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Everything posted by ebmar

  1. With this attempt you'll need a fresh module load, and you must not enter the area previously -- that assuming Jolee were spawned soon as entering the module [can't remember if I ever check that]. Try to load somewhere before going down the lift first time. Granted, NpcOverhaulK1 can probably be the culprit, but I never use that far enough so can't give any insight on. Things will probably breaks more than it currently is if you're going that way. Let's see if you can make it work with current solution first, and look for an alternatives later [not that anything practical I can think of, lol]. Though probably someone can chime in and grant you of this wish. Good luck!
  2. If anything this could be the one -- #12 KOTOR 1 NPC fixes Is it this mod? -- If indeed that is, you may want to check any instance of p_jolee001.UTC in your Override. And if there, try to remove it temporarily and see if you can proceed. For further details you can try following this post and on.
  3. This can be useful, but for now and the foreseeable future I'd advise you to go with Notepad++ instead; as quoted from DP in above -- -- [although I didn't notice the former plug-ins this time around. Dang, that looks handy -- will try one now!]
  4. I can partially agree with you by installing a unique DLG to the Override [that not shared in different modules such as lev40_carth], and hard-overwrites any of the same instances -- as I've been there trying to setup a patch for a massive DLG and ends-up breaking things, lol. If anything the way I see it -- the patching comes when someone decides to change the script/how the script works in a specific nodes, without adding new trees and/or branches to the DLG. Can also work for new cameras placement or anything that basically not changing the structure. I can't see things working if let's say -- I decided to have a mod that does the same as you but having more/less dialogue options/variations and decides to patch yours. Because one thing I know that TSLPatcher could not delete nodes -- it can only adds/edit ones. Edit: well, figured out one could add a conditional script that is unavailable so the node/s will not shown, but you get the point. Alternatively -and last resort, as it will turns you a villain here, hahah-, you can make your mod a semi-closed system by editing the script that fires the DLG - point to your customized one that have unique labelling e.g. scr_unk41_mision. That will make yours very specific, and if anything breaks you know the one script that does that. Anyway, congrats with the release -- looking forwards for more from you. Cheers!
  5. That often happens when -as the warning said so- the file's index value for a menu goes out of bounds. Typically if you're loading a UTC that Appearance_Type exceeds the row limits of the loaded appearance.2da. In most cases, to fix that you will need to have this settings [with the KotOR Tool] -- Tools \ Options... \ Other \ 'Check' the *Look in Game's Override folder for 2DA files* -- so that it will load the edited 2DA in the Override, rather than the one from the base game. That can also be caused by other fields, such as Subrace/SubraceIndex -- though can't recall which one is it, depends on which have the exceeded values. TL;DR -- do not edit the crashed file with KotOR Tool. Use it to extract the file, and then use K-GFF for the editing. It might be difficult at first, but you can try looking at other same-format files to see how they were set up.
  6. [Update: 08/24/2020] Development still going for v1.2.0. So stuffs been changed quite a lot lately. And for a quick brief -- the setup that's in the post above/[Update: 11/25/2018] has one big flaw [from what I see], that any creatures rendered behind the monitor will be invisible. I can't figure out how to fix that using texture-shaders or any degree of alpha-masking -- even using every value of # alphablending with the TXI [and all possible parameters] doesn't seem to helped. I can't/won't go on with that cons, and this is where the new update plays it part. What's new in the upcoming version? Now, creatures are rendered as well as the ships behind. With this one I had to edit the model, and separate the monitor's mesh with the panel. The monitor then will have blending additive which makes it possible for proper behind-objects rendering [with trade of glow-overlay, but I guess it wouldn't hurt. Intended to have as a matter of fact], and then the panel can have its shiny parts. The looks also been changed as we can see -- new face for the animated-monitor as well as the panel. One may have guessed where did I get the idea of the monitor's from, hahah. Yeah, that's right -- Peragus' medical one. I'm looking to fit the monitor with the frame [though I didn't really bothered with it -- I mean, it could have just been projected with the panel, right? Hence the floating. 😛]. But with my skillset right now, I wasn't sure -- we'll see. As for overall looks I think I'm confident to go with it. Still, can't say this one's a final -- subject's still prone to changes.
  7. [mus_s_darkside playing in background.]
