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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. I also have more Kotor 1 mods that fits the bill to be considered restored content. If Fair Strides or a K1R developer would like to use my mods please feel free to give a PM and we may discuss those mods and I can explain what makes my mods restored content.
  2. What do you mean by cutscene? If someone did restore the Trainable Handmaiden and Disciple features with the cut dialogue wouldn't it be best to make them like the other party member training sequences (Player: I'm going to teach you this. Party: Ok {Fade to Black} Party: Got it, I'll put this to use)?
  3. We really need a new tool that makes Lip Sync making a breeze.

  4. Nope, BOSSR Revan uses a different model
  5. How will this differ from normal Kotor Tool? Besides Mac and Linix compatibility
  6. That moment when you remember people spliced lines together thinking these cut lines didn't exist. What a waste.
  7. Can you please check your PM's.

    1. N-DReW25


      I've replied to the PM.

  8. Using that logic I guess Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox and the loading screens could be added to make the Skybox match the bik but I heavily doubt that. PMHA03 Restoration is already in TSLRCM. While the matching bodies and the miner in the med lab is a good addition I doubt that mod will be added in. Another thing for consideration: Last year Sith Holocron and I made a fix that was never released due to Sith Holocron feeling it was too small of a fix to upload. Essentially, Goto can chime into Saedhe's conversation but Goto refers to Saedhe as "she". This fix splices the audio to refer to Saedhe as "he". And I also want to suggest this mod- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1206-bao-dur-shield-dialogue-restoration/ Restores dialogue for Bao Dur in the underground military base.
  9. TSLRCM stands for The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod. The goal of this mod is to make TSL as close as to what Obsidian Entertainment intended for the game (HK Factory, Khoonda Battle etc), Of course, if there isn't enough content to restore something then the missing content needs to be fan made which isn't the goal of TSLRCM (M4-78, GenoHaradan Legacy etc). Your suggestions are texture mods, never intended by Obsidian. While these textures are amazing they are not for TSLRCM.
  10. I think mine is a Boolean one. What I need to do is make it so a dialogue with Atton unlocks after an NPC has said something. What I want is for an encounter with GenoHaradan Assassins on Telos to unlock his new dialogue. Would you know how to do this? What I'm stuck on specifically is actually unlocking the dialogue.
  11. Kotor Tool not responding. Opens Task Manager to close it. Task Manager not responding. How was your guys day?

    1. Domino5555


      Day's doing good, mate.

    2. Mellowtron11


      Day's not bad so far, just a little chilly. What operating system do you have Kotor tool running on?

  12. View File Bao Dur Shield Dialogue Restoration Bao Dur Shield Dialogue Restoration A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 11.02.2018 Release Date 1.1: 10.03.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within anthe options folder in "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: While I was developing the GenoHaradan Legacy mod I discovered additional dialogue for when Bao Dur opens the force field in the underground military base that didn't make it into the final game. Since this dialogue wasn't restored by TSLRCM I decided to restore it. Version 1.1 has two additional options. Option 1: Restored Dialogue Option 2: Restored Dialogue and an alternate line Option 3: Alternate line only Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "ffield_1.dlg" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game danil-ch for letting me know how to fix a small bug in 1.0 Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 02/10/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  13. Version 1.1


