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Found 53 results

  1. View File Consistent Bastila Recognition =Consistent Bastila Recognition= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Consistent Bastila Recognition.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: In KotOR II: TSL, entering the secret tomb on Korriban will reveal that the player character, the Exile, knew Bastila. However, if Bastila appears as a hologram in T3-M4's holo-recording, provided Revan is male, none of the dialogue options for the Exile when they talk to T3 allow them to mention Bastila by name. Instead, the Exile merely refers to Bastila with generic terms such as "the person in the hologram", presumedly because the hologram could be either Bastila or Carth depending on Revan's gender. This mod aims to correct the inconsistency of the Exile not recognizing Bastila in the hologram, by making the Exile refer to Bastila by name when talking to T3 about the holo-recording. 2. INSTALLATION: First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed, since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. Extract the Consistent Bastila Recognition.7z archive you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe. Select either "Default Installation" or "M4-78EP Compatible Installation", depending on if you have installed M4-78 Enhancemnet Project (M4-78EP) or not. You should choose ONLY ONE of these two options to install the main part of the mod. Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. If you have also installed WildKarrde's TSL Expanded Ending, run Install.exe again, select the "TSL Expanded Ending Compatibility" installation option, then select your KotOR 2 directory path, and click the “Install” button. ***IMPORTANT NOTE FOR STEAM USERS:*** I DO NOT recommend using the Steam Workshop if you want to use this mod. Steam Workshop is frankly a mod compatibility nightmare, and I recommend reading this post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Run Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” drop-down menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Apart from The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM), which is required for this mod to work, any other mods that modify T3-M4's main dialogue file, t3m4.dlg, may conflict with this mod. I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the t3m4.dlg file to improve compatibility with other mods that modify t3m4.dlg as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same file. This mod is not compatible with my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX. Note that Alternate Revan Romances REDUX has implemented similar changes by making the player character refer to Bastila by name during T3’s conversation, so if you use Alternate Revan Romances REDUX, you do not need Consistent Bastila Recognition. 6. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 7. CREDITS: Snigaroo for suggesting the idea of this mod in his KotOR 2 mod build request thread on Deadly Stream WildKarrde for giving me the permission to make this mod compatible with TSL Expanded Ending Cortisol for Holocron Toolset tk102 for DLG Editor Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 03/25/2025 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    =Consistent Bastila Recognition= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Consistent Bastila Recognition.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: In KotOR II: TSL, entering the secret tomb on Korriban will reveal that the player character, the Exile, knew Bastila. However, if Bastila appears as a hologram in T3-M4's holo-recording, provided Revan is male, none of the dialogue options for the Exile when they talk to T3 allow them to mention Bastila by name. Instead, the Exile merely refers to Bastila with generic terms such as "the person in the hologram", presumedly because the hologram could be either Bastila or Carth depending on Revan's gender. This mod aims to correct the inconsistency of the Exile not recognizing Bastila in the hologram, by making the Exile refer to Bastila by name when talking to T3 about the holo-recording. 2. INSTALLATION: First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed, since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. Extract the Consistent Bastila Recognition.7z archive you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe. Select either "Default Installation" or "M4-78EP Compatible Installation", depending on if you have installed M4-78 Enhancemnet Project (M4-78EP) or not. You should choose ONLY ONE of these two options to install the main part of the mod. Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. If you have also installed WildKarrde's TSL Expanded Ending, run Install.exe again, select the "TSL Expanded Ending Compatibility" installation option, then select your KotOR 2 directory path, and click the “Install” button. ***IMPORTANT NOTE FOR STEAM USERS:*** I DO NOT recommend using the Steam Workshop if you want to use this mod. Steam Workshop is frankly a mod compatibility nightmare, and I recommend reading this post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Run Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” drop-down menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Apart from The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM), which is required for this mod to work, any other mods that modify T3-M4's main dialogue file, t3m4.dlg, may conflict with this mod. I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the t3m4.dlg file to improve compatibility with other mods that modify t3m4.dlg as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same file. This mod is not compatible with my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX. Note that Alternate Revan Romances REDUX has implemented similar changes by making the player character refer to Bastila by name during T3’s conversation, so if you use Alternate Revan Romances REDUX, you do not need Consistent Bastila Recognition. 6. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 7. CREDITS: Snigaroo for suggesting the idea of this mod in his KotOR 2 mod build request thread on Deadly Stream WildKarrde for giving me the permission to make this mod compatible with TSL Expanded Ending Cortisol for Holocron Toolset tk102 for DLG Editor Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. View File Bastila rejoins at player level This script "fixes" the script that lets Bastila rejoin the player on the Unknown World temple summit: The script checks for the caller's level, and depending on that, you get a different one of the six Bastila UTC files joined as your new party member: Levels <= 15: Bastila level 15 (p_bastilla001.utc) Level = 16: Bastila level 16 (p_bastilla002.utc) Level = 17: Bastila level 17 (p_bastilla003.utc) Level = 18: Bastila level 18 (p_bastilla004.utc) Level = 19: Bastila level 19 (p_bastilla005.utc) Level = 20: Bastila level 20 (p_bastilla006.utc) The different Bastilas of course not only have a different level, but also more feats and force powers as the levels progress (appropriate change per level). The script however was called in a dialogue line of Bastila, which during that time is a level 18 Jedi Guardian, so it always selected the "p_bastilla004.utc". I believe the intention was however to have this scaled to the player level, to have a same-level Bastila rejoin the party. So I adjusted the script to check for the PC's levels rather than Bastila's (that are always 18). Now, I don't even recommend using this, and I won't be using it myself, as I feel that when Bastila joins you at level 18 that's better both for low, and high-level characters: At low level, the upcoming fights are going to be quite hard, so having a level 18 partymember should help you out a bit (especially since the other two Jedi will be unavailable at that point), and if you are at a level > 18, which is common if you did most quests, then having Bastila join at level 18 at least allows you to steer her remaining development very slightly with the two remaining levelups she'll get. (If she joins at level 20 there's nothing at all you can do anymore to adjust her rather questionable Dark Side build). But I wanted to put it up here for anyone who might find that little discovery interesting. Enjoy. Installation instructions: Put the file "k_punk_bastjoin.ncs" into your Override folder. Submitter R2-X2 Submitted 11/27/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This script "fixes" the script that lets Bastila rejoin the player on the Unknown World temple summit: The script checks for the caller's level, and depending on that, you get a different one of the six Bastila UTC files joined as your new party member: Levels <= 15: Bastila level 15 (p_bastilla001.utc) Level = 16: Bastila level 16 (p_bastilla002.utc) Level = 17: Bastila level 17 (p_bastilla003.utc) Level = 18: Bastila level 18 (p_bastilla004.utc) Level = 19: Bastila level 19 (p_bastilla005.utc) Level = 20: Bastila level 20 (p_bastilla006.utc) The different Bastilas of course not only have a different level, but also more feats and force powers as the levels progress (appropriate change per level). The script however was called in a dialogue line of Bastila, which during that time is a level 18 Jedi Guardian, so it always selected the "p_bastilla004.utc". I believe the intention was however to have this scaled to the player level, to have a same-level Bastila rejoin the party. So I adjusted the script to check for the PC's levels rather than Bastila's (that are always 18). Now, I don't even recommend using this, and I won't be using it myself, as I feel that when Bastila joins you at level 18 that's better both for low, and high-level characters: At low level, the upcoming fights are going to be quite hard, so having a level 18 partymember should help you out a bit (especially since the other two Jedi will be unavailable at that point), and if you are at a level > 18, which is common if you did most quests, then having Bastila join at level 18 at least allows you to steer her remaining development very slightly with the two remaining levelups she'll get. (If she joins at level 20 there's nothing at all you can do anymore to adjust her rather questionable Dark Side build). But I wanted to put it up here for anyone who might find that little discovery interesting. Enjoy. Installation instructions: Put the file "k_punk_bastjoin.ncs" into your Override folder.
