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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. That added on to his character, and everyone's got that one trait/weakness about them that can be considered a flaw. Some are more noticeable than others. In Calo's case, it was his short height. That made him a much more enjoyable character. I like to think half of the reason why he takes no sh!t from anyone is because he was mocked for his height so often.
  2. Lol, toiletries and restrooms are indirectly mentioned throughout both Kotor and TSL. They're called 'refreshers', sometimes shortened as 'freshers'. Since they're mentioned throughout the games occasionally, I just assume that refreshers are far less common in the Star Wars universe than restrooms are in the real world. That explains all of the doors that can't be opened in some areas. They're just bathrooms... ? I guess toilets are considered a luxury in Star Wars.
  3. Black Mesa is a terrible example to use as a comparison. The project was originally a non-profit MOD, and emphasis on 'mod' because Apeiron sure is no mod, and only became released on Steam for $20 after VALVe reviewed the project and gave the mod team permission to release the mod for profit. There's nothing wrong with remaking a game from scratch as a mod for another game. A mod for a game and a stand alone title are two completely different beats in terms of the legality behind them. And people, let's stop making fun of the Apeiron team for their spelling mistakes; they never bothered to read through their orginal post before they posted it.
  4. Thanks to Sith Holocron for reminding me of this thread! I had fun writing all of this. The Coruscant expansion went through several revisions and add-ons to make the mod better, and while I did have fun playing the mod itself, I do have some recommendations for future versions. Some of these may be too hard to implement, but I figured I'd just throw these out there. While new modules would be impressive (the in-progress work shown on custom Coruscant modules here sure does impress me), that can wait for a later time. Seeing the entrance to the Jedi Temple being a ghetto landing pad is pretty funny, but understandable given what the community had to work with at the time. What I'm recommending here isn't necessarily an expansion of the mod, but a (large) patch to fix some of the problems I noticed. 1. Seeing characters "speak" without actually having any voice-lines needs to stop. Are they speaking to me telepathically? (One mod actually did use this excuse for not having spoken dialogue, nice try guy). Modders should easily be able to remedy this by making the characters aliens, like Twi'leks, or by having the humans say lines already recorded in the game files. For the Republic soldiers, have only one address you in front of the entrance and make him a Twi'lek in republic uniform so he can speak like a Twi'lek and either get rid of the second door guard or have him speak lines already in the game. I'd recommend the dialogue used by the Republic soldier in the Telos cantina. His dialogue can be applied anywhere. That's the glory of Kotor's Twi'leks, they can be fitted in any armor. Putting a Twi'lek in a Republic uniform shouldn't be a problem. The two guards in the temple killed by the Sith don't speak, so no issue here. They can just be regular soldiers. Maybe make one soldier female for variety. The random guard patrolling the temple interior can be a patrol droid that speaks droid babble. For the Sith master in the council chamber, have him speak the Sith gibberish language spoken occasionally by other Sith assassins. The droid next to the fountain that provides the module map should speak like any other droid without prerecorded lines. Same for the giant worker droid next to the boxes. Does Kreia even need to be referenced for the library terminal? Just let the terminal work without her needing to mention an override bug for it. 2. Add a map for the council room. Yes, the module contains only a hallway and a single room, but the lack of a map and the white void placeholder pulls me away from my immersion, not to mention hurts my eyes. It doesn't help knowing that the all-white map was a common issue I experienced modding the game that basically implied that I screwed up major with a mod and had to go on a scavenger hunt throughout the files to find the problem. I'd rather not be reminded. 3. The skybox is garbage. It tries to use Nar Shaddaa's multi-layered skybox as a template and the result is somewhat ugly. There is a Coruscant skybox mod, but it applies only to the council chamber module's skybox and the mod itself was intended to be used only for the Jedi Master cutscene there after Telos. When you're actually in the module, the skybox is incomplete and looks weird. 4. Limit the force powers the library's training terminal offers to teach to only one or two powers. I understand some powers require being a higher level already, but regardless, this broken feature takes away the satisfaction of leveling up and earning force powers the intended way. I shouldn't be able to go from not even knowing force spark to having force storm in mere seconds. Maybe after having one or two force powers, the terminal will shut down due to irreparable damage after not having been maintained for such a long time. By the way, when I say force powers, I mean individual force powers, not fully upgraded force powers. For example, you can learn either force push or force shock, or force shock and force lightning, but that's all you get. I don't have a problem with learning two or three feats either, or maybe even an attribute or skill level increase. Just please, limit yourselves. 