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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. Revan: "Carth, a sith patrol is harrassing those people outside of our apartment, we gotta help them!"

    Carth: "You're right, don't worry, I'll just throw a grenade between all of them!"

    Duros with 1 HP, 3rd degree burns and entrails falling out of abdomen: "Thankfully you were able to step in and help us, human"

    You know you questioned this whole scenario once lol 

    1. Mellowtron11


      I  always thought that Duros caught a round from the crossfire between the 2 parties.

    1. AmanoJyaku


      Probably legit. He tried to jump into someone else's body in the last film...

      ... It was stupid.

    2. Stormie97
    3. AmanoJyaku


      Eh, it's a prank.



      In the recently released book The Art of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


  2. Bruh why his head green
  3. I love that in Kotor 2, even though it was rushed, Obsidion still couldn't be arsed to fix Revan's cardboard cape. 

  4. I haven't looked forward to a mod in years, but this broke that streak. I can't wait for this to come out! It really does feel like you're just showing me pictures of a regular area from Kotor, the quality is perfect.
  5. To anyone with AMD cards, do older games run fine on them? I've heard of a lot of issues with older games getting screwed up on AMD cards, especially games like Kotor 2 and Battlefront 2 (classic). Lots of crashing and texture abnormalities. Did you all have a smooth experience? I'm planning on getting an RX 570

  6. This may be as simple as renaming a few files, I think. Take any one MDX and MDL file that match in name (for the same item) from Shem's invisible headgear mod, then rename them to the file names you'd like to replace (l_mask_010 and l_mask_080 in this case) I don't know if Shem made the model "invisible" or just completely removed the model but you can definitely replace any mask model with his invisible models. EDIT: lol @Effixbeat me to it
  7. @Sith HolocronCan you say how Kotor  has performed on your PC ever since you got your Radeon 570? I've heard Kotor has a couple issues on AMD cards, including some specific stories with the 570.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Sorry, I haven't seen this post until right now.  I've installed KotOR and TSL on the computer but I haven't played either of them on a consistent basis.  However, I did record the into to mrmann's Cruse of the Sith video with no problems so consider I not only was playing the game with no issues but also recording with FRAPS at the same time.  What sort of issues have you heard about regarding the 570?

    2. Mephiles550


      Things like resolution errors, crashing, shading issues, texture abnormalities, and the like. It may not necessarily be the GPU but the specific AMD drivers being used that are responsible.

  8. @DeathScepter Maybe, I don't really know. I've never released a mod before, and since I'm basically just editing a few things from a pre-existing mod, I don't know if I'd be allowed to release it. Plus I'd have to learn the ins and outs of making my own TSL-patcher based mod.
  9. @ebmarYou notice how some areas, like the collar specifically, appear differently in our screenshots? The Bendak Starkiller texture you're using was intended for the original Mandalorian model and does not wrap properly around the Final Touch model. I'm trying to edit the texture so that it properly fits on the new model. Look at the Mandalorian textures included with the Final Touch mod, some parts were edited.
  10. @ebmarYes, with Sith Assassin gibberish voices ported over from TSL as well.
  11. Decided to try Reshade on Kotor for the first time... this hurts my eyes and it feels like the antialiasing was completely turned off (it's set to 8x). Ya... not seeing the big deal.

    1. N-DReW25


      Not sure about you guys but when I tried reshade on Kotor it was the worst mistake I ever made: literally felt like I applied a 1970s style VCR filter on my game whilst paying my FPS for it.

    2. Malkior


      @N-Drew Sigh... That's because the person who made that preset probably used a 1970s VCR filter shader. That's literally a thing it can do.

      Reshade is a tool that allows you to do ANYTHING to your game's pixel shader. You can change every variable in each shader in your preset to whatever you want.

      Why does everyone keep blaming the tool itself instead of the poorly made presets? 

      What you are saying is akin to claiming game mods suck because of a crappy skin someone made of Jolee.



    3. Mephiles550


      The similarity between reshade and modding is that most people who play kotor only know how to "use" it, not how it works. The majority of people who download anything besides a texture mod, and even then, dont know the purpose behind any file in their override. It's the same with reshade, they dont know how it works. They just download it and put it in their kotor folder 

      The difference between reshade and modding is that the majority of kotor mods, I think, are fairly good. The majority of kotor reshade presets available, from what i can tell, are ass.


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  12. Is there a UTC file for trask? Like P_Trask.utc? Cause I can't find something like it anywhere. Is his equipment strictly script based?

    1. ebmar



      ...when he actually equips it...

      This! If only he equipped the sword one scene earlier...

    2. DarthParametric


      The script that fires on Entry0, k_pend_cut32, calls his OnUserDefined Case 400, so you could probably just edit k_pend_trask_d and move the sword creation/equipping elements from Case 500 to Case 400.

    3. ebmar



      ...edit k_pend_trask_d and move the sword creation/equipping elements from Case 500 to Case 400.

      Could you explain the basic move on using DeNCS? I already have the JAR file but I'm lost afterwards.

