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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. Now the latter is WAY too much work, but the former could easily be done. Who said it even has to be a demolition charge? Put a door in front of the rocks and just make it instantly take you outside via a script/dialogue command.
  2. Out of curioisity, does anyone have a solid explanation as to why Kotor gets screwed over with Intel HD Graphics? It's not an APU problem because I've used AMD APUs and Kotor runs great, all things working normally. Intel HD, no matter which variety, just doesn't agree with Kotor... or a couple other games for that matter. Odd

    1. DarthParametric


      It's likely down to the way the engine is coded, although it's odd that issues persist with entirely new Intel integrated GPUs a decade and a half later. Perhaps ndix UR could provide some insight based on firsthand poking under the hood.

    2. LiliArch


      My guess is that something in Intel drivers just doesn’t like KotOR’s engine.

    3. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      I'd have to run the GPU caps viewer on the Intel driver to say specifically, but the short answer is that the game uses old OpenGL extensions, often NV_ or ATI_ namespaced ones. The big two have kept those features in their newer packages while Intel has, presumably, not gone back and implemented every historical OpenGL extension. Especially since OpenGL is the ignored stepchild to Direct3D on Windows. Long story short, it is unlikely to ever get better and it's not a hardware issue.

  3. I've played them all and beaten them all with the exception of Dark Forces II and MOTS (You forgot that one lol) Dark Forces is a really fun game, but super outdated. If you use it with the DarkXL engine mod, it's an absolute blast to play. I love the gunplay and it has my favorite story in the series. Dark Forces II is also really fun - it feels like a prototype to what we would have gotten in JK2/JK3. It's hard though, really hard. I've played all of the games on the highest level of difficulty and I can easily say Dark Forces II is the hardest. I haven't even beaten the game yet. There was a lot of flexibility with the force upgrades and it was cool how finding Secret areas rewarded you with force points. Jedi Outcast is my favorite game in the franchise. It has an excellent story and the progression is great. The gunplay is excellent and even if the lightsaber kind of makes them less useful later on, I still love using them regardless for the sake of Variety. Kyle isn't a Jedi yet, he's just a guy with a lightsaber and a few questions. Use guns all you want, give them a chance. I used to love modding this game and I still do. I considered it my favorite game for a while. The multiplayer was incredible and a great part of my childhood. It was such an amazing, fun, surreal experience. The funny part was that the multiplayer was split into update factions, those who had the 1.02 patch and those who had the 1.04 patch. There was also 1.03 but I didn't hear much about them. Those who played 1.02 claimed they had a much funner time and to be fair they did have the coolest youtube videos to prove it. They were some cool ass dudes. They mainly didn't speak English, which was a key reason I wanted to learn foreign languages. They were mainly German and French speaking. The memories will never be the same. Just look at this video and don't tell me it doesn't look surreal AF. This game was the best. I joined (several) clans and made several friends. The 1.04 videos always sucked. It felt like 1.02 players treated this game religiously in their clan forums too. I remember I would search through the depths on the internet on old clan forums to find unique cool mods found nowhere else. I only played 1.04 until JK2MV came out and let you switch between patch types. It was too much too late thou because by that time, the game was dead. And now it basically is. Nobody plays it. The most you'll find online (if you're really lucky) is like ten people at once scattered on different servers. The good old days are gone. JK3 is... good, I guess.The Multiplayer is still well and alive but I never liked it. It just felt way to stiff and most players felt like douchebags. The saber combat felt sluggish and the hit detection was incredibly choppy. I still don't like playing it. It's so confusing to play now too cause all of the servers have these giant clientside mods that basically make the servers into a roleplaying thing and it's annoying. I just want to play a game, not figure out an entirely new game. I don't even know where to start cause there's so many online clientside mods. The singleplayer is good. I feel like it had a lot of lost potential. The gameplay refined what JK2 did and made it slightly better. The saber combat was a lot of fun thanks to the variety and the gunplay was the same, but it was disappointing how they only added one gun. Still, I loved modding this game as well and there were a lot of great mods for it like Movie Duels II and KOTF and other singleplayer conversions. The story was really lacking but I know it could've been good. Some missions were REALLY boring, especially the early ones. JK2's first missions were great, not JK3's. But thankfully, once you get to Hoth the game picks up from there quite well. The cultists felt very lacking, there should have been more variety and better AI to them. There were a lot of cut NPCs in that game I had to restore to add to the variety. Thankfully I did tho and the game is a hell of a lot more fun. They really tried to make the game feel closer to Dark Forces II with the force upgrade system which was cool. I loved how the story concluded by going to Korriban and the alternative ending was incredibly satisfying, getting to slaughter everyone. Tavion was a mediocre villian, a really mediocre one. I wish more could have been done with her. Rosh was a dumbschmuck.
  4. Almost definitely not. Now, if someone were to make a mod... I could definitely see something coming out of this. I always thought Korriban was way too short. The only problem is that you'd need an explanation for getting past the rock barrier, but that could be explained maybe just by putting a door right in front of the rocks. Pretend the rocks where never there in the first place. The door wouldn't be in the right spot, but it's better than nothing.
  5. C'mon people, I wanna see some new screens of the week! I'm so bored of Seeing HK's tan at the beach.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      I submit this piece for screenshot of the week. I call it Ajunta Pall Dance Party

    2. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      Yes please VP

  6. Eitherway, I must have this mod in my collection. I didn't even know you could animate the legal screens.
  7. A bunch of star wars games are being made backwards compatible on the Xbox One today! Kotor II is included!

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. Mephiles550


      The Xbox ports are surprisingly really good. Their all visually enhanced and have more anti-aliasing than I thought would have been applied to them.

  8. No, I'm sorry but I have the patch as well and I ran into the same issue. It's interesting that we both have several mods in our game (too many to count, you said) and we both have the same glitch text popping up, the HK Factory. Is there a specific entry this map is conflicting with not included in the patch?
  9. The exact same problem happened to me too. I would love to know how this could be fixed.
  10. anytime I see DP post I expect him to reveal his magnum opus... well for that month anyway.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      His magnus opus is his moddin' knowledge!

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Magnum. Damn you, autocorrect!