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Found 39 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    "Poison weapons and upgrades" mod for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords VERSION: 1.0 RELEASE DATE: October 11, 2021 AUTHOR: LoneWanderer --------------------- 1.Description --------------------- Adds 3 poison weapons (2 with new models) and 6 melee upgrades with custom icons. KOTOR I had several poisoned weapons, which were quite fun to use, but in TSL poison damage type was limited to mostly useless or rarely used grenades, mines and droid special weapons. The goal of this mod is to make gameplay more varied and interesting by adding new obtainable poison weapons and upgrades. Weapons: Naga Sadow's Poison Blade - inside Korriban's Academy Poison Short Sword - can be bought from Samhan Dobo on Telos Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear - from Dark Jedi Apprentice inside Freedon Nadd's tomb Upgrades (can be created using a workbench): Mild Poisonious Edge - Poison, Mild Damage DC 15 (requres skill: Stealth 6) Average Poisonious Edge - Poison, Average Damage DC 25 (requres skill: Stealth 14) Severe Poisonious Edge - Poison, Virulent Damage DC 30 (requres skill: Stealth 22) Deadly Poisonious Edge - Poison, Deadly Damage DC 50 (requres skill: Stealth 32) Average Weakening Edge - Poison, Average Weakness DC 20 (requres skill: Awareness 10) Deadly Weakening Edge - Poison, Deadly Weakness DC 40 (requres skill: Awareness 28) Since level cap was raised from 20 to 50 in TSL and autobalance system increases the level of enemies to match the level of Main Character, this means that in the latter half of the game most enemies will have very high resistance to poison, which makes it ineffective. To counter this imbalance, 2 additional levels of poison damage were added: Deadly Damage and Deadly Weakness. Also, to increase the chance of poisoning enemies, you can try lowering their Fortitude using, for example, Force Scream. As a bonus Poison Short Sword and Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear have new models (see License information in section 6.Credits). The correct shadow models were kindly created by DarthParametric. CHEATS. 'giveitem poisn_short_01' - Poison Short Sword 'giveitem poisn_spear_01' - Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear 'giveitem sadow_blade_01' - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_01' - Mild Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_02' - Average Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_03' - Severe Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_04' - Deadly Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_wkn_edge_01' - Average Weakening Edge 'giveitem u_m_wkn_edge_02' - Deadly Weakening Edge --------------------- 2.Installation --------------------- Run "TSLPatcher.exe" installer and select your TSL folder. ------------------------- 3.Uninstallation ------------------------ Delete installed files of the mod from Override folder. Copy the files (except dialog.tlk) within the generated "backup" folder and place them in the Override folder, place dialog.tlk in your TSL folder. If you installed other mods after this one that modify dialog.tlk, iprp_onhitdc.2da, itemcreate.2da, itemcreatemira.2da, poison.2da, upgrade.2da, then you should uninstall those mods first. ----------------------- 4.Compatibilty ----------------------- This mod is compatible with TSLRCM. New weapons use model variation 20 of short sword and double-bladed sword. New upgrades use item icon slots ip_pltuseitm_113 - ip_pltuseitm_118. If items from other mods use these model variations or slots, then they will overwrite each other appearance. ----------------------- 5.Permissions ---------------------- This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod can be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. -------------- 6.Credits -------------- Poison Short Sword uses model "Modern Sword" ( by Vladimir that is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear uses model "Spear" ( by DafVader that is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Blue - KotOR Scripting Tool Special Thanks to DarthParametric for creating models used as weapons' shadows ---------------- 7.Contact --------------- PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    By default not all Jekk'Jekk Tarr bar patrons have weapons, yet they attack you, an armed to the teeth Jedi, this makes no sense, so i added weapons to their inventory, they will draw them once the combat starts.