5. The Loot obtainable from the mod really needs reducing. I actually felt guilty after having finished the planet, having gone from a relatively weak character who just left Telos into a Übermensch after only 10-15 minutes of exploration. Do you still need parts to build your first lightsaber? No worries, you'll find around ten or so scattered throughout the mod, along with several of the game's best crystals, robes, and some really powerful custom items along with it. Get rid of the majority of these items, although keep the majority of what's in the Sith room minus the lightsabers. There can still be a couple of really powerful components, just not eight or nine in a single container. Feel free to add in the droid room, oh, I don't know, some droid parts. NO LIGHTSABERS. Make the player work for that lightsaber. Instead of getting a lightsaber from the Sith Master, have him provide a lightsaber part on death. The really powerful crystals, like the Kaiburr crystal, should be included in the Sith room in the main monument. Do not include the Quixoni crystal. Keep that exclusive to the shady dealer on Onderon. (Sorry the late edit. I originally wrote Kaiburr crystal here before. That obviously makes no sense considering the above) I'm fine with including Revan and Malak's items, although an explanation of how they got to Coruscant would be nice, especially for those who made Revan rejoin the Sith in the game instead of the Jedi. 6. Fix the remains on the Jedi training NPC. It's really weird to see a hologram drop a small pouch containing a heavy repeating carbine or Gamorrean war gloves. Also consider making holograms of Sith, Dark Jedi, and beasts available to fight as holograms. 7. The Sith holocron should not be able to teach you Force Crush. It's easily one of the most broken powers in the game - a good exclusive reward for having progressed on the Dark Side path. Maybe you can learn another new mod power instead. There are a plethora of possible options to choose from. This video shows a bunch of possible options: Please, let's limit us to only one power. My personal favorite is the one that lets you summon a beast. The confrontation with the republic soldier that enters the room should be modified. He can still be killed, but you should be able to talk to him and persuade him to ignore you. The previous recommendation would probably require him becoming an alien to accommodate for dialogue. If a new power cannot be added, then at least replace learning force crush with gains to the PC's attributes, strength and constitution being the likely choices for Dark Side gains. 8. Add additional puzzles into the game. A math problem, fill in the blank, a riddle contest, I'll let the reader get creative with this, but the fact of the matter is that the rooms with the majority of the interesting goodies require little to no effort to enter. The council chamber and droid assembly room require little to no skill to enter. Simply get T3 or Bao-Dur and either one of them can slice through the lock no problem. If a puzzle is incorporated, use it to open the council chamber. Raise the skill requirement to slice into the droid room, and raise it a good amount. If it's too hard to slice though, place a keycard somewhere for it. 9. Add an additional compatibility option for those using the Sith assassins with lightsabers mod. This mod shows several of the Sith assassins with wooden staffs and it can be annoying for people who prefer them with lightsabers. I'm not sure if it's just my character's wisdom being too high, but I swear that the assassins in this mod have no force resistance at all. Maybe buff their resistance slightly as well. 10 Have a surprise attack on your party after having completed the mod right before you enter the Hawk to leave. Not even Coruscant should be safe for the Exile, even with the republic maintaining the area. One idea is that a group of alien bounty hunters, or a single strong alien bounty hunter, bribes/convinces some Republic soldiers to help kill the Exile and collect the bounty together. Even though the assassin posing as Batu Rem wasn't actually a part of the TSF, seeing what looked like a TSF officer fight you had me wonder why the game didn't use similar ideas with other Republic soldiers who want to capitalize on the bounty. With Coruscant being the Republic capital and filled with its soldiers, there should at least be a couple traitorous ones who wouldn't think twice about siding against you. They don't even need dialogue, they just have to be there and start attacking you as soon as the group leader gives the order to attack. If G0-T0 is present in your party, have him mention how the bounty on the Jedi has been rescinded. Since there isn't exactly somewhere for the enemies to leave, have them think that the droid is just bluffing and make them attack you regardless. Make the group leader a strong Gran. They don't get enough love. Obsidian goes through all of the trouble of improving that god awful Kotor 1 Gran model and they barely use their new model for anything. Shameful, really! Feel free to give him a custom skin to make him stand out. Why not include some HK-50 droids at the start of the planet? Right when you exit the Ebon Hawk, away from the eyes of the republic guards, the HK-50 units will be waiting for you. The bulk of my issues pertains towards the mod spoiling players like greedy children on Christmas morning. The last one may be asking for too much, but I figured I'd just throw the idea in any way. Of course, all dialogue recommendations can be changed with custom voice acting, but I'm not holding my breath on that anytime soon. TL;DR - Cut down on all of the overpowered items, use alien dialogue.
  5. I regret installing the Coruscant level mod. It works perfectly, but damn is it broken. I can go from a weak character to a god in a few minutes with all of the loot and force powers you can get from the planet.