  8. Does remaking the existing modules may didn't work for you? Just my 2c -- I think everyone be better off remaking the existing modules rather creating new ones, at least with resources/SDK that we had for now. I mean, modules not only about models and textures -- there are also lightmaps, paths [in PTH format if I recall correctly] and many other details that's close to impossible not seeing the day-light to create from scratch -- that if the goals actually to make them functioning in real-time, rather than only for display/proof of concept. Take this one for example. That's a reskin of RedHawke's ORD Mandell Mod. From what I see, it looks decent enough for a new planet, without having the feeling like it's a straight copy-paste to Dreshdae. Another outstanding example is this one by @Sithspecter [excuse me for using your post as a reference, SS] -- -- if I haven't told that it was a reskin of Manaan's Sea Floor - I wouldn't have guessed, really. Edit: another great example of reusing modules is @jc2's Lehon Mandalorian Expansion. He's remaking the Rakatan settlement as the Mandalorian stronghold in his mod. Though aesthetically look the same, other than that everything looks different with smart replacement of NPCs and placeables. Though locally I did modded the looks of the module, so it looked like this -- -- and that's only changing the skyboxes and the flag's texture. Not yet involved with lightmaps, AuroraLight and fog. TL;DR -- there are much more important things rather than fiddling and getting burned out with newly created areas/modules; such as gameplay, storyline, characters/NPCs, voice-overs and audio [BGM, SFX] are elements that can make a reused modules feels unique and fun to be play with. I mean, big name developers are also known for reusing their assets far as I'm concerned, hahah. Edit2: what I'm trying to say above was -- it's not entirely impossible, only it's a pain to do so. At this point we may have to reflect at Canderis' post above. Also I seemed to forgot that you were talking about doing a "KotOR III" -- I thought it was about new modules, even more a new planet that already send chills down my spine, hahah. I hope that can be useful -- since you asked for feedbacks. P.S. hope that I can contribute more on this one, but since I haven't finished TSL yet think I'm stuck at technical areas for now, lol.
  9. Yeah, I mean there's a better tool for texture installation, but yeah -- it's the only tool for mod creation presently. My bad for going off-topics and for the inconvenience. Point taken! Edit: anyway, thank you for the link - this probably a promising place to start. Edit2: dead end, so far. No reference about ME1 there -- all there is was ME3's, and both games seems like using different file formatting. Edit3: refers to the information I got from a reliable source, apparently we can't mod audio in ME1 for now, because no one has the source code on how audio works.
  10. Thank you for the feedback! Yeah, I've been using that but not lately -- as I found out that it broke the textures that installed with, also ALOT Installer supersedes its texture-installer functionality as well is more time-efficient with the installation. Granted, no toolsets around that has the compatibility to explore the game files compares to that, from what I see. Though looking from few mods that been made recently it still is the primary toolset. Yeah, I saw it, but not sure where-to, what-to, and how-to work with the related assets. Sure, been looking onto it.
  11. Since DeadlyStream supports discussion about other games that is non-Star Wars, as the section said so -- I tried to push my luck here with a question for Mass Effect's -- because I can't for the life of me finding an active forums that discuss [not that only host mods] on ME modding. Also, no harm on doing this here I guess, which intention is to take all the help I can get from this beloved forums. So, I want to change the BGM that plays on an area to a customized one, particularly around the Upper Markets located on the Citadel -- Upper Wards. Well, you know - the section where we observe the view of Citadel's wards with Ashley and Kaidan. If there's way, how can I do that? Much thanks for considering this.
  12. Thanks for the heads-up! Yeah, I forgot that it had been discussed before --
  13. I hoped you're using KOTOR 1 Community Patch in your playthrough because I believe they had resolved that [and in a more extensive way] as part of this issue.
  14. Well, matter of personal preferences then, I guess. Because that's the least thing I'll choose regarding metal-based/hard-surface texture, hahah. Just my imagination, but perhaps if you apply enough envmask on the dark area of the blade [and using the normal map so it don't look like it's laminated], something good might came out of it.
  15. That indeed looks cool! and should be very fitting for Ajunta Pall's blade/sword. Anyway, about -- Yeah, I think it can't really helped much [though I guess mycube can tackle that -- unless you want to use customs]. But I'm sure by taking advantage of using normal map [best feature one can get on this engine, texture-wise, I guess], the blade would look really great.
  16. From log perspective, that's fine. It means that the installer not copying the module from the archive, and go with the patching process instead. If you don't have the said module on your modules folder, then it'll copy a fresh one for the installation to proceed. And since you're using K1CP, that log was to be expected [if this was installed after it]. But still, to see the mod working or not you got to see it in-game.
  17. Nice catch, and yeah - that sounds like a good idea. Gained insights from this post moments ago, and thinking this mod can definitely fits somewhere. Would definitely having this installed on my TSL playthrough. And thank you, OP/Dark Hope -- for this mod. It looks very promising, and looking forwards to give it a go. Cheers.