  3. View File Jekk'Jekk Tarr all bar patrons armed By default not all Jekk'Jekk Tarr bar patrons have weapons, yet they attack you, an armed to the teeth Jedi, this makes no sense, so i added weapons to their inventory, they will draw them once the combat starts. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/21/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0


    The goal of the Weapon Model Overhaul Texture Rework is to make use of wonderfully made weapon models, created by Toasty Fresh, in order to replace the vanilla weapons models and textures with high quality, high resolution ones, that still look and feel like the original game's weapons. NOTE: THIS MOD NEEDS TOASTY FRESH'S WEAPON MODEL OVERHAUL IN ORDER TO WORK PROPERLY! INSTALL IT FIRST! DOWNLOAD HERE:
  5. Greetings. Russian Kotor fan here who would like some help with mod installment since I have been running into a few issues recently : 1) small sized map when using widescreen fix and UI fix for white screen. 2) Bolook's "Murdered Setler" quest on Dantooine gets stuck on the first round no matter what I would do and how many reloads I would make beforehand. My mod combination is starting with kotor editable executable. For UI For videos Along with a few Dark Hope mods on HD textures for chars, Logical Datapads mod, Marius Fett Sith armors and aditional armor packs, effects, heads and other stuff installed after it, plus a weapon pack combo I found working quite well together. And also K1 Legends combo of mods As of now, I figures that first I should keep the armor related mods being downloaded last in this case (since for some reason installing armors first would result in some npcs dissapearing) and using any droid skins after K1 Legends Januce Nall mod as well, in order to avoid her dissapearing. Everything else works fine, but the map and Bolook quest are the only issue not progressing further. Could anyone help with that? My current weapon pack is: /1209 Along with
  6. View File WOTOR Plus Patches Weapons of the Old Republic By T7nowhere,svösh,Mono_Giganto Released December, 20/ 2006 About WotOR: Section I: Installation Instructions Section II: UnInstallation Instructions Section III: Possible Mod conflicts Section IV: Credits Section V: Special thanks Section VI: Terms of use About WotOR: *This mod is intended to be played with a new game, playing it with a current save game may make you miss several cool weapons* The main focus of this mod was to give as many of the interesting NPC's their own unique weapons. This mod adds 22 new models for your eye candy pleasure. All of the weapons are integrated into the game as seamlessly as possible. Many of the models are just straight replacements for the characters original weapons some are completely new. It's your job to find out which are which ;). I tried to keep the weapons balanced, some may even be a little under powered, but since I don't know which path you take through the game I kept them as close to the weapons that are found in the area. Only a few of the weapons have new stats most are the same was the originals. Section I: Installation Instructions To install this mod simply begin the installation and navigate to your SWKotOR root folder and hit the “ok” button. The Patcher is set to automatically back up any files that it modifies in your override. Pay close attention to the install log for warnings and errors. It is very likely that this mod will include the same files that may have been used by other modders. To install the Patches unzip the 2 files labeled “Upgrades”, and copy/paste to overwrite the files already located in the Override folder. Section II: UnInstallation Instructions To uninstall this mod you will need to delete all the files that belong to WotOR from the Override directory. the easiest way to find all of this mods files is to Copy them from the extracted archive and and paste them into override and overwrite all files, this will select all of the files used by WotOR and allow you to right click one of the highlighted files and choose delete(to delete all the files selected). Then find the Backup folder the the patcher created and restore the backups of the files that you originally had in Override before installing WotOR. Section III: Possible Mod conflicts The most likely conflicts you will find if any, will be with the .utc(character files). If you do have multiple mods that modify the same utc you will need to combine the files. (I will add the editing of UTC files to the patcher at a later date) Section IV: Credits svösh: Darth Bandon's saber Mono_Giganto: The One's Vibrosword T7nowhere: Malak's saber Ajunta Pall's Blade Bastila's Double-lightsaber Calo Nord's Heavy Blasters Canderous' Ordo's repeating blaster Carth's Blaster pistol Chuundar's Bowcaster HK-47's Repeating Blaster Rifle Jolee's Lightsaber Juhani/Quatra's Lightsaber Mission's Vibrosword Saul Karath's hold out blaster Sherruk's Heavy Repeating Blaster Sherruk's trophy Jedi knight's lightsaber Sherruk's trophy Jedi Double-Bladed Lightsaber Yuthura's Jedi Lightsaber Yuthura's Sith Lightsaber Bacca's Ceremonial Blade Zaalbar's Bowcaster Section V: Special thanks Special Gratitude goes out to Shem for play testing, proof reading and debugging. I couldn't have released this mod without his help. A very Special Thanks goes out to cchargin who made it Possible for us to make