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Level Up Rate
By Zulkain
Info: This mod increases the amount of EXP needed per level to level up. Made for use in mod builds which extent the game and add extra content or for people looking to add an extra challenge.
Use in conjunction with my other mods for maximum difficulty. This should give even heavily modded characters a challenge! (Impossible Mode Restored and Extensive Difficulty Overhaul)
Mod Packages
Default: Default EXP needed per level
Extra 1000: Extra 1000 needed per level
Extra 2500: Extra 2500 needed per level
Double: Double EXP Needed per level
EXP needed to reach level 2 remains the same for all packages due to the forced level up.
Installation: Chose which package you want and copy the file "exptable" into your Override Folder.
Compatibility: Compatible with all mods that don't add or edit the EXP Table file.
Impossible Mode Restored
By Zulkain
Info: This mod restores Impossible difficulty for use in builds without K1R, although it can be used with K1R if you wish to use the Hardcore or Extreme package. As a bonus, I have included brand new Hardcore and Extreme difficulty packages, each with 3 new difficulty options that give a whole new meaning to the term Impossible Mode. These packages are for use with modded characters who still crave a challenge.
Use in conjunction with my other mods for maximum difficulty. This should give even heavily modded characters a challenge! (Level Up Rate and Extensive Difficulty Overhaul)
Mod Packages
Default: Easy (x0.5) Normal (x1.0) Difficult (x1.5)
Impossible: Easy (x0.5) Normal (x1.0) Difficult (x1.5) Impossible (x3.0)
Hardcore: Cautious (x1.0) Soldier (x2.5) Insanity (x5.0) Impossible (x10.0)
Extreme: Impossible (x25.0) Horror (x50.0) Death (x75) Instant Death (x100)
Installation: Chose which package you want and copy the file "difficultyopt" into your Override Folder and the new options will show up the next time you open the game.
Compatibility: Compatible with all mods that don't add or edit the difficulty options file.
By jc2
SHANILIA - THE Grey Jedi Merchant
Includes TSLPATCHER installer!
The mod includes new items, a new character, new dialogues options on Manaan.
Shanilia is designed to be immersive and keep pace with the canon of that you create in kotor!
She reacts to your decisions, she reacts to your alignment, she reacts to your gender.
Shanilia isn’t a flat character with one emotion! She was written by two different writers to keep the flavor of realism!
Content includes: New Robes, datapads with background information on Shanilia, a Jedi Holocron, and a few weapons!
K1R compatible!
INSTALL: Unzip, and run tslpatcher.
Manual install, see readme.
1.6aa Removes K1R incompatible files, which are all the files that make up Resisting Arrest -DS Manaan. Simple remove "man26_selambush.dlg" from your override (If you have K1R installed) and that will prevent and/or fix the bug. To be safe, you can remove all the files associated with that Resisting Arrest.
For K1R compatiblity, install K1R, then Shanilia, then K1R compatible files located in Shanilia. Ignore if you do not have K1R.
Non-vital files: pcexile.dlg : man26_tyvark.dlg : kor39_utharwynn.dlg
The intention of pcexile.dlg file was to allow the PC to remain on Manaan after DS completion of Manaan, this is already possible in the vanilla game, however, this was included as a more simple and obvious solution. It is an optional install, if it causes problems there is no need to install this mod's version of pcexile.dlg
man26_tyvark.dlg, merely adds some merchant related dialogue. (minimal content)
kor39_utharwynn.dlg, adds an option, which can later be discussed with Shanilia, if and only if the PC goes to Korriban after the Leviathan. (minimal content)
These files do add to the mod, but if you are worried about incompatibilities, now you'll be a bit more informed about my mod.
Please See Readme for information on how to get the most out of Shanilia!
Short Credits list: FairStrides, Bead-v, nato, RealRece, Bioware!
Improved Grenades
By jc2
JC2 Improved Grenades
The idea has been around for a while, but I haven't seen a mod, other than FairStrides [TSL] Fumble Grenade mod, attempt to edit the effects of grenades.
So by editing the k_sup_grenade.nss, I've reworked the grenades to increase their potency.
Beware! This works both ways!
Demolitions now affects how much damage a grenade can do, the more demolitions a character has the more damage they can cause with a grenade. This was originally GGT89 idea from this thread >
The first option is for vanilla lovers, that only adds demolitions skill as a damage bonus and increases the explosion radius slightly.
Like before, a detailed log of the changes exist inside the folder!
Second option for hardcore enthusiasts, the grenades instantly kill groups of people and are quite lethal!
I recommend only installing this with JediShemL's Super Enhancement Mod or other realistic lightsaber/blaster mods.
INSTALLATION: Copy and paste the k_sup_grenade.ncs file into the override.
You will have to decide which one you want. There are two folders, each with a different version.
It will take effect immediately, and can be removed, at any time, without causing any issues.
Special Thanks to Bead-v for the advice on another thread about editing the k_sup_grenade script.
Thanks to FS for teaching me most of the script I know!
