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Version 1.0.1
-------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Taris Arena Changes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- ~ JDub96 and Effix present, a Knights of the Old Republic mod ~ This mod tries to make the Taris Arena contestants look more interesting, mainly by giving them new variations of the Combat Suit. There's also a Combat Suit variation for the player, that's in the first aid container in the corner of the room (near Twitch). Somewhat like souvenirs, Kebla of the Equipment Emporium sells replicas of the new Combat Suit variations that the arena contestants wear. I've split this mod up into 2 parts. A: The NPCs wear new combat suit variations, the player can loot its own version and Kebla sells the replicas. B: Further changes to make the NPCs more unique: - Gerlon Two-Fingers gets a scruffy beard - Ice gets a more unique Echani inspired head - Marl gets a unique head with beard - Twitch gets a different texture to make him look a bit more menacing - Bendak gets a different texture based on my TSL mod "Mandalorian Reskins" Important: - Kebla's store will only update if you use a save in which you haven't been to the Upper City South yet - The changes inside the cantina will only work with a save in which you haven't been inside the Upper City Cantina yet ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Part A: Simply copy the files from the subfolder "Part A - Combat Suits" to your game's Override folder. Part B (optional, but requires Part A): Run "TSLPatcher - Install Effixians Taris Arena Changes - Part B.exe" and point it to your main game's folder. --------- BUGS --------- None known. -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- Not compatible with other mods that change or include the same files. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. Remove from the Override folder: g_a_class4010.uti g_a_class4011.uti g_a_class4012.uti g_a_class4013.uti g_a_class4014.uti ia_Class4_008.tga ia_Class4_009.tga ia_Class4_010.tga ia_Class4_011.tga ia_Class4_012.tga k_ptar_a02ae_en.ncs keblastore.utm org_tar_a02ae.ncs PFBC08.tga PFBC09.tga PFBC10.tga PFBC11.tga PFBC12.tga PMBC08.tga PMBC09.tga PMBC10.tga PMBC11.tga PMBC12.tga tar02_bendak021.utc tar02_deadeye022.utc tar02_gerlon021.utc tar02_ice021.utc tar02_marl021.utc tar02_twitch021.utc If you've added Part B, also remove: N_Bendak.tga n_gerlon.mdl n_gerlon.mdx N_Gerlon.tga n_ice.mdl n_ice.mdx N_Ice.tga n_marl.mdl n_marl.mdx N_Marl.tga N_Twitch.tga 2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod you can get the following files from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder: appearance.2da heads.2da portraits.2da ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JDub96 for the overall mod concept and thinking up the different combat suit variations - DarthParametric for an improved script - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool - Camo pattern by Fauzy Ramadhan @ ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.- 18 comments
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- taris dueling ring
- taris
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Description: As I've explored all the mods which adjust and improve the textures and models for various objects and people in the game, I've noticed that surprisingly little attention has been given to modifying the appearance or look of one NPC in particular: Davik Kang, the crime lord and leader of the Exchange crime syndicate on Taris. While he doesn't have much actual screen time, he is quite important to much of the Taris section of the game. Although the tastes and opinions of people will vary wildly on this, I always felt like his appearance was rather "clunky" as he always seemed to be wearing his armor. Despite the fact that this is understandable, it would seem more fitting for an important crime-lord and de-facto important "noble" of Taris to be dressed rather formal or fancy given how others of his profession and rank are typically dressed. It would not be far-fetched to assume one in his position could wear a robe or formal jacket with body armor underneath for protection while maintaining a more "polished" look on the outside. I've included a custom skin and ported model from Kotor II for Davik's outer vestments, as well as a sharper-textured tpc file for his head that is included in the K2 game files. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Copyright: Anyone is welcome to use my models and textures, just please ask first and be sure to give me credit UPDATE: New version includes texture of his robe without the military medals, as requested Thanks to: Effix, N-DReW25, Thor110, and others for giving me the basics of porting models and assigning textures in the game Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
Version 2.0