new models for use in KotOR/TSL, tk102 for his very useful utilities for which we all could not mod KotOR and TSL with out, Fred Tetra for his continued support of KotoR tool(aka. KT) another tool us modders could not live without and stoffe -mkb- for the fantastic TSL patcher which has made installing mods much simpler. for those that don't have to set up the installer) Additional thanks goes out to all the people that have been so patiently waiting for me to release this mod and for remembering that I started it Section VI: Terms of use This mod may not be re-upload to any other website unless explicit permission to do so is given by the WotOR mod Team. You may alter the contents of this mod in anyway you see fit for your personal use only. You are not allowed to use any of this mods resources in other released mods without express written consent of the WotOR modding team. Acknowledgement: Special Thanks to Sith Holocron for the new WoTOR Logo! Submitter Deadly Stream Submitted 02/26/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Weapons of the Old Republic By T7nowhere,svösh,Mono_Giganto Released December, 20/ 2006 About WotOR: Section I: Installation Instructions Section II: UnInstallation Instructions Section III: Possible Mod conflicts Section IV: Credits Section V: Special thanks Section VI: Terms of use About WotOR: *This mod is intended to be played with a new game, playing it with a current save game may make you miss several cool weapons* The main focus of this mod was to give as many of the interesting NPC's their own unique weapons. This mod adds 22 new models for your eye candy pleasure. All of the weapons are integrated into the game as seamlessly as possible. Many of the models are just straight replacements for the characters original weapons some are completely new. It's your job to find out which are which ;). I tried to keep the weapons balanced, some may even be a little under powered, but since I don't know which path you take through the game I kept them as close to the weapons that are found in the area. Only a few of the weapons have new stats most are the same was the originals. Section I: Installation Instructions To install this mod simply begin the installation and navigate to your SWKotOR root folder and hit the “ok” button. The Patcher is set to automatically back up any files that it modifies in your override. Pay close attention to the install log for warnings and errors. It is very likely that this mod will include the same files that may have been used by other modders. To install the Patches unzip the 2 files labeled “Upgrades”, and copy/paste to overwrite the files already located in the Override folder. Section II: UnInstallation Instructions To uninstall this mod you will need to delete all the files that belong to WotOR from the Override directory. the easiest way to find all of this mods files is to Copy them from the extracted archive and and paste them into override and overwrite all files, this will select all of the files used by WotOR and allow you to right click one of the highlighted files and choose delete(to delete all the files selected). Then find the Backup folder the the patcher created and restore the backups of the files that you originally had in Override before installing WotOR. Section III: Possible Mod conflicts The most likely conflicts you will find if any, will be with the .utc(character files). If you do have multiple mods that modify the same utc you will need to combine the files. (I will add the editing of UTC files to the patcher at a later date) Section IV: Credits svösh: Darth Bandon's saber Mono_Giganto: The One's Vibrosword T7nowhere: Malak's saber Ajunta Pall's Blade Bastila's Double-lightsaber Calo Nord's Heavy Blasters Canderous' Ordo's repeating blaster Carth's Blaster pistol Chuundar's Bowcaster HK-47's Repeating Blaster Rifle Jolee's Lightsaber Juhani/Quatra's Lightsaber Mission's Vibrosword Saul Karath's hold out blaster Sherruk's Heavy Repeating Blaster Sherruk's trophy Jedi knight's lightsaber Sherruk's trophy Jedi Double-Bladed Lightsaber Yuthura's Jedi Lightsaber Yuthura's Sith Lightsaber Bacca's Ceremonial Blade Zaalbar's Bowcaster Section V: Special thanks Special Gratitude goes out to Shem for play testing, proof reading and debugging. I couldn't have released this mod without his help. A very Special Thanks goes out to cchargin who made it Possible for us to make new models for use in KotOR/TSL, tk102 for his very useful utilities for which we all could not mod KotOR and TSL with out, Fred Tetra for his continued support of KotoR tool(aka. KT) another tool us modders could not live without and stoffe -mkb- for the fantastic TSL patcher which has made installing mods much simpler. for those that don't have to set up the installer) Additional thanks goes out to all the people that have been so patiently waiting for me to release this mod and for remembering that I started it Section VI: Terms of use This mod may not be re-upload to any other website unless explicit permission to do so is given by the WotOR mod Team. You may alter the contents of this mod in anyway you see fit for your personal use only. You are not allowed to use any of this mods resources in other released mods without express written consent of the WotOR modding team. Acknowledgement: Special Thanks to Sith Holocron for the new WoTOR Logo!