      Many thanks for considering this. :cheers:

      Edit: As it seems there is no source file for k_pend_trask_d. So yeah, we should decompiled it right? 🤔

      Edit2: Ooops, apologize that I'm pushing my luck a bit too far on this status update. I think asking the aforementioned matter with a proper thread is the best manner possible.

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  13. That extra music is an awesome step, I think it just needs to have the ending a little more properly timed with the dialogue, it ends a little before he finishes talking. A minor detail that makes a big difference, I think. I know that this is off topic, but have you considered doing music scripts for other encounters too? That would be an amazing mod.
  14. Ah yes, it's working perfectly now. Initially I was getting some abnormalities in the animation, but I quickly figured out that was because that JC' Kotor 2 robes to Kotor 1 mod includes a bunch of new player animations via the S_female02 files so there were animation incompatabilities. After using the S_female02 mdl file provided by JC instead of the vanilla S_female02 and repeating the process, it works perfectly now. Thanks for all your help you two! Any "problems" I have now are strictly texture incompatabilities with other Mandalorian mods, which is a very easy fix I will do later and am already seeing success with.
  15. I'm using MDLops 1.0 now, with Kotor 2 selected and "Write ASCII" highlighted, I then selected my mod Mandalorian model. The read and write model option gave me the needed ASCII model file. I then highlighted Write Binary and checked the box for the "head model fix link to neck_g" option. Then I click replacer, choose my Supermodel as the binary option and the ASCII model as the newly made Mandalorian ASCII model. I then get taken to the list of meshes to replace. A few of them cannot be matched up and matching up all the ones that are even available still gets me the same "error - handler" error I always get. What step here am I doing wrong?
  16. MDLedit will not let me even let me load the mod Mandalorian model, something about it exceeding the buffer size. I'm kind of confused. 😕
  17. Thank you for your help! I will also give MDLedit a try as well, but why would the supermodel be S_Female02 for the Mandalorian model?
  18. I've actually used MDLops successfully several times in the past, but that was only for porting weapon models. I must've ported dozens of hilts, swords and blasters from Kotor 1 to TSL and vice-versa. However, that was several years ago and I only yesterday relearned many things about the program. With that being said, I am clearly doing something wrong because I am not getting any results. What I'm trying to do is port this awesome little guy from the Kotor 2 mod "Final Touch", released around 2006 iirc, to Kotor 1. The mod included several awesome models that went subtly under the modding community's radar, and I say subtly because these models are so awesome I'm surprised I don't see them used more often. Here's the model in question: I have used MDLops 0.5 and the newest versions available to see if it was just a build issue since most people say 0.5 is the only one that works usually for stuff like this. Eitherway, I got the same (lack of) results. Here are the steps I've followed to do this, let me know if I did something wrong. 1. Since I'm porting a TSL model to Kotor, I also need a Kotor 1 vanilla variant of the model via Kotor Tool, which I extracted both the MDL and MDX files for it. (N_Mandalorian in this case, was I supposed to use a TSL vanilla model?) I don't think I even need the MDX file but idk. 2. On MDLops, I have the Kotor 2 button selected, I choose the model from the Final Touch model, I read and write the model which gives me a new ascii MDL version of the model. 3. I then press the Kotor 1 button, click replacer, my binary model is the vanilla model I ported from Kotor 1, my ascii model being the one I just made on step 2. 4. I click read, it shows me a bunch of meshes I can choose to replace on the default model with the new one. I think this is where I'm doing something wrong, but I don't see how. There's no single N_Mandalorian mesh unfortunately, just divided into around 50 parts, from the thumbs and neck to the neck and shoulderpads. They really divided this one up, weapons were so much easier. Here's what that page looks like before I start matching up meshes. I always make sure the replacer target matched the original mesh name, so it all lines up perfectly. This part takes a few minutes... Now when I click "Do it!" I get the new K1-bin model files I needed, I renamed them to get the new gunk out of their names (now it's just N_Mandalorian again) and put it in my override folder. No change present at all. Could someone tell me what I did something wrong?
  19. This will be a definite addition to my override folder for sure! I love everything you've done with him so far, from the head and armor reskin to that bone-chilling voice of his. Your'e definitely proving yourself as both a talented and creative modder. I'm curious exactly how you got the implant to work. I know that their are in-game textures for the implants (not the icons), but equipping an implant has no visible effect on the wearer beyond stat changes. The texture seems to be animated, so I'm curious exactly how you got this to work. Also, where did you get that blue Mandalorian armor reskin (had to ask, sorry)?
  20. Is your PC really the strongest ever at the end of Kotor 1/2?

    Best Weapons, armor and shields and overall gear in the game, plenty of means to heal.

    What does the final boss have?
    Their  dirty clothes and a basic lightsaber. Don't really heal that much, easily preventable with Malak.

    Really, when you think about it, these guys are probably way better then you by the end.

  21. Could someone, anyone, get their hands on that grumpy dad skin for Sion by Drewton? I always wanted that version of Sion but it was never released.