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  1. High-Level Force Powers

    Both the 2.0 and the 2.1 update are available from the download button. You MUST download the 2.0 and install that BEFORE the 2.1 is installed.
    So, download "stlhforcep2.rar", install that, then come back and grab "sthlforcepowerv2u1.rar" and install that.
    2.0 Original Review on Filefront:

    2.1 Update Original Review on Filefront:



       (8 reviews)



  2. Protocol Droids by Vurt

    You've see this collection elsewhere. So why download this version, you might ask?
    An extra droid.
    B-4D4 is the gold colored Czerka droid that's hacked into so you can access the mainframe, if you recall. After νυrτ made his first Protocol Droids collection, I asked if he could do a version B-4D4 and he graciously agreed to do so. When I inquired about getting permission to upload his mods to Deadly Stream, I also asked for permission to upload this one as well. He was kind enough to grant permission to do so. Enjoy the fruits of my pestering and νυrτ's labor.
    Installation: Place the TGA files in the KOTOR2 override folder
    Uninstall: Take the aforementioned files out of the aforementioned folder.


       (7 reviews)



  3. TSL Prestige Class Saving Throw fixes

    TSL Prestige Class Saving Throw fixes - version 1.0

    By Rovan

    I’d like to suggest to any potential users to keep track of the mods you’ve installed, exactly in the order you’ve installed them in.
    Prestige classes are, quite frankly, pretty fun. However, one glaring error in the game is how both the Jedi Master and the Sith Lord have terrible, terrible saving throws, especially when compared to their predecessor, the Consular. This mod aims to fix this grievous error, part of the many injustices rendered unto the Force-wielding prestige classes.
    There are two folders in this mod: one contains fixed saving throws for the Jedi Master and Sith Lord prestige classes, changing them so they at least equal the Jedi Consular’s saving throws. Drag both “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2.
    The other folder contains “standardizations” for the Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder prestige class saving throws, to match those of the Jedi Guardian. This portion is wholly optional, but if you wish to install this portion, drag both “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2.
    NOTE: I did not edit the Jedi Watchman or the Sith Assassin saving throws, mostly because they seemed just about right; the Watchman is more defense oriented with the best saving throws in the game, while the Assassin is more offense oriented, but with weaker saving throws than the base class, the Sentinel.
    Remove “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” from the Override folder, and/or “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” as well.
    Do NOT reupload this to anywhere without my permission, especially the Steam Workshop.
    Do NOT make any edits to this mod and re-upload it, claiming it as your own.
    If you want to use this mod as part of your own mod, send me a message via any of my contact info listed below.
    Fred Tetra for making the ever so wonderful KOTOR Tool… and Rece on DeadlyStream for providing a tutorial on how to install KOTOR Tool via Wineskin!
    Also, cheers to VarsityPuppet for being encouraging and Fair Strides for providing a ReadMe template. :v
    Contact Information:
    Add me on Steam at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns (NO PRIVATE PROFILES WILL BE ADDED). I can also be contacted here on, where I uploaded this mod.
    There should be no compatibility problems with TSLRCM whatsoever.

    A note about the screenshots: I was using NiuHaka's DarkHarbinger PMHC04 Reskin at the time when I took them. That mod is not part of the mod in any shape or form.


       (7 reviews)



  4. [TSL] Animated Lightsaber Blades

    New animated lightsaber blades for KOTOR : TSL. Just drop the files into your Override folder.


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. Darth Nihilus Mask Fix

    This mod replaces Darth Nihilus' default mask with a more stylistically accurate version similar to the mask depicted in the KotOR 2 concept art. This mod will change the appearance of Darth Nihilus to the updated version in all in-game appearances he has.