As always, this mod may update pending feedback.
Hope you enjoy!
Juhani Appearance Overhaul
By Stormie97
This mod aims to completely change Juhani's appearance and to bring it close to artist Corbin Hunter's redesign of the character. As a result, her head has been significantly reshaped and slightly retextured. An all-new body model was created and hand-painted from scratch. A new custom lightsaber has been created as well.
As several aspects of Juhani have been changed, this mod has been divided into four editions to accomodate the final user's preferences:
1. An All-in-one edition which includes all the changes to bring her close to Corbin Hunter's vision of the character.
2. A head-only edition, which only includes Juhani's revamped head.
3. A body and lightsaber edition, which includes her new body model and lightsaber.
4. Finally, a head and lightsaber edition, which includes her new head model and lightsaber.
Please refer to the included images in the 'Editions reference pictures' folder included in the archive to help you determine your preferred edition.
1. Extract the archive's content somewhere on your computer.
2. Double-click the "Juhani Appearance Overhaul.exe" file.
3. Choose an edition to install. Refer to the images included in the 'Editions reference pictures' folder to determine which one you prefer.
4. Click on the "Install Now" button once you're ready. The installer will try to locate your game installation directory. If it can't find it on its own, direct the installer to the correct location.
5. The installer will proceed to install the mod's files into your Override folder. Once it's finished, you may exit the installer and launch the game.
If you choose an edition that includes Juhani's new body model and lightsaber:
Juhani will have her new items only if you are using a save that is prior to the moment she joins your party right before leaving Daantoine. If you are past that point in your playthrough, she won't have her new items. You can get them using KSE or via entering the following commands in the in-game console:
⦁ giveitem j_juhsaber01
⦁ giveitem j_juhbody01
Original design by Corbin Hunter: Artstation link
This mod uses JC’s TSL Supermodel port in order to animate the skirt.
Artist Corbin Hunter for granting me permission to use this concept art
@DarthParametric for his help and advice throughout the development process
@bead-v for the incredible tools MDLEdit and KoTORMax
Animated Manaan Cantina Sign for KotOR1
MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1
Remember my "ANIMATED CANTINA SIGN FOR KOTOR 1" mod? This mod does what the other one did for the other cantina signage for KOTOR1 - mainly seen on Manaan. This is a minimal effort mod but if you want it, it's yours to use now.
If you wanted to use this in TSL, you would have to rename both the TGA and the TXI file to "TEL_BBrds4".
If you wanted this to replace signs in Taris cantinas, you would rename the TGA and TXI to "LTS_signs".
Put the TGA file and TXI file into your Override folder.
Remove the TGA file and TXI file from the Override folder.
Legal Disclaimer:
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.
Grif Vindh's Roleplay Padawan Mod
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Roleplay Padawan Mod by Grif Vindh
Version 1.0, 7 October 2004
This mod is based on Achilles' excellent Padawan Mod, which is in turn based on Talchia's groundbreaking Padawan Mod. Both of these mods allow you to start the game as Jedi class, and both do the job well.
What I wanted to do is to alter the beginning of the story so that the PC-as-Jedi on Taris made sense. The game does not treat the character as a Jedi until a pivotal moment on Dantooine: so how is it he's running around with a lightsaber on Taris, deflecting blaster bolts and stunning people?
I have used the "training module" (the attack on the Endar Spire) as an opportunity to explain why this Jedi is on Taris, and why he never tells anyone -- including other Jedi -- that he already is one. It's not a perfect explanation, but it works, and I think it's fun.
This is primarily a role-playing mod -- it puts the Padawan mod it is based on context in a way that will (hopefully) mesh with the rest of the story better.
1. Uses the basic components of Achilles' Padawan Mod. This means that your character will:
- start the game at third level (initial class and two jedi levels)
- be given one short lightsaber of the appropriate color
2. It breaks from Achilles' mod, however, in that you do not get Jedi robes. This is (hopefully) explained in-story.
3. The introductory dialog has been completely rewritten to set up why your character has become a Jedi and why he will ultimately fail to point that out when he's talking to the Jedi Masters on Dantooine.
4. The Endar Spire module has been modified to reflect your new status. The story is mostly the same, but the context is entirely different.
5. Two responses to Carth's initial conversation on Taris have been modified slightly to fit in with the new backstory.
6. Where possible, I have tried to move the "learning the rules" conversation branches and pauses that appear throughout the game, especially in the beginning. Unfortunately, I was only able to find the ones in the dialog branches (and I had to leave the dialog branches alone in the Starboard portion of the Endar Spire module, because I kept breaking them).
What It Doesn't Do
1. None of the new dialog options have sound files attached to them. Maybe someday.
2. This mod is really of interest only if you're bothered by inconsistency of being a Jedi, going to Dantooine, and then being made a Jedi. The only reason to use this mod is if you're interested in the backstory and would like to see it fit a little better into the game itself. Also, it's a lot of fun to hack Sith guards to pieces with your lightsaber, and in the tutorial module you can do this without much trouble.