    Bao Dur Shield Dialogue Restoration A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 11.02.2018 Release Date 1.1: 10.03.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within anthe options folder in "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: While I was developing the GenoHaradan Legacy mod I discovered additional dialogue for when Bao Dur opens the force field in the underground military base that didn't make it into the final game. Since this dialogue wasn't restored by TSLRCM I decided to restore it. Version 1.1 has two additional options. Option 1: Restored Dialogue Option 2: Restored Dialogue and an alternate line Option 3: Alternate line only Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "ffield_1.dlg" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game danil-ch for letting me know how to fix a small bug in 1.0 Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  14. All I got to say about that first one is that thank god people still love this game to the point they're willing to develop the tools necessary to pull us out of what I'd call "the modding stone age". For the new street module with the new floor texture will it still look like the Bioware screenshots?
  15. I am wondering whether the cut modules in K1 from Darth InSidious' module resource pack can be fixed using the new tools released by ndix UR and bead-v? The modules I specifically am referring to is the cut Czerka Depot and the Tatooine Temple module. The problems with the module are that they appear to have walkmesh issue's. The Tatooine Temple is in the worst shape with broken walkmesh almost everywhere and parts of the modules go invisible if you're not in that specific part of the module so that may be too much to fix but for the Czerka Depot there is a walkmesh issue in the receptionist room to the left, the walkmesh inside of an unimportant side room makes the room inaccessible and the last room at the far end of the module has, what I believe, broken textures that look "unclean" in a way, the Czerka Depot at least should be fixable.
  16. Thank you, may I ask: What's not ready about them? and what did you have to do to make the masks appear on heads?
  17. I'll let my plan for the GenoHaradan play out for now and I'll see how it turns out. I may have them explain how they were tracing the Exile and where shot down by the Onderonians. Good news for the mod, I've learnt how to make custom heads and with new textures at long last. I've got Dessicus' head ready to go yet I need a new armour skin for him for me to properly present preview screenshots. I've also decided for Atton's GenoHaradan dialogue to unlock after the new GenoHaradan encounter in the Restoration Zone and for that encounter to start the main GenoHaradan sidequest. The bad news is that I have to yet learn how to make new conditionals to unlock dialogue after a certain point in the game.
  18. How many times has the Hangar been changed? I've seen the Demo Hangar, the Hangar at the beginning of the thread which kinda resembles the Manaan hangar and this new one. Is there more than one Hangar for the Ebon Hawk or has the Hangar been going through this evolution as the tools get better?
  19. Yep http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/videos/alternative-goto-yacht-opening-mod-vid This mod was made by Hassat Hunter btw Fair enough. Though it should definitely be classed as a recommended mod to be used with TSLRCM. Fair enough, these balances don't change that much anyway. Understandable, though I find it weird when my character is in a combat stance and his tongue is protruding from his cheek. Really gives me that "unfinished" feeling even with TSLRCM. Perhaps I could make a video of the differences between the vanilla and modded doors opening I feel like the Heavy Battle Armor is at least deserving of some recognition that it's current Mandalorian Armor skin wasn't intended. Lightsaber upgrades. You guys fixed those True, that mod probably isn't for TSLRCM I feel like the consequences of that is just annoying. Siding with Czerka or Ithorians is a very good LS vs DS thing where both sides offer new quests and conversations later down the line like Channo and B4-D4. Choices like that will encourage me to play the game again to explore these rewards and consequences, the no fight, no visa will only just make me fight no matter what. With this mod installed you still have to choose between no fight, no item drops which could benefit your Exile and Party (The Verpine Fibre Mesh armour he wears is a 100%guaranteed drop btw) I have some more suggestions. On Nar Shaddaa there are alien VO problems where alien's on Nar Shaddaa have the wrong VO assigned to them which I plan to fix and add to my GenoHaradan Legacy mod but Hassat Hunter did fix one and said he'd put it in TSLRCM if there was a new patch. The VO problems I am referring to is the Gran and Aqualish in the Nar Shaddaa apartments (the ones who plan to break into Vogga's vault), the thugs who attack Oppo Channo on Nar Shaddaa are Trandoshan's but there VO aren't Trandoshan and the Red Eclipse slavers have the wrong VO assigned to them. Additionally according to developer notes the Red Eclipse Slavers where supposed to be all Nikto so that will be put into GenoHaradan Legacy (Maybe I'll add this as an optional install where user's decide whether they want all Nikto or vanilla multiracial and corrected VO). Also, already apart of GenoHaradan Legacy, is various fixes to the Jekk Jekk Tarr NPC's and dialogue. The bartender dialogue says that each room's gas is supposed to resemble a species native planet atmosphere and says that the room the bartender is in is for Trandoshan's and Deveronian's, the room with the Twi'lek Major Domo is for Twi'leks, Weeqays and Nikto and the other two rooms are for the Gand. The problem is that the room with the Bartender features Deveronians, Trandoshan's, Twi'leks and Rodians. The Major Domo room features Rodians, Weeqays, Trandoshans and Twi'leks. These are all wrong according to the description the Bartender gives, not to mention Nikto can't survive in the Jekk Jekk Tarr. In Legacy, I changed Nikto to Rodians and restricted the species of NPC's to their specific rooms so Twi'leks, Rodians and Weeqays in one room, Trandoshans and Deveronian in the other. I also restored some Trandoshan dialogue and some Visquis lines. Lastly, TSLRCM restored a Major Domo line that indicates drinks are served at the Jekk Jekk Tarr yet the Bartender specifically says there are no drinks served, only fumes.
