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Everything posted by Tyvokka

  1. Two factor is now working too @DarthParametric
  2. I like your porject, it does seem cool. How would it work exactly? Just download the mods and add them into that yaml config?
  3. @Sith Holocron @DarthParametric There is now compact header theme available (you can change the theme at the bottom of the page)
  4. Yep sorry something I messed up, back to normal now.
  5. Yep will update as soon as possible, troubleshooting some of the changes to how IPB handles css, should be fixed over the coming days. @Sith Holocron @DarthParametric alright gotta think that through some but im not against ditching the full logo for something smaller
  6. We should be mostly back to normal at this point. Thanks folks!
  7. Hi All - I am taking the time during this holiday weekend to do some needed site clean up and maintenance, I am using generic theme during this time while I clean up the the primary DS theme as to not impact site usability. Thanks for your patience! -Tyvokka
  8. Thanks @Snigaroo and the /r/kotor mod team for pulling this together. I think it is very telling that the Deadlystream community can do a lot more to encourage more modding by reaching out on the sub and helping out new members. It is a good reminder that pushing people away from /r/kotor and modding by being combative is not at all helpful in any way and that those attitude are really not useful to Deadlystream. Changes will be coming, I don't want Deadlystream is die a slow painful death, there are improvements in the works from me, @Snigaroo and the rest of the staff, so keep a look out over the summer.
  9. I like the idea of porting the modules between the games for further expansion. I would agree with what has been said, porting the entire story between either game would not be allowed with out specific permission from the publishers/developers/Disney. With that said, I am against blocking of all discussion on the matter, as I think that even if it is only for educational and research purposes it is a great subject to discuss and collaborate on.
  10. Feel free to submit it, referencing who gave you permission to distribute and what the terms of the distribution are in the description of the file.
  11. Hey sorry, it was a permission issue that popped up, it is fixed now.
  12. It is that time of year again; I need to perform some maintenance to ensure Deadlystream continues on. What this means is during the week of 11/26 (thru 12/1), Deadlystream may be intermittently offline. If there are any extended offline periods, there will be updates to this reddit thread. In terms of other site updates, more to come! Thanks for your continued support! edit: Maintenace complete! -T
  13. I have updated the rule to clarify intent of DS on this subject. Thanks SH.
  14. And who needs to be a snarky forum member?
  15. They will be approved or removed at the discretion of the staff. As a general rule we won’t allow content that may be seen as exploiting children (be them real or fictional).
  16. The porting rule was always a bit arbitrary. There is no need for further discussion on the subject publicly, the point of the rule updates are to encourage modding by allowing sources that people were probably using already without acknowledging. Now we know what people are using without being caught off guard. Any issues that come up because of it will be addressed if they happen.
  17. Hey Kotorians (yes I want to make that a thing) – I am excited to be announcing a big update to the Kotor community. The short version is Deadlystream and /r/Kotor are moving forward with a merger of our communities. So what is happening? Immediately we will begin co-moderating Deadlystream and /r/Kotor. I am being added as mod to /r/Kotor and Snigaroo is joining Deadlystream as an admin, while Goat is joining as a moderator. We will be expanding staff cooperation in the coming months. Moderation of the /r/Kotor Discord will be shared and modding channels have already been added to the discord. This will become the official discord for Deadlystream going forward. Additionally, wee will also be cross-posting content across communities to encourage /r/Kotor subscriber engagement on Deadlystream and working on increasing modder participation on /r/Kotor. We hope these actions lead towards growth for both communities. What about rules? Each community will still have a unique set of rules, processes and procedures to follow. Deadlystream’s forum based community and the reddit community are very different beasts, each with a different need we fill for the community, our rules will never be 100% aligned but we will align where it makes sense. We will have more information announced over the coming weeks while Sniggles and I work on our integration ideas and planning. Speaking of rule updates, we do have two changes that will be implemented beginning today and they are as follows; · Our rule around porting of content being banned This rule is being replaced by the following rule: · Mods and Assets that are of the same game series (ie KoTOR 1, KoTOR2 and SWTOR) can be ported between games and uploaded to Deadlystream. Porting from other copyright game assets is not allowed, although any fan created content (even from other games) can be hosted at Deadlystream as long as there is no copyright on said mods, files and/or assets. You will still need to abide by all other mod hosting rules. -All mods submitted going forward will require all modder's to fill out 1 additional field, this field is called "Contains Port Content", it is filled out by selecting either yes or no from the drop down menu. -Any modder that has ported content will also be required to fill out a second field called, "Source of Ported Content", this will be a free text field that the modder can describe where his ported content is from. · Rule 19: "All content on Deadlystream must be uploaded by the original creator/owners of the content. Uploading content that is owned by someone else is strictly prohibited, unless explicit permission can be demonstrated by the uploader. If you are found to upload content that is owned by another person without explicit evidence of permission, the first offense will result in a warning via PM and removal of said content. Any additional infractions will result in a permanent ban. Deadlystream Staff will from time to time reach out to authors of content not currently hosted on Deadlystream to see if there is an interest in having their content uploaded to Deadlystream. This activity should only be performed by Deadlystream staff members." This rule is being changed/updated to: · "All content you upload must have been created by you or given permission for use in your mod by the original author. In the event that there is a mod (which you did not create) that needs to be uploaded for preservation to Deadlystream, the following will occur; - The community member will message a moderator via PM with the mod attached and any other information about the mod and about where you downloaded it from. - The admin will follow the “Guidelines for Re-uploading Abandonware Mods” (look for this in the coming days). - If admin sees that the mods meets the guidelines, admin shall upload said mod. - The uploaded mod will have a disclaimer stating “it is not actively supported and that responses to support requests should not be expected.” Please note: Removal of a mod upon request from verified mod authors will be honored, please reach out to an admin for assistance.” Snigaroo, myself and the rest of the staff are very excited about what the future holds for Kotor and our communities. This is only the beginning, there is much more to come. May the force be with all of us! -Tyvokka
  18. I probably can change it, it will need to be something custom I do, not something I am looking to do immediately.
  19. What type of phone, os version and web browser are you using? Modders account will still be a thing, I just need to update how people can apply / sign up for them. I believe this can be changed, I will have to test it a bit before deploying.
  20. Everyone should be able to view reactions also I bumped the reaction limits.
  21. I dont personally have any issues with this theme as is, the point is to have just the one theme that can dynamically fit to the resolution size of your screen. But I hear your concerns so I will think about it more.