  5. Version 1.1.0


    Gives Bastila a unique Force power based on the Battle Meditation power from TSL. *NOTE: This mod will only work properly on saves from before Bastila has joined your party.* DETAILS This mod essentially ports the "Improved Battle Meditation" Force power from KOTOR II and gives it to Bastila as a starting power instead of Force Aura. Like in TSL, the power adds +2 to attack rolls, damage, and will saves for all party members and -2 for enemies within a 10m radius for 20 seconds at a cost of 35 FP. It also increases vitality regeneration for the duration. The power is not selectable at level-up by the PC or party members and is only added as one of Bastille’s starting powers. The VFX and Force power icon are ported from TSL. In KOTOR II, Improved Battle Meditation is a level 12 power while this mod gives it to Bastila at level 3, so it's possible there's an effect on balance in the early game. I don't think it's too OP of a power but let me know if you have feedback. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. This is required. Don't try to copy the files over manually. NOTE: If you install on a save from after Bastila has already joined your party, she won't have the power and won’t be able to select it on level-up. You can use save editor to give her the power. If any files are modified, a backup folder of unmodified files will be created inside the mod folder. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove spells.2da, visualeffects.2da, effecticon.2da, p_bastila.utc, fp_bmed.ncs, v_bmedit2_imp.mdl, v_bmedit2_imp.mdx, v_bmedit2r_imp.mdl , v_bmedit2r_imp.mdx, and ip_battlemed02.tga from the override folder. Replace unk_m44ac.mod in the modules folder with the version in the backup folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the version in the backup folder. Then move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod afterward. Could potentially conflict with other mods that edit Bastila's starting Force powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty djh269 - endgame Bastila support, icon upscale & other tweaks - thanks! KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL
  6. View File Bastila Has TSL Battle Meditation Gives Bastila a unique Force power based on the Battle Meditation power from TSL. *NOTE: This mod will only work properly on saves from before Bastila has joined your party.* DETAILS This mod essentially ports the "Improved Battle Meditation" Force power from KOTOR II and gives it to Bastila as a starting power instead of Force Aura. Like in TSL, the power adds +2 to attack rolls, damage, and will saves for all party members and -2 for enemies within a 10m radius for 20 seconds at a cost of 35 FP. It also increases vitality regeneration for the duration. The power is not selectable at level-up by the PC or party members and is only added as one of Bastille’s starting powers. The VFX and Force power icon are ported from TSL. In KOTOR II, Improved Battle Meditation is a level 12 power while this mod gives it to Bastila at level 3, so it's possible there's an effect on balance in the early game. I don't think it's too OP of a power but let me know if you have feedback. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. This is required. Don't try to copy the files over manually. NOTE: If you install on a save from after Bastila has already joined your party, she won't have the power and won’t be able to select it on level-up. You can use save editor to give her the power. If any files are modified, a backup folder of unmodified files will be created inside the mod folder. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove spells.2da, visualeffects.2da, effecticon.2da, p_bastila.utc, fp_bmed.ncs, v_bmedit2_imp.mdl, v_bmedit2_imp.mdx, v_bmedit2r_imp.mdl , v_bmedit2r_imp.mdx, and ip_battlemed02.tga from the override folder. Replace unk_m44ac.mod in the modules folder with the version in the backup folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the version in the backup folder. Then move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod afterward. Could potentially conflict with other mods that edit Bastila's starting Force powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty djh269 - endgame Bastila support, icon upscale & other tweaks - thanks! KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 11/23/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 1.1


    Bastila Romance Scriptfix for Kotor 1 (GOG/retail) by Markus Ramikin version 1.1 ******************* Readme contents ******************* I. The bugs (SPOILERS) II. The bugs - technical description III. Installation IV. Other mods V. Old savegames VI. Changelog VII. Disclaimers and permissions. ************************* I. The bugs (SPOILERS) ************************* After you've kissed Bastila, you can have a final conversation with her where the romance gets put on hold "until Malak is defeated". Two later dialogs potentially have lines that bring up the romance. These dialogs have bugs: First, confronting Evil Bastila on Temple Summit, on Rakata: - if you've had that post-kiss conversation with her, the game will not recognize the romance, and you will miss out on certain dialog options. Second, the final confrontation with Bastila on the Star Forge has an opposite problem: - If you've sunk the romance completely, for example by saying "Sorry, Bastila, that starship won't fly", the game will mistakenly