  20. This is looking amazing! That skin and portrait are absolutely fantastic. It's a shame he's only going to be for the HK Factory. May I suggest UnusualCharacters for the HK-48 Voice Overs. He can do some really good HK-47 voice-overs.
  21. Oh, where to start. Alternate Goto's Yacht Opening- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/185-alternative-gotos-yacht-opening/ This mod, based on developer notes, creates the intended opening for Goto's Yacht. The reason why it isn't in TSLRCM as the team thought it'd confuse players. Peragus Sith Troops to Sith Assassins- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/195-peragus-sith-troops-to-sith-assassins/ Sith Assassin's where trained in Stealth and infiltrated the Harbinger using stealth. I don't see how Sith Troopers could of infiltrated the Harbinger and then not attack the Exile until just when he/she tries to leave Modified Influence System- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/99-modified-influence-system/ Was the original influence system and was to be used in TSLRP. Reason to not include it is that many people found it made TSLRP worse than what it already was. Power Cost Correction- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/395-power-cost-correction/ Developers felt this was "beyond the scope of TSLRCM's fixes" Prologue Sensor Droid Fix- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/430-prologue-sensor-droids-fix/ Turns the Sensor Droids to actual Sensor Droids instead of the Bao Dur's Remote's Clones Kreia's Dialog About Small Kindnesses and Cruelties- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/429-kreias-dialog-about-small-kindnesses-and-cruelities/ Not sure why this isn't part of TSLRCM TSL Head Model Fixes- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/489-tsl-head-model-fixes/ Fixes broken models Side Opening Door's on Malachor- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/593-side-opening-doors-on-malachor/ Seems logical that they open from the Side Handsister Fix- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/44-handsister-fix/ Makes the Handmaiden sisters all look different so the dialogue about the Handmaiden looking different from her other sisters makes sense pmhh01 fixed- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/439-pmhh01-fixed/ Fixes the broken pmhh01 head TSL Armor Fix- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/900-tsl-armor-fix/ It appears that Obsidian intended to reskin certain K1 armours to their own likings. Only a very small number of reskins where finished such as green Light Battle Armor and Black Reinforced Fiber Mesh and the rest were sent into the game with the wrong texture like Heavy Battle Battle with Mandalorian Battle Armor texture for example. This mod converts all the mistextured armours and the finished armours with their K1 textures. If this does go into TSLRCM the finished armour textures would obviously have to remain. Bye Bye Goto- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/965-bye-bye-goto/ Removes Goto from the party after he is killed on Malachor Serocco Guard VO Fix- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1107-serocco-guard-vo-fix/ It appears an intended line was voiced by the wrong actor. This mod switches that line to an unintended line that fits in pmhc06 fixed for tsl- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1154-pmhc06-fixed-for-tsl/ Fixes the broken pmhc06 head TSL NPC Stat Fixes Mod- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1153-tsl-npc-stat-fixes-mod/ Fixes the party member stats and feats to best match the Star Wars Roleplaying game rules Comlink and Sonic Imprint Sensor Icon Swap- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1197-comlink-and-sonic-imprint-sensor-icon-swap/ They appear to be swapped in vanilla Bounty Hunter Starport Visa Fix- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1196-bounty-hunter-starport-visa-fix/ Gives the Rodian Bounty Hunter the visa allowing light siders to spare the Twi'lek Bounty Hunter without losing the visa Harbinger Escape Pod Room Fix- ​http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1194-harbinger-escape-pod-room-hole-fix/ Fixes a broken model in the Escape Pod Room on the Harbinger Marauder Fix Pack- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/942-marauder-fix-pack/ Fixes various item description and broken stats Class Clothing Fix- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/655-class-clothes-fix/ Makes the Consular and Sentinel Clothing match the main menu clothing If this was for K1R though a lot more of my own mods would be on the list.
  22. As everyone will know Player heads and Party Member heads can wear Mask items and have them appear on their faces. What most people won't know is that every other head in the game won't have the mask appear on their face. This isn't a problem gameplay wise but for a modder like myself, there have been times where I'd love to use a Mask on an NPC but can't do it because the Mask won't appear. Some mods, like BOSSR, have reverted to using player heads in order to have masked NPC's. I'd like to request for a mod that edits the main commoner head model's (And maybe some other heads if need be) to show the mask the NPC is wearing for both K1 and TSL. In TSL, however, every Obsidian made head already can wear Masks it is just the K1 heads in TSL that likely need the mask treatment.
  23. Thanks for the support. The ideal way to play my mod, as well as anyone else's incompatible mod, is to copy a vanilla swkotor folder to your desktop as a backup and install my mod into the not-Backup swkotor game. Once you've done that rename the modded swkotor file to anything besides "swkotor" so for example "swkotorngid" for example. After you've done that copy your back up swkotor into your game folder (The location will differ based on the version of kotor you got whether it be Steam, Gog or retail) and install another mod into the swkotor file like K1R. Obviously, you'd repeat the process of copying, installing and renaming and whenever you want to play a mod like the Improvement mod, K1R, Bossr etc you'd rename the folder back to swkotor. This mod is more complexed than just textures. For example, the replaced low poly background NPC's where done via the appearance.2da replacing the Lite's slots with player appearance's meaning that commoner's on the streets had player heads (I believed he used the Jedi with player heads to replace the Lite models and turned their clothing slot into the commoner clothes so that the head gets swapped for another head if the player head is the same as the commoner's head).