  8. Version 1.0.2b


    This mod replace the default Ajunta Pall's Blade appearance with the "Legends" rendition. # Background # The blade of the fallen, Ajunta Pall's Blade - I have always thought about something that is dark-enigmatic about the blade after hearing those words, so this project was started to accommodate the idea. # About this Mod # This mod replace the default Ajunta Pall's Blade appearance with the "Legends" rendition. The new blade is using the amazing IRobert's [K1] Vibroweapons replacement pack retexture base texture and model, which having that science-fantasy feeling to its design and concept. I edited them later particularly on coloring and scheming to match my interpretation of the blade. IRobert gave permission for everyone to freely use, change or modify the mod with *redistribution* policies applies. * With v1.0.2 included the model fix kindly provided by the infamous Dark Lord of the Sith, DarthParametric. It's a fix for holes in the meshes of the hilt which causes artefacts with the shadow casting. The new blade trying to fits the concept of the true Ajunta Pall's blade, which described as - Those features can be seen on the blade now. # Final Remarks # I suggest you to install VarsityPuppet's Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance first and then install this mod after. This mod aims to complete the Ajunta Pall's personal items part. There's always room for improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: Choose your installation preferences - then run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe] and hit the [Install Mod ->] button! Uninstallation: Choose the UNINSTALL option in the installation menu Additionally you may want to remove these items from the Override folder - ireb_apallblade.tpc ireb_apb_glow01.tpc ireb_apb_glow02.tpc iw_vbrdblswd_037.tpc w_vbrdblswd_037.mdl w_vbrdblswd_037.mdx Compatibility: For maximum compatibility, install this mod at the latter stage of your mod's build There's an option for this mod to be compatible with VarsityPuppet's Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance and Rece's Ajunta Pall's Swords Revamped. Just make sure to choose it only after those mods has The main installation of this mod is not compatible with the said mods, and/or any mods that hard-overwrite the Tomb of Ajunta Pall/korr_m37aa module For this mod to be fully effective you should at least load a saved game before entering the Tomb of Ajunta Pall [korr_m37aa] module The mod is play-tested with both the latest version of KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R and K1:Community Patch/K1CP installed and is compatible with them Redistribution: do not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites. I'd love to provide direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered everywhere. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. And then, make sure to give credits to IRobert, DeadMan, seph6, RevanDark, DarthParametric, BioWare & LucasArts with the release - particularly with the inclusion of the assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant work here is also a very warmwelcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've played IRobert, DeadMan, seph6, and RevanDark for [K1] Vibroweapons replacement pack retexture DarthParametric for his assistance on GFF editing in v1.0.1 and the model fix in v1.0.2 and ultimately for the past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs also for all his outstanding creation that I am a fan of VarsityPuppet for the permission to have Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance being awesomely stand-out in the screenshots and inspiring me with his work JCarter426 & Inyri Forge for all their awesome work that I look up to - I learned a lot from their mod setup and been practicing a lot using their method ROTNR for Creating Module Files in KotOR tutorial - which guides me on packaging the custom module Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool bead-v for MDLedit and KOTORmax ndix UR for tga2tpc stoffe for the magnificent TSL Patcher, TLKEd, ERFEdit, et cetera, and Fair Strides for later improves them TK102 for K-GFF Notepad++team for Notepad++ All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All the mod's users that provides reviews and constructive feedbacks pre v1.0.2 - gerblul, todevuch, JustABitAgroed, Ebony Moon etc. All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site -eb
  9. View File K1 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. This is a WIP port of my K2 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures mod I made recently. I was originally planning on just porting over the entire mod and upscaling the Gaffi stick textures, but the ranged weapons got messed up 🙃 So for now, this mod will only contain the upscaled melee weapons! This is my to-do list for this mod: Upscale ranged weapon textures to 512px & make sure they work Upscale gaffi stick textures to 512px & make sure they work The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist. Submitter Ol' Cappy Submitted 08/20/2022 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  10. Version 0.5


    Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. This is a WIP port of my K2 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures mod I made recently. I was originally planning on just porting over the entire mod and upscaling the Gaffi stick textures, but the ranged weapons got messed up 🙃 So for now, this mod will only contain the upscaled melee weapons! This is my to-do list for this mod: Upscale ranged weapon textures to 512px & make sure they work Upscale gaffi stick textures to 512px & make sure they work The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist.
  11. 322 downloads

    Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. I just hated how ugly the melee weapons looked, especially in comparison to all of the upscaled and re-done textures and models we can get nowadays. While not quite the job that something like High Quality Blasters does, this mod upscales all of the vanilla textures for both melee and ranged weapons using a mixture of ESRGAN and waifu2x AI upscaling to around 512-by-512px wherever possible with the goal of being as mod-friendly as it can be (so no model overhauls or anything like that - this is just a straight-up retexture). I offer both Melee and Ranged weapon textures separately so users can drag-and-drop whichever ones they want to use. The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist.