    1. djh269


      I like the referenced Kotor 1 items you get in it. But you do get Force Crush too early if you play it as a 1st/2nd planet.

    2. jc2


      I mean you could exercise restraint and not use them? o.O But yeah I had the same issue, I just installed this mod to fix that issue.

  6. When Dark Forces II refuses to work properly even hours after trying to understand how to fix it, it's actually Kyle Katarn deeming you unworthy to play as him in all of his HD 60FPS glory. Oh wait, that's just Lucasarts being sh*t at re-releasing old games for newer systems.
  7. Testing out TSL on Steam now. It's both funny and irritating seeing all of the older mods be uploaded to the Steam-workshop without any proper credit to the original author.

    1. djh269


      I think they shot themselves in the foot with how you install the mods also. I always download one small mod and place the rest of my mods into that folder.

  8. Really nice of Battlefront to provide a large bonus in credits today. Gave me an excuse to waste time racking up points on a video game instead of working on my finals. Don't know if I regret that or not.

  9. I heard from some people that TSL on Steam has more modding limitations than it's disc counterpart (Can't install too many mods without problems). I typically have around 2+GB of mods and I make my own patches to make all of these mods compatible. Is it true about the limitations or are there none?

    1. DarthParametric


      The limitations refer to using the Workshop. Avoid doing that and just stick with typical modding and you'll be fine. The Workshop implementation is ass anyway, it will just lead to headaches for anything more than simple overrides like textures and so forth.

    2. Mephiles550


      Standard Copy & Paste procedure and the TSL patcher work just fine as normal? Good, thank you!

    3. DarthParametric


      Yes, just use the Steam install directory as you would for the GOG or CD version. TSLPatcher won't handle automatic lookup because of different registry entries, but you can manually point it to the right location.

  10. Mephiles550

    Full Jedi Council

    I love the variety; I always wished someone made this type of mod before... surprised it took this long. 5/5 Thanks!
  11. Aaaaaand another Kotor remake/reboot rumor to add to the pile.

    1. DarthParametric


      Probably just another Knights of the Retconned Emperor expansion for TOR, with the "leaker" too clueless to tell the difference.

    2. VarsityPuppet
    3. VarsityPuppet


      Well well well.. turns out the rumors were false

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  12. "UUUUUUGHHHHHHH... Why are the load times for Kotor 2 on the Xbox so damn awfuuuuul"
  13. On the contrary, nearly every single problem with Revan can be fixed. It's just that some problems are much more of a pain in the ass to fix than others, and I don't know if anyone would want to fix such small details that take so much time and effort. Revan's model can be fully fixed/modified to make sense from a female body's perspective, but that'll take a while to do. :/ Head clipping issues will also never be properly resolved, unfortunately.
  14. The rumored Kotor remake comes in again for round two. Take with a pillar of salt.
  15. Bring out the hype and the salt, we've got another remake rumor:

