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Found 71 results

  1. Version 1.0.4


    Switch KotOR Modding romFS Dummy Folder with 1.0.3 dialog.tlk This is a set of files and folders designed to make modding the Switch version of KotOR easier and more accessible to a novice user. Read to the end before using. You will need a hackable, or modchipped Switch to use this, and custom firmware must be installed, I use Atmosphere, but anything that supports romFS should be fine. This should work just fine with the digital or physical version (when it is released) without issue. I have only tested this on the most up-to-date build at this time, 1.0.3. It may work on 1.0.2 or 1.0.1, but it is not guaranteed, and I'm not concerned with supporting them. Extract the zip file, and install any mods you want to use, pointing TSLPatcher at the romfs folder containing the dialog.tlk file. For mods that don't use TSLPatcher, copy files as directed, "romfs" is equivalent to the directory on PC containing the executable. NOTE: You may need to move files that TSLPatcher is expecting to the folder to be able to patch them. You can access them by dumping your game with nxdumptool, using romfs. Make sure you include updates when doing so. Feel free to comment with what you needed, and what mod it was for, and if there is popular demand, I will add the files to this pack. The easiest way I found, was just to try installing a mod, and then check the log for errors to see what files were missing. NOTE: Long filenames cause issues with TSLPatcher, this is exacerbated by the length of the filepath for romFS modding. I recommend moving the "romfs" folder to the root of the drive and patching there, moving the folder back afterwards. Make sure to check your error log, you may manually need to copy .lip files over to override afterwards. Move textures (.tga, .txi and .tpc) to override/Textures or they won't apply. NOTE: Aspyr included upscaled textures with this version that are not in other releases of the game. As far as I can tell, they are all in the format the original textures were in, by and large, that means they are in .tpc format, which trumps .tga and .txi files of the same name. If you have issues with a mod's textures not applying, try converting them to .tpc with Xoreos-Tools. You can download my texture reversion mods for K1 and K2 on Switch if you want to see what files are in what format. At this point, copy the atmosphere folder to the root of your SD card, and you should be done. Please feel free to mention any issues you run into, or workarounds you needed, and I'll update this post. I tested a run of K1CP with no major issues. Mods that involve UI likely won't work. Everything is at your own risk, you may end up with a broken save, etc. Worst case scenario, you can uninstall all mods by deleting the `0100854015868000` folder from `/atmosphere/contents/` Big thanks to JC for helping me pin this all down. 7-22-2022 Update: Just a change to the readme regarding potential texture issues.
  2. Hello. I need help with TSL, I'm making new icons for GUI and I'm 95% done, but one problem turned out to be no use for them, since the icons themselves in the game are very small, no matter how much I searched for different GUI, but the same situation is everywhere, however, somewhere in the vastness of YouTube, I saw in the review when the player went to the abilities\powers tab, he had quite large icons I have already downloaded the visual GUI editor /, there is a field for finding icons, but there is no size of the icons themselves, or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Please help me, in response I will fill in the tests for GUI in 256 and 128 quality
  3. [Updated: April 26, 2020] Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope you all doing fine. This will be an archive-thread-miniwiki to accommodate my curiousness in some aspects from either KotOR/TSL; either with placeables, textures , models, anything- which is too valuable to lost for just a status update but is too exclusive for each of them to have a single thread, in my perspective. I have archived some past random questions with its essential responses, should their information would be useful and will be easy enough to have access to: [August 14, 2018] PlasticCrate_cylinder [August 16, 2018] LTS_Rwall01 [August 19, 2018] PLC_Statue2 [August 24, 2018] Taris' Upper City Cantina Entrance Wall Panel [August 28, 2018] Taris' Upper City South Fountains [M02ac_02b_02e] [August 30, 2018] Ebon Hawk's Unique Cubemaps [CM_eh] [September 12, 2018] Locate Area Model [September 12, 2018] Sith Soldier Bump Map Restoration [September 17, 2018] Bump-map Breaks Level Geometry Animation? [December 10, 2018] Jedi Enclave's "Unused" Bump-map [November 08, 2019] Trigger's ScriptOnEnter x GetEnteringObject [November 24, 2019] ActionJumpToLocation >= ActionJumpToObject [December 08, 2019] Rakatan "SWAG" Idle Animation VS ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_NORMAL [December 11, 2019] [Success] VS [Failure] [December 14, 2019] GetNearestCreature > GetPartyMemberByIndex [April 26, 2020] TSL's Hologram ____________________________________________ That was some questions-responses that I thought would need a proper archiving should they delivered any useful information for future modding attempt. Also, I'm taking this opportunity to ask to the forums too. Will it be possible to change that grey area in the center of Taris' city-walk to some kind of a mini-pool with water model/textures in it? One example in mind that could be used as a reference is this mini-pool inside Davik's estate: Many thanks for considering this!