3. While I have *tried* to remove as much of the "tutorial" portion of the game as possible, there is still enough hanging around to piss you off if you've been through it twenty times already.
4. After you leave the Endar Spire, the "new storyline" sort of stops. If I get ambitious and people are interested, I'll try to expand it to Taris. Someday. Maybe. If it doesn't make me cry.
Files Modified
These files were based on Achilles' Padawan Mod, but were altered to conform to the new storyline:
end_trask.utc - Trask Ulgo's character file
end_trask01.dlg - Dialog file that triggers the scripts and sets up the story
make_consular.ncs - assigns XP, Class, and Inventory for Consulars
make_guardian.ncs - assigns XP, Class, and Inventory for Guardians
make_sentinel.ncs - assigns XP, Class, and Inventory for Sentinels
These files were taken from the Endar Spire module and altered to keep the story consistent:
To install this mod, copy all the files except for this readme into the Override folder in your KotOR directory. Once you have done this, start a new game. After the movies play, you'll be taken to the new introduction and storyline.
Please note: when this mod is installed you will *not* be able to play the "original" storyline -- if you wish to play a Soldier, Scout or Scoundrel beyond level 1, you cannot do so with this mod.
To uninstall this mod, delete the files listed above from your Override directory.
Reporting Bugs and Making Suggestions
If you find any bugs with this mod, or would like to make a suggestion, you can contact me at this email address: [see read-me for contact information]
I would like to thank Talchia for the original mod that inspired Achilles' work.
I also want to thank Achilles for the outstanding work on his version on the mod, and for giving me permission to use his mod as the foundation of mine.
I would also like to think the creator of the KOTOR Tool for making my life a heck of a lot easier when I was working on this.
Shem's Improved Malak
By Shem
Part of the...
Title : Darth Malak - IMPROVED
Author : Shem
Date Released : 10/27/05
Description: Is Darth Malak just getting too easy? If think so, then this mod is for you. If Darth Malak is just right or still too hard, I would not download this mod yet. It's pretty easy to guess by the title of this mod that Darth Malak is going to be a tougher opponent. How I did it is your question. Well, here is your answer.
Darth Malak in default has these stats (for those who didn't know).
Strength 29
Dexterity 18
Constitution 23
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 15
Charisma 20
What I have done is add ten points to each of those stats. Darth Malak now has these stats
Strength 39
Dexterity 28
Constitution 33
Intelligence 25
Wisdom 25
Charisma 30
I also made his lightsaber more deadly. Malak's lightsaber by damage by default is 2-16 energy damage. I changed that so now it's 42-56 energy damage. So be prepared. I also have given Malak new feats.
Improved Toughness
Master Toughness
Still not enough for you? Malak now regenerates his life. He regenerates 20 of his vitality points every two seconds. If you are wondering if that is it, it isn't. Malak also has been given an extra 10 points to his Defense Bonus. Oh, and I also have given him an extra 10 points to his Attack Bonus.
What I did something very simple. As some of you have found out, to get Darth Malak's lightsaber, you type in "giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06".
However, when you fight Darth Malak on the Star Forge, his lightsaber is using a different tag. I simple modified the different tag to improve Darth Malak. These reason why I chose to modify his lightsaber stats instead of Malak's tag is because the tag used for Malak in the final duel is the same tag used on Deck 3 on the Star Forge. As some modders have found out that if you modify a person's tag and there is another in the same that has the same name, then if screws up one of the spawns in the game.
Very Important: When you put in the mod, don't just open a save that has you on Deck 4, where you go and confront Malak on the Star Forge. Your current game CAN NOT be on the final duel, or the new modification will not take effect. You will have to go to a previous save that never has been on the final duel map. If your closest save is a long way away from Malak, and you really want to test it out right away, I would suggest you warp to Deck 4 of the Star Forge. To do that type "warp sta_m45ad" (without quotes).
Comments : Comments, and feedback are always good. If you wish to tell me what you think, do it in the LucasForums at Taris Upper City Emporium.
Instructions: Just put the .uti file in the Override directory folder and enjoy the new challenge from Darth Malak.
Special Thanks: A big thanks to Sergio for his hard work to get PC Game Mods going again. We appreciate all you do.
Nur Al Sab's Bastila Hardcore
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
"BASTILA HARDCORE v1.0" Mod by Nur Ab Sal
Mod original creation date: 21SEP2005
Disappointed with pathetic performance of Bastila during the final duels on Temple Roof and Star Forge? Don't worry! Here we have something to fix Bioware's obvious bug and level down the cockiness of Revan fanboy hordes! This little, nice thing changes post-Leviathan dark side Bastila into a toughest opponent of both KOTOR games (maybe except Star Forge Malak)... so tough that you will in fact go mad trying to figure out how to break her... insanity guaranteed!
Now, trying to be more serious: I was always surprised that Bastila was so easy to defeat. You would expect more after all that glorious blurb about her, eh? This mod will surely help Bastila to live up to her reputation.