  16. Old quote of mine from earlier on in the thread: "The problem is, trying to fix the cape brings up problems when you take maskless versions of Revan's robes into account. First of all, the flowing robes would need to have a maskless version for male PCs so that being able to equip and unequip the Revan mask while wearing Revan's robes makes sense. Trying to get full compatability for female Revan brings up an even bigger problem. There is no, as far as I'm aware, flowing cape fix for female PCs. There was an edited female Revan model some time ago, but it doesn't have a fixed cape. Even if a fix was made, the mask problem would have to be taken into account again. What I did was take the flowing cape model files and replace the BOS Revan model files with Sithspecter's edited version. This means that I couldn't get proper female animations or be able to remove my mask while wearing the robes, but it was a much better alternative to the cardboard cape. " Basically, Revan's cape overhaul isn't technically complete by BOS' standards. Revan's model is a mess as a whole. It was intended for cinematic uses only. Adding unmasked and female versions shows just how messed up the model is. The unmasked versions also have head clipping issues. Messy, messy, messy...
  17. Arguably, there are overhaul mods. You have things XarWarz' various texture packs (which do cover every part of the game), you have the Kotor Ultimate Overhaul and you have various other texture mods. There was also that weird Russian mod.
  18. I don't know if the room's NPCs should be changed. I thought that was supposed to be a part of the atmosphere. Compare and contrast Nar Shaddaa's cantina with Onderon's. The one on Onderon is a lot more lively, people are standing everywhere, it's crowded and cramped and everyone looks like they're enjoying themselves to an extent (with the exception of the Beast Riders, I guess). Nar Shaddaa's cantina on the other hand shows how everyone's keeping to themselves and generally dislikes any new company. Don't the aliens keep saying things like "Smooth Skins shouldn't walk free..." and "Space off"? I felt the bar was setup perfectly fine to reflect just how depressing this planet was in comparison to the other ones. People aren't going here to have a good time, their going here to get wasted on Juma Juice, overdose on spice and discuss business in a secret and quiet environment. Even the bartender acts like he hates his job. I don't imagine that this place was intended to be really lively at all. That's just my take on it, at least. I'm curious to see any disagreements.
  19. Nar Shaddaa will be your magnum opus.
  20. It's so beautiful... I never thought that I'd get to see the day when the Nar Shaddaa of my dreams get's to lie in my override folder. Me and XnView are waiting patiently.
  21. Lol, I still remember my reaction to seeing Revan's cape animated back in 2009. My jaw must have dropped. I thought that we reached the pinnacle of Kotor modding. XD And I'm not concerned about the mod developers not knowing how to fit Sleheyron in with the rest of the game. I mean, we kind of proved that this could be resolved with M4-78 and TSLRCM as a a whole. I'm more concerned about how the hell I'm going to make this beast of a mod compatible with my current override folder. That's going to be the fun part for me.
  22. Kyle Katarn got creative to kill the Sewer Rancor on Taris. Instead of putting a grenade with the Hidden Bek's Chemical on a corpse, Kyle just ate a grenade, Let the rancor eat him and let the grenade explode inside of him. The rancor was killed and Kyle came out unharmed. And Darth Revan shat himself upon witnessing this.
  23. These Nar Shaddaa screenshots are seriously some of the best texture work I've ever seen in TSL, mainly for my own personal reasons. You have no idea how long I've wanted a great Nar Shaddaa texture mod, as it's always been my favorite planet in the Kotor games and one of my favorite locations in Star Wars overall. and I knew for sure that you would be the best person for the job. All of the animated panels, the HD textures and none of it feels out of place at all! It all wraps around the map nicely and doesn't stick out whatsoever. I think I felt a tear coming out of my eye when I saw the 5th NS screenshot.
  24. If Kotor was remade under today's gaming standards, Yavin IV and a re-written Korriban and/or Manaan would be DLC packs in a $40 season pass.

    1. Mephiles550


      Lol, a Sleheyron remake that's on-disc DLC

    2. VarsityPuppet


      The ending for light-side and dark-side would be the same except for different colored lightsabers in the final scene of the game

    3. Jorak Uln

      Jorak Uln

      Yeah, in the offline sector especially EA sympathizes with that kind of policy - CD Projekt Red is the only exception i know.

      Id really like to see some more 30+ hours quality "expansions" like the old ones from NWN2.

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  25. I always thought that Atton had the creepiest Dark Side transition. Disciple looks creepy, ya, but Atton looks ever more hideous. As for Atris merged with Kreia/Traya's robe, I actually think the idea is pretty good. Imagine Atris turning around to reveal herself for the first time in the robe revealing who she is, then imagine seeing the back of the exact same robe with Kreia's face instead, revealing the real Darth Traya. I like it.