Tired of seeing the same five people everywhere on Taris? Struggling to tell the Vulkars and Beks apart? Want your named quest-givers to stand out in a crowd? Then this is your mod. Uses TSLPatcher to make the following changes: [Main Mod] The serving staff now has a uniform more or less: red for Upper City, green for Javyar's Cantina. (Note: I chose to leave Gerlon in his red clothes with the logic that he's actively trying to blend into the background given that he's, y'know. A scammer.) Kandon Ark is now orange, and his bodyguard is green. Zelkor and Gurney both wear green now. Like unofficial Tarisian scrubs. Davik's Agent uses an alternate Black Commoner model, as does Hudron. Throughout the Lower City: Various modifications to the Vulkars and Beks to a) give them a little more gender/species equality and b) to color-code the gangs/alien stock models. Now when Matrik says you aren't in Hidden Bek colors, it might actually make sense. Beks: Blue/aqua Vulkars: Orange/red (Note: I left Davik's Estate unchanged. Based on Canderous's intro scene, it seems like Davik has an arrangement with the swoop gangs--either officially or on an individual basis. Indentured servitude: the Exchange at its finest.) In the Undercity: Hester now uses the Black Female Dirty Commoner model so she's not identical to both vanilla!Shaleena and one of the rakghoul victims. The Gate Guard Trewin has his name back. Igear is now Asian, while both of the beggars use different Black Commoner models (because we already have Gurney fullfilling almost the same role and that's just unfairly lazy). The Republic Soldier is in uniform. [Unique Heads] Dia now has a unique head based off PFHA02. Matrik has Zhar's head and wears Cinnegar Weave Armor. Holdan now has a unique head based off Dustil's, giving him a scruffy beard as well as a scar from Dia's vibroblade. Unique heads for Ice, Gerlon, and Marl based off PFHC03, PMHC05, and Gendar respectively, and a unique jumpsuit for Twitch colored to match the combat suits of his fellow duelists. Rukil has whiter hair, blue eyes, and a few tattoos/brands marking him as an Outcast and believer in the Promised Land. On the Swoop Track: Phirk gets a teal-colored jumpsuit to make him stand out while still following the Bek color scheme, while Redros has greener skin than his fellow Nikto and Doba has a morph of a regular and lite Rodian. [Undercity Culture] Gives all the Undercity commoners tattoos that say "Outcast" in Aurebesh. They aren't too obvious, but they do exist. [Optional Asian Shaleena] Gives Shaleena a unique Asian head based primarily on PFHA05. [Davik's Gamorrean Guest] Changes Davik's Rodian guest into a Gamorrean. For the lols. -
I was curious if anyone knew about a mod(s) that extended content on Taris. Not counting the K1 restoration mod. I am wanting more things to do with the gangs and undercity before escaping and becoming a jedi.
View File Taris Store Nerfs Vendors on Taris will now buy items from you for less money. Requires a new game to work. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/06/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File Davik's Noble Vestments Description: As I've explored all the mods which adjust and improve the textures and models for various objects and people in the game, I've noticed that surprisingly little attention has been given to modifying the appearance or look of one NPC in particular: Davik Kang, the crime lord and leader of the Exchange crime syndicate on Taris. While he doesn't have much actual screen time, he is quite important to much of the Taris section of the game. Although the tastes and opinions of people will vary wildly on this, I always felt like his appearance was rather "clunky" as he always seemed to be wearing his armor. Despite the fact that this is understandable, it would seem more fitting for an important crime-lord and de-facto important "noble" of Taris to be dressed rather formal or fancy given how others of his profession and rank are typically dressed. It would not be far-fetched to assume one in his position could wear a robe or formal jacket with body armor underneath for protection while maintaining a more "polished" look on the outside. I've included a custom skin and ported model from Kotor II for Davik's outer vestments, as well as a sharper-textured tpc file for his head that is included in the K2 game files. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Copyright: Anyone is welcome to use my models and textures, just please ask first and be sure to give me credit UPDATE: New version includes texture of his robe without the military medals, as requested Thanks to: Effix, N-DReW25, Thor110, and others for giving me the basics of porting models and assigning textures in the game Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter EAF97 Submitted 10/02/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.1
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 26.08.2016 Release Date 1.1: 10.10.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: In the Hidden Bek Base, their is a door labelled "Control Room" which cannot be unlocked, unlike the security doors that can be unlocked once you decide to finish a certain quest dark side. I found this annoying as the Control Room's interior is on the module loading screen, what this mod does is restore the Control Room and a small bit of Restored Content. This is less of 'cut content' and more of 'broken content' as I have reason to suspect this door was working on the Xbox version Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with anything that edits "tar11_lockdoo001.utd" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 11 comments