  4. hello everyone, pardon me for a (possibly) stupid post but- i have been looking for a guide to help me learn how to WRITE a mod for kotor1, but have had little success. can anyone recommend the programs/techniques that people have used? i'm not trying to steal anyone's work, i'd just appreciate some help. this is my first time here, so sorry if this is a bad post.
  5. I recently learned that part of texturing for Horizon Zero Dawn is similar to Skyrim in the filetype, DDS. I am researching how to create retextures in this game, with hopes of creating new clothing or altered clothing. Horizon Zero Dawn - Wikipedia has a thread on Horizon Zero Dawn modding that I posted in. Page 25 - Horizon Zero Dawn Retexture Research STEP 3. Graphics Program: GIMP 2.10.22 , a Linux Graphic Editing Program cross-compatible with Windows all versions: ^ With this, you can edit the textures. Leave the .dds files uncompressed when exporting. Edit: I need some help with researching this. Disclaimer - It's a 78gb game. BUT I will make skins for it if I can figure out the way to do so. To import/export textures from Horizon Zero Dawn, you can use the HZDMeshTool. This is a Blender addon that allows you to import and export textures from Horizon Zero Dawn's .core format . Here are the steps to install and use the tool: - Download the HZDMeshTool from GitHub. - In Blender, open the User Preferences and go to the Add-ons tab. - Click on Install and select the file. - Enable the addon. - Go to the Scene Properties tab. - As of version 1.3, you can extract textures from the game files by enabling the Extract Texture checkbox in the tool . If enabled, the tool will extract every texture used by the imported mesh part to the Workspace directory. You can click the checkered icon next to the mesh import button to see the textures used .
  6. View File KotOR II Switch modding framework For full details, usage instructions, and bug reports — please use the GitHub project associated with this file. This project is a group of tools to make modding the Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (aka. KotOR II) easier, less confusing, and less cumbersome. With these tools, we can now finally enjoy mods like The Sith Lords: Restored Content Mod (and others) on Nintendo Switch! These scripts are by no means necessary, but they will help prevent common issues that can occur, especially when dealing with Aspyr's odd file structure in their port, the port's built-in .tpc override files, and the localized folder structure on the Nintendo Switch. Based on and inspired by jacqylfrost's work! Appreciate your insight as I worked through this. NOTE: these modding tools will ONLY work for modded Nintendo Switches. Submitter DrSnuggly Submitted 07/09/2023 Category Modding Tools  
  7. View File KotOR II Switch Modding Framework I wondered, why wait a few months for Aspyr to release TSLRCM when you could hack it together in a few days for fun? To that end: Switch KotOR II Modding romFS Dummy Folder 1.0.1 This is a set of files and folders designed to make modding the Switch version of KotOR II easier and more accessible to a novice user. Read to the end before using. You will need a hackable, or modchipped Switch to use this, and custom firmware must be installed, I use Atmosphere, but anything that supports romFS should be fine. If you use something other than Atmosphere you'll have to figure out where it goes, but it should be very similar. This should work just fine with the digital or physical version (when it is released) without issue. I have only tested this on the most up-to-date build at this time, 1.0.1. I will update this when the next patch is released, and hopefully again when TSLRCM is officially released. Extract the zip file, and install any mods you want to use, pointing TSLPatcher at the \Localized\English\ folder containing the dialog.tlk file. For mods that don't use TSLPatcher, copy files as directed, "romfs" is equivalent to the directory on PC containing the executable. NOTE: You may need to move files that TSLPatcher is expecting to the folder to be able to patch them. You can access them by dumping your game with nxdumptool, using romfs. Make sure you include updates when doing so. What I included should be more than sufficient for TSLRCM, however. NOTE: When you are done, move the override folder to the root of the romfs folder, i.e. the directory with the "swplayer.ini" file. Feel free to comment with what you needed, and what mod it was for, and if there is popular demand, I will add the files to this pack. The easiest way I found, was just to try installing a mod, and then check the log for errors to see what files were missing. NOTE: Long filenames cause issues with TSLPatcher, this is exacerbated by the length of the filepath for romFS modding. I recommend moving the "romfs" folder to the root of the drive and patching there, moving the folder back afterwards. Make sure to check your error log, you may manually need to copy .lip files over to override afterwards. Move