 20th of October, and with it came all 3 of the ideas I posted above. The 1st idea can be seen in this screenshot, the guards of Davik's estate are now Gamorrean Guards: The 2nd idea has also been implemented, the old Nemo style Jedi NPCs have been removed and in their place you'll now see generic NPCs in the multi-colored Jedi Robe item. For example, Nemo will now wear his blue Jedi Robes instead of his default cream colored robes you can't wear. Since this idea is spread across the game, I'll simply show you the updated Star Forge Jedi: Future mods I make will once again alter these specific Star Forge Jedi so obviously once those release players will want to install the NPC Diversity Pack BEFORE those mods. Jedi Robe mods are compatible with the NPC Diversity Pack, in the screenshot above if you were to have JC's Cloaked Robes installed those Jedi shall have cloaked robes. If you wish to use DarthParametric's Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod, you'll have to install that mod AFTER the NPC Diversity Pack mod in order for his mod to overwrite my changes. And the 3rd idea has been implemented in the form of a new installation called "GIT Tweak". Git Tweak is more like a demo/test of greater things to come, currently it only modifies the tat_m17aa/Anchorhead module and it does exactly what I said it'll do... it ensures that every NPC listed in the GIT file is unique instead of a duplicate of an already existing NPC. So... why didn't I announce this earlier? Why haven't I announced my next mod? Around the middle of this year, the development of the Revenge of Revan mod intensified and for the first time in a while meaning I had things to do... meaning development of the NPC Diversity Pack and my other NPC mods have been slowed quite a bit. Unfortunately, you might not see much of this project series as much as we'd like to... though do know it's for a greater cause! Whilst Logan is infamously known for keeping his mod under wraps I can say this: certain "elements" of my NPC Overhaul series shall be carried over to the Revenge of Revan mod in some form or another. To discuss the Revenge of Revan mod, please visit this thread. I shall return to this WIP thread once I have updates for the NPC Overhaul Series.