give you the romance dialogue option. Of course Kotor 1 players have known for years that Bastila's romance is buggy, and several attempted fixes already exist. But these modify Bastila's dialog file from the Ebon Hawk conversations, so 1. they don't fix the second situation, on the Star Forge, and 2. they don't help a player whose savegame is already past the kiss+conversation part. This modification fixes both situations directly. Now you will get romance-related dialogue options on Rakata and the Star Forge regardless of whether you've discussed the kiss with her afterwards, but you will not get these options if you've shot her down. ************************************* II. The bugs - technical description (you may safely skip this) ************************************* The romance is controlled by the variable K_SWG_BASTILA. Once you've completed Bastila's plot it should have one of these values: K_SWG_BASTILA = 12: kissed Bastila = romance active K_SWG_BASTILA = 13: kissed Bastila AND talked afterwards = romance active K_SWG_BASTILA = 99: romance sunk (or unavailable because the PC is female) The Temple Summit dialog only recognizes the romance if the value is 12, which is why common advice to players is to not talk to Bastila after the kiss. The Star Forge dialog only recognizes the romance if the value is greater than 12, which means it will mistakenly recognize it even if it's 99, and may fail to recognize it if you didn't talk to Bastila after the kiss. To further complicate things, some of the Temple Summit dialog's endings run a script that sets the value to 13, even when it was 99. This mistakenly restores a killed romance for players who wanted to just stay friends. My fixed scripts recognize the romance at values 12 and 13 in both dialogs, as well as prevent the mistaken reactivation when it was 99. **************** III. Installation **************** Unzip, copy the files from Override into your game's Override folder. ***************** IV. Other mods ***************** Compatible with any mod out there that doesn't modify the same script files, or redesign the romance too much (i.e. the K_SWG_BASTILA variable behaves the same way). Compatible with K1R. At the time I'm writing this K1R contains a different Bastila romance fix, but that simply becomes irrelevant if my mod is present. Its changes to Bastila's dialog file neither hurt nor help. For authors of mods that allow a female PC x Bastila romance: I provide a version of my fix that removes the gender check. "Use it well. Use it for good." Players should note that this does NOT automatically make my fix compatible with such mods - it depends on how these mods are written. Consult the authors to be sure. The mod was tested with the GOG version, and I expect it'll work fine with the old retail/CD versions too. I will not be testing the Steam version, and I make no guarantees about it at all. (PSA: Don't get gaming classics from Steam, kids - good old games are the speciality of Good Old Games, duh.) ******************** V. Old savegames ******************** Compatible with pre-existing savegames, including past the kiss+conversation on the Ebon Hawk, up until the Temple Summit confrontation with Dark Bastila. Savegames from past the Temple Summit may fail to benefit from the fix fully, especially if your character's relationship with Bastila is supposed to be platonic. ***************** VI. Changelog ***************** 1.0 -> 1.1: - Players who were deliberately NOT romancing Bastila could still sometimes get romantic lines in the second confrontation, on the Star Forge. This is properly fixed now; there was one more offending script to take care of. - [by request] added a variant without a gender check, so that this fix can (potentially) be used with mods that allow a female x Bastila romance. ************************************ VII. Disclaimers and permissions. ************************************ The usual stuff applies. The mod is provided as-is and with no guarantees; by installing it, you accept it may melt your computer, cause nuclear war, and hasten the heat death of the Universe. Distribute freely, including incorporating it in your mods, as long as you give credit.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    The main purpose of this mod is to fix many of the party models that have uvw errors. Some of these errors may be too small to see in-game, but most become glaring when using some of the HD texture mods here on this site. The only HD texture that I have included here, is for Bastila Shan's head model (P_BastilaH04) which is now 2048x2048 pixels. I have tried to remain true to her original look. The models that I have fixed, and are included, are: default clothes models for Bastila Shan Canderous Ordo Carth Onasi Jolee Bindo Juhani Mission Vao HK-47's whole body model head models for Bastila and Carth HD head texture for Bastila head texture for Jolee (to fix the mustache) two additional clothes textures for Carth Each of these character's files can be used separately, so that the user has the option of mixing and matching with other mods. Many of the screenshots are animated with before/after scenes that flip every 7 seconds. There are included text files with much more detail as to what has been fixed in each. There are also a few files included that other modders can use for helping their own texture mods (some uvw maps and a few Photoshop psd files with multiple layers already separated).
