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Everything posted by LordMerek

  1. Is this a temporary model? Because I have no idea what I'm looking at here.
  2. Hope this is the right area to post this. Anyway, I'm usually pretty good at fixing these issues myself as it's not hard to figure out where I went wrong with modding, but in the case of the Dark Jedi I'm completely stumped. I believe this to be a model bug, yet I have no model files in my override (at least that I know of) that affect them, and I have no other mods directly affecting them either. Any idea where I went wrong and how can I fix this broken mess? Also, When I reach them I can defeat them without the game crashing, but apparently if I save right before the fight the game will not load the save and ctd instantly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My mod build is otherwise great, it's just this one outstanding bug. Edit: It might actually be one of their lightsabers, as once I killed them, the bug went away (as seen in screenshot #2).
  3. I started using this mod over the others, and consider it essential for my playthrough. Thanks a lot.
  4. I figured as much, thank you for the clarification.
  5. I've been seeing your awesome work for years now, and can I ask when you plan to release these? Or are you waiting until you've completed all of them and are satisfied with the final product?
  6. Been a while since I played the game, but is this the issue you're talking about?