All hail to Bastila, the true Empress of the Star Wars universe!
Simply throw all files into your Override folder, start the game and observe the slaughter of your team...
Darth333, ChAiNz.2da, cry_of_paine (for useful hints on Holowan thread) and traditionally, Fred Tetra.
Darth333's Mind Trick
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
By Darth333
Custom Icon by Svösh
Special thanks to TK102 for his Darkside choker which I used as an example for making this force power.
Remember the Jedi Knight series? This is a level 9 light side force power, that allows you to turn your enemies into allies for a duration of 23.5 seconds.
Source code included.
The script (.nss and .ncs) and the spell.2da files
have been modified to fit the following situations.
Extract ONLY ONE of the following kits to your Override directory depending on what is applicable to you:
1. If you are not using any other custom force powers or items that required a spell.2da file ( TK102'S DarKside Choker, GameUnlimited's force replication and Darth Khasei's force powers) extract the following files to your Override directory:
- spells.2da
- K_sup_trick.ncs
- ip_trick.tga
2. If you have installed TK102's DarkSide Choker, GameUnlimited's force replication or Darth Khasei's force powers, extract the following files to your override directory:
- multi_spells.2da and RENAME IT spells.2da
- k_sup_trick1.ncs
- ip_trick.tga
- g_i_frarmbnds51.uti
With the permission of TK102, I included the g_i_frarmbnds51.uti file
so that the DS Choker will not conflict with this mod (you still need to download the
Darkside Choker by TK102 - just replace the original .uti by the one included
in this package.)
Delete the files from your Override directory
Feedback is always appreciated.
Updated: June 19, 2004
My email: [see read-me for contact information]
[link no longer functional]
Dark Light Jedi Knight's Be Jedi Now
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Jedi Mod
Author: Darklight Jedi Knight
Thanks to: Fred Tetra, Bioware, Lucas Arts, and George Lucas.
File Size:
Programs Used: KOTOR Tool
email: [see read-me for contact information]
Creation Date: 05MAR2005
Description: A mod that lets you play as a Jedi for the whole game and also makes all party members Jedi. I also altered some backpacks, stores, footlockers, etc. to contain lightsaber crystals.
Installation Instructions:
1. Copy all files to your Override folder.
2. Launch a new game. Select the class that you want.
Class Listing
3. Check in the footlocker and there should be 3 lightsabers, and a Jedi robe.
Notes: I placed a Mantle of the Force crystal at that bum's shop in the Undercity.
Wahahahahahaha!!!!!! I did that to taunt you!!!!!!! I can do anything evil I want to and not fall to the dark side. You can use cheats to get it, but remember, cheating leads to the dark side.
Prime's New Jedi Robes [K1]
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
KOTOR New Jedi Robes Mod
Author: Prime
Email: [see read-me for contact information]
Website: [link no longer functional]
This zip includes all the versions of my jedi robes. These robes are all based on the same original skin, but have different colour variations to give them
different looks. There are light and dark coloured robes which have special abilities, and there are other robes that are closer to those worn by various Jedi from the movies.
Consult the associated read-me files for each robe for more details.
The available robes are:
Light Robes - these are light brown robes that give certain bonuses. ->
Dark Robes - these are grey and black robes that give certain bonuses. ->
Qui-Gon Jinn Robes - these robes have a colour scheme similar to Qui-Gon. ->
Obi-Wan Kenobi Robes - these robes have a colour scheme similar to Obi-Wan. ->
Anakin Skywalker Robes - these robes have a colour scheme similar to Anakin in Ep2. ->
Mace Windu Robes - these robes have a colour scheme similar to Mace. ->
Consult the read-me for the associated skin to learn how to install it. For the most part, it simply involves extracting the appropriate files into the Override Directory.
Note: these robes are compatible with each other.
Known Issues:
On the inside of the left hip flap that hangs down behind the leg, in certain stances and camera angles, a light spot can be seen. Unfortunately, this is
due to the way the texture is laid out and mapped onto the body, and is not correctable. C'est la vie.
If you encounter other issues, please report them to the email address specified above.
I will do what I can to correct them.
A big thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the truly fantastic kotor editing tool. Also a appreciative shout out to the many friendly folks at the
Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have helped me learn how to dothings like this. This included especially Kitty Kitty, T7nowhere, and Jackel.
Finally, thanks to Bioware for making a truly kick ass game...
You may alter or modify these files for your own personal use.
If you wish to use any or all of these files for your own public mod, please contact me for permission at the email address at the beginning of the file. If I give
permission, please give me credit and include the read-me file for the robe you are using.
I am willing to let others use my work, so as long as you ask it shouldn't be a problem
Darth333's Spawning Armband
By JumpStationZ
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Spawning Armband
By Darth333
The idea to make this mod was given to me by Achilles. He once told me that it was annoying to look for proper dialog entries to test scripts rapidly and more particularly spawn NPCs.
To get the armband in the game, type the cheat code: "giveitem spawnband" (without quotation marks) for the regular installation and "giveitem spawnbnd" for the mods compatible with the AIOFPM (I removed the a for accidental overwriting.)