- 7 reviews
- 4
Hello all, This is an idea I had many years ago (I think I even made a thread here about it), but I never got very far. It crossed my mind recently so I decided to take another crack at it since it's a character's story I feel low-key passionate about. When the player is down in the Undercity of Taris, they can run into Rukil, the old proclaimer of something called the Promised Land. He has you go search for his missing apprentice, a young woman named Malya. In the game, you find a generic (old man) corpse with Malya's journal, and you tell Rukil she died. The end. Or not. The Promised Land concept is interesting enough, but the fact that Rukil has an apprentice (with a name), who seems to be an open-minded, hopeful, and brave young woman of all things seems like a huge missed opportunity to me. Maybe she's force sensitive. Maybe she has a unique perspective the other characters don't have, based on her unique upbringing. It's especially tragic for my player character, who doesn't really have the hots for Bastila and would be much more interested in someone who's not such a normie. So, Malya lives on, developing quietly in the back of my mind. So I've started work on it again. STORY: The new story is, basically, that while searching for the Promised Land, Malya left her journal on an old corpse in the Undercity when had to run and hide from Rakghouls and then Gamorrean slave hunters. She got captured by Gamorreans, and sold to the exchange. Shortly before the player character arrives at Davik's estate, Malya attempted to escape but was caught and thrown in the torture chamber. She is then rescued by the player character, and the grateful Malya joins him after learning that the other Outcasts are long gone on their journey to the Promised Land. The party then escapes Taris and goes to Dantooine, where Malya succumbs to her usual habits and explores every part of the Jedi enclave she can. While the player character is in training, Malya steals a Jedi holocron, and starts learning about the Jedi, Sith, and various Force philosophies. Once the quest for the Star Forge begins, the player character learns of Malya's Force experiments and has the option to train her as his own apprentice. Instead of becoming a traditional Jedi, however, Malya forms her own philosophy combining the teachings of Rukil and what she has learned since. One of her protests to the usual events of the game's story is on Kashyyyk, where she denounces a violent Wookiee uprising against Czerka, instead advocating for a more moderate agenda. As she harbors feelings for the player character, she dislikes Bastila, and by extension distrusts the Jedi. This is amplified after the Leviathan incident and subsequent revelation. Near the end, Malya declares her wish that the player character neither be subservient to the Jedi nor the Dark Side, and instead submit to nothing but Truth itself and become a fully realized individual, and says that this can be done by saving his old friend Malak from the Dark Side. MOD GOAL: Recruitment mod that adds Malya to the party, replacing Juhani. She serves as an alternative love interest to Bastila for male PCs. She can be trained as a Force user by the player character. She is to be fully voiced (I have directed voice actors before so I'm not worried about this - I'm more worried about lip synching because I have no idea how to do it). She is to chime in on the story like other party members do. Further down the road, if I get good enough at modding or have help, I'd like to have more story stuff like in the above summary. WHAT I'VE DONE SO FAR: -In Davik's estate, Malya can be found in the torture chamber (replacing Hudrow). When you rescue her, she gives you the Ebon Hawk security codes and joins your party after you escape Taris. This is implemented and works. However, there are a few problems I have to work out. -Her appearance is subject to change, but right now I have a reskinned albino version of TSL's PFHA06. After she escapes Davik's estate and changes out of the dirty old Outcast clothes, she has a hooded outfit which was made by removing the face from the darkjedif model (I might publish that bit on this website separately as a modder's resource or small mod). I made a prototype skin for the clothing, and I'll make cooler variants in the future. CURRENT PROBLEMS AS OF POSTING THIS: -I don't have any voiced lines yet, so Malya has been speaking Twilek. Sometimes her mouth doesn't move and I don't know why. Edit: Now I know why. -Although Malya has a unique entry in appearance.2da, I don't know how to access the new entry with the UTC editor. The dropdown menu only shows vanilla appearances to choose from, so that's why the Malya in Davik's estate looks like her old friend Shaleena the Outcast girl. Edit: Fixed! Thanks, Effix. -I hardly know how to do anything! Lol. So, if any of that sounds interesting, or if you have any comments or suggestions, or want to help in any way, or just want to say hi, I welcome your words. It had been so long I had forgotten the details; I had a post about this back in 2016: However, it's super old so I guess ignore it. Here are some images:
Version 1.0.0
Taris' Undercity is home to the strangest of galactic life. Not rakghouls, but floating grass. Specifically, there is one little area by the front of the Undercity pod crash with a little walkmesh error, that creates some floating grass the player can float over. This mod just fixes that out for now, it may grow later if I find other things in the module that could use work. Installation: Download the 7z file and extract the contents of the "To Override" folder to your game's override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Uninstallation: Remove the files in the Included Files list below from your override. Included Files: Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. Texture mods do not typically create compatibility issues for mods like this. Acknowledgments: Thanks to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and to Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset. This modification is not supported by Bioware, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. -
View File Taris Undercity Repairs Taris' Undercity is home to the strangest of galactic life. Not rakghouls, but floating grass. Specifically, there is one little area by the front of the Undercity pod crash with a little walkmesh error, that creates some floating grass the player can float over. This mod just fixes that out for now, it may grow later if I find other things in the module that could use work. Installation: Download the 7z file and extract the contents of the "To Override" folder to your game's override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Uninstallation: Remove the files in the Included Files list below from your override. Included Files: Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. Texture mods do not typically create compatibility issues for mods like this. Acknowledgments: Thanks to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and to Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset. This modification is not supported by Bioware, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. Submitter PapaZinos Submitted 11/19/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
This may take a while to release while I fix all the bugs, but I've made decent progress in just a single day, so that's great. Ever wanted to take the underdog and worst duelist in all of Taris on an adventure? Well, soon, (with any luck) you can! Take Duncan with you as you explore the galaxy, unique dialogue, pazaak, and the ability to make stuff! He replaces T3-M4, Janice has new dialogue: There is plans to add (voiceless) banter between Duncan and characters like Mission, Carth, & HK-47! His voiced dialogue is staying in, as I believe it'd be a bit silly to get rid of any of his voiced dialogue Even further down the line I'd like to add an entire questline, and maybe SOMEDAY get a decent voice-actor, but all of that is likely in the distant future. This is just a place to show off my progress, not to provide a download just yet, sorry ya'll. Disclaimer: I'm sure this might mess with any T3-M4 mods, Taris Dueling Ring mods, or the KOTOR 1 restoration, due to Deadeye appearing on Manaan in it, so keep that in mind. Also, yes, he has the worst stats of any party member by far, but he's far better then his dueling ring self. Known bugs that I currently know of (and would like help with if at all possible): ^This hilarious one, for one. As well as this: Anyway, hope you like what you see!
- 1 reply
- 1
- deadeye duncan recruit
- party member
(and 32 more)
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- deadeye duncan recruit
- party member
- party deadeye duncan
- deadeye duncan party
- wip
- recruit deadeye duncan
- recruitable deadeye duncan
- recruitable
- kotor 1 mods
- kotor 1 mod
- kotor 1
- kotor
- kotor1
- two-fingers
- gerlon
- gerlon two-fingers
- ice
- marl
- twitch
- bendak starkiller
- bendak
- taris dueling ring
- duel arena
- taris
- duel
- dueling
- ajuur
- duncan
- deadeye duncan
- deadeye
- work-in-progress
- work in progress
- custom party member
- deadeye duncan party member
View File Quanons Taris Upscaled Textures This mod will add upscaled textures for the planet Taris. Except the skies and Sith base see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: For the Sith base get my other Upscaled pack! 😉 Another great mod you might consider, for the cantina signs; by SithHolocron: Other big improvement, to the Taris arena, mainly the crowds and fights, by DarthParametric: Submitter Quanon Submitted 06/30/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
This mod will add upscaled textures for the planet Taris. Except the skies and Sith base see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: For the Sith base get my other Upscaled pack! 😉 Another great mod you might consider, for the cantina signs; by SithHolocron: Other big improvement, to the Taris arena, mainly the crowds and fights, by DarthParametric: -