textures (.tga, .txi and .tpc) to override/Textures or they won't apply. NOTE: Aspyr included upscaled textures with this version that are not in other releases of the game. As far as I can tell, they are all in the format the original textures were in, by and large, that means they are in .tpc format, which trumps .tga and .txi files of the same name. If you have issues with a mod's textures not applying, try converting them to .tpc with Xoreos-Tools. You can download my texture reversion mods for K1 and K2 on Switch if you want to see what files are in what format. At this point, copy the atmosphere folder to the root of your SD card, and you should be done. Please feel free to mention any issues you run into, or workarounds you needed, and I'll update this post. I tested a run of TSLRCM and Leilukin's Gay Handmaiden mod with great success. I have not tested the Male Exile/Disciple part of that mod, but it should work as well. Mods that involve UI likely won't work. Everything is at your own risk, you may end up with a broken save, etc. Worst case scenario, you can uninstall all mods by deleting the `0100B2C016252000` folder from `/atmosphere/contents/` Big thanks to JC for a ton of help troubleshooting, and big thanks to Zbyl2 for helping with TSLRCM-related issues. 7-22-2022 Update: Just a change to the readme regarding potential texture issues. Submitter jacqylfrost Submitted 06/26/2022 Category Modder's Resources  
  8. Version 1.0.2


    I wondered, why wait a few months for Aspyr to release TSLRCM when you could hack it together in a few days for fun? To that end: Switch KotOR II Modding romFS Dummy Folder 1.0.1 This is a set of files and folders designed to make modding the Switch version of KotOR II easier and more accessible to a novice user. Read to the end before using. You will need a hackable, or modchipped Switch to use this, and custom firmware must be installed, I use Atmosphere, but anything that supports romFS should be fine. If you use something other than Atmosphere you'll have to figure out where it goes, but it should be very similar. This should work just fine with the digital or physical version (when it is released) without issue. I have only tested this on the most up-to-date build at this time, 1.0.1. I will update this when the next patch is released, and hopefully again when TSLRCM is officially released. Extract the zip file, and install any mods you want to use, pointing TSLPatcher at the \Localized\English\ folder containing the dialog.tlk file. For mods that don't use TSLPatcher, copy files as directed, "romfs" is equivalent to the directory on PC containing the executable. NOTE: You may need to move files that TSLPatcher is expecting to the folder to be able to patch them. You can access them by dumping your game with nxdumptool, using romfs. Make sure you include updates when doing so. What I included should be more than sufficient for TSLRCM, however. NOTE: When you are done, move the override folder to the root of the romfs folder, i.e. the directory with the "swplayer.ini" file. Feel free to comment with what you needed, and what mod it was for, and if there is popular demand, I will add the files to this pack. The easiest way I found, was just to try installing a mod, and then check the log for errors to see what files were missing. NOTE: Long filenames cause issues with TSLPatcher, this is exacerbated by the length of the filepath for romFS modding. I recommend moving the "romfs" folder to the root of the drive and patching there, moving the folder back afterwards. Make sure to check your error log, you may manually need to copy .lip files over to override afterwards. Move textures (.tga, .txi and .tpc) to override/Textures or they won't apply. NOTE: Aspyr included upscaled textures with this version that are not in other releases of the game. As far as I can tell, they are all in the format the original textures were in, by and large, that means they are in .tpc format, which trumps .tga and .txi files of the same name. If you have issues with a mod's textures not applying, try converting them to .tpc with Xoreos-Tools. You can download my texture reversion mods for K1 and K2 on Switch if you want to see what files are in what format. At this point, copy the atmosphere folder to the root of your SD card, and you should be done. Please feel free to mention any issues you run into, or workarounds you needed, and I'll update this post. I tested a run of TSLRCM and Leilukin's Gay Handmaiden mod with great success. I have not tested the Male Exile/Disciple part of that mod, but it should work as well. Mods that involve UI likely won't work. Everything is at your own risk, you may end up with a broken save, etc. Worst case scenario, you can uninstall all mods by deleting the `0100B2C016252000` folder from `/atmosphere/contents/` Big thanks to JC for a ton of help troubleshooting, and big thanks to Zbyl2 for helping with TSLRCM-related issues. 7-22-2022 Update: Just a change to the readme regarding potential texture issues.
