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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. What I think is pretty funny is how the modding community was porting from Kotor 2 to Kotor 1 since the games first came out. I've seen images of HK-47 with his dirty TSL textures ported to Kotor 1 that are over a decade old lol.

  2. Oh wow, I didn't expect Kotor II to ever be re-released for Xbox One. That's interesting. I wonder how that'll turn out.

  3. Would anyone happen to have a link to one of the older HK-50 factory mod builds from before the times of TSLRCM?

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Lots of nvm's lately :)

    2. Mephiles550


      If you mean from my status update requests than ya I noticed that also. Sith Holocron was a big help.

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Oops, I actually confused you with SH. My bad 0_o

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  4. TSL could have it's lack of content by interpreting that the devs actually intentionally left all of the gaps to be filled in by the players themselves. No HK factory? Maybe you were never meant to find it and the false hope was intentional. :/

    1. 1Leonard


      Sure, I get you. They did a fine enough job, considering their impossible deadline...

    2. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      The Last Jedi parody?

    3. 1Leonard


      Would be a pretty bad analogy if it was, no?

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  5. You know, after this calculus midterm, the upcoming Bio one doesn't seem nearly as bad.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Study hard and good luck!

  6. Does anyone know where the file is for the Nar Shaddaa cantina ambience beat, or what the file is called? I searched all over the TSL directory and couldn't find it.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I'll see you in PMs. ;)

  7. This is perfect! Now I can finally see the resemblance between the two characters. Definite stay in the override folder.
  8. If, and only if for some reason, another new version will be released, would you consider incorporating this mod into it? I'm still surprised that I just now heard this. It's completely fits the bill to be considered restored content.
  9. Deadlystream... are you ready... to MOD?

    1. jc2


      [it] Always has been, the challenge is on your end ^^

  10. The movie looks good, but that Han actor doesn't do it for me at all.
  11. You're all such a nice community. I can't really play Kotor much anymore, but I love seeing what creative mods come out.

    1. jc2


      I concur! Deadlystream is a welcoming star wars/modding community.

  12. Perhaps an alternative addition could be considered? Pwitty pwease?
  13. Lol, again the solution is just to leave MDLops. We really just need someone to release a full port of Toasty's Weapons over to TSL. I did it for some of the blasters, but it's become irrelevant now with SithSpecters pretty Blaster Mod.
  14. Amazing, reminds me of the old Star Wars comics before the prequel trilogy. They loved scenery like this.
  15. Don't forget that the creator of WOTOR (T7, I think) even stated that some of the files from the base mod (not patches) should be removed due to conflict issues. I use both mods and have no problems whatsoever on the Star Forge. I've always removed the files recommended by the author in the mod description. One common problem I've had in the past, although not anymore, was that, on the leviathan, Carth or Bastila would be completely invisible when not wearing any gear, but their dialogue still functioned normally. Often, invisible characters followed by dialogue is an imminent sign of a crash, but that was never the case with this. Interesting. I don't believe this glitch was a result of WOTOR since I had removed the recommended files at that point anyway.
  16. TSL is strange. The loading screens imply that the citizens were originally going to be low poly models, but that was changed last minute into better quality models. That's good and all, but then why is the Sith Marauder a low-poly citizen of all things?

    1. HK-47


      I would say that they were used to make the screenshots early on before the high poly were made. Then the low poly in the Trayus Academy are part of the incomplete tasks when the game was rushed out (as is the case with basically all of Malachor V).

    2. N-DReW25


      I bet the Sith Marauder's low poly model was a placeholder for a new appearance that was supposed to be made, similar to how the Archon's on M4-78 where Firaxan Shark's during its development before it was cut. As for the low poly models on the loading screens. I assume most of the starting development was done on the Xbox, perhaps the low poly models were used in early tests of Kotor 2 but during testing, they discovered having high poly models didn't cause lag or issues on t...

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  17. First, unsubscribe to all mods, or go into the Steam workshop folders and remove the files manually then resub to them later if you want. Honestly, I recommend you just download mods the standard way (TSLpatcher or copy and paste into override) The Steam workshop is more of a pain than anything. If that doesn't work, try to do this to the kotor2.ini file and edit the line DisableVertexBufferObjects = 0 Add spaces in between the words and set the value to one so that it looks like this Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1
  18. I use it with K1R and I haven't noticed any problems. Just install K1R later to be double sure. The only potential is that the crippled Dark Jedi in the Lehon temple may or may not be bugged, but I've been having that problem a lot lately. I think that's a different mod's fault.
  19. Another great mod, but I'm away from my PC right now and can't test it. I've got a question, do the added Jedi NPCs have dialogue and lip syncing along with it?
  20. Mephiles550

    Star Forge Door Fix

    Nice mod. Should be included in K1R, to be honest.
  21. The modules with low-poly models in need of editing would be: Taris: (5) North Streets South Streets Upper City Cantina Lower City Cantina North Apartments Dantooine: (1) Directly outside the enclave Tatooine: (1) Anchorhead Streets Korriban: (1) Dreshdae Manaan: (4) Ahto West Ahto West Central Ahto East Ahto East Central A total of 12 Modules, however we can add another two if we consider Korriban's low quality Sith models in the Academy and Valley. A good chunk of the game, but not really 3/4 of it. It might just be easier to edit the Appearance.2da and add all of the UTC files into the override instead of editing the Module files. Most citizen UTC files are unique enough so that there wouldn't be any overlapping between different locations. The only exception I can think of this would be the Citizen.utc, which I've only found in Dreshdae so far.
  22. We've got a couple of mods for Kotor that edit the commoners, such as the NPC Overhaul mod or SpaceAlex's Kotor Enhancement mod, but the one thing these mods all have in common is that they edit several other aspects of the game. What I'm asking for is basically a watered down version of these mods, something that edits only the low poly citizens. so that their low polygon models are changed to their high-poly equivalents and still have diversity in their clothing textures. I feel like this diversity in clothing would only be appropriate for places like Taris and Manaan. On Tatooine and Korriban, I think it would be better for people there to wear the standard light brown/pale outfit since they're probably not as wealthy if they're on those planets (The civilians on Korriban were mainly merchants and spacers/traders, and Tatooine... It's Tatooine). These changes could also be applied to the low-poly Sith on Korriban, like the guards, students and archaeologists diggers. This mod would not only be convenient for people who want to play a slightly less ugly version of the base game, but it'd also be useful for modders who don't want compatability issues with large NPC modification mods. I could have sworn we already had a mod like this, but I cannot find one.
  24. Nearly a decade ago he said he uninstalled his games. All of his well known mods are here for download, but the more mods in his videos that he probably made himself are gone. He's a married man and presumably quite busy with actual important things.