  9. Version 1.1


    This mod will replace and update Bastila Shans textures. Mainly her armor, underwear and head skin. Eyes borrowed from Circa: The head has not been published. It contains materials from another author. I can send it in a personal message.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Good afternoon. I was impressed with @JCarter426's "JC's Slave Bastila for K1 1.3". I could not resist, and I made a new texture in HD. Resolution 2048X2048. Increasing the resolution allowed to improve the quality of the texture and add detailed ornaments. The archive contains only textures. Installed on top of JC's Slave Bastila for K1 1.3
  11. TK-664


    Version 1.0


    Players who take in Bastila as their Sith apprentice probably find themselves disappointed that she isn't exactly the same as when she left your party, mechanically speaking. I don't claim to offer the optimal dark Jedi Sentinel builds here, but it's hard beating the atrocious vanilla stat allocation for last place. Receive Bastila exactly how she first joined you in the Taris apartments or select from a list of available presets. You can switch your chosen build at any point during the game before reaching the Rakatan temple summit. Simply run the patcher again and pick a new spec. This mod should be installed first, before any mods that affect party member Bastila at the Rakatan temple. If said mods are already installed then they must be reinstalled after this one. KTool..........................................................Fred Tetra TSLPatcher.....................................................stoffe & Fair Strides ERFEdit........................................................stoffe & Fair Strides K-GFF..........................................................TK102 Thanks to @DarthParametric and @ebmar for helping me how to approach this for maximum user-friendliness.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This is a mod to shorten the collar of Bastila's clothes. I think it makes her look less stuffy and more relaxed. 🙂 When used in conjunction with a 'Bastila Clothes for PC' mod, this will prevent the neck clipping which is sometimes seen when using a custom head/body. Installation: Copy the desired files into your Override folder. Bugs: This mod isn't compatible with any other mods that change the default clothes for the female PC or Bastila. I did my best to line up the vertices but there may be the occasional slip. Credits: -BioWare for the best SW game ever. -Fred Tetra for KotorTool. -Modified in Blender. Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site! Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^
  13. View File Short Collar for Bastila Clothes This is a mod to shorten the collar of Bastila's clothes. I think it makes her look less stuffy and more relaxed. 🙂 When used in conjunction with a 'Bastila Clothes for PC' mod, this will prevent the neck clipping which is sometimes seen when using a custom head/body. Installation: Copy the desired files into your Override folder. Bugs: This mod isn't compatible with any other mods that change the default clothes for the female PC or Bastila. I did my best to line up the vertices but there may be the occasional slip. Credits: -BioWare for the best SW game ever. -Fred Tetra for KotorTool. -Modified in Blender. Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site! Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^ Submitter LadyTevish Submitted 02/04/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  14. Hi! Looking to use Bastila's clothes for PC and I tried Redhawke's Bastila Clothes for PC 1.0.0, but the collar has the same issue as the default female armours. Would someone be able to apply the same fix to Bastila's mdl as the Female Armours Collar Fix? Thanks! LadyTevish
  15. View File Build-A-Bastila Players who take in Bastila as their Sith apprentice probably find themselves disappointed that she isn't exactly the same as when she left your party, mechanically speaking. I don't claim to offer the optimal dark Jedi Sentinel builds here, but it's hard beating the atrocious vanilla stat allocation for last place. Receive Bastila exactly how she first joined you in the Taris apartments or select from a list of available presets. You can switch your chosen build at any point during the game before reaching the Rakatan temple summit. Simply run the patcher again and pick a new spec. This mod should be installed first, before any mods that affect party member Bastila at the Rakatan temple. If said mods are already installed then they must be reinstalled after this one. KTool..........................................................Fred Tetra TSLPatcher.....................................................stoffe & Fair Strides ERFEdit........................................................stoffe & Fair Strides K-GFF..........................................................TK102 Thanks to @DarthParametric and @ebmar for helping me how to approach this for maximum user-friendliness. Submitter TK-664 Submitted 01/02/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  16. Version 2.0.0


    Please note this is a CUSTOM FAN INTERPRETATION of the Revelation cutscene, it is not 100% faithful to the original BIK and features the use of visual mods. File Name: "DV's The Revelation Cutscene Remake V.1" Author: Darth Varkor Works for: Knights of the Old Republic I K1 Restoration Compatibility: Yes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: For a while, I have been thinking about re-creating various BIK cutscenes within the games, not just for my own personal machinima-related use, but to upload for public use as a mod. Now, as I am fairly limited to what I can do (in-game scripting and some basic animation in After Effects) I lack the skills in software such as 3DSMax to fully recreate some cutscenes such as the various ones of the Ebon Hawk taking off and landing on the various worlds. Anyway, I decided to first have a stab at the infamous 'Revelation' cutscene, providing my take on the scene, capturing all footage in-game. The cutscene plays out fairly similiarly to how the original does, but, with some of my own alterations/additions. Any constructive feedback is welcome. Installation: Simply drag the BIK file provided and drop it in the "Movies" folder located within your SWKotOR directory. You should probably make a back-up of the original movie in-case the mod fails to work for whatever reason, or in case you simply prefer the original cutscene. Uninstallation: Remove the BIK file and replace it with the original. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video demonstration of the mod. Mods used in this cutscene: XediiXarwarz - Dantooine 2012 Reskin XediiXarwarz - Taris 2012 Reskin Oldflashi - K1 Movie Style Hilts JC's Lightbaber Visual Effects Sithspecter & jonathan7 - Darth Revan's Robes Revisioned CarthOnasty - Star Map Revamp V.1 Kexikus - High Quality Stars and Nebulas starforge1 - Darth Malak Reskin Pack *I do NOT give permission for this mod to be re-uploaded without my consent.* Contact Info: DeadlyStream.
