1 Screenshot

About This File

A little mod I created out of boredom, mainly for consistency reasons. Remember the last part of the game, where you play as Bao-Dur's Remote and your objective is to power up the mass shadow generator in order to destroy Malachor, but then that douchebag G0-T0 appears and prevents you from completing your mission, only for HK-47 to arrive and ultimately decide the fate of Malachor? If you do remember that part, then you also remember that there are 3 alternative ways the particular scene could play out: 1) G0-T0 scrambles HK's systems and tricks him into destroying the Remote, 2) A bunch of HK-51s arrive to assist G0-T0 against 47 OR 3) The 51s assist 47 instead and help their predecessor destroy G0-T0. Now, I don't know about you, but I always get the third ending, since I always reactivate the 51s when I'm raiding the HK factory as 47 (I might be a hardcore light-sided player, but reactivating the 51s instead of shutting them down completely, along with the 50s, that's my guilty dark-sided pleasure ;)). SO, imagine my confusion when I witness 47 and the 51s destroy G0-T0 but then return to my PC, go to the party selection screen and realise that G0-T0 is still a member of my party, even though he's dead. This is exactly what this mod fixes: if you get the third ending, G0-T0 is automatically removed from your party once he's killed, as indicated in the screenshot found in the "screenshots" folder. I have no idea why anyone would be interested in a screenshot, but since there are many people out there who constantly ask for screenshots of everything, I wasted 5 minutes of my life to make one (not a big loss for me, I was bored anyway ;)).
Again, nothing big, but it serves to add a tiny amount of consistency to the game.
This mod requires TSLRCM 1.8 to work.

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While I would love to leave a nice little review saying how this worked very nicely and is a good little addition... it turns out I can't.


As it happens, I just attempted to play through the affected portion of the game. What you would expect is for the scene to play out normally and G0-T0 to disappear from the party screen. Instead Bao-dur's hologram finished saying his thing... and the cutscene ended. I was left hanging out as the Remote, the hologram persisted and only said "Yeah?" when I tried talking to it, G0-T0 never showed up, and I couldn't progress. I uninstalled the mod and it immediately worked properly. May have something to do with the fact that I could skip through Bao's dialog with the mod but not without.


So unfortunately, I must report this mod as being game-breaking. At least part of the time.

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