  9. Version 2.3.0


    For full details, usage instructions, and bug reports — please use the GitHub project associated with this file. This project is a group of tools to make modding the Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (aka. KotOR II) easier, less confusing, and less cumbersome. With these tools, we can now finally enjoy mods like The Sith Lords: Restored Content Mod (and others) on Nintendo Switch! These scripts are by no means necessary, but they will help prevent common issues that can occur, especially when dealing with Aspyr's odd file structure in their port, the port's built-in .tpc override files, and the localized folder structure on the Nintendo Switch. Based on and inspired by jacqylfrost's work! Appreciate your insight as I worked through this. NOTE: these modding tools will ONLY work for modded Nintendo Switches.
  10. I know, I know, dev mode - but is there a way to kind of... fudge it in retail mode? I know modding is practically impossible on the new consoles but is it there a way? Could I theoretically use some combination of a file explorer, ftp, USB stick to get the necessary files on my system?
  11. View File K2Console - A Console For KOTOR 2 DESCRIPTION This is a little tool that mimics the visible console from K1, in TSL. It's written in Python (I've attached the source code below). IMPORTANT NOTES - The tool does not work in fullscreen mode (for now). I'd like to fix this in the future, but for now it only works in windowed mode. - The tool doesn't connect to TSL at all - it's completely separate. This means that (for example) if you open the console in TSL with tilde, and then alt-tab out of TSL and press tilde again, K2Console will detect this but TSL itself won't (meaning K2Console and TSL will be out of sync). - If you get out of sync and/or want to start the program again, you can type "xxxxx" (five x's in a row) into the console while it's open, which will close the program. Then just run the file "k2console.exe" and it'll start up again. No need to restart TSL (but make sure the TSL console is closed when you start K2Console, or you'll still be out of sync). - This program works by reading your keyboard inputs and storing them to memory, which is also one way a keylogger might work - so your anti-virus might identify it as such. This code does not connect to the internet at all (you can verify this for yourself if you like). I haven't included the source with the program package to avoid cluttering your TSL installation, but I included it as a separate download below. INSTALLATION Unzip all three files into the same folder as swkotor2.exe (i.e. C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\, or wherever your TSL installation is located). UNINSTALLATION Delete the three files "k2console.exe", "console.bat", and "steam_console.bat". INITIALIZATION If you use Steam: Instead of starting your game through Steam, you can start it by running the file "steam_console.bat", located in your TSL install folder. Otherwise: Start the game by running "console.bat", again located in your TSL install folder. USAGE - Whenever you press ` to open the console in TSL, the mimic console should pop up too. I tried my best to exactly match the behavior of the TSL console (e.g. when it keeps text vs clears it), but if you find any discrepancies please let me know so I can fix them. - If I did my job, you shouldn't really be able to tell that the console's not built into TSL, so just use it as normal (with the ability to see what you wrote!) - To close the program (not TSL, just the console), type "xxxxx" (5 x's in a row) into the open console (this won't work if the console's not visible). Alternatively, you can close the command line that opens when you run the .bat file. INCLUSION IN OTHER MODS I'm not sure why you'd want to include this in other mods, but if you want to, you're welcome to do so with appropriate attribution. CREDITS Thanks to Thor110 for the idea for this tool, and for helping out with testing and ideas (as well as taking the screenshot for me). Submitter lachjames Submitted 05/31/2020 Category Modding Tools  