  17. I have spent an extremely long time compiling different mods together to make my Bastila look how I want her to look and I am very pleased with the results so I thought I'd make a quick tutorial of sorts on how to make your Bastila look like mine if you would like too. It's not really a tutorial however, so much as a list of mods that I use. Models: For the Head Model I use This Mod: For the Body I use 'Bastila's Got Back': Skins: with this mod of my own on top of it: I use the blue eyes until after Malak tortures her then switch to the Sith Eyes. For Clothing: or ONLY THE SKINS FROM THIS MOD but it isn't necessary Also: with this on top of it: Extras:
  18. I have a few points with KOTOR that I am trying to resolve. First, in the dialogue files such as the one attached below, do you know what Old Hit Check means and what it does? I want to know in case it is something that I might want to deselect. Second, I know on Manaan that you have equip a special diving suit to venture out underwater. Do you know if this can be changed with a mod or is hardwired into the game? I ask because I know there is a mod that allows you to take your party with you so I am hoping that I can keep the armor, headgear, and weapons that I normally have my character wear. Finally I want to know how to change the outfit for Bastilla. What I mean is that after she is taken by Malak and turns to the Dark Side she is shown wearing a black Jedi Robe. I want to know how to change her outfit so she will be wearing what I equip her with when she is in my party. For example, when she joins my party I will equipping her was a Blaster Cannon rather than a lightsaber and the Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh armor rather than robes. I want her to still be carrying, using, and wearing those items during the scene where Malak starts to entice her and when my character encounters her on the Unknown World and Star Forge System. I have edited the appearance.2da file by adding a new line (Line 509) changed the modules lines to the outfit I want. I have attached it here so you can see it. Please tell me if I am wrong anywhere. Now I need to know which columns to edit and how to give her the miscellaneous items and weapon I want. Also I absolutely want her to be wearing a headgear item so which columns do I edit for that. If I need to create new columns for these results how do I do that? Then after I have the appearance.2da file set I will edit the appearance lines in the Bastila.utc files to give the appearance I want. Does that sound right to all of you? Can you please tell me how to do all this? I am willing to take another look but I need to know what I am looking for. Is there another file that I need to be using? Hopefully by looking at them you can tell me where I went wrong. Also I am asking all of you to please check my other forum about editing placeables at the link below. I am having trouble getting a metal-box container to spawn by script, especially in the place I want it to. Perhaps you can tell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you in advance. appearance.2da lev40_darthmalak.dlg
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Bastila wearing Twin Suns outfit Bastila PC Head Contact: By Miles Edgeworth This mod adds Bastila's Head, to the selection of selectable heads. Thanks to Princess Artemis, Bastila has Dark Side Transitions. Please note, she won't reder correctly when you see her in the character creation screen, and her normal clothing will be a bit transparent in parts. File List: P_BastillaHD1.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastillaHD2.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastillaH.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastilaBB01.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastilaBBD01.tga----------> One of the Textures. p_bastillah.mdl----------> A Head Model. p_bastillah.mdx----------> A Head Model. PO_PBastila.tga----------> One of the Portraits. PO_PBastilaD1.tga----------> One of the Portraits. PO_PBastilaD2.tga----------> One of the Portraits. To install you must first install bastila pc and twin sun outfit mods with exes in their folders and then move the .2da files into your override. Then you are done. YOU MUST MAKE A NEW CHARACTER FOR THIS TO WORK ONE WITH A BASTILA HEAD. Credit goes to shem for the body and head mods, I just merged them and edited the .2da to make it possible. --------- Thanks to Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool, Jennifer Hale for bringing Bastila to life, stoffe for TSLPatcher, and Obsidian for making an (almost) perfect game. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  20. Version 1.0