       (5 reviews)



  6. HQ Music Update Patch

    HQ Music Update Patch
    Just like the Movie patches, here is a Music Patch to enhance the original game's assets. This patch will make the regular game music into slightly higher quality music (approximately 22,050 Hz files.)
    These files won't be CD quality versions of the music but it is better than what came with the original 4 CD version of the game.
    Steam and GOG KOTOR2 Users:
    This patch is already included in Steam and GOG versions of the game. Do not install this with Steam and GOG versions.
    Install this patch before you install TSLRCM.
    NOTE: You must have at least 2 Gigs of free Hard Drive space to run this patch.
    - Copy the K2_HQ_PATCH_Music executable into the root game directory
    (default C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2)
    - Double-click on the K2_HQ_PATCH_Music executable to run the program.
    - Wait while the files copy. When the window disappears, you're done!
    There is no uninstall method. Reinstall the game if for some reason you don't wish to use this patch.
    This asset patch is supplied for use AS IS and is not officially supported by LucasArts or Obsidian Entertainment. LucasArts and Obsidian Entertainment will not offer customer support in the installation or application of these assets and are not responsible for any problems which may arise from their use. Although we have tested these assets, they are offered AS IS. Use this patch AT YOUR OWN RISK
    LucasArts, the LucasArts logo, STAR WARS and related properties are trademarks in the United States and/or in other countries of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. © 2004, 2005 Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. or Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.


       (5 reviews)



  7. Official 1.0b Patch

    Official 1.0b patch for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords.
    IF you have a non-English version of the game, then you will need the 1.0a patch for your language BEFORE you apply the 1.0b patch.


       (1 review)



  8. JC's Saber Workshop

    This mod adds a workshop to the Ebon Hawk's garage, with which you can construct or deconstruct lightsabers and lightsaber components.
    One of the things Obsidian did differently was the way you make your first lightsaber. In the first game, you build it at the Jedi Enclave, so they have all the parts there. In K2, the Jedi are all gone, so you're given a scavenger hunt. You have to find three components, bring them to your buddy Bao-Dur, and then you get to make your lightsaber. With that in mind, I have designed the workshop to deconstruct lightsabers, giving you a color crystal and those three parts. Double-bladed lightsabers contain an extra focusing lens and emitter. With all these parts in hand, you can use the workshop to create lightsabers, as well. Furthermore, you can use the workshop to create or breakdown the individual components (provided you have the schematics for them - i.e. you've gotten them through the Crafting a Lightsaber quest - and the right skill points). So that means you can create as many lightsabers as there are color crystals; those crystals won't be burning a hole in your pocket.
    In short, you have more control over your lightsabers; you can create sabers out of crystals and components, and you can change lightsaber type at will.
    Oh, and you do not need to start a new game or anything of that sort. The
    workshop will appear on the Ebon Hawk when you enter.


       (5 reviews)



  9. Dejarik Table Placeable

    "Let the wookie win."-- C-3PO

    Here is a new placeable I created for one of my own mods. I just took a standard table from the game and replaced the table top with a dejarik game top texture. There is a separate model file for the game pieces.
    The .zip file contains all the necessary files. Just unpack and follow the ReadMe.
    Hope you can use it.


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  10. PVC Dancers Outfit

    I removed the 'skirt thing' from the the dancer model, although, you can use the original model if you like. Comes with 10 skins.


       (2 reviews)



  11. Revan Cutscene Forcepower Fix K2

    A Revan cutscene replacement model. Restores all the helpers to the model. Fixes the force powers emanating from the feet issue. Includes the masked model, male and female models, and my more feminine female
    model. Current version is 1.02.


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  12. Nomi Sunrider's Prestige Class Lightsaber & Robes

