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Bastila's Revelation Robes
By ChAiNz.2da
Ummmm...even Jedi's like to look sexy sometimes don't they??
No really, I kept seeing requests for Leia's Slave Girl Outfit (no I'm not skinning one....yet...) so I came up with this alternate design. Bastila's default clothing was the closest match I've seen, but svösh's skin was WAY much better looking. I opted to ask permission to use his version instead mostly out of the "eyecandy" factor. I just made some extra "skin" for the skin and a few shiny things...
The Revelation Robes are suited for a battle hardened Bastila. They are upgradeable with some extra buffs so you can keep her in these duds pretty much throughout the whole game.
**NOTE- these robes are intended for Bastila ONLY. If placed on any other character, the stats will remain but your character will be wearing the games default clothing model for that particular class. ie- Carth can wear them...but he won't be in drag heheh
With cheats enabled, type "~" (without quotes) and enter:
giveitem g_a_clothes02 - (original svösh teal)
giveitem g_a_clothes03 - (original svösh red)
giveitem bast_rev_t - (re-skin ChAiNZ teal)
giveitem bast_rev_r - (re-skin ChAiNz red)
** For the Anti-Console,
Bastila will be wearing the original svösh teal when you meet up in the hideout on Taris. The Revelation Robes (Teal) will be in the Party Inventory. When you encounter her on the unknown planet, she will battle you in the original svösh red.
Out of respect for svösh, the original author, I did not change this. If you wish to battle "evil" Bastila 'wearing' the Revelation Robes...MORE editing will be required...(instructions included in the readme).
Upgradeable Item, Revelation Robes
This garment was given to Bastila as a gift from the Jedi Enclave out of appreciation for her role in the mission to capture Revan. A rare cortosis weave accents the robes, giving it a metallic glint.
Defense +5
Wisdom +3
Improved Saves (Universal) +2
Damage Immunity 10% - requires upgrade
Poison Immunity - requires upgrade
Critical Hits Immunity - requires upgrade
Defense Bonus +2 - requires upgrade
[] svösh, for whom without his exquisite skins (and permission), this mod wouldn't have been possible. Thank you for allowing me to do this svösh. Your amazing skills and talents are matched only by your generous spirit and "go for it" attitude! I am grateful...
Revan's Longsaber
By ChAiNz.2da
After I had submitted the "Revan's Items" mod, someone (Lucied) had asked about making one using Malak's saber model.
Well...ask and you shall receive! Here I present to you...Revan's "gi-normous" saber hehe...
This "Long"saber has the same stats as my Revan's Lightsaber, with a different 'history' description.
At the console (cheats must be enabled) type:
giveitem g_w_lghtsbr26
OR, if you don't condone the console, the included placeable file (dan14_sherruk.utc) will put the saber on Sherruk's (Mandalorian with bad attitude) body once/if you kill him on Dantooine.
1) Revan's Longsaber - upgradeable (DON"T REMOVE Star Forge Crystal)
- Keen
- Massive Criticals, 1d8
- Regeneration Force Points +1
- Enhancement +2
- Bonus Feat: Master Toughness
- Bonus Feat: Force Focus & Improved Force Focus
- Light**
** I found using the Light attribute makes for some pretty kewl visual effects. For example, flourish your weapon and approach a workbench, you should notice a light strobing effect. I thought it gave a more realistic effect. Also makes the lighting of your character more 'mysterious'...
*- I have received reports that this mod may affect Malak's saber as well when you confront him on the Star Forge.
Revan Items
By ChAiNz.2da
This mod adds 3 custom Revan items (with history description). ALL upgradeable!!
-Revan's Robes
(in-game model with cape and hood),
-a single blade lightsaber
-and a double-bladed lightsaber.
PLUS, contains 3 different choices on where to find them (for those who don't like to use the console), complete with an in-game datapad to explain why you found them there.
PLEASE read the included readme file on instructions. ALSO, if you choose to use a placeable, it may be necessary to add all 3 items to your override. Otherwise you may get a 'null grenade' (or crash).