INSTALLATION/REMOVAL - 2 possibilities
If you want this mod to be COMPATIBLE with the AIOFPM v.3.0.1 ( ) extract the contents of the following folder to your override directory: aiofmp_compatible
If you do not have the AIOFPM, extract the files contained in the non_aiofpm_comp folder to your Override directory.
This mod will conflict with any mods other than the AIOFPM v.3.0.1, using the spells.2da file.
To remove, delete the files from your Override folder.
1. Add/remove original party members
With this new armband, you can add/remove party members from your party at any time during the game. Simply activate the armband and make your selection.
In order to diminish the risk of screwing up the game, the remove function will only be available when your party members are normally available during the game (ex. you will not be able to remove Zaalbar when is a prisoner on Kashyyyk).
2. Recruit custom NPCs:
Select the NPC you want to replace. You can also use it to recruit custom party members and remove your custom recruits from your party when you want.
For more info on how to recruit custom party members see:
To use the add recruit function: open "ad_custom.nss" and replace my_npc_template by the name of the .utc file of the creature you want to recruit in the line:
string sTemplate = "my_npc_template";
DO NOT TYPE THE EXTENSION (.utc.) (Per Example, if you want to recruit Dustil from the recruitable Dustil mod, you have to type p_dustil and not p_dustil.utc).
Finally, replace number 7 in the following lines:
RemoveAvailableNPC(7); AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(7, sTemplate);
By the number corresponding to the party member you wish to replace - see list included in script for quick reference.
Finally compile your script with HazardX script compiler (for download link and instructions on how to use the compiler, see:
- using the compiler is no more complicated than a simple double click on an icon if you make a bat file - )
NOTE: to behave like a party member, the .utc file of the creature will have to be edited if taken directly from the game (see link provided above concerning recruitable mods)
To remove the custom, recruit, simply select the appropriate option in the menu.
3. Spawn NPCs:
A third possibility is to spawn any creature you wish, including custom creatures, anytime during the game to test your mods and dialogues or for whatever purpose (i.e. you can spawn hostile creatures and fight against them if you wish).
How to use this: in the following line, simply replace my NPC with the name of the .utc file of the NPC or creature you wish to spawn. DO NOT REMOVE THE QUOTES.
and compile your script.
4. Test your scripts:
Paste your scripts in the following file: my_script.nss and compile.
Note: make sure you are in the same module as where you expect the event to happen when you select this dialog option.
Updated: September 11, 2004
My email: [see read-me for contact information]
[link no longer functional]
Darth333's Spawn Deadeye Duncan on Manaan
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Spawn Deadeye Duncan on Manaan
By Darth333
A simple mod that spawns Deadeye Duncan on Manaan to access some unused dlg and sound files.
Drop everything into your Override folder
To uninstall, just delete the man26_reparg.dlg and spawn_deadeye.ncs
Darth333's Kill Yuka Laka
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Kill Yuka Laka mod
This small mod simply adds the option to HK-47 fulfil his long-time fantasy of killing Yuka Laka (and recover your money.)
Note: it's up to you to discover how to trigger this option.
Note: If you kill Yuka Laka after the Leviathan, the conversation will be slightly different.
I added a few new sound files too.
Extract the following files into your KotOR Override directory.
Delete the files from your KotOR directory.
Darth333's Easy Warping Armband
By JumpStationZ
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Easy Warping Armband v.1.0.1
By Darth333 (08-17-2004)
v.1.0.1: loop in dialog preventing you to use the armband to travel on Manaan corrected.
This armband will allow you to easily warp to any area while playing the game and without having to use cheats and look for the area cheat codes.
See below on how to get the armband in the game.
This armband is primarily intended to be a tool for modders to test their mods.
If you intend to use this armband just for fun, you are free to do so but it is *AT YOUR OWN RISK*.
You could severely screw up your game in that many events could not trigger depending on where and when you use it. In the worst scenario, you could even be incapable of finishing a game.
If it is not for testing purposes, I strongly recommend that you do not use the armband, unless you are comfortable editing globals.
More specifically: if you want to use the armband to warp to the Leviathan before time and play the game as *you know who*, be advised that unless you edit the global for the Star Map, you won't be able
to finish the game.
If you decide to ignore the above notice and mess up with your game, then you can always try to repair the damages on your own by using TK102's KSE to edit globals. His Global Variable Comparison tool can be useful for this too.
Installation and getting the armband in the game:
Extract the files to your override directory.
If you start a new game, it will be placed automatically in your inventory under the name
"d333 Warpband".
You can also get the armband by using the cheat code "giveitem d333_warpband" (without
Equip the d333_warpband and activate as any other armband. A screen will appear asking you to which planet you want to warp. Except for Yavin, the Rakatan Box and the Ebon Hawk to which you will be transported directly, a second screen will appear asking you the precise location where you want to go.
Delete the files from your override folder.