  12. View File K2 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. I just hated how ugly the melee weapons looked, especially in comparison to all of the upscaled and re-done textures and models we can get nowadays. While not quite the job that something like High Quality Blasters does, this mod upscales all of the vanilla textures for both melee and ranged weapons using a mixture of ESRGAN and waifu2x AI upscaling to around 512-by-512px wherever possible with the goal of being as mod-friendly as it can be (so no model overhauls or anything like that - this is just a straight-up retexture). I offer both Melee and Ranged weapon textures separately so users can drag-and-drop whichever ones they want to use. The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist. Submitter Ol' Cappy Submitted 08/07/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Weapon Model Overhaul Patch ------------------------------ The purpose of this mod is to provide a patch to finally be able to use Toasty Fresh's weapon models' mod in Kotor 2 and the excellent reskin by Fallen Guardian. When I first started diving into modding for Kotor 2 one of the first mods I stumbled across was Toasty Fresh's Weapons Model Overhaul mod (and Fallen Guardian's retexture of it), which provided what looked like some great high resolution version of the game's vanilla swords and vibroswords. Unfortunately, when I tried to add it to my TSL override folder, it immediately caused the game to crash. Now, after learning more about this game and its mods I was finally able to revisit it and patch it so that those models will work with TSL as well (thanks to PoopaPapaPalpatine for reminding me about it). While there is already an excellent blaster mod in the High Quality Blasters mod. Toasty Fresh's mod really does an excellent job of providing a high resolution version of the game's vanilla swords and vibroweapons, particularly when paired with Fallen Guardian's retexture. If you, like me want to use those weapons on your TSL game, this patch should allow you to do so. THIS MOD IS A PATCH, YOU STILL NEED THE ORIGINAL MOD TO GET THIS TO WORK. You can find the original mod here: I also personally recommend Fallen Guardian's retexture which can be found here: Since I mainly wanted the melee weapons out of this mod, I separated the swords and blasters into two separate folders for your convenience. ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ First start by installing Toasty Fresh's mod by dragging the files in it to your override folder. If you want Fallen Guardian's textures, install his mod next overwriting all relevant files. Finally move the files in this mod to your override folder overwriting any conflicts. ------------------------------ Uninstallation ------------------------------ Simply delete the contents of this mod from your override folder.
  14. View File Weapons Model Overhaul Patch for TSL Weapon Model Overhaul Patch ------------------------------ The purpose of this mod is to provide a patch to finally be able to use Toasty Fresh's weapon models' mod in Kotor 2 and the excellent reskin by Fallen Guardian. When I first started diving into modding for Kotor 2 one of the first mods I stumbled across was Toasty Fresh's Weapons Model Overhaul mod (and Fallen Guardian's retexture of it), which provided what looked like some great high resolution version of the game's vanilla swords and vibroswords. Unfortunately, when I tried to add it to my TSL override folder, it immediately caused the game to crash. Now, after learning more about this game and its mods I was finally able to revisit it and patch it so that those models will work with TSL as well (thanks to PoopaPapaPalpatine for reminding me about it). While there is already an excellent blaster mod in the High Quality Blasters mod. Toasty Fresh's mod really does an excellent job of providing a high resolution version of the game's vanilla swords and vibroweapons, particularly when paired with Fallen Guardian's retexture. If you, like me want to use those weapons on your TSL game, this patch should allow you to do so. THIS MOD IS A PATCH, YOU STILL NEED THE ORIGINAL MOD TO GET THIS TO WORK. You can find the original mod here: I also personally recommend Fallen Guardian's retexture which can be found here: Since I mainly wanted the melee weapons out of this mod, I separated the swords and blasters into two separate folders for your convenience. ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ First start by installing Toasty Fresh's mod by dragging the files in it to your override folder. If you want Fallen Guardian's textures, install his mod next overwriting all relevant files. Finally move the files in this mod to your override folder overwriting any conflicts. ------------------------------ Uninstallation ------------------------------ Simply delete the contents of this mod from your override folder. Submitter Nehua Submitted 06/12/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  15. View File Poison weapons and upgrades "Poison weapons and upgrades" mod for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords VERSION: 1.0 RELEASE DATE: October 11, 2021 AUTHOR: LoneWanderer --------------------- 1.Description --------------------- Adds 3 poison weapons (2 with new models) and 6 melee upgrades with custom icons. KOTOR I had several poisoned weapons, which were quite fun to use, but in TSL poison damage type was limited to mostly useless or rarely used grenades, mines and droid special weapons. The goal of this mod is to make