  12. In early 2021, the concept of an aggressive and alternate path into the Korriban Academy was conceived. What if you could charge in lightsabers ignited and guns blazing into Korriban? Especially Post Events of the Leviathan (PEL)! CONCEPT QUESTIONS: What if there was a Darkside & Lightside routes of assault to Korriban Temple? Would you subjugate it as a Sith defeating Master Uthar and usurping his authority or would you recruit him as your pawn? This latter option led to the same issues of Shanilia of the PC deciding pre-unknown world (Lehon) which LS or DS path they'd choose, and creates a minor plot hole with Jolee/Juhani/Bastila and other PM who think the PC is saving the galaxy; thus the workaround is prevention of those characters accompanying or requiring the PC to do it solo. Raising the difficulty in terms of gameplay and modding those conditionals. Or would Revan enforce the Rule of Two, or merely adopt the Sith philosophy of testing and destroying the weak amongst them, and wipe out the entire Academy? This raises issues of the famed strategic mindset Revan was accredit for having. On the Lightside, would the PC eradicate all evil in open combat and take on an army? Would you lead a strike team of Jedi to launch a sneak attack and cripple the inflow of new Sith recruits? Would there be any room for repentance? The greatest point would be for the Lightside PC to actually save the fleeing Sith students in the caves. This entire incident would suddenly become a major plot point of the Assault Korriban Temple mod, while still being optional, as most of the vanilla plot would be removed. NARRATIVE CHALLENGES: For all these narrative reasons, the mod's creative direction was hard to settle upon. Eventually, I determine PEL was the only reasonable justification for the mod even existing, otherwise the PC is too weak and power scaling doesn't make sense. Though anyone could argue that this was countered by the vanilla game sending the entire academy at you. How do you accurately represent the Sith within the Temple responding to a Sith PC, it would be initial hostility followed by respect and a conversation with Yuthura/Uthar allowing the PC to subjugate or completely destroy them. Destroy has to be an option for PC expectations of Sith, DS jedi or DS elitist or Rule of Two, etc... Eventually, I settled on that, and the LS version was also PEL followed by an optional but recommended Jedi Strike team that had infiltrated the Dreshdae colony and were about to strike. Therefore, it would be more coincidental that the PC was there (Will of the Force) resulting in the death of all Sith, except fleeing students found in the cave. ENDINGS: The PC would then be able to simply walk into the Starmap module or be escorted by friendly Sith, dramatically shortening the quest list on Korriban and player time on Korriban. TECHNICAL HURDLES: On a technical standpoint, this required massive changes to all Korriban modules, massive changes to dialogue, lack of voice acting and replacement of aliens VOs, doors would have to be unlocked, party member specific scripts, enormous bug testing, compatibility issues for practically any Korriban mod, removing triggers, re-doing sidequests like the Mandalorian prisoner (planned to make him Republic), creating new sidequests like allowing PC to free & save Republic soldiers used as sparring partners. The more I write about this crazy idea, the more I like it! This was simply an idea I had for a mod, it would be awesome to see this or something like this done by anyone. I may in-fact come back to this project in the future. But, alas, I have an even more exciting and original modding project in development that may take me years to complete! Or like this modding project fall to the wayside and become yet another gravepost of the Journal of jc2. May the Force be with you, -jc2
  13. There are some great tutorials, especially for begginers but not limited to, that were originally hosted on LucasForums! Fortunately, they have been preserved on and can be accessed here:
  14. Cannot find the two alone anywhere, just looking for the override files of these hilts to swap out my green saber crystal. If anyone has these can you please send them my way?
  15. I'm kind of new to modding KOTOR, so I'm still learning. So, I successfully created a custom jedi robe and added it to the game, simple stuff. However, I tried to add the Elite Sith Trooper Armor into the game, but for some reason everything worked except the armor appeared as plain old Battle Armor in game and the icon for the sith armor didn't work either. I had a few different files, the first was PMBF08, the sith armor texture, then I had the icon, ia_class7_008, and finally the .uti file, g_a_class7008 But for some reason, this didn't work. I got a custom armor with all the custom stats and descriptions that I had added, but the appearance of the armor wasn't the Sith Elite Armor like the PMBF08 file stated. So, I'm not sure how to fix this as I spent hours trying most everything I could to get it to work with no progress. I used KOTOR Tool and GIMP to perform all the necessary operations if that helps.