View File Effixian's Taris Arena Changes -------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Taris Arena Changes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- ~ JDub96 and Effix present, a Knights of the Old Republic mod ~ This mod tries to make the Taris Arena contestants look more interesting, mainly by giving them new variations of the Combat Suit. There's also a Combat Suit variation for the player, that's in the first aid container in the corner of the room (near Twitch). Somewhat like souvenirs, Kebla of the Equipment Emporium sells replicas of the new Combat Suit variations that the arena contestants wear. I've split this mod up into 2 parts. A: The NPCs wear new combat suit variations, the player can loot its own version and Kebla sells the replicas. B: Further changes to make the NPCs more unique: - Gerlon Two-Fingers gets a scruffy beard - Ice gets a more unique Echani inspired head - Marl gets a unique head with beard - Twitch gets a different texture to make him look a bit more menacing - Bendak gets a different texture based on my TSL mod "Mandalorian Reskins" Important: - Kebla's store will only update if you use a save in which you haven't been to the Upper City South yet - The changes inside the cantina will only work with a save in which you haven't been inside the Upper City Cantina yet ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Part A: Simply copy the files from the subfolder "Part A - Combat Suits" to your game's Override folder. Part B (optional, but requires Part A): Run "TSLPatcher - Install Effixians Taris Arena Changes - Part B.exe" and point it to your main game's folder. --------- BUGS --------- None known. -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- Not compatible with other mods that change or include the same files. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. Remove from the Override folder: g_a_class4010.uti g_a_class4011.uti g_a_class4012.uti g_a_class4013.uti g_a_class4014.uti ia_Class4_008.tga ia_Class4_009.tga ia_Class4_010.tga ia_Class4_011.tga ia_Class4_012.tga k_ptar_a02ae_en.ncs keblastore.utm org_tar_a02ae.ncs PFBC08.tga PFBC09.tga PFBC10.tga PFBC11.tga PFBC12.tga PMBC08.tga PMBC09.tga PMBC10.tga PMBC11.tga PMBC12.tga tar02_bendak021.utc tar02_deadeye022.utc tar02_gerlon021.utc tar02_ice021.utc tar02_marl021.utc tar02_twitch021.utc If you've added Part B, also remove: N_Bendak.tga n_gerlon.mdl n_gerlon.mdx N_Gerlon.tga n_ice.mdl n_ice.mdx N_Ice.tga n_marl.mdl n_marl.mdx N_Marl.tga N_Twitch.tga 2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod you can get the following files from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder: appearance.2da heads.2da portraits.2da ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JDub96 for the overall mod concept and thinking up the different combat suit variations - DarthParametric for an improved script - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool - Camo pattern by Fauzy Ramadhan @ ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 04/25/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- taris dueling ring
- taris
(and 1 more)
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I took a crack at trying to make Deadeye Duncan a party member, but it turns out it's a lot harder then it seems. This is a request/help hybrid, not just one or the other. I don't think I'm able to make him a full-fledged party member, I don't care about voice-acting, or repeating phrases or whatnot. I just want him to actually follow me and be able to speak to him in any location in the game, I don't even care if he just repeats his dialogue the whole time. I used Darth333's Spawning Armband to first spawn him in my party, then added a dialogue option that allowed him to play pazaak, problem is, once my party leaves the cantina he stops following me and won't speak to me anymore. He'll join me in combat, he gets revived if he dies, his stats seem about what you'd expect from Duncan. I am absolutely no good at hex editing, I discovered kotor tool yesterday. If I could figure out how to make triggers I feel this would be easier. If I am unable to make him a party member, I'd ask, if at all possible, if someone else could make him a party member? This seemed a lot easier at first and I figured 1 .dlg file what follow him through-out the game, but it seems I need to script him so he'll have this responses anywhere in the game. If I need to actually make a super long script in tons of areas through-out the game, then I'd give up already, because the only way I made the first dialogue option was through kotor tool, and the only way I recruited him was with this mod: If it's easier then I'm making it out to be, please help, if there's some magic script I can put into my override folder that will allow all his conversations to work anywhere in the game AND have him follow me through-out the game, that would be great. Please and thanks. PS... Mods this was a lot of writing, so if this is in the wrong place, please move the topic instead of deleting it, thanks.
First I do know ZM90's intention and also I can get Carth out for awhile. I want to talk about getting the uniform itself. We have two events. Sith party or saving Hidden Bek spy. As far as I know K1R made both events appeat in one playthrough so we can get Carth's uniform. But I seemed to stuck, if I go to party Hidden Bek spy doesn't appear and vice versa. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Need help.