gameplay more varied and interesting by adding new obtainable poison weapons and upgrades. Weapons: Naga Sadow's Poison Blade - inside Korriban's Academy Poison Short Sword - can be bought from Samhan Dobo on Telos Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear - from Dark Jedi Apprentice inside Freedon Nadd's tomb Upgrades (can be created using a workbench): Mild Poisonious Edge - Poison, Mild Damage DC 15 (requres skill: Stealth 6) Average Poisonious Edge - Poison, Average Damage DC 25 (requres skill: Stealth 14) Severe Poisonious Edge - Poison, Virulent Damage DC 30 (requres skill: Stealth 22) Deadly Poisonious Edge - Poison, Deadly Damage DC 50 (requres skill: Stealth 32) Average Weakening Edge - Poison, Average Weakness DC 20 (requres skill: Awareness 10) Deadly Weakening Edge - Poison, Deadly Weakness DC 40 (requres skill: Awareness 28) Since level cap was raised from 20 to 50 in TSL and autobalance system increases the level of enemies to match the level of Main Character, this means that in the latter half of the game most enemies will have very high resistance to poison, which makes it ineffective. To counter this imbalance, 2 additional levels of poison damage were added: Deadly Damage and Deadly Weakness. Also, to increase the chance of poisoning enemies, you can try lowering their Fortitude using, for example, Force Scream. As a bonus Poison Short Sword and Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear have new models (see License information in section 6.Credits). The correct shadow models were kindly created by DarthParametric. CHEATS. 'giveitem poisn_short_01' - Poison Short Sword 'giveitem poisn_spear_01' - Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear 'giveitem sadow_blade_01' - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_01' - Mild Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_02' - Average Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_03' - Severe Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_04' - Deadly Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_wkn_edge_01' - Average Weakening Edge 'giveitem u_m_wkn_edge_02' - Deadly Weakening Edge --------------------- 2.Installation --------------------- Run "TSLPatcher.exe" installer and select your TSL folder. ------------------------- 3.Uninstallation ------------------------ Delete installed files of the mod from Override folder. Copy the files (except dialog.tlk) within the generated "backup" folder and place them in the Override folder, place dialog.tlk in your TSL folder. If you installed other mods after this one that modify dialog.tlk, iprp_onhitdc.2da, itemcreate.2da, itemcreatemira.2da, poison.2da, upgrade.2da, then you should uninstall those mods first. ----------------------- 4.Compatibilty ----------------------- This mod is compatible with TSLRCM. New weapons use model variation 20 of short sword and double-bladed sword. New upgrades use item icon slots ip_pltuseitm_113 - ip_pltuseitm_118. If items from other mods use these model variations or slots, then they will overwrite each other appearance. ----------------------- 5.Permissions ---------------------- This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod can be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. -------------- 6.Credits -------------- Poison Short Sword uses model "Modern Sword" ( by Vladimir that is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear uses model "Spear" ( by DafVader that is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Blue - KotOR Scripting Tool Special Thanks to DarthParametric for creating models used as weapons' shadows ---------------- 7.Contact --------------- PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter LoneWanderer Submitted 10/11/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  16. 22,887 downloads

    1. What is this? Are you tired of awfull look of quarterstaffs? No? Hey, I know you don’t use them, but a lot of NPCs do, so this mod will replace them with better looking models. I’ve also made some interesting changes to these weapons: - Handmaiden’s staff is now double-bladed sword with retractable blades (huge thanks to SithSpecter for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model) and deals a bit more damage (not too much, just enough for you to keep this blade until you train her as Jedi) - Guidon Beacon, which was restored in TSLRCM will have unique model. - My favorite, Geonosian Electrostaff. It now looks more like staffs which Magnaguards used in episode 3 (electrical field will turn on and off, and it also have custom sounds) 2. Why should I install it? To make your game look better, of course! 3. How to install? Just run TSL Patcher, it will do everything for you. 4. Compatibility. Compatible with TSLRCM. Not compatible with other mods which alter ingame quarterstaff models. 5. Credits. SithSpecter - for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model. RevanDark and AshuraDX – I used some texture parts from their JA mods. Conditions of Use: You are free to use this models as you like as long as you give proper credit to me, except for the Handmaiden’s staff model. For that one, ask permission from SithSpecter. One more exception: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP.
  17. Neville

    KotOR Items in TSL

    Version 1.0.2


    It always bothered me that TSL changes textures and stats of weapons from KotOR. I have restored most ranged weapons and some armors. I will try to change more. Put the .uti files in your Override folder to have these items back.