    It is truly amazing the things you can find on the internet. Up until very recently, I had no idea that the entire Knights of the old Repulic storyline had its origins in comic books. For uninformed individuals that would be interested in learning some of the roots of Star Wars history, wookieepedia is an excellent source of information.
    Which brings me to this mod. I wanted to make a new robe mod and decided that I wanted to put a little SW history into it this time. So I looked for someone from the KotOR era that could have owned the robes and found Nomi Sunrider. I did not originally have any intentions of making a lightsaber for this mod, but I loved Hugh Fleming's render and decided to recreate the lightsaber, too. Many thanks go to T7nowhere for all the wonderful advice he gave me while I was making it.
    I did implement the robes & saber in-game this time around. They can be found in the museum of the royal palace on Onderon. One small bit of advice: bring some medpacs. I would also like to thank Stoffe for some scripting help and the truly amazing TSLPatcher utility.
    You may want to check your override before you install this. The lightsaber uses model w_lghtsbr_222.mdl, w_lghtsbr_222.mdx, and g_w_sbrcrstl222.uti. You may have conflicts if you have other saber mods installed. Also, any mod that may have used the k_mus_treasure.ncs script will cause conflicts. Note that this mod will not overwrite exitsing saber model files, the saber crystal uti / texture, or the museum script. I did pretty much take over the museum. Lastly, this mod is guaranteed to be incompatible with mjpb3's Darth Traya's Robes. The reason being they both occupy the model k slot in the appearance.2da. So, if you already have mjpb3's mod installed, this mod will overrite the appearance.2da information and render it useless. You have been warned! You will also no longer be able to wear the armored flight suit.
    There are several restrictions for both the robes and the lightsaber:

    Restriction: Female Restriction: Light Side Restriction: Jedi Weapon Master Restriction: Jedi Master Restriction: Jedi Watchman Restriction: Human
    You can not use these items if you chose to become a Sith Marauder, Sith Lord, or Sith Assasin! Nomi was a light side character, so I'm just following SW history.The stats for the items can be found in the read_me.rtf, read_me.txt, or the tslpatcher install window. The robes come in 7 different versions.


       (2 reviews)



  13. Kristy's Saber Pack

    Well 4 sabers, 1 double saber, and 1 (very large) disruptor rifle. Anyway, due to the large amount of saber mods already out, I really can't guarantee compatibility with other mods. I did include a program that will scan your override to check if you already have any files that will conflict with this mod.
    Although I posted this in the TSL section, it will work for K1 or TSL.


       (1 review)



  14. Tighty Whiteys

    A new male underwear model for your pc, the npc's, or whoever you choose to use it for.


       (1 review)



  15. Make Visas Marr Dance For Vogga

    This will give you the option of making Visas Marr dance for Vogga on Nar Shaddaa. It may not be all that easy, though


       (1 review)



  16. Revan Model Without Cape (K2)

    Removes the starchy cape from the Revan models.


       (3 reviews)



  17. Jedi Hermit Robes

    Some of the Dark Jedi/Sith Assassin robes in TSL were repurposed versions of Jolee Bindo’s model from K1. Because the original model and texture for Jolee’s robes weren’t included in TSL, and due to issues concerning porting content from one game to the other, this mod adds a retinted version of the TSL Dark Jedi/Sith Assassin robes to approximate the original look of Jolee’s robes in K1. Note that this does not include the lowered hood like the K1 version, as that was physically removed from the mesh. However, one bonus is that TSL added a female version of the mesh, so this is available for both male and female characters.
    Because of restrictions with the way body models in KOTOR work, the only way to add the model without replacing an entire class of existing clothes/armour/robe models is as a disguise. The problem with the disguise functionality is that is replaces the entire body, including the head. In order to show a head, a separate appearance is required for every single player and party member head. In other words, each version of the item will show a specific head, regardless of whatever head you usually have. The item name references which particular head it will show, so choose the one that matches your regular head. Refer to the player head reference chart or check your head ID in KSE. Note that this only includes vanilla heads. If you use a custom head mod then you will need to modify the head ID value in one of the added appearance.2da rows to point to your custom head’s heads.2da ID.
    The item has the base stats of a Jedi Master Robe and is upgradeable.
    Extract the archive and run TSLPatcher to install. Add the robes to your inventory via KSE or console command. There are 40 versions of the item to cover all player/party heads. Simply add whichever are appropriate. Item use is restricted by player, sex, and party member, as appropriate.
    Both the TSL and original versions of the model have some issues with backface clipping of the "skirt" polys that cause some shading errors. This is an inherent issue in the model and not due to anything this mod does. It simply uses a hex edited version of the original models, they are otherwise untouched. Trying to fix it would probably cause more trouble than it would solve.
    While the robe is upgradeable, in the Workbench rotating display it shows a commoner clothes model. I don't think this is resolvable because of the way the mod works. It adds two new entries to baseitems.2da, but it has to specify a pre-existing Body Variation (B in this case, clothing). I can't get it to show the Jolee robes model without replacing one of the base body types, which would defeat the whole point of going the disguise route.
    While I did some basic testing to ensure that the items were equippable and didn't cause any crashes, the mod has not had any proper testing. Thus, I am releasing it here as a DS exclusive beta in the hope that some of you lot will play guinea pig.
    As an additional note, the texture is not very good, basically just a quick and dirty colour overlay of the TSL texture. If anyone wants to do a proper version then by all means feel free to volunteer.
    Also, I think I got all the heads, but let me know if I missed any.