View File Taris NPC Overhaul Tired of seeing the same five people everywhere on Taris? Struggling to tell the Vulkars and Beks apart? Want your named quest-givers to stand out in a crowd? Then this is your mod. Uses TSLPatcher to make the following changes: [Main Mod] The serving staff now has a uniform more or less: red for Upper City, green for Javyar's Cantina. (Note: I chose to leave Gerlon in his red clothes with the logic that he's actively trying to blend into the background given that he's, y'know. A scammer.) Kandon Ark is now orange, and his bodyguard is green. Zelkor and Gurney both wear green now. Like unofficial Tarisian scrubs. Davik's Agent uses an alternate Black Commoner model, as does Hudron. Throughout the Lower City: Various modifications to the Vulkars and Beks to a) give them a little more gender/species equality and b) to color-code the gangs/alien stock models. Now when Matrik says you aren't in Hidden Bek colors, it might actually make sense. Beks: Blue/aqua Vulkars: Orange/red (Note: I left Davik's Estate unchanged. Based on Canderous's intro scene, it seems like Davik has an arrangement with the swoop gangs--either officially or on an individual basis. Indentured servitude: the Exchange at its finest.) In the Undercity: Hester now uses the Black Female Dirty Commoner model so she's not identical to both vanilla!Shaleena and one of the rakghoul victims. The Gate Guard Trewin has his name back. Igear is now Asian, while both of the beggars use different Black Commoner models (because we already have Gurney fullfilling almost the same role and that's just unfairly lazy). The Republic Soldier is in uniform. [Unique Heads] Dia now has a unique head based off PFHA02. Matrik has Zhar's head and wears Cinnegar Weave Armor. Holdan now has a unique head based off Dustil's, giving him a scruffy beard as well as a scar from Dia's vibroblade. Unique heads for Ice, Gerlon, and Marl based off PFHC03, PMHC05, and Gendar respectively, and a unique jumpsuit for Twitch colored to match the combat suits of his fellow duelists. Rukil has whiter hair, blue eyes, and a few tattoos/brands marking him as an Outcast and believer in the Promised Land. On the Swoop Track: Phirk gets a teal-colored jumpsuit to make him stand out while still following the Bek color scheme, while Redros has greener skin than his fellow Nikto and Doba has a morph of a regular and lite Rodian. [Undercity Culture] Gives all the Undercity commoners tattoos that say "Outcast" in Aurebesh. They aren't too obvious, but they do exist. [Optional Asian Shaleena] Gives Shaleena a unique Asian head based primarily on PFHA05. [Davik's Gamorrean Guest] Changes Davik's Rodian guest into a Gamorrean. For the lols. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 04/20/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
I'm currently working on a mod to combat some of the clone effect on Taris, and to make some immersion-level tweaks. I'm limiting myself to working off of existing Kotor textures, but so far I've got the following changes: I also want to give Rukil a new head; my current idea is to just take the old Asian commoner head he has and make it bald. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any input. It's certainly the largest mod I've tried, so I don't mind taking time on it.
If you've used my Animated Cantina Sign for KotOR 1 (and actually liked it), this might be of interest to you. I was thinking of expanding the texture to feature more frames - to allow the color to blend with each other a bit better. That means more frames. The original texture had 4 frame. This new beta version has 43 frames. Wanna take it out for a spin? Well, here's my open beta of the darn thing. (See attached.) If you are willing to test it, please report on the following: The speed: Should it be faster or slower? If you are more knowledgeable about TXIs and can pinpoint your favorite speed, feel to state it when you reply. Any negative effects in the cantina. Is this large TGA causing issues when you visit the cantinas that the texture appears in? Note any slow down that you may see occur. If no ill effects occur, note that too. Enjoy . . . hopefully! PS: Please note that I have no advice on how this would work for mobile versions of Knights of the Old Republic. SH_AnimatedCantinaSign_Beta.7z
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- 43 freaking frames
- taris
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taris Star Wars: KOTOR Soundtrack - Taris Destroyed
DarthValeria posted a blog entry in Starıka's Jedi Academy Machinimas
- taris destroyed
- kotor 1
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From the album: Magnetiicz
Deconstruct Reconstruct of Taris Module 1 -
From the album: Magnetiicz
Version 1.0.0
There are two puzzles in the two apartment complexes located in the lower city of Taris. Each complex contains a puzzle the player can figure out to gain some basic rewards. Too basic if you ask me. This mod changes these rewards to be more substantial and worth the hassle, especially on repeat playthroughs where the solution has been memorized. The trivia puzzle contains a breathing mask only available at the end of the game, and then only in one of two ending paths. The mask is not even that great when compared to equipment available in the midgame. The Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle now contains the rare Yusanis Dueling Shield, perfect for use in the arena. Both also contain the armors that are originally granted for completing the puzzles along with stacks of credits. The credits are of special note if using the "Tougher Merchants" mod by koaandl. As an added bonus I also removed the 'quest item' tag from "The Twisted Rancor Trio" datapad. Normally the game removes all quest items obtained on Taris after leaving the planet with the exception of this datapad. An oversight by the original developers no doubt. Without the tag you can take it, read it and then be rid of it. This mod had to be implemented through modification of the module files directly because of file name sharing. This mod also comes as is and not in TSL Patcher form for the benefit of Android users. It would likely be incompatible with K1R so there really is no point for a patcher version. Installation: Drop both module files into the "modules" folder and overwrite (I recommend making backups) the originals inside if prompted to. For Android users you must create a folder named "modules" in the same directory as your mod override folder on your device if you don't already have said folder. Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra, TSL Patcher by Stoffe