  16. View File KotOR Switch Modding Framework Switch KotOR Modding romFS Dummy Folder with 1.0.3 dialog.tlk This is a set of files and folders designed to make modding the Switch version of KotOR easier and more accessible to a novice user. Read to the end before using. You will need a hackable, or modchipped Switch to use this, and custom firmware must be installed, I use Atmosphere, but anything that supports romFS should be fine. This should work just fine with the digital or physical version (when it is released) without issue. I have only tested this on the most up-to-date build at this time, 1.0.3. It may work on 1.0.2 or 1.0.1, but it is not guaranteed, and I'm not concerned with supporting them. Extract the zip file, and install any mods you want to use, pointing TSLPatcher at the romfs folder containing the dialog.tlk file. For mods that don't use TSLPatcher, copy files as directed, "romfs" is equivalent to the directory on PC containing the executable. NOTE: You may need to move files that TSLPatcher is expecting to the folder to be able to patch them. You can access them by dumping your game with nxdumptool, using romfs. Make sure you include updates when doing so. Feel free to comment with what you needed, and what mod it was for, and if there is popular demand, I will add the files to this pack. The easiest way I found, was just to try installing a mod, and then check the log for errors to see what files were missing. NOTE: Long filenames cause issues with TSLPatcher, this is exacerbated by the length of the filepath for romFS modding. I recommend moving the "romfs" folder to the root of the drive and patching there, moving the folder back afterwards. Make sure to check your error log, you may manually need to copy .lip files over to override afterwards. Move textures (.tga, .txi and .tpc) to override/Textures or they won't apply. NOTE: Aspyr included upscaled textures with this version that are not in other releases of the game. As far as I can tell, they are all in the format the original textures were in, by and large, that means they are in .tpc format, which trumps .tga and .txi files of the same name. If you have issues with a mod's textures not applying, try converting them to .tpc with Xoreos-Tools. You can download my texture reversion mods for K1 and K2 on Switch if you want to see what files are in what format. At this point, copy the atmosphere folder to the root of your SD card, and you should be done. Please feel free to mention any issues you run into, or workarounds you needed, and I'll update this post. I tested a run of K1CP with no major issues. Mods that involve UI likely won't work. Everything is at your own risk, you may end up with a broken save, etc. Worst case scenario, you can uninstall all mods by deleting the `0100854015868000` folder from `/atmosphere/contents/` Big thanks to JC for helping me pin this all down. 7-22-2022 Update: Just a change to the readme regarding potential texture issues. Submitter jacqylfrost Submitted 06/20/2022 Category Modder's Resources  
  17. Version 2.0


    A little while ago it struck me - The Dantooine Jedi academy has a workbench, but the Korriban Academy didn't, which can be very inconvenient. In fact, there wasn't one on all Korriban. This mod fixes all that! Now there is a workbench in the little room which leads to the Valley of the Dark Lords. It's just on the left as you come in. The only mod conflict that there might be is if someone else's mod modifies Master Uthar's dialogue.
  18. Including mods and the use of the KOTOR Tool. Does anyone know whether it is possible? I tried searching the internet. I tried modding myself. This force power is so stubborn that even making all force power not restricted by armor doesn't make work at all!!!
  19. So I am trying to swap out music in K1 and eventually in K2. After researching online I read that you need to remove the track in question out of the Streammusic folder and replace it with an .mp3 of your choosing of the same name. I tried it and it did not work. I also followed this guide that had me download Audacity, convert the mp3 to mono, and reduce it to 22k Hz which made the track sound like garbage and still didn't work in game. I believe I am selecting the right track name because when I load into the area to test it there is no music at all, not even the default music. Is there an additional step I am missing? Do I need to make sure the mp3 file has certain properties? Any help would be appreciated!
  20. Just a simple information to share to save ones from getting burnt-out, lol. Why we don't want to use TPC format for lightmaps? It broke the maps When put into a module/MOD file, it crashes your game upon reloading and/or exiting the game Stick only with the TGA for that one...
  21. I was changing the levels in which each class gets feats, it does not seem to work. I basically made it so scout gets a feat the first three levels then another every other, and scoundrel gets a feat the first two levels, and then every other. Mission Joins the party at lvl 3, so when she hit level 4 I expected her to get another feat. She however did not. The featgain.2da is located here --> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\override (on my pc). I edited it with the Kotor Tool program and saved it in the mentioned folder. Not sure if party members level up using a different table? or is another file necessary for this to work? Any input is greaty appreciated.
