Sith Holocron

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Everything posted by Sith Holocron

  1. Any chance that we could get the "Featured Downloads" section of the Downloads page updated once a month? For example, I'm not sure that Playable Lizard Characters needs to be a featured download for years on end.

    1. DarthParametric


      That's secretly VP's favourite mod of all time.

    2. LDR


      Only a lizard would say that...

  2. Happy New Year folks!

    1. DarthDrija


      Happy New Year!

    2. Effix


      Happy New Year!

  3. Had a weird thought. What if a voice model was trained using both voice actresses?
  4. You might want to check out this thread and see which are still active.
  5. Which ones did you do? I guess I must've missed out on seeing yours.
  6. @Sucide5612 You might want to check in with the staff to see if this mod qualifies under the "abandon-ware" label before continuing. You wouldn't want to work on something that you couldn't upload here, right? Reach out with Admins through PMs.
  7. Did you try reaching out to the original mod author for permission? Their email address is in the read-me of the original mod.
  8. If you PM me your skin for LD-29, I could try to make a portrait for you if you wish. Edit: I was assuming you made your own skin. If you're using C_DrdWar05 (or another standard War Droid skin) as LD-29's skin, I can get started on this after I get home from work.
  9. I've just sent a 2048 x 2048 version to @Lewok2007to see if that helps remedy the situation. We'll have to wait until he gets back to us with the results, I suppose. Unless you'd like to test it out with the 2048 x 2048 version I sent you last night.
  10. @Sucide5612 If you send me the audio files after you've made them, I can put a HK-47 type of filter on them. You'll have to use this mod on the files afterwards to get your sound files properly formatted to the game though.
  11. View File Peragus Legal Loading Screen MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 27 NOV 2022 UPDATED RELEASE: 02 DEC 2022 FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Description: Once again, I return to Peragus. Tonight, I was asking about a different legal screen that is included in the TSL games files but isn’t used. During that brief exchange, I showed off the legal screen that I use which is based on Trench’s desktop wall paper of the Peragus asteroid field. You’ve likely seen Trench's take on Peragus' exposed core in one of my other mods. By popular demand - that is entirely represented by Lewok, apparently - I now release it to the general public. The version for 16:9 widescreen settings can be found in the “16_9” folder. The version for 4:3 widescreen settings can be found in the “4_3” folder. As always, constructive criticism is welcome. Installation: For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the TGA file fitting your screen settings into the SWKotOR2/Override folder. Though I haven’t researched this part personally as I don’t use the Steam version of KotOR2, Effix offers the following information for Steam users: “If you're playing with the Steam version of "Widescreen UI (Stretch fix)" then you will need to remove or rename its Legal.tga. Location should be something like: [Path to Steam]\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\639641660” To Uninstall: Take it out again. Known Bugs: None known at this time. Special Thanks: To Trench: For making that desktop wallpaper, oh so long ago. To Effix: For leaving the comment about the Steam user suggestion that I ruthlessly copied from. Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use. Submitter Sith Holocron Submitted 11/27/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  12. Version 1.0.1


    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 27 NOV 2022 UPDATED RELEASE: 02 DEC 2022 FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Description: Once again, I return to Peragus. Tonight, I was asking about a different legal screen that is included in the TSL games files but isn’t used. During that brief exchange, I showed off the legal screen that I use which is based on Trench’s desktop wall paper of the Peragus asteroid field. You’ve likely seen Trench's take on Peragus' exposed core in one of my other mods. By popular demand - that is entirely represented by Lewok, apparently - I now release it to the general public. The version for 16:9 widescreen settings can be found in the “16_9” folder. The version for 4:3 widescreen settings can be found in the “4_3” folder. As always, constructive criticism is welcome. Installation: For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the TGA file fitting your screen settings into the SWKotOR2/Override folder. Though I haven’t researched this part personally as I don’t use the Steam version of KotOR2, Effix offers the following information for Steam users: “If you're playing with the Steam version of "Widescreen UI (Stretch fix)" then you will need to remove or rename its Legal.tga. Location should be something like: [Path to Steam]\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\639641660” To Uninstall: Take it out again. Known Bugs: None known at this time. Special Thanks: To Trench: For making that desktop wallpaper, oh so long ago. To Effix: For leaving the comment about the Steam user suggestion that I ruthlessly copied from. Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use.
  13. I saw the name when looking through the TPCs in the ERF. I agree with your assessment about it likely being an early version of Legal.tpc.
  14. Has anyone seen this loading screen appear in TSL? Was wondering what the possible trigger for this one might be, if there even is one. Because I think folks are more used to *this* legal screen. Note the different dates.
  15. He was playing around with a texture for it. And that's not conjecture.
  16. M4-78 EP could use something like this to replace the Escort Droids.
  17. Will you be porting the Paaerduag to KotOR2?
  18. @Effix My own package will have them. Trust me - you'll know when it's released.
  19. That's a lot of posts by just one guy.


    Or is it just me seeing this?

    1. LordMerek


      6 posts doesn't really seem like a lot to me, but maybe that's just me.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      @LordMerek The DarthRevan123 account has the same IP as the modder 9 account.  So it's actually 7 posts.  And oddly enough, the DarthRevan123 account liked my Status Update so he/she/they are aware of the Update as well.

      Plans are in motion to deal with this.  For more updates, please visit the "site-discussion" channel on the Deadly Stream Discord.