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Everything posted by Tyvokka

  1. Thanks for the input, we will adjust as needed. I hesitate the add any additional themes but I will keep it in mind. Please do note this is not the final form, just an intermediary step that had to be taken to continue developing the interface of Deadlystream. Thanks for your patience through it all and please keep submitting bugs, ideas and general feedback. I am listening! Preferably keep it to this forum though.
  2. Hm I will keep it in mind, we may have options for this later in the year.
  3. There isn't anything specific to PMs but I may have just missed that.
  4. Still IPB, found some good wiki enhancements to the pages app. I like the one I found but I dont really want to maintain a "bridge" between the two apps long term, once they have an SSO solution I will take another look.
  5. The Times They Are a-Changin' After what seems like years(oh wait...) I am excited to announce the release of the latest Deadlystream overhaul next Wednesday (5/23). What's New: New theme - Updating the homepage and forum to have a more up-to-date look and feel. New forums - We have had a large backlog for new forum requests and they will be fulfilled beginning next week. Clubs - The ability for members to create and manage their own micro-communities within Deadlystream. Much like sub-reddits or the "social groups" feature of LucasForums. Chat - Not exactly new but the chat room is coming back to a forum near you! Bookmarks - Allows any member to save content and come back to it later (think reddit save feature). Wiki - Adding wiki functionality to Deadlystream to make tutorials and general knowledge sharing more intuitive. Discord - We will be endorsing an official Discord for the KoTOR community and displaying Discord stats on Deadlystream directly. More to come soon. Admin tools - A much needed update to admin and moderator tools for the staff to help make their lives easier. What's Changin': Gallery and Blogs - Modernizing and adding new features to both applications, making them easier to use and adding some must have features. Community Engagement - Updates to polls (surveys), raffles and awards. We want to see a big uplift in the number of community events hosted by both Staff and the community as a whole. Downloads - Many small enhancements to the downloads section and many optimizations to make downloads faster and easier. Login and Profiles - Login with discord, steam and google and new fields to display your steam and discord users directly on your user profile. Premium Members - Additional premium only features such as DS email accounts, chat rooms, forums and more. New Users - Updates to initial communication to new users, helping them understand Deadlystream and the KoTOR community overall. Modders Account - Focusing on advertising this feature to the community, its free and provides a bigger upload limit, access to a new modders only forum, and additional features around the site. Bans - More transparency around bans, why a member has been banned and how long the ban is for. Staff - We will have more announcements around available positions and general staff updates in the near future. Other - Hundreds of small tweaks to posting, uploads, downloads, user profiles and the overall user interface. What's happenin': 5/23 - we will release the site update, forums will be updated immediately, the front(home) page will be down. June - roll out of new features, forums and general updates. Optimization of the site and new features throughout the month. Mid-June - Discord integration, community announcements / updates. July - Homepage will be brought back online, tweaks to the site and features as needed. New admin tools rolled out. I am personally very excited to be able to finally announce these changes. Any questions are more than welcome. May the force be with us all!
  6. Oh yes, thats fixed now. Thanks for the heads up.
  7. Do I need to spell it out further? Actually I will replace photo with mod from my example. To be clear I don't care at all about screenshots. The modder owns the right to the mod, taking the mod without their explicit consent and then distributing it as your own is stealing. Also, if you took their mod and hosted it on your site which in turns give you traffic to your site and not to them, without permissions or worse in direct violation of them asking not to redistribute their mod, then I would also consider that a form of stealing. There ya go, I am sorry people can't make the connection...
  8. At the end of the day lets just treat mods like you would any photo someone posted as the community around photography feels very similar to the modding community. The photographer owns the right to the photo, taking the photo without their explicit consent and then distributing it as your own is stealing. Also, if you took their photo and hosted it on your site which in turns give you traffic to your site and not to them, without permissions or worse in direct violation of them asking not to redistribute their photo, then I would also consider that a form of stealing. Make sense?
  9. Taking content that is not yours and using it with out permissions would be considered "stealing" that person work. Could we realistically police that sort of thing? No. Really I am not here to be the mod nazi nor am I here to be the morality police, just do what is right and go from there.
  10. I am going to echo everyone else, no one was going to ban you or anything. We just frown upon people stealing other peoples content and passing it off as their own. It sounds like you aren't doing that, submit your work or don't that is up to you.
  11. I was giving ya a hard time just as you were to me I actually do appreciate the harassment it helps in prioritization. I actually did ask some others about this, the biggest issue is no native auth between any current wiki software and IPB. At one point I do remember IPB having a native option but it seems to have been retired long ago. Though I am liking https://www.bookstackapp.com/, if I can figure out how we can utilize the same accounts and auth I may just go that route.
  12. While I do like the idea of a wiki, I see its use being low. Also I really don't feel like having to manage mediawiki, its generally an annoying platform to keep maintained properly. If I can find something that is a bit more modern and easy to maintain then I may consider adding it in the future but it is low on my priority list. Your other comments about my delay on adding sub-forums are correct but there are reasons that I do not wish to discuss at this time. Thanks for pointing it out so very helpfully though.
  13. Welcome, I am looking forward to what you release!
  14. Yea, I am not gonna do that. While I understand the sentiment, there are many old mods that will never be in 7z archive format, so it will stay as is.
  15. Yea, I haven't seen him in a quite a while. I am not sure of any other method to contact him.
  16. I also hope to resolve the polls issue with the coming overhaul of deadlystream
  17. I personally find your thread intriguing while perhaps SHs post was taken as harsh criticism, I think he was just offering feedback in his own way
  18. I'll see what I can do.
  19. You really shouldn't be seeing any https issues but yes the plan is to migrate to a full https site in the very near future.
  20. Hey everyone! Please see the following announcement regarding Deadlystream maintenace: deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5961-deadlystream-maintenace/

  21. Happy New Year everyone! Deadlystream will begin some on going maintenance beginning today (1/3/18) through Sunday (1/7/18). This may result in the site being unavailable for hours at a time while some much needed software and hardware maintenance is completed. All should be back to normal by 1/8/18 but hopefully much sooner. Once maintenance is complete I will update this post. Thank you to everyone in this community for your support of Deadlystream! EDIT: Maintenance is complete, thank you for your patience! -Tyvokka
  22. Yea thats just related to my ssl cert, can't really do anything about that until the Deadlystream redesign is done, coming soon Eh it could be, I personally have never seen google ads deliver malicious ads but it could happen.