  18. View File KotOR Items in TSL It always bothered me that TSL changes textures and stats of weapons from KotOR. I have restored most ranged weapons and some armors. I will try to change more. Put the .uti files in your Override folder to have these items back. Submitter Neville Submitted 05/04/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    This mod adds three new upgrades for ranged weapons, three new weapons (not new models, I used existing in-game models), and modifies the Heavy Mining Laser. All of the weapons also come with lore-friendly descriptions. The included screenshots show the stats of all the weapons and a standard blaster rifle with all of the max level upgrades. Electroshock Blaster can be crafted with Repair 2, CB-100 and the Railgun with Repair 20, and the Heavy Mining Laser cannot be crafted. If you're using TSLRCM you can find the Heavy Mining Laser in-game at Peragus. Item codes and crafting requirements are in the readme. Installation: Simply run TSLPatcher.exe Uninstallation: Remove the .uti files from your override and replace the .2da files with those in the "Backup" folder of the Expansion Pack (created when you installed). Bugs/Issues There is a small visual bug where the feat provided by the weapon upgrades will not appear in the Feats page of character abilities if you have not already learned the first feat in that line. So for example, if you have the Sniper Shot feat, the Master Sniper Shot gained from Tri-Light Scope IV will appear on your list of feats, but if you don't have Sniper Shot the Master version will not appear. However, even if it is not listed on your character sheet, it will be available in combat. Compatibility: Will not fully work with any mod that changes the heavymininglaser.uti, such as Marauder’s Mining Laser Consistency Fix. If you want to use both, whatever mod you want to affect the Heavy Mining Laser, install that one last. So you if you like Marauder's mining laser better, install my mod, then install Marauder's mod and overwrite my heavymininglaser.uti with his. See below for what each level of the new upgrades do and how to craft them: Tri-Light Scope Mark I: Sniper Shot Mark II: Sniper Shot, Keen Mark III: Improved Sniper Shot, Keen Mark IV: Master Sniper Shot, Keen, +1 Attack Skill to Craft: Awareness 4, 10, 16, 22 Overcharged Power Cell Mark I: Power Shot Mark II: Power Shot, +2 Energy Mark III: Improved Power Shot, +3 Energy, Massive Criticals 1d4 Mark IV: Master Power Shot, +1d6 Energy, Massive Criticals 1d4 Skill to Craft: Security 4, 10, 16, 22 Acceleration Chamber Mark I: Rapid Shot Mark II: Rapid Shot, +1 Piercing Mark III: Improved Rapid Shot, +1d4 Piercing Mark IV: Master Rapid Shot, +1d4 Piercing, +1 Attack Crafting Skill: Repair 4, 10, 16, 22
  20. View File Ranged Weapon Expansion Pack This mod adds three new upgrades for ranged weapons, three new weapons (not new models, I used existing in-game models), and modifies the Heavy Mining Laser. All of the weapons also come with lore-friendly descriptions. The included screenshots show the stats of all the weapons and a standard blaster rifle with all of the max level upgrades. Electroshock Blaster can be crafted with Repair 2, CB-100 and the Railgun with Repair 20, and the Heavy Mining Laser cannot be crafted. If you're using TSLRCM you can find the Heavy Mining Laser in-game at Peragus. Item codes and crafting requirements are in the readme. Installation: Simply run TSLPatcher.exe Uninstallation: Remove the .uti files from your override and replace the .2da files with those in the "Backup" folder of the Expansion Pack (created when you installed). Bugs/Issues There is a small visual bug where the feat provided by the weapon upgrades will not appear in the Feats page of character abilities if you have not already learned the first feat in that line. So for example, if you have the Sniper Shot feat, the Master Sniper Shot gained from Tri-Light Scope IV will appear on your list of feats, but if you don't have Sniper Shot the Master version will not appear. However, even if it is not listed on your character sheet, it will be available in combat. Compatibility: Will not fully work with any mod that changes the heavymininglaser.uti, such as Marauder’s Mining Laser Consistency Fix. If you want to use both, whatever mod you want to affect the Heavy Mining Laser, install that one last. So you if you like Marauder's mining laser better, install my mod, then install Marauder's mod and overwrite my heavymininglaser.uti with his. See below for what each level of the new upgrades do and how to craft them: Tri-Light Scope Mark I: Sniper Shot Mark II: Sniper Shot, Keen Mark III: Improved Sniper Shot, Keen Mark IV: Master Sniper Shot, Keen, +1 Attack Skill to Craft: Awareness 4, 10, 16, 22 Overcharged Power Cell Mark I: Power Shot Mark II: Power Shot, +2 Energy Mark III: Improved Power Shot, +3 Energy, Massive Criticals 1d4 Mark IV: Master Power Shot, +1d6 Energy, Massive Criticals 1d4 Skill to Craft: Security 4, 10, 16, 22 Acceleration Chamber Mark I: Rapid Shot Mark II: Rapid Shot, +1 Piercing Mark III: Improved Rapid Shot, +1d4 Piercing Mark IV: Master Rapid Shot, +1d4 Piercing, +1 Attack Crafting Skill: Repair 4, 10, 16, 22 Submitter Arctrooper209 Submitted 11/27/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  21. File Name: Weapon Model Overhaul Texture Rework File Submitter: Fallen Guardian File Submitted: 18 Feb 2014 File Category: Mods Toasty Fresh recently released his Weapon Model Overhaul, which replaced nearly all the low poly weapons with pristine new models and textures. However, I liked the idea of the textures for the weapons matching the game's original icons more closely than they did (or, in some cases, weapons being more varied than they were) so I set about editing Toasty Fresh's textures to make them look more like the original game's icons. And, with Toasty Fresh's permission, I am now releasing my work. ReadMe (NOTE: In order for this mod to work properly you must download Toasty Fresh's Weapon Model Overhaul and install it first.) Click here to download this file.
  22. Hello, I am just beginning to create my first mod for KotOR (a little late, I realize), which is focused on fixing what I consider to be balance issues with the first game. I would like to remove the balanced property from SOME two-handed weapons, or all if it's not possible to distinguish. I have been poking around KotOR tool for about 2 weeks now and have thoroughly explored baseitems.2da, but I can't seem to crack it. Does anybody have the answer?