  22. Version 2.0


    This mod adds a new tomb to the Valley of the Dark Lords - the tomb of Azgath N'Dul. You will find it between the tombs of Ajunta Pall and Tulak Hord. A couple of robes will come out funny if you are using oldflash's Final Touch - The Chatos Robes, the Sith Lord Robes and the Robes of Azgath N'Dul. This is because of a model change that mod introduces. They won't crash your game, but they will look a bit odd. This mod adds: ten new robes, three new armours, four new weapons, two weapons I've released separately before, a new belt, a new pair of gloves and a new Force Power, not to mention many other items that can be created by the Force Transmutation Device. I've tried to keep the stats fairly balanced, but that's by my judgment. N.B.: Robes included in this mod may not be compatible with robe mods which you have installed. Please be sure to download kyrie's changes.ini fix before installing this mod (click here), and then the 2.2 patch.
  23. Airazor65

    Install Order?

    Hi everybody! I'm new here, but I've been stalking the forums for a while now. I've done some trial and error, but I still fail to get the game to run in 100% capacity because mod conflicts, probably. As far as I know, everything I have is compatible with each other with a little wiggling, but I'm not sure. So I decided to go for a clean slate (for the fourth time) and am trying to figure out what order to install my mods. I've mixed and matched some cosmetic/texture mods because I'm like that. And yes, I know, some mods aren't compatible with TSLRCM by default, which is why I would assume to install those first. TSL patcher is my friend! Anyway, here's the mods. I made a list and I put notes to myself in them. One thing I'm curious about is why I keep getting an access violation trying to install "Male Exile and Sion" though. Any tips would be great! Thank you! P.S. if anyone wants specifics, especially on multi-option mods, I'll do my best to tell you. Thanks again! Edit: I forgot to mention I'm play the GOG version of the game. Thanks! Edit 2: I've done some thinking and have decided to user the widescreen patcher to fix the game's resolution. Edit 3: Oh my gosh, I forgot to mention that I'm hoping to use the Grey Jedi Freedom mod as well... Edit 4: I know, this getting annoying, but I've switched out my lists. Does this one seem right? Thanks again. KOTOR 2 TSLRCM Mod Install Order.txt
  24. Thought I'd make this post just as a way to keep track of my future/not-yet-started projects, such as they are. As they move past the concept stage they may get threads of their own. Unique Sidequest Messengers (K1): continuing on from my Mandalorian Jagi mod, this one attempts to do the same for all other side quests. Jolee's old friend who tells him about Sunry should look more like a smuggler. Sunry himself could use some scruff from his prison stay, and maybe a Republic Officer's uniform. The trial's half politics anyway, why not have him look the part. I'm also partial to giving Elora the Old Black Commoner model, but I'm not opposed to the Asian variant since that one doesn't get much use afaik. Xor not only gets a human head to better fit his dialogue, but a unique one at that. Currently thinking about bearding and greying Mullet Man for him, plus adding some scarring--maybe claw scratches since the man likes hunting Cathars so much. Looking into modding his thugs into various human mercenaries also--it always took me out of it if I confronted him on Manaan to have Selkath backing it up. Bastila's mother's friend (the Twi'lek) could use an update. Commoner clothes vs armor is a decision for farther down the line, but I'd definitely give her a scar or something. She's done treasure hunting work after all. Lena should also get an update--maybe have her be a red twi'lek? I'd have to experiment getting the body model the correct color and working, but I feel like she's worth it. Carth's friend Jordo needs at minimum a Czerka uniform and probably a new head to go along with it. Have I exhausted my Asian head editing? Perhaps. I guess we shall see. Freyrr deserves a unique Wookiee skin--I'm thinking take a page out of Itchy's and just greying the Wookiee 1 model. Hulas could be greener and his outfit could be darker. Something that says "I have a proposition for you." Suvam Tan shouldn't be the only Rodian who gets to look significant. Equally, Senni Vek deserves a unique colored head. There is a Twi'lek racist out there conflating every green-skinned nerfherder in the game and I will not let it stand! No More Starring Roles: Endar Spire Jedi and Star Forge Jedi in my opinion should get more diverse appearances than just "not-in-use PC head." Honestly it probably won't be anything fancy either, just tweaking their skin colors to make them Near Human (maybe Mirialin or