If you have other mods that use the spells.2da file, it could cause conflicts (mostly force power mods, tk102's armbands). Remove the existing spells.2da file from your override directory before
using this one or edit the spells.2da and the .uti for the armband.
A non-conflicting version will be released soon.
In any event, enjoy! (I hope)
Darth333's Medium Difficulty Swoop Racing Course (Tatooine)
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Medium Difficulty Swoop Racing Course (Tatooine)
Tired of spending many hours (and credits) trying to beat the three tiers in Manaan and Tatooine but still want swoop racing side quests, credits and fame?
This simple mod is intended for semi-lazy players who don't want to invest too much time and efforts trying to beat the track but who find the easy mod just too easy.
I slightly modified the normal track layouts in order to have less steep turns and repositioning a couple useless accelerator pads in more "useful" locations.
Just extract the files into your KotOR Override directory.
Delete the files from your KotOR Override directory.
Darth333's Manaan Force Choke mod
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Manaan Force Choke mod
This small mod simply adds the option to force choke a few NPCs on Manaan during conversations.
(Hukta Jax when he threatens you, one of the Sith who laughs at you, and one of the Selkath standing near the Sith girl who mocks you.)
Note: it's up to you to discover how to trigger these conversation options.
I added a few new sound files too.
Installation (2 steps):
1. Extract the following files into your KotOR
Override directory:
- man26_sithsolar.dlg
- man26_sel2.dlg
- man26_hukta.dlg
- forcechoke2.ncs
2. Extract the three .wav files to your KotOR streamwaves directory.
Delete the files from your KotOR directory.
Thanks to Gameunlimited for his help with the script.
Darth333's Manaan Selkath Door Relief Mod
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Manaan Selkath Door Relief Mod
By Darth333 (08-29-2004)
This mod removes the unending and "highly disturbing" warning in Selkath language when you pass security.
doors on Manaan.
I also set the dialog to skippable so you can left click to make it go even faster!
Installation/Removal of mod
Extract these files to your override directory.
could threaten your mental health and it is not recommended unless you miss the Selkath voices (j/k) - seriously now: just delete the following files from your override folder:
And full credits to Redhawke here for having found some inspiration in those security doors and having found the perfect title for this mod: "Manaan Selkath Door Relief Mod" (it was probably the most difficult part of the mod...) - see this thread for complete history: (warning: do not expect any kind of serious lecture )
Darth333's EZ Swoop [K1]
By JumpStationZ
EZ Swoop: Easy Swoop racing courses
Are you tired of spending many hours (and credits) trying to beat the three tiers on Manaan and Tatooine but you still want the credits and the side quests that go with swoop racing?
This simple mod is intended only for (lazy) players who don't like swoop racing and who don't want to invest time and effort trying to beat the track.
The layout of the two tracks has been modified in order to have straight forward courses and not to worry about obstacles.
Installation: Just extract the files into the KotOR Override directory.
(Sorry for my English, it's not my mother tongue)
Gsccc's Reign of the Sith
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Hello, and welcome to Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Reign of the Sith modification. This is the first version of the full mod; it is an after game mod meaning you play it after you have beaten the game on the dark side. The mod features new planets, new enemies and the continuation of the story from the dark side ending. This takes place 5 years after the end of KOTOR 1. If you have any questions about the mod you can reach me at my email, [Contact information in read-me] or at Holowan Laboratories. Enjoy the mod. And look for updates from yoko on the website.
To install this mod...
Simply place all the .mod files into your modules directory.
For the streamwaves, place them in your streamwaves directory in your KOTOR directory.
For streammusic, make a backup of all the songs with the same name of the songs that are shown in the streammusic directory in the Manaan mod directory from the streammusic directory
in your KOTOR directory, ONCE YOU HAVE BACKED THEM UP, delete the songs that have the same name as the songs in the streammusic folder of the Manaan 1.00 mod directory and then move
the songs from the streammusic folder of the Manaan directory into the streammusic of your KOTOR directory. Few.
For the Override directory, just place all the files in the ROTS directory into your Override directory in KOTOR.
To play this mod...
Get a latest saved game, use the saved game editor, go to Holowan or PCGameMods to get it and change your appearance to Unique_Revan
You will also need to set your security to 99 to get past the airlock on the Leviathan, unless you already have the space suit.
Simply type in the console warp manm26ad1.
To uninstall this mod...
simply take out the .mod files from the modules directory of the Kotor Directory
Take the .mp3's out of the streammusic folder in your kotor directory and replace them with the ones in your backup directory.
A very special thanks to...
Darth333 - Without this wonderful lady's coding skills, I would still be at square one.
Kampher - without your support I wouldn’t have made it past my first hiccup.
Infinite Empire Modding team
And last and certainly not most least HOLOWAN LABORATORIES
Author of this mod,
[Contact information in read-me]
Redhawke Jedi General Robes
By JumpStationZ
Author : RedHawke 08/09/04
These are some new, Red, Gold, Blue, and Green Jedi General's Robes.