    Bastila on Korriban - K1R Version By Fair Strides Description: This is an old favorite of many players, and now we've simply made a K1R version that "meshes" better with the game. Though I honestly don't see a difference that broke the old mod with K1R, I did think it could be done in a way that wasn't as jarring. In the old version, Bastila was selectable despite saying that she wouldn't be going. In this version, you can choose to have her available or not. There are only two new player lines and no voice-less Bastila lines. Installation: Simply run the TSLPatcher and direct it to your KotOR 1 folder. Uninstallation: Delete the following files from your Override folder: k_sup_galaxymap.ncs fs_bast_disable.ncs ebo_bast_vision.dlg And replace the dialog.tlk file in your main KotOR folder with the dialog.tlk file in the backup folder made by the TSLPatcher.
  21. Playing around with @Dark Hope's Bastila Shan's re-texture. Amazing texture by an amazing artist. Meanwhile, been fiddling around with specularity on the head for that real life reflection. Could have been better, but quite pleased with the result.

    © BioWare & LucasArts

  22. Version 2.0


    This mod will allow you to set Revan's love interest(s) in the initial conversation with Atton, and all the dialogue in the game will reflect it. No longer will Carth automatically be a female Revan's love interest, nor will Bastila automatically be a male Revan's love interest. Scripting and help given by forgetcanon on Deadly Stream. Audio is now included in version 2.0. This file was adapted based off the TSLRCM, and should not be used without it. It will also replace certain dialogue files in the Override. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact me at my tumblr, aroaceobiwan.
  23. View File Bastila on Korriban - K1R Version Bastila on Korriban - K1R Version By Fair Strides Description: This is an old favorite of many players, and now we've simply made a K1R version that "meshes" better with the game. Though I honestly don't see a difference that broke the old mod with K1R, I did think it could be done in a way that wasn't as jarring. In the old version, Bastila was selectable despite saying that she wouldn't be going. In this version, you can choose to have her available or not. There are only two new player lines and no voice-less Bastila lines. Installation: Simply run the TSLPatcher and direct it to your KotOR 1 folder. Uninstallation: Delete the following files from your Override folder: k_sup_galaxymap.ncs fs_bast_disable.ncs ebo_bast_vision.dlg And replace the dialog.tlk file in your main KotOR folder with the dialog.tlk file in the backup folder made by the TSLPatcher. Submitter Fair Strides Submitted 07/01/2015 Category Mods K1R Compatible  
  24. View File Redhawke's Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack Author : RedHawke 12/20/05 V1.3 Mod: Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack New In V1.3: Made the mod able to use the TSL Patcher Program, yes it does work on KotOR I, for complete compatability. Install order for my 3 Item Packs is: 1. The Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack (This Mod, updated to Use Patcher) 2. The Blasters/Armor/Droid Item Pack (Patcher not necessary no 2da files) 3. The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack (has tslpatcher) New In V1.2: Includes the patch For the Star Forge Bug... The Patch Does: ----------------------------- This adds the items From my Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack originally dropped by the fighting Jedi and Sith on the Endar Spire to appear in a new Footlocker in the Endar Spire room where you have to Slice the Computer or Repair the Driod to help you kill the Sith in the next room, before you meet Carth and get to the escape pod. ============================================================================ These are a collection of custom items I created or are modified original KOTOR items that were re-entered into the game. These items can be found in game normally or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. A small Warning, some of these items are very powerful, I tried not too be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go. NOTE: If you have the previous version installed and working you will not need to install this version, this is only updating the mod to use the Patcher Program for compatability. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. This Item Package Contains: ----------------------------- Bastila's Focus Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Bastila lightsabers like the single one she wields in the cutscenes, Is also needed to allow for Bastila's Lightsaber to be upgradeable, crystal is found on Brejiks corpse, Bastila's use only, Battle Meditation needed to equip) Bastila's Double Saber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, and found on Brejiks corpse) Bastila's Lightsaber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, created when Bastila's Focus is used) Bastila's Short Saber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, created when Bastila's Focus is