  18. That didn't go unnoticed, as an issue has been raised for that in K1CP's Hub, also -- They seem to have resolves it -- - though I'm not certain where did they herd the PMs.
  19. I think that's a great idea for consistency's sake. I mean, it does make sense after all. Perhaps adding Jedi Defense to Feat Required field on the item's template/UTI would be the best approach for that.
  20. This is not in any way your go-to modding tools, though perhaps closer to *amazing new discoveries*, lol - so I dropped it here. 🍻 So, this list of texts and numbers below -- //::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //:: [TSL] PlaySound Utility Script //::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //:: File Name : eb_playsound_wav //::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Param1/P1 - Delay that will be applied before playing the sound string sSoundName - sTemplate of the Sound in the game files to play Created By : ebmar [based on OEI's implementation] Created On : May 05, 2020 Modified On : June 11, 2020 -- v1.0.0 Credits : JCarter426 -- Odyssey++ : Fred Tetra -- KotOR Tool : tk102 -- DLGEditor : Don Ho -- Notepad++ */ //::////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main() { int nDelay = GetScriptParameter(1); string sSoundName = GetScriptStringParameter(); DelayCommand(IntToFloat(nDelay), PlaySound(sSoundName)); } - is an equivalent to a_playsndobj, a TSL's utility script that plays the sound objects indicated by tag passed in. On the other hand, instead of using the oTag of sound objects/UTS in the game-world like its older-brother, this will use the sString that it gets from the String Param of the DLG. To use it is fairly simple: Drop the compiled script/NCS to the Override folder Insert the script name [default eb_playsound_wav] to either Script #1/#2 field in the relevant node of the DLG Use P1 to determine the delay applied before playing the sound Use String Param to determine which sound to play, based on their template/file name Notes: In my experience using this script -which is in TSL, and not K1- PlaySound action can only play custom files that placed in the Override. I have tried with customs placed in StreamSounds but I can't seem get it to work. You might though, perhaps I was missing something You can't input decimals. I don't know what the legit term is but you can only insert integers/INT; something like 0, 1, or 2, and not FLOAT, like 0.2, 1.25, or 4.20. You can though - but not with this script and using the DLG as the medium Anyway, here's the compiled script if you don't feel like compiling yourself -- eb_playsound_wav.ncs Hope that helps anything of your projects, and may the Force be with you!
  21. I haven't tried the mod yet [I had it installed but not aware of compatibility issues] so I can only tell it might not be compatible right now. I'll try to look at the setup and let you know later. Update: by the looks of it - they should be compatible, @StellarExile. None of the files clashes, and their setup did not seem to linked one with another. It seem JC's mod did mentioned 02 & 05 variants of the robes [which are Dark Jedi robes' reference] on presumably one of its scripts, but I don't think it should change the way this mod does, as well around. Update2: also be advised that this mod is not compatible with JC's other mod -- the JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 one. Just letting you know in any chance you thought about it.
  22. For the diffuse/LMA_ floor01s.TXI, you can leave out both envmaptexture and wateralpha [unless you needed that, but I don't see why], and use only these two -- bumpyshinytexture CM_asith bumpmaptexture LMA_floor01sB as well as the normal-map/LMA_ floor01sB.TXI, just leave it like this -- isbumpmap 1 bumpmapscaling 2 See if that changes anything. Though more importantly is how you setup the normal-map. You'd be better export it as 24/32bpp uncompressed-TPC format using tga2tpc, that's the only way the game would read it - far as I can recall. Edit: I haven't really practiced using the uncompressed version, so I'm not quite sure about it working or not. That information I got from the tool's page. In the past I was using mostly 24bpp/DXT1 -- it works, but the result could have been better when using the uncompressed one I'd gather.
  23. ebmar


    Wallpaper I used recently, that were made from pnl_mainmenu -- an GUI asset extracted from TSL's game files. The resolution is in x768, pretty fit for a notebook.
  24. Thank you for the heads-up! As I get far enough on -preferably, finished- my playthrough I'd love to be involved in this.
  25. For voice-overs, it's also good practice [at least for these games] to always export the files first as 32000Hz's mono-MP3 at 48kbps with max of 16 characters [it also is necessary to remove any metadata embedded with the files], and then add the WAV header as instructed here. To quote a point from the post -- Though I'll recommend to only put VOs to StreamWaves\ [K1] or StreamVoice\ [TSL] - no other than that. You're good to go then!