I tried not to make these uber-items, but some of the bonuses can be avoided by not upgrading. That and since it was my first mod, I couldn't resist. Most can be explained with the histories of the items, or by Revan's story itself (in-game).
Afterall, anything is possible in StarWars...
At the console (cheats must be enabled) type: giveitem g_w_lghtsbr25 - Revan's Lightsaber
giveitem g_w_dblsbr025 - Revan's Double-Bladed Lightsaber
giveitem revan_mod_robes - Revan's Robes
++IMPORTANT++ The zip file also contains placeables considering where you would like to find the items in game (for those who don't want to use the console). Just extract the contents of the particular placeable (location) files into your Override directory. ONLY CHOOSE 1 OF THE 3 PLACEABLES, otherwise you'll wind up with 3 complete sets! ALSO, if you choose to use a placeable, it may be necessary to add all 3 items to your override. Otherwise you may get a 'null grenade' (or crash). Contains placeables for:
Taris Undercity - Sith corpse where you find the Rakghoul serum
Taris Sith Base - Strongbox where you fight the Governor
Dantooine Ruins - On Nemo
Be sure to read the datapads (in-game) for the explanations of why you found the items there.
Dak's Sword Pack
By Dak Drexl
ReadMe - Dak's Sword Pack
This mod created 6 brand new swords for you to use in-game. Each sword is 100% unique to the game; each uses its own models and textures and comes with its own custom icon.
You have to cheat to get the items in-game. Use the "giveitem" cheat to get the items labeled as follows:
Dak's Vibroblade: dd_daksword
Inverted Ryyk Blade: invryk
Sting: stingsword
Wookiee Warblade: dd_sparsword
Katar: dd_katar
Crystal Sword: dd_glasssw
Just drop all the files into the override.
You can use any or all of these swords in your own mods. However, please give me credit for their creation. I would also
appreciate it if you would just let me know before you use them. E-mail me at or contact me at Dak
Drexl on LucasForums or Deadlystream.
The Tale of Jebord Esio - Introduction (beta)
By JebusJM
The Tale of Jebord Esio is what it sounds like. You take on the role of young Jedi Knight, Jebord Esio, in a deadly mission to infiltrate the Sith. In the introduction, you will some of the core characters and start your main quest. Be sure to speak to a few of the Jedi scattered throughout your Academy, they might give you a few more quests to take on.
Coming soon:
Act 1 - Infiltration
Travel to the planet of Kashyyyk to unravel a mystery revolving around missing wookiees plus take upon the deadly task of infiltrating the Sith.
Cassus Fetts Battle Armour Reskin by Mandalore
By Mandalore
==========Cassus Fett's Battle Armour Reskin by Mandalore V3============
A mod for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
This mod changes the colour of Cassus Fett's Battle Armour to navy blue, with the stripes changed to black. The dark purple areas are changed to a blue colour.
I decided to make this skin because I believe Cassus Fett would never have worn an armour that looked so awful.
Changelog from V2:
- Changed the technique used to add a more professional feel
Put the files in the Override folder that came with this mod into the Override folder in your KotOR directory.
It works with existing saves, so you can use this mod without having to restart.
Delete the files from your Override folder. If this causes any problems, put the file contained in the Backup folder into your Override.
This should work with all mods as long as they do not modify the Cassus Fett's Battle Armour textures and icon.
I haven't encountered any.
PM me (Mandalore) at
Thanks to Bioware for making such a great game, thanks to Fred Tetra for making KotOR Tool, thanks to the makers of GIMP for doing such, and thanks to the people of Deadly Forums for giving me somewhere to host this, for giving me the incentive to try modding, and all of that stuff.
Legal Stuff:
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts and BioWare Corp.
This mod is provided as-is with no guarantees of any kind. The author is not responsible for any harmful effects of using this mod.
You cannot distribute or reproduce this mod without the prior confirmation of the author, and if permission is given give credit where due.