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  18. Twin Mullet Men

    This mod will add two new, playable heads. They are based on the fan favourite head from KotOR 1 known as "Mullet Man" (PMHC04). I have modified TSL assets (to avoid porting), mostly PMHH01 model and texture to get as close as possible to the original appearance. There is also a second head model where I cribbed together parts of PMHH01 with the long spiky hair from N_ZezKaiEllH and the bangs from PMHC04 (again, only using TSL assets).
    Thanks to MDLOps 0.7 Alpha, both heads now have smooth edges and epic hair.
    You get to choose, which of the twins will you rule the galaxy with?


       (6 reviews)



  19. Lightsaber Textures

    A simple mod that changes the colors of the lightsabers in the game. I always thought they were a bit off, some less, some more.

    I'm very well aware that there are going to be people who don't like certain colors. Tough luck. I don't mind criticism at all, I say HIT ME with it, but, please, refrain from whining and saying things that I can only reply "Mhm" to (e.g. "oh my god, I hate the orange color, it's not even orange, it's [whatever]"). If you hate something so much that you'd rather see me burn in a pool of lava, my advice is: open photoshop and change whatever you want, it ain't that hard.
    The "Alt" folder contains some alternatives. Some of the changes are unnoticeable, some of them are rather obvious. The second screenshot shows these colors.

    PS: that weird property of the blue, red, green and yellow lightsabers that causes them to look thinner from behind and much thicker from the front; I don't know how to fix that. I tried tweaking the models, but I failed horribly. It's the models, or the shaders or I don't know, but there's nothing I can do about it. Apologies.
    No compatibility problems. There are none, there can be none. It's just a simple texture mod. I'm 99,9% sure about that. Also, no black-core lightsabers, there are shading issues, it won't work, it'll look off and horrible and just NO. You hear me? NO.
    Installation: simply drag whichever files for respective lightsaber colors you want into the override folder.


       (2 reviews)



  20. A Darker Peragus REDUX

    Using the techniques pioneered by the great modder Canderis, I have created my own version of the Darker Peragus formula.
    However, when working with the darker areas, I noticed that no matter what I did, all of the Plasteel Canisters and Footlockers were much too bright.
    And so, with the help of my modding compatriots, I have darkened all of the placeable items in the Peragus, Peragus Spacewalk, and Harbinger portions to match the darker lightmaps.

    To Install:
    Choose from either the full REDUX (WIth all of my customized lightmaps), or from the compatibility option (For those using Canderis' A Darker Peragus mod)
    (Note: There are two versions available to download. Use the A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_TSLRCM if you have TSLRCM installed, and A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_Vanilla if you don't)
    To Uninstall:
    1) Replace the .mod files in your Modules folder with the .mod files found in the Backup folder
    created by the TSLPatcher,
    2) Replace the placeables.2DA in your Override with the placeables.2DA from the Backup folder, and
    3) Copy all of the TGA MDX and TXI files from the TSLPatchdata folder to your Override
    (let them overwrite files if they’re already there), and then delete them all from it

