Squall Lionhart

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Everything posted by Squall Lionhart

  1. If memory serves, Malkior has a retexture of the G-Wing Shuttle on his WIP.
  2. I believe I am having an old issue where after the opening movie plays to introduce the story, the opening crawl also plays and the mod's first cutscene never triggers unless I walk through the front of the Orion. Has anyone found a fix for this?
  3. You're quite welcome. Like Jorak said it's not common to see a thank you, but it brings a smile to my heart.
  4. Companion Robes Patch View File Description: A while ago Kain released his companion robes pack to go along with Deadman's movie style Jedi Robes pack. Well, an issue arose when you train Bao-Dur in the ways of the Jedi (or Sith, I don't judge). He would not disappear from the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. I took it upon myself and with a little help from the community, I give you the patch to fix this issue. Now Bao-Dur will disappear from the Ebon Hawk and you can still have those awesome robes. Requires Kain's Companion Robes pack first. Link: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/668-companions-robes/ Installation: Drag and drop into Override folder. Allow it to override the one from Kain's pack Uninstallation: Take the file out of the override folder (Please make a back up of your original a_makejedi.ncs file.) Bugs: None to report. Let me know if any arise Credit: Kain with his Companion Robes pack Deadman with the original models Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 04/04/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. Just finished a mod that many people I know were asking for. Hope you all enjoy

  6. Version 1.0


    Description: A while ago Kain released his companion robes pack to go along with Deadman's movie style Jedi Robes pack. Well, an issue arose when you train Bao-Dur in the ways of the Jedi (or Sith, I don't judge). He would not disappear from the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. I took it upon myself and with a little help from the community, I give you the patch to fix this issue. Now Bao-Dur will disappear from the Ebon Hawk and you can still have those awesome robes. Requires Kain's Companion Robes pack first. Link: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/668-companions-robes/ Installation: Drag and drop into Override folder. Allow it to override the one from Kain's pack Uninstallation: Take the file out of the override folder (Please make a back up of your original a_makejedi.ncs file.) Bugs: None to report. Let me know if any arise Credit: Kain with his Companion Robes pack Deadman with the original models
  7. I'm trying to make a patch for this, all I need is the script from TSLRCM, which I unfortunately cannot find. I did a fresh install and couldn't find it in the override folder, would it be located in the modules folder?
  8. When I made the movie reskins for Deadman's port of the original Hspslash robe models, the textures themselves do function for two different arms. Anakin's had the glove on the right sleeve and the left sleeve was without. Now, the gloved part looked more like a sleeve instead of a glove due to the model. As for hands, I'd have to test it again to make sure but I do not think it would work by itself.
  9. One of the best things has happened: Jennifer Hale signed my Xbox copy of Kotor

  10. If I had the original source scripts I could add the lines for a compatibility patch. NCS files don't do very much in terms of help since they are already compiled. I'll get with HH and Kain to get the original NSS files.
  11. I would love to, just need the nss files for TSLRCM and the Companion robes so I could just add the code for making Bao-Dur disappear.
  12. I think I understand what you mean. Playing 1080p does reveal some blemishes in the actual modeled areas. For example, the escape pod area of the Harbinger has a missing texture at the top part of the area, and it can be quite an eyesore if you know its there.
  13. I'd be interested in testing this out, since I actually just built a testing rig made for the purpose
  14. Look at this for getting the tool to detect Kotor II http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/3393-kse-kotor-tool-on-steamdvd/
  15. The game doesn't recognize the mdl file present, so it gives the appearence of nothing. As long as you do what I said above and haven't gone into the Czerka Site yet, you'll be fine.
  16. Your issue is that the Twi'lek is wearing an armor you don't have (I've had the same issue before) therefore the game can't see her at all. Use the Kotor Tool, download the NPC Overhaul mod by Kain and go inside the TSLPATCHER data folder. Then, you'll want to find the MOD folder that has the Czerka Site files in it. Find the Mercanary Droidmaster utc file, open it with the Kotor Tool, and then click her inventure option. Change her armor to a generic one, then save your new utc file in the MOD folder. Run the TSLPATCHER for that module, and you'll be good to go.
  17. Only thing I had to do to get Kotor to run perfectly on Windows 10 is to run the troubleshoot compatability and let it auto select. After that and a wide screen patch it works great.
  18. Well, given how many people want to see, I made the Ravager in Lightwave 3D for my final project in college (Got myself an A on it). So without futher delay, I give you the Ravager.
  19. From the album: Ravager Models

    © Squall Lionhart

  20. Squall Lionhart

    Ravager Models

    Just lightwave stuff I've done for school, found inspiration from Star Wars.
  21. Squall Lionhart

    Port Side

    From the album: Ravager Models

    © Squall Lionhart

  22. From the album: Ravager Models

    © Squall Lionhart

  23. Debating on whether to show off my lightwave model of the Ravager.

    1. Quanon


      Is it fully finished or still WIP. You shouldn't be afraid of the comments ;)

      But I'm now very curious on how that looks!

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I'm just to imagine a Ravager model used a new BIK. Yeah, to the WIP thread you should go!

    3. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Just uploaded to my WIP thread and gallery

  24. I know I may be in a minority but I actually like the outfit without the flaps. As always though, awesome work Quanon.