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Everything posted by Tyvokka

  1. Yes for database lookups having the individual smaller topics leads to faster search/lookup times. -T
  2. Tyvokka


    I am locking this thread, if you have a new request please start a topic in the Requests forum. Thanks! -T
  3. I think we have more than reaffirmed the rules here, just drop the drama please, both of ya. -T
  4. Just installed this version and the TSL version, stunning what you can do. Thanks for making it happen.
  5. For all of you who are new to Deadlystream, Kotor or perhaps just returning from a life on the run, here is what you have missed in our community over these last couple of months. The ever wonderful Aspyr re-released KotOR 2 on July 21st, 2015 with some very welcome new features. They include: Mac OS 10 Support! Steam Achievements Steam Cloud saves Native Widescreen Resolution support for 4k and 5k monitors Support for controllers Steam Workshop support (though we prefer you stay on Deadlystream for all your modding needs ) Full support for TSLRCM You can read more about the update here and here. If you are intersted in purchasing the steam version of KotOR 2 you can do so here. Mr. Xuul was kind enough to track down an Aspyr employee and ask the important questions for us (like what about us 4-discers), read about it here. TSLRCM was updated to 1.8.4 on July 21, 2015, you can download it here. In the same vein M4-78 was also updated, you can download it here. Our very own Sithspecter and Xuul released a awesome preview of the planet, Sleheyron. You can view it here. The Kotor 1 Restoration 1.0 was released on June 17, 2015. Read more about it and download it here. Fair Strides released the latest version of The Kotor Save Editor. It has been updated to version 3.3.7a and now includes support for Steam Cloud saves. Download it here. As of July 23rd, 2015, Filefront (and by extension kotorfiles) has shutdown permanently with little or no warning, causing a great panic across our community, as many older mods for KotOR suddenly disappeared (though some are still available at the new gamefront site). Thankfully the team here at Deadlystream has put in a lot of time getting permission to put up as many mods here as possible. Take a look at our recent influx of mods over at the Downloads section. To read more about the shutdown of filefront you can do so here. For all you steam fans, Deadlystream now has a steam group, you can join here. It is open to all and there are plans to do group gaming events. The Reddit /r/Kotor subreddit has been abuzz with activity, here are some of the more popular posts from the last couple of weeks; TIL that the actor who voiced G0-T0, Daran Norris, was also the voice of Cosmo on The Fairly Oddparents. KotOR 2 coming to SteamOS, Mac with added Steam Workshop support, controller support, and more. I'm playing KotOR II for the first time since I was a kid. This one definitely skipped by me at the time... Sleheyron Restoration Preview!! Revan – Star Wars Fan Film (2015) It’s Here! Pretty sure those aren't screenshots from Knights of the Old Republic [KOTOR II - Telos] This is so humorous, yet so sad. This guy always tests my commitment to the Light Side... Rumor: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is Being Remade for Xbox One and PS4 [x-post /r/StarWars] So apparently someone's rebuilding KotOR 1 in Unreal Engine 4... So I was cleaning out my bookshelf and found this old guy I waited about two minutes for Canderous to come to me to leave the level. Switched to him to see what was taking so long and got this. Aspyr wants to bring KOTOR 2 to mobile devices, but first they wanna know if we're interested. Please, sign up? Not sure if this is allowed, but this wallpaper really reminds me of where you wake up in the beginning on the Endar Spire. "Obey the laws here on Manaan, human." The Best Voice Acting in KotOR 2 - - - The Perfect Ringtone Uploading Mods to Steam Workshop For Those Looking For Mods KotOR Files has shut down KotOR 2 coming to SteamOS, Mac with added Steam Workshop support, controller support, and more. So KOTOR II on Steam now has achievements. Last and arguably most importantly, there are now less than 88 days until Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens comes out in theaters. Any comments, ideas or concerns about this post, please PM me, all feedback is welcome.
  6. Two scenarios where this would come up; First, guests have a limit of 2 simultaneous download and 5 downloads over a 24 hours period. Second, all members have a limit of 55 downloads during a 24 hour period (but no longer have a simultaneous download limit) So other then that you should be able to download files. Though occasionally stale cookies do mess things up. -T
  7. On the 2nd item I have been looking into but I need to make some permission changes to how we do mod uploads. On status update features I am unsure but I'll see if we can edit the email template.
  8. Woohoo maintenance done :)