Zeltron?). Equally, the Taris Sith Governor and that one Sith Apprentice on Lehon are missing a little something. Currently considering giving the Taris boss a light dusting of hair and goatee and calling that a day, but the Sith Apprentice should be either Twi'lek or Mirialin in my opinion. Something eye catching that makes his words actually register. Companion Sidequest items: Scripting might hold me back here, but it seems like a fun way to acknowledge NPC character growth and have a few new toys to play with. This would include the K2 items Bindo's Band and Vao armband, although I'd probably beef their effects a bit. Lightsaber Ranks: Dark Jedi and Sith Apprentices are clearly two separate groups. To that end and inspired slightly by the Inquisitors of new canon, I plan to reassign lightsabers to all of the adversaries so only the bald, armored Sith Apprentices get saber staffs/double bladed lightsabers out of the grunts in the villains. Boss Enhancements: New items for every planet's boss. In practice Jorak Uln gets an armband/Sith Talisman that boosts Wisdom. Yuthura gets an armband complete with icon from her Sleheyron days that works as a boosted version of Brejik's anti-melee equipment. Considering replacing the Jedi Master Robes in Uthar's room with the Darkside equivalent of the Qel-Droma Robes--different stat emphasis but same defense 5. Wookiee Warblades abound, Calo Nord has pistols with increased stats on them. Bandon's thugs probably get their weapons, looks, and difficulty changed up since he already comes with armor and a saber. Sherruk gets a special sniper rifle. Xor gets a belt that boosts all relevant combat attributes but also has a 50% chance of zombie walk and low reflex saves (because overuse of stims is bad for you, kids!). K2 Armor Fix: reassign textures to their correct K1 counterparts, yes. With the new armors, it's important to me that the descriptions and cultures are adhered to when possible. For example, the Mando combat suit seems like it would work better as a reworked version of the reinforced fiber armor, while the Echani Shield Suit should be anything but the Mando armor. The Corellian Powersuit should be a reskinning of the Powered Battle Armor, not yet another reworking of Cinnagar Plate Armor. If I can get the retexture right (which by description should probably be a reskin of regular battle armor and not what should be Verpine armor), ideally this would lead to a side mod where I put M'uhk'gfa into K1--probs on the Elite Gamorreans on Taris and maybe the hapless group on Tatooine.
  25. Version 1.0


    Hey everyone this is the first mod that I have ever made so I hope y'all like it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Prestige Class Bundles" is a mod that adds in 6 bundles unique to the 6 Prestige Classes, each bundle consisting of a custom robes and color crystal that is unique to that prestige. In order to get this bundle, once you have gained your prestige class with Kreia you may exit and re-enter the Ebon Hawk to trigger a dialog pop-up, the rest you will have to figure out for yourself! Enjoy!!! My mod includes the following items accessible by the player: ~ 6 New Robes ~ 6 New Color Crystals (+1 that is only accessible by cheats) Installation: ~ Simply Run the TSLPatcher and voila!! Manual Install: ~ Extract the folder to the desktop, locate the tslpatchdata folder, copy all items items (EXCEPT changes.ini and info.rtf) to the override folder. Uninstallation: ~ Locate your override folder and delete the files that you copied in when you installed! If you want to cheat in any of the items here are all of the codes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ninko_robe01 ninko_robe02 ninko_robe03 ninko_robe04 ninko_robe05 ninko_robe06 u_l_colo_99 u_l_colo_98 u_l_colo_97 u_l_colo_96 u_l_colo_95 u_l_colo_94 g_w_lghtsbr_99 g_w_lghtsbr_98 g_w_lghtsbr_97 g_w_lghtsbr_96 g_w_lghtsbr_95 g_w_lghtsbr_94 g_w_dblsbr_099 g_w_dblsbr_098 g_w_dblsbr_097 g_w_dblsbr_096 g_w_dblsbr_095 g_w_dblsbr_094 g_w_shortsbr_99 g_w_shortsbr_98 g_w_shortsbr_97 g_w_shortsbr_96 g_w_shortsbr_95 g_w_shortsbr_94 And for the crystal that is currently only available by cheats: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u_l_colo_69 g_w_lghtsbr_69 g_w_dblsbr_069 g_w_shortsbr_69 Credits: ~~~~~~ Special Thanks to FairStrides for helping with the scripting for my mod!! Appreciate it heaps and it wouldn't have been a mod without his help! Thanks to VarsityPuppet for some texture help! Thanks to Rece for his tutorial on Animated Textures! Also thanks to anyone that has helped me along the way that hasn't been mentioned!!!! THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS OR BIOWARE. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD NOR THE COMPANIES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER WHEN USING THIS FILE.