Tatooine Job Office
By TimBob12
This is my first major mod for KOTOR.
This adds 3 new quests to Tatooine for the first KOTOR game. You can get these quests from the Jawa in the Czerka Office. The quests are:
The Missiing Supplies
The Missing Officer
The Missing Weapon
This adds several new NPCs to the game including some fairly difficult fights. There is also a new store where you can buy some new custom items which I have made.
All the script source is available and I have commented it all so that new modders can look and see how script functions can be used practically as each script has an explanation as to what it does.
There is the option to have a manual install although TSL Patcher is also available to make it compatible with most other mods.
Once again this is my first major mod so all feedback (good or bad) is appreciated.
Thank you and enjoy
Playable Lizardlike Characters
By redrob41
This mod will add 2 male & 2 female playable characters. The characters are lizardlike in appearance, and I was inspired by the green skinned PC included in the Holowan Plug-in2 (I think that skin was done by Colja).
The race of these PCs is listed as Lizard in the appearance.2da file. I tried to model them after a Star Wars universe race, but I couldn't find one that suited my personal tastes. According to Wookieepedia, there are 5 different mutated sub-species of Nikto. Unfortunately there are already Green Nikto in Kotor (Swoop Gang members), and I wouldn't be able to duplicate their look. Another reptilian species is the Koorivar. They have a large cranial horn that looks great for a senator with fancy robes, but didn't work for a soldier in Kotor (possible clipping issues with headgear). A close possibility was the Falleen, but they have hair, large spinal ridges, and tiny scales. I wanted bald with large scales, and I didn't think that I could model the ridges. In the end I just went with what I thought looked good.
My PCs are patterned after green geckos and desert tan horned lizards, and I have modified PMHC01, PMHA03, PFHB05 & PFHC05. The head models have all been changed to have rounded ears close to the head, with some additional ridges and spikes to the eyebrows and skull. The scales pattern is a re-used Krayt dragon skin, and the hardest part was to make all the scales blend and match at the seams in the model, especially around the ears. They also have underwear skins for all three classes, complete with wet looking scales.
Bendak Starkiller Emblem Armour
By redrob41
This mod will change the appearance of the armour for Bendak Starkiller. It will now be a unique yellow with custom emblems. The theme of the logos is that of an exploding star (hence the ring name "Starkiller"). His armour is in excellent condition (no battle damage), due to his earnings and the life of ease of a retired celebrity. The player will also have the option of obtaining the armour from Ajuur the Hutt, through dialog after the death match.
The golden armour is based on a collaboration of work between myself and LordRevan999 (at LucasForums). I drew all the logos, and sent them to LR999 to add to his golden armour, but since then, his mod has gone unfinished. I have tried to re-create the colour scheme he came up with, even though I've never actually had a copy of his texture file. As a result, everything in this package is my own work, but heavily inspired by our collaboration.
Since the overall look of the armour is so well done, I think that this should be shared with the Kotor modding community. I have held off releasing this mod for several years, in hopes that LordRevan999 would one day finish his mod. Since that doesn't look like it will happen, please enjoy this version, with thanks to LR999 for the inspiration.
As a bonus, I've included a skin and icon that are based on the image of Bendak shown in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide.
By Guest
These are new textures for the ship ENDAR SPIRE for KOTOR
PLC FILES also incuded
Restored K1 BIK movies
By zbyl2
This mod adds three BIK movies cut from final release back into the game, nothing big.
Restored movies are:
07_3 and 07_4 - Ebon Hawk escaping Sith's fighters. One is pleyd when you escape Taris, another when you arrive to the Star Forge.
05_9 - just before Carth talks to Admiral Dodoona, this movie with Ebon Hawk approaching the Star Forge is played.
...A Leveling Fix
By Canderis
This is my solution to the level cap problem. Basically it doubles the time it takes to
level up. This may make the game harder, and it makes room for all of these great storyline
mods for k1.