  23. Version 1.0


    I recently showed off some screenshots of enhanced blaster pistols using Captain Hair's blaster pistol model over on Lucas Forums. The goal of this mod is to finish, in a sense, what Captain Hair started with the blasters and make all blaster pistols in both KotOR 1 and KotOR 2 of high quality. When reskinning for the blasters I attempted to match them as closely as possible to their default icons within the game. Anyway, without Captain Hair this mod wouldn't exist so a big thanks to him.
  24. View File [K1] Legends - Ajunta Pall's Blade This mod replace the default Ajunta Pall's Blade appearance with the "Legends" rendition. # Background # The blade of the fallen, Ajunta Pall's Blade - I have always thought about something that is dark-enigmatic about the blade after hearing those words, so this project was started to accommodate the idea. # About this Mod # This mod replace the default Ajunta Pall's Blade appearance with the "Legends" rendition. The new blade is using the amazing IRobert's [K1] Vibroweapons replacement pack retexture base texture and model, which having that science-fantasy feeling to its design and concept. I edited them later particularly on coloring and scheming to match my interpretation of the blade. IRobert gave permission for everyone to freely use, change or modify the mod with *redistribution* policies applies. * With v1.0.2 included the model fix kindly provided by the infamous Dark Lord of the Sith, DarthParametric. It's a fix for holes in the meshes of the hilt which causes artefacts with the shadow casting. The new blade trying to fits the concept of the true Ajunta Pall's blade, which described as - Those features can be seen on the blade now. # Final Remarks # I suggest you to install VarsityPuppet's Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance first and then install this mod after. This mod aims to complete the Ajunta Pall's personal items part. There's always room for improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: Choose your installation preferences - then run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe] and hit the [Install Mod ->] button! Uninstallation: Choose the UNINSTALL option in the installation menu Additionally you may want to remove these items from the Override folder - ireb_apallblade.tpc ireb_apb_glow01.tpc ireb_apb_glow02.tpc iw_vbrdblswd_037.tpc w_vbrdblswd_037.mdl w_vbrdblswd_037.mdx Compatibility: For maximum compatibility, install this mod at the latter stage of your mod's build There's an option for this mod to be compatible with VarsityPuppet's Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance and Rece's Ajunta Pall's Swords Revamped. Just make sure to choose it only after those mods has The main installation of this mod is not compatible with the said mods, and/or any mods that hard-overwrite the Tomb of Ajunta Pall/korr_m37aa module For this mod to be fully effective you should at least load a saved game before entering the Tomb of Ajunta Pall [korr_m37aa] module The mod is play-tested with both the latest version of KotOR 1 Restoration/K1R and K1:Community Patch/K1CP installed and is compatible with them Redistribution: do not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites. I'd love to provide direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered everywhere. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. And then, make sure to give credits to IRobert, DeadMan, seph6, RevanDark, DarthParametric, BioWare & LucasArts with the release - particularly with the inclusion of the assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant work here is also a very warmwelcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've played IRobert, DeadMan, seph6, and RevanDark for [K1] Vibroweapons replacement pack retexture DarthParametric for his assistance on GFF editing in v1.0.1 and the model fix in v1.0.2 and ultimately for the past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs also for all his outstanding creation that I am a fan of VarsityPuppet for the permission to have Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance being awesomely stand-out in the screenshots and inspiring me with his work JCarter426 & Inyri Forge for all their awesome work that I look up to - I learned a lot from their mod setup and been practicing a lot using their method ROTNR for Creating Module Files in KotOR tutorial - which guides me on packaging the custom module Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool bead-v for MDLedit and KOTORmax ndix UR for tga2tpc stoffe for the magnificent TSL Patcher, TLKEd, ERFEdit, et cetera, and Fair Strides for later improves them TK102 for K-GFF Notepad++team for Notepad++ All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All the mod's users that provides reviews and constructive feedbacks pre v1.0.2 - gerblul, todevuch, JustABitAgroed, Ebony Moon etc. All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site -eb Submitter ebmar Submitted 08/14/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
  25. Version 1.0


    I've got tired of standart ingame vibroswords and was looking for mods which will replace them with high(er) quality models. While looking for KotOR models I've found an intresting mod for Jedi Academy made by RevanDark which added tons of new weapons. I especially liked the look of 'Cyber Ninja' swords and I thought it will be great to have such swords in KotOR... So, this mod will replace standart vibroswords with cool "Cyber Ninja" swords. I've managed to convert models and re-create glowing effect for the blades. Mod will not change stats of weapons. Credit goes to RevanDark for creating original JA models. Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.