    Permissions: Please inform me if you would like to use this mod or its assets in your own projects.
    Credits: Canderis for his permission in making a compatibility for his mod and for teaching me how to
    edit lightmaps to darken levels with his own mod A Darker Peragus;
    FairStrides for his endless insight, his BGR-RGB Converter,
    and for packaging this mod’s install as well as walking me through the process,
    LiliArch for her research into editing assets within the GIT
    and teaching me what a ColorTweak variable is; Darth Sapiens for his resource Cubemap Pack to make the
    Spacesuit snazzy; The rest of the Deadlystream community for their continued support and enthusiasm;
    TK102’s KGFF for its easy to use interface and raw GIT editing power;
    Fred Tetra for making KOTORTool which is still my favorite modding utility;
    Adobe for their Photoshop; Obsidian for making KOTOR2 in the first place;
    Bioware for starting the KOTOR craze in the first place;
    and George Lucas for starting all of the Star Wars insanity.


       (8 reviews)



  21. Kyle Katarn Head

    This mod adds a head based on Kyle Katarn from the Jedi Knight series. The head itself is a heavily modified pmhc07 with a skin painted from scratch in a higher resolution.
    Installation: Press "Install Kyle Katarn.exe" and follow the instructions.
    Removal: Remove the relevant .mdl, mdx and .tga files and put back the .2da files stored in the backup folder
    I do not give permission for this mod to be reuploaded to other sites and/or sources without my knowledge.


       (9 reviews)



  22. Handmaiden Redone

    This is a reskin for the Last Handmaiden. It also has a "Handmaiden for Females" option.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  23. Thinner HUD Elements

    This mod makes some of the HUD elements thinner, and a bit less chunky.
    The part items and powers menus have had the sides of each section cut out,
    and the up and down arrows made narrower. The 'hostile' powers and items menu,
    which appears above enemies, has also been thinned out in the same way.
    The combat action queue has been slightly streamlined.
    The combat reticle which apears over the currently-targeted enemy has been replaced.
    The party's health and force power bars have also been thinned.
    N.B.: This mod has only been tested at 1280x768 resolution on the PC.
    It does not replace the Xbox versions of the UI,
    and may not work at lower resolutions.
    Just drop the files into
    your Override folder.
    Take them out again.


       (7 reviews)



  24. Force Power Progression

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Here we have a mod by our newest staff member JediShemL. This mod changes the way each Jedi Class gains their Force Powers per level. Every now and then your jedi will get two powers, then next level he will get one. It is pretty much random the way he has set it up. As for balance, I would have to say this mod is as balanced as it could be. The noticable difference that this mod has to other feat/force power gain mods is that it changes the rate at which your specific class gains powers.
    - JediKilla


       (3 reviews)



  25. Darth Nihilus Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Sith Lords are so cool, I love the way the game creators and movie directors make them. They are just so evil and awesome looking. A lot of them like Darth Sion, Darth Revan, and even Darth Vader (for the time that they created him in) had awesome looking clothing and were just SO immensely evil. That is the on thing the Jedi never had though, I mean they did look cool but not as cool as some of the Sith Lords. There also were other types of Sith Lords that just looked plain freaky; actually I should say there was one Sith Lord that took that part because really there was only one and that one Sith Lord was Darth Nihilus. He was just so freaky lookin� that he made you think he could beat you with one swipe of his saber, but we all know that is not true. Anyway though speaking of Darth Nihilus lets get into the review.
    To put it simple this mod that Shem made will let you get Darth Nihilus�s robes in game without having to type a long boring cheat or go through rigorous trials to get it. The robe will show up in the game twice, one on Korriban and once on Dxun. They both will be using a custom icon for these types of robes as an icon and both will have a Datapad which I don�t think will have anything to do with the mod. Needless to say though I am sure this will definitely be a preferred way to get these robes in game.
    I really have to say Shem this is a very simple but very awesome mod. So really good job. Now to all of you people out there just dying to get you hands on this one of a kind mod... enjoy.
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (2 reviews)