The Jedi General robes have Republic Rank Insignia on shoulders as well as medals (Fruit Salad) on chest, there is one robe for each Jedi Class, Blue for Guardians, Green for Consulars, and Gold/Yellow for Sentinels, and a Red Uniform for those who hate to conform.
This is fully compatible with all my other Item Packs and Mods.
Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
Installation Instructions:
Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
If you are prompted to overwrite metalbox069.utp it is OK as this one is identical to the one in my Revan the White/Star Forge Booster Pack, and my colorful Jedi Robes Pack, and Dark Jedi and Sith Master Robes Pack.
Uninstall Instructions:
Simply delete these files from your override directory.
This Jedi Master Robe Package Contains:
Jedi Guardian General Robes (Blue) [Defense Bonus: 5, +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom]
Jedi Sentinel General Robes (Gold) [Defense Bonus: 5, +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom]
Jedi Consular General Robes (Green) [Defense Bonus: 5, +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom]
Jedi Praetor General Robes (Red) [Defense Bonus: 5, +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom]
You get them on Dantooine, a metal box spawns a little distance away, when you talk to the Duros refugee named Kni and tell him "He might give something back" for the first time. It also gives you a full set of lightsabers, appropriate for your Jedi class, a few credits, and a little Experience.
Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
red_mstrrobe18 - Jedi Guardian General Robes (Blue)
red_mstrrobe19 - Jedi Sentinel General Robes (Gold)
red_sithrobe20 - Jedi Counselar General Robes (Green)
red_sithrobe21 - Jedi Praetor General Robes (Red)
A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
And a special nod to Achillies for the Idea for these Star Trek-esque robes.
Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
- jumpstationz
- redhawke
- (and 3 more)
Redhawke Improved Sith Artifacts
By JumpStationZ
Author : RedHawke 08/09/04
These are some simple revisions to the Sith Lord Artifacts that you find in the Tombs on Korriban.
These are more usable in game now and are more suited to the status of ancient Sith artifacts.
This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods.
Installation Instructions:
Unzip all 3 of the .uti files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
Uninstall Instructions:
Simply delete these 3 files from your override directory.
This Jedi Master Robe Package Contains:
Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable)
Feat Required: Jedi Defense
Attack Bonus: +5 and Keen
Damage Bonuses: +2D6 Fire
+2D6 Slashing
Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons
Specialization: Melee Weapons
Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Master Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Flurry
Master Flurry
Energy Projector +2D6 Energy Damage
Massive Criticals +2D6 Dam.
Durasteel Alloy +5 to Attack
Vibration Cell Stun DC22, 50% Chance for 4 Rounds
Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model)
Feat Required: Jedi Defense
Damage Immunity: Fire 100% / Cold 100%
Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical-Hits
+8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +5 to Wisdom, +5 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws
Bonus Feats: Force Focus
Improved Force Focus
Master Force Focus
Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round
Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round
Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets
Feat Required: Jedi Defense
Immunities: Poison
+5 to Strength, +5 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection
Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber
Specialization: Lightsaber
Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round
Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round
Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
k37_itm_ajunta - Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable)
kor38b_mask - Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model)
kor38a_gauntlet - Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets
A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
Redhawke's Droid Skins Terminator & Crimson
By JumpStationZ
Author : RedHawke 09/06/04 Version 1.0
This is a really, really simple reskin texture to alter HK-47's and T3-M4's color schemes to look more like Terminators, well one Terminator and one Terminator Trash Can.
This mod is also fully compatible with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatible with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter HK-47's or T3-M4's looks.
This is a really, really simple reskin texture to enhance HK-47's original Rusty Red to a more cooler Crimson Assassin Droid color scheme and I altered Prime's cool R2-D2-esque skin of T3-M4 with red parts instead of the R2 blue. (Skin used with permission) I like RED!
This mod is also fully compatible with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatible with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter HK-47's or T3-M4's looks.
I hope you all enjoy the Mod!
Installation Instructions:
Just extract the two .tga to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM.
Uninstall Instructions:
Simply delete all this .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM.
This Mod Does:
Changes HK-47 in to a more cool looking Killing Machine "Meatbags Beware!"
Changes T3-M4 in to a more cool looking Garbage Can... er'... Killing Machine.
A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program!
Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
And have fun with the new-er HK-47 and T3-M4! ;^)
Redhawke Enhanced Terminator Droid Pack
By JumpStationZ
Author : RedHawke 08/19/04
These are an array of Droid Upgrade items for our two little and understated pals in KOTOR, Hk-47 and T3-M4. It will turn them into 2 walking, or rolling, Terminators, give them the right Firepower and they will reign supreme!
The new Cyberdyne Droid items come in 3 levels of power, except the droid weapons that only have two levels.
These items can be found in game normally as they are on the 2 droids when they join your party or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the read-me. A small Warning, some of these items are quite powerful, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outrageous item is. These are more progressively powerful as the game progresses and your droids level up.