  9. All Members can download three files simultaneously and 55 downloads on a rolling 24 hour period. For example: If a user downloaded 3 files yesterday (3 PM, 5 PM and 7 PM), he will be able to download another file today at 3 PM... another at 5 PM and so on... or 2 after 5 PM or 3 after 7 PM.
  10. See answer here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/453-ask-the-developer-of-revenge-of-revana-question/page-8?do=findComment&comment=34264
  11. Yay for my VMWare environment (thats what deadlystream is on).
  12. I personally think that a video board might work best, too bad its not like nar shaddaa where a lot of the views in that module are based off of the skybox.
  13. Awesome, happy to hear about the job.
  14. Sorry for the late response but blogs are now guest accessible!
  15. While I appreciate the logo idea, since it has the ebon hawk in it I cant actually make any merchandise as I dont own that IP. As far as the website, at this point I am not in a rush to overhaul anything. But there are plans for an overhaul in the future. The near future plan is just to get more content posted, improve SEO and improve Premium membership offerings. -T Oh and @kate, i am not a big nexus mods user, can you show me what you are talking about in regards to the picture sharing idea.
  16. As I have discussed a bit via PM with others I do like the idea of a site revamp, but this takes both time and money which at the moment are both hard to find . But I do plan on this happening once Invision Power Board v4 comes out(RC is out as of last week) as I don't want to make a new theme/layout just to have it recreated in a few months time. I think really what we need in the community, it a more active news / content section, as fresh content does seem to keep the masses coming back and in addition I probably should get the twitter bot working again as that seemed to help SEO quite a bit. But I agree with most all of the suggestions here, it just will take time and man power to implement . Hopefully we can make it happen in the short term.
  17. I would say if the icons are part of the fansite package then your mod would be in just as much of a grey area as any other mod out there.
  18. Try turning off grass, it has worked for me before. Also update to 1.8.3 as it was just released.
  19. Today I am excited to announce; 1.8.3 is released. M4-78EP's update is released. For some background, M4-78EP's release was 1 year and 3 months ago. It has been 1 year and 3 months since TSLRCM 1.8.2 was released. What an exciting few years it has been for us! KoTOR 2 is a little over 9 years old, but the modding community still runs strong. Give KOTOR2 a happy 10th birthday next year, it deserves it! Let me take this time to thank all our followers; All the people who made this possible, who downloaded our mod, gave us feedback and spread word of TSLCRM into the world, all of our fans who voted us 10th in mod of the year 2012 and honorary mod of 2013, and of course all of the fans looking forward to M4-78EP. Once of our proudest moments and maybe the best reward of all is how Chris Avellone (@ChrisAvellone) himself tweeted about our 1.8 release! To reminisce a little, this all started with the usual response to complaints about TSLRP, which was that people should make their own mod, then they could complain. 2 modders, Stoney and Zbyl2 (with help from Jinger and a few others), did just that. TSLRCM was first released to the public on 24 September 2009. The release was version 1.4 and was labeled as a public beta, being a playable mod with few to no game breaking bugs. 1.4 was improved by patches 1.4a, 1.4b, 1.4c, and 1.4d. At this point, animator Savvy30039 decided to contribute her lean animation to the restoration, which was included in 1.4d. On 15 march 2010 was the release of TSLRCM 1.5. A patch to the mod, 1.5a, was released shortly after to resolve some remaining bugs. Between 1.5 and 1.6 the development team was strengthened by Hassat Hunter (previously testing) and Varsity Puppet (previously some minor tweaks, now HK-Factory, Peragus and other areas). On June 24th, 2010, TSLRCM 1.6 was released, featuring various cut scene tweaks, dialog bug fixes and more. On October 16th, 2010, TSLRCM 1.7 was released, which features additional bug-fixes and other additions such as: the Visas-Nihilus movie using the in-game engine to play (rather than a pre-rendered BIK movie), Kreia's Battle for Telos Mod was integrated into the mod, the low-res BIK movies of the Dantooine battle replaced with in- game ones, and an improved dialog.tlk mod integrated/improved upon (for the English version.) Almost a year has passed, but work still continued on 1.8, which is the biggest TSLRCM release yet. It was released on 24 july 2012. On 28 December 2012, after a long period of development, finally M4-78EP saw the light, adding a full grand planet to explore and experience more KOTOR2 gameplay in, and actually talk with Vash herself(alive as well), explaining some critical details about force bonds to the player, meanwhile uncovering the events which took place just before the Exile's arrival. Let's talk TSLRCM 1.8.3. As you can expect with the time it took, its considerable bigger than 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 combined. Don't expect major leaps though, 1.8's done pretty much everything possible to the game, instead 1.8.3 is just fixing all the tiny little snippets of little bugs that dare pop up from time to time. And even though we have been at it quite some time, there apparently are still vanilla issues around only to be found now. Like how messed up all the sound sets on the Ravager were, truthfully I hope after 1.8.3 there will be no need for a 1.8.4. Now let us shift gears to the M4-78EP update; Unlike TSLRCM 1.8.3, this patch is more than that; it is a true update, rather than a bug fixing patch. While many issues have been resolved, most of its development time has been used up on making new content, adding to existing content, and completely overhauling certain endgame cut scenes. While the change list for M4-78EP is quite minor, please understand the KoTOR’s game engine (Odyssey) is quite a pain to mod most of the time, so remember a lot of time and effort went into these changes. This update will also be released today! However, all of this work we have put into TSLRCM and M4-78EP, was not just for us, but for the entire community. We want everyone to experience a fun, full and non-frustrating play through of KoTOR 2. That is why we spent so much time on KoTOR 2 and that is why these updates are dedicated to you, our fans and community. Thank you for all the support these last 5 years, it has been amazing. ~The TSLRCM and M4-78 crew Download TSLRCM 1.8.3 HERE! Download M4-78EP HERE! It's advised to completely re-install The Sith Lords before applying 1.8.3. Afterwards, you can install M4-78EP (patched), then any compatible mods you desire...