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Everything posted by Tyvokka

  1. Uploads work again, yay :)

  2. This is resolved now.
  3. The best part is now we get the Jedi Kinght 2/3 source code. More fun star wars projects http://www.joystiq.com/2013/04/04/jedi-outcast-and-jedi-academy-source-code-released/
  4. I change a few settings can you try now? This is Zbyl. Juuuuuuuuuuuuust checking.
  5. I think both of those errors can be resolved by just refreshing your page when it errors out.
  6. Not a software change just an upgrade for security reasons, I will have a different theme soon. I am slowly testing all the features to make sure they work it is just taking me a while. It was a necessary move as "bot/hackers" kept trying to bring down the front page because our forum software was out of date.
  7. Yes I am aware working with support to resolve. Hopefully this weekend it will be resolved. Thanks, Tyvokka
  8. Someone approved your application sometime so your good in my book, welcome back
  9. Well I will have to look into it further, thought I fixed it but it still seems to be happening.
  10. Sorry everyone deadlystreams current server is just not capable of 1000+ simultaneous connections! Probably time for a beefier server :)

    1. JK JA's Jaden Korr

      JK JA's Jaden Korr

      Yeah,it was very slow yesterday. :(

  11. Next time you get a chance try it out and let me know if it works now.
  12. Nope, guests can see the latest file link but cant download from it. Still trying to stop that from happening.

  13. I should really come around more often, these threads are quite entertaining.
  14. Hey there, welcome!

  15. You can play through the main story quest in less than 30 days per class. So buy the game, use the 30 days of game time to play through one of the class stories and there you go.
  16. I am on Khoonda Militia server. I am a consular and so far I really like it, the voice acting is kinda silly and at times Biowares writers has completely contradicted other EU stuff but whatever. Overall I am enjoying myself and I will say the enviroment is great and the companions characters are good to. Currently LVL 11 consular.
  17. I got invited to this weekends beta test as well.
  18. If your account was removed please reregister, we had some SQL database tampering that caused some havoc but I have backups going now, so if it ever happens again I can restore from the backups. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone

    1. hkmandalore47


      although i did have many posts in the star wars quote wars...

    2. Plasticcaz


      I use thunderbird, and hotmail. The email din't show up in thunderbird, so I went searching @hotmail.com, and it turned up in the junk folder on the website.

    3. Gray Jedi Adept

      Gray Jedi Adept

      Thanks for the validation, I didn't mean to pester or anything. I had just never gotten an email. Not sure if maybe the site was acting up or not, thanks again!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  19. lol I thought Mical Cloned was a spoiler of RoR for a minute....
  20. Tyvokka

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and in the end, the shell of their armor upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi." ―Kreia KotOR II
  21. Tyvokka

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "Join me, Han, and we can rule the galaxy as wife and husband." Leia Solo - FOTJ: Conviction
  22. Tyvokka

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "Oh, right, my mistake. Nobody move, this is a coup." Han Solo - FOTJ Conviction
  23. Tyvokka

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "First I must point out the unfairness of the situation. When I decide against the Jedi, you're angry with me. And when I speak out in favor of the Jedi, you're angry at me." - Jag Fel in FOTJ: Conviction