used) Sith Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Sith Lightsabers below, found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine, and in various other places) Sith Double Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable) Sith Lightaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable) Sith Short Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable) Sith Implant (Powerful Level 1 Implant) Sith Neural Band (Powerful Headgear) Sith Gauntlets (Again Powerful) Advanced Sith Shield (Unlimited Use Sith Energy Shield) Sith Computer Bracer (Increases Skills, and other useful things) Sith Utility Belt (Once again Powerful) These Sith Items are all found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine. Improved the Sith Lightsaber found on Korriban, it now uses the same cool model as Darth Malak's and has good bonuses, it is not upgradeable. Improved the Sith Mask found on Korriban as well, try it and see. Improved Darth Malak's Lightsaber, Exellent Bonuses, allows Malak to deal out even more damage when you face him. Improved Marka Ragnos Gauntlets found on Korriban. Revans Core Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Darth Revan's Lightsabers below, found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine) Darth Revan's Lightsaber (Red Blade, Uses Malak's Saber Model, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian) Darth Revan's Double Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian) Darth Revan's Short Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian) Darth Revan's Implant (Very Powerful Level 1 Implant) Darth Revan's Gauntlets (Again Very Powerful) Darth Revan's Shield Bracer (Unlimited use Heavy Energy Shield) Darth Revan's Computer Bracer (Again Very Powerful Bracer, Drastically Improves Skills) Darth Revan's Utility Belt (Again Very Powerful) Darth Revan's Robes I (Identical to Darth Revan's Robes except it has the discuise property so you become the Darth Revan from the cutscenes) Darth Revan's Robes (And once again Very Powerful, no darkside restriction, good guys/gals can wear black too!) These Darth Revan Items are all found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine, read Nemo's Datapad to find out why. Star Forge Robes (Very Powerful, Cloned abilities from Revan's Robes, no lightside restriction, found on the Star Forge) All Jedi and Dark Jedi Master Robes have been improved, with good bonuses, found throughout the game. Further improved Qel-Droma's Robes found on Korriban. Dark One's Robes, black color, exellent bonuses, found in Marka Ragnos tomb, and are worn by evil Bastila. New in version 1.1 ------------------ New Jedi Revan's Lightsaber Color Crystals (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Allows for the creation of the Jedi Revan's Lightsabers below, 1 crystal of each color Found on Selvens corpse on Taris, a second set is found on Sherruk's corpse on Dantooine, in case you all want matched pairs.) :^) New Jedi Revan's Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, these all use Malak's Saber Model, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable) New Jedi Revan's Double Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable) New Jedi Revan's Short Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable) Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  25. View File Bastila wearing Twin Suns outfit Bastila wearing Twin Suns outfit Bastila PC Head Contact: By Miles Edgeworth This mod adds Bastila's Head, to the selection of selectable heads. Thanks to Princess Artemis, Bastila has Dark Side Transitions. Please note, she won't reder correctly when you see her in the character creation screen, and her normal clothing will be a bit transparent in parts. File List: P_BastillaHD1.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastillaHD2.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastillaH.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastilaBB01.tga----------> One of the Textures. P_BastilaBBD01.tga----------> One of the Textures. p_bastillah.mdl----------> A Head Model. p_bastillah.mdx----------> A Head Model. PO_PBastila.tga----------> One of the Portraits. PO_PBastilaD1.tga----------> One of the Portraits. PO_PBastilaD2.tga----------> One of the Portraits. To install you must first install bastila pc and twin sun outfit mods with exes in their folders and then move the .2da files into your override. Then you are done. YOU MUST MAKE A NEW CHARACTER FOR THIS TO WORK ONE WITH A BASTILA HEAD. Credit goes to shem for the body and head mods, I just merged them and edited the .2da to make it possible. --------- Thanks to Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool, Jennifer Hale for bringing Bastila to life, stoffe for TSLPatcher, and Obsidian for making an (almost) perfect game. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Miles Edgeworth Submitted 02/26/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No