This is fully compatible with my other mods. Though if you have my Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack installed it will overwrite the 2 droid files (p_t3m4.utc and p_hk47.utc) and alter what the 2 droids have when they join your party, these droid items in this pack are not as immediately powerful as those in that pack so if you are happy with those droid items as they are then don't install this pack.
This pack will not overwrite any of the droid items from my Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack so they can still be aquired by cheat codes, or purchased (If possible).
Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it.
Installation Instructions:
Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^)
Uninstall Instructions:
Simply delete these files from your override directory.
This Item Package Contains:
Droid Equipment
Cyberdyne C-1 Carbonite Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Carbonite Spray)
Cyberdyne C-2 Carbonite Projector (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Carbonite Spray)
Cyberdyne T-1 Flame Thrower (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Flame Thrower)
Cyberdyne T-2 Flame Thrower (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Flame Thrower)
Cyberdyne G-1 Gravity Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Gravity Pulse)
Cyberdyne G-2 Gravity Projector (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Gravity Pulse)
Cyberdyne SD-1 Shield Disruptor (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Shield Disruptor)
Cyberdyne SD-2 Shield Disruptor (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Shield Disruptor)
Cyberdyne S-1 Stun Ray (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Stun Ray)
Cyberdyne S-2 Stun Ray (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Stun Ray)
Assassin Targeting Computer I (Level 1 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle and Pistol Feats, +6 Awareness and Security)
Assassin Targeting Computer II (Level 2 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle, Pistol, and Heavy Weapons Feats, +8 Awareness and Security)
Assassin Targeting Computer III (Level 3 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle, Pistol, Heavy Weapons, and Melee Weapons Feats, +10 Awareness and Security)
Astromech Combat Sensor I (Level 1 Upgrade, Gives first 2 Pistol, and Two-Weapon, as well as Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +6 Awareness and Repair)
Astromech Combat Sensor II (Level 2 Upgrade, Gives All Pistol, and first 2 levels of Two-Weapon, Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +8 Awareness and Repair)
Astromech Combat Sensor III (Level 3 Upgrade, Gives All Pistol, Two-Weapon, Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +10 Awareness and Repair)
Advanced Droid Interface I (Level 1 Upgrade, +2 to Awareness, +4 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +1 to all Saving Throws)
Advanced Droid Interface II (Level 2 Upgrade, +4 to Awareness, +6 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +1 to Strength and Dexterity, +2 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws)
Advanced Droid Interface III (Level 3 Upgrade, +6 to Awareness, +8 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +2 to Strength and Dexterity, +3 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +3 to all Saving Throws)
Molecular Bonded Plating I (Level 1 Upgrade, +2 to Defense, +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 1, +1 to all Saving Throws)
Molecular Bonded Plating II (Level 2 Upgrade, +3 to Defense, +4 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 3, +3 to all Saving Throws)
Molecular Bonded Plating III (Level 3 Upgrade, +5 to Defense, +6 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 5, +4 to all Saving Throws)
Cyberdyne Light Droid Shield (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Light Droid Shield Unit)
Cyberdyne Medium Droid Shield (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Medium Droid Shield Unit)
Cyberdyne Heavy Droid Shield (Level 3 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Heavy Droid Shield Unit)
Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes:
carb_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne C-1 Carbonite Projector (Comes With HK-47)
carb_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne C-2 Carbonite Projector (Comes With HK-47)
flame_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne T-1 Flame Thrower (Comes With HK-47)
flame_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne T-2 Flame Thrower (Comes With HK-47)
grav_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne G-1 Gravity Projector (Comes With T3-M4)
grav_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne G-2 Gravity Projector (Comes With T3-M4)
shld_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne SD-1 Shield Disruptor (Comes With T3-M4)
shld_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne SD-2 Shield Disruptor (Comes With T3-M4)
stun_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne S-1 Stun Ray (Comes With T3-M4)
stun_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne S-2 Stun Ray (Comes With T3-M4)
hk_drdtrgcom1 - Assassin Targeting Computer I (Comes With HK-47)
hk_drdtrgcom2 - Assassin Targeting Computer II (Comes With HK-47)
hk_drdtrgcom3 - Assassin Targeting Computer III (Comes With HK-47)
t3_drdtrgcom1 - Astromech Combat Sensor I (Comes With T3-M4)
t3_drdtrgcom2 - Astromech Combat Sensor II (Comes With T3-M4)
t3_drdtrgcom3 - Astromech Combat Sensor III (Comes With T3-M4)
rh_drdcomspk1 - Advanced Droid Interface I (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
rh_drdcomspk2 - Advanced Droid Interface II (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
rh_drdcomspk3 - Advanced Droid Interface III (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
rh_drdhvplat1 - Molecular Bonded Plating I (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
rh_drdhvplat2 - Molecular Bonded Plating II (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
rh_drdhvplat3 - Molecular Bonded Plating III (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
rh_drdshld1 - Cyberdyne Light Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
rh_drdshld2 - Cyberdyne Medium Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
rh_drdshld3 - Cyberdyne Heavy Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4)
A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool.
Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
- redhawke
- terminator
- (and 4 more)